Biotech QB
Biotech QB
Biotech QB
Chapter 28 Biotechnology
Multiple-choice questions
* The diagram below shows DNA fingerprints produced from four samples. Two
of the samples were collected from a crime scene and the other two were from
two suspects.
Which of the following conclusions can be drawn from the above results?
A Only suspect X was present at the crime scene.
B Only suspect Y was present at the crime scene.
C Both suspects X and Y were present at the crime scene.
D Neither suspect X nor Y was present at the crime scene.
** The diagram below shows the DNA fingerprints of Tom and his family members,
including his father, mother and younger sister called Jane.
The positions of the bands in the DNA fingerprints of Tom and Jane are totally
different. Which of the following is/are the possible explanation(s)?
(1) Tom and Jane were raised in different environments.
(2) A mutation occurred in the gamete-producing cells of the mother after she
gave birth to Tom.
(3) Independent assortment occurred during meiotic cell division.
A (1) only
B (2) only
C (3) only
D (1) and (3) only
Which of following statements about vectors used in recombinant DNA
technology is/are correct?
(1) Vectors are used as carriers to transfer the gene of interest into host cells.
(2) Vectors are proteins.
(3) Plasmids are commonly used vectors.
A (1) only
B (2) only
C (1) and (3) only
D (2) and (3) only
* The diagram below shows the DNA fingerprints of a mother, her two children
and three men.
mother child 1 child 2 man X man Y man Z
From the DNA fingerprints shown above, which of the men is/are the possible
biological father(s) of the two children?
A man X only
B man Y only
C man Z only
D men X and Z only
* In an experiment, a scientist successfully introduced a human gene responsible
for the production of a protein into the cells of a tobacco plant. The plants grown
from these cells can produce the human protein. The experiment shows that
(1) the number of chromosomes in the cells of tobacco plants is the same as that
in the cells of humans.
(2) the genetic code is universal.
(3) some nucleotides in DNA is different from those in mRNA.
A (1) only
B (2) only
C (2) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3)
* Which of the following statements about gel electrophoresis is/are correct?
(1) An electric field is used to drive the DNA fragments across a gel slab.
(2) DNA fragments are separated into bands according to their shape.
(3) DNA fragments move from the positive terminal towards the negative
A (1) only
B (3) only
C (1) and (3) only
D (2) and (3) only
The technique that a fragment of DNA from a donor cell or organism is isolated
and inserted into the DNA of another cell or organism is called
A DNA modification.
B recombinant DNA technology.
C DNA engineering.
D DNA combination.
The following are some major steps in recombinant DNA technology.
(1) Cut the DNA fragment containing the gene of interest and the plasmid with
a specific enzyme.
(2) Join the DNA fragment containing the gene of interest and the plasmid
(3) Obtain a DNA fragment containing the gene of interest.
Which of the following is not the application of recombinant DNA technology?
A To produce crops and animals with desirable characters by selecting the best
varieties of organisms to breed.
B To treat diseases by gene therapy.
C To produce genetically modified bacteria that can help clean up oil spills.
D To produce human insulin using genetically modified bacteria.
The following are some steps in DNA fingerprinting.
(1) Cut the DNA into fragments.
(2) Stain the bands for visualization.
(3) Extract DNA from cells.
(4) Separate the DNA fragments by gel electrophoresis.
* Which of the following can show that a human gene is able to express properly
in a bacterium?
A The bacterium uses DNA as genetic material.
B mRNA is found in the bacterium.
C The amino acids making up human insulin are found in the bacterium.
D Human insulin is produced by the bacterium after a human insulin gene is
introduced into it.
Which of the following statements about a genetically modified animal must be
A It provides a gene that is inserted into a cell of another organism in
recombinant DNA technology.
B It contains a gene/genes from other organisms.
C It can produce a human protein.
D It is larger and grows faster than other animals.
Which of the following is not the benefit of the Human Genome Project?
A It can help find out the functions of specific genes.
B It can help build up the phylogenetic relationships between humans and
other organisms.
C It can help improve the relationship between humans.
D It can help develop new diagnostic tests and treatment methods.
Which of the following are the advantages of applying recombinant DNA
technology in agriculture and food production?
(1) increasing the yield
(2) reducing the cost
(3) increasing the nutritional value of the food
A (1) and (2) only
B (1) and (3) only
C (2) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3)
** A DNA sample from a person is used to produce a DNA fingerprint. The diagram
below shows the DNA bands produced in the gel slab.
* Which of the following are the goals of the Human Genome Project?
(1) To sequence human DNA.
(2) To modify human genes.
(3) To map human genes.
A (1) and (2) only
B (1) and (3) only
C (2) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3)
* Directions: The following three questions refer to the major steps for introducing
a gene of interest into a bacterium.
(1) Introduce the plasmid into a host cell.
(2) Obtain a plasmid from a bacterium.
(3) Obtain a DNA fragment containing the gene of interest from a donor cell.
(4) Insert the DNA fragment containing the gene of interest into a plasmid.
* Enzyme X can cut DNA at specific sites, producing small fragments. Which of
the following steps involves the use of enzyme X?
A (1) only
B (2) only
C (4) only
D none of the above
* Enzyme Y can join DNA fragments together. Which of the following steps
involves the use of enzyme Y?
A (1) only
B (2) only
C (3) only
D (4) only
* Directions: The following two questions refer to the diagram below, which
shows a recombinant plasmid produced using recombinant DNA technology.
human plasmid
Which of the following cells is the best donor cell from which the human insulin
gene can be obtained?
A E. coli
B pig pancreatic cell
C human red blood cell
D human pancreatic cell
* Which of the following should be done if we want to produce human insulin?
A Introduce the recombinant plasmid into a bacterial cell.
B Obtain the human insulin gene by cutting the recombinant plasmid using a
restriction enzyme.
C Inject the recombinant plasmid into a human.
D Find out the base sequence of the human insulin gene.
* Which of the following statements about the process of gel electrophoresis is not
A Shorter DNA fragments move faster than the longer ones.
B DNA fragments move under an electric field because they are positively
C DNA fragments are separated according to their size.
D Staining is needed to see the DNA bands.
The photograph below shows some tomatoes.
Which of the following are the possible modifications that can be made in
tomato plants using recombinant DNA technology?
(1) More nutrients can be added to the tomatoes.
(2) The shelf life of tomatoes can be extended.
(3) The tomato plants can become pest-resistant.
A (1) and (2) only
B (1) and (3) only
C (2) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3)
* Which of the following are the benefits of the Human Genome Project?
(1) It helps scientists understand how genes control biological processes.
(2) It helps develop new treatment methods for diseases.
(3) It can overcome all problems created by genetic engineering.
A (1) and (2) only
B (1) and (3) only
C (2) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3)
Genetic engineering
(1) involves the manipulation of DNA.
(2) changes the genetic make-up of an organism.
(3) can be done using recombinant DNA technology.
A (1) and (2) only
B (1) and (3) only
C (2) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3)
Short questions
* Genetic engineering has the potential to prevent or treat genetic disease.
If genes are to be used in this way, it is necessary to understand the biology of
suitable vectors, such as bacterial plasmids.
The diagram below shows a bacterium.
Describe the structure of bacterial plasmids and explain why they make good
vectors. (4 marks)
OCR GCE (A) Human Biology Genetics, Homeostasis and Ageing Jan 2009 Q7a
-- answer --
Plasmids are circular molecules / rings of DNA. 1m
They can be cut by restriction enzymes. /
The gene of interest can easily be incorporated in them. /
They can be taken up by bacteria. /
They can be genetically engineered. (any 3 or other reasonable answers) 1m x 3
* Progress in the use of genetic engineering to treat human genetic disease has
been greatly accelerated by the Human Genome Project.
a Suggest how the Human Genome Project has contributed to the use of
genetic engineering to treat genetic diseases. (2 marks)
b State the ways in which the information gained from the Human Genome
Project and the development of genetic engineering could create social and
ethical issues. (4 marks)
OCR GCE (A) Human Biology Genetics, Homeostasis and Ageing Jan 2009 Q7c
-- answer --
a The Human Genome Project has located the loci of some genes. /
The Human Genome Project has identified the differences in genotypes of
individuals with a genetic disease. /
The Human Genome Project has identified some genes coding for the proteins
which may be malfunctioning. (any 2 or other reasonable answers) 1m x 2
b It is difficult to decide who owns the information. /
It is difficult to decide who can gain access to the information. /
Discrimination against people when obtaining insurance / applying for mortgages
may result. /
Some individuals may not want to know whether they have genetic diseases. /
Changing somatic cells during genetic engineering does not prevent the damaged
alleles from being passed on to the next generation. /
Genetic engineering may create genetic underclass. (any 4) 1m x 4
The Human Genome Project (HGP) was a research project started in 1990. Its
goals included DNA sequencing and mapping.
a Explain the following terms.
i Human genome (1 mark)
ii DNA sequencing (1 mark)
iii Mapping (1 mark)
b State three issues arising from the HGP. (3 marks)
The flow chart below shows the major steps in the production of an antibody
using genetic engineering. Complete the flow chart with suitable words.
(4 marks)
* Read the following paragraph and answer the questions.
Traditionally, fish farmers produce fish with desirable characters by
selecting the best varieties of fish to breed. In an experiment, a research team
produced genetically modified fish which can grow faster using recombinant
DNA technology. Some people are concerned about this kind of experiments.
They worry that genetically modified organisms may escape into the wild and
lead to serious ecological consequences.
aSuggest three advantages of using recombinant DNA technology over the
traditional method to produce animals with desirable characters.
(3 marks)
b Suggest two ecological consequences if genetically modified organisms
escape into the wild. (2 marks)
Two major tasks in the Human Genome Project are DNA sequencing and
mapping. Distinguish between these two tasks. (4 marks)
* DNA fingerprints can be used to provide evidence in court cases. A DNA analyst
used a blood sample found at the crime scene and blood samples of the victim
and three suspects to produce DNA fingerprints. The results are shown below.
blood sample
found at the victim suspect X suspect Y suspect Z
crime scene
a Describe how the DNA analyst can keep a record of the results. (1 mark)
b Explain why the DNA of the victim has to be included in the analysis.
(2 marks)
c Which suspect is most likely to have committed the crime? Explain briefly.
(2 marks)
* The diagram below shows a bacterium with several pieces of circular DNA in
addition to the bacterial chromosome.
circular bacterial
DNA chromosome
* Read the following paragraph and answer the questions.
Genetic engineering is the changing of the genetic make-up of an
organism by direct manipulation of DNA. The farmland for growing
genetically engineered crops around the world has increased from about 4.3
million acres in 1996 when they were first commercially grown to about 448
million acres in 2014.
* The diagram below shows some DNA fingerprints. One of them is produced
using a blood sample found at the crime scene. The other two are produced using
blood samples from two suspects.
blood sample
found at the
crime scene suspect P suspect Q
* DNA fingerprints can be used to provide evidence in court cases. The diagram
below shows four DNA fingerprints. One of them is produced using a blood
sample found at the crime scene and the other three are produced using blood
samples from three suspects.
blood sample
suspect suspect suspect
found at the
crime scene
Complete the following paragraph with suitable words. (4 marks)
Aa refers to the complete set of DNA of an organism.
The Human Genome Project was a research project which aimed at determining
all the b in the human DNA, c
all the genes in the human genome, developing related new technologies and
addressing the d , legal and social issues that may arise
from the project.
Read the following paragraph and answer the questions.
Bacillus thuringiensis is a bacterium in soil. It can produce a pest-killing
protein. In 1996, genetically modified crops with pest resistance became
available. The gene for the pest-killing protein was obtained from the
bacterium and inserted into the DNA of the crops. When pests eat the leaves of
these genetically modified crops (called Bt crops), the pests will die within a
few days.
Structured questions
** a Some crops, such as oil seed rape, Brassica napus, have been genetically
modified (GM) so that they are resistant to a common weed killer.
Suggest the advantage to a farmer of a crop that is resistant to a common
weed killer. (2 marks)
b Scientists in the United Kingdom have set up experiments to discover how
easily the genes of GM oil seed rape could spread to a crop of non-GM oil
seed rape.
In an experiment, the number of seeds that contained the gene for weed
killer resistance in the non-GM crop was counted using transects. The
results are shown in the graph below.
percentage of 2.5
seeds that
were resistant 2.0
0 50 100 150 200 250
distance along transect from GM crop (m)
Describe the results of this experiment. (3 marks)
Explain how the results shown in the graph could have occurred.
(3 marks)
OCR GCE (A) Growth, Development and Reproduction Jan 2009 Q2b, c i, ii
-- answer --
a The farmer can spray the crop with the weed killer to kill the weeds without
damaging the crop. 1m
This reduces the competition for space / nutrients / increases the yield.1m
b i Most seeds that contained the gene occur within 75 m of the GM crop. /
The closer to the GM crop the greater the percentage of the seeds. /
Some seeds are found in a distance quite far away from the GM crop. /
The percentage is small overall. (any 3) 1m x 3
ii The percentage of seeds that contained the gene is small because
cross-pollination must have occurred between the GM crop and non-GM crop
to produce the seeds. 1m
Cross-pollination is limited by the distance in which the pollen grains can
travel. 1m
Majority of pollen grains have come from non-GM crop. 1m
* Certain species of yeast are used to make beer. The yeast cells digest starch to
make a sugar. This sugar is then used in anaerobic respiration to make the beer.
a Write the word equation for anaerobic respiration by these yeast cells.
(2 marks)
b When making beer, the yeast cells do not normally digest all the starch. This
means that the beer produced is high in carbohydrate. However, when
making bread a different species of yeast is used. This species is able to
produce an enzyme that helps to digest more of the starch. The production
of this enzyme is controlled by a gene. The yeast cells normally used to
make beer can be genetically modified to contain this gene.
i Describe the steps that would be taken to produce these genetically
modified yeast cells. (4 marks)
ii Suggest how these genetically modified yeast cells could produce beer
that is low in carbohydrate. (2 marks)
Edexcel IGCSE Biology Paper 2H May 2008 Q11
-- answer --
a Glucose → energy + ethanol + carbon dioxide 2m
b i Cut the DNA fragment containing the gene with a restriction enzyme. 1m
Cut a plasmid with the restriction enzyme. 1m
Join the gene and the plasmid with a DNA ligase. 1m
Introduce the recombinant plasmid into the yeast. 1m
ii The genetically modified yeast may contain a gene for amylase. 1m
Amylase catalyses the digestion of starch into sugar, so that the beer
contains less starch. 1m
* The diagram below shows some DNA fingerprints.
aExplain why each band in the DNA fingerprints consists of DNA fragments
of the same size. (4 marks)
b DNA fingerprinting is used in forensic science. Give two kinds of samples
that can be collected from the crime scene for DNA fingerprinting. Explain
your answer. (3 marks)
c A body is found in a murder scene. Describe how DNA fingerprinting can
be used to find out the identity of the body. (4 marks)
* Read the following paragraph and answer the questions.
A 16-year-old girl was killed 10 years ago. The police collected a blood
sample at the murder scene and used it to produce a DNA fingerprint, but no
match was found in the database at that time. Later, a man was arrested for a
robbery and a DNA sample was taken from him. When a police inspector
reopened the murder case and performed DNA matching again, he discovered
that the man’s DNA fingerprint matches the DNA fingerprint produced from
the blood sample collected at the murder scene.
a Describe the major steps to produce a DNA fingerprint using the blood
sample collected from the murder scene. (4 marks)
b Explain why ‘no match was found in the database at that time’. (1 mark)
c The diagram below shows five DNA fingerprints. They are produced using
the samples collected from the victim and three suspects, and a blood
sample collected at the murder scene.
blood sample
victim collected at suspect X suspect Y suspect Z
the scene
Which suspect was most likely at the murder scene? Give one reason.
(2 marks)
d State two other applications of DNA fingerprinting. (2 marks)
** In an experiment, gel electrophoresis was used to separate DNA fragments. The
diagram below shows the pattern of bands obtained on the gel slab. Lane 1 was
loaded with a DNA marker containing DNA fragments of known size. Lanes 2
and 3 were loaded with two DNA samples.
lane 1 2 3
well side
Z lower
* Scientists are now using recombinant DNA technology to produce genetically
modified organisms (GMOs).
a GMOs are widely used in agriculture for food production. State two
Describe how GM bacteria carrying a human growth hormone gene
can be produced using plasmids as vectors. (4 marks)
ii Describe how human growth hormone can be produced using the GM
bacteria. (1 mark)
c State one other use of GMOs. (1 mark)
* Read the following paragraph and answer the questions.
Traditionally, vaccines have been prepared either by killing a specific
pathogen or by making it unable to grow. Today, vaccines can be produced
using recombinant DNA technology. Genes that code for the surface proteins
of the pathogens are introduced into harmless bacteria. The genetically
modified bacteria produce the surface proteins, which will become the active
ingredient of the vaccines. The vaccines produced using this method are safer
than those produced using the traditional method.
a Explain why vaccines produced using recombinant DNA technology are
safer than the vaccines produced using the traditional method. (3 marks)
b Draw a flow chart to illustrate how the vaccine against hepatitis B can be
produced using recombinant DNA technology. (6 marks)
* The diagram below shows how human insulin is produced using recombinant
DNA technology.
recombinant bacterium
bacterium with
recombinant plasmid
human insulin
* Read the following paragraph and answer the questions.
In a test done by the Consumer Council, 6 out of 10 samples of
vegetarian food products were found to contain genetically modified (GM)
soya ingredients. The ingredients come from soya beans produced by genetic
engineering to make them resistant to a non-selective herbicide. In Hong
Kong, food manufacturers are not required to declare GM ingredients in their
food products.
c The production of GM food is not fully supported by the public and some
people urge the government to implement a compulsory GM food labelling
i State two criticisms of producing GM food. (2 marks)
ii Give one benefit offered by GM food labelling. (1 mark)
* The diagram below shows the DNA fingerprints of the members in a family.
father mother son daughter
a Explain how the DNA fingerprints show the parent-child relationship in this
family. (2 marks)
b By referring to the events that occur during gamete formation, explain why
the patterns of bands in the DNA fingerprints of the son and the daughter
are different. (4 marks)
c How would the DNA fingerprints of identical twins appear? Explain briefly.
(2 marks)
* a If the human body fails to produce a certain protein, a disease may result.
Name one such disease and the protein involved. (2 marks)
b One method to control such diseases is to inject proteins that are extracted
from animal tissues. State two disadvantages of injecting proteins extracted
from animal tissues. (2 marks)
c Due to advances in biotechnology, human proteins can be produced by
genetically modified bacteria which are produced using recombinant DNA
technology. A plasmid is commonly used in the process to introduce a
fragment of DNA containing the gene of the protein into a bacterium.
i Describe generally how a plasmid is used to introduce a fragment of
DNA into a bacterium. (4 marks)
ii State two advantages of using bacteria to produce human proteins.
(2 marks)
* a Genetic engineering can be beneficial and harmful to humans. List three
benefits and three potential hazards brought about by the use of genetically
modified organisms (GMOs) in agriculture. (6 marks)
b Suggest two measures to regulate the development of genetic engineering.
(2 marks)
* a What is genetic engineering? (2 marks)
b Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) can be produced using genetic
i List four ways in which GMOs can be beneficial to human life.
(4 marks)
ii State two potential hazards brought about by genetic engineering.
(2 marks)
* Describe the major steps of DNA fingerprinting and discuss the application of
DNA fingerprinting in forensic science. (12 marks)
* Discuss the ethical, legal and social issues that arise from the Human Genome
Project. (11 marks)