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NINA AGUSTIN, ST ‘Sales Engines for so Sania Koncana ‘1 Burg Tae ‘Surabaya 624 5097210, <037217 “soaion2 32407580 roemeby@c. ne 623 23) ro Te Fax He imbemandonesa cy Webate :plie Sr ALN 7 = Corrosion Protection (Tape, Cathodic Protection, ‘Monob su13384g yop Arp 2pqsIar « sui9y}e]d/s3192f ‘su12]8hg 1eINPOW + MOOGNWO < uoisHia spog Aig Bupeors > § sauped|a 10) s1ezy7enua9 / s120eds aaGH* row < & squjor Bupemsuy ayA}ou0W NIOPOWd < z sura3sKg uop}o>1014 9]POUTED pue sfaxing uojsou0D + ONIIGANIDNG WASH < i sedey 1ogqny Mang /ad uajosuaq @IWaHO OSNad < a uaumnyg / uNjE]ONVd Sadey Osueg ‘suraysks proyuseasS = SaTVOO 8 NNIM < 3 spud pur sutasfs adey sua 2 : vonRluv HLNOS OSNaa < UOJS|AIG UO}ID9IOId UOISOLIOD <> @® imbema pacific indonesic NI BNIZIT¥IN2¢S: Pryeuuq@Aqsewmoquy = pryeuuqo@yyfemequyy T60T-WOS (TE0) jeul-2 L1%S-OTh (TZO) xed EETL-£08 ‘OLZL-£08 (TO) + “AIL £HOB-HEh ‘9TTB-OZH (TZO) “dai 97Z09 ekeqems OL9OT Jesng EuEyeL Ze ‘ABM g mo Bung “IF £-C 301d ‘£9-09 ‘on ekey Heyes BununD “It POLIO UE ODIO PEO woo" eIseuopUuleWwaqUT MMM DISSUOPU! 21j:00 OWOQuSeries 2000 FD é ceolig) MEMHEAVY DUTY ‘SeaShield Series 2000 FD Heavy SysTEm Dury system provides ultra SUITABLE long-term protection for stecl, FOR concrete and timber structures in GEXAGONAL the splash and intertidal zones. ‘The SeaShield Series 2000 FD Heavy Duty system can be used to encapsulate jetty piles, offshore riser pipes and exposed piping in the splash and intertidal zones. ‘The system can accommodate piles with cylindrical and hexagonal sections as well as support members and bracings. Cross section showing SeaShield Series 2000 FD system on a hexagonal pile, The pictare illustrates the inner ‘astetape layer and the outer jacket ‘Conforming tightly under pressure 1 the ple’s profile. [LEADERS IN CORROSION PREVENTION ‘8 SEALING TECHNOLOGY ‘SYSTEM SUITABLE FOR CIRCULAR Advantages: Proven 30 year worldwide ‘case histories ‘No abrasive blast cleaning, Surface preparation with ‘mechanical tools or hp water jetting Can be applied to damp and immersed surfaces Fast installation Controlled application tensioning system ‘One piece jackets Environmentally friendlyA soft petrolatum paste containing water displacing, corrosion inhibiting and flow control additives, plus broad spectrum biocides. It does not contain volatile organic components. It is applied to badly corroded and pitted steel above and below water prior to the application of the tape. It displaces water and fills pits and depressions. ‘Atape made from a non-woven synthetic fabric impregnated and coated ‘witha petrolatum compound containing inert fillers, water displacing agents and wide spectrum biocides. The tape has a HIDPE backing film. It fs also specially formulated for application under water, oF to wet surfaces. ‘When applied spirally under tension i will displace water and develop a STS ceeEet ‘water resistant bond to metal surfaces. It provides the primary corrosion nee protection in the SeaShield Series 2000 system. ‘The SeaShield Series 2000 FD Heavy Duty System provides a SeaShield Jacket ‘cost effective and easily applied A tough, ultraviolet-resistant jacket that provides protection to the ‘method for the control of tape against abrasion, wave action and accidental impact. corrosion in the splash and ‘The jackets are secured with 316 stainless steel threaded bolts. intertidal zones on jetty piling. L.Anew hydraulic clamp now rapidly 2. Ths allows the seams to be bolted 3. Final tightening of the 316 stainless pulls the jacket seams together. ‘under improved stretch and tension. steel bolts. ‘SeaShield 2000 FD Components: Denso Marine Piling Tape: 150mm oF 300mm x 10m rolls. Jackets: ‘Custom made to order from 2mm thick, uv resistant HDPE with stainless steel closures, Optional component for badly pitted steel surfaces Denso S105 Paste: 25kg tubs For complete application specifications or assistance: ‘Contact Winn & Coales (Denso) Ltd, Pleae include your fax / email ‘number for immediate response Winn & Coales (Denso) Ltd = Denso House, Chapel Road, London SE27 OTR Cte No EM OSH ‘Tel: 020 8670 7511 @ Fax: 020 8761 2456 Email: © Websites: / PUB NO: 95.10.2006 A MEMBER OF WINN & COALES INTERNATIONAL@imbema pacific indonesia CORROSION MANAGEMENT FOR STEEL JETTY PILES Indocoating & Corrosion Summit 2008 Lambert H. Priist 08@imbvema pacific indonesia CONTENT 1. CORROSION MANAGEMENT FOR STEEL JETTY PILES 2, ABSTRACT. 3. INTRODUCTION ... 3 3.1 Jetties in Indonesia. 3 3.2 Corrosion of steel jetty piles 4 3.3 Corrosion Management of Stel Jity Piles 4 33.1 Splashzone Area 4 33.2 Steel pile area below the Spl 5 333 Infernal Corrosion . 5 334 Pile Cap om 5 4. METHODS : 6 4.1 SeaShield System: 6 42 Advanced Cathodic 6 43. Denso Inhibitors.. 8 44° PileCap 8 5. RESULTS 8 6 CONCLUSION... END! . 10 un 13 ‘A. Advantages and disadvantages of corrosion prevention systems in Indonesia B. SeaShield (Series 200DM®) system specifications .. C. SeaShield 200DM® series specially cee for tropical environment .. D. Corrosion Survey on Jettes . E, Jetty Questionnaire .. F. Company Profile PT. Imbema Fig} ~ Stee je ples protected with the SeaShield Sytem a@imbvema pacific indonesia 1. CORROSION MANAGEMENT FOR STEEL JETTY PILES This document is written as Manuscript for the Indocoating & Corrosion Summit 2008. 2. ABSTRACT * Indonesia is a country of many few natural harbours. + Jetties are therefore one of the most important economical lifelines of factories / plants to transfer their products and energy by sea. The risk of downtime in a factory / plant due to jetty failure is an economical non acceptable risk. * Corrosion rates in the tropical on-/offshore environment are extremely high. + Steel jetty piles have a short lifespan if proper corrosion protection systems are not present. Many previously built jetties have already suffered heavy corrosion damage due to poor workmanship in the field of corrosion protection and lack of professional maintenance. ‘+ By implementing a thorough corrosion management system on steel piles, the lifetime can easily expand to 50 years or ‘more. Skilful use of the right systems and products and implementing monitor- and ‘maintenance programs after installation, warrants this lifetime expansion. + Denso and Imbema’s worldwide experience for over 60 years in this field contribute to these efficient corrosion ‘management systems; however, not only ‘on jetties, but also on pipelines and other steel structures. 3. INTRODUCTION 3.1 Jetties in Indonesia During more than 25 years of experience in the Indonesian archipelago we have hardly seen any jetty that was made upon good constructional standards. Itis difficult to say whether that is caused by bad technical design or bad construction. Furthermore, we found that nobody has a very good scheme of maintenance. If maintenance is executed, then you will see that it is done on cone of the aspects of corrosion on a jetty, for instance: control and maintenance on Cathodic Protection systems. Failure of often used concrete jackets are mostly seen. In our opinion it is a matter of bad application and wrong types of concrete used. Also we often find that the minimum coverage of reinforced steel bars are less than from the outside. ‘You will hardly find internal corrosion protection, as the knowledge of sulphate reducing bacteria is very limited. Many suppliers on the Indonesian market limit themselves to one of the aspects of corrosion protection on steel piles. Therefore, the customer is of opinion that he has a good functioning system, but he is not aware of the fact that this anti corrosion system only works ‘ona specifie part of the jetty, while other parts are not or hardly protected. ‘Therefore, we herewith present a corro: ‘management solution for the whole stee! jetty pile. Fig:2 Steel feu pls protected withthe SeaShield System. ‘Advanced Cathothe Protection, Dense Inhibitors and Pile Cap Coating Indonesia is a country of many islands and few natural harbours. Indonesia comprises of 17,508 islands according to Indonesian government estimates, with about 6,000 of those inhabited.@imbvema pacific indonesia Jetties are therefore one of the most important ‘economical lifelines of factories / plants to transfer their products and energy by sea. The risk of downtime in a factory / plant due to jetty failure is an economical non acceptable tisk. 3.2 Corrosion of Steel Jetty Piles When investigating quite a lot of jetties all over this country, we find that many jetties are not constructed with corrosion protection in ‘mind. It seems that the owners fully trust their consultants and builders on their word and they should point out the importance of the protection of steel. During the presentation we shall give a number of photo's from the field to prove this statement. Many previously built jetties have already suffered heavy corrosion damage due to poor workmanship in the field of corrosion protection and lack of professional ‘maintenance. Corrosion rates in the tropical on-/offshore environment are extremely high. Based on a study by the University of Surabaya, the steel ‘wallthickness of unprotected steel piles in Indonesia will on average reduce 0.02-0.20 mmiyear on the sea bottom, 0.05-0.07 mmiyear on the top of the 1.75 mm/year in the splash zone. This average reduction of the steel wallthickness is an accumulation of corrosion from the outside, as well as from the inside of the steel piles. ‘ig: 3 ~ Corrosion rates of steel jy ples measured in Indonesia 3.3. Corrosion Management of Steel Jetty Piles We identify four areas on the steel jetty piles with regard to corrosion and corrosion management, e.g. 1. Splashzone area 2. Steel pile area below Splashzone until bottom in seabed 3. Internal corrosion in steel piles 4. Pile Cap 3.3.1 Splashzone Area ‘As mentioned previously, this area is the most severe place on the pile for corrosion damage. Based on field experience most of the new jetties are not getting appropriate corrosion protection during the construction. As an ‘example, recently we measured a 4.8 mm steel wallthickness in the Splashzone area of steel piles built 7 years ago, whereas the original thickness was 12. mm. ig: 4 ~ Heavily corroded Splashcone area Common corrossion protection systems for the Splashzone are: ‘© Petrolatum based tape systems * Concrete Jackets © Fabricated Epoxy coating © Tar coating ‘© Designed “extra” stee! wallthickness to ‘cover the designed lifetime thickness reduction by corrosion.@imbvema pacific indonesia 3.3.2 Steel pile area below the Splashzone This area, unprotected, will in general also be effected by corrossion, but less visible as it is located underwater or in the seabed and therefore more difficult to monitor and control. Fig:S — Heavily corroded see! jetty ple under the Splashzone Common corrossion protection systems for this area are: Cathodic protection (Impressed Current) Cathodic protection (Sacrificial Anodes) Fabricated Epoxy coating Tar coating Designed “extra” steel wallthickness to cover the designed lifetime thickness reduction by corrosion. 3.3.3 Internal Corrosion Internal Corrosion is caused by (sea) water penetrating inside the steel piles. Internal corrosion of the stee! piles is probably for most jetty installations an overlooked cause of corrosion. Fig:6 Leaking water from the inside of apie Without treatment this Internal corrosion will reduce the steel wallthickness of the piles from the inside. ‘Common corrossion protection systems for this area are: © Insert Inhibitors inside pile © Fill-up pile with concrete 3.34 Pile Cap ‘The pile area above the Splashzone up to the jetty deck pile depends on the construction of the particular jetty. Depending on the length, the pile cap can be part of the Splashzone area or if longer need their own protection method. ‘Fig’? ~ Heauity corroded pile cop@imbema pacific indonesia ‘Common corrossion protection systems for the Pile Cap are: ‘© Part of the Splashzone protection method (see 3.3.1) ‘* Paint Coatings Fabricated Epoxy coating Tar coating 4, METHODS As PT. Imbema Pacific Indonesia we recommend and offer the following “all in one” protection systems for Steel Jetty Piles: 1) SeaShield Systems (Petrolatum based tape systems) 2) Advanced Cathodic Protection (Impressed (Current) 3) Denso Inhibitors 4) Pile Cap ‘ig: 8~ Proecion systems forsee jy ples 4,1 SeaShield Systems ‘The SeaShield System is a petrolatum based tape system which seals out oxygen and water effectively, stopping corrosion on steel surfaces. ‘The systems forms an anti-corrosion barrier by displacing water and forming a moisture- resistant bond. ‘A tough outercover surrounds this component to protect against weathering and mechanical damage. ‘The SeaShield Systems can be used on offshore platform legs, risers, wharf piles and exposed piping in the splash and tidal zones. Fg: 9 Stee jetty pilesprovected wid the SeaShield 2000 ‘Sytem | Note: SeaShield Jetty Systems should be inspected ‘every six months on mechanical damage by debris ‘or third parties. If damage is observed, repair has to take place in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, 4.2 Advanced Cathodie Protection Cathodie Protection is a method to protect the steel pile wall ofa jetty for corrosion. The Cathodic Protection on the steel piles works in the water (electrolyte) and will only be active from the area below the splash zone and the bottom of the Splashzone jacket till in the ‘seabed. ‘The protection of the area covered on the steel pile in the seabed depends on the method of the Cathodic Protection. ‘There are in principle two methods for Cathodic protection on the jetty piles, e.g. Sacrificial Anodes and Impressed Current. Impressed Current covers the whole length of the pile in the seabed, while the Sacrificial ‘method has a limited reach. ‘Fig:10 -Cathodie Protection (Sacrificial Anodes)@imbema pacific indonesia With the Sacrificial Anode method an anode is. welded on every pile, mostly aluminum or zine anodes. This Cathodic Protection method is working for every pile independently and has no affect on anodes nearby. The anode ‘material sacrifices itself under the influence of steel and must be replaced eventually if all anode material is consumed. It has to be taken into consideration that the protective current is only working until + 5 meters in the seabed. For larger structures, like jetties, the economical border between an installation - protected by means of sacrificial anodes or impressed current - is approx. 10 years. Ifa protective period of more than 10 years is required, in general impressed current systems are more economical. Within Indonesia there are two additional disadvantages when using Sacrificial Anodes. Itis very difficult to control the well- functioning of such a system. You need qualified staff and divers to do regular maintenance checks. Next to that especially aluminum anodes are a commodity which are largely in demand. Therefore, jetty owners are often faced with an illegal change of ‘ownership, which is not immediately noticed. Fig: 11 — Advanced Cathodie Protection (Impressed Current) With the Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) the required current is provided by means ofa Transformer Rectifier Unit (TRU). This TRU is installed and connected with cables to the bonded piles (-) and to extemal anodes (+). The bonding takes care that all jety piles of the structure are connected and form one electrical unit. ‘A limited number of anodes can be placed on piles or placed on the seabed. However, we prefer wherever possible to bury anodes onshore. This prevents that parts of this ICCP system are illegally removed from the system. ig: 12 ~ Transformer Rectifier Unit (TRU) ‘As an ICCP system is in general designed for a theoretical lifetime of 25 years, only simple maintenance is required. The owner can easily check on a day-to-day basis whether the system is working without any heavy inspection. The placement of onshore anode beds in Indonesia has proven that itis the most reliable system. Fig: 13 ~ Preparation ofthe Anodes
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