MCS Booklet 2024
MCS Booklet 2024
MCS Booklet 2024
With this in mind, first and foremost Holcim complies with all local laws
and regulations where we operate and manage a set of Minimum Control
Standards that every country and business in our organization must
follow – with clear guidance and consequence management.
The Minimum Control Standards are assessed and tested every year in all
our businesses across the globe. Our local CEOs and CFOs and regional
management certify through signed letters to the Group that they are in
place and operating effectively.
06 Risk assessment 19 H ● ● ●
14 Litigation disputes 34 ● ●
21 Price management 48 ● ● ●
Execution of onboarding, offboarding, master data management
and transfers of workers
56 H ● ● ● ●
26 Payroll 59 ● ●
32 Payment processing 70 H ● ● ● ●
34 Physical stock take of spare parts and materials, and volume reconciliations 76 ● ● ●
35 Inventory valuation 80 ● ● ●
IT 81
57 Cash transactions are not permitted without the Group approval 114 H ● ●
63 OT Security baseline controls for cement plants and grinding stations 130 ● ● ● ●
Governance and
REQUIREMENTS • A risk lead is appointed in each country • Action plans must be defined for all
to support the local management with high residual risks (at a minimum)
Country must ensure that the following plan which must meet minimum the risk assessment process and to in accordance with the Group Risk
4 sections of the Health, Safety and expectations of classroom and practical monitor mitigation actions. (Step 1) Management guidelines. Action plans
Environment management system are in per Health, Safety & Environment • A risk assessment is performed and (title and description), owner and due
place and operating with regular reviews: standards. Countries must implement signed off at least annually and identifies date have to be documented in the risk
(Step 1) the Critical Controls Management as risks with the greatest likelihood of management tool. (Step 1)
defined by the Group. occurring and with the highest potential • Update of the status of actions in the
eadership and Engagement: Rewards,
impact as per the current Group Risk risk management tool is done when the
Recognition and Consequence • Performance Evaluation: Group Health,
assessment methodology (please refer risk assessment is performed as per the
Management program is in place. Safety & Environment Audit and annual
to Group Risk Management guidelines. Group requirement. (Step 1)
self-assessment performed at unit
• Objectives Planning and Management Risks, risk comments (i.e. description),
level. Process Safety Management and Link to: Finance Policy
Review: An annual Health, Safety & likelihood (initial and residual), impact
Incident Reporting and Investigation
Environment Improvement Plan (HSEIP) (initial and residual) and risk treatment
with incidents correctly classified and
is set up following the Group process. have to be documented in the current
action plans kept up-to-date with
The Health, Safety & Environment Group Risk assessment tool. (Step 1, 2)
relevant actions. Road Key Performance
Improvement Plan completion is Indicators (KPIs) should be reviewed.
tracked at the country Executive
Committee level and the strategic Link to: Health, Safety & Environmental
area of Health, Safety & Environment Policy, Health, Safety and Environment
Improvement Plan is tracked in the management system, Critical Controls
Group tracking tool. Management, Group Health, Safety
& Environment site and Sustainable
perations and Support Processes: Procurement Directive
Ensure that all employees and
contractors are in scope of the training
IMPACT accuracy according to Group • All claims and losses that are covered by • For risks that are not covered by Group
methodology, to ensure replacement a Group Insurance policy and that are insurance programs*: (Step 5)
- Financial losses
value cover. Annual likely to exceed the applicable deductible a. Local Executive Committee must
or exceed EUR 500,000 (or equivalent) put in place local insurances as
3. By using Group Risk Insurance Tool have been timely declared to Group required by local regulations (e.g.
Incident Report is submitted within Insurance and Risk Financing (GIRF) motor liability, workers compensation
48 hours by the local Executive within 48 hours of incident via Group Risk insurance).
Committee (or designee) for all Insurance Tool (GRIT). (Step 3)
b. Local Executive Committee may
claims and losses that are covered • All Risk Improvement Actions (RIA) put in place local insurance for non-
by a Group Insurance policy and that recommended by our insurer have to mandatory local risks as long as these
are likely to exceed the applicable be mitigated within a reasonable time do not overlap Group insurance
deductible or exceed EUR 500,000 frame. If Group countries do not agree programs (e.g. allowed would be
with the RIA, GIRF must be notified and fiduciary insurance for local pension
(or equivalent). Upon Request alternative measures must be put in fund, trade credit insurance).
4. Group Insurance and Risk Financing place. (Step 4)
is informed: 1) before new business • Any change in the business that impacts Link to: Finance Policy, Group Insurance
activity is put in place, 2) of all Capex the Group Insurance programs* are Directive, Capex Directive and Group
communicated to Group Insurance Insurance Program
projects in excess of EUR 5m, 3) of
any Risk Improvement Actions (RIA) and Risk Financing (GIRF) (e.g. new
countries do not agree with. Upon
Change *Group insurance programs:
• Property Damage / Business Interruption (PDBI); Third Party Liability (TPL); Directors & Officers
5. Local Executive Committee (D&O); Marine Protection & Indemnity and Charterers Liability; Marine Cargo and Cyber.
approves purchase of additional • Construction All Risk / Erection All Risk (CAR/ EAR) – alternative local insurance allowed if cleared
local insurances for risks that are by Group Insurance and Risk Financing before project commences.
Group Insurance and Risk Financing is regularly reviewing the risks situation and reserves the right to
not covered by a Group insurance define other risks to be covered by a Group insurance program.
program. Upon Request
he legal department keeps track of reporting requirements. At a minimum
and properly completes the status provision amounts and the classification
of all ongoing disputes, including the of the risk in the Case Management tool
estimated maximum risk, estimated must correspond with to the amounts
expected risk, classification of the risk recorded in the financial statements
as probable, possible or remote and at that date. The estimated maximum
the related provisions recorded in the risk, the classification of the risk and the
financial statements. (Step 1) provisions are reviewed by the CFO.
t year-end (minimum), legal opinion (Step 2)
letters shall be requested from external • Control must be performed at least
law firms assisting on disputes to every quarter at closing, and it’s a
receive updated information regarding requirement for the execution of the
such disputes. The legal opinions are Financial Certifications. (Step 2)
reviewed by the legal department and
CFO. (Step 1) Link to: Group Delegated Authorities,
Data Retention and Deletion Directive
he Group Legal Case Management tool and Group Legal Case Management tool
must be updated as per the Group Legal
and permits
Ensure proper validity, filing
• For all relevant permits and licenses organization) and in consultation with
and timely renewal of titles, 1. Annual approval by relevant local (e.g. environmental, archeological, the quarry (mine planner) and land
licenses and permits ExCo member of the list of all operating permits, quarry and mining, management officer to ensure they are
production, energy use, vessels valid. (Step 2)
relevant permits and licenses for the
and ports, construction, air, water,
business to operate, and sign off by deforestation, blasting), roles and • The land management officer leads a
-L ack of valid titles, licenses and
the CEO of exceptions or potential responsibilities are clearly defined review of the land ownership situation
issues. Annual within the organization, adequate twice a year (or according to the local
permits (Step 1, 2, 3, 4)
processes are put in place in order requirements). A review of the foreseen
- Unauthorized land and quarry 2. Annual approval by the local
to ensure their validity, proper filing land acquisition / disposals is led by
usage (Step 1, 2, 3, 4) legal team (or equivalent at your
and archiving, timely renewal, and the land management officer with the
-C orruption and bribery
organization) and the quarry (mine publication (if required). The list quarry management and the country
(Step 1, 2, 3, 4)
planer) and land management is updated and clear ownership is raw material competent person. These
IMPACT officer (or equivalent at your assigned together with a procedure reviews covers all requirements to
- Compliance organization) of the existing titles of for management of different types of maintain the relevant licenses and
- Reputational damages permit and licenses. (Step 1) permits. (Step 3)
ownership, mining and surface rights,
- Operational disruption
concessions and permits , including • Local laws and regulations, international • Renewal of permits, trigger and exercise
- Financial losses
upcoming renewals. Annual standards when required, as well as of mining rights and permits occurs
Holcim Code of Business Conduct before the expiration date. (Step 3)
3. Approval, half yearly, by the land
(CoBC), are respected in the
management officer (or equivalent • Meetings with all stakeholders are
management of all permits and licenses conducted to review the progress
at your organization), jointly with related activities. (Step 1)
quarries management, of the land of the mining activities, monitor
• Third Party interfacing with public compliance with the mining regulations
ownership situation, including
officials to acquire, renew or review and permitting obligations. These
proposed or planned land activity include Quarry & Plant Management,
titles, licenses and permits are managed
(acquisition, disposal), and the effect Sustainable Development, Environment,
through the Third Party Due Diligence
on the relevant licenses. Half year (TPDD) tool (control related to TPDD is Legal and Land Management. (Step 4)
4. Annual approval by stakeholders covered in MCS30). (Step 1) Link to: Code of Business Conduct, Third
(see requirements) of the progress of • All existing titles of ownership, mining / Party Due Diligence Directive, Technical
mining activities and the compliance surface rights, concessions and permits Recommendation: Land Management
with mining regulations and permit are reviewed at least annually with the and Holcim Raw Material Resources and
requirements. Annual local legal team (or equivalent at your Reserves Reporting Standard
HARP references: 4.10.2 Site Restoration Costs, Raw Material Reserves / Raw Material Resources
• The life (but only for AGG) is defined by Reserves Life [yrs]
• Accounting is specified in: 4.10.3 Amortization of Raw Material Reserves and 4.10.2 Site Restoration
• Capex classification defines how to report the purchase: Classification of CAPEX
• 4.2.1 Accounting for Leases under IFRS 16 - defines specific exemptions related to reserves, when we
rent the land
• Depreciation and Amortization of Long-Term Operating Assets - defines depreciation of raw
material reserves and capitalized mining concessions
of fixed assets
Ensure the proper recognition
• Assets are properly classified. Refer recorded actual finish date. Any journal
and classification of fixed assets 1. Approval by the appropriate finance to HARP Property, Plant entries made are reviewed to ensure
in the financial statements person to capitalize an expenditure and Equipment (PPE), HARP 4.4 proper classification and approved.
Capitalization, Accounting and HARP Property, Plant and
according to the HARP classifications
Valuation of Assets and HARP 4.2 Equipment (PPE). (Step 2)
and assign the proper life and Accounting for Leases. Lease Directive
RISK • Accelerated depreciation of an asset
- I naccurate or fraudulent recording depreciation methods. Quarterly and CAPEX Directive. (Step 1) might be required if a tangible asset
of fixed assets (Step 2, 3) 2. Quarterly approval by the appropriate • Depreciation schedules required for becomes obsolete, is replaced earlier
-N on-adherence to accounting finance person of the Construction different purposes are maintained. Refer than expected, or cannot be used
and reporting requirements and in Progress accounts to ensure that to HARP Ordinary Depreciation anymore as a result of newly introduced
standards (Step 1) and Amortization and HARP 4.4.4 stringent environmental measures.
only active projects are included (i.e.
- I naccurate or fraudulent closing Useful Lives of Property, Plant and (Step 3)
entries (incl. judgemental non viable projects are written off
Equipment. (Step 1) • Once assets are identified as unused,
assumptions and estimates) and completed projects are moved
to Property, Plant and Equipment). • For mineral reserves, refer to HARP mothballed or idle, the depreciation and
(Step 3) Property, Plant and Equipment the assumptions should be supported
Quarterly (PPE) (section 3 Land and Mineral by adequate documentation and
- Errors in financials 3. Approval by the CFO (or designee) of Reserves). (Step 1) properly approved by the CFO (or
- Financial losses the write-off of all unused, mothballed • Capitalization of the expenditure and designee). Unused, mothballed and idle
and idle assets and/or change of the timely initiation of depreciation assets that have been written-off are
supported by adequate documentation
depreciation method used. Upon are reviewed and approved by the
appropriate Finance person. Journal and are approved by the CFO, as well
Request as change of depreciation method (incl.
entries, if needed, have attached the
supporting calculation and are signed Reduction of useful life). Refer to HARP
off by the the appropriate Finance G 002-13 Mothballing in HARP
person. (Step 1) Property, Plant and Equipment (PPE)
(section 2.10 Idle Assets). (Step 3)
• The person responsible for Construction
in Progress (CIP) reviews the status of •G
roup Sustainability targets which might
all Construction in Progress to check trigger additional investment in proven
whether assets, with a value deemed technologies resulting in certain assets
recoverable, are ready for use. Any being idle or obsolete in a shorter period
change related to the project and than the original estimated useful life
the use of the asset should be taken of the assets. This should be reviewed
into account in the assessment of the carefully with the Regional CFO and
irrecoverability of the asset value.Based accelerated depreciation might have to
on this review, finance staff responsible be accounted for. (Step 3)
for Property, Plant and Equipment Link to: Finance Policy, Lease Directive,
(PPE) reclassifies Construction in Capex Directive and Annual ARC
Progress to fixed assets and initiates impairment model and impairment
depreciation within 30 days of the testing guidelines
- Errors in financials
- Financial losses
- Fraud
egular physical inventories of assets the root cause and any adjustments
are performed on a rolling basis (at needed are approved by the CFO then
least once every three years) and recorded. (Step 1)
differences in floor to list and list to floor
comparisons are identified. Material Link to: Finance Policy
differences are investigated to identify
and material master data
Ensure only authorized
• Before adding a new customer in all required information is completed.
personnel can create, modify 1. Countries identify if there is a need countries designated as having a Regional specificities to be aligned
and delete customer and for screening for any new customer sanctions risk (see Legal & Compliance with Regional Internal Control Director.
to validate they are not designated intranet portal/sanctions), obtain (Step 2)
material master data
as having a sanctions risks. When a sanctions screen (or exemption)
from local or regional compliance • For existing customers, changes to bank
required, a sanctions screening is and/or Sanctions Board Approval, information in the customer master data
RISK performed and documented locally. must only be done post execution of
when required. Sanctioned entities
-T ransaction with sanctioned Upon Request the callback process, of which must be
or individuals cannot be added to the
parties (Step 1) documented with a post confirmation
2. Changes to customer master data customer master data. There should
-F ailure in customer master data via email that the verification call took
are based on approved requests and be an ongoing sanctions screening as
creation or maintenance place. (Step 2)
defined in the Sanctions and Export
(Step 2, 3, 4) performed by an authorized user only.
Controls Directive: systematically as • Quarterly, a master data change report
- Money laundering (Step 2) Quarterly review and sign-off by the defined in Symfact and at transaction
-F ailure in material master data manager responsible for changes to is run of all creations, modifications and
level considering the defined deletions to ensure that all the changes
creation or maintenance customer master data for a minimum transactions in scope. (Step 1) were duly approved and performed
(Step 3, 4, 5)
-U nauthorized access, disclosure,
25 random samples to ensure such by authorized users. If any exceptions
• The addition of a new material and
modification, damage or loss of changes were based on approved are found, they are documented and
subsequent changes require approval
data (Step 6) requests and performed by an based on a predefined approval reported immediately for investigation.
authorized user. Quarterly process or framework with appropriate Corrective actions are documented
IMPACT and tracked. All exceptions are closed
- Compliance 3. Annually extract a list of inactive supporting documentation. A check is
performed to confirm that all required within the locally defined timeframe. As
- Reputational damages customers and ensure they are blocked / minimum, in SAP the following fields
deactivated. Exceptions, if any, are information is completed. (Step 2)
- Financial losses for customer master data should be
- Fraud documented and approved by the • The addition of a new customer and considered as critical: Customer name,
responsible, identified locally. Annual subsequent changes require approval Value Added Tax (VAT), Bank details
4. Quarterly verification and sign-off by based on a predefined process with (as defined above), reconciliation
appropriate supporting documentation. account, account assignment group,
the responsible manager to ensure
As a minimum, a document supporting payment terms, tolerance group and
only users from customer Master Data the identify of the customer is for material master data: account
Management function have access required. One of these examples assignment group, valuation class,
to change customer master data. suffice: Certificate of incorporation or price control. Other fields can be added
Quarterly registration, Extract from commercial locally above the minimum. (Step 2, 5)
5. Changes to material master data are register, Business license, Tax
certificate, DUNS certificate, National • Customer records should be reviewed
based on approved requests and on an annual basis for activity and any
ID for individuals. Bank documentation
performed by an authorized user only. is highly recommended for inclusion record with no activity for a long period
Quarterly review and sign-off by the of a customer in the customer (18 months) should be deactivated, with
manager responsible for changes to master data but not mandatory, at a the exception of Solutions & Products’
material master data for a minimum minimum its required when a refund or customers (warranty program). (Step 3)
25 random samples to ensure such subsequent change to bank record is to • Changes to customer and material
changes were based on approved be processed. One of these examples master data directly in SAP should only
suffice: RIB; IBAN; bank letter of
requests and performed by an be performed by SCs.(SAP only and
confirmation or bank statement, a copy whenever possible). (Step 4, 6)
authorized user. Quarterly of cancelled check or other acceptable
6. Quarterly verification and sign-off by documentation that establishes the Link to: Sanctions and Export Controls
the responsible manager to ensure customer identity to the bank details. Directive and Sanctions and Export
only users from material Master Data A check is performed to confirm that Controls Resource Center
Management function have access to
change material master data. Quarterly
Prevent unauthorized changes
• All price determination processes are • Exceptions to standard discounts/
to prices, discounts or rebates 1. Approval per the delegation of defined in a written pricing policy and rebates are specified in accordance
authority of standard prices, discounts formalized in sales contracts and/or with the company’s policy and are
sales orders, compliant with legal authorized by the designated approver.
RISK and rebates, price changes and
requirements as well as fair competition (Step 1)
ack of commercial strategy and exceptions to standard discounts or and anti-bribery and corruption laws • All employees must comply with the
pricing policy (Step 1) rebates are reviewed and documented. and regulations. A price list of all Commercial Documentation Directive to
nauthorized commercial Upon Request products and services are set by pricing, ensure all pricing decisions, competitor
commitments and conditions sales and marketing, taking into account
(Step 1, 2, 3)
2. Quarterly verification and sign-off by contacts and sources of market
different pricing aspects as per pricing information are properly documented
the responsible manager to ensure policy, including other providers (e.g.
IMPACT only users from commercial function (MCS 02). (Step 1)
transporters, applicators). A complete
- Errors in financials as per delegation of authority / • Price changes are properly approved,
list, including effective dates, is
- Financial losses accurately reflected in the system and
approved business service center users communicated to the team responsible
- Fraud exception reports are leveraged and
have access to change pricing data. for updating the list in the system.
No backdating of effective prices is reviewed before the sale. Corrective
Quarterly actions are duly closed within the
allowed. (Step 1)
3. Quarterly pricing master data change process of the company’s policy and
• Standard discount and rebate structures documented. (Step 1, 2)
report (including pricing condition are defined for different categories of
modifications) is reviewed and signed- customers. Each discount or rebate • Pricing master data change report
off by the responsible manager. type is documented in the company’s available at each region/country is
Unauthorized change to the master policy with specific objectives, clear reviewed. (Step 3)
data is investigated and corrective rules of application that were approved Link to: Anti-Bribery and Corruption
actions taken. Quarterly by management and supported by local Policy, Fair Competition Directive and
legal/compliance. No backdating of Commercial Documentation Directive
discounts and rebates schemes allowed.
(Step 1)
credit limits shipments and invoices
Grant prior authorization for Match and reconcile sales
customers exceeding their 1. Prior to shipment, ensure there orders, shipments and invoices 1. Monthly reconciliation of quantities
credit limit is an automated or manual check to ensure proper revenue and correction of any differences
to prevent shipment/ delivery to recognition identified in the matching of sales
customers exceeding credit limit order, invoices and shipments,
RISK (credit block). Approval as per including deviations from weighbridge
nauthorized commercial RISK tolerances, to ensure that all deliveries
the local delegation of authority is
commitments and conditions (Step 1) - Unauthorized or erroneous sales
required to change customer credit are invoiced. Monthly
oor credit and risk management orders and/or shipments
process resulting in increased bad limit. Upon Request (Step 1, 3, 4) 2. Weekly (or in line with the locally
debt (Step 1) 2. Letters of credit/guarantees or - Unauthorized commercial defined frequency of customers’
ransaction with sanctioned note acceptance by banks not in commitments and conditions invoicing) reconciliation by the billing
parties (Step 2) (Step 1, 2, 3, 4) team of unbilled items and resolution
the Holcim Bank list are sanction
- Inaccurate or fraudulent revenue
IMPACT screened and approved by Country within a week. Upon change
recognition (Step 1, 2, 3, 4)
- Compliance CFO before the release of the goods/ 3. Monthly verification and approval by
- Financial losses services. Upon Request IMPACT
finance of any sales accrual needed at
- Fraud - Errors in financials
- Financial losses
month-end based on unbilled items.
- Fraud Monthly
REQUIREMENTS 4. Open sales orders with a planned
redit line to a single customer • The individual order is released delivery date in the past (not shipped/
(legal entity level) to be approved in following a documented effective invoiced) are reviewed monthly and
accordance with the Group Delegated approval process to avoid unnecessary resolved on a timely basis. Monthly
Authorities (GDA). In case the sale is disruption.
covered by a security delivered by a • All invoices, deliveries, credit notes and
third party (letter of credit, stand by orders are computed to calculate the
letter of credit or a first demand bank customer balance and to compare it
guarantee) the amount secured shall against their credit limit.
be deducted from the risk exposure
only if the security is on first demand • Any practice of bypassing a hold on
(confirmed LC/stand by LC/first customer shipments (manual shipment,
demand guarantee, etc.) and issued by fictive cash customer account, etc.) are
a first class bank accepted by Group restricted and tracked by exception
Treasury. Only in this case, the credit reports. Corrective actions are duly
limit/line will be submitted for approval closed within the process of company’s
based on the net risk exposure after policy and documented.
deduction of the security. (Step 1) • If applicable, all letters of credit/
redit limit checks must take place for guarantees or note acceptance are
all sales orders. Orders exceeding a issued/confirmed by a bank part of the
customer’s credit limit are managed and Holcim Bank List before the release of
approved according to an appropriate the goods/services. The acceptance of
procedure and local delegation of banks not part of the Holcim Bank List
authority (DoA). (Step 1) is subject to sanction screening and
Country CFO approval. (Step 2)
No shipments are allowed when customers
exceed their credit limit until: (Step 1) Link to: Group Delegated Authorities,
Finance Policy, First class bank accepted
n increased credit limit has been by the Holcim Group and Sanctions and
properly approved by delegation of Export Controls Directive
authority and updated in the system.
shipments and invoices valuation
ll sales orders, shipments and invoices approved parameters in the system Ensure receivable balances are
are recorded in the applications. (Step 1) from sales order to invoice. (Step 1) reviewed and provisions are 1. Quarterly review and approval by
• There is a pre-defined tolerance • SAP: All orders shall be processed via recorded on a quarterly basis the designated finance person of the
threshold at the weighbridge for SD including any discounts and rebates, provision for bad debt. Quarterly
dispatched goods. at least annually, i.e. no direct FI bookings. (Step 1)
weighbridges and measurement RISK 2. At minimum, quarterly monitoring by
• There is, at least at month end, a
equipment are re-calibrated as per local - Unauthorized or erroneous sales the Credit Committee of the doubtful
follow-up on unbilled items. The report
regulations. (Step 1) of unbilled items is reviewed weekly (or orders and/or shipments account balances. Quarterly
ccuracy of amounts invoiced are in line with the locally defined frequency (Step 1, 2) 3. Recording of write-off approved by
checked when manually calculated, of customers’ invoicing) by the billing - Poor credit and risk management
process resulting in increased bad
the Credit Committee according to
or are accurately calculated by the team and all the unbilled items are the Delegation of authority (DoA).
application system using standard billed within one week from the date debt (Step 1, 2, 3)
- Inaccurate or fraudulent revenue Upon Request
programed algorithms and established they first appear in the unbilled report
terms of sales (unit price, discount and and within the same reporting month recognition (Step 1, 2, 3)
rebates rate). (Step 1) as the delivery. Every month end, the IMPACT
• Invoices/billing (e.g. quantities, price, sales manager receives the information, - Errors in financials
discount, rebates, product, customer documenting any follow-up action. - Financial losses
data) are matched with sales orders, Finance verifies and approves the need - Fraud
quantities shipped and customer master for a possible adjustment entry (e.g.
file information. An automated match sales accrual) at the end of the month,
based on the unbilled items. (Step 2, 3) REQUIREMENTS
is performed between the invoice and
order (including all necessary data). • Rules for closure of open sales orders The bad-debt provision must consider • The Credit Committee meetings are
(Step 1) with delivery date in the past must be the risk of debt recoverability at the end held regularly (at least quarterly)
ny differences are investigated and defined locally in accordance to the of the reporting period every quarter: to monitor the doubtful accounts
related adjustments are approved and sales terms and conditions, but should (Step 1, 2) receivable balances.
documented (e.g. returns, redispatch, be resolved at a minimum half yearly.
• Quarterly reconciliation of trade Review over specific Accounts
interco mismatch, cut-off). In addition, (Step 4)
balances with the customers must Receivables which indicates
any discounts and taxes match the take place, and documentation kept uncollectibility is considered for write-off.
to demonstrate effort to collect the Uncollectibility is evidenced by significant
receivables (formal dunning process and difficulty of debtor, a high probability of
exchanges with the trading partner). bankruptcy or other situations as defined
• The assessment of the bad debt in Holcim Accounting and Reporting
provision is estimated using an Principles (HARP). (Step 3)
expected credit loss model (ECL). The • Write-offs are determined by the Credit
provision is based on a forward-looking Committee on the basis of appropriate
ECL, which includes possible default supporting documents
events on the trade accounts receivable • Write-offs for amount above a locally
over the entire holding period of the defined thresholds approved by the
receivable. This method is applicable for Country CFO.
all financial receivables including trade
accounts receivables, prepaid expenses • If receivables are collected after being
and other current assets (IFRS 9). written off, the amounts collected
should be directly credited on the
• Any change is clearly documented and company bank account and the
justifiable by the Country. information provided to Accounts
• Provisions are reviewed and approved Receivable department.
by the appropriate Country finance
person and recorded by the designated Link to: Group Delegated Authorities,
department. Finance Policy and HARP
Accounts Receivable Trade
offboarding, master data
management and transfers of workers
Ensure onboarding,
• Employment contracts or hiring - User termination process is agreed
offboarding and worker 1. Signing, by the employee and the documentation exist for all employees between the Human Resources /
transfer processes, including company, of employment contracts and are signed, as per Group Delegated Business and the IT function - Human
or hiring documentation for all Authorities (GDA) or delegation Resources / Business notifies IT on or
employee master data
employees, including a Compliance of authority (DoA). Employment before the last working day of the user
management, exist and cover contracts (if applicable by law) or hiring who is leaving the company (e.g. end
Reference Check for Senior Leaders
payroll changes, recovery documentation with all new employees of contract, resigned, terminated etc.)
Group or Country Executive Committee refer to the Code of Business Conduct requesting termination of access from
of assets, system access positions. Upon Request (CoBC) and indicate that disciplinary all IT systems.
termination and comply with measures can be taken on the ground
2. Notification to IT by Human Resources - Where the termination process is not
legal regulations or the business to request termination of this document in case of a breach. automated, a notification is received
For all new appointments to a Senior back from IT in a timely manner
of access from all systems before the
Leaders Group (SLG) or Country confirming that all IT system access
RISK last working day of user leaving the Executive Committee position, the is terminated (within 5 working days
ack or ineffective HR company. Confirmation by the Human appointing manager must request a from the requested date).
management process (for example Resources that all assets were recovered Compliance Reference Check from the
onboard, offboarding, worker from terminated employees and relevant Region Compliance Officer • All employee departures follow a strict
transfer process) (Step 1, 2, 3) (or delegate) and for Group level written procedure ensuring that all legal
employee system was deactivated prior requirements have been respected
ailure in employee master data to final payroll payments. Upon Request appointments from Group Compliance.
creation or maintenance (Step 4) (Step 1) (in particular in case of lay-off) and
nauthorized access, disclosure, 3. Quarterly verification by Human all payroll related payments have
• A process is in place for Human been made to the employee, once all
modification, damage or loss of Resources and cost centers responsible Resources (HR) administration to company assets have been retrieved
data (Step 5, 6) that the headcount report is accurate be informed of all moves of both (only applicable if in compliance with
IMPACT (only own active employees, proper employees and temporary workers local labor legislation). (Step 2)
- Compliance coding and classification). Quarterly paid through payroll in a timely manner,
including on-boarding, off-boarding and • At least quarterly, employee headcount
- Reputational damages 4. Quarterly review and sign-off by the is reviewed and validated for accuracy
- Errors in financials changes of position. (Step 2)
control owner for changes to employee between Human Resources and cost
- Financial losses • For people changing positions or center responsibles, to ensure that:
master data for a minimum 25 random
- Fraud leaving the company, there is a 1) all own employees on the payroll
samples to ensure such changes were process to monitor the recovery are actively employed as per the latest
based on approved requests and of all company assets by notifying contractual situation, 2) employment
performed by an authorized user. relevant departments of the change status (i.e. active, leave, etc.) and the
Quarterly and obtaining confirmation that classification of employee is accurate,
the assets were recovered. This and 3) the payee is coded to the correct
5. Monthly validation of the employee includes a confirmation from the IT
movements (hire, transfer and departure) cost center. Any discrepancies found
Department that the employee access is should be resolved within 30 days.
recorded in the Employee Master Data deactivated. (Step 2) (Step 3)
and check the data consistency between
employee data in the local system and
SuccessFactors master data. Monthly
6. Quarterly verification and sign-off
by the control owner to ensure only
authorized users from the Human
Resources department have access
For countries using systems other than to manage employee master data in
SuccessFactors for employee master data SuccessFactors and employee data in
management, equivalent requirements and the local system. Quarterly
controls (Steps 4, 5 and 6) must be in place.
offboarding, master data
management and transfers of workers
Review, validate and reconcile
payroll before and after 1. Monthly payroll approval by Payroll
Human Resources System Master Data they are documented and reported processing every month Team for reasonableness and data
Management: immediately for investigation by the accuracy prior to processing. Monthly
fter the go-live in SuccessFactors, an Group HRIS team. Corrective actions
are documented and tracked. All RISK 2. Reconciliation by Payroll Team of
Employee Master management process
that defines roles, responsibilities and exceptions are closed within the next - Non compliance with local HR laws total payments to the payroll journal
rules for employee data management two weeks. (Step 4) and regulations (Step 1, 2, 3) after payroll processing. Monthly
must be in place and reviewed quarterly • At least monthly, the entity’s Human - Error in payroll process or
3. Approval by the cost center
to ensure quality, security, and Resources team must reconcile the unauthorized employee benefit
(Step 1, 2, 3) responsible that the employee being
compliance. All new hires and existing employee data between SuccesFactors
charged to their department are
employees must have complete records and the local payroll system to ensure IMPACT
in SuccessFactors as per the following data consistency (procedure). The correct. Half year
- Errors in financials
critical and mandatory fields. The hiring employee movements (hire, transfers - Financial losses
process should be enriched and has to and departure) are reviewed to ensure
be as automated as possible to fulfill the that they are recorded correctly in
requirement of this step. (Step 4) both systems. Discrepancies are to be
corrected within 30 days. (Step 5) REQUIREMENTS
dding or changing a new employee
data requires appropriate approval • Only authorized users from the Human • Approval prior to processing payroll: exception reports to identify unusual
based on an employee change request Resources department have access (Step 1) amounts e.g. negative value check,
with supporting documentation. to manage employee master data in zero value check, significant increase
Each HR entity must identify the SuccessFactors and employee data - Balancing routine control: For manual
and mass uploading imports, the between two months).
mandatory supporting documentation in the local system for employee data
as per local regulations. A check is management (procedure). (Step 6) payroll manager should perform data • Reconciliation after processing payroll:
performed to confirm that all required accuracy controls (e.g. verify that the For each payroll, the total payment
For countries using systems other input of total hours worked received
information is completed and accurate. than SuccessFactors for employee issued (treasury account) is reconciled
Changes to Employee Master Data in from the manager matches with the with the payroll journal in order to check
master data management, equivalent total hours worked indicated in the
SuccessFactors must be processed requirements and controls (Steps 4, 5 that amount paid to employees matches
according to the standard Group HR payroll system; verify that the total with the amount calculated by payroll
and 6) must be in place. amount of bonus received from Human
definitions (Employee Data Governance department. (Step 2)
and Global People Data Management Link to: Group Delegated Authorities, Resources matches with the total
Guidelines) and as per the global and Human Resources Policy, Compliance amount in the payroll system). In case •A
t least every six months (e.g. during
regional procedures across the life cycle Negative Reference Check procedure, of Payroll system integration with any salary and bonus review and Budget,
changes of an employee (e.g. hire, job HARP Personnel [FTE], other system, interface should ensure MTP or Forecast cycles), or more
change, termination, etc.). (Step 4) SuccessFactors Critical and Mandatory data approval from the source. frequently if risk is identified as high, cost
Fields, Employee Data Governance - When bonus or any other payout is center responsible must validate that
uarterly, an employee master data the own employee cost being charged
change report is run of all creations, Guideline,Global People Data processed (with or without payroll),
Management Guidelines, MCS 25.5 Data secondary approval should be to their department is correct (total
modifications and deletions to employee cost). High risk countries
ensure that authorized users duly Consistency Manual, MCS 25.6 Manual, performed to ensure accuracy of
SuccessFactors Security Roles and payout, both at individual and total are identified by the Regional Human
approved and performed all the Resources Director in coordination with
changes. If any exceptions are found, SuccessFactors Security Template amount to be paid.
the Regional Internal Control responsible.
- Analytical review comparing one Any discrepancies found should be
month to another justifying variance (if resolved within 30 days. (Step 3)
any) is performed before bank transfer
(analytical review covers payroll Link to: Human Resources Policy
and local labor laws and benefit plans
Ensure payroll and employment Ensure employee pensions and
practices are compliant with 1. Annual review and assessment by post-employment benefit plans 1. Any new plans, amendment or
local labor laws. Work permits Human Resources of key payroll, are defined according to Group de-risking project of current
and work contracts are in place, employment practices, employee policies and local labor laws plans must be communicated by
checked, and up-to-date at all liability and laws to ensure compliance. with proper calculation and the sponsor (local company) to
times In case of non compliance, notification recording Pension and Benefits Governance
to finance, legal and compliance Team and approved as per Group
to assess any financial impact / Delegated Authorities following
RISK provisions /disclosure. Annual RISK recommendation of the Pension
on compliance with local HR laws - Error in payroll process or and Benefits Governance Team.
2. Employee data in the local system are
and regulations (Step 1, 2, 3) unauthorized employee benefit
timely updated in the event of a change. Annually, Pensions and Benefits team
rror in payroll process or (Step 1, 2)
unauthorized employee benefit Upon Change - Pension fund insufficiently
to update the list of all pensions and
(Step 1, 2) capitalized, mismanaged or post-employment benefit plans and
3. Quarterly review, follow up and closure
with insufficient transparency validate with Group Pension and
IMPACT of open compliance actions related
regarding future obligations Benefits Governance Team that they
- Reputational damages to local labor laws and regulations.
(Step 1, 2) are managed in line with the Group
- Financial losses Quarterly
Pension & Benefits Directives. Annual
- Errors in financials 2. Twice per year, CFO (or designee)
- Financial losses should ensure that pensions and
REQUIREMENTS post-employment benefit plans are
he Human Resources (HR) department • Employee data in the local system is correctly valued within the due date
should have an updated information / maintained up to date. Changes are and according to the requirement
checklist (of applicable local labor laws timely updated in the employee files / and scope communicated in the
and regulation). Annual assessment master data upon notification. (Step 2) Group Accounting, Reporting and
should be performed to ensure Consolidation pension instructions.
compliance. Any identified gaps are • Actions related to any non compliance
are recorded and followed up quarterly CFO (or designee) should provide a
reported, and followed up for timely
action. In case of non-compliance with to ensure they are timely closed. (Step 3) sign-off for the actuarial results, at
the local regulation, a risk analysis least annually, in the Group actuary
Link to: Human Resources Policy
is performed and communicated to tool (RA tool) and ensure that inputs
the Finance, Legal and Compliance and outputs are correct and proper
departments to determine the potential accounting entries are booked. A
needs for provisions, disclosures or reconciliation of the actuarial data
actions to achieve compliance. (Step 1)
is performed by CFO (or designee),
with the support of the Group actuary,
between the Group actuary tool and
the consolidation tool. Half year
master data
Ensure only authorized
• A supplier master data management name or bank statement. Any other
personnel create, modify and 1. Changes to supplier master data are process that defines roles, mechanism for supporting documents
delete financially relevant performed by an authorized user responsibilities and rules is in place and for bank changes must be approved
and based on an approved request. reviewed when required. (Step 1, 3) by the Group Internal Control with
vendor data
the agreement of Group Treasury
Quarterly review and sign-off by the • Duplicate check is performed before and Group Compliance. A check is
manager responsible for changes to a new record is created. Duplicate performed to confirm that all required
RISK supplier master data for a minimum records are not permitted. Each entity information and documents are
- Failure in vendor masterfile should formally define its mandatory
25 random samples to ensure such complete. (Step 1)
maintenance: error, fraud, and critical fields in SAP/Local ERP,
duplicate, etc. (Step 1, 2, 3)
changes were based on approved
in line with the legal and business • Quarterly, a master data change report
-U nauthorized access, disclosure, requests and performed by an
requirements. The list should include is run of all creations and modifications
modification, damage or loss of authorized user. Quarterly as minimum legal name, bank details, to ensure that all the transactions were
data (Step 1, 3) 2. Annually the master data quality incoterms, reconciliation account performed by authorized users based
check is performed and duplicate, (General Ledger) and control data on approved requests and documents.
(Goods Receipt-based invoice (Step 1)
- Compliance inconsistent and inactive supplier
verification).Other fields can be locally
- Financial losses accounts are blocked/deactivated. added above the minimum. (Step 1) • If any exceptions are found, they are
- Fraud No exceptions are permitted. Annual documented and reported immediately
• The addition of a new supplier requires for investigation. Corrective action is
3. Quarterly verification and sign-off by
appropriate supporting documentation. documented and tracked. All exceptions
the responsible manager to ensure A check is performed to confirm that all are closed in a timely manner (locally
only users from MDM function have required information and documents defined). (Step 1)
access to change supplier master data. are complete. (Step 1)
Quarterly •S
upplier records are to be reviewed
• For existing vendors, changes to bank on an annual basis for data quality
account details must only be done post (duplicate check, tax code check, bank
execution of the callback process using account check, mismatch in the supplier
the registered contact information and bank account country and inactive
in the master data. The call must be suppliers for more than 18 months) and
documented with a post confirmation are deactivated or blocked for payment
via email. The changes are supported and purchase with the exception of
by appropriate approval based on Solutions & Products’ suppliers (warranty
supporting documentation. In addition program). Suppliers identified as part
to the supplier request for change, of the procurement supplier reduction
any one of the following supporting strategies are to be deactivated and
documentation are accepted: RIB; flagged for deletion. (Step 2)
IBAN; bank letter of confirmation,
cancelled cheque with printed vendor Link to: Procurement Policy
and claim management
Screen and qualify suppliers
• There are clear rules based on of the supplier); Technical (goods
before their addition to the 1. Screening of potential suppliers by purchasing categories to identify and services as defined by category
supplier master data and Procurement (or designee) based on vendors that are required to go through teams) and Management & Tracking
the criteria required by Procurement, a qualification process. Qualification to on-going performance evaluation
manage supplier performance
is performed in line with the Code of linked to a Claim Management and
Sustainability, and Compliance
Business Conduct for Suppliers, Data Consequence Management processes.
including Sanctions and Third Party Universal Numbering System (DUNS) (Step 1, 2)
RISK Due Diligence, must occur prior to requirements, and certification such
- I neffective or unethical vendor • In case of poor supplier performance or
entering into a transaction or adding as International Organization for
selection process (incl. TPDD repeated unsolved claims, the Category
process) (Step 1, 2, 3)
a supplier in the supplier master Standardization (ISOs). (Step 1)
Manager agrees with the supplier on a
-T ransaction with sanctioned data or approved supplier list. Upon
• All service suppliers that represent the corrective action plan; if this corrective
parties (Step 1) Request company to a government agency, action plan is not followed or not
IMPACT 2. Review of supplier performance official or owned-enterprise to be efficient, the supplier is blacklisted.
by Procurement must occur for screened compliant with the Third Party (Step 2)
- Compliance
critical and strategic criteria Due Diligence Directive (TPDD) before
- Reputational damages • During the ongoing qualifications,
inclusion in the supplier master data.
- Financial losses (including suppliers with high ESG (Step 1) supplier performance is periodically
- Fraud impact). Suppliers not meeting assessed for at least critical and
the requirements are flagged as • Before adding a new supplier in strategic criteria (including suppliers
“disqualified” or “conditionally countries designated as having a with high Environmental, social,
sanctions risk (Legal & Compliance and governance (ESG) impact) and
approved” until action plans are
intranet portal/sanctions), obtain a any supplier that does not meet
completed, or the supplier is sanctions screen (or exemption) from the requirements must be flagged
blacklisted if there are ongoing local or regional compliance. Sanctioned as disqualified and consequent
issues. Annual entities or individuals cannot be added management applied (ex. replacement).
3. Supplier qualification must be to the supplier master data. Sanctions (Step 2, 3)
and Export Controls Directive. (Step 1)
updated at least on annual basis Link to: Code of Business Conduct
for critical and strategic suppliers • Supplier qualification should include for Suppliers, Procurement Policy,
(including suppliers with high ESG the following criteria: Health and Safety, Third Party Due Diligence Directive,
impact). Annual Human Rights and Labor, Bribery and Sanctions and Export Controls Directive,
Corruption, Environment, Climate and Sustainable Procurement Directive,
Nature (as defined in the Sustainable Shipping Directive, Sustainable
Procurement Management Standard Procurement Management Standard
and the Sustainable Procurement and Legal & Compliance intranet portal/
Directive, Commercial (financial health sanctions
and direct vendor invoices
Reconcile purchase orders,
Purchases using purchase orders: • An exception report (exception to
receipts and invoices 1. Approval in the system by the (Step 1, 2, 3) three-way and two-way match) is
(three-way match) or approve designated approver according to the • Purchasing instruments (purchase distributed regularly for verification and
delegation of authority of all purchase resolution. Only when the exceptions
two-way match or vendor request, purchase orders, framework
orders or contracts) are approved are cleared and properly explained can
direct invoices to clear invoices requisitions or purchase orders
according to country, regional and the payment be made. If discrepancies
for payment (depending on system design). exceed a defined threshold, payment
Group delegations of authority
Upon change requires approval as per delegation of
(involving legal and financial
2. Verification and correction of departments when required) prior to authority. (Step 2, 3)
RISK exceptions by the designated entering into a commitment with the
-F raudulent or incorrect purchase Purchases using vendor direct invoices
responsible (business or supplier. (Step 1) (if applicable) with locally defined
order (Step 1, 2, 3, 4)
- Lack of control (quality and procurement) to the three-way match • Supplier invoices are only cleared for criteria: (Step 4)
quantity) of goods and services report and approval according to the payment after the system automatically • Any vendor direct invoices (SAP FI
received (Step 3) local delegation of authority if the matches the purchase order, receipts invoices) which qualify for payment
exception is above the locally defined and the supplier invoice (three-way without a PO are entered into the
IMPACT match) or purchase order and an system and are sent into a workflow
threshold. Upon change
- Errors in financials approved invoice (two-way match). immediately for review and approval
- Financial losses 3. Approval by the requisitioner or other (Step 1, 2, 3) according to local delegation of
- Fraud designated approver per the local authority (DoA). Vendor direct invoices
delegation of authority of any two- • Discrepancies between the invoice, are discouraged and must be limited.
purchase order (PO) and receipt are Once the responsible employee reviews
way match invoices to confirm that
formally identified and the system the invoice to confirm the amount, that
the amount and workflow are correct blocks the payment process if the the goods or services were received
and goods or services are received. discrepancy exceeds the locally defined and approved, the invoice is cleared for
Upon change threshold. (Defined thresholds must payment.
4. Approval by the designated approver be documented and approved by local
delegation of authority (DoA). (Step 2) Link to: Procurement Policy
per the local delegation of authority
in the system of any vendor direct
invoices to confirm that the amount
and workflow are correct and goods
or services are received. Upon change
Approve payments/cash
• Payments / cash disbursements are Strategic Social Investments, Sponsorship
disbursements in accordance approved according to the local and Group and Donations Directive. (Step 1)
1. Approval according to the Group
with local and Group policies Treasury Directive, Group Delegated
Delegated Authorities and related Authorities (GDA) and local delegation of • All business trips require appropriate
and directives directives, and local delegation of authorization and controls, to be adhered by
authority prior to actual payment. (Step 1)
authority of all payments and cash both the line managers and employees. The
disbursements prior to payment. • Payments related to transactions that local travel policies shall include an approval
RISK did not go through the purchase order system and process in accordance with
-U nauthorized or erroneous Upon Request
(PO) or Direct Invoice (FI) process are Travel and Events policy. (Step 1)
processing of supplier payments 2. Expenditures falling in the Gift, authorized on the basis of appropriate
(Step 1, 2, 3) Hospitalities, Strategic Social supporting documents and according to • Incorrect payments: A process must be
- Corruption and bribery (Step 1, 2) local delegation of authority (DoA) prior in place to prevent incorrect payments
Investments, Sponsorship and (e.g. use of a report to check duplicate
-T ransaction with sanctioned parties to actual payment. Following are the
(Step 1)
Donations, entertainment and payments, stamping invoices as paid when
acceptable list of supporting documents
- Money Laundering (Step 1) travel and expense categories are the payment is issued or other automatic
for manual payment requests: Invoice
identified through the accounting including IBAN / Bank details, Agreement/ system control). (Step 1)
IMPACT system. Payment carried out contract including IBAN / Bank details, •P
ayments made as marketing gifts,
- Compliance
in contradiction to the Gifts, Official document of the local authorities hospitalities, entertainments and travels for
- Reputational damages
- Errors in financials Hospitality, Entertainment and including IBAN / Bank details, Official online third parties above the threshold defined
Travel or Sponsorship and Donations registry of Bank detail / IBAN verifiers by countries, and for public officials, have
- Financial losses
Directives are rejected. (e.g. tax office, or companies registry). been approved according to rules defined
- Fraud
Where they exist, countries will comply in Gifts, Hospitality, Entertainment and
Upon Request
with local regulations. Bank details must be Travel (GHET) Directive. No reimbursement
3. Monthly review and approval by the authenticated based on a trustworthy and for cash payments made as GHET is made.
designated finance person of the independent (other than the one provided (Step 1, 2)
accounts payable subledger accounts by the requestor) source of information •C
ountry CEOs’ expenses are to be
and the aging report to examine (two-factor authentication). (Step 1) controlled and approved by the Country
unusual balances and take corrective • The payment process ensures that distinct CFO. If not approved directly in the ERP, the
actions. Monthly persons are in charge of the following tasks: offline (email) approval has to be attached in
1) approval for payment (persons signing the local approval system. (Step 2)
the check or issuing payment by bank • In connection with the month-end
transfer) and 2) accounting (preparation closing, the accounts payable subledger
of bank journal entries). Disbursements is reviewed to examine unusual balances
should be processed by a member of staff (e.g. old balance, debit amount, incorrect
independent from the receipt or matching currency rate etc.). Debit balances within
of invoice process. (Step 1) the Accounts Payable (A/P) subledger are
reviewed and justification is checked for
• Payments to suppliers that represent the (e.g. credit notes, advance payments). The
company to government agencies, officials follow-up actions are described and are
or owned-enterprises have been approved monitored in the following month. (Step 3)
under the Third Party Due Diligence
Directive (TPDD) before payment can be Link to: Group Delegated Authorities,
made. (Step 1) Travel and Events Policy, Third Party
Due Diligence Directive, Treasury
• Sponsorship and donation payments or Directive, Strategic Social Investment,
any payment made directly or indirectly Sponsorship and Donations Directive,
to public official without expecting any Gifts, Hospitality, Entertainment and
consideration in return must be reviewed Travel (GHET) Directive, Capex Directive
by Compliance and authorized according and HARP Other Cost Center
to local delegation of authority (DoA), the Expenses
Group Delegated Authorities (GDA) and the
not invoiced
Ensure that all accruals for
• There should be a process to review • For direct purchases (FI Invoice), the
expenditures are properly 1. All goods receipts (GR) and services open purchase orders to detect responsible department should inform
recorded in financial statements receipt (SR) should be recorded unrecorded goods and services the accounting department before
before the month end by the received. Open purchase orders for month-end for the invoice not received
in the correct period
responsible locations. Purchasing which the delivery date has passed / recorded. The accounting department
should be monitored and purchase reviews the invoices that are missing
manager (or designated) should orders with open quantities that are no to determine which expenses should
RISK verify that there are no unrecorded longer needed are closed. (Step 1) be accrued for proper cut-off. The
- I naccurate or fraudulent recording goods receipts or service receipt completeness of the accrual of rendered
of expenditure and accruals • All goods receipts or services rendered
(Step 1, 2, 3)
at the month end for the goods and services and received goods is then
(meeting all specifications e.g. quantity,
services received as per the Purchase validated through a comparison of
quality) and the corresponding vendor costs to budget, where applicable,
IMPACT Order. Monthly invoices should be timely recorded in and by reviewing open purchase and
- Errors in financials
2. Goods Receipt and Invoice Receipt the system. If the goods or services are service orders (if complete review is not
account (or equivalent system received but the invoice is missing, an possible, certain thresholds based on
account) should be cleared monthly accrual is created in the application. The budget can be defined locally). (Step 3)
accrual is reviewed for reasonableness
(ongoing) before month end closing
on a monthly basis by the Purchasing • Follow-up: Old accrual entries which
by the designated person (business Manager. (Step 1) were not offset by the system are
or procurement). Monthly followed up monthly and cleared by the
• In SAP GR IR clearing account is an Purchasing Manager. Any adjustment
3. Accruals are booked monthly by the intermediary clearing account for goods
accounting function for all purchases related to current month accrual is
and invoices in transit. It represents posted by the Accounting personnel
and expenses with pending invoices. Goods Receipt and Invoice Receipt (GR/ and reviewed by the appropriate
Any adjustment to the accruals needs IR) Account. It’s a balance sheet account Financial responsible. (Step 3)
to be approved by the appropriate therefore will have a balance at the end
Financial responsible. Monthly of the period. Goods Receipt and Invoice Link to: Finance Policy
Receipt differences should be reconciled
by identifying the difference in the
account (missing corresponding invoice
or goods receipt). The Goods Receipt
and Invoice Receipt ageing should also
be reviewed to ensure items are timely
cleared. (Step 2)
parts and materials, and
volume reconciliations
Perform physical stock take of
Regular physical stock takes of spare 4. Roles and Responsibilities
spare parts at least annually 1. Physical verification of spare parts is parts and materials are organized by -T
he site manager (or designated
and materials at least monthly conducted annually (or by rotation the plant team with participation of the person) validates and communicates the
throughout the year) with counts finance team and performed according
to ensure that the records stocktake planning to all stakeholders.
to defined procedures. Any other He is responsible, as per local DoA, of the
reflect the correct descriptions, documented and discrepancy, if any,
approach due to business restrictions or review and approval of the stock-take
quantities, and values approved and adjusted according to particularities must be agreed in advance and of the proposed adjustments.
defined requirements. Annual and approved by Group Internal Control.
he functional manager (based on
2. Physical verification of materials is stock nature) is primarily responsible
conducted monthly with appropriate for the organization and performance
- I naccurate or fraudulent recording 1. Preparation of physical inventory
measuring equipments and method of the stock-take. He is responsible
and tracking of inventory - The plant procedure for stock-taking
(Step 1, 2, 3, 4) by stock owners with counts to sign-off stock-take results and
documented and discrepancy, if any, which describes scope, objective, proposes adjustments in case of physical
- Inappropriate physical storage resources and timeline is available and
protection and lack of organization approved, adjusted and documented differences to the site manager.
for inventories (Step 1, 2, 3, 4) according to defined requirements. - The financial controller (or independent
- Inefficient spare parts - The scope of inventory stock count designee when necessary) ensures the
Any discrepancy over 5% for
management (Step 1, 2, 3, 4) includes capitalized spare parts, parts reliability of the work done, including
materials need to be investigated with zero/ minimum values (e.g.
- Unreliable production data and on-the-field independent observation
and documented with justifications. obsolete parts written-off but still in as part of the count team. He/ she
reconciliation process (Step 3)
Finance function participates in the plant) and off-site inventories. is also responsible for the inventory
IMPACT the physical verification process as It excludes consigned stocks for reconciliation along with the functional
- Errors in financials observer at least half-yearly. Monthly customers and suppliers. manager and when necessary, records
- Financial losses - Movement of parts are stopped or adjustments to the financial statements
- Fraud 3. An end-of-month production
controlled during the stocktaking according to defined delegation of
data reconciliation is performed authority (DoA).
(reception, issue, return etc.).
by the Production manager (or
delegated person) as per the defined 2. Stocktake 5. Follow-up on stocktaking results
requirements. Finance/controlling - Stocktaking is made under adequate - A double count is performed in case of
verifies the stock reconciliation supervision. quantity discrepancies for above 5%
process locally performed in the discrepancy per material (specify by
- Count sheets to be used for the stock-
business line)
plant and when necessary, applies take do not show the quantity recorded
adjustments to the financial in the system (blind count). - Codification, description and label of
statements according to defined stocks are checked and updated if
- Stocktaking process identifies items
delegation of authority. Monthly that exist but are not recorded and
items that are recorded but do not exist - Stock taking results are reconciled with
4. Annual independent full stock take (i.e. floor to listing and listing to floor). the data from the inventory ledger
of materials (measurements made by by independent people (not those in
- Obsolete items are identified during the
dedicated and skillful team of non- charge of inventory management).
stock owner, e.g. 3rd party service, - This reconciliation is reviewed by the
other functions within the company) 3. Frequency warehouse manager and the finance
is performed with differences The stock take of spare parts is to be controller.
identified, approved and adjusted. performed at least yearly. In case full -A
fter reconciliation and approval,
Annual scope stocktake of spare parts is not adjustment entries are recorded in ledgers.
performed at the year end, monthly or
- Discrepancies are analyzed to identify
quarterly cycle counts are organized and
their sources and implement corrective
ensure that all spare parts were included
in the yearly stocktake process.
- Errors in financials
- Financial losses
- Fraud
he valuation of each type of inventory once per year at Year End (or Hard
is reviewed for consistency with Group Close November). (Step 1)
Accounting rules. Inventory costs • Inventory provisions (obsolescence and
include purchasing costs, conversion slow moving spare parts) and write-
costs and other costs incurred in offs are estimated according to Holcim
bringing the inventories to their present Accounting and Reporting Principles
location and condition (excluding (HARP), based on appropriate
storage costs). (Step 1) supporting documents and applied
urchased products are valued consistently from one year to another.
at purchase price less any price They are approved according to the
deductions such as trade discounts and delegation of authority. (Step 2)
rebates. Expenses directly related to the • Review for obsolescence for slow
acquisition (insurance, import duties, moving parts and related provisions
transport and handling costs etc.) are and write-offs are performed half yearly
included in the value of the inventory. during hard close events. (Step 2)
(Step 1)
• The inventories of raw materials and
• Inventory of own produced finished kiln fuels (coal, petcoke, oil, etc.) with
and intermediate products are no movements of more than 3 months
valued based on actual cost of goods must be valued at the lower of costs
produced including depreciation and and net realizable value per location
certain distribution costs (transport to site. (Step 2)
terminals, warehousing, bagging, etc.).
Standard costing can be used during Link to: Group Delegated Authorities,
the year. At year-end, inventories must Finance Policy, HARP Accounting for
be restated to actual cost. Standard value adjustment for different types of
cost should be updated at a minimum inventory and HARP Inventories
to IT systems to production IT systems
Management of access to IT users have appropriate
IT systems is in place to 1. Access to the IT systems will only access as per their job role and 1. IT performs a half yearly review of all
prevent unauthorized access, be granted, changed or terminated authorization IT user access rights and permissions
disclosure, modification, based upon a correctly authorized for accounts within the production
damage or loss of data access request as per defined systems. Half year
procedure. Upon Request - Unauthorized access, disclosure, 2. Actions are proposed (lock, disable,
2. In the case of terminations, upon modification, damage or loss of remove user accounts) if access
RISK data (Step 1, 2, 3)
nauthorized access, disclosure, receipt of notification from HR/ rights are inappropriate. Access
modification, damage or loss of business, IT to terminate all user IMPACT changes performed are documented
data (Step 1, 2) access in a timely manner (3 working - Operational disruption and appropriately retained.
days for a power user, such as an - Fraud Upon Request
administrator role, and 5 working 3. Dormant account reviews are
- Operational disruption
- Fraud days for a regular user). performed periodically for all IT users
Upon Request (e.g. user not logged-in for 30/60/90
days) and actions taken. Half year
Note: Information Technology (IT) production IT systems). Access review
Note: Information Technology (IT) these IDs (renewable). Based on the
Systems refers collectively to Business of Business users access to IT systems is
Systems refers collectively to Business type of ID and associated risks the
Applications and IT Infrastructure covered under MCS12 and therefore not
Applications and IT Infrastructure sponsor may choose to further limit this
(Operating System, Database, Network, in the scope of this control. (Step 1, 2, 3)
(Operating System, Database, Network, expiry to a shorter period (e.g. three
interfaces) months). Expiration may be set up at • An IT user cannot review their own
Google / Active Directory level where • This control must cover the review access. The review confirms that access
Granting/Changing Access: (Step 1) not supported by the application. of all Information Technology (IT) is in line with the IT users role and
• A formal user access request form function users (e.g. OS, DB & Network responsibilities. (Step 1)
should be filled out for every new or Termination: (Step 2)
administrators, AD administrators,
change request to Holcim information • The scope of this controls starts from application support team from IT and Link to: Information Technology Policy,
systems and the corresponding the time Human Resources or Business all other IT users who have access to Information Systems User Directive and
approver has to approve it ensuring notifies IT a request for termination Annex 09: IT Controls
compliance with segregation of duties of user. The control for business
(SoD) rules. notification to IT is under MCS25. IT to
• Human Resources should confirm the revoke access within defined timeline
identity of all internal users and the upon Human Resources / business
Holcim sponsor for external users. notification
xternal User IDs and temporary Link to: Information Technology Policy,
Holcim employees must have a defined Information Systems User Directive and
expiration date up to 12 months for Annex 09: IT Controls
and batch job management and restoration process
Security configuration settings Data backup, storage and
are reviewed to provide restoration process is 1. Backup is performed as per the
1. Once a year, the security
reasonable technical assurance configuration settings of IT systems implemented to minimize loss schedule (daily, weekly, monthly
to prevent any unauthorized are reviewed to verify whether of data etc.). Backup logs are monitored
the settings are appropriate routinely to verify success /
access to IT systems. Batch
and enforced according to the completeness. Errors, if any, are
jobs are monitored to ensure RISK reported as incidents and resolved.
data integrity defined security requirements for - Business disruption due to IT/OT
applications, Operating Systems and Daily
unavailability (Step 1, 2, 3)
Database. Access to identified critical 2. When external media is used, backup
transactions is restricted to users as IMPACT is stored offsite and media labeling
- Operational disruption
- Successful cyber attack (IT/OT) needed. Annual procedures are defined and followed.
- Financial loss
(Step 1) When online data replication (e.g.
-D ata leakage of sensitive
2. Access to batch job scheduling
is appropriately restricted to SAN) is setup, data is protected
information (incl. non compliance
authorized users and reviewed half against corruption (ensuring that
with GDPR) (Step 1)
-U nauthorized access, disclosure, yearly. Half year corrupted production data may not
modification, damage or loss of be synced in realtime to the backup).
3. Every month the batch jobs and Upon Request
data (Step 2, 3)
interfaces are monitored and
processing errors are timely 3. Restoration tests are performed at
corrected. Monthly least annually. Failures, if any, are
- Operational disruption
- Fraud investigated and resolved. Annual
Note: Information Technology (IT) third parties) Business or IT should The IS_S04 IT Infrastructure and Backup strategy should be designed
Systems refers collectively to Business obtain independent audit report (e.g. Operations Standard defines the taking into consideration that risk of data
Applications and IT Infrastructure ISAE 3402) from the service provider IT Backup requirements. The local loss and data corruption is minimized
(Operating System, Database, Network, at least annually to verify and follow backup and restore procedures should (e.g. controls to prevent backup data
interfaces) up on any IT internal control deficiency document: corruption). The restoration should be
reported. (Step 1) achievable within the business agreed
inimum Security Baseline • Scheduling
recovery and restoration time objective.
requirements are defined in - Annex • Critical batch jobs (different from end • Backup rotation (Steps 1, 2, 3)
09.01: Holcim Minimum Baseline user scheduled background jobs) are
• Retention times
Security Standard approved by the identified (e.g. interfaces between Link to: Information Technology Policy,
Group IT Security responsible. (Step 1) Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) • Testing of restoration process Information Systems User Directive and
and other critical systems to ensure • Evidence that backup are performed Annex 09: IT Controls
• ITSC Security officer is responsible failures, if any are timely corrected to
to obtain the IT system configuration • Evidence of tests performed regarding
ensure data integrity). Access to such
settings and review them to ensure the restoration procedure
scheduled jobs is restricted. (Step 2, 3)
they are as defined (or stricter) in the
Security configuration Baseline. (Step 1) Link to: Information Technology Policy,
Information Systems User Directive and
or IT systems not managed by Holcim Annex 09: IT Controls
(e.g. Cloud hosted and managed by
to IT systems
Prevent unauthorized changes
Note: Information Technology (IT) • The change approval board (CAB)
in IT systems Systems refers collectively to Business verifies all changes before providing
1. There is verification that the requester
Applications and IT Infrastructure release approval. Changes should not be
is authorized to request changes to
(Operating System, Database, Network, moved to production without approval.
RISK the relevant IT systems. Upon Request interfaces) (Step 4)
nauthorized changes to the IT 2. There is a verification that the
systems (Step 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) • Changes to IT systems should be • Developers should not have change
requester has followed defined requested only by authorized approvers access to production system. The
IMPACT procedure for requesting changes (application super users, business changes in production environment
- Operational disruption and that the requests are approved as process owners) to ensure that only should be moved by administrators
- Financial loss required. Upon Request valid changes for business needs are (BASIS for SAP ERP). (Step 5)
requested. (Step 1)
3. User Acceptance Test is performed • Post change monitoring is performed
(there may be additional tests for • To request changes a defined procedure to ensure there changes were correctly
the Unit and Integration Test, if is followed where the approvals are implemented. (Step 6)
required). Results of User Acceptance captured and recorded. (Step 2)
Link to: Information Technology Policy,
Test record who performed the User • User Acceptance Test (UAT) should Information Systems User Directive and
Acceptance Test and when. not be performed by the developer / Annex 09: IT Controls
Upon Request change responsible to ensure
segregation. User Acceptance Test is
4. There is a verification on the release
generally performed by the application
authorization (ensures evidence super users or business / function
of who authorized the release and approved testers. (Step 3)
when). Upon Request
5. There is verification that segregation
of duties is maintained especially that
the developer does not move their
own changes into the production
environment. Upon Request
6. There is a verification on the existence
of test and log evidence to support
the assertion of secure movement
of changes into production (where
changes are applied directly
on production systems e.g. a
configuration or security setting
change, it is reviewed and confirmed
for correctness). Upon Request
49 Consolidation
50 Statutory financial
50 Statutory financial
statements Tax
Audit fees negotiation and all additional analyzed and the organization and
audit related fees for all Group Companies process is improved for the next year.
and change of auditor at country level (Step 2)
approvals are managed according to • For both the statutory and group audits,
Group Delegated Authorities (GDA) and a mandatory audit firm rotation is to
Approval of audit, audit-related and non- take place every 10 years the latest
audit services Directive. (more frequent intervals may be applied
• A reconciliation between the financial by the management). A previously
statements per the Group reporting appointed audit firm, after its rotation,
package and the statutory financial cannot be re-elected for a period of at
statements must be performed to ensure least 3 years. Additionally, key audit
amounts are correct and complete. partners must rotate every 7 years the
(Step 1) latest. A previously appointed key audit
• A reconciliation by flow of the equity partner, after his/her rotation, cannot
between the Group reporting package be re-elected, irrespectively of the audit
and the statutory financial statements firm in which he / she might work for.
must be provided in Umbrella once If local regulations of each country of
the statutory financial statements incorporation, dictate a more frequent
are signed by the auditors based on a mandatory rotation of audit firms or
comprehensive template. (Step 1) key audit partners and / or a longer
waiting period for re-election, then local
• Any adjustments made to the SAP- regulations supersede this guidance and
Financial Consolidation (SAP-FC) the more frequent rotation periods and/
financial reporting package (financial or the longer waiting periods should be
statements) to comply with the applied locally. Refer to the Approval
regulations of the statutory financial of audit, audit-related and non-audit
statements (e.g. International Financial services Directive. (Step 2)
Reporting Standards (IFRS) to a local
Generally Accepted Accounting • All listed companies, at least 7 days
Principles (GAAP) must be documented before the release of the statutory
and approved by the CFO (or designee). accounts, must (1) Provide a
(Step 1) reconciliation of the equity as well as the
main indicators of the P&L to the Group
• The CFO (or designee) formally signs off Head of ARC and the Region CFO. This
on the statutory financial statements to must be reviewed and confirmed by the
confirm that they have been reviewed Group Head of ARC and the Region CFO
and the amounts reported, including all (2) Obtain formal approval by Group
relevant disclosures, are correct. (Step 1) Head of ARC and Group CFO before any
• All statutory audits of a calendar year external publication of press releases
must be completed by April 30 of including financial reporting. (Step 3)
the following year. Any exceptions
must be approved by the Group Link to: Group Delegated Authorities,
Head of Accounting, Reporting and Finance Policy, Approval of audit,
Consolidation (ARC). Exceptions audit-related and non-audit services
must be granted before the April Directive, ARC Permanent Instructions
30th deadline, otherwise the MCS is 2024 and Legal Entity Management Tool
not adequate. The CFO (or designee) (Umbrella) User Guide
ensures that root cause of delays are
51 Tax risk assessment
52 Tax filings
and reporting and payments
Track, monitor and reduce Any exceptions to timely tax
tax risks and ensure they are 1. Quarterly review and approval by filings and payments must be 1. Local tax responsible and CFO
properly reflected in financial the Country CFO (or designee) of approved by the Group Head (or designee) to implement a tax
statements and disclosures the provisions reported and the full of Tax calendar with all tax filing and
list of uncertain tax position as per payment due dates. Annual
the requirement, at the country/ 2. Approval of the calendar by the
RISK Group Reporting Unit level, and RISK
-L ack of proper tax risk monitoring - Statutory filings and payments not local tax responsible to ensure that
confirmation they agree to the all filings and payment are made
and reporting (Step 1, 2) performed timely (Step 1, 2, 3)
-P oor management of tax cases amounts in the financial statements. - Poor management of tax cases on time. If an extension is needed,
(Step 1, 2) Quarterly (Step 1, 2) the local tax responsible obtains
- I naccurate or fraudulent closing 2. Review and approval of tax risks, at approval from the Group Head of Tax.
entries (incl. judgemental IMPACT
the consolidated Group level, by the - Errors in financials Annual
assumptions and estimates)
Group Head of Tax every quarter to - Financial losses 3. Identification and timely disclosure of
(Step 1, 2)
ensure all required information is reportable cross border transactions
IMPACT reported, complete and updated with as per local requirements.
- Errors in financials the latest assumptions. (Group level)
- Financial losses Upon request
At least quarterly, the Country CFO (or Based on this information: • A tax calendar, including filing and • Following local rules, the identification
designee) keeps track of and reviews payment due dates for all taxes, and timely disclosure of reportable
the status of all uncertain tax positions, • Provisions must be adjusted accordingly is formally set up by the local tax cross border transactions to tax
including: (Step 1) • Contingencies must be disclosed responsible and CFO (or designee). authorities, when/where applicable.
(Step 1) (Step 3)
he estimated maximum risk and This detailed information is reported
estimated loss, to Group Tax using the format and tool • A process is in place to monitor filings Link to: Group Delegated Authorities,
communicated by Group Tax with all and payments so they are made on time. Finance Policy, Tax Reporting Directive
• The classification as not probable, Entities should be compliant with local and European Mandatory Disclosure
probable and virtually certain, balances reconciled to SAP- Financial
Consolidation (SAP-FC). (Step 2) rules for timely filing and payment of tax Regime Directive
he amount of the provisions recorded liabilities. Any extension request for filing
in the financial statements. Link to: Group Delegated Authorities, or payment of taxes shall be approved
Finance Policy, Tax Reporting Directive by Group Head of Tax. (Step 2)
and HARP Tax Risk Reporting
53 Deferred and current
54 Transfer
income tax calculations pricing
The deferred and income All tax and legal rules regarding
tax calculations and related 1. Review by the local tax responsible intercompany transfer prices 1. Confirmation by Group Tax and
documentation are prepared and approval by the CFO (or and documentation are Regional Heads of Tax on the
in accordance with the Group designee) of all income tax and complied with; where required, methodology used for intercompany
consolidation instructions, deferred tax calculations and related transactions are reviewed by transactions. (Regional and Group
documentation at least quarterly. level) Annual
tax policies, directives and Group Tax. Any exceptions are
Quarterly 2. Approval by the Group Head of Tax on
guidance and in line with local discussed with Group Tax and
tax regulations approved by the Group Head any exception to the Group Transfer
Pricing Directive. (Group level) Annual
of Tax
3. Review and analysis by the local tax
RISK responsible and approval by the
- Inaccurate or fraudulent closing RISK CFO (or designee) to check that the
entries (incl. judgemental - Lack of proper tax risk monitoring
assumptions and estimates) (Step 1)
practice of the entity is in compliance
and reporting (Step 1, 2, 3, 4) with the Group Transfer Pricing
-L ack of proper tax risk monitoring - Statutory filings and payments not
and reporting (Step 1) performed timely (Step 4)
Directive. Annual
IMPACT 4. Maintenance and filing, as applicable,
- Errors in financials by the local tax responsible of
- Errors in financials
- Financial losses - Financial losses transfer pricing documentation in
accordance with local requirements
and the Group Transfer Pricing
REQUIREMENTS Directive. Annual
A quarterly review of the deferred and • Reconciliation with amounts booked in
current income tax calculations and the consolidation package
related documentation is performed by REQUIREMENTS
the local tax responsible and CFO (or • Tax rate reconciliation (prepared,
designee) and includes: (Step 1) documented, and validated)
• The Transfer Pricing team with Group compliance with the Group Transfer
• Recoverability of deferred tax assets is Tax together with the Regional Heads of Pricing Directive. Risk analysis is
ppropriate representation on
justified by supporting evidence Tax are accountable and responsible for communicated to the finance and legal
outstanding audits
analyzing, advising and confirming the departments to define potential needs for
• Compliance with requirements of tax • Account reconciliation ending transfer pricing methodology used in all provisions or disclosures in accordance
rulings balances are verified to ensure all intercompany transactions. (Step 1) with the Minimum Control Standards
accounts requiring reconciliation are (MCS) on Tax Risks. (Step 3)
nacted tax rate changes identified and ending balances on the • Any and all intercompany transactions
reconciliations are correct. must comply with the arm’s-length • Transfer Pricing documentation is
ax Risks Provisions/Uncertain Tax principle as also required by local laws and maintained and filed by the local tax
Positions (UTPs) and exposures Link to: Group Delegated Authorities, regulation. (Step 1) responsible. It shall be prepared with the
including analysis of changes and Finance Policy, Tax Reporting Directive, assistance of the Transfer Pricing team
or expirations, quantification, and HARP Deferred Tax Assets, • Any exceptions to the Group Transfer in accordance with the Group Transfer
probability assessment HARP Deferred Income Taxes Pricing Directive should be discussed with Pricing Directive. (Step 4)
and HARP 3.2.6 Income Taxes Group Tax to evaluate the risk and has to
ocumented analysis of any temporary be formally approved by the Group Head Link to: Group Delegated Authorities,
differences between the tax basis of of Tax. (Step 2) Finance Policy, Trading Policy, Direct
an asset or a liability and its carrying Tax Directive, Transfer Pricing Directive,
amount per the Statement of Financial • The practice of the entity is regularly Intellectual Property Directive and
Position and proofs of all deferred tax analyzed by the local tax responsible Recharges to Corporate Directive
balances and the CFO (or designee) to check
55 Non-income (indirect)
taxes Treasury
Non-income tax returns and
related account reconciliations 1. Review and approval of all Value Added
are prepared, reviewed and Tax (VAT) and indirect tax returns by
approved in line with the locally the CFO (or designee). Upon request
required frequency and local 2. Review and approval by the local
tax requirements tax responsible of the reconciliation
of current month activity per the tax
calculation with the amount in the
RISK financial statements. Monthly
- Statutory filings and payments not
performed timely (Step 1, 2, 3, 4) 3. Review by accounting responsible and
-L ack of proper tax risk monitoring approval by the local tax responsible
and reporting (Step 2) of reconciliations of all Value Added
-P oor management of tax cases Tax (VAT) accrual and recoverable
(Step 2) accounts monthly. Monthly
IMPACT 4. Review and approval by the local tax
- Errors in financials responsible of unusual activity in the
- Financial losses
Value Added Tax (VAT) reconciliations
including Value Added Tax (VAT)
litigations in progress. Monthly
alue Added Tax (VAT) and indirect • The reconciliations for various Value
tax returns are prepared, reviewed and Added Tax (VAT) accrual and Value
approved in line with local required Added Tax (VAT) recoverable accounts
frequency and local tax requirements. are performed by local accounting
(Step 1) responsible. The local accounting
responsible contacts the local tax
he reconciliation (base revenue, responsible if they notice any unusual
sales, others used to calculate Value payments during the reconciliation
Added Tax (VAT) or sales taxes with process. (Step 3)
the recorded revenue, sales, others in
Profit/Loss) summarizes current month • Value Added Tax (VAT) payments are
sales activity to produce the monthly made from multipurpose cash accounts.
accrual needed. Any reconciling The reconciliations for the cash
items noted during the reconciliation accounts used to make Value Added
will be evaluated to determine a Tax (VAT) payments are performed
potential impact on the tax return. The by the local accounting responsible as
reconciliation summarizes information part of their cash account reconciliation
based on current monthly accruals, process. Any unusual Value Added
quarterly accruals or annual accruals, Tax (VAT) payments during the
based on the jurisdiction. Miscellaneous reconciliation process shall be reported
issues (missed payments, audit issues, to the local tax responsible. (Step 4)
etc.) are also noted and tracked on the
reconciliation. (Step 2) Link to: Finance Policy
56 Bank relations
Bank relationship management
• Bank relations, including fees, approved • Local reconciliation over approved bank
– including all openings bank 1. Obtain Group Treasury approval for as per Group Delegated Authorities accounts list with Enterprise Resource
accounts – are managed and any bank accounts that are opened (GDA), when applicable, and Group Planning (ERP) system and Legal Entity
and notification of closing bank Treasury Directive. (Step 1, 2) Management Tool (Umbrella) to take
approved by Group Treasury
place whenever a change occurs, or
in compliance with Treasury accounts to Group Treasury. • Any opening of bank accounts shall at least quarterly. Ensure Legal Entity
Directive requirements. All Upon Request be approved by Group Treasury i/o Management Tool (Umbrella) is up-to-
Corporate Finance and Treasury (CFT). date. (Step 3, 4)
signatory guidelines in the 2. Obtain Group Treasury approval for
Any closing shall be notified to Group
Holcim Treasury Directive must transaction with any counterparty not Treasury and updated in Legal Entity • A process is in place to: (Step 4)
in the “Bank List” prior to initiating Management Tool (Umbrella). (Step 1)
be in place - Ensure only joint signatory rights are
transactions within approved limits. allowed for any transaction with a
Monitoring of the credit exposure • Information to the banks, including
legal and compliance-related questions, bank and each signatory has sufficient
RISK within the concentration limit needs to be provided in compliance seniority to become an authorized
-U nauthorized commitment or published by Group Treasury. with Group Treasury Directive. (Step 1) signatory. Implement authorization
relationship with bank Upon Request limits for individual roles appropriate
(Step 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) • In order to limit credit exposure and to the size of the organization.
- Transaction with sanctioned 3. Annual approval of a list of all bank concentration on any counterparty, - Ensure immediate removal of signatory
parties (Step 2) accounts and optimization plan by the Group will only do business with rights for employees no longer
local CFO (or designee) based on authorized counterparties within involved in the payment process and
IMPACT Treasury Directive including inactive concentration limits and guidelines
- Compliance inform the bank immediately in case of
bank account analysis and timely described on the official Holcim Bank signatory changes.
- Financial losses List. Within the Bank List, Relationship
- Fraud closing when applicable. Annual - Obtain from the banks the list of
Banks should be considered over Niche
4. Quarterly verification by the local Banks, unless Niche Banks offer a clear authorized signatures to confirm
CFO (or designee) of the list of all advantage.(Step 2) it is up to date and consistent with
delegation of authority (at least once
open bank accounts reconciled
• Business relationships with a bank not a year)
with Legal Entity Management Tool listed on the Bank List are subject to
(Umbrella) and local Treasury/ • Cash and deposit limit must be
written approval by the Group Head monitored. Any counterparty limit
accounting system. At least, of Treasury. Any counterparty risk breach with non-relationship or non-
yearly confirmation of authorized with non-relationship or non-niche niche banks shall be immediately
signatories obtained from banks banks must be under the limit defined reported with appropriate corrective
to ensure it is consistent with the through the approval process by Group actions to the Head Group Treasury.
Treasury. Request for approval (RfA)
delegation of authority (DoA). Corrective actions are implemented
procedure and form includes sanctions within the time frame agreed with group
Quarterly screening as per the Group Treasury Treasury. (Step 5)
5. Identified counterparty risk exposure Directive. (Step 2)
breaches must be reported to the Link to: Group Delegated Authorities,
• The Country CFO (or designee) reviews Finance Policy, Treasury Directive,
Head Group Treasury and corrective yearly the list of active and inactive Sanctions and Export Controls Directive,
actions implemented within the bank accounts and ensures that the Counterparty Risk Management:
agreed time frame. Upon Change number of banks and bank accounts is Concentration limit applicable to
optimized to increase visibility on cash countries, Holcim Bank List 2023-2024
and reduce risks and costs. If it is not and Legal Entity Management Tool
optimized, a plan is set up for closing (Umbrella) User Guide
accounts by a specific deadline. (Step 3)
57 Cash transactions
are not permitted
without the Group approval
Cash transactions are not
Cash transactions can create Validate with Region Head of Finance
permitted without exceptional 1. If applicable, obtain Group Head opportunities for fraud, money laundering and obtain Group Head of Treasury and
approval by the Group of Treasury and Group Chief and the funding of bribes. For this reason, Group Chief Compliance Officer approval
the general rule is that cash transactions for any exception to the requirements
Compliance Officer approval for cash
are not permitted. If Group Head of listed above, and inform Group CFO. If
transactions. Set up by the CFO (or Treasury and Group Chief Compliance exceptions are approved, countries must
-U nsecured payment means & cash
designee) a local procedure with Officer approval is not formally granted, implement a local procedure to: (Step 1, 2)
transactions (Step 1, 2) an approval process in line with cash transactions are to be ceased. The • Safeguard the process to issue and
- Corruption and bribery (Step 1) the Holcim Group defined rules, following rules applies: (Step 1, 2) collect cash.
-T ransaction with sanctioned controls and thresholds to safeguard • Maximum petty cash limit per site • Track, record and support with
parties (Step 1) and minimize cash and check allowed is CHF 500. A petty cash is a appropriate documentation all
- Money laundering (Step 1) transactions. Upon Request small amount of cash kept on site to approved cash and check transactions.
pay for minor expenses, such as office
IMPACT 2. Monthly review and approval supplies or reimbursements. • Maintain segregation of duties between
- Compliance by the CFO (or designee) of the the person responsible for physical
- Financial losses • Supplier payments in cash are not custody of cash/ checkbook and the
reconciliation of the checking and
- Fraud allowed. bank and cash disbursement authorized
petty cash accounts. Monthly
• No cash collections are accepted from signatories. Restrict access to check
customers. books/cash and to the safe to only
• Usage of checks is strongly discouraged designated persons so as to ensure
and should be avoided. If used, only segregation of duties.
crossed checks are accepted (to be • An independent person who is not
deposited to a bank account) for either responsible for the physical custody of
supplier payment or customer receipt. checks shall physically verify unused
• Cash transactions to buy or sell foreign checks on hand and reconcile with the
currencies at Exchange offices (Bureau checkbook register on a quarterly basis.
de change) beside banks are strictly Random inventory counting has to be
prohibited. Countries which need to performed several times a year by an
conduct such transactions must get independent person.
approval from the Group Head of • Perform regularly (at least monthly) a
Treasury. reconciliation of checks and petty cash
• Holcim countries which have been to the books including petty cash used
granted Group Head of Treasury for employee advances. Investigate
and Group Chief Compliance Officer any variances, within the same period
approval for cash transactions must and confirm they are approved by the
perform restricted party screening on appropriate person before booking.
the third party (customer/supplier) Link to: Finance Policy, Treasury
in line with the Sanctions and Export Directive, Sanctions and Export Controls
Control Guidance. Directive and Sanctions and Export
Controls Resource Center
58 Secure payment
Payments are secured to avoid
For bank transfers: execution). Emails should be marked
errors and safeguard assets 1. All users with access to SAP-BCM as confidential and attachments are
An inventory of all banks should be
and/or bank portals are approved password protected. Passwords must
maintained with a list of users with bank
by the CFO (or designee) as per the portal and or SAP Bank Communication be communicated in a separate email.
RISK local DoA requiring dual approval for (Step 1)
Manager (SAP-BCM) access (managed
nsecured payment means & cash payments. In case of Business Service by country or business service center) • Critical users: Quarterly, a list of all
transactions (Step 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
Centre users, the BSC Head approval to ensure controls are applied. Access to electronic banking users is obtained
nauthorized access, disclosure,
is required. Upon Request any bank system including but not limited from the bank portal or banks. Users
modification, damage or loss of
to SAP Bank Communication Manager with payment approval access to SAP
data (Step 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) 2. Quarterly review of critical users with and bank portal is strictly controlled. BCM transaction is obtained for review
IMPACT payment authorization, payment of SAP BCM access. Banks Payment
• Each user has a unique ID and password,
- Financial losses proposal upload, and administrator user access, for accessing the bank authorization access is restricted to
- Fraud access by the CFO (or designee) for portals or SAP Bank Communication treasury operations / cash and banking
the country users or BSC Head (or Manager. (Step 1) teams. The review of users access to
designee) for the BSC users. Access SAP BCM and bank portals is performed
• At least two authorized signatories according to the users job role to
is revoked within 3 business days approve bank payments. (Step 1) ensure there is no unauthorized or
for any inadequacy identified from • No modification of data (payment files conflicting access. Users with access to
the access review or for dormant generated from a system) is possible other processes in Enterprise Resource
users over 90 days with no valid along the whole process (e.g. supplier Planning (ERP) system (Master Data
justification. Quarterly bank data, amount to be paid, payroll Management - MDM / Order to Cash
file etc.). Electronic transfers are coded / - O2C / Procure to Pay - P2P / Hire to
3. Yearly review of non-critical users, encrypted by the system for security. Retire - H2R) cannot have access on the
view only access to bank balances, Manual upload of payment files in bank portal or SAP BCM for payment
bank statements or bank monitor, banking platforms is not allowed. (Step 1) approval. Reviewer should not review
by the CFO (or designee) for the • Banks systematically send a confirmation their own access. (Step 2)
country users or BSC Head (or ensuring that the electronic file was • Non-critical users: Yearly, for users with
designee) for the BSC users. Access is received without communication errors view only access to bank balances, bank
revoked within one (1) month for any (a negative or positive check or the statements or bank monitor, a list of all
inadequacy identified from the access possibility to verify). (Step 1) users is obtained from the bank portal
review or for dormant users over 90 • To minimize fraud risks, treasurers or banks and a review is performed to
on a daily basis reconcile bank and ensure only authorized users have the
days with no valid justification. Yearly
intercompany accounts and refrain from display access according to the user job
4. Changes to Business Partners master communicating any details regarding role. Reviewer should not review their
data are performed by an authorized the payment process to external parties own access. (Step 3)
user and based on an approved other than banks. (Step 1) • Dormant users over 90 days should be
request. Upon Request • Manual transfers (i.e. email requests or reviewed. Users who no longer need
paper based such as letter or fax) must access must be revoked in 3 business
5. Quarterly verification and sign-off by days for critical users and one month
the CFO (or designee) to ensure only be strictly limited and the bank must
call back the treasurer (or designee) for non critical users and for others a
users from dedicated functions (with no justification / explanation should be
(different from the one issuing the
conflicting roles) have access to change payment) once the manual transfer is documented as part of the review.
Business Partner data. Quarterly received (to reconfirm before payment (Step 2, 3)
6. At a minimum, annual validation by
the Treasurer (or designee) of all
active direct debits with the relevant
counterparties (banks). Any direct
debit not required is notified to the
banks for cancellation. Annual
58 Secure payment
59 Financial instruments,
means borrowings, commitments
and working capital schemes
Business Partner master data: (Step 4, 5) Direct Debit (DD): (Step 6)
ntities that use Treasury management • Usage for vendor payment with All financial instruments,
applications or any other payment direct debit is not permitted unless borrowings, commitments and
platforms, where banks are setup it is a mandatory requirement by the 1. Approval according to local
working capital schemes are delegation of authority and Group
as master data (referred to as authorities (i.e. tax related payments).
Business Partners), a master data Any exception to the rule has to be authorized in accordance with Treasury Directive of any new
management process that defines roles, approved by the local CFO and must the Group Treasury Directive. financial instruments, borrowings,
responsibilities and rules for Business follow all rules defined in the Treasury Outstanding positions are commitments and working capital
Partner data management is in place Directive.
reconciled with counterparty schemes. Upon Request
and reviewed when required to ensure • Treasurer (or designee) will ensure such
only authorized personnel create, direct debit payments are executed statements 2. Sign-off by the CFO (or designee)
modify and delete financially relevant based on the agreements approved by of the list of all outstanding financial
Business Partner data based on the the CFO. instruments, commitments and
required supporting documents (SSI, RISK working capital schemes. Quarterly
RIB, IBAN, etc.) and bank confirmation • Inventory of the direct debit contracts - Inability to maintain an adequate
when required. Changes to bank signed has to be available for Treasury cash flow and liquidity position to 3. Countries trading in derivatives
information in the treasury applications whenever applicable. Treasurer pay obligations (Step 2, 3, 4) locally due to regulatory reasons,
or any other payment platforms must (or designee) will ensure regular - Non-adherence to accounting must have it reviewed by Treasurer
only be done post execution of the confirmation (on a yearly basis and reporting requirements and
minimum) of the inventory with the (or designee) to reconcile
Call Back Process using the registered standards (Step 1, 2, 3, 4)
relevant counterparties (banks). the outstanding positions to
contact information on file. The call - Poor debt management or
must be documented with a post excessive debt (Step 1, 2, 3, 4)
counterparty statements. Quarterly
Link to: Finance Policy and Treasury
confirmation via email. Directive - Unauthorized transactions/ 4. Group Head of Treasury approval
contracts made on behalf of is granted for any cash pool limit
Holcim (Step 1) increase (Cash pool participants
IMPACT and all entities in scope). Cash pool
- Financial losses breaches are reported to the Head
- Errors in financials Group Treasury and corrective
actions implemented within the
agreed time frame. Upon Change
59 Financial instruments,
60 Forex, interest rate,
borrowings, commitments commodities risks
and working capital schemes monitoring and hedging
Exposure to foreign exchange,
inancial instruments, borrowings, • Countries trading in derivatives
commitments (e.g. trade finance locally due to regulatory reasons must interest and commodity risks 1. Monthly sign off and notification
facilities, surety bonds, guarantees quarterly reconcile the counterparties are regularly reported and to Group treasury of the exposure
lines…) and working capital schemes statements with the outstanding
hedged according to the Group in foreign currency and potential
(e.g. supply chain financing, factoring, positions. Fair values are those
off balance sheet inventory financing) indicated by Group Treasury. (Step 3) Treasury Directive foreign exchange or interest rate
and related disbursements can only exposure that may need to be
be entered into after having been • Cash pool limits are approved by hedged by Group Treasury. Monthly
approved by appropriate personnel Group Treasury. Cash pool drawings RISK
must remain within approved limits. - Improper management of foreign 2. Review and approval by the CFO
in accordance with local and Group
Any potential cash pool limit breach exchange (Step 1, 2) (or designee) of the consumption
Delegated Authorities and Group
Treasury Directive. The Treasury shall be immediately reported to the - Improper management of interest forecast and hedge ratio used to
Manager (or designated person) keeps Head Group Treasury and remediated rates risk (Step 1, 2) hedge energy price exposure on a
track of all disbursements related to with appropriate corrective actions. - Increase in energy costs quarterly basis and notification to the
the repayment of borrowings and Corrective actions are implemented (incl. AFR) (Step 1, 2) Energy desk if there is any change in
ensures that both the repayments and within the time frame agreed with
Group Treasury. (Step 4) IMPACT the underlying index used to procure
the related borrowings are properly the commodity. Quarterly
- Financial losses
recorded, including the recognition of Link to: Group Delegated Authorities,
current and non-current portions of the Finance Policy, Treasury Directive, HARP
liabilities. (Step 1) What is a Financial Instrument,
inancing contracts have to be in HARP 3.1.5 Commitments, Contingencies
and Guarantees, HARP Supply
line with the Holcim guide on loan
documentation; any exception must Chain Financing (SCF), HARP
• Exposure to foreign exchange, interest are denominated in their functional
be approved by Group Treasury. No Description for Factoring of Trade
risks are regularly reported and hedged currency whenever possible. Foreign
financial covenants are accepted. Receivables reporting (Off / on balance
according to the Group Treasury exchange leasing is not allowed. Foreign
Obtain Group Treasury approval for any sheet reporting), HARP
Directive and Foreign Exchange exchange exposure must be identified
financial contract not in line with the Off-balance Sheet Inventory Financing
& Interest Rate Risk Management and mitigated by natural hedging as
Holcim guide on loan documentation. Arrangement, HARP Cash and
Directive. (Step 1) much as possible. (Step 2)
(Step 1, 2) Cash Equivalents, HARP Short-
Term Financial Receivables, HARP • Foreign exchange, (FX), risks must • Exposure to commodity price risk is
• The list of all financial instruments, Liabilities From Short-Term be mitigated by natural hedging as regularly followed up, hedged and
borrowings, commitments and working Financing, HARP Long-Term much as possible. If not possible, reported according to the Financial Risk
capital schemes must be supported by Financial Receivables, HARP it must be identified and managed Directive for Energy. (Step 2)
adequate documentation and signed Long-Term Financing Liabilities, HARP to the maximum extent possible in
off by the CFO (or designee) as well as Credit Lines and Examples for cooperation with Group Treasury and in Link to: Group Delegated Authorities,
reported as per the reporting guidelines. Illustration Purposes, HARP Treasury accordance with the Group Delegated Finance Policy, Treasury Directive,
(Step 3) Information Management: Authorities (GDA). (Step 1) Foreign Exchange (FX) & Interest Rate
Column Descriptions, Row (IR) Risk Management Directive and
• Third party and intercompany financing Descriptions and HARP Credit • Speculation is strictly forbidden. Financial Risk for Energy Directive
shall be renewed at least six months Line Column Descriptions Country financings and deposits
prior to maturity or earlier if required.
(Step 3)
61 Environmental
Monitor and manage air
• All plants must have an environmental People must be aligned to commitments
emissions, water and waste 1. G
roup monitoring and reporting management system in place to ensure recorded in CEM Plant Development
to identify and address the requirements for air emissions (incl. that all environmental impacts and risks Plans (PDP) and other environmental
are effectively managed and mitigated. roadmaps where applicable. (Step 1)
environmental risks CO2), waste, water management
Environment related permits (e.g. • Water and Waste must be managed
and people are followed and an general environmental, emissions, water
annual management review to verify preferring reuse and recycling to
discharge, waste management) to be discharge and disposal, as per the the
compliance with Group policies, reviewed annually to ensure compliance. Circular Economy Policy, the Health,
-A ir emissions (e.g. dust, Nox, Sox)
exceeding authorized standards
directives and local regulations (Step 1) Safety and Environment (HSE) Internally
(Step 1) is conducted and action plans are Generated Waste standard and the
• Environmental impacts have to be
-E xcessive waste deposits and soil documented by Plant Manager, systematically identified according to Health, Safety and Environment Water
or water contamination (Step 1) and approved by the Country CEO. the following steps: (Step 1) Management Standard. (Step1)
- Failure in quarry rehabilitation and Annual • All countries and operating plants must
-Identify environmental aspects of
biodiversity management (Step 1) report at least yearly environmental data
activities, products and services over
-F ailure in water management (e.g. and KPIs in the Sustainable Reporting
which plants have control and/or
liquid effluents with detrimental Campaign according to Holcim
impact on water resources) (Step 1) Environmental Reporting guidelines.
-D eviation from CO2 reduction -Assess the risks linked to the identified (Step 1)
standards (incl. internal Group environmental aspects that may have a
significant impact. • Group Reporting Units (GRU) must report
targets) (Step 1)
monthly Sustainability KPIs according
-Maintain an up-to-date catalogue of to Group ARC instructions. Inaccuracy
significant environmental impacts or incompleteness of the KPIs in SAP-FC
- Reputational damages
during normal and abnormal operations. must be disclosed in the financial
- Operational disruption
- Financial losses • Environmental impacts must be certification package. Sustainable
systematically managed to sustain Development indicators reported
and further improve environmental to the Group are based on validated
performance, while controlling data source, calculation method,
environmental risks not only of our own and are reviewed for reasonableness
operations, but including the supply and validated by country sustainable
chain. Progress must be monitored, development senior management on a
evaluated and documented as required half yearly basis. (Step 1)
by the local regulations, or at least on an
annual basis. (Step 1) Link to: Health, Safety & Environmental
Policy, Nature Policy, Climate Policy,
• For Cement plants, install and operate Circular Economy Policy, Quarry
a continuous emission monitoring Rehabilitation and Biodiversity
equipment for dust, nitrogen oxides Directive, Sustainable Procurement
(NOX) sulfur dioxide (SO2), Volatile Directive, Health, Safety & Environment
Organic Compounds (VOC), carbon Internally Generated Waste Standard,
monoxide (CO) as per the Holcim Health, Safety & Environment Water
Emission Monitoring and Reporting Management Standard, Holcim Emission
standard. (Step 1) Monitoring and Reporting Standards
• Performance improvements on CO2 and Holcim Environmental Reporting
emissions, Water, Circular Economy and Guidelines
62 Social impact: human rights
and stakeholders
Implement the Human Rights
All Group Reporting Units (GRUs) must •S
takeholder Engagement: every
Approach to identify, monitor 1. Human rights assessment is ensure that the following 6 elements of site must have a Stakeholder Map
and remediate human rights- performed as per the Human Rights the Human Rights Approach are in place and a Human Rights & Stakeholder
Directive and approved by the entity according to Human Rights and Social Engagement Action Plan managed
related risks and impacts in our
Policy and Human Rights Directive: at local level and updated at least
operations, supply chain and CEO within a timetable agreed with
annually. The Group Sustainability will
the Group Sustainability. Annual • Identify human rights risks and impacts:
with our business partners approve the submitted Stakeholder
2. Human Rights & Stakeholder a lead designated by the CEO conducts Map and a Human Rights & Stakeholder
at least every 3 years a human rights Engagement Action Plan as per defined
Engagement Action Plans, including assessment based on their risk level
RISK human rights-related grievances, Group schedule. In cement plants and
- I nfringement of human rights covering our own operations, suppliers, grinding units, a Community Advisory
complaints and follow-up actions business partners and communities.
standards (Step 1, 2, 3) Panel (CAP) must be in place. (Step 3)
- Improper or insufficient
are reviewed and validated by the (Step 1)
stakeholders management (impact Local Executive Committee at least •M
onitor and communicate: results of the
• Address adverse impacts: all human rights assessments, an up-to-
& value creation) (Step 4, 5) annually and signed off by the entity assessments (impact or self) must result
- I neffective or unethical vendor CEO. Annual date version of the implementation
in a Human Rights and Stakeholder of the Human Rights and Stakeholder
selection process (incl. TPDD Engagement Action Plan that must be
3. Human Rights & Stakeholder Engagement Action Plans and other
process) (Step 1, 2, 3) reviewed at least annually. Major risks
-U nauthorized transactions/ Engagement Action Plan and other key performance indicators (KPIs)
or impacts must be immediately added defined by Group Sustainability must be
contracts made on behalf of KPIs are submitted by the GRU via
to the Action Plan, addressed by local reported via the Group reporting system
Holcim (Step 5) the Group reporting tool. Annual ExCo and reported to the relevant Group
- Corruption and Bribery (Step 5) annually. (Step 4)
4. A Stakeholder Engagement & Human function(s). (Step 1)
IMPACT Rights Action Plan is deployed for all •S
ocial initiatives are managed based
• Grievance and remedy: a clear site- on the local context and as per Group
- Compliance operational sites and the stakeholder level mechanism (phone number, email Delegated Authorities. (Step 5)
- Reputational damages mapping exists and are updated address, etc.) for internal and external
- Operational disruption every year. Annual stakeholders to raise issues related to Link to: Group Delegated Authorities,
- Financial losses our operations exists and is managed Human Rights and Social Policy, Human
5. Social investments, inclusive business
by a function appointed by the entity Rights Directive, Strategic Social
and donations are approved and ExCo. A record of all human rights- Investment, Sponsorship and Donations
documented according to Group related complaints must be kept and Directive and Sustainable Procurement
guidelines and Group Delegated related follow-up actions are added in Directive
Authorities. Upon Request the Human Rights and Stakeholders
Engagement Action Plan. (Step 2)
Technology (OT)
63 OT security baseline
Accounting, Reporting and Group Insurance and Risk Personally identifiable
Consolidation (ARC) Financing (GIRF) information (PII)
Anti-Bribery and Corruption Group Level Material Risks Property Damage /
(ABC) (GLMRs) Business Interruption
Biodiversity Indicator and Group Reporting Unit
Reporting System (BIRS) (GRU) Property, Plant and
Equipment (PPE)
Board of Directors (BoD) Group Risk Insurance Tool
(GRIT) Resilience and Governance
Business Resilience Team
(BRT) Group Treasury i/o
Corporate Finance and Request for Proposal (RfP)
Business Service Centers
Treasury (CFT)
(BSCs) Risk with zero conflicts
Holcim Accounting and (RWZC)
Capital expenditures
Reporting Principles
(CAPEX) SAP Bank Communication
Manager (SAP-BCM)
Cash-Generating Unit
Health, Safety and
(CGU) SAP Flexible Real Estate
Environment (HSE)
Management (RE-FX)
Change in structure (CIS)
Health, Safety &
SAP Governance, Risk, and
Conflict of Interests (COI) Environment Improvement
Compliance (SAP-GRC)
Plan (HSEIP)
Construction in Progress
SAP- Financial
(CIP) Information Technology (IT)
Consolidation (SAP-FC)
Country Chief Executive Information Technology
Security & Resilience
Officer (CCEO) Service Centers (ITSCs)
Management System
Country Security International Financial (SRMS)
Representative (CSR) Reporting Standards (IFRS)
Security Incident
Data Universal Numbering International Organization Notification Tool (SINT)
System (DUNS) for Standardization (ISOs)
Security Services with
Delegation of authority Key Performance Indicators Integrity (SSI)
(DoA) (KPIs)
Segregation of Duties (SoD)
Direct Debit (DD) Legal Entity Management
Senior Leaders Group (SLG)
Tool (Umbrella)
Directors & Officers (D&O)
Sites Mapping Application
Manual Journal Entries
Enterprise Resource (SMA
Planning (ERP)
Terrorist & Organised Crime
Mid-Term Plan (MTP)
Environmental, social, and (TOC)
governance (ESG) Minimum Control Standards
Third Party Due Diligence
Expected Credit Loss Model (TPDD)
(ECL) Operating expenses
Third Party Liability (TPL)
Foreign Exchange
Uncertain Tax Positions
(FOREX or FX) Operational Technology
Generally Accepted
Value Added Tax (VAT)
Accounting Principles Pension and Benefits
(GAAP) Governance Team (PBGT)
Group Delegated People on Board (POB)
Authorities (GDA)