Lab Book
Lab Book
Lab Book
Lab Format
All lab sessions will be conducted at the Hydraulics Laboratory in BEL G6. At the
beginning of each lab session, the instructor or lab technician will demonstrate the usage and
function of the equipment and instrument involved. Afterwards, you as a group is expected
to complete the lab unassisted and unsupervised. Each lab should last no more than three
hours. With tasks well planned beforehand, the duration can be shortened, sometimes
Before each lab session, you should read the lab description (attached), plan tasks, and divide
responsibility for data taking, sample calculations, data reduction and analysis, and report
Lab Reports
Lab reports are due one week after each lab session. A general guideline for preparing the
lab report is given in the next section.
After the submission of each lab report, a confidential peer-evaluation should be completed
by each individual and emailed to the instructor. The peer evaluation form attached to the end
of this handout should be used for this purpose. In general, if no problem is revealed by the
self evaluations, a common mark (i.e., same mark for all group members) will be assigned.
Reports will be graded for technical content and for writing, For technical content, the rubric
is given in the next section. For writing, miss-spelling, and muddled thoughts will cause you
Other than the material in this packet, there is no required text. However, the following
reference is very helpful:
2. Theory
Describe the theory involved in your own words. Cut-and-paste passages from
another source is not acceptable.
Relate the theory to the lab.
What and to what extent do you expect the data to verify with the theory?
3. Approach
Describe the work performed in a logical sequence.
Describe any difficulties encountered and note the anticipated effects.
4. Results
Establish uncertainty bounds for all direct measurements and derived quantities.
Describe the results, including uncertainty bounds, in words and in plots, tables, etc.
5. Discussions
How the data (observations) relates to theory?
Explain differences between theory and data in terms of assumptions and
6. Design of Experiment
Envision a different design of the experiment to achieve the same learning objective
(described for each lab experiment below). Include the following in the description of
the design: a schematic, a functional description, and a list of quantities to be
7. Appendix 1
Raw data as recorded during the lab session.
8. Appendix 2
Sample calculation. During a lab session, carry out calculations for one data point
from beginning to end. This must be done by hand calculations with a calculator. The
sample calculations serves several purposes: (1) ensures that no data items are
missing; (2) helps you develop a feel for the magnitude of quantities involved; (3)
show your thought process in data reduction. No specific format of sample
calculation is required. Sample calculations generated after the lab session defeat the
purpose and are not accepted.
The lab report must show the progression of thoughts and how parts fit together. A
collection of parts completed by individuals without careful editing and integration is not
acceptable. Keep the following in mind when editing:
Exam questions may come from the lab experiments. Each member of the group should
understand and agree with the whole content of the report. Before submitting, each member
should affix his or her signature on the cover sheet of the report indicating that he or she has
proof-read the report.
Objectives: to become familiar with some basic pressure and flow measurements, and to gain
an understanding of head losses of incompressible flow in pipes.
Objectives: to observe the phenomenon of water hammer in a long copper piping system, and
to quantify wave speed, potential surge, line pack, and attenuation.
Objectives: to obtain a feel on what the water horsepower, the brake horsepower, and the
efficiency of a hydraulic machinery are, and to see that a turbine can be operated over a range
of speeds, and that there is an optimum operating point.
Objectives: to understand the pump characteristics, and to see how the performance data of a
pump is established and presented.
Lab. 5 Flow Measurement, Channel Transition, and Hydraulic Jump (if time allows)
Lab. 6 Channel Resistance and Water Surface Profile (if time allows)
Objectives: (1) to understand the occurrence of critical flow and the usage of critical flow
section as a flow meter, (2) to understand the concept of specific energy as applied to a
transition, and (3) to verify the momentum and the energy principles as applied to a hydraulic
(If time does not permit at the end of the semester, labs 5 and 6 will be replaced by a class
demonstration and homework exercise.)
The objectives of this experiment are: to become familiar with some basic pressure and
flow measurements, and to gain an understanding of head losses of incompressible flow
in pipes.
Tasks to be accomplished
2. Determine the Darcy-Weisbach friction factor for a pipe at two Reynolds numbers.
3. Determine the head loss characteristics of a gate valve at three different openings.
Equipment Description
The Scott Fluid Circuit System will be used for this experiment. A schematic of the
circuit is shown on page 7. Valves 45 and 52 are throttled, separately, for regulating
flow. The remaining valves are used to set the flow path. They should be either fully
open or fully closed unless otherwise stated. The supply reservoir is vented at the top.
The sight glass attached to the reservoir can be used to determine water level inside.
Make sure the reservoir is about half full throughout the experiment.
There are two independent differential manometers shown in the schematic. The finger
screw at the top of each unit is used to vent air bubbles and, separately, to trap air as
manometer fluid. During differential head measurements, the screws must be tightly
closed. Venting air pockets trapped in the circuit and in the manometer sensing lines will
be demonstrated in the class.
General Procedures
You can use any combination of valves to provide flow through the Venturi meter. Valve
52 should be fully closed and valve 45 should be used as a throttling valve to control the
flow-rate. At this configuration, the water is wasted and does not return to the reservoir.
Tap water must be fed to the reservoir at the same rate as that through valve 45. Use the
reservoir level as a guide to adjust the faucet.
The flow-rate through the Venturi is measured by weighing the water discharged through
valve 45 over a time. A bucket, a scale, and a stop watch will be used for this purpose.
Fill the bucket near capacity to obtain accurate flow-rates.
You should obtain at least ten (10) pairs of manometer reading and volumetric flow-rate
data to generate the calibration curve for the Venturi flow meter.
During the flow-rate measurement, also measure the water temperature for use in Task 2.
Use the Venturi flow meter to obtain the volumetric flow-rate through pipe 3. The flow
direction can be either way, depending on your valve configuration. The differential
head between taps 24 and 32 is measured by the second differential manometer. (The first
differential manometer is used by the Venture.)
Both valve 45 and the fill valve should be closed fully. The water is now recirculating
through the system. Use valve 52 to control the flow-rates.
Set the flow-rate at the top of range tested in Task 1. When the flow is steady, read the
head difference between taps 24 and 32. Obtain the second pair of data at a flow-rate half
as large as the first one. (Can you estimate the desired differential manometer reading for
the Venturi directly without consulting the calibration curve?)
Calculate the Darcy-Weisbach friction factors and the Reynolds numbers for the
measured data. Plot your results on a standard Moody diagram. Do they match the
standard data? Explain why they do or don't match.
Use a pipe inside diameter of 0.785 inches in your calculations. You must measure the
length of the pipe between taps 24 and 32. Also measure the temperature of the water (as
noted in 1) so that a proper viscosity is used.
Valve 45 and the fill valve should be closed fully. The water is recirculating through the
system. Use valve 52 to control the flow-rates.
Set the remaining valves such that the flow through the gate valve on pipe 3 is common
to the flow through the Venturi flow meter.
The head difference between the two sides of the gate valve is measured by the second
manometer. (Again, the first manometer is used by the Venturi meter to obtain flow-rate.)
It takes about 5.5 turns to move the valve from full open to full closed position. You are
required to obtain a flow versus head loss curve at three valve settings. These settings
Plot all three curves on one graph paper. Discuss the results. At a fixed valve position,
what is the length of pipe that will produce the same head loss as the valve itself?
Make sure that you turn the pump off after the experiment. Because the pump runs very
quietly, it may be left on unknowingly.
There is no required format for the report. You are encouraged to develop your own style
of report writing.
Other Equipment
Other Information
You should allow at least three hours to complete this lab session. Plan the test and
divide the work evenly. You also need to meet and prepare the report. Make sure
everyone is aware of all aspects of the lab. As you become familiar with the process,
future labs will become easier and faster. It is essential that calculations on one data
point be carried out during the lab session. It will help you to prevent errors and to alert
you of missing data before it is too late.
The objectives of this experiment are: to observe the phenomenon of water hammer in a
long copper piping system, and to quantify wave speed, potential surge, line pack, and
Equipment Description
The test loop is made of cooper (red brass) type k tubing. It has an internal diameter of
0.995 inch and a wall thickness of 0.065 inch. As a material, red cooper has a Young’s
modulus of elasticity between 15*106 to 17*106 psi. The length of the tubing is
approximately 1100ft. The pipe is mounted in such a way that it forms a loop like a
racing track. The pipe inlet is located in the water sump below floor level.
About 31.5 ft from the pipe entrance on floor level is a pump with a variable frequency
drive. The pump speed may be adjusted by pushing up or down buttons on variable
frequency drive panel mounted on the wall near the pump. For personal and equipment
safety, the frequency should never exceed 30 Hz during this lab.
Water circulates in the loop and empties into the sump. At the outlet of the loop are two
quarter-turn valves. One of them is connected to a hose. The other is closed and is not
involved in this lab.
For this lab, two piezoelectric pressure transducers (Keller PAA-25) are used to capture
the rapidly varying pressures of water hammer. The transducers convert the source
pressures into DC voltages which are written into a data file by the PC-based data
acquisition system. The voltage is proportional to the pressure level. The calibration of
the transducers are 0 Volts at 0 psi (absolute), and 10 Volts at 200 psi (absolute). The
linear distance along the pipe between the transducers is 1097 ft. The elevation of these
transducers are the same. The data file is a text file formatted in three columns. Column 1
is time in seconds, Column 2 the pressure (in volts) close to the pump. Column 3 is the
pressure (in volts) near the loop outlet. Bring a USB thumb drive so you can copy the
data file to your thumb for offline processing.
A bucket, a weighing scale, a stopwatch, and a thermometer are provided to measure the
volumetric flow rate prior to water hammer.
1.) On the pump control panel, push the start button to turn the pump on. Increase the
power line-frequency to 60 Hz by pressing the “up” button. Open wide the valve
at the loop outlet. (i.e., the valve connected to the hose). Let the flow go through
the loop for several minutes to force out any trapped air in the loop.
3.) Start a data acquisition session. The session only last 5 seconds. Have one person
at the computer control while another person is poised to slat-shut the outlet
valve. On the command of the control and 1 second into the session, shut the
valve. Five seconds later, open the discharge valve so the pump is not pumping
against a dead end for too long. The instructor will demonstrate this fast
4.) At this point we have the data to show what happens when the outlet valve is
suddenly closed. A computerized “strip chart” provides the visual for the data.
Make note of the steady state frictional head loss, the potential surge, the line
packing, and the attenuation of the water hammer.
5.) After seeing what is going on, you are ready to take data on your own. Take three
sets of data to ensure the phenomenon is repeatable.
After the lab session, import the data into a spreadsheet program or Mathcad and plot the
digitized pressure traces. Can you pick out the potential surge and the line pack?
Compute the Darcy-Weisbach friction factor from the measured flow, the average inlet
and outlet pressures collected by the computer prior to water hammer generation. Also
compute the potential surge and the wave speed. Computed the water hammer wave
speed three ways: (1) by the theoretical approach, (2) by the potential surge relationship,
and (3) by wave travel time. Discuss the results and estimate the error bounds.
The objectives of this experiment are: to obtain a feel on what the water horsepower, the
brake horsepower, and the efficiency of a hydraulic machinery are, and to see that a
turbine can be operated over a range of speeds, and that there is an optimum operating
Equipment Description
This lab is to be performed on a hydraulic bench and a model Pelton impulse turbine.
The bottom portion of the bench is a sump tank. A centrifugal pump draws water from
the sump and feeds it to the turbine. The spent water is dumped into a volumetric
measuring tank. The water is eventually returned to a sump tank for recirculation.
Located at the lower left side of the bench is a pump discharge valve. This valve should
be fully open during tests.
The turbine sits over the side channel on the top of the bench. The flow into the turbine
is controlled by a spear valve assembly. The other function of this assembly is to form a
solid water jet directed at the turbine buckets from left. A pressure gauge mounted on
the assembly indicates the pressure head (in meters) of flow approaching the spear valve.
For this experiment, we will determine the efficiency of the system (the spear valve
assembly and the turbine) instead of the turbine runner alone. The jet velocity, although
not directly measurable, can be estimated from the pressure head with some
approximating assumptions.
A load to the turbine is applied through a tensioning device mounted on a support frame
over the turbine. This device is made of a belt with its ends attached to two spring
balances dangling down from the support frame. The belt is looped around a drum
mounted on the turbine shaft. By raising (lowering) the device, the torque applied to the
running turbine can be increased (decreased). Facing the turbine, its rotation is
counterclockwise. The spring balance on the left will indicate a greater force than that of
the right. The difference of these two forces multiplied by the radius of the drum (3 cm
precisely) yields the torque applied to the turbine. Any offset of the force readings
should be corrected.
The speed (in rpm) of the turbine can be measured by a digital tachometer. Aim the
tachometer at the reflective patch on the turbine shaft and press the white switch on its
right side to obtain readings. Speeds from 10 to 30,000 rpm can be measured. The rpm
uncertainty is: 0.1 rpm from 10 to 1000 rpm, 1 rpm from 1000 to 6000 rpm, and 2 rpm
from 6000 to 30,000 rpm. Please keep this tachometer dry as it is not water-proof.
General Procedures
2. Turn the pump on (the switch is located at the lower left panel). Turn the pump
discharge valve to its wide-open position. This valve should remain wide open during
the lab.
3. Lower the tensioning device so that the belt is not touching the drum.
4. Open the spear valve slowly until the pressure gauge indicates a pressure head of 20
5. Measure the turbine speed. This is the runaway speed at the set spear valve position.
6. Measure the flow rate. This is done by dropping (i.e., closing) the dump valve and
measuring the time required to collect a given volume of water. A sight class and scale
on the lower left panel of the hydraulic bench are to be used for this measurement. Open
the dump valve when finished.
7. Raise the tensioning device to apply a torque to the turbine. The turbine will slow
down. Obtain its rpm. Also, obtain the force readings from the two balances.
8. Repeat step 7 no fewer than 15 times. You want to span the turbine speed from
runaway to nearly zero rpm. At a very low rpm, the belt slips, the balances jump wildly,
and a constant turbine speed cannot be maintained. Use your judgment to get as low a
turbine speed as possible but still can get valid data.
10. Open the spear valve further until a pressure head of 10 meters is reached.
12. Close all the valves. Turn the pump off and unplug the power cord.
1. Tabulate all raw data and provide a complete set of sample calculations on one data
2. Establish water horse power versus bucket speed curve at the two spear valve
3. Establish brake-horse power versus bucket speed curve at the two spear valve
The objectives are: (1) to establish pump performance curves and (2) to verify the
homologous theory. Develop an understanding on the characteristics and operation of
centrifugal pumps through these activities
Equipment Description
A centrifugal pump and a motor are mounted on a test stand (see Fig. 1). Electric power
is fed to the motor via a variable frequency drive. The pump takes suction from a tank
(see Fig. 3) via a suction pipe. On the discharge side of the pump are a control valve, a
dial pressure gauge, and a Venturi flow meter (see Figure 2). A second control valve is
located on the discharge pipe between the Venturi and the pipe outlet to the tank (see Fig.
3). Water in the tank is conveyed to the pump inlet through the suction pipe, upon
acquiring the total dynamic head of the pump, the water goes through the Venture meter
and re-circulates back to the tank.
Figure 1 Centrifugal pump (left), a torque sensor (middle) and a motor with a force
gauge (right)
During test, the control valve between the pump discharge and the dial pressure gauge
should remain wide open. Use the control valve near the discharge pipe outlet (see Fig.
3) to regulate the flow.
The power input to the test stand is measured by a Watts meter. The torque exerted by
the motor on the pump shaft is measured in two ways: (1) by a torque sensor, and (2) by a
force gauge with a known moment arm. A hand-held tachometer is used to measure the
rotational speed of the pump. The measured torque and the rotational speed enable the
power input to the pump (which is the same as the power output from the motor)
calculated. From the water level in the tank (measurable using a staff gauge), the flow
rate (measurable using the Venturi), pressure at pump discharge, and the known
elevations of the suction pipe and the dial pressure gauge, the total head at pump suction
and discharge can be calculated. The difference between the two is the total dynamic
head produced by the pump at the given flow. Consider all head losses (entrance, elbow,
and friction) along the suction pipe in calculating the total head at pump suction.
Additional information are given below:
Suction pipe centerline elevation: 0 in (i.e., this the datum for elevations)
Suction pipe length: need to be measured.
Pump suction pipe inside diameter: 1.025 in
Pump discharge pipe inside diameter: 0.805 in
Venturi throat diameter: 0.48 in
3 4 5 6 7
1×10 1×10 1×10 1×10 1×10
SQR(2 g dh)*(d/nu)
Figure 4. Calibration curve of the flow coefficient K for the Venturi meter (See
Roberson and Crowe Figure 13.13 and CE322 first Lab)
The calibration flow coefficient K for the Venturi meter is provided in Fig. 4. The
horizontal axis of Fig. 4 represents 2 g ∆h , where g is gravitational acceleration (32.2
ft/s ), ∆h is the differential piezometric head (in ft) between the Ventuii approach section
and the throat, d is the diameter at Venturi throat, and ν is the kinematic viscosity of the
fluid in ft2/s. ∆h is related to the output of the differential pressure transducer. (8 Volts
corresponds 10 psi, linear). Knowing K, the flow can be computed from
Q = KAo 2 g ∆h
Γ ( in −=
oz ) ( 44.3825 + 0.00322 *Volts ) *Volts
The moment arm to be used in calculating the torque using the force gauge is 4.06 inches.
Both methods of torque measurements should be used and reported.
1. Before turning the power on, ensure the pump discharge control valve is fully closed.
2. Turn on the power, adjust the frequency of the input power to nearly zero.
3. Gradually open the pump discharge control valve. Ensure both valves are now fully
4. Gradually increase the power frequency to 60 Hz. Once there, record tank level, dial
pressure gauge reading, Venturi meter output, torque sensor output, and the reading from
the Watts meter.
5. Reduce the flow by adjust the control valve near the discharge pipe outlet (the valve at
the pump discharge should stay wide open) and record the data. Repeat this at least ten
times in such a way that your flow data is more or less equally spaced between 0 and the
6. Reduce the power frequency to 30 Hz. Repeat the same to obtain the data set at the
lower pump speed.
1. Outline the theory behind pump performance characteristics and homologous theory
2. Establish the head versus flow and efficiency versus flow curves (pump efficiency,
motor efficiency, and overall efficiency) for the two pump speeds
3. Establish the head versus flow curves in terms of homologous variables
4. Uncertainty bounds must presented as an integral part of your results
5. Discuss the results
6. Describe an alternate design of this experiment
7. Include raw data sheets, sample calculations, and all data reduction in an appendix
There are three objectives: (1) to understand the occurrence of critical flow and the usage of
critical flow section as a flow meter, (2) to understand the concept of specific energy as applied
to a transition, and (3) to verify the momentum and the energy principles as applied to a
hydraulic jump.
Equipment Description
A flume is constructed from Lucite sheets. It has a width of 3.8 cm and a length of 8.6 m. A
ramp is inserted near the mid-length of the flume. The upper-end of the flume rests on a rigid
support. The lower-end rests on a thick pin inserted in a support frame. The slope of the flume
can be adjusted by lifting up the lower end of the flume with a wrench, remove and reinsert the
pin to a new position, and lower the flume to the pin at the new position. Water is supplied to the
head box by pump located at the free-fall end of the flume. Water flows through the flume and
free-falls into the pump supply reservoir.
General Procedure
Make sure the pump discharge valve is closed. Turn the pump on. Slowly open the discharge
valve so that the water level in the head box is about two-thirds full. Using the valve to make
small flow adjustment to create: (1) a subcritical flow region upstream from the ramp, (2) a
supercritical flow region immediately downstream from the ramp, (3) a hydraulic jump, and (4) a
subcritical flow region between the jump but and the free-fall. Once the valve position is set, it
should remain unchanged throughout this lab exercise.
The slope of the flume is preset so that you can create the required flow conditions with the
valve. Please do not change the slope of the channel. The scales (two vertical and one along the
channel) affixed to the flume are not involved with this lab exercise.
In the following tasks, each member of the team should make a complete set of measurements.
All measurements should be used in your team report.
Flow measurement
A weighing tank and a stop watch are provided. Use the deflector to direct the falling jet into the
weighing tank for flow measurement. Measure the depth of critical flow sections (there are two)
and compute the flow rate. Do the calculated values match the measured one within the
uncertainties of measurements?
Hydraulic Jump
Measure the depth of flow before and after the jump. Use your judgment to decide where these
measurements should be. Verify the conjugate depth ratio versus Froude number relationship
(Eqs. 7-25 and 7-26 of the text). Also verify the energy loss-relationship (Eq. 7.28 of the text).
The objectives are (1) to understand open channel's resistance to flow by determining the
Manning's n value, (2) to understand water surface profiles physically and computationally.
Equipment Description
A flume is constructed from Lucite sheets. It has a width of 3.81 cm and a length of 8.6 m
approximately. The upper end of the flume rests on a rigid support. The lower end rests on a
thick pin inserted in a support frame. The slope of the flume is adjustable by changing the pin
position. Use the wrench to lift the lower end of the flume so that the pin can be repositioned.
Water is recirculated through the flume by a pump. The flow rate is adjustable by throttling the
discharge valve of the pump. Flow rate is measured by a weighing tank and a scale. If the water
is wasted during flow rate measurement, than you need to make up the lost water with the hose
connected to the building water supply. You need to keep the water level in the pump constant.
Otherwise, the flow rate may vary over time.
Two vertical scales are affixed at the two ends of the flume. A third scale is affixed along the
flume. With these scales and using a level, the slope of the flume can be determined.
General Procedure
Turn the pump on and have water circulating in the flume. Set the flume to a mild slope
(hydraulically speaking). Make further flow adjustment until a smooth M2 profile is created.
Use the level to record needed data for channel slope determination. (The level will be set up and
ready to record data.) Use the weighing tank to determining the flow rate. Use the flow rate to
calculate the critical depth. Locate the channel cross-section near the free-fall where critical
flow occurs. This section is the control for the M2 profile.
Starting at the control section, record the flow depth and the corresponding distance along the
channel so you have a measured M2 water surface profile.
By using the measured flow rate and the control section, and by assuming a range of Manning's n
values, a set of M2 profiles can be computed with the direct step method. You should write a
simple compute program or to use a spread sheet program for this purpose. The Manning 's n
associated with the computed profile that best matches the measured profile is the answer.