1 - Password Policy
1 - Password Policy
1 - Password Policy
1.0 Overview
All employees and personnel that have access to organizational computer systems
must adhere to the password policies defined below in order to protect the security of
the network, protect data integrity, and protect computer systems.
2.0 Purpose
This password policy is designed to protect the organizational resources on the network
by requiring strong passwords along with protection of these passwords, and
establishing a minimum time between changes to passwords. The purpose of this
password policy is to protect organizational resources by requiring the use of strong
passwords and establish measures to protect accounts and passwords by establishing
account lockout policies and password expiration and retention policies.
3.0 Scope
This password policy applies to any person who has access to organizational resources
whether they are permanent, temporary, or part time staff members and includes all
external persons who access organizational resources including consultants,
contractors, vendors, and any volunteers. This password policy applies to all types of
accounts including administrator accounts, email accounts, network accounts, and local
accounts. This policy is effective as of the issue date and does not expire unless
superceded by another policy.
4.0 Terms
Multifactor authentication would use two or three of the above types of items.
The organization may periodically check user passwords to determine how strong they
are either using in house staff or external parties at its discretion. The user will be
required to change their password if the password is determined to be too weak.
Those setting password requirements must remember that making the password rules
too difficult may actually decrease security if users decide the rules are impossible or
too difficult to meet. If passwords are changed too often, users may tend to write them
down or make their password a variant of an old password which an attacker with the
old password could guess. The following password requirements will be set by the IT
security department:
Use password choosing tips as shown at ……… and be sure your passwords meet the
minimum guidelines.
Applications should provide user role and acount security with the following features:
10.0 Enforcement
Since password security is critical to the security of the organization and everyone,
employees that do not adhere to this policy may be subject to disciplinary action up to
and including denial of access, legal penalties, and/or dismissal. Any employee aware
of any violation of this policy is required to report it to their supervisor or other
authorized representative.