What Are HR Policies in Infosys
What Are HR Policies in Infosys
What Are HR Policies in Infosys
Internally developed code of conduct and policies to guide us The following policies on various sustainability issues are adopted uniformly through out the reporting entity. HIV (+) & AIDS CONTROL POLICY Tata Steel would take measures to prevent the incidence and spread of HIV and AIDS in the society. In case of need, the company would arrange to provide counseling and medical guidance to these patients and their families.
QUALITY POLICY Consistent with the group purpose, Tata Steel shall constantly strive to improve the quality of life of the communities it serves through excellence in all facets of its activities. We are committed to create value for all our stakeholders by continually improving our systems and processes through innovation, involving
all our employees. This policy shall form the basis of establishing and reviewing the Quality Objectives and shall be communicated across the organization. The policy will be reviewed to align with business direction and to comply with all the requirements of the Quality Management Standard.
ENVIRONMENTAL, OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY POLICY Tata Steel reaffirms its commitment to provide safe working place and clean environment to its employees and other stakeholders as an integral part of its business philosophy and values. We will continually enhance our Environmental, Occupational Health & Safety (EHS) performance in our activities, products and services through a structured EHS management framework. Towards this commitment, we shall; * Establish and achieve EHS objectives and targets. * Ensure compliance with applicable EHS legislation and other requirement and go beyond.
* Conserve natural resources and energy by constantly seeking to reduce consumption and promoting waste avoidance and recycling measures. * Eliminate, minimize and/or control adverse environmental impacts and occupational health and safety risks by adopting appropriate "stateof-the-art" technology and best EHS management practices at all levels sand functions. * Enhance awareness, skill and competence of our employees and contractors so as to enable them to demonstrate their involvement, responsibility and accountability for sound EHS performance.
HUMAN RESOURCE POLICY Tata Steel recognises that its people are the primary source of its competitiveness. It is committed to equal employment opportunities for attracting the best available talent and ensuring a cosmopolitan workforce. It will pursue management practices designed to enrich the quality of life of its employees, develop their potential and maximise their productivity.
It will aim at ensuring transparency, fairness and equity in all its dealings with its employees. Tata Steel will strive continuously to foster a climate of openness, mutual trust and teamwork.
ALCOHOL AND DRUGS POLICY Tata Steel believes that the loyalty and commitment of its employees depend upon the quality of life they are offered at work and at home. We recognize that indiscriminate use of alcohol and drugs is injurious to the wellbeing of individuals, their families and the community as a whole. We acknowledge that the misuse of these psychoactive substances is a major health and safety hazard. Tata Steel is therefore committed to creating an alcohol and drug-free environment at the work place. This would be achieved through the involvement of all employees and the Joint Departmental Councils in spearheading appropriate
initiatives. The initiatives would include; * Raising awareness, through the dissemination of information, education and training and by promoting healthy life styles among our employees and their families. * Motivating those employees who have an alcohol/drug problem, to seek assistance, while maintaining confidentiality about such cases.
RESEARCH POLICY Tata Steel believes that research provides the foundation for sustained, long-term, stakeholder delight. Tata Steel shall nurture and encourage innovative research in a creative ambience to ensure that the competitive advantage in its overall business is retained and surpassed. Towards this goal, the Company commits itself to providing all necessary resources and facilities for use by motivated
researchers of the highest calibre. Research in Tata Steel shall be aligned to the technological initiatives necessary to evolve and fulfil the overall business objectives of the Company.
CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY POLICY Tata Steel believes that the primary purpose of a business is to improve the quality of life of people. Tata Steel will volunteer its resources, to the extent it can reasonably afford, to sustain and improve healthy and prosperous environment and to improve the quality of life of the people of the areas in which it operates.
ENERGY POLICY Tata Steel reaffirms its commitment to conserve scarce energy resources and shall endeavor to* Comply with national and international regulations. * Adopt best available technology for energy efficiency. * Implement world-class operating practices.
* Conduct regular Energy Audit for continual improvement. * Promote energy efficiency through mass awareness.
Implementation The strategic goals of the organization are derived from Vision, Mission, Value, Policies and Code of Conduct (Refer Annexure-II) of the Organization. These goals as indicated in MD's Balance Score Card (Figure#3.7) deployed across the organization. These policies are applicable only to Tata Steel and not applicable to its subsidiaries, associates or supply chain partners. Listening to our shareholders The minutes are prepared for proceedings of Annual General Meeting. These minutes include the suggestions, comments and feedback from the shareholders. Concerns of shareholders are discussed in the Board Meeting and after prioritisation of these concerns Board directs the
management to integrate the same in business decision. Besides the AGM, Investor Satisfaction Surveys, meeting with investors and an Investor Grievance Cell are other forums through which shareholders provide recommendations or direction to the Board.
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New Implementation CRM, BIW, and APO are courses tailor made for your environment. SAP R/3 Systems Introduction to ERP: An introduction to ERP technology describes the basic features of client/server computing and the technical structure of ERP systems, and then goes on to introduce the technical architecture of the R/3 system, application development with
ABAP/4, R/3 business applications and implementation of an R/3 system within a business. This new edition of the best-selling introduction to the R/3 system has been comprehensively updated to reflect the changes and advances introduced with v4 of the system, and include new coverage in areas such as Internet capability, SAP's Business Framework, Object Technology and R/3, and implementation and customization of an R/3 system. Functional: Human Resources (HR)
1. Introduction to SAP. Navigation with R/3 system. Identification of commonly used tools. Description of when to use common tools. 2. Structures in SAP HR. Enterprise structure. Personnel structure. Organization structure. 3. Enterprise structure. Company code. Personnel area.
Personnel sub area. 4. Personnel structure. Employee groups. Employee sub groups. Payroll accounting area. 5. Organization structure. Organizational objects: Organizational Units, Jobs, Positions, and Tasks. Reporting structures. Relationship infotypes. 6. Qualification and Requirements. Structuring qualifications catalogue. Qualifications profiles and requirement profiles. Profile matching. 7. Recruitment. Overview. Crate vacancies and advertisements. Record applicants. Applicant procedures, applicant screening. Perform applicant activities. Perform applicant actions. Print letters.
Hire an applicant. 8. Payroll. Overview of payroll accounting. Payroll area. Control record. Pay scale types. Pay scale areas. Pay scale groups and levels. Wage types. Generation of payroll periods. Payroll run. (USA, INDIA) Remuneration statement. 9. Human Resource Master Data. Personal actions. Maintain and display HR master data infotypes. 10. Time Management. Concept. Creation of public holiday calendars. Configuration of work schedules and individual elements of work schedule. Time Date recording and Administration. Integration of Time Management with other R/3 applications.
11. Training and event management. Relationship to other application components. Structure and Functions of Business event hierarchy. Business event preparation. Business event catalog. Day to Day activities. Recurring activities. Data model. 12. Human Resource information system. Overview and concept. SAP query generation: Queries, Functional Areas, User groups. Report selection using Report Tree and Application menu. 13. Miscellaneous Topics. Creation of PA infotypes. Creation of PD infotypes. Infotype Menus. Screen Modifications.
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