Activating Holy Spirit Gifts
Activating Holy Spirit Gifts
Activating Holy Spirit Gifts
A. THE SPOKEN GIFTS: These are the simplest gifts, the easiest to enter into and learn to use. (The power gifts
are the most powerful & difficult, and require more maturity). The spoken gifts all involve having the Holy Spirit
direct and anoint our speech.
2) Seek the Lord for the anointing of the Holy Spirit to move through the gift, 2 Tim.1:6.
3) In your private prayer life, see if the Lord will anoint you and teach you the use of these gifts, Lk.12:3.
4) If you feel that you may have the anointing to use a gift in a service, be sensitive to speak in the right
timing during the service, 1 Cor.14:31-33, Eccl.3:1 & 7. While you are learning, it is wise to check with the
spiritual leadership of the service, to gain their guidance, Prov.11:14.
6) Be sensitive to STOP when you feel the anointing stop or the burden lift, Eccl.5:1-2, Gal.3:3, Prov.29:20.
7) See if the Holy Spirit leads other people to do or speak the same thing that you feel to do, 2 Cor.13:1.
These confirmations will help you to learn how to use the gifts also!
8) Afterwards ask the spiritual leadership of the service for their evaluation, and be open to learn from their
counsel, 1 Thess.5:20-21, 1 Cor.14:29. Perhaps they will feel:
a) You were not anointed by the Holy Spirit (from your own spirit only, or perhaps even from an evil spirit).
b) The message was not appropriate in timing or in content.
c) The message you received from God was only a private message for you.
B. THE REVELATION GIFTS: These gifts involve having the Holy Spirit give us revelation about things that
we do not naturally know.
* The revelation gifts are separate from, but can work together with, the spoken gifts.
* The Lord wants every Christian to grow in wisdom (Jam.1:5), knowledge (2 Pet.1:5), and discernment
(Heb.5:14) even if we do not have the revelation gifts operating in our life. But the gifts are where in a
specific circumstance or time the Holy Spirit quickens something to us that can be far beyond our
present level or skill of wisdom, knowledge, and discernment. There is no "guessing" or "maybe" then!
C. THE POWER GIFTS: The gifts of faith, healing, and miracles bring supernatural
demonstrations of the power of God. They are given to demonstrate the truth of the Gospel,
Lk.5:23-25, Acts 13:6-12. They are to protect and help the saints, Mt.15:32, 2 Chron.16:9.
They can bring repentance and revival, Lk.6:17-19, Acts 8:5-8.
1) Fasting can be a key to enter into the power gifts, Lk.4:1 & 14, Mk.9:29. Moses, Elijah, & Jesus (who all had
great power in their ministries) all fasted for 40 days!
2) Receive from men & women of God who have consistent power gifts, 2 Kings 2:9-15; Lk.10:1,9,17-19.
3) Investigate the results of how you have tried to move in the power gifts, 1 Thess.5:19,21; Luke 5:14. Learn the
difference between faith & presumption.
Let all the gifts operate out of the motivation of the "agape" love of God, 1 Cor.12:31, 13:1-3, 14:1. This attitude of
heart will keep the gifts pure and edifying in all things, Rom.13:10.