Chapter 2 Notes Psychology

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Methods of Enquiry in Psychology


Methods of Enquiry in Psychology: Goals


 The description requires recording a particular behaviour and describing it accurately so as to attain a comprehensive
understanding of the same
 For example, morning habits may have a diverse range of behaviours like reading positive literature, meditation, exercise,
journaling etc.


 It is the second goal of psychological enquiry

 Here we attempt to understand the relationship between the behaviour we are describing with the other types of behaviour.


 It is the third goal of psychological enquiry

 It attempts to explain the causal factors of behaviour and attain an understanding of the conditions in which the
behaviour occurs or not.


 It is the fourth goal of psychological inquiry

 It focuses on three things
o Making a particular behaviour happen
o Reducing it
o Enhancing it


 It is the fifth goal of psychological enquiry

 focuses on bringing out a positive change in people’s lives

Steps in Conducting a Scientific Research

Conceptualizing a problem

 It is the first step of conducting scientific research

 The researcher selects a topic for study which is done on basis of either review of past research, observations, personal

Identification of problem

 It is the second step of scientific research

 Development of a tentative statement about the topic takes place which is termed a hypothesis
 For example, “greater is the amount of time spent by children in playing violent video games, the greater is the degree of
impatience and anger developed by them”

Collection of data

 This step focuses on developing a research design or blueprint of the entire study.
 Decisions are taken about the following
o Participants in the study
o Methods of study
o Tools to be used in research
o Procedure for data collection

Drawing conclusions

 The next step of scientific research is to analyse data through statistical procedures
 It can be achieved through measures of central tendency like mean, median, mode and graphical presentations like pie
charts, bar diagram

Revising research conclusions

 The researcher revises the whole study and the hypothesis being taken is analysed thoroughly to see whether it stands true or

Nature of Psychological Data

Demographic information

It includes personal information like name, age, gender, education, occupation etc.

Physical information

Includes information about ecological conditions, housing conditions, size of rooms, facilities available at home, in the
neighbourhood, in the school etc.

Psychological information

The information focuses on areas like intelligence, personality, interests etc.

Different Methods of Enquiry in Psychology


 It is a very powerful method of psychological enquiry

 It involves the selection of a particular behaviour, recording the selected behaviour using symbols, photographs and analysis of
the recorded behaviour


 Enables the researcher to study people and their behaviour.

 Can provide in-depth information about behaviour to be observed


 It is time-consuming
 It can be labour-intensive at times
 Poor method for establishing cause and effect relationship.

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