Ey Decoding India S Healthcare Landscape
Ey Decoding India S Healthcare Landscape
Ey Decoding India S Healthcare Landscape
April 2024
Over the past decade, India has achieved significant milestones
in the realm of public health, marking notable progress in
enhancing life expectancy, curbing fertility rates, and mitigating
maternal and child mortality rates. The country has made
focused efforts to meet the targets set under Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs). Moreover, India has witnessed a
discernible enhancement in the proportion of resources
allocated to the public sector, reflecting a commitment to
bolstering the nation's healthcare infrastructure.
word Deco din g In dia’ s hea lth ca re lan dsca pe Page 2
As India endeavors to achieve its goal of attaining developed
nation status, the healthcare sector emerges as a pivotal
element, supporting the nation's objectives of inclusive growth,
sustainable development, and a promising future for its
citizens. India has made significant strides in healthcare over
the past decade, witnessing advancements in infrastructure,
technology, and accessibility.
7 Pharmaceuticals ............................................ 25
As the nation traverses the path of development and achieving universal health coverage and reducing
progress, a robust healthcare system becomes disparities in healthcare delivery nationwide.
indispensable, ensuring the health and vitality of its
populace. Beyond the intrinsic value of safeguarding Subsequently, the National Rural Health Mission
human lives, a flourishing healthcare sector catalyzes (NRHM) was launched in 2005 to undertake a shift in
the public health system and to provide accessible,
socio-economic advancement by fostering a productive
affordable and accountable primary healthcare
workforce, mitigating the burden of disease, and
bolstering resilience against unforeseen health crises. services to poor households in remote parts of rural
Moreover, a vibrant healthcare ecosystem engenders India. Various other programs have been launched in
the last two decades, as mentioned below.
social cohesion, promotes equity in access to essential
services and uplifts marginalized communities. As India ► Integrated Disease Surveillance Program,
strives towards her aspiration of becoming a developed launched in 2004, is focused on strengthening
nation, the healthcare sector stands as a linchpin, India's public health surveillance system for early
underpinning the nation's aspirations for inclusive detection, prevention, and control of
growth, sustainable development, and a brighter future communicable diseases.
for all. ► Janani Suraksha Yojana was launched in 2005,
with the aim to promote institutional deliveries by
While public health falls under the state list, the
providing cash assistance to expectant mothers
Government of India has been playing a critical role in
below the poverty line.
shaping the sector through efforts of various
Committees, National Health Policies, centrally ► Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana,
sponsored schemes, central sector schemes, and launched in 2006, has the primary objective of
institutions for research and development. Beginning correcting the imbalances in availability of
with the Bhore Committee in 1946, which emphasized affordable/reliable tertiary level healthcare in the
the importance of social orientation and community country in general and to augment facilities for
involvement in healthcare, and subsequent efforts quality medical education in the under-served
such as of the Mudaliar Committee, the National states.
Tuberculosis Program, and the Alma Ata Declaration, ► National Tobacco Control Programme, launched in
have significantly influenced public health in India. 2007, aims to create awareness about harmful
Policies like the National Health Policy of 1983 effects of tobacco consumption and reduce the
prioritized preventive, promotive and rehabilitative production and supply of tobacco products.
care, while the National Population Policy of 2000 ► Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakra, launched in
focused on addressing reproductive and child health 2011, entitles all pregnant women delivering in
needs. Government initiatives have evolved to public health institutions to free and no expense
prioritize quality improvement, as evidenced by the delivery, including Caesarean section.
National Health Policy of 2002, which emphasized
► In 2013, the National Health Mission subsumed
comprehensive primary healthcare and the regulation
NRHM and several other vertical health programs
of the private health sector. These policies and
under one umbrella to provide a holistic approach
programs reflect the government's dedication to
to healthcare delivery.
► TB Mukt Bharat
► National Tele Mental
► National Health Policy
Health Program (Tele
► Mission Indradhanush ► Mental Healthcare Act ► e-Sanjeevani OPD Manas)
► Rashtriya Kishor ► National Strategic Plan (Teleconsultation) ► National Sickle Cell
Swasthya Karyakaram for TB Elimination ► Surakshit Matritva Anaemia Elimination
► Swachh Bharat Abhiyan ► HIV and AIDS Act Ashwasan (SUMAN) Programme
In this report, we present the journey of healthcare developments in medical devices, increase in Medical
over the last two decades in terms of advancements in Value Travel, and improvements in disease control.
the healthcare infrastructure, availability of human This would set the cornerstone for the future
resources, presence of medical education institutions, developments of the healthcare in the next two
changes in healthcare financing patterns, decades (leading to 2047 aspirations).
Economic Survey 2022-23
Key health indicators 2005-06 2015-16 2020 (FY 2005-06: (FY 2015-16:
FY 2015-16) FY2020)
2005-06 2015-16 2020 NHP Target 2005-06 2015-16 2020 NHP Target
(2025) (2019)
2005-06 2015-16 2020 NHP Target 2005-06 2015-16 2020 NHP Target
(2025) (2020)
Healthcare infrastructure
2.1 Primary Health Centres and Community Health Centres
The growth in Primary Health Centers (PHCs) and
Number of CHCs and PHCs
Community Health Centers (CHCs) in India from
2004 to 2022 reveals significant strides in 31,053
expanding healthcare infrastructure across the 2.75%
country. Over this period, the number of PHCs ~1% 25,000
increased steadily, with a CAGR of ~1% 2 from
2004 to 2014 and a CAGR of 2.75% 3 from 2014
to 2022. The cumulative average growth from
2004 to 2022 stood at ~2%, reflecting a
substantial expansion in the availability of basic 1.5% 6,064
4.9% 5,400
healthcare services. Similarly, the growth in CHCs 3,346
exhibited notable progress, witnessing a CAGR
4.9% increase from 2004 to 2014 and a
subsequent CAGR of 1.5% increase from 2014 to 2004 2014 2022
2022. The cumulative average growth in CHCs
from 2004 to 2022 amounted to 3.36% 4.
Press Information Bureau (pib.gov.in)
Source: We Care Good, Replicable and Innovative Practices 2019, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Official Website Ayushman Arogya Mandir (nhp.gov.in)
Childhood and adolescent health care Screening and basic management of mental
services health ailments
Family planning, contraceptive services and Elderly and palliative health care services
other reproductive health care services
AAM portal
E-sanjeevani portal
Health Infrastructure.pdf (cbhidghs.nic.in)
Cover Pdf__ (cbhidghs.nic.in)
National Health Profile (NHP) of India- 2022 :: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (cbhidghs.nic.in)
Bibi Nagar
In the last decade, from 2014 to 2024,
additional 11 11 AIIMS have been established, Mangalgiri
bringing the total count to nineteen, at
locations including Nagpur, Mangalgiri,
Gorakhpur, Bibi Nagar, Bhatinda, Kalyani,
Deoghar, Rajkot, Guwahati, Vijaypur, and
Bilaspur. This phase of expansion further Madurai
broadened the reach of specialized medical
services, particularly in underserved
regions, addressing disparities in healthcare institutes will add over 5,000 beds to the country’s
infrastructure. healthcare infrastructure. These upcoming institutes
signify continued efforts to strengthen healthcare
Looking ahead, there are plans for five more AIIMS to
infrastructure and provide advanced medical care to a
be established in Darbhanga, Rewari, Awantipora,
wider population.
Madurai and Bengaluru. The establishment of these
10 62
In the past years, there has been a remarkable surge in mortality, enhance patient satisfaction and to provide
the adoption of NQAS certification, growing by CAGR positive birthing experience to all pregnant women
100.4% from 2016 to 2024. The total number of NQAS attending public health facilities.
certified public health facilities has increased from 10
in 2016-17 to 2,603 in 2023-24. 12 The number of LaQshya certified labor rooms has
increased at a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR)
The LaQshya program launched in December 2017 is of 81% from 22 in 2018-19 to 777 in 2023-24.
another successful initiative which aims to improve the Similarly, the number of LaQshya certified maternal
quality of care during delivery and immediate post- operation theaters has increased at a CAGR of 82%
partum period to reduce maternal and newborn from 17 in 2018-19 to 610 in 2023-24. 12
Quality Darpan Reports: Retrieved from NHSRC - https://qps.nhsrcindia.org/quality-darpan
National Health Profile: 2011, 2015, PIB Notification dated 12.12.2023, Dental Council of India Website
ABDM Dashboard
2013-14 2023-24
Achievements and New Initiatives Pocket Handbook by MoHFW - 2023
Health Dossier 2021 by NHSRC
Medical education
The significant increase in the number of medical 1,09,145 in 2023-24 which signifies a substantial
colleges and MBBS seats over the years reflects a stride towards meeting the escalating demand for
concerted effort to address the growing demand for doctors in India. Since 2014, the number of MBBS
healthcare professionals in India. In the last two seats have surged substantially by a CAGR of 9.2%.17
decades, the number of medical colleges has nearly This surge aligns with demographic and
tripled. Since 2014, the number of medical colleges epidemiological transitions, where a burgeoning
have increased by a CAGR of 5.9%. 17 The surge in population and changing disease profiles necessitate a
medical colleges not only offers more opportunities for larger healthcare workforce addressing physician
aspiring doctors but also contributes to decentralizing shortage, ensuring better healthcare coverage.
healthcare services, potentially improving accessibility Further, the increase also signifies better utilization of
for underserved regions. health education infrastructure where existing colleges
have also ramped up the seats.
There has been an increase in MBBS seats from
24,690 in 2004-05 to 45,456 in 2014-15 and
706 1,09,145
542 81,400
300 45,456
229 34,595
2004-05 2009-10 2014-15 2019-20 2023-24 2004-05 2009-10 2014-15 2019-20 2023-24
National Health Profile: 2011, 2015, 2019, 2022, NMC Website, PIB Notification dated 12.12.2023.
Healthcare financing
5.1 The healthcare expenditure as a percentage of GDP
The healthcare expenditure* as a percentage of GDP in Health expenditure as percentage of GDP
India showcases a commendable upward trajectory,
reflecting a growing recognition of the importance of 133%
healthcare investment. In 2003-04, health expenditure
was 0.9% 18 of GDP, suggesting limited resource 2.1
allocation towards healthcare initiatives. By 2014-15,
this percentage had increased to 1.2% 19, indicating a
notable shift towards prioritizing healthcare funding.
The most recent data from 2022-23 reveals a 1.2
substantial leap, with health expenditure reaching 2.1% 0.9
of GDP.
Out of pocket expenditure (OOPE) as per cent of total health expenditure (THE)
This decline, particularly notable between 2016-17 and improving the overall healthcare landscape in India.
2017-18, point towards the various measures (viz, This decline of OOPE is also due to the increase in
PM-JAY, Jan Aushadhi Kendras, Ambulance services, utilization of public facilities both for inpatient and
free diagnostics, free dialysis etc.) taken by the outpatient services as per the NSS 75th round report.
government to mitigate out-of-pocket payments and
EChapter 10 (2003-04) (indiabudget.gov.in)
echap10_vol2.pdf (indiabudget.gov.in)
* The health expenditure in the economic survey also includes expenditure on water supply and sanitation
S. No. Parameter
(Launched in 2018) (Launched in 2008, currently discontinued)
INR5 lakh per family per year INR30,000 per family per year (up to 5
1 Health coverage
(no family member upper limit) family members)
4 More than 28,000 Around 8,000
PM-JAY website (https://pmjay.gov.in/)
MOHFW Annual Report 2015-16 (https://main.mohfw.gov.in/sites/default/files/12201617.pdf)
6% 10% 19%-20 %
Employee schemes
6% 10% 10%-15 %
25% 32% 40%-45 %
63% 48% 20%-30 %
Source: EY FICCI Report, Re-engineering Indian Health care, September 2016, IRDAI handbook, IRDAI Annual report, National
Health Profile, Individual state insurance websites
Total 31,755
Total 70,051
The foreign tourists who visited India for medical purpose during 2012, 2013 and 2014 were 171021, 236898 and 184298, respectively (business-
Number of Foreign Tourist Arrivals for medical purpose has shown an increase over last 3 years: Shri Prahlad Singh Patel (pib.gov.in)
The Indian pharmaceutical industry ranks third globally in
pharmaceutical production by volume and is known for its Turnover in INR crore (000')
generic medicines and low-cost vaccines. The sector 328.1 344.1
contributed to around 1.32% of the Gross Value Added (at 290.0
2011-12 constant prices) of the Indian Economy in 2020- 226.4
21. 26
Department of Pharmaceuticals Annual Report 2022- 23
Digital health
The Digital India program has revolutionized the part of the nation. Through these endeavors, the
healthcare sector in India, bringing about remarkable existing gap among different stakeholders in the
changes. Initiatives like the Ayushman Bharat Digital healthcare ecosystem has effectively narrowed down
Mission, CoWIN App, Aarogya Setu, e-Sanjeevani, and using digital avenues.
e-Hospital have extended healthcare facilities to every
as on 20 Mar 2024
Aarogya Setu, now a National Health App, offers a range of digital health services through the Ayushman Bharat
Digital Mission (ABDM). Users can create a Digital Health ID to access healthcare providers, receive digital reports,
prescriptions, and diagnosis seamlessly.
as on 30 Oct 2023
CoWIN, launched to bolster the COVID-19 Vaccine Intelligence Network, is a digital platform facilitating the
nationwide rollout and expansion of the COVID Vaccine Distribution System. It provides robust, dependable, and
agile technology allowing for anytime, anywhere registration for COVID-19 vaccination.
as on 20 Mar 2024
eSanjeevani, designed as the National Telemedicine Service, has grown into an extraordinary accomplishment in
the country, solidifying its position as the largest documented telemedicine implementation in primary healthcare
as on 20 Mar 2024
as on 20 Mar 2024
Source: ABDM Dashboard, e-Sanjeevani Dashboard, CoWIN Dashboard, Aarogya Setu Dashboard, e-Hospital Dashboard
1,030 980
The export of medical devices from India has witnessed In five years from 2018-19 to 2022-23, India observed
a remarkable surge over the last decade, reflecting a a consistent increase in the export of the top medical
robust growth trajectory. 28 device categories. These include consumables,
disposables, electronics and equipment, implants, IVD
Factors contributing to this growth include reagents, and surgical instruments, with consumables
advancements in technology, enhanced manufacturing and electronics and equipment being the largest
capabilities, and adherence to international quality contributors. This growth underscores the country's
standards. India's prowess in producing a diverse range expanding prowess in the global healthcare market
of medical devices coupled with its cost-effectiveness across diverse segments of medical equipment and
has propelled its position as a key player in the global supplies.
market, driving substantial economic gains and
fostering further opportunities for development and
medicaldevicemanufacturinginindia-asunrise-170221053503 (1).pdf (pharmaceuticals.gov.in)
6,846 2,665
1,410 10,669
Further, the Medical Device Policy 2023 aims to in the country. This policy and mandatory regulatory
improve access to good quality medical devices to all at approvals of medical equipment and in-Vitro
all ages to make devices affordable, enhance domestic Diagnostics are a step towards ensuring
manufacturing capacity, enhance quality and global Aatmanirbharta under the ‘Make in India’ campaign.
positioning and acceptability of products manufactured
17,250 19,474
Source: Kala-Azar Situation in India :: National Center for Vector Source: Measles - number of reported cases (who.int)
Borne Diseases Control (NCVBDC) (mohfw.gov.in)
Dengue Tuberculosis
1,93,245 24,04,815
1,57,315 18,27,959
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 (P) 2017 2018 2019 2020
Source: DENGUE SITUATION IN INDIA :: National Center for Source: Press Information Bureau (pib.gov.in)
Vector Borne Diseases Control (NCVBDC) (mohfw.gov.in)
1. Increase the number of qualified doctors to more than 50 lakhs, to achieve double the current
global average of 16 doctors per 10,000 population29 and closer to average of the developed
2. Increase the number of nurses to more than 1.25 to 1.5 crores, to achieve closer to the average of
developed countries. 30
3. Add 30 lakh more hospital beds, to achieve closer to the average of developed countries. 30
4. Achieve 100% population with health insurance coverage.
5. Establish one medical college in every district of India.
6. Halving share of cost of drugs in OOPE from current proportion. 31
7. Accelerate digitally-enabled healthcare access, by achieving 100% registration of healthcare
professionals onto ABDM healthcare professionals registry, 100% registration of healthcare
facilities onto healthcare facilities registry and 100% Indian citizens having an ABHA ID.
8. Become the global leader in manufacturing of affordable, innovative and quality pharmaceuticals
and medical devices, through:
I. Increased spending by government to enhance opportunities in pharma and medical devices
related research projects.
II. Strengthening backward integration in medical devices to achieve global competitiveness.
III. Positioning India as originator of tech such as Robotics, 4D, Organ Bioprinting, Laser Physics,
IV. Establishing international agreements for diversified and resilient global supply chains for raw
materials, components, spare parts, assemblies/sub-assemblies of medical devices, vaccines
and pharmaceuticals.
Source: World Bank. (2023). https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SH.MED.BEDS.ZS
drugs constitute over 67% of out-of-pocket expense on healthcare (NSSO 68th round)
Ernst & Young LLP is a Limited Liability Partnership, registered MedTech: mdf@ficci.com
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