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The design of a sewage network for a residen al development is a cri cal process that requires precise engineering
planning. In this project, a sewage network was designed using vitrified clay pipes (Vitrified Clay) for a residen al layout
located in an area with varied topography, but generally with a mild slope. The goal of this project is to provide an
efficient design for the sewage lines based on the terrain and the natural gradients of the land.

According to the Egyp an code, the sewage pipes were planned with lengths of 60 meters. The sewage network planning
in the residen al layout was based on the land eleva ons, with the area's eleva on levels analyzed using available
topographic maps. This process included determining the natural ground eleva ons to iden fy areas requiring addi onal
adjustments in excava on depth or changes in the direc on of water flow. The pipes start from higher eleva on areas
and move towards lower eleva on areas, reaching the li sta on, which was placed outside the residen al layout at the
lowest point to facilitate the drainage process and avoid the need for pumps.

Second Step: A erward, AutoCAD so ware was used as a tool to assist in planning the network, and the network was
then exported to SWERCAD so ware to begin the design process. In SWERCAD, the network is displayed using the
Mul Builder tool.

Third Step: The program was configured to operate using the Interna onal System of Units (SI).

Fourth Step: The li sta on's loca on is defined ini ally, where the program recognizes the exis ng li sta on in the
network as a manhole and modifies it to a li sta on.

Fi h Step: In SWERCAD, the network is recognized as consis ng of a li sta on, manholes, and sewage pipes. Once the
program is introduced to the li sta on loca on, the manholes are designed at strategic points within the network,
allowing easy access for inspec on, maintenance, and changing water flow direc ons when needed. The op mal
distance between manholes was determined so that, in most cases, it does not exceed 60 meters.

Manhole Characteris cs: The manhole's proper es are defined based on three main factors:

1. Diameter
2. Ground eleva on
3. Flow rates for each manhole

Diameter: The program defines the manhole diameter as 1.2 meters.

Ground Eleva on: The ground eleva on for each manhole is determined. The defined eleva ons on the layout map were
exported to SWERCAD, which can be done manually or with the help of a TEXT ELEVATION file. This file converts text into
points, which are then incorporated into the network using the TREX tool. The program then assigns the eleva ons to
each manhole.
Flow Rates in the Manhole: The program defines the flow rates for each manhole based on the expected water

Sewage Pipes:

1. Pipe Diameters and Material Types: The program is configured to include pipe diameters of 200, 250, 300, 400, 450,
500, 600, 700, 800, and 900 mm, depending on the required flow rate for each sec on of the network. The pipes are
defined as being made of vitrified clay with a circular cross-sec on. The proper es of these pipes, such as resistance to
chemical agents in wastewater and their suitability for effec ve water flow, were taken into account.
2. Pipe Velocity, Slope, and Excava on Depth:
Velocity: The program defines the flow velocity as being between 0.6 m/s and 1.6 m/s, which helps to prevent the
accumula on of solid materials within the pipes.
Excava on Depth: The excava on depth is determined based on the selected pipe diameters and the ground eleva ons
in each sec on of the network. The program is configured so that the excava on does not exceed the top surface of the
pipe. The minimum excava on depth is set to 1.2 meters, and the maximum depth is 5 meters.
Slope: The pipe slope is determined based on the pipe diameter for each pipe to ensure adequate con nuous flow from
higher to lower points. The program assigns the following slopes for each pipe diameter:
3. Combined Drainage System: The program defines the pipes as working together for both stormwater and sewage
4. Pipe Capacity: The program defines the pipe filling ra o according to specifica ons. For pipes with diameters less than
700 mm, the filling ra o is 75%, and for pipes with diameters greater than 700 mm, the filling ra o is 90%.
5. Parallel and Perpendicular Pipes: The program configures the parallel pipes on the road to a ra o of 1. In the case of
perpendicular pipes, the water level in the main pipe is equal to the water level in the secondary pipe to prevent water
from transferring from the main pipe to the subpipe, ensuring proper drainage.
6. Drop Structures: The program is set to allow for a drop structure if a pipe exceeds the allowable excava on depth. In
such cases, the program will create a manhole a er this pipe and set a new pipe with the permissible excava on depth.
7. Design Constraints: The program is configured to work according to the given condi ons and to use a minimum pipe
diameter of 200 mm.
8. Manhole Flow: The program defines the flow rates for each manhole, which depend on the popula on and individual
consump on.
Popula on and Flow Calcula ons:
Based on studies of the residen al layout, the project includes approximately 1,000 housing units, with an es mated
popula on of around 70,000 people. The layout also includes various public facili es, such as schools and shopping
centers. The sewage flow was calculated based on individual water consump on, which is es mated at 240 liters per
person per day.
According to specifica ons, 80-90% of the water consumed is converted into wastewater.
According to the Egyp an code, the average consump on and loss within the network is 280 liters/day.
The program is set to calculate the maximum and minimum flow rates using the formulas:

Maximum Flow: Q = 5 * P^(1/6)

Minimum Flow: Q = 0.3 * P^(1/6)

These formulas are added to the program via the Extrem Flow tool.
9. Manhole Service Capacity: The program defines how many people each manhole serves. Given that there are 68
manholes in the network, each manhole serves 1,030 people, based on the popula on density in the area.

The engineering design of a sewage network in any residen al area requires a comprehensive examina on of the area
itself, including its geographical and environmental characteris cs. In this project, we designed a sewage network for a
virtual residen al layout containing a variety of housing units and public facili es such as schools and parks. This study
serves as a model for applying civil engineering techniques in design using SewerCad so ware.
1.1.1 Geographical Loca on of the Area The residen al layout is located in an area with rela vely flat terrain. This area is
situated in one of the large urban ci es, where the residen al plan is part of the city's urban expansion strategy. The
region enjoys a moderate climate with moderate rainfall during the winter months.
1.1.2 Demographic Characteris cs The residen al area consists of approximately 1,000 housing units, including villas and
apartments. The layout also includes public facili es such as parks, schools, and commercial centers. Based on our
es mates, the total popula on in the area is approximately 70,000 people.
Geographical Data for the Layout
The geographical data of the residen al layout is essen al for determining the spa al distribu on of facili es and
understanding where the sewage loads are concentrated. The following geographical data was used:
Topographic maps of the site, which show land eleva ons and terrain features.
Residen al and service areas, such as streets, schools, parks, and commercial facili es.
Loca ons of the main pumping sta ons and collec on points to determine flow direc ons and the posi oning of the
sewage network.
This geographical data was entered into SewerCad so ware to ensure accurate calcula on of water flow throughout the

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