The Metabarons - GM Screen

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A measure of how physically articulate your METABARONS SKILL LIST using camouflage. HOW GOOD AM I?
character is. Investigation: Gathering evidence and drawing a HEALING FOR INCAPACITATED CHARACTERS
Archaic weapons: Wielding unpowered melee and various forms of communication, written, spoken, conclusion from it. When others ask how skilled your character is, don't just say, Degree of Injury Difficulty HEALING WOUNDED CHARACTERS Maneuver
ranged weapons no Longer widely used in the and non-verbal. Persuasion: Influencing others through honest "Gee, I have 6D in astrography." Die codes just show how Injury suffered by wearer Damage to Armor Strength Roll Result
universe. It's not just a skill. it's a way of life. It discussion. skilled your character is in game terms. But how do they mea- Stunned, unconscious Easy (10) Strength Roll Result Draw weapon -1 D to rest of actions this round
allows the user to roll 2 dice for every Character Security regulations: Understanding of how law sure up to everyone else in the universe in other descriptive Wounded, wounded twice Moderate (15) Wounded Lightly damaged (-1 pip) 2-6 Character worsens to mortally wounded Dodge -1 D to rest of actions this round
Search: Spotting hidden objects or people.
Point spent to boost an archaic weapons roll enforcement organizations, regulations and terms? Incapacitated Difficult (20) Incapacitated Heavily damaged (-1D) 2-4 Character worsens to incapacitated 7-8 Character remains incapacitated substitute Dodge roll for Difficulty
Sneak: Moving silently, avoiding detection
against those using melee or dodge to defend. personnel operate. hiding oneself. The chart below gives you some idea how die codes translate Mortally wounded Very Difficult (30) Mortally wounded Severly damaged 5-6 Character remains wounded twice 9+ Character improves to wounded twice Full Reaction Code no other actions this round, add
Brawling: Competence in unarmed combat. Scholar: Expert learning in a specific area of study, into comparisons you can use to describe your character's (Useless but may be repaired) 7+ Character is fully healed Dodge to Difficulty
Dodge: Slipping out of danger's way, whether though not a practical proficiency in that subject STRENGTH: skills. Killed Destroyed Called Shot: Chest +5 to Difficulty Number
avoiding an attack or a sprung booby trap.
COVER CHART (10 - 50 cm)
(a scholar of archaic weapons would know details Measure of a character's physical power.
Add to Target's Called Shot: Head, Hand +15 to Difficulty Number
Firearms: Shooting any gun one can carry, even if of them, but couldn't wield them effectively Climb/jump: Climbing or jumping over obstacles. Die Code Description
it requires a tripod set-up to fire. Covers
Cover Dodge or Diff (1 - 10 cm)
without t hat particular skill). Lift: Moving or lifting heavy objects.
everything from small Vipers to shoulder-launched Streetwise: Familiarity with criminal Stamina: Physical endurance and resistance to lD Below average for an attribute. HEALING FOR MORTALLY WOUNDED CHARACTERS Called Shot: Pinpoint +30 to Difficulty Number
rockets. organizations, black markets, and other illicit disease and poison. 2D Average for an attribute and many skills.
Thick smoke +2D Strength Roll Result Use Character Point +lD for 1 task resolution.
Martial arts: Proficiency in a more refined hand-to- operations. Swim: Moving and surviving in a liquid medium 3D Average level of training. PROTECTION CHART
hand combat technique than brawling, it allows Survival: Knowledge of tech niques for surviving in 4D Professional level of training.
Very thick smoke +4D Reduce weapon Can spend up to 3 character points
Poor light +1D Protection is: damage by: 2-6 Character dies Use Amarax Point Double the total amount of dice
the user to roll 2 dice for every Character Point hostile, uncivilized environments. TECHNICAL: 5D Above-average expertise. Sample Protection Body Strength
Moonlight night +2D 7-8 Character remains mortally wounded Using Character Points Get 2 dice for each point.
spent to boo~t a martial arts roll against those Tactics: Familiarity with deploying military forces Character's ability to manipulate, repair 6D Considered about the best in a city or geographic
using brawling or dodge to defend. area. About 1 in 100,000 people will have
Complete darkness +4D Not seriously damaged Character is completely 9+ Character improves to incapacitated with Archaic Weapons May spend up to 6 points
and maneuvering them to the best advantage. modify complex mechanical systems. Flimsy wooden door lD
1/4 covered +1D protected or Martial Arts
Melee combat: Wielding modern hand-to-hand
weapons (those using a power source).
Riding: Controlling and riding domesticated
Willpower: Personal ability to withstand stress and

Armor repair: Fixing damaged armor.
Computer interface I repair: Programming, inter-
facing with and fixing computer systems.
Demolitions: Setting explosives to achieve
traini ng to this skill level.
Among the best on a continent. About 1 in
10,000,000 people will have t raini ng to this
skill level.
1/2 covered
3/4 covered
Fully covered
Must blow thru cover first
Standard wooden door
Standard metal door
Reinforced door
Security hatch
' Lightly damaged
Heavily damaged
Severely damaged
-1 D
Character suffers
Running: Running quickly while avoiding obstacles Aptitude for operating mechanical equipment. particular destructive effects. 8D Among the best on a planet. About 1 in
full damage
and keeping from stumbling.
Sleight of hand: Nimbleness with the fingers,
Astro-nav: Plotting courses through space using a
vessel's navigational computer interface.
Engineering (adv.): Practical and in-depth
understanding of a particular technical field.
100,000,000 people will have training to this
skill level.
Scale Modifier

including picking pockets and palming items. Comm: Effectively using communication devices Exoskeleton repair: Repairing and modifying 9D One of the best for several systems in the area. 0-5 Stunned -lD for rest of round. If# of Stuns=STR D, ko'd
Throwing: Hitting a target accurately with a and arrays. exoskeletons. About 1 in a billion people have a skill at this 6-10 Wounded Fall prone, lose next action, -lD still healed
Character SPACESHIP DAMAGE CHART 11 -15 Incapacitated Fall prone, Ko'd for lOD minutes, cannot do anything til healed
thrown item, including grenades, stones and Exoskeleton operation: Using personal Firearms repair: Repairing and modifying firearms. level. HIT LOCATION CHART
Vehicle 2D
16-20 Mortal Wound Fall prone, . Ko'd. End of each round, roll 2D, if roll is less than # or
knives. (Using or modifying grenades as explosives exoskeletons which augment one's performance First aid: Using basic field medicine to treat 10D One of the best in a sector. Fighter 6D Damage Roll Greater Than rounds w/M.W, character dies
for special destructive effects requires the with mechanical aids. injuries. 11 D One of the best in a galaxy. Battleship 12D
Die Roll Hit Location
Hull Code Roll By: Effect 21+ Instant Kill 'nuff said
demolitions skill.) Gunnery: Accurately firing weapons mou nted on Flight systems repair: Fixing damaged systems 12D+ Among the best in the universe. Planetary 24D
D-G maneuver: Maneuvering on one's own in zero- vehicles, space ships or within fortresses. aboard flyi ng vehicles and spaceships. 0-5 Head
0-5 Shields blown /
gravity environments, including drifting through Piloting: Flying air- or spaceborne craft, from Gunnery repair: Fixing weapons mounted on 6-10 Torso
cont rols disabled
space in a vacuum suit, or flying under one's own aircars and fighters to transports and battleships. vehicles, space ships or within fortresses. TASK DIFFICULTIES CHART 11-15 Arms (roll again:
6-10 Lightly damaged
Sensors: Operating scanner arrays to gather Medicine (adv.): Detailed understanding and 1-3 left arm; 4-6 right arm)
11 -15 Heavily damaged
information about one's surroundings. application of medical procedures, including SPACESHIP "TERRAIN DIFFICULTIES" Task 16-20 Mortally Wounded
16-20 Severely damaged
KNOWLEDGE: Shields: Deploying and redirecting shields aboard surgery and cybernetic implantation. Difficulties Range 21+ Killed RESISTING TEMPTATION
21+ Destroyed
Measure of a character's intelligence. vehicles and vessels. Personal equipment repair: Fixing small, Very Easy (5) Flying a vessel in clear space with
Aliens: Understanding of aliens not of the Vehicle operation: Operating non-flying vehicles electronic equipment, including damaged no naviagational hazards Very Easy 5 Point Blank (5) Use these general guidelines when setting difficulties for willpower rolls to resist various temptations of the Necro-Dream:
character's own species and their physiology, traveling on or th rough the ground or a liquid cybernetics. Easy (10) Flying a ship in the vicinity of other craft, Easy 6-10 Close (10)
customs, and history. medium . Robot interface/repair: Programming, such as orbiting a space station. Flying Moderate 11 - 15 Medium (15) Very Easy (5): Resisting casual exposure to the Necro-Dream-strolling past a blaring holovid set; seeing an advertisement for a
Astrography: Familiarity with astrographic features with and fixing robots and their systems. around minor obstacles in space, such as a Difficult 16-20 Long (20) homeoslut establishment.
(planets, star systems, nebulae), and general PERCEPTION: Security: Installi ng, altering and bypassing small, dispersed asteroid belt Very Difficult 21-30 Easy (10): Avoidi ng general contact with temptation- resisting the advances of a beautiful homeoslut; passing up an offer
knowledge of any civilized elements present A character's awareness of himself and things electronic security and surveillance systems. Moderate (15) Flying a ship in crowded space - like a busy Heroic 31+ to do some Cocoloco.
industry, government, orbital around him, including the ability to interact Vehicle repair: Fixing ground- and ocean-based spacedock staging area. Flying in an area Moderate (15): Resisting basic exposure to the Necro-Dream-taking a hit of Cocoloco; spending the night with a homeoslut;
successfully with others. vehicles that do not fly. littered with a moderate amount of debris participating in holovid gambling; sitting down to watch holovid for the afternoon.
Bureaucracy: Knowledge of and ability to use a Bargain: Haggling for prices for goods and services Difficult (20) Fighter combat with many ships in the MANEUVERS CHART Difficult (20): Prolonged exposure to the Necro-Dream- spending a week in an endo-city.
bureaucracy's intricate procedures to· gain. being bought or sold. PS IONICS: immediate area. Flying th rough an
information, favors, or attain other goals. Command: Effectively ordering and coordinating Measure of a character's psionic ability. Can have a area clogged with debris and asteroids +1-5 Maneuver is fairly easy Characters with addictions-to homeosluts, drugs, holovid, and other technological comforts-resist the Necro-Dream's temptations at
Business: Comprehension of business practices others in team situations (such as commanding a score of OD. Very Difficult (30) Flying a vessel in an area of space densely +6-10 Maneuver is somewhat difficult and requires a one difficulty level higher than normal.
and the monetary value 'of goods and battleship crew). Energy: Sensing and manipulating various forms of packed with other ships or debris certain amount of skill
opportunities. Con: Bluffing, lying and deceiving others. energy through psionics. Heroic (31+) Flying through Heroic terrain is almost +11-15 Maneuver is very difficult and requires a
Cultures: Understanding of the manners, customs, Forgery: Creating and noticing false or altered Self-control: Manipulating one's own body and impossible. Flying through an ion very talented (or lucky) pilot
and social expectations of different cultures. documentation in various media (paper, electronic, mind from within. storm in an asteroid field +16+ Maneuver appears to be almost impossible. Only the
Intimidation: Using physical presence, verbal plastic card). Influence: Using psionics to bend others to your very best pilots can pull off a maneuver of t his
threats, and fear to influence others. Gaming: Winning and cheating at games of will, including hypnotic control. difficulty

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