Grade 7 Mock Social Science Paper 1

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This question paper comprises 8 printed pages.
ZRP Schools Examination Board, 2023 Examinations

[Turn over]
This question paper consists of 8 printed pages.

ZRP Schools Examination Board, 2024. [Turn over]

1. A name given to a person because of his or her behavior is a

2024 Grade 7 Mock Exams: Social Sciences Paper 1 Page 1
A. attitude
B. comade
C. nickname
D. character

2. Who provides moral and logistical support in the contemporary family?

A. mother
B. father
C. cousins
D. grandmother

3. The picture below shows Tanaka reading information on the cellphone.

This suggests that Tanaka is consuming

A. soft copy information
B. hard copy information
C. researched information
D. academic information

4. The following norms and values are under threat except for
A. birth rites
B. marriage
C. death rites
D. human rights

5. In Zimbabwe the most important birth rite is

A. the dropping of umbilical cord (rukuvhute/inhlamba)
B. kusungirwa
C. kugadzira nhova
D. kutema rukawo

6. What do we call the belief in one God?

A. monotheism
B. earthiest
C. holy trinity
D. resurrection

7. One known taboo about totem, if you eat your animal totem
2024 Grade 7 Mock Exams: Social Sciences Paper 1 Page 2
A. your teeth will fall out
B. you encounter bad luck
C. you will disappear
D. you will go mud

8. In family dynamics which of the following is a pull factor?

A. power struggles
B. addiction and substance abuse
C. trust and loyalty
D. communication breakdowns

9. The symbol below represents which religion?

A. Judaism
B. Islam
C. Indigenous
D. Christianity

10. The following are qualities of a bad friend except

A. laziness
B. cunning
C. disobedience
D. hardworking

11. Peter comes to school without food. Which right is being violated?
A. education
B. shelter
C. food
D. worship

12. Organizations that provide free services to communities in times of need are
2024 Grade 7 Mock Exams: Social Sciences Paper 1 Page 3
A. public services
B. social services
C. voluntary services
D. right organizations

13. Which totem is associated with the picture below?

A. Mpofu
B. Dube
C. Sibanda
D. Ndhlovu

14. Rabbi is a religious practitioner in

A. Judaism
B. Christianity
C. Indigenous
D. Islam

15. People in courtship should be tested for

A. malaria
B. flue
D. sugar

16. What do we learn from the parable of the Good Samaritan?

A. forgiveness
B. love
C. hatred
D. obedience

17. Sukkot is the festival of

A. lights
B. giving
C. celebration
D. thanksgiving

18. Who is entitled to rights?

2024 Grade 7 Mock Exams: Social Sciences Paper 1 Page 4

A. sick people
B. old people
C. the handicapped
D. all people

19. _________ is an occasion on which Jesus Christ was brought back to life after
A. Baptism
B. Ramadan
C. Resurrection
D. Initiation

20. The disability of lacking eye sight is

A. blindness
B. deafness
C. physically challenged
D. mentally challenged

21. Who is at the top of the indigenization leaders hierarchy?

A. village heads
B. chiefs
C. headman
D. Minister of Local Government

22. The picture below shows a bronze statue at the National Heroes Acre.

What does the statue represents?

A. the post independent struggle
B. official symbol of the liberation heritage
C. all unknown soldiers who perished in the struggle
D. ambitions of Zimbabweans

23. The National Pledge of Zimbabwe is derived from the constitution and was first
circulated in schools in
2024 Grade 7 Mock Exams: Social Sciences Paper 1 Page 5
A. 2013
B. 2014
C. 2017
D. 2015

24. Natural resources can be classified into _________ categories.

A. three
B. two
C. four
D. five

25. A person who receives or inherits property upon the death of someone is called
A. loarner
B. heir
C. creditor
D. debtor

26. What do we call the crime of marrying someone who is already married to
A. bigamy
B. adultery
C. infidelity
D. dishonesty

27. The picture below shows children playing nhodo/igano.

What norms and values are being taught?

A. unfaithfulness
B. responsibilities
C. problem solving
D. dishonesty

28. Who among these is not in the judiciary system?

A. police
2024 Grade 7 Mock Exams: Social Sciences Paper 1 Page 6
B. teacher
C. lawyer
D. judge

29. Which one is a pre-colonial state?

A. Victoria falls
B. Harare
C. Great Zimbabwe
D. Mutare

30. What can be done to reduce desertification?

A. land pollution
B. afforestation
C. deforestation
D. building fireguard

31. Why are CCTV’s used in shops and bank ATM’s?

A. to increase sales
B. to catch thieves
C. to find prices of goods
D. to count customers

32. The map below shows deserts.

The desert marked X on the map is _________.

A. Kalahari
B. Namib
C. Sahara
D. Arabian

33. The international convention that promotes the rights of disabled is __________.
34. People who are permanent residence in a country are called _________.
A. students
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B. pedestrians
C. landlords
D. citizens

35. The Zimbabwe National Water Authority is responsible for distributing ________.
A. fuel
B. water
C. electricity
D. network

36. What is the use of satellite systems in transport?

A. they are for easy tracking and location of vehicles carrying goods
B. they are for trapping thieves
C. they are for the driver’s entertainment
D. they are for passenger’s entertainment

37. The following are immigration documents except _________.

A. passport
B. visa
C. re-entry permit
D. medical card

38. The money paid to an artist for the use or reproduction of his/her work is
called ________.
A. interest
B. royalties
C. profit
D. credit

39. What is the official name of the country Zimbabwe?

A. Great Zimbabwe
B. Zimbabwe Republic
C. Zimbabwe Union
D. Republic of Zimbabwe

40. Stigma and discrimination can lead to _________.

A. suicidal thoughts
B. high self-esteem
C. mental health
D. self confidence

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