Grade 7 Mock Social Science Paper 1
Grade 7 Mock Social Science Paper 1
Grade 7 Mock Social Science Paper 1
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Answer all the questions on the separate answer sheet provided.
This question paper comprises 8 printed pages.
ZRP Schools Examination Board, 2023 Examinations
[Turn over]
This question paper consists of 8 printed pages.
4. The following norms and values are under threat except for
A. birth rites
B. marriage
C. death rites
D. human rights
7. One known taboo about totem, if you eat your animal totem
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A. your teeth will fall out
B. you encounter bad luck
C. you will disappear
D. you will go mud
A. Judaism
B. Islam
C. Indigenous
D. Christianity
11. Peter comes to school without food. Which right is being violated?
A. education
B. shelter
C. food
D. worship
12. Organizations that provide free services to communities in times of need are
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A. public services
B. social services
C. voluntary services
D. right organizations
A. Mpofu
B. Dube
C. Sibanda
D. Ndhlovu
19. _________ is an occasion on which Jesus Christ was brought back to life after
A. Baptism
B. Ramadan
C. Resurrection
D. Initiation
22. The picture below shows a bronze statue at the National Heroes Acre.
23. The National Pledge of Zimbabwe is derived from the constitution and was first
circulated in schools in
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A. 2013
B. 2014
C. 2017
D. 2015
25. A person who receives or inherits property upon the death of someone is called
A. loarner
B. heir
C. creditor
D. debtor
26. What do we call the crime of marrying someone who is already married to
A. bigamy
B. adultery
C. infidelity
D. dishonesty
33. The international convention that promotes the rights of disabled is __________.
34. People who are permanent residence in a country are called _________.
A. students
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B. pedestrians
C. landlords
D. citizens
35. The Zimbabwe National Water Authority is responsible for distributing ________.
A. fuel
B. water
C. electricity
D. network
38. The money paid to an artist for the use or reproduction of his/her work is
called ________.
A. interest
B. royalties
C. profit
D. credit