Physics - Question Bank (UD11T6103)
Physics - Question Bank (UD11T6103)
Physics - Question Bank (UD11T6103)
Unit 3 – Light
1. What is Total Internal Reflection and critical angle and writes its condition?
2. Write the application of Total Internal Reflection,
a. Mirage
b. Azimuth mirror (Ray diagram, construction)
c. Periscope (Ray diagram, construction)
d. Prism Binocular (Ray diagram, Working)
3. With the neat ray diagram explain the sextant and its application to measure
height of distant object.
4. What is an EM waves and write its characteristics?
3. State and explain Kirchhoff’s current law. Why Kirchhoff’s Current law is
called as “Law of conservation of charge”?
4. Define resistance and state the law of resistance.
Unit 5- Electronics