Example 7 LeadLag PDF
Example 7 LeadLag PDF
Example 7 LeadLag PDF
Step 1. Assume a lead compensator
( )
Ts + 1
Gc (s) = K
αT s + 1
The position error constant Kp = L(0) = K. Therefore we choose K = 5. The bode plot of
uncompensated system G1 (s) = KG(s) is
Bode Diagrams
Phase (deg); Magnitude (dB)
Frequency (rad/sec)
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It can be seen that the uncompensated system has GM = 7.04dB and P M = 29.15◦ .
Step 2. By adding extra margin of ϕe = 12◦ , we have the phase lead angle
ϕmax = P Md − P M + ϕe
= 35◦ − 29.15◦ + 12◦
= 17.85◦
Step 3. Select α as
1 − sin ϕmax
α= = 0.5307
1 + sin ϕmax
Note that at ω = 1.48rad/sec, G1 (jω) has a magnitude of α = 0.7285 = −2.75dB.
Therefore we choose ωmax = 1.48rad/sec.
Step 4. The lead compensator parameter is determined as
T =√ = 0.9275
αT = 0.4922
Step 5. Now draw the compensated frequency response L(s) = Gc (s)G(s). It can be seen
that L(s) has PM of 34.57◦ at ω = 1.47rad/sec. The gain crossover frequency ωgc has
increased from 1.24rad/sec to 1.47rad/sec.
Bode Diagram
Gm = 8.09 dB (at 2.41 rad/sec) , Pm = 34.5 deg (at 1.47 rad/sec)
Magnitude (dB)
Phase (deg)
−2 −1 0 1 2
10 10 10 10 10
Frequency (rad/sec)
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The step response of the closed-loop system using lead compensator is shown below
Step Response
0 5 10 15
Time (sec.)
The Gc (s) delivers required steady-state accuracy ess = 1+Kp
= 0.1667 and transient re-
sponse with Mp = 42.3%.
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Example 2 Given the open-loop TF
G(s) =
s(s + 1)(0.5s + 1)
We would like to compensate the system so that the static error constant Kv is 5/sec, with
phase margin larger than 40◦ and gain margin larger than 10dB.
Step 1. Use a lag compensator
Ts + 1
Gc (s) = K
βT s + 1
and define
G1 (s) = KG(s) =
s(s + 1)(0.5s + 1)
Then its velocity error constant is
Kv = lim sGc (s)G(s)
Ts + 1
= lim s G1 (s)
s→0 βT s + 1
This will satisfy the steady-state performance requirement.
Step 2. Now draw the Bode plot of G1 (s)
Bode Diagrams
Phase (deg); Magnitude (dB)
−2 −1 0 1
10 10 10 10
Frequency (rad/sec)
From the Bode plot, it can be seen that PM is −12.95◦ . Thus the closed-loop system is
The required phase margin is 40◦ . We then add 10◦ to the phase margin as an allowance.
So the phase margin becomes 50◦ and is achieved at frequency of 0.5rad/sec, which will be
chosen as new gain crossover frequency.
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Step 3. To avoid overly large time constant for the lag compensator, we choose the corner
frequency ω = T1 = 0.05rad/sec. Then the parameter T = 20.
Step 4. To bring the magnitude down to 0dB at new gain crossover frequency, we need
20 log10 β = 18.768dB
The compensated system has phase margin about 44.23◦ , and gain margin about 13.73dB.
The static error constant is Kv = 5/sec. The gain crossover frequency ωgc is decreasing from
1.8rad/sec to 0.5rad/sec.
Bode Diagrams
Phase (deg); Magnitude (dB)
−3 −2 −1 0
10 10 10 10
Frequency (rad/sec)
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The ramp response of the closed-loop system using lag compensator is shown below
Linear Simulation Results
Amplitude 20
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Time (sec.)
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Example 3* Consider the unity-feedback system whose open-loop TF is
G(s) =
s(s + 1)(s + 4)
Design a lead-lag compensator Gc (s) such that the static velocity error constant is 10/sec,
the phase margin is 50◦ , and the gain margin is 10dB or more.
Solution: Assume the lead-lag compensator of the form
(T1 s + 1)(T2 s + 1)
Gc (s) = Kc
( Tβ1 s + 1)(βT2 s + 1)
with α = β1 . Since the gain of the plant is adjustable, we assume Kc = 1. From the static
velocity error constant requirement, we obtain
It can be seen that the phase margin is −16◦ , which indicates the system is unstable. From
the phase angle curve of G(jω), we observe the phase crossover frequency is ω = 2rad/sec
with magnitude 6dB.
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We choose new gain crossover frequency as 2rad/sec so that the phase-lead angle required
about 50◦ . For the lead compensator, the maximum phase-lead angle ϕm is
1−α β−1
sin ϕm = =
1+α β+1
Choose β = 10, we get ϕm = 54.9◦ and is adequate.
Since the new gain crossover frequency is wgc = 2rad/sec, the lead-lag compenator must
contribute −6dB at this frequency. Then we can determine the corner frequencies of lead-
portion as ω = 0.4rad/sec and 4rad/sec.
For lag portion, we choose its corner frequency T12 at least one decade below the gain crossover
frequency wgc . So
= 2/10 = 0.2
The other corner frequency of lag portion is βT2
= 0.02rad/sec.
Combine the transfer functions of lead and lag portions of the compensator, we get
(2.5s + 1)(5s + 1)
Gc (s) =
(0.25s + 1)(50s + 1)
We observe P M = 50.7◦ , GM = 11.9dB, and the static velocity error constant is 10/sec.
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The step and ramp responses of the closed-loop system using lead-lag compensator are shown
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