Physics - Question Bank (UD11T6103)

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PREPARED BY: - Mr.Shashank Phonde &

Mrs. Manisha Phonde (Sonawane)
Unit 1- Mechanics
1. Give on example of the application of the law of Conservation of angular
2. State and prove the parallel and perpendicular axis theorem?
3. Prove that the total energy of a freely falling body remains constant?
4. State and explain Work Energy theorem?
5. What is Gyroscope? Derive the expression for processional frequency of
Gyroscope? How it is useful for navigation?
6. Derive the expression for processional frequency of spinning top?
7. What is gyro inertia? And explain it?
8. Define work, power, energy, radius of gyration, torque?
9. Define streamline and turbulent flow?
10. State law of flotation, Archimedes Principal and buoyancy?
11. State Pascal’s law and write its application?
12. State Bernoulli’s theorem and write its application?
13. Derive the expression for the Bernoulli’s theorem?

Unit 2 – Sound, Heat and Thermodynamics

1. Arrive at the Mayer’s Relation (CP-CV)?

2. Describe the different modes of heat transfer such as conduction, radiation
and convection with examples?
3. Define latent heat. Specific latent heat and specific heat (with units)
4. Define heat capacity specific heat capacity and sensible heat?

5. Explain the Heat engine?

6. Explain how to determine the value of coefficient of apparent expansion
and Coefficient of real expansion and their relation by dilatometer method?
7. State and explain gas law?
8. Explain the basic refrigerator cycle?
1. Write the characteristics and longitudinal and transverse wave?
10. Explain characteristics of sound ; loudness pitch and quality?
11. Define decibel?
12. What is Doppler effect and explain its cases in details and application?
13. Describe the application of reflection to the measurement of depth by
Echo sounder?
14. Describe the application of reflection to the ultra sonic detector for
checking hatch weather tightness?

Unit 3 – Light

1. What is Total Internal Reflection and critical angle and writes its condition?
2. Write the application of Total Internal Reflection,
a. Mirage
b. Azimuth mirror (Ray diagram, construction)
c. Periscope (Ray diagram, construction)
d. Prism Binocular (Ray diagram, Working)
3. With the neat ray diagram explain the sextant and its application to measure
height of distant object.
4. What is an EM waves and write its characteristics?

5. Write a short note on Gamma rays and UV rays?

6. Write a short note on Infrared rays and Microwaves?

Unit 4- Current Electricity

1. State and explain Kirchhoff’s voltage law.

2. State and explain Kirchhoff’s laws with examples.

3. State and explain Kirchhoff’s current law. Why Kirchhoff’s Current law is
called as “Law of conservation of charge”?
4. Define resistance and state the law of resistance.

5. What is Ohm’s Law? What are the limitations of Ohm’s law?

6. Define the following terms

(i) Voltage (ii) current (iii) electric power (iv) energy

7. What is a static electricity and its hazard and its precaution?

8. What is an Electric Shock? Explain with its hazard and its


9. What is Joule’s law of heating effect and its application?

10. Write a short note on Electric Bulb?

11. Write the laws of Electromagnetic Induction?

12. Write a short note on Self Inductance?

3. Write a short note on Mutual Inductance?

Unit 5- Electronics

1. With the help of a block diagram explains each unit of AM transmitter

(Radio Transmitter)?

2. Explain with the block diagram of super heterodyne receiver (Radio


3. Explain the ionosphere & the propagation of sky waves?

4. What are ground waves and space wave propagation?

5. Why the D and E layer vanishes in night and communication is better

in night time.

6. Explain the action of Whip antenna?

7. Explain the action of Yagi- Uda antenna?

8. What is radar principle with a neat diagram?

9. Explain with neat block diagram the RADAR receiver?

10. Explain with neat block diagram the RADAR Transmitter?

11. Write a short note on Thermistor as a temperature


12. Write a short note on flow rate meter (Venturimeter)?

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