Introduction To Experimental Programme SL HL

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Types of scientific data

Quantitative measurements
Accuracy and Precision
Types of errors

Introduction to Propagating Uncertainties

Graphical Techniques
“Uncertainty is not simply
due to the limits of
technology in measuring
certain events.
It is inherent in nature. “

Karl Pearson
English statistician
Credited with first describing the concept of
Qualitative data include all non-
numerical information obtained
from observations and not from
direct measurement.

Types of data Quantitative data are obtained

from measurements, and are
always associated with random
errors/uncertainties, determined
by apparatus and by human
limitations such as reaction times
Qualitative Quantitative

• Deals with descriptions • Deals with numbers and

units of measurement
• Data that can be observed
but not measured • Data that can be measured
using instruments
• Colours of solution or
precipitates, • Subjected to errors and
effervescence etc. uncertainties
Read the recorded qualitative observations.
Identify how the observations can be used to corroborate with
quantitative measured data?
Significance of
significant figures
in measurements
Rules on significant figures

Non-zeros always count as significant 3456 has

4 significant figures

Leading zeroes do not count as significant 0.0486 has

figures: 3 significant figures

Captive zeroes always count as significant 16.07 has

figures: 4 significant figures

Trailing zeros are significant only if the number 9.300 has

contains a written decimal point: 4 significant figures
Textbook pages 351-354

Reporting quantitative data

When adding or subtracting

measurements, the answer should be given
to the least number of decimal places.
When multiplying or dividing
measurements, the answer should be given
to the least number of significant figures.
Rule for (addition and subtraction) of

RULE 1. Your answer should only have the same number of decimal
placings as the most imprecise number.

Eg. 0.011 + 0.01 = 0.021 à 0.02

Eg. 90 000 + 900 = 90 900 à 90 000

Rule for (multiplication and division)
of data

RULE 2. In carrying out a multiplication or division, the answer cannot have

more significant figures than either of the original numbers.
Activity 2
Accuracy and Precision, Errors
and Uncertainties
Accuracy refers to how close a
measurement is to the true or
accepted value.

Precision refers to how close

repeated measurements are to
each other.
All measurements have a
limit of precision and
accuracy, and this must
be taken into account
when evaluating
experimental results.
Understand the difference between random errors
and systematic errors.

Propagation of random errors in data processing

shows the impact of the uncertainties on the final

EXPERIMENTAL Experimental design and procedure usually lead to

ERRORS systematic errors in measurement, which cause a
deviation of the data in a particular direction.

Textbook pages 383-385

Repeat trials and measurements will reduce random
errors but not systematic errors.
Systematic Random

• Causes the data to be skewed in one

direction every time. Also, known as • Causes the data to be either above or
repetitive errors. below the accepted value.

• Cannot be eliminated by averaging. • Can be reduced by averaging the data.

But can be avoided by changing the But cannot be avoided.
way in which the experiment is carried
out (methodological error). • Inherent in all the instruments we used
in data measurements
• Examples include: zero error, mis-
calibrated thermometer.
When evaluating experimental
conclusion, systematic and random
errors need to be considered.
Precision and accuracy of the
measurements need to be discussed
with reference to both experimental
procedures and use of equipment.
Analogue instruments
►1. For glassware and similar instruments, the
Determining uncertainty is half the smallest increment of
uncertainty the instrument.
Digital instruments
►2. For digital instruments, the uncertainty is
the smallest digit.
Example of an analogue instrument:

1 2 3 4 cm
We can see the markings between 1.6 cm and 1.7 cm.
The uncertainty is half the smallest scale division: 0.1 ÷ 2 = 0.05 cm.
We record (1.65 ± 0.05) cm as our measurement.

1. The absolute uncertainty is always expressed as 1 s.f.

2. The processed measurement must have the same number of decimal
places as the absolute uncertainty.
Example of an analogue instrument:
Measuring cylinder

The volume is between 17 cm3 and 18 cm3.

The uncertainty is half the smallest scale
division: 1 ÷ 2 = 0.5 cm3.
So the answer is
17.5 ± 0.5 cm3
Example of a digital instrument:
Electronic mass balance

What is the mass on the scale?

1) 0.025 ± 0.0005g
2) 0.025 ± 0.005g
3) 0.025 ± 0.001g
Textbook pages 355-357

Expressing uncertainties

All measurements have a degree of

uncertainty regardless of its accuracy or
Uncertainty in measurements can be
reported in different ways:
• Absolute uncertainty
• Percentage uncertainty
• Fractional uncertainty (more in physics)
Textbook pages 358-362

Propagating uncertainties

• Addition and subtraction

• Multiplication and
• Exponents (HL only)
Propagation of
uncertainties in
calculated result
1. When adding or subtracting
measurements, the uncertainty in the
calculated value is the sum of the absolute
Worked examples 4 and 5, pages 358-359
Propagation of
uncertainties in
calculated result
2. When multiplying or dividing
measurements, the total % uncertainty in
the calculated value is the sum of individual
% uncertainties.
Worked examples 6 and 7, pages 359-360
Propagation of
uncertainties in
calculated result
3. When propagating uncertainties in
calculations involving exponents, %
uncertainties are used. The % uncertainty of
the raw data is multiplied by the value of
the exponent.

Worked example 8, page 361

When % error < % uncertainty:
Major errors in the experiment are
related to area of precision.
Errors are mainly random in nature.
Must have more replications to reduce

Evaluating % Must have more precise measuring

tools or larger measured quantity to
error and % reduce uncertainty.

Textbook pages 384-385

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