FortiOS-7.4.5-Administration - Guide (2) - Parte4
FortiOS-7.4.5-Administration - Guide (2) - Parte4
FortiOS-7.4.5-Administration - Guide (2) - Parte4
2. Drill down on an application, such as YouTube, then select the Sessions tab.
Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) tags can be used to categorize traffic for quality of service (QoS). SD-WAN
traffic steering on an edge device can be provided based on the DSCP tags.
This section provides an example of using DSCP tag-based traffic steering using secure SD-WAN. Traffic from the
customer service and marketing departments at a headquarters are marked with separate DSCP tags by the core switch
and passed to the edge FortiGate. The edge FortiGate reads the tags, then steers traffic to the preferred interfaces
based on the defined SD-WAN rules.
VoIP and social media traffic are steered. VoIP traffic from the customer service department is more important than
social media traffic. The edge FortiGate identifies the tagged traffic based on SD-WAN rules then steers the traffic:
l VoIP traffic is marked with DSCP tag 011100 and steered to the VPN overlay with the lowest jitter, to provide the
best quality voice communication with the remote PBX server.
l Social media traffic is marked with the DSCP tag 001100 and steered to the internet connection with the lowest cost.
The following is assumed to be already configured:
l Two IPsec tunnels (IPsec VPN on page 2029):
l Branch-HQ-A on Internet_A (port 1)
l Branch-HQ-B on Internet_B (port 5)
l Four SD-WAN members in two zones (Configuring the SD-WAN interface on page 789):
l Overlay zone includes members Branch-HQ-A and Branch-HQ-B
l virtual-wan-link zone includes members Internet_A and Internet_B
Internet_A has a cost of 0 and Internet_B has a cost of 10. When using the lowest cost strategy, Internet_A will
be preferred. Both members are participants in the Default_DNS performance SLA.
l A static route that points to the SD-WAN interface (Adding a static route on page 791).
l Two firewall policies:
To virtual-wan-link Overlay
After the topology is configured, you can proceed with the configuration of the edge FortiGate:
l Configuring SD-WAN rules on page 903
l Results on page 905
Configure SD-WAN rules to govern the steering of DSCP tag-based traffic to the appropriate interfaces. Traffic is steered
based on the criteria that are configured in the SD-WAN rules.
In this example, three SD-WAN rules are configured to govern DSCP tagged traffic:
l VoIP-Steer for VoIP traffic.
l Facebook-DSCP-steer for Social media traffic.
l All-traffic for all of the Other web traffic.
After configuring the rules, go to Network > SD-WAN and select the SD-WAN Rules tab to check the rules.
VoIP traffic
To configure the rule for DSCP tagged VoIP traffic using the CLI:
To configure SD-WAN rule for DSCP tagged social media traffic using the CLI:
To configure SD-WAN rule for all other web traffic using the CLI:
These sections show the function of SD-WAN with respect to DSCP tagged traffic steering, and can help confirm that it is
running as expected:
l Verifying the DSCP tagged traffic on FortiGate on page 905
l Verifying the service rules on page 906
l Verifying traffic steering on the SD-WAN rules on page 907
l Verifying that steered traffic is leaving from the expected interface on page 907
Packet sniffing is used to verify the incoming DSCP tagged traffic. See Using the FortiOS built-in packet sniffer for more
Wireshark is used to verify that VoIP traffic is tagged with the expected DSCP tag, 0x70 or 0x30.
# diagnose sniffer packet any '(ip and ip[1] & 0xfc == 0x70)' 6 0 l
# diagnose sniffer packet any '(ip and ip[1] & 0xfc == 0x30)' 6 0 l
To check that the expected DSCP tags and corresponding interfaces are used by the SD-WAN rules to
steer traffic:
Go to Network > SD-WAN and select the SD-WAN Rules tab to check the Hit Count on the SD-WAN interfaces.
To confirm that web traffic (port 443) flows through the correct underlay interface members, and VoIP traffic flows
through the correct overlay interface members, go to Dashboard > FortiView Policies and double click on the policy
Web traffic is expected to leave on Interface_A (port1) or Interface_B (port5):
The longest match SD-WAN rule can match ECMP best routes. The rule will select the egress ports on ECMP specific
routes, and not the less specific routes, to transport traffic.
The service mode determines which egress port on the ECMP specific routes is selected to forward traffic:
l Manual (manual): The first configured alive port is selected.
l Best Quality (priority): The best quality port is selected.
l Lowest Cost (sla): The first configured or lower cost port in SLA is selected.
By default, SD-WAN selects the outgoing interface from all of the links that have valid routes to the destination. In some
cases, it is required that only the links that have the best (or longest match) routes (single or ECMP) to the destination
are considered.
In this example, four SD-WAN members in two zones are configured. The remote PC (PC_2 - is accessible
on port15 and port16, even though there are valid routes for all of the SD-WAN members. A single SD-WAN service rule
is configured that allows traffic to balanced between all four of the members, but only chooses between port15 and
port16 for the specific address.
A performance SLA health check is configured to monitor An SD-WAN service rule in Lowest Cost (SLA)
mode is configured to select the best interface to steer the traffic. In the rule, the method of selecting a member if more
than one meets the SLA (tie-break) is configured to select members that meet the SLA and match the longest prefix
in the routing table (fib-best-match). If there are multiple ECMP routes with the same destination, the FortiGate will
take the longest (or best) match in the routing table, and choose from those interface members.
edit 3
set interface "port15"
set zone "z1"
set gateway
edit 4
set interface "port16"
set zone "z1"
set gateway
config health-check
edit "1"
set server ""
set members 0
config sla
edit 1
config service
edit 1
set name "1"
set mode sla
set dst "all"
set src ""
config sla
edit "1"
set id 1
set priority-members 1 2 3 4
set tie-break fib-best-match
1. The debug shows the SD-WAN service rule. All of the members meet SLA, and because no specific costs are
attached to the members, the egress interface is selected based on the interface priority order that is configured in
the rule:
FGT_A (root) # diagnose sys sdwan service4
Dst address(1):
2. The routing table shows that there are ECMP default routes on all of the members, and ECMP specific (or best)
routes only on port15 and port16:
FGT_A (root) # get router info routing-table static
Routing table for VRF=0
S* [1/0] via, port1
[1/0] via, dmz
[1/0] via, port15
[1/0] via, port16
S [10/0] via, port15
[10/0] via, port16
Because tie-break is set to fib-best-match, the first configured member from port15 and port16 is selected to
forward traffic to PC_2. For all other traffic, the first configured member from all four of the interfaces is selected to
forward traffic.
3. On PC-1, generate traffic to PC-2:
Traffic is leaving on port15, the first configured member from port15 and port16.
In SD-WAN rules, the longest match routes will override the quality comparisons when all of the specific routes are out of
With this feature in an SD-WAN rule:
l Lowest Cost (sla): Even though all of the egress ports on specific routes (longest matched routes) are out of SLA,
the SD-WAN rule still selects the first configured or lower-cost port from the egress ports to forward traffic.
l Best Quality (priority): Even though the egress ports on specific routes (longest matched routes) have worse
quality that all other ports on less specific routes, the SD-WAN rule still selects the best quality port from the ports on
specific routes to forward traffic.
This features avoids a situation where, if the members on specific routes (longest matched routes) are out of SLA or
have worse quality, the traffic might be forwarded to the wrong members in SLA (higher quality) on the default or
aggregate routes.
In this example, four SD-WAN members in two zones are configured. The remote PC (PC_2 - is accessible
on port15 and port16, even though there are valid routes for all of the SD-WAN members. A single SD-WAN service rule
is configured that allows traffic to balanced between all four of the members, but only chooses between port15 and
port16 for the specific address. If neither port15 nor port16 meet the SLAs, traffic will be forwarded on one of
these interfaces, instead of on port1 or dmz.
A performance SLA health check is configured to monitor An SD-WAN service rule in Lowest Cost (SLA)
mode is configured to select the best interface to steer the traffic. In the rule, the method of selecting a member if more
than one meets the SLA (tie-break) is configured to select members that meet the SLA and match the longest prefix
in the routing table (fib-best-match). If there are multiple ECMP routes with the same destination, the FortiGate will
take the longest (or best) match in the routing table, and choose from those interface members.
edit 1
config service
edit 1
set name "1"
set mode sla
set dst "all"
set src ""
config sla
edit "1"
set id 1
set priority-members 1 2 3 4
set tie-break fib-best-match
1. The debug shows the SD-WAN service rule. Both port15 and port16 are up, but out of SLA:
FGT_A (root) # diagnose sys sdwan service4
Service(1): Address Mode(IPV4) flags=0x200 use-shortcut-sla
Gen(3), TOS(0x0/0x0), Protocol(0: 1->65535), Mode(sla), sla-compare-order
1: Seq_num(1 port1), alive, sla(0x1), gid(0), cfg_order(0), cost(0), selected
2: Seq_num(2 dmz), alive, sla(0x1), gid(0), cfg_order(1), cost(0), selected
3: Seq_num(3 port15), alive, sla(0x0), gid(0), cfg_order(2), cost(0), selected
4: Seq_num(4 port16), alive, sla(0x0), gid(0), cfg_order(3), cost(0), selected
Src address(1):
Dst address(1):
2. The routing table shows that there are ECMP default routes on all of the members, and ECMP specific (or best)
routes only on port15 and port16:
FGT_A (root) # get router info routing-table static
Routing table for VRF=0
S* [1/0] via, port1
[1/0] via, dmz
[1/0] via, port15
[1/0] via, port16
S [10/0] via, port15
[10/0] via, port16
Because tie-break is set to fib-best-match, even though both port15 and port16 are out of SLA, the first
configured member of the two (port15) is selected to forward traffic to PC_2. For all other traffic, the first configured
member from all of the interfaces that are in SLA is selected to forward traffic (port1).
3. On PC-1, generate traffic to PC-2:
Traffic is leaving on port15, the first configured member from port15 and port16, even though both are out of SLA.
An application, application group, or application category can be selected as an SD-WAN service rule destination
criterion for IPv4 and IPv6 address modes.
To configure from the CLI:
config system sdwan
config service
edit <id>
set internet-service enable
set internet-service-app-ctrl <app id> [app id]
set internet-service-app-ctrl-group <app group> [app group]
set internet-service-app-ctrl-category <category id> [category id]
To configure for IPv6 addressing mode from the CLI, enable addr-mode ipv6:
config system sdwan
config service
edit <id>
set addr-mode ipv6
To view the detected application category details based on category ID, use diagnose sys sdwan internet-
service-app-ctrl-list cat-id <cat-id>.
This topic includes a GUI and CLI Example for application category on page 913 and a CLI Example for IPv6 on page
In this example, traffic steering is applied to traffic detected as video/audio (category ID 5) or email (category ID 21) and
applies the lowest cost (SLA) strategy to this traffic. When costs are tied, the priority goes to member 1, dmz.
Name 1
Protocol DNS
c. Click OK.
4. Configure the SD-WAN rule to use the video/audio and email application categories:
a. Go to Network > SD-WAN, select the SD-WAN Rules tab, and click Create New.
b. In the Destination section, click the + in the Application field.
c. Click Category, and select Video/Audio and Email.
Destination all
Schedule always
Service ALL
c. Click OK.
edit "virtual-wan-link"
config members
edit 1
set interface "dmz"
set gateway
edit 2
set interface "vlan100"
set gateway
config health-check
edit "1"
set server ""
set protocol dns
set members 0
config sla
edit 1
2. View some videos and emails on the PC, then verify the detected application details for each category:
# diagnose sys sdwan internet-service-app-ctrl-list cat-id 5
List App Ctrl Database Entry(IPv4) in Kernel:
Max_App_Ctrl_Size=32768 Num_App_Ctrl_Entry=4
Max_App_Ctrl_Size=32768 Num_App_Ctrl_Entry=1
4. Edit the SD-WAN rule so that dmz has a higher cost and vlan100 is preferred.
5. Verify that the traffic is now sent over vlan100:
# diagnose firewall proute list
list route policy info(vf=root):
id=2134048769(0x7f330001) vwl_service=1(1) vwl_mbr_seq=2 1 dscp_tag=0xff 0xff flags=0x0
tos=0x00 tos_mask=0x00 protocol=0 sport=0-65535 iif=0 dport=1-65535 path(2) oif=95
(vlan100) oif=5(dmz)
destination wildcard(1):
In this example, SD-WAN is configured to use an IPv6 service rule to steer traffic from FGT_A to FGT_B based on the
following application control options:
l Application Telnet
l An application group for ping
l An application category that includes SSH
When the rule is matched, traffic is steered based on the lowest cost SLA strategy. In this example, vlan100 is the
preferred interface, and traffic is routed to vlan100 on FGT_B.
config health-check
edit "1"
set addr-mode ipv6
set server "2000::2:2:2:2"
set members 0
config sla
edit 1
config service
edit 1
set name "1"
set addr-mode ipv6
set mode sla
set internet-service enable
set internet-service-app-ctrl 16091
set internet-service-app-ctrl-group "network-Ping"
set internet-service-app-ctrl-category 15
config sla
edit "1"
set id 1
set priority-members 4 1 2 3
3. Initiate traffic for ping, Telnet, and SSH to FGT_B, then FGT_A will learn 3T information for these applications, and
use the SD-WAN rule to route traffic for the applications to the preferred interface of vlan100.
l Following is the sniffer traffic for ping application. The ping traffic flows out of DMZ before 3T information is
recognized, then out from vlan100 after T3 traffic is recognized:
# diagnose sniffer packet any 'host 2000::2:0:0:4' 4
filters=[host 2000::2:0:0:4]
16.952138 port5 in 2000:172:16:205::100 -> 2000::2:0:0:4: icmp6: echo request seq 1
[flowlabel 0x5080d]
16.954571 dmz out 2000:172:16:205::100 -> 2000::2:0:0:4: icmp6: echo request seq 1
[flowlabel 0x5080d]
16.954920 dmz in 2000::2:0:0:4 -> 2000:172:16:205::100: icmp6: echo reply seq 1
16.955086 port5 out 2000::2:0:0:4 -> 2000:172:16:205::100: icmp6: echo reply seq 1
17.953277 port5 in 2000:172:16:205::100 -> 2000::2:0:0:4: icmp6: echo request seq 2
[flowlabel 0x5080d]
17.953455 dmz out 2000:172:16:205::100 -> 2000::2:0:0:4: icmp6: echo request seq 2
[flowlabel 0x5080d]
17.953622 dmz in 2000::2:0:0:4 -> 2000:172:16:205::100: icmp6: echo reply seq 2
17.953722 port5 out 2000::2:0:0:4 -> 2000:172:16:205::100: icmp6: echo reply seq 2
18.959823 port5 in 2000:172:16:205::100 -> 2000::2:0:0:4: icmp6: echo request seq 3
[flowlabel 0x5080d]
18.960005 vlan100 out 2000:172:16:205::100 -> 2000::2:0:0:4: icmp6: echo request seq
3 [flowlabel 0x5080d]
18.960015 agg1 out 2000:172:16:205::100 -> 2000::2:0:0:4: icmp6: echo request seq 3
[flowlabel 0x5080d]
18.960024 port4 out 2000:172:16:205::100 -> 2000::2:0:0:4: icmp6: echo request seq 3
[flowlabel 0x5080d]
18.960295 vlan100 in 2000::2:0:0:4 -> 2000:172:16:205::100: icmp6: echo reply seq 3
18.960449 port5 out 2000::2:0:0:4 -> 2000:172:16:205::100: icmp6: echo reply seq 3
19.983802 port5 in 2000:172:16:205::100 -> 2000::2:0:0:4: icmp6: echo request seq 4
[flowlabel 0x5080d]
l Following is the sniffer traffic for Telnet application group. The Telnet traffic flows out of agg1 before 3T
information is recognized, then out from vlan100 after T3 traffic is recognized:
# diagnose sniffer packet any 'host 2000::2:0:0:4 and dst port 23' 4 interfaces=
filters=[host 2000::2:0:0:4 and dst port 23]
4.096393 port5 in 2000:172:16:205::100.43128 -> 2000::2:0:0:4.23: syn 2723132265
[flowlabel 0xd4e65] 4.096739 agg1 out 2000:172:16:205::100.43128 ->
2000::2:0:0:4.23: syn 2723132265 [flowlabel 0xd4e65]
4.096752 port4 out 2000:172:16:205::100.43128 -> 2000::2:0:0:4.23: syn 2723132265
[flowlabel 0xd4e65]
5.503679 port5 in 2000:172:16:205::100.43128 -> 2000::2:0:0:4.23: psh 2723132345 ack
544895389 [flowlabel 0xd4e65]
5.503894 vlan100 out 2000:172:16:205::100.43128 -> 2000::2:0:0:4.23: psh 2723132345
ack 544895389 [flowlabel 0xd4e65]
5.503907 agg1 out 2000:172:16:205::100.43128 -> 2000::2:0:0:4.23: psh 2723132345 ack
544895389 [flowlabel 0xd4e65]
5.503918 port4 out 2000:172:16:205::100.43128 -> 2000::2:0:0:4.23: psh 2723132345 ack
544895389 [flowlabel 0xd4e65]
5.504641 port5 in 2000:172:16:205::100.43128 -> 2000::2:0:0:4.23: ack 544895390
[flowlabel 0xd4e65]
5.504713 vlan100 out 2000:172:16:205::100.43128 -> 2000::2:0:0:4.23: ack 544895390
[flowlabel 0xd4e65]
5.504721 agg1 out 2000:172:16:205::100.43128 -> 2000::2:0:0:4.23: ack 544895390
[flowlabel 0xd4e65]
5.504728 port4 out 2000:172:16:205::100.43128 -> 2000::2:0:0:4.23: ack 544895390
[flowlabel 0xd4e65]
l Following is the sniffer traffic for SSH application category. The SSH traffic flows out of dmz before 3T
information is recognized, then out from vlan100 after T3 traffic is recognized:
# diagnose sniffer packet any 'host 2000::2:0:0:4 and dst port 22' 4
filters=[host 2000::2:0:0:4 and dst port 22]
5.910752 port5 in 2000:172:16:205::100.35146 -> 2000::2:0:0:4.22: syn 980547187
[flowlabel 0xf1403]
5.911002 dmz out 2000:172:16:205::100.35146 -> 2000::2:0:0:4.22: syn 980547187
[flowlabel 0xf1403]
5.914550 port5 in 2000:172:16:205::100.35146 -> 2000::2:0:0:4.22: ack 583860244
[flowlabel 0xf1403]
5.914651 dmz out 2000:172:16:205::100.35146 -> 2000::2:0:0:4.22: ack 583860244
[flowlabel 0xf1403]
8.116507 port5 in 2000:172:16:205::100.35146 -> 2000::2:0:0:4.22: psh 980549261 ack
583862554 [class 0x10] [flowlabel 0xf1403]
When ADVPN is configured on a FortiGate spoke along with an SD-WAN rule set to Maximize Bandwidth SLA (GUI) or
load balance mode (CLI) as well as tie-break set to fib-best-match, then spoke-to-spoke traffic is load balanced
between multiple ADVPN shortcuts when the shortcuts are within the configured SLA conditions.
Following is an example configuration with load-balance enabled and tie-break set to fib-best-match:
config system sdwan
config service
edit 3
set mode sla
set load-balance enable
set dst "all"
config sla
edit "ping"
set id 1
set priority-members 1 2
set tie-break fib-best-match
In this example SD-WAN is configured between one hub and multiple spokes, and the SD-WAN configuration shows
SD-WAN rule 3 with the following required settings to enable spoke-to-spoke traffic between multiple ADVPN shortcuts:
l set load-balance enable
l set tie-break fib-best-match
show system sdwan
config system sdwan
set status enable
config zone
edit "virtual-wan-link"
edit "zon2"
config members
edit 1
set interface "vd2-1"
set cost 10
edit 2
set interface "vd2-2"
set cost 20
config health-check
edit "ping"
set server ""
set members 1 2
config sla
edit 1
set latency-threshold 200
set jitter-threshold 50
edit 2
edit "1"
config service
edit 1
To trigger spoke-to-spoke communication, run an ICMP ping on PC A with IP address behind spoke 1 that is
destined for PC B with IP address behind spoke 2. The spoke-to-spoke traffic will be used to demonstrate load
balancing between shortcuts in the CLI output of this topic.
84 packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel
6. Check the sniffer packet output after changing the setting to set tie-break fib-best-match.
The following packet sniffer output of ICMP pings demonstrates how load balancing of spoke-to-spoke is limited and
only occurs between shortcuts vd2-1_0 and vd2-2_0, which are within SLA.
# diagnose sniffer packet any "host" 4
2.592392 vd22-vlan22 out -> icmp: echo request
2.592394 npu0_vlink1 out -> icmp: echo request
2.592400 vd2-vlan22 in -> icmp: echo request
2.592420 vd2-1_0 out -> icmp: echo request
2.592432 vd3-1_0 in -> icmp: echo request
2.592441 vd3-vlan33 out -> icmp: echo request
2.592442 npu0_vlink0 out -> icmp: echo request
2.592447 vd33-vlan33 in -> icmp: echo request
2.592484 vd33-vlan33 out -> icmp: echo reply
2.592485 npu0_vlink1 out -> icmp: echo reply
2.592491 vd3-vlan33 in -> icmp: echo reply
2.592498 vd3-1_0 out -> icmp: echo reply
2.592510 vd2-1_0 in -> icmp: echo reply
2.592515 vd2-vlan22 out -> icmp: echo reply
2.592516 npu0_vlink0 out -> icmp: echo reply
2.592520 vd22-vlan22 in -> icmp: echo reply
8.723075 vd22-vlan22 out -> icmp: echo request
8.723077 npu0_vlink1 out -> icmp: echo request
8.723084 vd2-vlan22 in -> icmp: echo request
8.723103 vd2-2_0 out -> icmp: echo request
8.723115 vd3-2_0 in -> icmp: echo request
8.723148 vd3-vlan33 out -> icmp: echo request
8.723149 npu0_vlink0 out -> icmp: echo request
8.723154 vd33-vlan33 in -> icmp: echo request
8.723166 vd33-vlan33 out -> icmp: echo reply
8.723166 npu0_vlink1 out -> icmp: echo reply
8.723171 vd3-vlan33 in -> icmp: echo reply
8.723179 vd3-2_0 out -> icmp: echo reply
8.723190 vd2-2_0 in -> icmp: echo reply
8.723195 vd2-vlan22 out -> icmp: echo reply
8.723195 npu0_vlink0 out -> icmp: echo reply
8.723199 vd22-vlan22 in -> icmp: echo reply
SD-WAN rules can now steer multicast traffic. When an SD-WAN member is out of SLA, multicast traffic can fail over to
another SD-WAN member, and switch back when SLA recovers.
The new pim-use-sdwan option enables or disables the use of SD-WAN for PIM (Protocol Independent Multicast)
when checking RP (Rendezvous Point) neighbors and sending packets.
config router multicast
config pim-sm-global
set pim-use-sdwan {enable | disable}
When SD-WAN steers multicast traffic, ADVPN is not supported. Use the set shortcut
option to disable shortcuts for the service:
config system sdwan
config service
edit <id>
set shortcut {enable | disable}
Example 1
In this hub and spoke example, the PIM source is behind the hub FortiGate, and the RP is set to internal port (port2) of
the hub firewall. Each spoke connects to the two WAN interfaces on the hub by using an overlay tunnel. The overlay
tunnels are members of SD-WAN.
Receivers behind the spoke FortiGates request a stream from the source to receive traffic on tunnel1 by default. When
the overlay tunnel goes out of SLA, the multicast traffic fails over to tunnel2 and continues to flow.
1. On the hub, enable multicast routing, configure the multicast RP, and enable PIM sparse mode on each interface:
config router multicast
set multicast-routing enable
config pim-sm-global
config rp-address
edit 1
set ip-address
config interface
edit "tport1"
set pim-mode sparse-mode
edit "tagg1"
set pim-mode sparse-mode
edit "port2"
set pim-mode sparse-mode
set members 0
config sla
edit 1
config service
edit 1
set mode sla
set protocol 103
set dst "all"
config sla
edit "ping"
set id 1
set priority-members 1 2
set use-shortcut-sla disable
set shortcut disable
edit 2
set mode sla
set dst "all"
config sla
edit "ping"
set id 1
set priority-members 1 2
2. Enable multicast routing and configure the multicast RP. Enable PIM sparse-mode on each interface:
config router multicast
set multicast-routing enable
config pim-sm-global
set spt-threshold disable
set pim-use-sdwan enable
config rp-address
edit 1
set ip-address
config interface
edit "tunnel1"
set pim-mode sparse-mode
edit "tunnel2"
set pim-mode sparse-mode
edit "port4"
set pim-mode sparse-mode
With this configuration, multicast traffic starts on tunnel1. When tunnel1 becomes out of SLA, traffic switches to tunnel2.
When tunnel1 is in SLA again, the traffic switches back to tunnel1.
The following health-check capture on the spokes shows tunnel1 in SLA with packet-loss (1.000%):
# diagnose sys sdwan health-check
Health Check(ping):
Seq(1 tunnel1): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(0.056), jitter(0.002), mos(4.404),
bandwidth-up(999999), bandwidth-dw(1000000), bandwidth-bi(1999999) sla_map=0x1
Seq(2 tunnel2): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(0.100), jitter(0.002), mos(4.404),
bandwidth-up(0), bandwidth-dw(0), bandwidth-bi(0) sla_map=0x1
The following example shows tunnel1 out of SLA with packet-loss (3.000%):
# diagnose sys sdwan health-check
Health Check(ping):
Seq(1 tunnel1): state(alive), packet-loss(3.000%) latency(0.057), jitter(0.003), mos(4.403),
bandwidth-up(999999), bandwidth-dw(1000000), bandwidth-bi(1999999) sla_map=0x0
Seq(2 tunnel2): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(0.101), jitter(0.002), mos(4.404),
bandwidth-up(0), bandwidth-dw(0), bandwidth-bi(0) sla_map=0x1
The following example how traffic switches to tunnel2 while tunnel1 health-check is out of SLA. Source (
sends traffic to the multicast group. Later the traffic switches back to tunnel1 once SLA returns to normal:
195.060797 tunnel1 in -> icmp: echo request
195.060805 port4 out -> icmp: echo request
196.060744 tunnel1 in -> icmp: echo request
196.060752 port4 out -> icmp: echo request
Example 2
In this hub and spoke example, the PIM source is behind spoke 1, and the RP is configured on the hub FortiGate. BGP is
used for routing. The hub uses embedded SLA in ICMP probes to determine the health of each tunnel, allowing it to
prioritize healthy IKE routes.
The receiver is on another spoke. Upon requesting a stream, source passes the traffic to the RP on the hub FortiGate,
and routes the traffic to the receiver over tunnel1. If a tunnel falls out of SLA, the multicast traffic fails over to the other
In this configuration, SD-WAN steers multicast traffic by using embedded SLA information in ICMP probes. See also
Embedded SD-WAN SLA information in ICMP probes. With this feature, the hub FortiGate can use the SLA information
of the spoke's health-check to control BGP and IKE routes over tunnels.
1. Configure loopbacks hub-lo1 for BGP and hub-lo100 for health-check:
config system interface
edit "hub-lo1"
set vdom "hub"
set ip
set allowaccess ping
set type loopback
set snmp-index 82
edit "hub-lo100"
set vdom "hub"
set ip
set allowaccess ping
set type loopback
set snmp-index 81
config pim-sm-global
config rp-address
edit 1
set ip-address
config interface
edit "p11"
set pim-mode sparse-mode
edit "p101"
set pim-mode sparse-mode
edit "p25-v90"
set pim-mode sparse-mode
4. Configure BGP to peer with neighbors. Neighbor group is configured for tunnel interface IP addresses:
1. Enable multicast routing to use SD-WAN. Configure the RP address. Enable interfaces for PIM sparse-mode.
config health-check
edit "ping"
set server ""
set update-static-route disable
set members 0
config sla
edit 1
set link-cost-factor latency
set latency-threshold 100
config service
edit 1
set mode sla
set protocol 103
set dst "all"
config sla
edit "ping"
set id 1
set priority-members 5 6
set use-shortcut-sla disable
set shortcut disable
edit 2
set mode sla
set dst "all"
config sla
edit "ping"
set id 1
set priority-members 5 6
3. Configure BGP and set neighbors to the overlay gateway IP address on the hub:
4. Configure the default gateway to use the SD-WAN zone. Other routes are for the underlay to route traffic to the
hub's WAN interfaces:
config router static
edit 10
set distance 1
set sdwan-zone "virtual-wan-link"
1. Enable multicast routing to use SD-WAN. Configure the RP address. Enable interfaces for PIM sparse-mode:
config router multicast
set multicast-routing enable
config pim-sm-global
set pim-use-sdwan enable
config rp-address
edit 1
set ip-address
config interface
edit "p198"
set pim-mode sparse-mode
edit "p200"
set pim-mode sparse-mode
edit "npu0_vlink0"
set pim-mode sparse-mode
2. Configure loopback interface lo66 for BGP and sourcing SD-WAN traffic:
config system interface
edit "lo66"
set vdom "root"
set ip
set allowaccess ping
set type loopback
set snmp-index 21
3. Configure SD-WAN:
l Add overlay tunnel interfaces as members.
l Configure a performance SLA health-check to send ping probes to the hub.
l Configure a service rule for the PIM protocol. Use the lowest cost (SLA) strategy, and monitor with the ping
l Disable the use of an ADVPN shortcut.
In the following example, is the underlay address for one of the WAN links on the hub, and is the loopback address on the server.
config system sdwan
set status enable
config zone
edit "virtual-wan-link"
edit "overlay"
config members
edit 1
set interface "p198"
set zone "overlay"
set source
edit 2
set interface "p200"
set zone "overlay"
set source
config health-check
edit "ping"
set server ""
set members 0
config sla
edit 1
set link-cost-factor latency
set latency-threshold 100
edit "HUB"
set server ""
set embed-measured-health enable
set members 0
config sla
edit 1
set link-cost-factor latency
set latency-threshold 100
config service
edit 1
set mode sla
set protocol 103
set dst "all"
config sla
edit "ping"
set id 1
set priority-members 1 2
set use-shortcut-sla disable
set shortcut disable
edit 2
set mode sla
set dst "all"
config sla
edit "ping"
set id 1
set priority-members 1 2
4. Configure BGP:
config router bgp
set as 65505
set router-id
set ibgp-multipath enable
set additional-path enable
config neighbor
edit ""
set next-hop-self enable
set soft-reconfiguration enable
set remote-as 65505
set update-source "lo66"
config network
edit 3
set prefix
5. Configure the default gateway to use the SD-WAN zone. Other routes are for the underlay to route to the hub's WAN
config router static
edit 10
set distance 1
set sdwan-zone "virtual-wan-link" "overlay"
Use SD-WAN rules for WAN link selection with load balancing
This example covers a use case where a user has multiple WAN links and wants to optimize the WAN link selection and
performance while limiting the use of more expensive and bandwidth intensive interfaces, such as 5G or LTE.
In this scenario, the user has three WAN links. The goal is to balance the load between wan1 and wan2; however, wan3,
which is quite costly to operate, should only be used if both wan1 and wan2 are unavailable.
SD-WAN must be enabled first, and member interfaces must be selected and added to a zone. See Configuring the SD-
WAN interface on page 789 for more information.
1. Configure the wan1, wan2, and wan3 interfaces (see Interface settings on page 164 for more details).
a. Set the wan1 interface IP/Netmask to
b. Set the wan2 interface IP/Netmask to
c. Set the wan3 interface IP/Netmask to
2. Go to Network > SD-WAN, select the SD-WAN Zones tab, and click Create New > SD-WAN Member.
3. Configure the wan1 SD-WAN member:
a. Set the Interface to wan1.
b. Leave the SD-WAN Zone as virtual-wan-link.
c. Set the Gateway to
d. Set the Status to Enable
e. Click OK.
4. Repeat step 3 for wan2 and wan3.
a. For wan2, set the Gateway to the ISP’s gateway,
b. For wan3, set the Gateway to the ISP’s gateway,
SD-WAN rules define specific routing options to route traffic to an SD-WAN member. See SD-WAN rules on page 854
and Manual strategy on page 867 for more information.
1. Go to Network > SD-WAN, select the SD-WAN Rules tab, and click Create New.
2. Configure the following settings:
Name test
A default route for SD-WAN must be configured. See Adding a static route on page 791 for more information.
1. Go to Network > Static Routes and click Create New. The New Static Route page opens.
2. Set the Destination to Subnet, and leave the IP address and subnet mask as
3. Set the Interface to the SD-WAN zone, virtual-wan-link.
4. Set the Status to Enabled.
5. Click OK.
A firewall policy must be configured that allows traffic from the organization's internal network to the SD-WAN zone. See
Configuring firewall policies for SD-WAN on page 792 for more information.
1. Go to Policy & Objects > Firewall Policy and click Create New.
2. Configure the following settings:
Name sd-wan
Source all
Destination all
Schedule always
Service ALL
To verify the configuration when both wan1 and wan2 are up:
Dst address(1):
This output indicates that both wan1 and wan2 are operational.
2. Verify the policy route list:
# diagnose firewall proute list
list route policy info(vf=root):
This output indicates that both wan1 and wan2 are used to steer traffic.
Src address(1):
Dst address(1):
Dst address(1):
To verify the configuration when both wan1 and wan2 down, and traffic is steered using wan3:
To verify the configuration when either wan1 or wan2 is restored, and traffic ceases to be steered
through wan3:
Dst address(1):
Advanced routing
Local out, or self-originating, traffic is traffic that originates from the FortiGate going to external servers and services. The
traffic can be from Syslog, FortiAnalyzer logging, FortiGuard services, remote authentication, and others.
By default, local out traffic relies on routing table lookups to determine the egress interface that is used to initiate the
connection. However, many types of local out traffic support selecting the egress interface based on SD-WAN or
manually specified interfaces. When manually specifying the egress interface, the source IP address can also be
manually configured.
Go to Network > Local Out Routing to configure the available types of local out traffic. Some types of traffic can only be
configured in the CLI.
By default Local Out Routing is not visible in the GUI. Go to System > Feature Visibility to
enable it. See Feature visibility on page 3093 for more information.
When VDOMs are enabled, the following entries are available on the local out routing page:
AWS_IP_Blacklist ldap
AWS_Malware_Hash Log
System DNS
System FortiGuard
System FortiSandbox
If a service is disabled, it is grayed out. To enable it, select the service and click Enable Service. If a service is enabled,
there is a Local Out Setting button in the gutter of that service's edit page to directly configure the local-out settings.
Auto Select the outgoing interface automatically based on the routing table.
SD-WAN Select the outgoing interface using the configured SD-WAN interfaces and
Use Interface IP Use the primary IP, which cannot be configured by the user.
Manually Selected an IP from the list, if the selected interface has multiple IPs
3. configured.
4. Click OK.
1. Go to User & Authentication > RADIUS Servers and double-click an entry to edit it.
2. Click Local Out Setting.
4. Click OK.
6. Click OK.
7. Click Exit Multi-Select Mode to return to the normal view.
Some local out routing settings can only be configured using the CLI.
Central management
NTP server
DHCP proxy
dhcp-proxy-interface Specify the outgoing interface. This option is only available and must be
<interface> configured when interface-select-method is specify.
DHCP relay
dhcp-relay-interface Specify the outgoing interface. This option is only available and must be
<interface> configured when interface-select-method is specify.
Certificate renewal with SCEP traffic can use SD-WAN rules or a specific interface:
config vpn certificate setting
set interface-select-method {auto | sdwan | specify}
set interface <interface>
interface <interface> Specify the outgoing interface. This option is only available and must be
configured when interface-select-method is specify.
vdom <VDOM> Specify the VDOM. This option is only available and must be configured when
interface-select-method is sdwan or specify.
source-ip <IPv4 address> Specify the source IPv4 address. This option is only available and must be
configured when interface-select-method is sdwan or specify.
source-ip6 <IPv6 address> Specify the source IPv6 address. This option is only available and must be
configured when interface-select-method is sdwan or specify.
interface <interface> Specify the outgoing interface. This option is only available and must be
configured when interface-select-method is specify.
FortiClient EMS
FortiClient EMS endpoint control traffic can use SD-WAN rules or a specific interface:
config endpoint-control fctems
edit fctems1
set interface-select-method {auto | sdwan | specify}
set interface <interface>
System log entries can be sent to external TACACS+ accounting servers. TACACS+ traffic can use SD-WAN rules or a
specific IP address:
config log tacacs+accounting setting
set interface-select-method {auto | sdwan | specify}
set source-ip <IP address>
SD-WAN rules can use Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) learned routes as dynamic destinations.
In this example, a customer has two ISP connections, wan1 and wan2. wan1 is used primarily for direct access to
internet applications, and wan2 is used primarily for traffic to the customer's data center.
The customer could create an SD-WAN rule using the data center's IP address range as the destination to force that
traffic to use wan2, but the data center's IP range is not static. Instead, a BGP tag can be used.
For this example, wan2's BGP neighbor advertises the data center's network range with a community number of 30:5.
This example assumes that SD-WAN is enabled on the FortiGate, wan1 and wan2 are added as SD-WAN members in
the virtual-wan-link SD-WAN zone, and a policy and static route have been created. See SD-WAN quick start on page
789 for details.
3. Configure BGP:
config router bgp
set as xxxxx
set router-id xxxx
config neighbor
edit ""
set soft-reconfiguration enable
set remote-as xxxxx
set route-map-in "comm1"
Use the get router info bgp network command to check the network community:
Use the diagnose firewall proute list command to check dynamic BGP addresses used in policy routes:
BGP supports multiple paths, allowing an ADVPN to advertise multiple paths. This allows BGP to extend and keep
additional network paths according to RFC 7911.
In this example, Spoke1 and Spoke2 each have four VPN tunnels that are connected to the Hub with ADVPN. The
Spoke-Hub has established four BGP neighbors on all four tunnels.
Spoke 1 and Spoke 2 can learn four different routes from each other.
config neighbor-range
edit 1
set prefix
set neighbor-group "gr1"
config network
edit 12
set prefix
To configure a spoke:
SD-WAN allows you to select different outbound WAN links based on performance SLAs. It is important that BGP
neighbors are aware of these settings, and changes to them.
BGP can adapt to changes in SD-WAN link SLAs in the following ways:
l Applying different route-maps based on the SD-WAN's health checks. For example, different BGP community
strings can be advertised to BGP neighbors when SLAs are not met.
l Traffic can be selectively forwarded based on the active BGP neighbor. If the SD-WAN service's role matches the
active SD-WAN neighbor, the service is enabled. If there is no match, then the service is disabled.
In this topology, a branch FortiGate has two SD-WAN gateways serving as the primary and secondary gateways. The
gateways reside in different datacenters, but have a full mesh network between them.
This example shows how route-maps and service rules are selected based on performance SLAs and the member that
is currently active. Traffic flows through the primary gateway unless the neighbor's health check is outside of its SLA. If
that happens, traffic routes to the secondary gateway.
BGP NBR1 is the primary neighbor and BGP NBR2 is the secondary neighbor.
The branch FortiGate's wan1 and wan2 interfaces are members of the SD-WAN. When the SD-WAN neighbor status is
primary, it will advertise community 20:1 to BGP NBR1 and 20:5 to BGP NBR2. When the SD-WAN neighbor status is
secondary, it will advertise 20:5 to BGP NBR1 and 20:2 to BGP NBR2.
Only one of the primary or secondary neighbors can be active at one time. The SD-WAN neighbor status is used to
decide which neighbor is selected:
l Primary: The primary neighbor takes precedence if its SLAs are met.
l Secondary: If the primary neighbor's SLAs are not met, the secondary neighbor becomes active if its SLAs are met.
l Standalone: If neither the primary or secondary neighbor's SLAs are met, the SD-WAN neighbor status becomes
Route map
SD-WAN is configured to let BGP advertise different communities when the SLA status changes. When the SLA is
missed, it triggers BGP to advertise a different community to its BGP neighbor based on its route-map. The BGP
neighbors can use the received community string to select the best path to reach the branch.
When SLAs are met, route-map-out-preferable is used. When SLAs are missed, route-map-out is used.
To configure SD-WAN:
3. Configure the SD-WAN neighbors and assign them a role and the health checks used to determine if the neighbor
meets the SLA:
SD-WAN neighbors can only be configured in the CLI.
config system sdwan
config neighbor
edit ""
set member 1
Service rules
Create SD-WAN service rules to direct traffic to the primary neighbor when its SLAs are met, and to the secondary
neighbor when the primary neighbor's SLAs are missed.
If neither the primary nor secondary neighbors are active, the SD-WAN neighbor status
becomes standalone. Only service rules with standalone-action enabled will continue to
pass traffic. This option is disabled by default.
Health Check(ping2):
Seq(2 port2): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(3.916), jitter(2.373) sla_
Dst address:
Dst address:
Original VRF 0
64512 from (
Origin IGP metric 0, localpref 100, valid, external, best
Community: 20:5
Last update: Thu Apr 30 13:41:39 2020
Dst address:
Dst address:
Controlling traffic with BGP route mapping and service rules explained how BGP can apply different route-maps to the
primary and secondary SD-WAN neighbors based on SLA health checks.
In this example, SD-WAN neighbors that are not bound to primary and secondary roles are configured.
The FortiGate has multiple SD-WAN links and has formed BGP neighbors with both ISPs.
ISP1 is used primarily for outbound traffic, and has an SD-WAN service rule using the lowest cost algorithm applied to it.
When SLAs for ISP1 are not met, it will fail over to the MPLS line.
Inbound traffic is allowed by both WAN links, with each WAN advertising a community string when SLAs are met. When
SLAs are not met, the WAN links advertise a different community string.
This example uses two SD-WAN links. The topology can be expanded to include more links as needed.
When SLAs are met, route-map-out-preferable is used. When SLAs are missed, route-map-out is used.
To configure SD-WAN:
3. Configure the SD-WAN neighbors and assign them a role and the health checks used to determine if the neighbor
meets the SLA:
When no role is defined, the default role, standalone, is used.
config system sdwan
config neighbor
edit ""
set member 1
set health-check "pingserver"
set sla-id 1
edit ""
set member 2
set health-check "pingserver"
set sla-id 1
Service rules
Create SD-WAN service rules to direct traffic to the SD-WAN links based on the lowest cost algorithm The same SLA
health check and criteria that are used for the SD-WAN neighbor are used for this SD-WAN service rule.
When no roles are defined in the service rule, the default role, standalone, is used.
To verify that when both SLAs are met, port1 is selected due to its lower cost:
Dst address:
64512 from (
Origin IGP metric 0, localpref 100, valid, external, best
Community: 64522:1
Last update: Fri May 1 00:11:28 2020
To verify that when neighbor ISP1 misses SLAs, MPLS is selected and BGP advertises a different
community string for ISP1:
Dst address:
SD-WAN BGP neighbor configurations are used to define the SLA health check in which an SD-WAN member must
meet to qualify as being up. When the SD-WAN member meets the SLA threshold, the FortiGate will apply the route map
defined in the BGP neighbor's route-map-out-preferable option. If the SD-WAN member fails to meet the SLA,
the FortiGate will apply the route map defined in the BGP neighbor's route-map-out option instead. This allows the
FortiGate to advertise the health of the SD-WAN member to its BGP neighbor by advertising different community strings
based on its SLA status.
For more information, refer to the following BGP examples: Controlling traffic with BGP route
mapping and service rules on page 961 and Applying BGP route-map to multiple BGP
neighbors on page 968.
Selecting multiple SD-WAN members allows the SD-WAN neighbor feature to support topologies where there are
multiple SD-WAN overlays and/or underlays to a neighbor. The minimum-sla-meet-members option is used to
configure the minimum number of members that must be in an SLA per neighbor for the preferable route map to be used.
config system sdwan
config neighbor
edit <ip>
set member {<seq-num_1>} [<seq-num_2>] ... [<seq-num_n>]
set minimum-sla-meet-members <integer>
member {<seq-num_1>} Enter the member sequence number list. Multiple members can be defined.
[<seq-num_2>] ...
minimum-sla-meet-members Set the minimum number of members that meet SLA when the neighbor is
<integer> preferred (1 - 255, default = 1).
l If the number of in SLA members is less than the minimum-sla-meet-
In the following example, the spoke FortiGate has four tunnels: two tunnels to Hub_1 and two tunnels to Hub_2. The
spoke has two BGP neighbors: one to Hub_1 and one to Hub-2. BGP neighbors are established on loopback IPs.
The SD-WAN neighbor plus route-map-out-preferableconfiguration is deployed on the spoke to achieve the
l If any tunnel to Hub_1 or Hub_2 is in SLA, the preferable route map will be applied on the BGP neighbor to Hub_1 or
l If both tunnels to Hub_1 or Hub_2 are out of SLA, the default route map will be applied on the BGP neighbor to Hub_
1 or Hub_2.
The preferable route map and default route map are used to set different custom BGP communities as the spoke
advertises its LAN routes to the hub. Each hub can translate communities into different BGP MED or AS prepends and
signal them to the external peers to manipulate inbound traffic, thereby routing traffic to the spoke only when the SLAs
are met on at least one of two VPN overlays. In this example, community string 10:1 signals to the neighbor that SLAs
are met, and 10:2 signals that SLAs are not met.
2. Configure route maps for neighbors in SLA (preferable) and out of SLA (default):
config router route-map
edit "in_sla"
config rule
edit 1
set match-ip-address "net10"
set set-community "10:1"
edit "out_sla"
config rule
edit 1
set match-ip-address "net10"
set set-community "10:2"
To configure SD-WAN:
To verify that when two members to Hub_1/Hub_2 are in SLA, the preferable route map is be applied on
BGP neighbors to Hub_1/Hub_2:
On Hub_1 and Hub_2, the expected communities have been attached into the spoke's LAN route:
Hub_1_FGT (root) # get router info bgp network
VRF 0 BGP routing table entry for
Paths: (1 available, best #1, table Default-IP-Routing-Table)
Not advertised to any peer
Original VRF 0
Local, (Received from a RR-client) from (
Origin IGP metric 0, localpref 100, valid, internal, best
Community: 10:1
Last update: Wed Dec 29 22:38:29 2021
Hub_2_FGT (root) # get router info bgp network
VRF 0 BGP routing table entry for
Paths: (1 available, best #1, table Default-IP-Routing-Table)
Not advertised to any peer
Original VRF 0
Local, (Received from a RR-client) from (
Origin IGP metric 0, localpref 100, valid, internal, best
Community: 10:1
If one member for each neighbor becomes out of SLA, the preferable route map is still applied:
Branch1_A_FGT (root) # diagnose sys sdwan health-check
Health Check(HUB):
Seq(1 H1_T11): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(120.207), jitter(0.018), mos
(4.338), bandwidth-up(999999), bandwidth-dw(999997), bandwidth-bi(1999996) sla_map=0x0
Seq(4 H1_T22): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(0.182), jitter(0.008), mos(4.404),
bandwidth-up(999999), bandwidth-dw(999998), bandwidth-bi(1999997) sla_map=0x1
Seq(6 H2_T11): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(120.102), jitter(0.009), mos
(4.404), bandwidth-up(999999), bandwidth-dw(999998), bandwidth-bi(1999997) sla_map=0x0
Seq(9 H2_T22): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(0.176), jitter(0.009), mos(4.404),
bandwidth-up(999999), bandwidth-dw(999997), bandwidth-bi(1999996) sla_map=0x1
# diagnose sys sdwan neighbor
Neighbor( member(1 4 )role(standalone)
Health-check(HUB:1) sla-pass selected alive
Neighbor( member(6 9 )role(standalone)
Health-check(HUB:1) sla-pass selected alive
Hub_1_FGT (root) # get router info bgp network
VRF 0 BGP routing table entry for
Paths: (1 available, best #1, table Default-IP-Routing-Table)
Not advertised to any peer
Original VRF 0
Local, (Received from a RR-client) from (
Origin IGP metric 0, localpref 100, valid, internal, best
Community: 10:1
Last update: Thu Dec 30 10:44:47 2021
Hub_2_FGT (root) # get router info bgp network
VRF 0 BGP routing table entry for
Paths: (1 available, best #1, table Default-IP-Routing-Table)
Not advertised to any peer
Original VRF 0
Local, (Received from a RR-client) from (
Origin IGP metric 0, localpref 100, valid, internal, best
Community: 10:1
Last update: Wed Dec 29 22:43:10 2021
If both members for Hub_1 become out of SLA, the default route map is applied:
Branch1_A_FGT (root) # diagnose sys sdwan health-check
Health Check(HUB):
Seq(1 H1_T11): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(120.194), jitter(0.018), mos
(4.338), bandwidth-up(999999), bandwidth-dw(999997), bandwidth-bi(1999996) sla_map=0x0
Seq(4 H1_T22): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(120.167), jitter(0.006), mos
(4.338), bandwidth-up(999999), bandwidth-dw(999998), bandwidth-bi(1999997) sla_map=0x0
Seq(6 H2_T11): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(120.180), jitter(0.012), mos
(4.338), bandwidth-up(999999), bandwidth-dw(999998), bandwidth-bi(1999997) sla_map=0x0
Seq(9 H2_T22): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(0.170), jitter(0.005), mos(4.404),
bandwidth-up(999999), bandwidth-dw(999997), bandwidth-bi(1999996) sla_map=0x1
# diagnose sys sdwan neighbor
Neighbor( member(1 4 )role(standalone)
Health-check(HUB:1) sla-fail alive
Neighbor( member(6 9 )role(standalone)
Health-check(HUB:1) sla-pass selected alive
Hub_1_FGT (root) # get router info bgp network
VRF 0 BGP routing table entry for
Paths: (1 available, best #1, table Default-IP-Routing-Table)
Not advertised to any peer
Original VRF 0
Local, (Received from a RR-client) from (
Origin IGP metric 0, localpref 100, valid, internal, best
Community: 10:2
Last update: Thu Dec 30 10:57:33 2021
Hub_2_FGT (root) # get router info bgp network
VRF 0 BGP routing table entry for
Paths: (1 available, best #1, table Default-IP-Routing-Table)
Not advertised to any peer
Original VRF 0
Local, (Received from a RR-client) from (
Origin IGP metric 0, localpref 100, valid, internal, best
Community: 10:1
Last update: Wed Dec 29 22:43:10 2021
VPN overlay
The SD-WAN with ADVPN solution has evolved to version 2.0 with major changes to ADVPN design and operation,
including the introduction of edge discovery and path management for ADVPN spokes.
ADVPN 2.0 incorporates intelligence into the spokes to ensure shortcut tunnels (also known as shortcuts) are
established using underlays available on both spokes and chosen based on matching certain link health criteria.
ADVPN 2.0 provides a more flexible SD-WAN solution than the original ADVPN to achieve resiliency against underlay
outages or degraded underlay performance because it no longer depends on specific BGP routing designs or
mechanisms, including route reflection, BGP next hop recursive resolution, BGP per overlay, and BGP on loopback.
With the previous version of ADVPN and SD-WAN, shortcut path selection relied entirely on the overlays between the
spokes. The hub and overlays were used to exchange IKE shortcut messages, and policy routes were configured on the
hub to ensure shortcuts were established on the same overlay. In addition, user traffic was needed to trigger the process
of establishing shortcuts.
With the latest version of ADVPN and SD-WAN, shortcut path selection is achieved through edge discovery and path
management functionality on the ADVPN spokes.
1. Edge discovery:
l Expand IKE Shortcut-Reply message to allow the local spoke (spoke where user traffic is initiated) to obtain the
remote spoke (destination spoke for user traffic) WAN link information, which includes IP address, transport
group, link quality, link cost, and member configuration order.
l After shortcut establishment, WAN link information can be exchanged on the shortcut regularly every 5
seconds through UDP traffic. The path management function on the local spoke is regularly updated to pick up
changes to remote or local overlays and select the best shortcut path accordingly.
2. Path management:
The local spoke handles the remote spoke WAN link information, calculates the best shortcut path per SD-WAN
service or rule, and then advises IKE to establish a shortcut using the selected path.
The following SD-WAN CLI configuration commands are used to configure ADVPN 2.0 on the spokes:
config system sdwan
config zone
edit <zone-name>
set advpn-select {enable | disable}
set advpn-health-check <health-check name>
config members
edit <integer>
set transport-group <integer>
config service
edit <integer>
set shortcut-priority {enable | disable | auto}
set shortcut-priority Enable or disable making ADVPN shortcut a high priority over overlay parent
{enable | disable | interfaces, if SLA mode or link cost factor mode conditions are met:
l enable: enable a high priority of ADVPN shortcut for this service.
As with the previous version of ADVPN, on the hub, you must enable ADVPN and configure firewall policies between
The configuration example illustrates the edge discovery and path management processes for a typical hub and spoke
topology. This example focuses on SD-WAN configuration for steering traffic and establishing shortcuts in the direction
from Spoke 1 to Spoke 2.
l Network Topology on page 982
l SD-WAN configuration and health check status on page 984
l Scenario 1: Traffic matching SD-WAN rule 1 on page 986
l Scenario 2: Traffic matching SD-WAN rule 2 on page 988
l Scenario 3: Traffic matching SD-WAN rule 3 on page 989
l Scenario 4: Spoke 2 H1_T22 overlay link out-of-SLA on page 991
Network Topology
In this example, BGP per overlay was used for dynamic routing to distribute the LAN routes behind each spoke to the
other spoke. However, this was a design choice. You can also use BGP on loopback for this example.
Spokes 1 and 2 have the following VPN overlays between themselves and the hub:
Strategy for choosing Lowest cost (SLA) Lowest cost (SLA) Best quality, link cost
outgoing interfaces factor: packet loss
Throughout this example, transport group 1 is used for VPN overlays over Internet links while transport group 2 is used
for the VPN overlay over an MPLS link.
In this example, user traffic is initiated behind Spoke 1 and destined to Spoke 2. Because of this, Spoke 1 is considered
the local spoke, and Spoke 2 is considered the remote spoke.
edit 2
set name "2"
set mode sla
set shortcut-priority enable
set dst "spoke-2_LAN-2" "Tunnel_IPs"
set src "spoke-1_LAN-1" "Tunnel_IPs"
config sla
edit "HUB"
set id 1
set priority-members 2 1 3
edit 3
set name "3"
set mode priority
set dst "spoke-2_LAN-3" "Tunnel_IPs"
set src "spoke-1_LAN-1" "Tunnel_IPs"
set health-check "HUB"
set link-cost-factor packet-loss
set priority-members 3 1 2
# diagnose sys sdwan health-check
Health Check(HUB):
Seq(1 H1_T11): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(0.231), jitter(0.029), mos(4.404),
bandwidth-up(999999), bandwidth-dw(999997), bandwidth-bi(1999996) sla_map=0x1
Seq(2 H1_T22): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(0.193), jitter(0.010), mos(4.404),
bandwidth-up(999994), bandwidth-dw(999997), bandwidth-bi(1999991) sla_map=0x1
Seq(3 H1_T33): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(0.144), jitter(0.007), mos(4.404),
bandwidth-up(999999), bandwidth-dw(999997), bandwidth-bi(1999996) sla_map=0x1
set transport-group 1
edit 3
set interface "H1_T33"
set zone "overlay"
set transport-group 2
config health-check
edit "HUB"
set server ""
set members 3 1 2
config sla
edit 1
set link-cost-factor latency
set latency-threshold 100
# diagnose sys sdwan health-check
Health Check(HUB):
Seq(3 H1_T33): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(0.124), jitter(0.009), mos(4.404),
bandwidth-up(999999), bandwidth-dw(999998), bandwidth-bi(1999997) sla_map=0x1
Seq(1 H1_T11): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(0.216), jitter(0.043), mos(4.404),
bandwidth-up(999999), bandwidth-dw(999998), bandwidth-bi(1999997) sla_map=0x1
Seq(2 H1_T22): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(0.184), jitter(0.012), mos(4.404),
bandwidth-up(999994), bandwidth-dw(999998), bandwidth-bi(1999992) sla_map=0x1
In this scenario, PC 1 connected to Spoke 1 initiates an ICMP ping destined for PC1 connected to Spoke 2. Therefore,
this user traffic matches SD-WAN rule 1 and triggers shortcut path selection and establishment.
The Path Manager of Spoke 1 will calculate the best shortcut path by comparing transport group, link quality (for SLA
mode), link cost, and member configuration order between Spoke 1 and Spoke 2.
For an SLA mode service, the following algorithm is followed for considering endpoints of the best shortcut path:
1. Overlays with the same transport group
2. In-SLA overlays
3. Lowest link cost overlays
4. Member configuration order as a final tiebreaker
Based on this algorithm, the Path Manager on Spoke 1 selects Spoke 1 H1_T11 because:
It is first in the priority-members order for SD-WAN rule 1, it has the lowest link cost, and it is within SLA. Likewise, the
Path Manager on Spoke 1 selects Spoke 2 H1_T22 since it has the lowest link cost compared to Spoke 2 H1_T11 (which
has a cost of 100), it is within SLA, and has the same transport group as Spoke 1 H1_T11. Therefore, the Path Manager
of Spoke 1 calculates the best shortcut path as Spoke 1 H1_T11 to Spoke 2 H1_T22.
The Path Manager will advise IKE to establish the best shortcut and add it to SD-WAN rule 1 as follows:
Branch1_FGT# diagnose sys sdwan service4
Service(1): Address Mode(IPV4) flags=0x4200 use-shortcut-sla use-shortcut
Since shortcut-priority is enabled, we observe that the shortcut is formed over the selected overlay path and prioritized
over the parent overlay.
From the diagnostic command on Spoke 1, we observe the selected shortcut path in bold. (Note that the remote IP
matches Spoke 2 H1_T22 in the corresponding table above.)
Branch1_FGT# diagnose sys sdwan advpn-session
Session head(Branch2_FGT-0-overlay:1)
(1) Service ID(1), last access(7809088), remote health check info(3)
Selected path: local(H1_T11, port1) gw: remote IP:
Remote information:
1: latency: 0.176267 jitter: 0.005733 pktloss: 0.000000 mos: 4.404302 sla: 0x1 cost: 0
transport_group: 1 bandwidth up: 999994 down: 999997 bidirection: 1999991
ipv4: ipv6 2000:172:31:3::105(::)
2: latency: 0.119133 jitter: 0.004800 pktloss: 0.000000 mos: 4.404331 sla: 0x1 cost: 0
transport_group: 2 bandwidth up: 999999 down: 999997 bidirection: 1999996
ipv4: ipv6 1410:4b02::f088:93ee:7f00:0
3: latency: 0.182400 jitter: 0.008800 pktloss: 0.000000 mos: 4.404295 sla: 0x1 cost: 100
transport_group: 1 bandwidth up: 999999 down: 999997 bidirection: 1999996
ipv4: ipv6 2000:172:31:3::101(d88a:93ee:7f00:0:d88a:93ee:7f00:0)
From the diagnostic command on Spoke 2, we observe the selected shortcut in bold.
Branch2_FGT# diagnose sys sdwan health-check
Health Check(HUB):
Seq(3 H1_T33): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(0.122), jitter(0.004), mos(4.404),
bandwidth-up(999999), bandwidth-dw(999997), bandwidth-bi(1999996) sla_map=0x1
Seq(1 H1_T11): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(0.186), jitter(0.011), mos(4.404),
bandwidth-up(999999), bandwidth-dw(999997), bandwidth-bi(1999996) sla_map=0x1
Seq(2 H1_T22): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(0.180), jitter(0.005), mos(4.404),
bandwidth-up(999994), bandwidth-dw(999997), bandwidth-bi(1999991) sla_map=0x1
Seq(2 H1_T22_0): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(0.265), jitter(0.011), mos
(4.404), bandwidth-up(999999), bandwidth-dw(999999), bandwidth-bi(1999998) sla_map=0x1
In this scenario, PC 1 connected to Spoke 1 initiates an ICMP ping destined for PC2 connected to Spoke 2. Therefore,
this user traffic matches SD-WAN rule 2, and traffic will go through shortcut H1_T11_0 of Spoke 1 previously established
in Scenario 1 above.
The local spoke generates local-out UDP packets and sends them to the hub to trigger an IKE shortcut message
exchange with updated remote spoke WAN link information. The local spoke will receive this updated remote spoke
WAN link information. Then the Path Manager of Spoke 1 will recalculate the best shortcut path by comparing transport
group, link quality (for SLA mode), link cost, and member configuration order between Spoke 1 and Spoke 2.
For an SLA mode service, the following algorithm is followed for considering endpoints of the best shortcut path:
1. Overlays with the same transport group
2. In-SLA overlays
3. Lowest link cost overlays
4. Member configuration order as a final tiebreaker
Based on this algorithm, the Path Manager on Spoke 1 selects Spoke 1 H1_T22 because it is the first in the priority-
members order for SD-WAN rule 2, it has the lowest link cost, and it is within SLA. Likewise, the Path Manager on Spoke
1 selects Spoke 2 H1_T22 since it has the lowest link cost compared to Spoke 2 H1_T11 (which has a cost of 100), it is
within SLA, and has the same transport group as Spoke 1 H1_T11. Therefore, the Path Manager of Spoke 1 calculates
the best shortcut path as Spoke 1 H1_T22 to Spoke 2 H1_T22.
The Path Manager will advise IKE to establish the best shortcut and add it to SD-WAN rule 2 as follows:
Branch1_FGT# diagnose sys sdwan service4
Service(2): Address Mode(IPV4) flags=0x4200 use-shortcut-sla use-shortcut
Tie break: cfg
Shortcut priority: 1
Gen(12), TOS(0x0/0x0), Protocol(0): src(1->65535):dst(1->65535), Mode(sla), sla-compare-
Member sub interface(5):
3: seq_num(2), interface(H1_T22):
1: H1_T22_0(72)
4: seq_num(1), interface(H1_T11):
1: H1_T11_0(71)
1: Seq_num(2 H1_T22_0 overlay), alive, sla(0x1), gid(0), cfg_order(0), local cost(0),
2: Seq_num(1 H1_T11_0 overlay), alive, sla(0x1), gid(0), cfg_order(1), local cost(0),
selected, last_used=2023-12-05 14:34:07
3: Seq_num(2 H1_T22 overlay), alive, sla(0x1), gid(0), cfg_order(0), local cost(0),
4: Seq_num(1 H1_T11 overlay), alive, sla(0x1), gid(0), cfg_order(1), local cost(0),
5: Seq_num(3 H1_T33 overlay), alive, sla(0x1), gid(0), cfg_order(2), local cost(0),
Src address(2):
Dst address(2):
The newly selected shortcut is prioritized over the previously selected shortcut as seen in the bolded output above.
From the diagnostic command on Spoke 1, we observe the selected shortcut path in bold. (Note that the remote IP
matches Spoke 2 H1_T22 in the corresponding table above.)
Branch1_FGT# diagnose sys sdwan advpn-session
Session head(Branch2_FGT-0-overlay:2)
(1) Service ID(1), last access(8024725), remote health check info(3)
Selected path: local(H1_T11, port1) gw: remote IP:
Remote information:
1: latency: 0.118267 jitter: 0.004633 pktloss: 0.000000 mos: 4.404331 sla: 0x1 cost: 0
transport_group: 2 bandwidth up: 999999 down: 999997 bidirection: 1999996
ipv4: ipv6 180:adfb::d88a:93ee:7f00:0
2: latency: 0.176067 jitter: 0.006567 pktloss: 0.000000 mos: 4.404301 sla: 0x1 cost: 0
transport_group: 1 bandwidth up: 999994 down: 999997 bidirection: 1999991
ipv4: ipv6 2000:172:31:3::105(::)
3: latency: 0.170333 jitter: 0.008133 pktloss: 0.000000 mos: 4.404302 sla: 0x1 cost: 100
transport_group: 1 bandwidth up: 999999 down: 999997 bidirection: 1999996
ipv4: ipv6 2000:172:31:3::101(c010:4b02::788a:93ee:7f00:0)
(1) Service ID(2), last access(8024725), remote health check info(3)
Selected path: local(H1_T22, port2) gw: remote IP:
Remote information:
1: latency: 0.118267 jitter: 0.004633 pktloss: 0.000000 mos: 4.404331 sla: 0x1 cost: 0
transport_group: 2 bandwidth up: 999999 down: 999997 bidirection: 1999996
ipv4: ipv6 180:adfb::d88a:93ee:7f00:0
2: latency: 0.176067 jitter: 0.006567 pktloss: 0.000000 mos: 4.404301 sla: 0x1 cost: 0
transport_group: 1 bandwidth up: 999994 down: 999997 bidirection: 1999991
ipv4: ipv6 2000:172:31:3::105(::)
3: latency: 0.170333 jitter: 0.008133 pktloss: 0.000000 mos: 4.404302 sla: 0x1 cost: 100
transport_group: 1 bandwidth up: 999999 down: 999997 bidirection: 1999996
ipv4: ipv6 2000:172:31:3::101(c010:4b02::788a:93ee:7f00:0)
From the diagnostic command on Spoke 2, we observe the selected shortcut in bold:
Branch2_FGT# diagnose sys sdwan health-check
Health Check(HUB):
Seq(3 H1_T33): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(0.118), jitter(0.005), mos(4.404),
bandwidth-up(999999), bandwidth-dw(999998), bandwidth-bi(1999997) sla_map=0x1
Seq(1 H1_T11): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(0.171), jitter(0.005), mos(4.404),
bandwidth-up(999999), bandwidth-dw(999998), bandwidth-bi(1999997) sla_map=0x1
Seq(2 H1_T22): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(0.175), jitter(0.006), mos(4.404),
bandwidth-up(999994), bandwidth-dw(999998), bandwidth-bi(1999992) sla_map=0x1
Seq(2 H1_T22_0): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(0.240), jitter(0.009), mos
(4.404), bandwidth-up(1000000), bandwidth-dw(1000000), bandwidth-bi(2000000) sla_map=0x1
Seq(2 H1_T22_1): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(0.259), jitter(0.019), mos
(4.404), bandwidth-up(1000000), bandwidth-dw(1000000), bandwidth-bi(2000000) sla_map=0x1
In this scenario, PC 1 connected to Spoke 1 initiates an ICMP ping destined for PC 3 connected to Spoke 2. Therefore,
this user traffic matches SD-WAN rule 3, and traffic will go through shortcut H1_T11_0 of Spoke 1 previously established
in Scenario 1 above.
The local spoke generates local-out UDP packets and sends them to the hub to trigger an IKE shortcut message
exchange with updated remote spoke WAN link information. The local spoke will receive this updated remote spoke
WAN link information. Then the Path Manager of Spoke 1 will recalculate the best shortcut path by comparing transport
group, best quality (based on link cost factor), and member configuration order between Spoke 1 and Spoke 2.
For a best quality mode service, the following algorithm is followed for considering endpoints of the best shortcut path:
1. Overlays with the same transport group
2. Best quality overlays (link cost factor of packet loss, in this scenario)
3. Member configuration order as a final tiebreaker
Based on this algorithm, the Path Manager on Spoke 1 selects Spoke 1 H1_T33 because it is the first in the priority-
members order for SD-WAN rule 3, and it has the best quality link. Likewise, the Path Manager on Spoke 1 selects
Spoke 2 H1_T33 since it has the same transport group as Spoke 1 H1_T33. Therefore, the Path Manager of Spoke 1
calculates the best shortcut path as Spoke 1 H1_T33 to Spoke 2 H1_T33.
The Path Manager will advise IKE to establish the best shortcut and add it to SD-WAN rule 3 as follows:
Branch1_FGT# diagnose sys sdwan service4
Service(3): Address Mode(IPV4) flags=0x4200 use-shortcut-sla use-shortcut
Tie break: cfg
Shortcut priority: 3
Gen(13), TOS(0x0/0x0), Protocol(0): src(1->65535):dst(1->65535), Mode(priority), link-
cost-factor(packet-loss), link-cost-threshold(10), heath-check(HUB)
Member sub interface(6):
4: seq_num(3), interface(H1_T33):
1: H1_T33_0(73)
5: seq_num(1), interface(H1_T11):
1: H1_T11_0(71)
6: seq_num(2), interface(H1_T22):
1: H1_T22_0(72)
1: Seq_num(3 H1_T33_0 overlay), alive, packet loss: 0.000%, selected
2: Seq_num(1 H1_T11_0 overlay), alive, packet loss: 0.000%, selected, last_used=2023-12-
05 14:38:02
3: Seq_num(2 H1_T22_0 overlay), alive, packet loss: 0.000%, selected
4: Seq_num(3 H1_T33 overlay), alive, packet loss: 0.000%, selected
5: Seq_num(1 H1_T11 overlay), alive, packet loss: 0.000%, selected
6: Seq_num(2 H1_T22 overlay), alive, packet loss: 0.000%, selected
Src address(2):
Dst address(2):
From the diagnostic command on Spoke 1, we observe the selected shortcut path in bold. (Note that the remote IP
matches Spoke 2 H1_T33 in the corresponding table above.)
Branch1_FGT# diagnose sys sdwan advpn-session
Session head(Branch2_FGT-0-overlay:3)
(1) Service ID(3), last access(8047297), remote health check info(3)
Selected path: local(H1_T33, port3) gw: remote IP:
Remote information:
1: latency: 0.116600 jitter: 0.004600 pktloss: 0.000000 mos: 4.404332 sla: 0x1 cost: 0
transport_group: 2 bandwidth up: 999999 down: 999998 bidirection: 1999997
From the diagnostic command on Spoke 2, we observe the selected shortcut in bold:
Branch2_FGT# diagnose sys sdwan health-check
Health Check(HUB):
Seq(3 H1_T33): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(0.116), jitter(0.005), mos(4.404),
bandwidth-up(999999), bandwidth-dw(999998), bandwidth-bi(1999997) sla_map=0x1
Seq(3 H1_T33_0): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(0.113), jitter(0.005), mos
(4.404), bandwidth-up(1000000), bandwidth-dw(1000000), bandwidth-bi(2000000) sla_map=0x1
Seq(1 H1_T11): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(0.171), jitter(0.004), mos(4.404),
bandwidth-up(999999), bandwidth-dw(999998), bandwidth-bi(1999997) sla_map=0x1
Seq(2 H1_T22): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(0.174), jitter(0.008), mos(4.404),
bandwidth-up(999994), bandwidth-dw(999998), bandwidth-bi(1999992) sla_map=0x1
Seq(2 H1_T22_0): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(0.239), jitter(0.007), mos
(4.404), bandwidth-up(999999), bandwidth-dw(999999), bandwidth-bi(1999998) sla_map=0x1
Seq(2 H1_T22_1): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(0.260), jitter(0.014), mos
(4.404), bandwidth-up(1000000), bandwidth-dw(1000000), bandwidth-bi(2000000) sla_map=0x1
In this scenario, we place remote Spoke 2 H1_T22 out-of-SLA and observe that this link quality change is sensed by the
local spoke through regular WAN link information updates on shortcuts. Then the local Spoke 1 will generate local-out
UDP packets and send them to the hub to trigger an IKE shortcut message exchange. Once Spoke 1 receives a shortcut
reply, it will start to calculate new best shortcut paths for SD-WAN rules 1 and 2 because these are the only rules that
have new best shortcut paths when Spoke 2 H1_T22 is out-of-SLA.
For an SLA mode service, the following algorithm is followed for considering endpoints of the best shortcut path:
1. Overlays with the same transport group
2. In-SLA overlays
3. Lowest link cost overlays
4. Member configuration order as a final tiebreaker
Based on this algorithm, the Path Manager on Spoke 1 still selects these Spoke 1 interfaces:
l SD-WAN Rule 1: H1_T11
l SD-WAN Rule 2: H1_T22
These are the first in the priority-members order for SD-WAN rules 1 and 2, respectively.
Based on the updated WAN link information, the Path Manager on Spoke 1 selects these Spoke 2 interfaces because
they are the only remaining in-SLA VPN overlays over Internet links (transport group 1):
l SD-WAN Rule 1: H1_T11
l SD-WAN Rule 2: H1_T11
Therefore, the Path Manager of Spoke 1 calculates the best shortcut paths as follows:
1: H1_T11_0(74)
2: H1_T11_1(75)
8: seq_num(3), interface(H1_T33):
1: H1_T33_0(73)
1: Seq_num(2 H1_T22_0 overlay), alive, sla(0x1), gid(0), cfg_order(0), local cost(0),
2: Seq_num(2 H1_T22_1 overlay), alive, sla(0x1), gid(0), cfg_order(0), local cost(0),
3: Seq_num(1 H1_T11_1 overlay), alive, sla(0x1), gid(0), cfg_order(1), local cost(0),
4: Seq_num(1 H1_T11_0 overlay), alive, sla(0x1), gid(0), cfg_order(1), local cost(0),
5: Seq_num(3 H1_T33_0 overlay), alive, sla(0x1), gid(0), cfg_order(2), local cost(0),
6: Seq_num(2 H1_T22 overlay), alive, sla(0x1), gid(0), cfg_order(0), local cost(0),
7: Seq_num(1 H1_T11 overlay), alive, sla(0x1), gid(0), cfg_order(1), local cost(0),
8: Seq_num(3 H1_T33 overlay), alive, sla(0x1), gid(0), cfg_order(2), local cost(0),
Src address(2):
Dst address(2):
From the diagnostic command on Spoke 1, we observe the newly selected shortcut paths in bold. (Note that the remote
IP matches Spoke 2 H1_T11, which is the VPN overlay over the Internet link with cost 100 in the
corresponding table above.)
# diagnose sys sdwan advpn-session
Session head(Branch2_FGT-0-overlay:3)
(1) Service ID(1), last access(8293060), remote health check info(3)
Selected path: local(H1_T11, port1) gw: remote IP:
Remote information:
1: latency: 0.119500 jitter: 0.006067 pktloss: 0.000000 mos: 4.404329 sla: 0x1 cost: 0
transport_group: 2 bandwidth up: 999999 down: 999997 bidirection: 1999996
ipv4: ipv6 180:adfb::d88a:93ee:7f00:0
2: latency: 250.170761 jitter: 0.011500 pktloss: 0.000000 mos: 3.992655 sla: 0x0 cost: 0
transport_group: 1 bandwidth up: 999994 down: 999997 bidirection: 1999991
ipv4: ipv6 2000:172:31:3::105(c010:4b02::788a:93ee:7f00:0)
3: latency: 0.182200 jitter: 0.012000 pktloss: 0.000000 mos: 4.404292 sla: 0x1 cost: 100
transport_group: 1 bandwidth up: 999999 down: 999997 bidirection: 1999996
ipv4: ipv6 2000:172:31:3::101(::)
(1) Service ID(2), last access(8293060), remote health check info(3)
Selected path: local(H1_T22, port2) gw: remote IP:
Remote information:
1: latency: 0.119500 jitter: 0.006067 pktloss: 0.000000 mos: 4.404329 sla: 0x1 cost: 0
transport_group: 2 bandwidth up: 999999 down: 999997 bidirection: 1999996
ipv4: ipv6 180:adfb::d88a:93ee:7f00:0
2: latency: 250.170761 jitter: 0.011500 pktloss: 0.000000 mos: 3.992655 sla: 0x0 cost: 0
transport_group: 1 bandwidth up: 999994 down: 999997 bidirection: 1999991
From the diagnostic command on Spoke 2, we observe the selected shortcuts in bold:
Branch2_FGT# diagnose sys sdwan health-check
Health Check(HUB):
Seq(3 H1_T33): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(0.120), jitter(0.007), mos(4.404),
bandwidth-up(999999), bandwidth-dw(999997), bandwidth-bi(1999996) sla_map=0x1
Seq(3 H1_T33_0): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(0.128), jitter(0.003), mos
(4.404), bandwidth-up(1000000), bandwidth-dw(1000000), bandwidth-bi(2000000) sla_map=0x1
Seq(1 H1_T11): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(0.180), jitter(0.008), mos(4.404),
bandwidth-up(999999), bandwidth-dw(999997), bandwidth-bi(1999996) sla_map=0x1
Seq(1 H1_T11_0): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(0.259), jitter(0.023), mos
(4.404), bandwidth-up(1000000), bandwidth-dw(1000000), bandwidth-bi(2000000) sla_map=0x1
Seq(1 H1_T11_1): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(0.257), jitter(0.014), mos
(4.404), bandwidth-up(1000000), bandwidth-dw(1000000), bandwidth-bi(2000000) sla_map=0x1
Seq(2 H1_T22): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(250.169), jitter(0.009), mos
(3.993), bandwidth-up(999994), bandwidth-dw(999997), bandwidth-bi(1999991) sla_map=0x0
Seq(2 H1_T22_1): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(0.245), jitter(0.013), mos
(4.404), bandwidth-up(1000000), bandwidth-dw(1000000), bandwidth-bi(2000000) sla_map=0x1
Seq(2 H1_T22_0): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(0.223), jitter(0.005), mos
(4.404), bandwidth-up(1000000), bandwidth-dw(1000000), bandwidth-bi(2000000) sla_map=0x1
This topic provides an example of how to use SD-WAN and ADVPN together.
ADVPN (Auto Discovery VPN) is an IPsec technology that allows a traditional hub-and-spoke VPN’s spokes to establish
dynamic, on-demand, direct tunnels between each other to avoid routing through the topology's hub device. The primary
advantage is that it provides full meshing capabilities to a standard hub-and-spoke topology. This greatly reduces the
provisioning effort for full spoke-to-spoke low delay reachability, and addresses the scalability issues associated with
very large fully meshed VPN networks.
If a customer's head office and branch offices all have two or more internet connections, they can build a dual-hub
ADVPN network. Combined with SD-WAN technology, the customer can load-balance traffic to other offices on multiple
dynamic tunnels, control specific traffic using specific connections, or choose better performance connections
SD-WAN load-balance mode rules (or services) do not support ADVPN members. Other
modes' rules, such as SLA and priority, support ADVPN members.
Configuration example
A typical ADVPN configuration with SD-WAN usually has two hubs, and each spoke connects to two ISPs and
establishes VPN tunnels with both hubs.
This example shows a hub-and-spoke configuration using two hubs and one spoke:
l Hub1 and Hub2 both use wan1 to connect to the ISPs and port10 to connect to internal network.
l Spoke1 uses wan1 to connect to ISP1 and wan2 to connect to ISP2.
l wan1 sets up VPN to hub1.
l wan2 sets up VPN to hub2.
The SD-WAN is configured on the spoke. It uses the two VPN interfaces as members and two rules to control traffic to
headquarters or other spokes using ADVPN VPN interfaces. You can create more rules if required.
For this example:
l Use SD-WAN member 1 (via ISP1) and its dynamic shortcuts for financial department traffic if member 1 meets SLA
requirements. If it doesn't meet SLA requirements, it will use SD-WAN member 2 (via ISP2).
l Use SD-WAN member 2 (via ISP2) and its dynamic shortcuts for engineering department traffic.
l Load balance other traffic going to hubs and other spokes between these two members.
l Set up all other traffic to go with their original ISP connection. All other traffic does not go through SD-WAN.
l Set up basic network configuration to let all hubs and spokes connect to their ISPs and the Internet.
Firewall addresses Configure hub_subnets and spoke_subnets before using in policies. These can
be customized.
The GUI does not support some ADVPN related options, such as auto-discovery-sender, auto-discovery-receiver, auto-
discovery-forwarder, and IBGP neighbor-group setting, so this example only provides CLI configuration commands.
When net-device is disabled, a tunnel ID is generated for each dynamic tunnel. This ID, in
the form of an IP address, is used as the gateway in the route entry to that tunnel. The
tunnel-search option is removed in FortiOS 7.0.0 and later.
Hub2 configuration is the same as hub1 except the wan1 IP address, VPN interface IP address, and BGP neighbor-
range prefix.
To configure SD-WAN:
config service
edit 1
set mode sla
set dst "financial-department"
config sla
edit "ping"
set id 1
set priority-members 1 2
edit 2
set priority-members 2
set dst "engineering-department"
If no SD-WAN zone is specified, members are added to the default virtual-wan-link zone.
Use the following CLI commands to check status before spoke vs spoke shortcut VPN is established.
# get router info bgp summary
BGP router identifier, local AS number 65505
BGP table version is 13
3 BGP AS-PATH entries
0 BGP community entries
Use the following CLI commands to check status after spoke vs spoke shortcut VPN is established.
# get router info routing-table bgp
name=spoke1-2-phase1 ver=1 serial=6> tun_id= dst_mtu=15324
bound_if=90 lgwy=static/1 tun=intf/0 mode=auto/1 encap=none/536 options[0218]=npu create_dev
frag-rfc accept_traffic=1
parent=vd2-1 index=0
proxyid_num=1 child_num=0 refcnt=18 ilast=8 olast=8 ad=r/2
stat: rxp=0 txp=0 rxb=0 txb=0
dpd: mode=on-demand on=1 idle=20000ms retry=3 count=0 seqno=0
natt: mode=none draft=0 interval=0 remote_port=0
proxyid=vd2-1 proto=0 sa=1 ref=2 serial=1 auto-negotiate adr
src: 0:
dst: 0:
SA: ref=3 options=1a227 type=00 soft=0 mtu=15262 expire=42893/0B replaywin=2048
seqno=1 esn=0 replaywin_lastseq=00000000 itn=0 qat=0
life: type=01 bytes=0/0 timeout=42901/43200
dec: spi=03e01a44 esp=aes key=16 c3b77a98e3002220e2373b73af14df6e
ah=sha1 key=20 d18d107c248564933874f60999d6082fd7a78948
enc: spi=864f6dba esp=aes key=16 eb6181806ccb9bac37931f9eadd4d5eb
ah=sha1 key=20 ab788f7a372877a5603c4ede1be89a592fc21873
dec:pkts/bytes=0/0, enc:pkts/bytes=0/0
npu_flag=00 npu_rgwy= npu_lgwy= npu_selid=51 dec_npuid=0 enc_npuid=0
name=spoke1-2-phase1_0 ver=1 serial=57> tun_id= dst_
bound_if=90 lgwy=static/1 tun=intf/0 mode=dial_inst/3 encap=none/728 options[02d8]=npu
create_dev no-sysctl rgwy-chg frag-rfc accept_traffic=1
parent=vd2-2 index=0
proxyid_num=1 child_num=0 refcnt=17 ilast=5 olast=5 ad=r/2
stat: rxp=0 txp=0 rxb=0 txb=0
dpd: mode=on-demand on=1 idle=20000ms retry=3 count=0 seqno=0
natt: mode=none draft=0 interval=0 remote_port=0
proxyid=vd2-2 proto=0 sa=1 ref=3 serial=1 auto-negotiate adr
src: 0:
dst: 0:
SA: ref=3 options=1a227 type=00 soft=0 mtu=15262 expire=42900/0B replaywin=2048
seqno=1 esn=0 replaywin_lastseq=00000000 itn=0 qat=0
life: type=01 bytes=0/0 timeout=42901/43200
dec: spi=03e01a45 esp=aes key=16 0beb519ed9f800e8b4c0aa4e1df7da35
ah=sha1 key=20 bc9f38db5296cce4208a69f1cc8a9f7ef4803c37
enc: spi=864f6dbb esp=aes key=16 1d26e3556afcdb9f8e3e33b563b44228
ah=sha1 key=20 564d05ef6f7437e1fd0a88d5fee7b6567f9d387e
dec:pkts/bytes=0/0, enc:pkts/bytes=0/0
npu_flag=00 npu_rgwy= npu_lgwy= npu_selid=53 dec_npuid=0 enc_npuid=0
# diagnose firewall proute list
list route policy info(vf=vd2):
When a customer using SD-WAN with ADVPN has numerous IPv4 and IPv6 routes per spoke and there are many
spokes in the topology, using ADVPN with a route reflector-based design poses the following challenges:
l The hub FortiGate will experience high CPU usage due to the amount of processing required to reflect the routes to
the spoke FortiGates.
l Spoke FortiGates will learn many unnecessary routes.
For such cases, it is more suitable to deploy an IPv4- and IPv6-supported solution without a route-reflector that involves
an active dynamic BGP neighbor triggered by an ADVPN shortcut. This solution allows a spoke FortiGate to form a BGP
neighbor with another spoke FortiGate only after the shortcut tunnel between them has been established. As a result, the
spoke only learns routes from its BGP neighbors.
In a topology where the Spoke 1 and Spoke 2 FortiGates are connected directly to the Hub FortiGate, route reflection will
not be enabled. The Hub FortiGate is only configured with each spoke's summary route. An ADVPN shortcut tunnel is
established between the Spoke 1 and Spoke 2 FortiGates. The valid routing between the Spoke 1 and Spoke 2
FortiGate is still through the Hub FortiGate at this point.
When a host behind Spoke 1 tries to connect to a host behind Spoke 2, Spoke 1 first reaches the Hub based on the valid
routing table. The Hub determines that the destination is reachable, and the ADVPN shortcut tunnel between the spokes
is established. Then, Spoke 1 and Spoke 2 will actively initiate a BGP connection to each other over the shortcut. Once
established, they will exchange their routing information using BGP. On both spokes, BGP will resolve those routes on
the shortcut and update the routing table accordingly.
For this solution, the following IPv4/IPv6 BGP configuration settings are required:
a. For IPv4:
config router static
edit 33
set dst
set blackhole enable
set vrf 0
edit 22
set dst
set blackhole enable
set vrf 0
b. For IPv6:
config router static6
edit 33
set dst 2001:33::/32
set blackhole enable
set vrf 0
edit 22
set dst 2001:22::/32
set blackhole enable
set vrf 0
To trigger a single spoke-to-spoke shortcut VPN, on host, ping the host in the Financial Department.
Because of the SD-WAN rule, use SD-WAN member 1 (via ISP1) and its dynamic shortcuts to reach hosts in the
Financial Department.
The remote route learned from Spoke 2 through the spoke1_1_0 tunnel and using BGP is
To trigger a single spoke-to-spoke shortcut VPN over IPv6, on host 2001:22::22/64, ping the host 2001:33::33/64 in the
Financial Department. Because of the SD-WAN rule, use SD-WAN member 1 (via ISP1) and its dynamic shortcuts to
reach hosts in the Financial Department.
The remote route learned from Spoke 2 through the spoke1-1_0 tunnel and using BGP is 2001:33::/64.
To trigger a second spoke-to-spoke shortcut VPN, on host, ping the host in the Engineering
Department. Because of the SD-WAN rule, use SD-WAN member 2 (via ISP2) and its dynamic shortcuts to reach hosts
in the Engineering Department.
The remote route learned from Spoke 2 through the spoke1-2_0 tunnel and using BGP is
To trigger a second spoke-to-spoke shortcut VPN over IPv6, on host 2001:22::22/64, ping the host 2001:33::133/64 in
the Engineering Department. Because of the SD-WAN rule, use SD-WAN member 2 (via ISP2) and its dynamic
shortcuts to reach hosts in the Engineering Department.
The remote route learned from Spoke 2 through the spoke1-2_0 tunnel and using BGP is 2001:33::/64.
SD-WAN monitors ADVPN shortcut link quality by dynamically creating link monitors for each ADVPN link. The dynamic
link monitor on the spoke will use ICMP probes and the IP address of the gateway as the monitored server. These ICMP
probes will not be counted as actual user traffic that keeps the spoke-to-spoke tunnel alive.
In a hub and spoke SD-WAN topology with shortcuts created over ADVPN, a downed or recovered shortcut can affect
which member is selected by an SD-WAN service strategy. When a downed shortcut tunnel recovers and the shortcut is
added back into the service strategy, the shortcut is held at a low priority until the hold down time has elapsed.
By default, the hold down time is zero seconds. It can be set to 0 - 10000000 seconds.
In this example, the hold down time is set to 15 seconds, and then the SD-WAN service is looked at before and after the
hold down elapses after a downed shortcut recovers.
To view which SD-WAN member is selected before and after the hold down time elapses:
1: Seq_num(1 vd2-1), alive, packet loss: 27.000%, selected
2: Seq_num(2 vd2-2_0), alive, packet loss: 0.000%, selected
3: Seq_num(2 vd2-2), alive, packet loss: 0.000%, selected
4: Seq_num(1 vd2-1_0), alive, packet loss: 61.000%, selected
Dst address(1):
2: seq_num(2), interface(vd2-2):
1: vd2-2_0(88)
3: seq_num(1), interface(vd2-1):
1: vd2-1_0(86)
1: Seq_num(2 vd2-2_0), alive, packet loss: 0.000%, selected
2: Seq_num(2 vd2-2), alive, packet loss: 0.000%, selected
3: Seq_num(1 vd2-1), alive, packet loss: 24.000%, selected
4: Seq_num(1 vd2-1_0), alive, packet loss: 44.000%, selected
Dst address(1):\
Forward Error Correction (FEC) is used to control and correct errors in data transmission by sending redundant data
across the VPN in anticipation of dropped packets occurring during transit. The mechanism sends out x number of
redundant packets for every y number of base packets.
Adaptive FEC considers link conditions and dynamically adjusts the FEC packet ratio:
l The FEC base and redundant packet relationship is dynamically adjusted based on changes to the network SLA
metrics defined in the SD-WAN SLA health checks. For example, when there is no or low packet loss in the network,
FEC can work on a low redundant level sending only one redundant packet for every 10 base packets. As packet
loss increases, the number of redundant packets sent can rise accordingly.
l FEC can be applied only to streams that are sensitive to packet loss. For Example, policies that allow the UDP
based VoIP protocol can enable FEC, while TCP based traffic policies do not. This reduces unnecessary bandwidth
consumption by FEC.
l Because FEC does not support NPU offloading, the ability to specify streams and policies that do not require FEC
allows those traffic to be offloaded. This means that not all traffic suffers a performance impact.
In this example, an IPsec tunnel is configured between two FortiGates that have FEC enabled and supporting
configuration to protect traffic that egresses FortiGate A and ingresses FortiGate B. The tunnel is an SD-WAN zone, and
an SLA health-check is used to monitor the quality of the VPN overlay. The intention is to apply FEC to UDP traffic that is
passing through the VPN overlay, while allowing all other traffic to pass through without FEC. An FEC profile is
configured to adaptively increase redundant levels if the link quality exceeds a 10% packet loss threshold, or the
bandwidth exceeds 950 Mbps.
The DMZ interface and IPsec tunnel vd1-p1 are SD-WAN members. FEC is enabled on vd1-p1, and health-check works
on vd1-p1.
1. On FortiGate A, enable FEC for egress traffic and NPU offloading on the IPsec tunnel vd1-p1:
config vpn ipsec phase1-interface
edit "vd1-p1"
2. On FortiGate B, enable FEC for ingress traffic and NPU offloading on the IPsec tunnel vd1-p1:
config vpn ipsec phase1-interface
edit "vd1-p1"
set npu-offload enable
set fec-ingress enable
4. On FortiGate A, create a policy to specify performing FEC on UDP traffic, and a policy for other traffic:
config firewall policy
edit 1
5. On FortiGate A, configure FEC mapping to bind network SLA metrics and FEC base and redundant packets:
config vpn ipsec fec
edit "m1"
config mappings
edit 1
set base 8
set redundant 2
set packet-loss-threshold 10
edit 2
set base 9
set redundant 3
set bandwidth-up-threshold 950000
The mappings are matched from top to bottom: packet loss greater than 10% with eight base and two redundant
packets, and then uploading bandwidth greater than 950 Mbps with nine base and three redundant packets.
6. On FortiGate A, apply the FEC mappings on vd1-p1:
config vpn ipsec phase1-interface
edit "vd1-p1"
set fec-health-check "1"
set fec-mapping-profile "m1"
set fec-base 10
set fec-redundant 1
The FEC base and redundant values are used when the link quality has not exceeded the limits specified in the FEC
profile mapping. If fec-codec is set to xor the base and redundant packet values will not be updated.
1. Send TCP and UDP traffic from PC1 to PC2, then check the sessions on FortiGate A:
# diagnose sys session list
Non-FEC protected TCP traffic is offloaded, while FEC protected UDP traffic is not offloaded
2. On FortiGate A, check the health-check result and the corresponding FEC base and redundant packets:
# diagnose sys sdwan health-check
Health Check(1):
Seq(2 vd1-p1): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(0.168), jitter(0.021),
bandwidth-up(999999), bandwidth-dw(999998), bandwidth-bi(1999997) sla_map=0x1
Because bandwidth-up is more than 950000kbps, base and redundant are set to 9 and 3:
3. Make packet loss more than 10%, then check the health-check result and the corresponding FEC base and
redundant packets again on FortiGate A:
# diagnose sys sdwan health-check
Health Check(1):
Seq(2 vd1-p1): state(alive), packet-loss(15.000%) latency(0.168), jitter(0.017),
bandwidth-up(999999), bandwidth-dw(999998), bandwidth-bi(1999997) sla_map=0x0
Because packet loss is more than 10%, entry one in FEC mapping is first matched, and base and redundant are set
to 8 and 2:
# diagnose vpn tunnel fec vd1-p1
enabled=1 base=8 redundant=2 codec=0 timeout=10(ms)
encode=6670 encode_timeout=6670 encode_fail=0
tx_data=6976 tx_parity=18748
enabled=0 timeout=0(ms)
fasm_cnt=0 fasm_full=0
ipsec_fec_chk_fail=0 complete=0
rx_data=0 rx_parity=0
recover=0 recover_timeout=0 recover_fail=0
rx=0 rx_fail=0
This wizard is used to automatically set up multiple VPN tunnels to the same destination over multiple outgoing
interfaces. This includes automatically configuring IPsec, routing, and firewall settings, avoiding cumbersome and error-
prone configuration steps.
1. Go to Network > SD-WAN, select the SD-WAN Zones tab, and click Create New > SD-WAN Member.
2. In the Interface drop-down, click +VPN. The Create IPsec VPN for SD-WAN members pane opens.
When duplication rules are used, packets are duplicated on other good links within the SD-WAN zone and de-duplicated
on the destination FortiGate. Use force mode to force duplication on other links within the SD-WAN zone, or use on-
demand mode to trigger duplication only when SLA fails on the selected member.
The duplication rule is configured in the CLI by using the config duplication command. The following options can
be configured:
Parameter Description
l force: Duplicate packets across all interface members of the SD-WAN zone.
The duplication-max-num <integer> option under config system sdwan is the maximum number of
interface members that a packet is duplicated on in the SD-WAN zone (2 - 4, default = 2). If this value is set to 3, the
original packet plus two more copies are created. If there are three member interfaces in the SD-WAN zone and the
duplication-max-num is set to 2, the packet duplication follows the configuration order, so the packets are
duplicated on the second member.
The packet duplication feature works best in a spoke-spoke or hub-and-spoke topology. In this example, a hub-and-
spoke ADVPN topology is used. Before shortcuts are established, Hub 1 forwards the duplicate packets from Spoke 1 to
Spoke 2. Once shortcuts are established, Hub 1 is transparent, and duplicate packets are exchanged directly between
the spokes.
1. Configure Spoke 1:
config system sdwan
set status enable
config zone
edit "virtual-wan-link"
edit "sdwanzone_v4"
config members
edit 1
set interface "t1"
set zone "sdwanzone_v4"
edit 4
set interface "t21"
set zone "sdwanzone_v4"
edit 2
set interface "t2"
set zone "sdwanzone_v4"
config health-check
edit "h1"
set server ""
set interval 1000
set failtime 10
set members 1 2
config sla
edit 1
set packetloss-threshold 40
config duplication
edit 1
set srcaddr "all"
set dstaddr "all"
set srcintf "port1"
set dstintf "sdwanzone_v4"
set service "ALL"
set packet-duplication force
set packet-de-duplication enable
SD-WAN duplication rules can specify SD-WAN service rules to trigger packet duplication. This allows the duplication to
occur based on an SD-WAN rule instead of the source, destination, and service parameters in the duplication rule.
1. Packets can be forced to duplicate to all members of the same SD-WAN zone. See Duplicate packets on other zone
members on page 1025 for details.
For example, in Spoke 1 set packet-duplication to force so that when a client sends a packet to the server, it
is duplicated to all members of the same zone as long as its health check is alive. If a members health check is
dead, then the member is removed from the SD-WAN duplication zone.
2. Packets can be duplicated to other members of the SD-WAN zone on-demand only when the condition of the link is
not good enough.
Set packet-duplication to on-demand. If sla-match-service is disabled, when all the SLAs of the
member exceed threshold (sla_map=0), the packet is duplicated. But when the SLAs are within threshold (sla_
map!=0), the packet is not duplicated.
If sla-match-service is enabled, then only the SLA health checks and targets used in the service rule need to
exceed threshold in order to trigger packet duplication.
3. Packets can be duplicated to all members of the same SD-WAN zone when the traffic matches one or more regular
SD-WAN service rules.
The following example shows the third type of packet duplication.
In this example, SD-WAN is configured with three members: vpn1, vpn2, and vpn3. Service rule 1 controls all traffic from to using member 1.
To send a duplicate of the traffic that matches service rule 1 using member 2, members 1 and 2 are added to the same
SD-WAN zone, and a duplication rule is configured with service-id set to 1.
To send a duplicate of the traffic that matches service rule 1 using member 2:
config duplication
edit 1
set service-id 1
set packet-duplication force
Interface based QoS on individual child tunnels based on speed test results
In a hub and spoke SD-WAN topology that uses dial-up VPN overlays, QoS can be applied on individual tunnels based
on the measured bandwidth between the hub and spokes. The FortiGate can use the built in speed test to dynamically
populate the egress bandwidth to individual dial-up tunnels from the hub.
A bandwidth limit, derived from the speed test, and a traffic shaping profile can be applied on the dial-up IPsec tunnel
interface on the hub. A class ID and percentage based QoS settings can be applied to individual child tunnels using a
traffic shaping policy and profile.
CLI commands
If the interface is an IPsec dial-up server, then egress shaping profile type can only be set to policing; it cannot be set
to queuing:
config firewall shaping-profile
edit <profile-name>
set type policing
The outbandwidth value is dynamically obtained from the speed test results for each individual child tunnel, and should
not be set manually:
config system interface
edit <dialup-server-phase1-name>
set egress-shaping-profile <profile-name>
set outbandwidth <bandwidth>
In this example, the hub is configured as a VPN dial-up server and both of the spokes are connected to the hub. It is
assumed that the VPN configuration is already done, with a dynamic gateway type and kernel device creation (net-
device) disabled. Only one SD-WAN interface is used, so there is only one VPN overlay member in the SD-WAN zone.
Multiple WAN interfaces and VPN overlays could be used.
The VPN interfaces and IP addresses are:
The hub VPN has two child tunnels, one to each spoke.
The speed test configuration is shown in Running speed tests from the hub to the spokes in dial-up IPsec tunnels on
page 1156. This example shows applying a shaping profile to the hub's tunnel interface in order to apply interface based
traffic shaping to the child tunnels.
A traffic shaping policy is used to match and assign traffic to the classes in the shaping profile.
1. Configure the hub FortiGate (FGT_A) as in Running speed tests from the hub to the spokes in dial-up IPsec tunnels
on page 1156.
2. Configure the shaping profile:
config firewall shaping-profile
edit "profile_1"
config shaping-entries
edit 1
set class-id 2
set priority low
set guaranteed-bandwidth-percentage 10
set maximum-bandwidth-percentage 10
edit 2
set class-id 3
set priority medium
set guaranteed-bandwidth-percentage 30
set maximum-bandwidth-percentage 40
edit 3
set class-id 4
set priority high
set guaranteed-bandwidth-percentage 20
set maximum-bandwidth-percentage 60
set default-class-id 2
In this example, all traffic through the hub-phase1 interface is put into class ID 3. Class IDs an be assigned based on
your traffic requirements.
4. At the schedules time, the speed test will start for the hub-phase1 interface from the hub to the spokes. The speed
test results can then be dynamically applied on individual child tunnels as egress traffic shaping, and the class ID
percentage based QoS settings is applicable on them as templates.
# diagnose vpn tunnel list
name=hub-phase1_0 ver=2 serial=c> tun_id= dst_
mtu=1500 dpd-link=on remote_location= weight=1
egress traffic control:
bandwidth=737210(kbps) lock_hit=0 default_class=2 n_active_class=3
class-id=2 allocated-bandwidth=73720(kbps) guaranteed-
max-bandwidth=73720(kbps) current-bandwidth=0(kbps)
priority=low forwarded_bytes=52
dropped_packets=0 dropped_bytes=0
class-id=3 allocated-bandwidth=221163(kbps) guaranteed-
max-bandwidth=294883(kbps) current-bandwidth=0(kbps)
priority=medium forwarded_bytes=0
dropped_packets=0 dropped_bytes=0
class-id=4 allocated-bandwidth=442325(kbps) guaranteed-
max-bandwidth=442325(kbps) current-bandwidth=0(kbps)
priority=high forwarded_bytes=0
dropped_packets=0 dropped_bytes=0
name=hub-phase1_1 ver=2 serial=d> tun_id= dst_
mtu=1500 dpd-link=on remote_location= weight=1
egress traffic control:
bandwidth=726813(kbps) lock_hit=0 default_class=2 n_active_class=3
class-id=2 allocated-bandwidth=72681(kbps) guaranteed-
max-bandwidth=72681(kbps) current-bandwidth=0(kbps)
priority=low forwarded_bytes=123
dropped_packets=0 dropped_bytes=0
class-id=3 allocated-bandwidth=218044(kbps) guaranteed-
max-bandwidth=290725(kbps) current-bandwidth=0(kbps)
priority=medium forwarded_bytes=0
dropped_packets=0 dropped_bytes=0
class-id=4 allocated-bandwidth=436087(kbps) guaranteed-
max-bandwidth=436087(kbps) current-bandwidth=0(kbps)
priority=high forwarded_bytes=0
dropped_packets=0 dropped_bytes=0
The guaranteed and maximum bandwidths equal 10% of the speed test result, as expected.
Phase 2 selectors can be used to inject IKE routes on the ADVPN shortcut tunnel. When configuration method (mode-
cfg) is enabled in IPsec phase 1 configuration, enabling mode-cfg-allow-client-selector allows custom phase
2 selectors to be configured. By also enabling the addition of a route to the peer destination selector (add-route) in the
phase 1 configuration, IKE routes based on the phase 2 selectors can be injected. This means that routes do not need to
be reflected on the hub to propagate them between spokes, avoiding possible BGP daemon process load issues and
improving network scalability in a large-scale ADVPN network.
Route map rules can apply priorities to BGP routes. On the hub, priorities can be set in a route map's rules, and the route
map can be applied on BGP routes. This allows the hub to mark the preferred path learned from the spokes with a
priority value (lower priority is preferred), instead of using multiple SD-WAN policy routes on the hub. When a preferred
outbound route map (route-map-out-preferable) is also configured in an SD-WAN neighbor on the spoke,
deploying SD-WAN rules on the hub to steer traffic from the hub to a spoke is unnecessary.
SD-WAN members' local cost can be exchanged on the ADVPN shortcut tunnel so that spokes can use the remote cost
as tiebreak to select a preferred shortcut. If multiple shortcuts originate from the same member to different members on
the same remote spoke, then the remote cost on the shortcuts is used as the tiebreak to decide which shortcut is
In this example, SD-WAN is configured on an ADVPN network with a BGP neighbor per overlay.
Instead of reflecting BGP routes with the route-reflector on the hub, when the shortcuts are triggered, IKE routes on the
shortcuts are directly injected based on the configured phase 2 selectors to allow routes to be exchanged between
Routes between the hub and the spokes are exchanged by BGP, and the spokes use the default route to send spoke-to-
spoke traffic to the hub and trigger the shortcuts.
Instead of configuring SD-WAN rules on the hub, different priorities are configured on the BGP routes by matching
different BGP communities to steer traffic from the hub to the spokes.
To configure Spoke 1:
1. Configure phase 1:
config vpn ipsec phase1-interface
edit "spoke11-p1"
set ike-version 2
set net-device enable
set add-route enable
set mode-cfg enable
set auto-discovery-receiver enable
set mode-cfg-allow-client-selector enable
set link-cost 11
edit "spoke12-p1"
set ike-version 2
set net-device enable
set add-route enable
set mode-cfg enable
set auto-discovery-receiver enable
set mode-cfg-allow-client-selector enable
set link-cost 21
2. Configure phase 2:
config vpn ipsec phase2-interface
edit "spoke11-p2"
set src-name "LAN_Net"
set dst-name "all"
edit "spoke12-p2"
set src-name "LAN_Net"
set dst-name "all"
To configure Spoke 2:
1. Configure phase 1:
config vpn ipsec phase1-interface
edit "spoke21-p1"
set ike-version 2
set net-device enable
set add-route enable
set mode-cfg enable
set auto-discovery-receiver enable
set mode-cfg-allow-client-selector enable
set link-cost 101
edit "spoke22-p1"
set ike-version 2
set net-device enable
set add-route enable
set mode-cfg enable
set auto-discovery-receiver enable
set mode-cfg-allow-client-selector enable
set link-cost 201
2. Configure phase 2:
config vpn ipsec phase2-interface
edit "spoke21-p2"
set src-name "LAN_Net"
set dst-name "all"
edit "spoke22-p2"
set src-name "LAN_Net"
set dst-name "all"
set sla-id 1
2. Configure BGP:
config router bgp
set as 65412
config neighbor-group
edit "advpn"
set remote-as 65412
set route-map-in "Set_Pri"
edit "advpn2"
set remote-as 65412
set route-map-in "Set_Pri"
config neighbor-range
edit 1
set prefix
set neighbor-group "advpn"
edit 2
set prefix
set neighbor-group "advpn2"
Spoke 2:
spoke-2 (root) # get router info routing-table all
B* [200/0] via (recursive is directly connected, spoke21-
p1), 00:46:14, [1/0] // default route to hub
[200/0] via (recursive is directly connected,
spoke22-p1), 00:46:14, [1/0]
B [200/0] via (recursive is directly connected, spoke21-
p1), 00:46:18, [1/0] // route to the server behind hub
[200/0] via (recursive is directly connected,
spoke22-p1), 00:46:18, [1/0]
C is directly connected, spoke21-p1 // overlay 1
C is directly connected, spoke21-p1
C is directly connected, spoke22-p1 // overlay 2
C is directly connected, spoke22-p1
C is directly connected, port2 // route to PC 2
Spoke 2:
spoke-2 (root) # get router info routing-table static
S [15/0] via spoke21-p1_0 tunnel vrf 0, [1/0]
S [15/0] via spoke21-p1_0 tunnel vrf 0, [1/0]
S [15/0] via spoke21-p1_0 tunnel vrf 0, [1/0]
Spoke 2:
spoke-2 (root) # diagnose sys sdwan neighbor
Neighbor( member(1)role(standalone)
Health-check(1:1) sla-pass selected alive
Neighbor( member(2)role(standalone)
Health-check(11:1) sla-pass selected alive
4. On the hub, check that the routes received from the spokes have the expected priorities:
hub (root) # diagnose ip route list | grep proto=11
tab=254 vf=0 scope=0 type=1 proto=11 prio=100>
pref= gwy= dev=101(hub-phase1)
tab=254 vf=0 scope=0 type=1 proto=11 prio=200>
pref= gwy= dev=102(hub2-phase1)
tab=254 vf=0 scope=0 type=1 proto=11 prio=100>
pref= gwy= dev=101(hub-phase1)
tab=254 vf=0 scope=0 type=1 proto=11 prio=200>
pref= gwy= dev=102(hub2-phase1)
The priority set by the hub's route map is based on the community string received from the spoke. The route with a
lower priority value is selected, so traffic to Spoke 1 goes out on the hub-phase1 tunnel:
hub (root) # diagnose sniffer packet any 'host' 4
2.735456 R190 in -> icmp: echo request
2.735508 hub-phase1 out -> icmp: echo request
2.735813 hub-phase1 in -> icmp: echo reply
2.735854 R190 out -> icmp: echo reply
5. If overlay 1 goes out of SLA, the priorities of the routes on the hub are updated and traffic from the hub to Spoke 1
goes through overlay 2:
Spoke 1:
spoke-1 (root) # diagnose sys sdwan neighbor
Neighbor( member(1)role(standalone)
Health-check(1:1) sla-fail alive
Neighbor( member(2)role(standalone)
Health-check(11:1) sla-pass selected alive
Spoke 2:
spoke-2 (root) # diagnose sys sdwan neighbor
Neighbor( member(1)role(standalone)
Health-check(1:1) sla-fail alive
Neighbor( member(2)role(standalone)
Health-check(11:1) sla-pass selected alive
hub (root) # diagnose ip route list | grep proto=11
tab=254 vf=0 scope=0 type=1 proto=11 prio=200>
pref= gwy= dev=102(hub2-phase1)
tab=254 vf=0 scope=0 type=1 proto=11 prio=9999>
pref= gwy= dev=101(hub-phase1)
tab=254 vf=0 scope=0 type=1 proto=11 prio=200>
pref= gwy= dev=102(hub2-phase1)
tab=254 vf=0 scope=0 type=1 proto=11 prio=9999>
pref= gwy= dev=101(hub-phase1)
hub (root) # diagnose sniffer packet any 'host' 4
3.550181 R190 in -> icmp: echo request
3.550234 hub2-phase1 out -> icmp: echo request
3.550713 hub2-phase1 in -> icmp: echo reply
3.550735 R190 out -> icmp: echo reply
Dst address(1):
Dst address(1):
Dst address(1):
Spoke 2:
# diagnose sys sdwan service4
Src address(1):
Dst address(1):
The spoke11-p1_1 shortcut on Spoke 1 is preferred over spoke11-p1_0 due to the lower remote link cost of 101
when they have the same local SD-WAN member cost of 10.
9. Verify the policy route list on Spoke 1:
# diagnose firewall proute list
list route policy info(vf=root):
In an SD-WAN hub and spoke configuration where ADVPN is used, when a primary shortcut goes out of SLA, traffic
switches to the backup shortcut. During idle timeout, sessions will prefer using the primary parent tunnel and try to
establish a new primary shortcut. However, because it is out of SLA, traffic switches back to the backup shortcut, which
causes unnecessary traffic interruption.
The sla-stickiness option keeps existing sessions on the established ADVPN shortcuts while they remain in SLA
instead of switching to a new link every idle timeout. New sessions will be routed through the primary shortcut if it is in
config system sdwan
config service
edit <id>
set mode sla
set sla-stickiness {enable | disable}
Use case 1:
1. The sessions will switch over to the backup shortcut due to the primary shortcut being out of SLA.
2. After an idle timeout, the primary shortcut is torn down, and the routes will be reinstalled on the primary parent
3. When sla-stickiness is enabled, even though the primary parent tunnel is preferred, established ADVPN
sessions will remain on the backup shortcut (stickiness) instead of switching to the primary parent tunnel.
4. New sessions will be routed to the primary parent tunnel and trigger the primary shortcut, then traffic switches to the
primary shortcut if it is in SLA.
Use case 2:
1. The sessions will switch over to the backup shortcut due to the primary shortcut being out of SLA.
2. After some time, the primary shortcut becomes in SLA.
3. When sla-stickiness is enabled, even though primary shortcut is preferred, established ADVPN sessions will
remain on the backup shortcut (stickiness) instead of switching to the primary shortcut.
4. New sessions will be routed through the primary shortcut.
Example configuration
The following example demonstrates using the sla-stickiness option in use case 1.
After an idle timeout occurs, existing sessions remain on the spoke12-p1_0 backup shortcut tunnel. New sessions will try
to create a shortcut over spoke11-p1, but will fall back to spoke12-p1_0 when it detects spoke11-p1 is out of SLA.
set members 1 2
config sla
edit 1
config service
edit 1
set name "1"
set mode sla
set sla-stickiness enable
set dst "all"
set src ""
config sla
edit "1"
set id 1
set priority-members 1 2
Dst address(1):
The SD-WAN service rule prefers the primary parent tunnel (spoke11-p1) over the backup parent tunnel
(spoke12-p1) before shortcuts are established.
3. Send traffic from PC-1 to PC-2 to trigger the primary shortcut. Verify the diagnostics.
The SD-WAN service rule sends traffic to the parent tunnel (spoke11-p1) initially, and then switches to the
primary shortcut tunnel (spoke11-p1_0) once it is established.
b. Verify the service status:
# diagnose sys sdwan service4
Dst address(1):
The SD-WAN service rule prefers the primary shortcut tunnel (spoke11-p1_0) over other tunnels.
4. Make the primary shortcut be out of SLA. The traffic will switch to the backup parent tunnel and trigger the backup
shortcut. Verify the diagnostics.
a. Run a sniffer trace:
# diagnose sniffer packet any 'host' 4
20.588046 port2 in -> icmp: echo request
20.588157 spoke12-p1 out -> icmp: echo request
20.588791 spoke12-p1 in -> icmp: echo reply
20.588876 port2 out -> icmp: echo reply
21.589079 port2 in -> icmp: echo request
21.589190 spoke12-p1_0 out -> icmp: echo request
21.589661 spoke12-p1_0 in -> icmp: echo reply
21.589733 port2 out -> icmp: echo reply
When the primary shortcut tunnel goes out of SLA (spoke11-p1_0, alive, sla(0x0)), traffic reroutes to the
backup parent tunnel (spoke12-p1) and then to the backup shortcut tunnel (spoke12-p1_0) once established.
b. Verify the service status:
# diagnose sys sdwan service4
Dst address(1):
Dst address(1):
6. Send new traffic from PC1 to PC2. The traffic is routed to the primary parent tunnel and triggers the primary
shortcut, then traffic will switch to the primary shortcut if it is in SLA. Verify the connection.
a. Run a sniffer trace:
# diagnose sniffer packet any 'host' 4
17.120310 port2 in -> icmp: echo request
17.120475 spoke11-p1 out -> icmp: echo request
17.121096 spoke11-p1 in -> icmp: echo reply
17.121151 port2 out -> icmp: echo reply
18.121331 port2 in -> icmp: echo request
18.121480 spoke11-p1_0 out -> icmp: echo request
18.121954 spoke11-p1_0 in -> icmp: echo reply
18.122007 port2 out -> icmp: echo reply
At first, traffic tries to go to the primary parent tunnel so that it can trigger the primary shortcut to establish. The
primary shortcut (spoke11-p1_0) is in SLA and new traffic flows through it.
14.194066 port2 in -> icmp: echo request
14.194247 spoke12-p1_0 out -> icmp: echo request
14.194499 spoke12-p1_0 in -> icmp: echo reply
14.194565 port2 out -> icmp: echo reply
15.195093 port2 in -> icmp: echo request
15.195174 spoke12-p1_0 out -> icmp: echo request
15.195326 spoke12-p1_0 in -> icmp: echo reply
15.195361 port2 out -> icmp: echo reply
After the primary shortcut goes out of SLA, the traffic switches to the backup shortcut (spoke12-p1_0).
b. Verify the service status:
# diagnose sys sdwan service4
3: seq_num(2), interface(spoke12-p1):
1: spoke12-p1_0(66)
1: Seq_num(1 spoke11-p1), alive, sla(0x1), gid(0), cfg_order(0), local cost(0),
2: Seq_num(2 spoke12-p1_0), alive, sla(0x1), gid(0), cfg_order(1), local cost(0),
3: Seq_num(2 spoke12-p1), alive, sla(0x1), gid(0), cfg_order(1), local cost(0),
4: Seq_num(1 spoke11-p1_0), alive, sla(0x0), gid(0), cfg_order(0), local cost(0),
Src address(1):
Dst address(1):
New traffic switches back to the backup shortcut while the primary shortcut is still out of SLA.
FortiOS 7.2.0 introduced a feature to define the minimum number of SD-WAN interface members that must meet SLA in
order for the spoke to select a hub to process its SD-WAN traffic. This design is suitable for a single-PoP multi-hub
architecture in order to achieve hub-to-hub failover. See Using multiple members per SD-WAN neighbor configuration
on page 974.
In FortiOS 7.4.1 and later, the design is enhanced to support a multi-PoP multi-hub architecture in which incoming and
outgoing traffic failover between PoPs is supported.
Based on the preceding diagram, incoming and outgoing traffic to the spoke is preferred over PoP1. If a single hub within
PoP1 goes out of SLA, traffic will continue to flow through the PoP. If the minimum number of members to meet SLA in
the PoP cannot be met, then traffic will fail over to PoP2.
The following enhancements have been made to support the multi-PoP failover scenario.
l Add minimum-sla-meet-members setting in the SD-WAN zone configurations and zone-mode setting in the
SD-WAN service configurations:
config system sdwan
config zone
edit <name>
set minimum-sla-meet-members <integer>
config service
edit <id>
set mode sla
set zone-mode {enable | disable}
When zone-mode is enabled on a SD-WAN service rule, the traffic is steered based on the status of the zone.
The state of the health check referenced in the SD-WAN service can be defined as follows:
l If the number of in SLA members in a zone is less than the minimum-sla-meet-members, then the zone's
state is out of SLA; otherwise, it is in SLA.
l If a zone's state is out of SLA, then all members in the zone are out of SLA.
l If a zone's state is in SLA, then the health check's state of individual members in the zone is determined by its
own state.
l Add service-id setting in the SD-WAN neighbor configurations:
config system sdwan
config neighbor
edit <bgp_neighbor_ip>
set member <member_id>
set service-id <id>
The SD-WAN neighbor’s behavior can be determined by SD-WAN service and naturally synchronizes with SD-
WAN service.
l The SD-WAN service defines priority zones, whose SLA state determines the advertised community preferable
l The SD-WAN service defines the hold-down-time, which determines how long an advertised community
preferable string can be kept when it is expected to be changed.
l Add sla-stickness setting in the SD-WAN service configurations:
config system sdwan
config service
edit <id>
set mode sla
set sla-stickiness {enable | disable}
1. Overlays to the primary and secondary PoP are assigned separately into an SD-WAN primary and secondary zone
on the spoke.
2. One SD-WAN service rule is defined to include these zones as SD-WAN members.
3. When the primary zone is in SLA (minimum-sla-meet-members is met), the SD-WAN service rule steers traffic
to the in SLA overlay members.
4. When the primary zone is out of SLA (minimum-sla-meet-members is not met), the SD-WAN service rule steers
traffic to the in SLA overlay members in the secondary zone.
5. When the primary zone SLA is recovered:
a. If sla-stickness is disabled on the SD-WAN service rule, then traffic will wait the duration of the hold-
down-time before switching back to in SLA overlays in the primary zone.
b. If sla-stickness is enabled on the SD-WAN service rule, then existing traffic will be kept on the in SLA
overlays on the secondary zone, but new traffic will be steered to in SLA overlays in the primary zone.
The incoming traffic from the core/external peers, to PoP, to spoke operates as follows:
1. When the primary zone is in SLA, the spoke uses the preferable route map to advertise local routes with the in SLA
community to hubs in the primary and secondary PoPs.
a. Hubs in the primary PoP translate the in SLA community into a short AS path and advertise it to external peers
to attract incoming traffic.
b. Hubs in the secondary PoP translate the in SLA community into a longer AS path and advertise it to external
peers to deflect incoming traffic.
2. If the number of in SLA overlays in the primary zone is less than the minimum-sla-meet-members, then the
spoke will use the default route map to advertise routes instead of with an out of SLA community to hubs in the
primary PoP.
a. Hubs in the primary PoP translate the out of SLA community into a longest AS path, and advertise it to external
peers to deflect incoming traffic.
b. As a result, inbound traffic is routed to hubs in the secondary PoP.
3. When the primary zone SLA is recovered:
a. The spoke will wait the duration of the predefined hold-down-time in the SD-WAN service rule to use the
preferable route map again to advertise routes with the in SLA community to hubs in the primary PoP.
b. As a result, inbound traffic will be routed back to hubs in the primary PoP.
By configuring the neighbor group for spokes under the hub's SD-WAN neighbor configuration, if all paths from the hub
to external peers are detected as out of SLA, then the hub will use the default route map to deny external routes to
spokes that belong to this neighbor group defined on the hub. As a result, spokes will skip that specific hub and connect
to external peers from other hubs.
This allows spokes to only measure overlay quality to each hub, and hubs to manage health checks to services by
external peers. This significantly decreases the number of health check probes directly from the spoke to services and
decreases the overall complexity. The complexity is further simplified by using multiple VRFs or segmentation where
each spoke needs to send health check probes.
Normally, outbound and inbound traffic go through hubs in the primary PoP. If the number of in SLA overlays to the
primary PoP is less than the minimum-sla-meet-members (set to 2 in this example), bi-directional traffic needs to be
switched to hubs in the secondary PoP. But when the primary PoP recovers and the minimum-sla-meet-members is
met again, bi-directional traffic is forced back to hubs in the primary PoP after the predefined hold-down-time
The hubs do not require SD-WAN configurations to the spokes. However, they use SD-WAN for connections to external
peer routers.
The following configurations highlight important routing and SD-WAN settings that must be configured on the spoke and
the hubs. It is assumed that other configurations such as underlays, IPsec VPN overlays, loopbacks, static routes, and
so on are already configured.
To configure Spoke-1:
1. Create the primary (PoP1) and secondary (PoP2) zones, and set the minimum-sla-meet-members to 2 on
config system sdwan
set status enable
config zone
edit "virtual-wan-link"
edit "PoP1"
set minimum-sla-meet-members 2
edit "PoP2"
2. Add the overlay members to each zone. Four overlays are defined for PoP1, and two overlays are defined for PoP2:
config system sdwan
config members
edit 1
set interface "H1_T11"
set zone "PoP1"
edit 2
set interface "H1_T22"
set zone "PoP1"
edit 3
set interface "H2_T11"
set zone "PoP1"
edit 4
set interface "H2_T22"
set zone "PoP1"
edit 5
set interface "H3_T11"
set zone "PoP2"
edit 6
set interface "H3_T22"
set zone "PoP2"
3. Configure a performance SLA health check to a probe server behind the three hubs:
config system sdwan
config health-check
edit "Hubs"
set server ""
set source
set members 0
config sla
edit 1
set link-cost-factor latency
set latency-threshold 200
4. Configure the service rule with the following settings: use SLA mode, enable zone mode to steer traffic based on the
zone statuses, enable sla-stickiness, and use a 30-second hold down so that upon a recovery, existing
sessions will remain on the secondary PoP while new sessions will switch back to the primary PoP once the 30-
second duration ends:
config system sdwan
config service
edit 1
set mode sla
set zone-mode enable
set dst "all"
set src "CORP_LAN"
set hold-down-time 30
set sla-stickiness enable
config sla
edit "Hubs"
set id 1
set priority-zone "PoP1" "PoP2"
Since the PoP1 zone is specified before PoP2, PoP1 is regarded as the primary and preferred over the PoP2 zone.
5. Configure the in_sla and out_sla route maps that define the communities that are advertised to the hub when the
zones are in and out of SLA.
a. Configure the access list:
config router access-list
edit "net10"
config rule
edit 1
set prefix
edit "out_sla"
config rule
edit 1
set match-ip-address "net10"
set set-community "10:2"
6. Configure the default route map for out of SLA scenarios, preferable route map for in SLA scenarios, and the local
network to be advertised:
config router bgp
config neighbor
edit ""
set route-map-out "out_sla"
set route-map-out-preferable "in_sla"
edit ""
set route-map-out "out_sla"
set route-map-out-preferable "in_sla"
edit ""
set route-map-out "out_sla"
set route-map-out-preferable "in_sla"
config network
edit 1
set prefix
7. Define SD-WAN neighbors for each hub. The minimum-sla-meet-members is configured for the Hub-1 neighbor
so that bi-directional traffic goes through Hub-1 as long as the in SLA overlays to Hub-1 are no less than 1.
Associate the previously defined service rule to each SD-WAN neighbor:
config system sdwan
config neighbor
edit ""
set member 1 2
set minimum-sla-meet-members 1
set service-id 1
edit ""
set member 3 4
set service-id 1
edit ""
set member 5 6
set service-id 1
1. Configure the SD-WAN zone, members, and health check for the external connections to peer routers.
Performance SLA health checks are sent to external servers in order to measure the health of the external
config system sdwan
set status enable
config zone
edit "virtual-wan-link"
config members
edit 1
set interface "port4"
edit 2
set interface "port5"
config health-check
edit "external_peers"
set server ""
set members 1 2
config sla
edit 1
set link-cost-factor latency
set latency-threshold 200
2. Configure the route maps for in and out of SLA scenarios. When out of SLA (one of the external connections is
down), external routes are denied to be advertised to the spokes that are part of the neighbor group.
a. Configure the access list:
config router access-list
edit "net_Lo"
config rule
edit 1
set prefix
3. In the BGP settings, configure the external network prefix to advertise. Then configure the neighbor group and
neighbor range for the spokes. Configure the preferable and default route maps to define the behavior when the
external connections are in and out of SLA:
config router bgp
config network
edit 1
set prefix
config neighbor-group
edit "EDGE"
set route-map-out "out_sla"
set route-map-out-preferable "in_sla"
config neighbor-range
edit 1
set prefix
set neighbor-group "EDGE"
4. Configure the SD-WAN neighbor to match the neighbor group that includes spokes as members. Specify that at
least one of the external peer connections needs to be up to be considered in SLA:
config system sdwan
config neighbor
edit "EDGE"
set member 1 2
set minimum-sla-meet-members 1
set health-check "external_peers"
set sla-id 1
The following tests use diagnostic commands on various FortiGates to verify the connections in the SD-WAN
1. Verify the SD-WAN service rules status on Spoke-1. When all six overlays are in SLA on Spoke-1, the primary PoP
and primary zone PoP1 are preferred. In particular, the overlay H1_T11 over PoP1 is preferred:
Spoke-1 (root) # diagnose sys sdwan service4
Service(1): Address Mode(IPV4) flags=0x1c200 use-shortcut-sla use-shortcut sla-
Tie break: cfg
Gen(1), TOS(0x0/0x0), Protocol(0): src(1->65535):dst(1->65535), Mode(sla), sla-
Hold down time(30) seconds, Hold start at 362646 second, now 362646
Service role: standalone
1: Seq_num(1 H1_T11 PoP1), alive, sla(0x1), gid(0), cfg_order(0), local cost(0),
2: Seq_num(2 H1_T22 PoP1), alive, sla(0x1), gid(0), cfg_order(0), local cost(0),
3: Seq_num(3 H2_T11 PoP1), alive, sla(0x1), gid(0), cfg_order(0), local cost(0),
4: Seq_num(4 H2_T22 PoP1), alive, sla(0x1), gid(0), cfg_order(0), local cost(0),
5: Seq_num(5 H3_T11 PoP2), alive, sla(0x1), gid(0), cfg_order(1), local cost(0),
6: Seq_num(6 H3_T22 PoP2), alive, sla(0x1), gid(0), cfg_order(1), local cost(0),
Src address(1):
Dst address(1):
2. Verify the BGP learned routes on Hub-1. The local route with in SLA community 10:1 is advertised to all hubs.
Though, the AS paths on Hub-1 and Hub-2 are shorter than Hub-3:
PoP1-Hub1 (root) # get router info bgp network
VRF 0 BGP routing table entry for
Paths: (1 available, best #1, table Default-IP-Routing-Table)
Not advertised to any peer
Original VRF 0
Local, (Received from a RR-client) from (
Origin IGP metric 0, localpref 100, valid, internal, best
Community: 10:1
Last update: Mon Jul 17 15:16:57 2023
1. Verify the health check status on Spoke-1. The H1_T11 overlay on Hub-1/PoP1 is out of SLA:
Spoke-1 (root) # diagnose sys sdwan health-check
Health Check(Hubs):
Seq(1 H1_T11): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(220.214), jitter(0.015), mos
(4.104), bandwidth-up(999999), bandwidth-dw(999998), bandwidth-bi(1999997) sla_map=0x0
Seq(2 H1_T22): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(0.196), jitter(0.014), mos
(4.404), bandwidth-up(999999), bandwidth-dw(999999), bandwidth-bi(1999998) sla_map=0x1
Seq(3 H2_T11): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(0.173), jitter(0.008), mos
(4.404), bandwidth-up(999998), bandwidth-dw(999997), bandwidth-bi(1999995) sla_map=0x1
2. Verify the SD-WAN neighbor status. The SD-WAN neighbor still displays Hub-1’s zone status as pass/alive:
Spoke-1 (root) # diagnose sys sdwan neighbor
SD-WAN neighbor status: hold-down(disable), hold-down-time(0), hold_boot_time(0)
Selected role(standalone) last_secondary_select_time/current_time in seconds
Neighbor( member(1 2)role(standalone)
Health-check(:0) sla-pass selected alive
Neighbor( member(3 4)role(standalone)
Health-check(:0) sla-pass selected alive
Neighbor( member(5 6)role(standalone)
Health-check(:0) sla-pass selected alive
3. Verify the SD-WAN service rules status. Spoke-1 steers traffic to the H1_T22 overlay through Hub-1:
Spoke-1 (root) # diagnose sys sdwan service4
Service(1): Address Mode(IPV4) flags=0x1c200 use-shortcut-sla use-shortcut sla-
Tie break: cfg
Gen(2), TOS(0x0/0x0), Protocol(0): src(1->65535):dst(1->65535), Mode(sla), sla-
Hold down time(30) seconds, Hold start at 364162 second, now 364162
Service role: standalone
1: Seq_num(2 H1_T22 PoP1), alive, sla(0x1), gid(0), cfg_order(0), local cost(0),
2: Seq_num(3 H2_T11 PoP1), alive, sla(0x1), gid(0), cfg_order(0), local cost(0),
4. Verify the BGP learned routes on Hub-1. The hubs continue to receive community 10:1 from the spoke and continue
to route incoming traffic through Hub-1:
PoP1-Hub1 (root) # get router info bgp network
VRF 0 BGP routing table entry for
Paths: (1 available, best #1, table Default-IP-Routing-Table)
Not advertised to any peer
Original VRF 0
Local, (Received from a RR-client) from (
Origin IGP metric 0, localpref 100, valid, internal, best
Community: 10:1
Last update: Mon Jul 17 15:16:57 2023
Other in SLA overlays in zone PoP1 though Hub-2 are still preferred over PoP2 in this scenario.
1. Verify the health check status on Spoke-1. Both H1_T11 and H1_T22 overlays on Hub-1/PoP1 are out of SLA:
Spoke-1 (root) # diagnose sys sdwan health-check
Health Check(Hubs):
Seq(1 H1_T11): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(220.220), jitter(0.018), mos
(4.103), bandwidth-up(999999), bandwidth-dw(999998), bandwidth-bi(1999997) sla_map=0x0
Seq(2 H1_T22): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(220.174), jitter(0.007), mos
(4.104), bandwidth-up(999999), bandwidth-dw(999999), bandwidth-bi(1999998) sla_map=0x0
Seq(3 H2_T11): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(0.184), jitter(0.015), mos
(4.404), bandwidth-up(999998), bandwidth-dw(999997), bandwidth-bi(1999995) sla_map=0x1
Seq(4 H2_T22): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(0.171), jitter(0.008), mos
(4.404), bandwidth-up(999999), bandwidth-dw(999999), bandwidth-bi(1999998) sla_map=0x1
Seq(5 H3_T11): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(0.173), jitter(0.011), mos
2. Verify the SD-WAN neighbor status. The SD-WAN neighbor displays Hub-1’s zone status as failed. However, SD-
WAN Hub-2 is pass/alive:
Spoke-1 (root) # diagnose sys sdwan neighbor
SD-WAN neighbor status: hold-down(disable), hold-down-time(0), hold_boot_time(0)
Selected role(standalone) last_secondary_select_time/current_time in seconds
Neighbor( member(1 2)role(standalone)
Health-check(:0) sla-fail alive
Neighbor( member(3 4)role(standalone)
Health-check(:0) sla-pass selected alive
Neighbor( member(5 6)role(standalone)
Health-check(:0) sla-pass selected alive
3. Verify the SD-WAN service rules status. Spoke-1 steers traffic to the H2_T11 overlay through Hub-2:
Spoke-1 (root) # diagnose sys sdwan service4
Service(1): Address Mode(IPV4) flags=0x1c200 use-shortcut-sla use-shortcut sla-
Tie break: cfg
Gen(3), TOS(0x0/0x0), Protocol(0): src(1->65535):dst(1->65535), Mode(sla), sla-
Hold down time(30) seconds, Hold start at 364489 second, now 364490
Service role: standalone
1: Seq_num(3 H2_T11 PoP1), alive, sla(0x1), gid(0), cfg_order(0), local cost(0),
2: Seq_num(4 H2_T22 PoP1), alive, sla(0x1), gid(0), cfg_order(0), local cost(0),
3: Seq_num(5 H3_T11 PoP2), alive, sla(0x1), gid(0), cfg_order(1), local cost(0),
4: Seq_num(6 H3_T22 PoP2), alive, sla(0x1), gid(0), cfg_order(1), local cost(0),
5: Seq_num(1 H1_T11 PoP1), alive, sla(0x0), gid(0), cfg_order(0), local cost(0),
6: Seq_num(2 H1_T22 PoP1), alive, sla(0x0), gid(0), cfg_order(0), local cost(0),
Src address(1):
Dst address(1):
4. Verify the BGP learned routes on Hub-1 and Hub-2. Hub-2 and Hub-3 continue to receive community 10:1 from
Spoke-1, but Hub-1 receives the out of SLA community of 10:2.
a. On Hub-1:
PoP1-Hub1 (root) # get router info bgp network
VRF 0 BGP routing table entry for
Paths: (1 available, best #1, table Default-IP-Routing-Table)
Not advertised to any peer
Original VRF 0
Local, (Received from a RR-client) from (
b. On Hub-2:
PoP1-Hub2 (root) # get router info bgp network
VRF 0 BGP routing table entry for
Paths: (1 available, best #1, table Default-IP-Routing-Table)
Not advertised to any peer
Original VRF 0
Local, (Received from a RR-client) from (
Origin IGP metric 0, localpref 100, valid, internal, best
Community: 10:1
Last update: Mon Jul 17 15:31:43 2023
The number of in SLA overlays in zone PoP1 is less than the minimum-sla-meet-members in zone PoP1. The SD-
WAN service rule for Hub-2 is forcibly marked as sla(0x0) or out of SLA.
1. Verify the health check status on Spoke-1. All three H1_T11, H1_T22, and H2_T11 overlays on PoP1 are out of
Spoke-1 (root) # diagnose sys sdwan health-check
Health Check(Hubs):
Seq(1 H1_T11): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(220.219), jitter(0.019), mos
(4.103), bandwidth-up(999999), bandwidth-dw(999998), bandwidth-bi(1999997) sla_map=0x0
Seq(2 H1_T22): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(220.184), jitter(0.008), mos
(4.104), bandwidth-up(999999), bandwidth-dw(999999), bandwidth-bi(1999998) sla_map=0x0
Seq(3 H2_T11): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(220.171), jitter(0.009), mos
(4.104), bandwidth-up(999998), bandwidth-dw(999997), bandwidth-bi(1999995) sla_map=0x0
Seq(4 H2_T22): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(0.180), jitter(0.013), mos
(4.404), bandwidth-up(999999), bandwidth-dw(999999), bandwidth-bi(1999998) sla_map=0x1
Seq(5 H3_T11): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(0.174), jitter(0.014), mos
(4.404), bandwidth-up(999999), bandwidth-dw(999999), bandwidth-bi(1999998) sla_map=0x1
Seq(6 H3_T22): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(0.179), jitter(0.015), mos
(4.404), bandwidth-up(999999), bandwidth-dw(999998), bandwidth-bi(1999997) sla_map=0x1
2. Verify the SD-WAN neighbor status. The SD-WAN neighbor displays Hub-1 and Hub-2’s zone status as failed:
3. Verify the SD-WAN service rules status. Since the minimum SLA members is not met for the primary zone (PoP1),
the remaining overlay in PoP1 associated with the SD-WAN service rule is forcibly set to out of SLA. Spoke-1 steers
traffic to the H3_T11 overlay through Hub-3:
Spoke-1 (root) # diagnose sys sdwan service4
Service(1): Address Mode(IPV4) flags=0x1c200 use-shortcut-sla use-shortcut sla-
Tie break: cfg
Gen(6), TOS(0x0/0x0), Protocol(0): src(1->65535):dst(1->65535), Mode(sla), sla-
Hold down time(30) seconds, Hold start at 365341 second, now 365341
Service role: standalone
1: Seq_num(5 H3_T11 PoP2), alive, sla(0x1), gid(0), cfg_order(1), local cost(0),
2: Seq_num(6 H3_T22 PoP2), alive, sla(0x1), gid(0), cfg_order(1), local cost(0),
3: Seq_num(1 H1_T11 PoP1), alive, sla(0x0), gid(0), cfg_order(0), local cost(0),
4: Seq_num(2 H1_T22 PoP1), alive, sla(0x0), gid(0), cfg_order(0), local cost(0),
5: Seq_num(3 H2_T11 PoP1), alive, sla(0x0), gid(0), cfg_order(0), local cost(0),
6: Seq_num(4 H2_T22 PoP1), alive, sla(0x0), gid(0), cfg_order(0), local cost(0),
Src address(1):
Dst address(1):
4. Verify the BGP learned routes on each hub. Hub-3 continues to receive community 10:1 from Spoke-1, but Hub-1
and Hub-2 receive the out of SLA community of 10:2.
a. On Hub-1:
PoP1-Hub1 (root) # get router info bgp network
VRF 0 BGP routing table entry for
Paths: (1 available, best #1, table Default-IP-Routing-Table)
Not advertised to any peer
Original VRF 0
Local, (Received from a RR-client) from (
Origin IGP metric 0, localpref 100, valid, internal, best
Community: 10:2
Last update: Mon Jul 17 18:22:14 2023
b. On Hub-2:
c. On Hub-3:
PoP2-Hub3 (root) # get router info bgp network
VRF 0 BGP routing table entry for
Paths: (1 available, best #1, table Default-IP-Routing-Table)
Not advertised to any peer
Original VRF 0
Local, (Received from a RR-client) from (
Origin IGP metric 0, localpref 100, valid, internal, best
Community: 10:1
Last update: Mon Jul 17 14:39:04 2023
SD-WAN member H2_T11 recovers and brings the number of overlays in SLA back to being above the minimum-sla-
meet-members threshold in PoP1. After the hold down time duration (30 seconds), in SLA overlays in zone PoP1 are
preferred over PoP2 again. With sla-stickiness enabled, existing traffic is kept on H3_T11, but new traffic is steered
to H2_T11.
1. Verify the SD-WAN service rules status on Spoke-1. The hold down timer has not yet passed, so H2_T11 is not yet
preferred—even though the SLA status is pass/alive:
Spoke-1 (root) # diagnose sys sdwan service4
1: Seq_num(5 H3_T11 PoP2), alive, sla(0x1), gid(0), cfg_order(1), local cost(0),
2: Seq_num(6 H3_T22 PoP2), alive, sla(0x1), gid(0), cfg_order(1), local cost(0),
3: Seq_num(1 H1_T11 PoP1), alive, sla(0x0), gid(0), cfg_order(0), local cost(0),
4: Seq_num(2 H1_T22 PoP1), alive, sla(0x0), gid(0), cfg_order(0), local cost(0),
5: Seq_num(3 H2_T11 PoP1), alive, sla(0x1), gid(0), cfg_order(0), local cost(0),
6: Seq_num(4 H2_T22 PoP1), alive, sla(0x1), gid(0), cfg_order(0), local cost(0),
2. Verify the SD-WAN service rules status again after the hold down timer passes. H2_T11 and H2_T22 from PoP1
are now preferred:
Spoke-1 (root) # diagnose sys sdwan service4
Service(1): Address Mode(IPV4) flags=0x1c200 use-shortcut-sla use-shortcut sla-
Tie break: cfg
Gen(17), TOS(0x0/0x0), Protocol(0): src(1->65535):dst(1->65535), Mode(sla), sla-
Hold down time(30) seconds, Hold start at 432003 second, now 432003
Service role: standalone
1: Seq_num(3 H2_T11 PoP1), alive, sla(0x1), gid(0), cfg_order(0), local cost(0),
2: Seq_num(4 H2_T22 PoP1), alive, sla(0x1), gid(0), cfg_order(0), local cost(0),
3: Seq_num(5 H3_T11 PoP2), alive, sla(0x1), gid(0), cfg_order(1), local cost(0),
4: Seq_num(6 H3_T22 PoP2), alive, sla(0x1), gid(0), cfg_order(1), local cost(0),
5: Seq_num(1 H1_T11 PoP1), alive, sla(0x0), gid(0), cfg_order(0), local cost(0),
6: Seq_num(2 H1_T22 PoP1), alive, sla(0x0), gid(0), cfg_order(0), local cost(0),
3. Verify the BGP learned routes on Hub-2, which now receives community 10:1 from Spoke-1:
PoP1-Hub2 (root) # get router info bgp network
VRF 0 BGP routing table entry for
Paths: (1 available, best #1, table Default-IP-Routing-Table)
Not advertised to any peer
Original VRF 0
Local, (Received from a RR-client) from (
Origin IGP metric 0, localpref 100, valid, internal, best
Community: 10:1
Last update: Tue Jul 18 14:41:32 2023
Since Hub-1 has an in SLA path to external peers, it will advertise the external route with destination
to Spoke-1.
1. Verify the health check status on Hub-1. Note that port4 meets SLA, but port5 does not:
PoP1-Hub1 (root) # diagnose sys sdwan health-check
Health Check(external_peers):
Seq(1 port4): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(0.161), jitter(0.009), mos
(4.404), bandwidth-up(999999), bandwidth-dw(999999), bandwidth-bi(1999998) sla_map=0x1
Seq(2 port5): state(dead), packet-loss(100.000%) sla_map=0x0
2. Verify the SD-WAN neighbor status. The minimum-sla-meet-members threshold of 1 is still met:
PoP1-Hub1 (root) # diagnose sys sdwan neighbor
Neighbor(EDGE): member(1 2)role(standalone)
Health-check(external_peers:1) sla-pass selected alive
3. Verify the BGP learned routes. Hub-1 still advertises the external route to the Spoke-1 BGP neighbor:
PoP1-Hub1 (root) # get router info bgp neighbors advertised-routes
VRF 0 BGP table version is 13, local router ID is
Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
Network Next Hop Metric LocPrf Weight RouteTag Path
*>i172.31.200.200/32 100 32768 0 i <-/->
Total number of prefixes 1
In this case, Hub-1 will now advertise the default route map, which denies the advertisement of the external route.
Spoke-1 will now route traffic to the next hub.
1. Verify the health check status on Hub-1. Note that port4 and port5 do not meet SLA:
PoP1-Hub1 (root) # diagnose sys sdwan health-check
Health Check(external_peers):
Seq(1 port4): state(dead), packet-loss(100.000%) sla_map=0x0
Seq(2 port5): state(dead), packet-loss(100.000%) sla_map=0x0
2. Verify the SD-WAN neighbor status. The minimum-sla-meet-members threshold of 1 is not met:
PoP1-Hub1 (root) # diagnose sys sdwan neighbor
Neighbor(EDGE): member(1 2)role(standalone)
Health-check(external_peers:1) sla-fail dead
3. Verify the BGP learned routes. Hub-1 does not advertise any external routes to the Spoke-1 BGP neighbor:
PoP1-Hub1 (root) # get router info bgp neighbors advertised-routes
% No prefix for neighbor
Using a single IKE elector in ADVPN to match all SD-WAN control plane traffic
In the SD-WAN with ADVPN use case, two spokes can communicate with each other on the control plane by an ADVPN
shortcut. In order to separate the control traffic from data traffic, the IKE creates a dynamic selector for health check
packets sent between the spokes. BGP traffic is also matched by this dynamic IKE selector. Therefore, when spokes
establish BGP peering with other spokes, the BGP traffic does not count towards the data traffic and will not impact
IPsec idle timeout and shortcut tunnel tear down.
In this example, SD-WAN with ADVPN is configured. The IPsec ADVPN shortcut tunnel is required to tear down when it
is idle. SD-WAN health checks are configured, and BGP neighbors established between the spokes is required.
parent=Spoke1 index=0
proxyid_num=2 child_num=0 refcnt=6 ilast=0 olast=0 ad=r/2
stat: rxp=0 txp=1 rxb=0 txb=40
dpd: mode=on-demand on=1 idle=20000ms retry=3 count=0 seqno=1
natt: mode=none draft=0 interval=0 remote_port=0
fec: egress=0 ingress=0
proxyid=Spoke1 proto=0 sa=1 ref=5 serial=2 adr health-check
src: 0:
dst: 0:
SA: ref=3 options=92626 type=00 soft=0 mtu=1438 expire=43055/0B replaywin=2048
seqno=214 esn=0 replaywin_lastseq=00000213 qat=0 rekey=0 hash_search_len=1
life: type=01 bytes=0/0 timeout=43189/43200
dec: spi=17a473be esp=aes key=16 40dfada9532cefe5563de71ac5908aa1
ah=sha1 key=20 36e967d9b6fce8807132c3923d0edfae6cb6c115
enc: spi=75cde30a esp=aes key=16 9bf08196d6830455a75bc676e04c816f
ah=sha1 key=20 638db13dc4db0a6e5f523047805d18413eea4d4d
dec:pkts/bytes=1060/42958, enc:pkts/bytes=1062/77075
npu_flag=00 npu_rgwy= npu_lgwy= npu_selid=c dec_npuid=0 enc_
proxyid=Spoke1 proto=0 sa=1 ref=2 serial=1 adr
src: 0:
dst: 0:
SA: ref=3 options=12226 type=00 soft=0 mtu=1438 expire=43055/0B replaywin=2048
seqno=2 esn=0 replaywin_lastseq=00000000 qat=0 rekey=0 hash_search_len=1
life: type=01 bytes=0/0 timeout=43189/43200
dec: spi=17a473bd esp=aes key=16 c78e5085857d0c5842e394fc44b38822
ah=sha1 key=20 0bb885a85f77aa491a1209e4d36b7cddd7caf152
enc: spi=75cde309 esp=aes key=16 6717935721e4a25428d6a7a633da75a9
ah=sha1 key=20 eaf092280cf5b9f9db09ac95258786ffbfacead0
dec:pkts/bytes=0/0, enc:pkts/bytes=2/144
npu_flag=00 npu_rgwy= npu_lgwy= npu_selid=b dec_npuid=0 enc_
name=Spoke1 ver=2 serial=1> tun_id= tun_
id6=:: dst_mtu=1500 dpd-link=on weight=1
bound_if=19 lgwy=static/1 tun=intf mode=auto/1 encap=none/560 options[0230]=create_dev
frag-rfc role=primary accept_traffic=1 overlay_id=0
The dynamic selector is created (highlighted) for SD-WAN control traffic, SD-WAN health checks, and BGP
between spokes traffic.
3. Verify the BGP neighbors and check the routing table:
Spoke1 # get router info bgp summary
4. Stop sending traffic between the spokes, and wait for a few minutes (idle timeout).
5. Verify the IPsec tunnel state on the Spoke1 FortiGate:
Spoke1 # diagnose vpn tunnel list
list all ipsec tunnel in vd 0
name=Spoke1 ver=2 serial=1> tun_id= tun_
id6=:: dst_mtu=1500 dpd-link=on weight=1
bound_if=19 lgwy=static/1 tun=intf mode=auto/1 encap=none/560 options[0230]=create_dev
frag-rfc role=primary accept_traffic=1 overlay_id=0
The shortcut tunnel between the spokes has been torn down. When data traffic is idle, the BGP traffic does not get
sent on the data traffic selector, so the tunnel is not kept alive. This behavior is the expected, which consequently
allows the shortcut tunnel to be torn down when idle.
6. Verify the IKE debugs messages to confirm the ADVPN shortcut was torn down:
SD-WAN Overlay-as-a-Service
SD-WAN Overlay-as-a-Service (OaaS) is supported through a license displayed as SD-WAN Overlay as a Service on
the System > FortiGuard page. Each FortiGate used by the FortiCloud Overlay-as-a-Service portal must have this
license applied to it.
l Expires Soon: OaaS is currently licensed but will expire soon on the provided date.
l Expired: The OaaS license has already expired on the provided date.
System contracts:
FMWR,Wed Dec 20 16:00:00 2023
SPAM,Wed Dec 20 16:00:00 2023
SBCL,Wed Dec 20 16:00:00 2023
SWNO,Wed Dec 20 16:00:00 2023
SWNM,Wed Sep 27 17:00:00 2023
SWOS,Mon Aug 14 17:00:00 2023
SPRT,Wed Dec 20 16:00:00 2023
SDWN,Sun Dec 10 16:00:00 2023
SBCL,Wed Dec 20 16:00:00 2023
SBEN,Wed Dec 20 16:00:00 2023
To ensure FortiGate spoke traffic remains uninterrupted when configuration is orchestrated from the SD-WAN Overlay-
as-a-Service (OaaS), support for an OaaS agent on the FortiGate is available. The OaaS agent communicates with the
OaaS controller in FortiCloud, validates and compares the FortiOS configuration, and applies the FortiOS configuration
to the FortiGate as a transaction when it has been orchestrated from the OaaS portal. Secure communication between
the OaaS agent and the OaaS controller is achieved using the FGFM management tunnel.
If any configuration change fails to be applied, then the OaaS agent rolls back all configuration changes that were
orchestrated. The OaaS status can be acquired using get oaas status.
Advanced configuration
This example shows how to convert a standalone FortiGate SD-WAN solution to a FGCP HA cluster with full-mesh WAN
set up. This configuration allows you to load balance your internet traffic between multiple ISP links. It also provides
redundancy for your internet connection if your primary ISP in unavailable, or if one of the FortiGates in the HA cluster
This example assumes that a standalone FortiGate has already been configured for SD-WAN by following the SD-WAN
quick start on page 789.
Standalone FortiGate:
FGCP HA cluster:
Enabling HA and re-cabling the WAN interfaces will cause network interruptions.
This procedure should be performed during a maintenance window.
After running the following commands, the FortiGate negotiates to establish an HA cluster. You might temporarily lose
connectivity with the FortiGate as FGCP negotiations take place and the MAC addresses of the FortiGate interfaces are
changed to HA virtual MAC addresses.
This configurations sets the HA mode to active-passive.
The ha1 and ha2 interfaces are configured as the heartbeat interfaces, with priorities set to 200 and 100 respectively.
Setting different priorities for the heartbeat interfaces is a best practice, but is not required.
If you have more than one cluster on the same network, each cluster should have a different group ID. Changing the
group ID changes the cluster interface's virtual MAC addresses. If the group IP causes a MAC address conflict on your
network, select a different group ID.
Enabling override and increasing the device priority means that this FortiGate always becomes the primary unit.
1. Go to System > Settings and change the Host name so that the FortiGate can be easily identified as the primary
2. Go to System > HA and configure the following options:
Mode Active-Passive
Password <password>
Override and the group ID can only be configured from the CLI.
3. Click OK.
Connectivity with the FortiGate will temporarily be lost.
1. Change the host name so that the FortiGate can be easily identified:
config system global
set hostname primary_FG
2. Configure HA:
config system ha
set mode a-p
set group-id 100
If HA mode does not start after running the above steps, ensure that none of the FortiGate's
interfaces use DHCP or PPPoE addressing.
The secondary FortiGate must be the same model and running the same firmware version as the primary FortiGate. The
HA settings are the same as the for the primary unit, except the secondary device has a lower priority and override is not
It is best practice to reset the FortiGate to factory default settings prior to configuring HA. This
reduces the chance of synchronization problems.
# execute factoryreset
This operation will reset the system to factory default!
Do you want to continue? (y/n) y
1. Go to System > Settings and change the Host name so that the FortiGate can be easily identified as the backup unit.
2. Go to System > HA and configure the options the same as for the primary FortiGate, except with a lower priority:
Mode Active-Passive
Password <password>
3. Click OK.
1. Change the host name so that the secondary FortiGate can be easily identified:
config system global
set hostname secondary_FG
2. Configure HA:
config system ha
set mode a-p
set group-id 100
set group-name My-cluster
set password <password>
set priority 128
set hbdev ha1 200 ha2 100
1. Connect the heartbeat interfaces ha1 and ha2 between the primary and secondary FortiGate.
a. An HA primary device is selected. Because the primary FortiGate has a higher priority and override enabled, it
assumes the role of HA primary.
b. The secondary FortiGate synchronizes its configuration from the primary device.
2. Verify that the checksums match between the primary and secondary FortiGates:
# diagnose sys ha checksum cluster
is_manage_primary()=1, is_root_primary()=1
global: 2b e9 81 38 c2 9d 4f db b7 0e 1f 49 42 c6 1e fb
root: af a6 48 c5 c2 9a 8b 81 a5 53 fb 27 e9 ae 01 6a
all: 89 1f 63 77 48 8a 30 ee 57 06 ca eb 71 e6 8e ad
global: 2b e9 81 38 c2 9d 4f db b7 0e 1f 49 42 c6 1e fb
root: af a6 48 c5 c2 9a 8b 81 a5 53 fb 27 e9 ae 01 6a
all: 89 1f 63 77 48 8a 30 ee 57 06 ca eb 71 e6 8e ad
is_manage_primary()=0, is_root_primary()=0
global: 2b e9 81 38 c2 9d 4f db b7 0e 1f 49 42 c6 1e fb
root: af a6 48 c5 c2 9a 8b 81 a5 53 fb 27 e9 ae 01 6a
all: 89 1f 63 77 48 8a 30 ee 57 06 ca eb 71 e6 8e ad
global: 2b e9 81 38 c2 9d 4f db b7 0e 1f 49 42 c6 1e fb
root: af a6 48 c5 c2 9a 8b 81 a5 53 fb 27 e9 ae 01 6a
all: 89 1f 63 77 48 8a 30 ee 57 06 ca eb 71 e6 8e ad
If all of the cluster members have identical checksums, then their configurations are synchronized. If the checksums
are not the same, wait for a few minutes, then repeat the command. Some parts of the configuration might take a
significant amount of time to synchronize (tens of minutes).
After the device configurations are synchronized, you can connect the rest of the traffic interfaces. Making these
connections will disrupt traffic as cables are disconnected and reconnected.
Switches must be used between the cluster and the ISPs, and between the cluster and the internal network, as shown in
the topology diagram.
The HA Status dashboard widget shows the synchronization status. Hover over the host names of each FortiGate in the
widget to verify that they are synchronized and have the same checksum.
To view more information about the cluster status, including the number of sessions passing through the cluster
members, go to System > HA.
See Check HA synchronization status on page 2905 for more information.
Testing HA failover
All traffic should currently be flowing through the primary FortiGate. If it becomes unavailable, traffic fails over to the
secondary FortiGate. When the primary FortiGate rejoins the cluster, the secondary FortiGate continues to operate as
the primary FortiGate.
To test this, ping a reliable IP address from a computer in the internal network, and then power off the primary FortiGate.
There will be a momentary pause in the ping results until traffic diverts to the backup FortiGate, allowing the ping traffic to
64 bytes from icmp_seq=69 ttl=52 time=8.719 ms\
64 bytes from icmp_seq=70 ttl=52 time=8.822 ms\
64 bytes from icmp_seq=74 ttl=52 time=8.901 ms\
Request timeout for icmp_seq 75\
64 bytes from icmp_seq=76 ttl=52 time=8.860 ms\
64 bytes from icmp_seq=77 ttl=52 time=9.174 ms\
64 bytes from icmp_seq=83 ttl=52 time=8.639 ms}
If you are using port monitoring, you can also unplug the primary FortiGate's internet facing
interface to test failover.
After the secondary FortiGate becomes the primary, you can log into the cluster using the same IP address as before the
fail over. If the primary FortiGate is powered off, you will be logged into the backup FortiGate. Check the host name to
verify what device you have logged into. The FortiGate continues to operate in HA mode, and if you restart the primary
FortiGate, it will rejoin the cluster and act as the backup FortiGate. Traffic is not disrupted when the restarted FortiGate
rejoins the cluster.
You can also use the CLI to force an HA failover. See Force HA failover for testing and demonstrations on page 2933 for
To test a failover of the redundant internet configuration, you need to simulate a failed internet connection to one of the
ports. You can do this by disconnecting power from the wan1 switch, or by disconnecting the wan1 interfaces of both
FortiGates from ISP1.
After disconnecting, verify that users still have internet access
l Go to Dashboard > Network, and expand the SD-WAN widget. The Upload and Download columns for wan1 show
that traffic is not going through that interface.
l Go to Network > SD-WAN and select the SD-WAN Zones tab. The Bandwidth, Volume, and Sessions tabs show
that traffic is entirely diverted to wan2.
Users on the network should not notice the wan1 failure. If you are using the wan1 gateway IP address to connect to the
administrator dashboard, it will appear as though you are still connecting through wan1.
After verifying a successful failover, reestablish the connection to ISP1.
In this SD-WAN configuration, two FortiGates in an active-passive (A-P) HA pair are used to provide hardware
redundancy. Instead of using external switches to provide a mesh network connection to the ISP routers, the FortiGates
use their built-in hardware switches to connect to the ISP routers.
Only FortiGate models that have hardware switches can be used for this solution. Ports in a
software switch are not in a forwarding state when a FortiGate is acting as a secondary device
in a A-P cluster.
In this topology:
l Two hardware switches are created, HD_SW1 and HD_SW2.
l HD_SW1 is used to connect to ISP 1 Router and includes the internal1 and internal2 ports.
l HD_SW2 is used to connect to ISP 2 Router and includes the internal3 and internal4 ports.
l Another interface on each device is used as the HA heartbeat interface, connecting the two FortiGates in HA.
The FortiGates create two hardware switches to connect to ISP 1 and ISP2. When FGT_A is the primary device, it
reaches ISP 1 on internal1 in HD_SW1 and ISP 2 on internal4 in HD_SW2. When FGT_B is the primary device, it
reaches ISP 1 on internal2 in HD_SW1 and ISP 2 on internal3 on HD_SW2.
HA failover
This is not a standard HA configuration with external switches. In the case of a device failure, one of the ISPs will no
longer be available because the switch that is connected to it will be down.
For example, If FGT_A loses power, HA failover will occur and FGT_B will become the primary unit. Its connection to
internal2 on HD_SW1 will also be down, so it will be unable to connect to ISP 1. Its SD-WAN SLAs will be broken, and
traffic will only be routed through ISP 2.
If a hardware switch or switch interface is down, or the ISP router is down, the SD-WAN can detect the broken SLA and
continue routing to the other ISP.
For example, if FGT_A is the primary unit, and ISP 2 Router becomes unreachable, the SLA health checks on SD-WAN
will detect the broken SLA and cause traffic to stop routing to ISP 2.
1. Configure two FortiGates with internal switches in an A-P HA cluster (follow the steps in HA active-passive cluster
setup on page 2887), starting by connecting the heartbeat interface.
2. When the HA cluster is up, connect to the primary FortiGate's GUI.
3. Remove the existing interface members from the default hardware switch:
a. Go to Network > Interfaces.
b. In the LAN section, double-click the internal interface to edit it.
c. In Interface Members, remove all of the interfaces
d. Click OK.
4. Configure the hardware switch interfaces for the two ISPs:
a. Go to Network > Interfaces and click Create New > Interface.
b. Enter a name (HD_SW1).
c. Set Type to Hardware Switch.
d. In Interface Members, add two interfaces (internal1 and internal2).
e. Set IP/Netmask to
f. Configure the remaining settings as needed.
g. Click OK.
h. Repeat these steps to create a second hardware switch interface (HD_SW2) with two interface members
(internal3 and internal4) and IP/Netmask set to
To configure SD-WAN:
1. On the primary FortiGate, go to Network > SD-WAN, select the SD-WAN Zones tab, and click Create New > SD-
WAN Member.
2. In the Interface dropdown, select HD_SW1.
3. Leave SD-WAN Zone set to virtual-wan-link.
4. Enter the Gateway address
5. Click OK.
6. Repeat these steps to add the second interface (HD_SW2) with the gateway
7. Click Apply.
Example 1
In this example, we create a template with two SD-WAN members configured without assigned interfaces that are used
in a performance SLA and SD-WAN rule. The template can be used to configure new devices, as in Example 2 on page
1094. Interfaces are then assigned to the members, and the configuration becomes active.
1. Go to Network > SD-WAN, select the SD-WAN Zones tab, and click Create New > SD-WAN Member.
2. Leave all the settings set to their default values and click OK.
The members are disabled until interfaces are configured, but can still be used in performance SLAs and SD-WAN
4. Click OK.
1. Go to Network > SD-WAN, select the SD-WAN Rules tab, and click Create New.
2. Configure the rule, adding both members to the Interface preference field:
3. Click OK.
4. Click OK.
5. Repeat the above steps to assign an interface to the second member.
The SD-WAN configuration can now be used in as a template for new spokes, as in Example 2 on page 1094.
Example 2
In this example, the configuration from Example 1 is copied onto a new FortiGate.
1. Optionally, change the console screen paging setting. See Screen paging on page 61 for details.
2. Open the CLI console.
3. If necessary, click Clear console to empty the console.
4. Enter the following command:
show system sdwan
5. Either click Download and open the file in a text editor, or click Copy to clipboard and paste the content into a text
6. Edit the CLI configuration as necessary. For example, the first line that shows the show command should be
deleted, and the default health checks can be removed.
7. If required, save the CLI configuration as a text file.
4. Click OK.
5. Repeat the above steps to assign an interface to the second member.
The following instructions use PuTTy. The steps may vary in other terminal emulators.
1. Connect to the FortiGate. See Connecting to the CLI on page 53 for details.
2. Enter the following command:
show system sdwan
3. Select the output, press Ctrl + c to copy it, and then paste it into a text editor.
4. Edit the CLI configuration as necessary. For example, the default health checks can be removed.
5. If required, save the CLI configuration as a text file.
1. Connect to the new FortiGate. See Connecting to the CLI on page 53 for details.
2. Copy the SD-WAN configuration from the text editor.
3. Right-click to paste the SD-WAN configuration.
4. In necessary, press Enter to apply the last end command.
The SD-WAN configuration is copied to the new FortiGate.
If the interfaces do not exist, the SD-WAN members are created without interfaces, and are disabled until interfaces
are configured.
SD-WAN, VPN, and BGP configurations support L3 VPN segmentation over a single overlay. In these configurations, a
hub and spoke SD-WAN deployment requires that branch sites, or spokes, are able to accommodate multiple
companies or departments, and each company's subnet is separated by a different VRF. A subnet on one VRF cannot
communicate with a subnet on another VRF between different branches, but can communicate with the same VRF.
SD-WAN options
SD-WAN on the originating spoke can tag the health check probes with the correct VRF when transmitting to a multi-
VRF tunnel. The hub can then forward the probes to the correct health check server in the same VRF as the hub. The IP
version (addr-mode) can be either IPv4 or IPv6.
config system sdwan
config health-check
edit <name>
set vrf <vrf id>
set source <address>
Overlay stickiness
When a hub has multiple overlays, traffic received on one overlay should egress on the same overlay when possible.
The service-sla-tie-break option ensures overlay stickiness. In SD-WAN service rules, options are available to
ensure that traffic received in a zone stays in that zone.
config system sdwan
config zone
edit <name>
set service-sla-tie-break input-device
config service
edit <id>
set input-zone <zone>
set tie-break input-device
service-sla-tie-break Members that meet the SLA are selected by matching the input device.
input-zone <zone> Source input-zone name.
tie-break input-device Members that meet the SLA are selected by matching the input device.
IPsec options
By default, the hub sends a shortcut offer to a spoke every five seconds. If the hub continues to send offers that keep
failing, and there are a large number of spokes, this can cause a high load on the hub. This setting makes the interval
between shortcut offers configurable.
config vpn ipsec phase1-interface
edit <name>
set auto-discovery-offer-interval <interval>
auto-discovery-offer- Interval between shortcut offer messages, in seconds (1 - 300, default = 5).
interval <interval>
Segmentation requires that VRF info is encapsulated within the IPsec VPN tunnel. This setting enables multi-VRF
IPSEC tunnels. It is only applicable for forwarding traffic, and cannot be used for local-out traffic.
The role of a VRF can be specified, along with other VRF details. Up to 252 VRFs can be configured per VDOM for any
config router bgp
config vrf
edit <vrf>
set role {standalone | ce | pe}
set rd <string>
set export-rt <route_target>
set import-rt <route_target>
set import-route-map <route_map>
config leak-target
edit <vrf>
set route-map <route-map>
set interface <interface>
role {standalone | ce | VRF role: standalone, customer edge (CE), or provider edge (PE).
rd <string> Route Distinguisher: AA|AA:NN. This option is only available when the role is CE.
export-rt <route_target> List of export route target. This option is only available when the role is CE.
import-rt <route_target> List of import route target. This option is only available when the role is CE.
import-route-map <route_ Import route map. This option is only available when the role is CE.
route-map <route-map> Route map of VRF leaking.
interface <interface> Interface that is used to leak routes to the target VRF.
In FortiOS 7.0, config vrf was config vrf-leak, and config leak-target was
config target.
In example 1, multiple companies (or departments of a company) share the ADVPN. Company A and company B each
have two branches in two different locations. Company A's branches (A-1 and A-2) can talk to each other using the VPN
shortcut, but not to company B's branches (B-1 and B-2). Likewise, company B's branches can talk to each other using
the VPN shortcut, but not to company A's branches. Traffic can share the tunnels and shortcuts, but cannot be mixed up.
Example 2 shows that performance SLA health checks can be sent from a spoke's VRF to the loopback on the hub that
is in the same VRF.
Example 3 shows that when traffic is ingress on the hub on one overlay, it will preferably egress on the same overlay.
Example 1
In this example, two spokes each have two tunnels to the hub.
l Each spoke has two VRFs behind it that can use the same IP address or subnets.
l The computers in VRF1 behind spoke 1 can talk to the computers in VRF1 behind spoke 2, but not to any of the
computers in the VRF2s behind either spoke.
l The computers in VRF2 behind spoke 1 can talk to the computers in VRF2 behind spoke 2, but not to any of the
computers in the VRF1s behind either spoke.
edit 33
set prefix
config vrf
edit "0"
set role pe
edit "1"
set role ce
set rd "1:1"
set export-rt "1:1"
set import-rt "1:1"
edit "2"
set role ce
set rd "2:1"
set export-rt "2:1"
set import-rt "2:1"
config vpn ipsec phase1-interface
edit "p1"
set type dynamic
set interface "vd11-vlan1"
set peertype any
set net-device disable
set proposal aes128-sha1
set add-route disable
set dpd on-idle
set dhgrp 5
set auto-discovery-sender enable
set auto-discovery-offer-interval 10
set encapsulation vpn-id-ipip
set psksecret **********
set dpd-retryinterval 60
edit "p2"
set type dynamic
set interface "vd11-vlan2"
set peertype any
set net-device disable
set proposal aes128-sha1
set add-route disable
set dpd on-idle
set dhgrp 5
set auto-discovery-sender enable
set auto-discovery-offer-interval 10
set encapsulation vpn-id-ipip
set psksecret **********
set dpd-retryinterval 60
To configure a spoke:
config vrf
edit "0"
set role pe
edit "1"
set role ce
set rd "1:1"
set export-rt "1:1"
set import-rt "1:1"
edit "2"
set role ce
set rd "2:1"
set export-rt "2:1"
set import-rt "2:1"
config vpn ipsec phase1-interface
edit "vd2-1"
set interface "vd2-vlan12"
set peertype any
set net-device enable
set proposal aes128-sha1
set add-route disable
set dhgrp 5
set idle-timeout enable
set idle-timeoutinterval 5
set auto-discovery-receiver enable
set encapsulation vpn-id-ipip
set remote-gw
set psksecret **********
edit "vd2-2"
set interface "vd2-vlan112"
set peertype any
set net-device enable
set proposal aes128-sha1
set add-route disable
set dhgrp 5
set auto-discovery-receiver enable
set encapsulation vpn-id-ipip
set remote-gw
set psksecret **********
config vpn ipsec phase2-interface
edit "vd2-1"
set phase1name "vd2-1"
set proposal aes128-sha1
set dhgrp 5
set auto-negotiate enable
edit "vd2-2"
VRF1 routes:
# get router info filter vrf 1
# get router info routing-table bgp
Routing table for VRF=1
B V [200/0] via [2] (recursive via vd2-1 tunnel vrf
0), 04:44:11, [1/0]
1. From VRF1 of spoke 1 ping VRF1 of spoke 2 and from VRF2 of spoke 1 ping VRF2 spoke 2. Both VRF1 and VRF2
source and destination IP addresses are the same, so you can see how the traffic is isolated
2. Check sessions on spoke 1:
The output vd=<vdom ID>:<VRF ID> indicates that sessions are created in and stay in the corresponding VRFs.
l User at in VRF1 on spoke 1 pings in VRF1 on spoke2.
# diagnose sys session list
session info: proto=1 proto_state=00 duration=21 expire=42 timeout=0 flags=00000000
socktype=0 sockport=0 av_idx=0 use=3
class_id=0 ha_id=0 policy_dir=0 tunnel=/ vlan_cos=0/255
statistic(bytes/packets/allow_err): org=420/5/1 reply=420/5/1 tuples=2
tx speed(Bps/kbps): 0/0 rx speed(Bps/kbps): 0/0
orgin->sink: org pre->post, reply pre->post dev=89->131/131->89
hook=pre dir=org act=noop>
hook=post dir=reply act=noop>
misc=0 policy_id=1 pol_uuid_idx=566 auth_info=0 chk_client_info=0 vd=1:1
serial=00092eee tos=ff/ff app_list=0 app=0 url_cat=0
sdwan_mbr_seq=0 sdwan_service_id=1
rpdb_link_id=ff000001 ngfwid=n/a
npu_state=0x5040001 no_offload
no_ofld_reason: disabled-by-policy non-npu-intf
1. From VRF1 of spoke 1 ping VRF1 of spoke 2 and from VRF2 of spoke 1 ping VRF2 spoke 2. Both VRF1 and VRF2
source and destination IP addresses are the same, so you can see how the traffic is isolated
2. Check sessions on spoke 1:
The output vd=<vdom ID>:<VRF ID> indicates that sessions are created in and stay in the corresponding VRFs.
l User at in VRF1 on spoke 1 pings in VRF1 on spoke 2:
# diagnose sys session listsession info: proto=1 proto_state=00 duration=17 expire=45
timeout=0 flags=00000000 socktype=0 sockport=0 av_idx=0 use=3
class_id=0 ha_id=0 policy_dir=0 tunnel=/ vlan_cos=0/255
statistic(bytes/packets/allow_err): org=336/4/1 reply=336/4/1 tuples=2
tx speed(Bps/kbps): 19/0 rx speed(Bps/kbps): 19/0
orgin->sink: org pre->post, reply pre->post dev=89->137/137->89
hook=pre dir=org act=noop>
hook=post dir=reply act=noop>
misc=0 policy_id=1 pol_uuid_idx=566 auth_info=0 chk_client_info=0 vd=1:1
serial=000aa475 tos=ff/ff app_list=0 app=0 url_cat=0
sdwan_mbr_seq=0 sdwan_service_id=2
rpdb_link_id=ff000002 ngfwid=n/a
npu_state=0x5040001 no_offload
no_ofld_reason: disabled-by-policy non-npu-intf
Example 2
In this example, SLA health checks are sent from a spoke's VRF to the loopback on the hub that is in the same VRF.
Example 3
In this example, when traffic from spoke 1 arrives at the hub on tunnel 1, it will egress the hub on tunnel 1 to go to other
spokes. If traffic arrives on tunnel 2, it will egress on tunnel 2, and not tunnel 1.
edit 1
config service
edit 1
set mode sla
set dst "all"
config sla
edit "1"
set id 1
set priority-members 1 2
set tie-break input-device
To verify that traffic stays in the same overlay on ingress and egress on the hub:
1. Confirm that the SD-WAN service rule has Tie break set to input-device so that, when SLAs are met on all of
the members, traffic prefers to egress on the same member as the input device:
# diagnose sys sdwan service4
2. Use diagnose sniffer packet commands to verify that traffic ingress and egress are on the same overlay.
IPv6 is supported for SD-WAN segmentation over a single overlay. This allows seamless communication between IPv6
devices within virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) overlay networks, benefiting organizations transitioning to IPv6 or
operating in a dual-stack environment.
In this example, multiple companies (or departments of a company) share the ADVPN. Company A and company B each
have two branches in two different locations. Company A's branches (A-1 and A-2) can talk to each other using the VPN
shortcut, but not to company B's branches (B-1 and B-2). Likewise, company B's branches can talk to each other using
the VPN shortcut, but not to company A's branches. Traffic can share the tunnels and shortcuts, but cannot be mixed up.
In this example, two spokes each have two tunnels to the hub.
l Each spoke has two VRFs behind it that can use the same IP address or subnets.
l The computers in VRF1 behind spoke 1 can talk to the computers in VRF1 behind spoke 2, but not to any of the
computers in the VRF2s behind either spoke.
l The computers in VRF2 behind spoke 1 can talk to the computers in VRF2 behind spoke 2, but not to any of the
computers in the VRF1s behind either spoke.
l Loopback addresses are used for communication between the spokes and the hub instead of tunnel IP address.
See config router bgp and config router route-map in the CLI Reference for a comprehensive list of commands.
config neighbor-group
edit "EDGEv6"
set advertisement-interval 1
set activate disable
set activate-vpnv4 disable
set capability-graceful-restart enable
set next-hop-self-rr6 enable
set soft-reconfiguration6 enable
set remote-as 65100
set update-source "vd11-lo1"
set additional-path6 both
set adv-additional-path6 4
set route-reflector-client6 enable
set route-reflector-client-vpnv6 enable
config neighbor-range6
edit 2
set prefix6 2001::10:200:1:0/112
set neighbor-group "EDGEv6"
config network6
edit 1
set prefix6 2001::10:200:1:0/112
config vrf6
edit "0"
set role pe
edit "1"
set role ce
set rd "1:1"
set export-rt "1:1"
set import-rt "1:1"
edit "2"
set role ce
set rd "2:1"
set export-rt "2:1"
set import-rt "2:1"
set add-route disable
set dpd on-idle
set npu-offload disable
set dhgrp 5
set auto-discovery-sender enable
set encapsulation vpn-id-ipip
set psksecret **********
set dpd-retryinterval 60
edit "p111"
set type dynamic
set interface "vd11-vlan111"
set ike-version 2
set peertype any
set net-device disable
set exchange-ip-addr6 2001::10:200:1:1
set proposal aes128-sha256 aes256-sha256 aes128gcm-prfsha256 aes256gcm-prfsha384
set add-route disable
set dpd on-idle
set npu-offload disable
set dhgrp 5
set auto-discovery-sender enable
set encapsulation vpn-id-ipip
set psksecret **********
set dpd-retryinterval 60
To configure a spoke:
set holdtime-timer 15
set ibgp-multipath enable
set additional-path6 enable
set additional-path-vpnv6 enable
set recursive-next-hop enable
set tag-resolve-mode merge
set graceful-restart enable
set additional-path-select6 4
config neighbor
edit "2001::10:200:1:1"
set advertisement-interval 1
set activate disable
set activate-vpnv4 disable
set capability-dynamic enable
set capability-graceful-restart6 enable
set capability-graceful-restart-vpnv6 enable
set soft-reconfiguration6 enable
set remote-as 65100
set route-map-in6 "tag"
set route-map-in-vpnv6 "tag"
set connect-timer 10
set update-source "vd2-lo1"
set additional-path6 both
set additional-path-vpnv6 both
config network6
edit 1
set prefix6 2001:22::/64
edit 2
set prefix6 2001::10:200:1:100/128
config vrf6
edit "0"
set role pe
edit "1"
set role ce
set rd "1:1"
set export-rt "1:1"
set import-rt "1:1"
edit "2"
set role ce
set rd "2:1"
set export-rt "2:1"
set import-rt "2:1"
In the output, vd=<vdom_ID>:<VRF_ID> indicates that sessions are created in and stay in the corresponding
BGP extended community route targets can be matched in route maps. This can be applied in a scenario where the BGP
route reflector receives routes from many VRFs, and instead of reflecting all routes from all VRFs, users only want to
reflect routes based on a specific extended community route target.
type {standard | Set the extended community list type (standard or expanded).
action {deny | permit} Deny or permit route-based operations based on the route's extended community
type {rt | soo} Set the extended community type:
l rt: route target
match <extended_ Set the extended community specifications for matching a reserved extended
community_ community (community number in AA:NN format; use quotation marks complex
expressions, "123:234 345:456").
regexp <ordered_list_of_ Set the ordered list of extended community attributes as a regular expression.
match-extcommunity <list> Set the BGP extended community list to match to.
match-extcommunity-exact Enable/disable exact matching of extended communities.
{enable | disable}
In this example, multiple companies (or departments of a company) share the same hub and spoke VPN infrastructure.
Company A and company B each have two branches in two different locations. The goal is for company A’s branches (A-
1 and A-2) to be able to communicate only with each other over VPN but not with company B’s branches. Likewise,
company B’s branches (B-1 and B-2) can only communicate with each other over VPN but not with company A’s. This is
accomplished by placing each branch VLAN into their respective VRFs (VRF1 and VRF2), and encapsulating the VRF
information within the VPN tunnel. The hub forms BGP peering with its neighbors, spoke 1 and spoke 2, over each IPsec
overlay. The hub’s BGP route reflector reflects the routes to the corresponding VRFs, allowing each spoke to form
ADVPN shortcuts with the other spoke for each VRF.
However, in this scenario, we want A-1 and A-2 to use an ADVPN shortcut, but we do not want B-1 and B-2 to use
ADVPN. A route map is configured on the hub to match the desired extended community route target number where only
this route target is permitted, and others are denied. This allows the hub’s BGP route reflector to only reflect routes
associated with VRF1, allowing the spokes to form an ADVPN shortcut for VRF1. Routes associated with VRF2 are not
reflected, and each spoke must route traffic through the hub to reach VRF2 on the other spoke.
Configure the topology by following the instructions of Example 1 in SD-WAN segmentation over a single overlay on
page 1095. Note that when checking the spoke 1 routes in example 1, there is a VRF2 route:
Spoke 1 # get router info routing-table bgp
Routing table for VRF=2
B V [200/0] via [2] (recursive via vd2-1 tunnel,
00:00:20, [1/0]
[200/0] via [2] (recursive via vd2-2 tunnel,
00:00:20, [1/0]
The following procedure applies a route map on the hub’s BGP configurations to limit route reflection to only routes
matching the external community target of 1:1. This external community target corresponds to BGP paths for VRF1
learned from spoke 1 and spoke 2. The external community target of 2:1 corresponds to BGP paths for VRF2. By not
explicitly permitting this target (2:1) in the community list and denying everything other than the permitted target (1:1) in
the route map, the VRF2 BGP paths are essentially omitted from being reflected to the spokes.
To configure BGP filtering for an extended community route target on the hub:
gr1 gr2
VRF 1 BGP routing table entry for
Paths: (2 available, best #2, table Default-IP-Routing-Table)
Not advertised to any peer
Original VRF 0 external duplicated
Local, (Received from a RR-client) from (
Origin IGP metric 0, localpref 100, valid, internal, best
Extended Community: RT:1:1
Receive Path ID: 1
Advertised Path ID: 1
Last update: Wed Aug 17 10:31:02 2022
Original VRF 0 external duplicated
Local, (Received from a RR-client) from (
Origin IGP metric 0, localpref 100, valid, internal, best
Extended Community: RT:1:1
Receive Path ID: 1
Advertised Path ID: 2
Last update: Wed Aug 17 10:31:02 2022
VRF 2 BGP routing table entry for
Paths: (2 available, best #2, table Default-IP-Routing-Table)
Not advertised to any peer
Original VRF 0 external duplicated
Local, (Received from a RR-client) from (
Origin IGP metric 0, localpref 100, valid, internal, best
Extended Community: RT:2:1
Receive Path ID: 1
Advertised Path ID: 1
Last update: Wed Aug 17 10:31:02 2022
Original VRF 0 external duplicated
Local, (Received from a RR-client) from (
Origin IGP metric 0, localpref 100, valid, internal, best
Extended Community: RT:2:1
Receive Path ID: 1
Advertised Path ID: 2
Last update: Wed Aug 17 10:31:02 2022
6. Check the spoke 1 routes. Since the extended community route target is applied, the VFR2 route does not appear in
the BGP routing table:
# get router info routing-table bgp
Routing table for VRF=0
B* [200/0] via (recursive via vd2-1 tunnel,
03:47:50, [1/0]
[200/0] via (recursive via vd2-2 tunnel,
03:47:50, [1/0]
B [200/0] via [2] (recursive via, vd2-vlan12),
03:47:50, [1/0]
B [200/0] via [2] (recursive via, vd2-vlan12),
03:47:50, [1/0]
B [200/0] via (recursive via vd2-1 tunnel,
03:47:50, [1/0]
[200/0] via (recursive via vd2-2 tunnel,
03:47:50, [1/0]
B [200/0] via [2] (recursive via vd2-1 tunnel, 03:47:21, [1/0]
[200/0] via [2] (recursive via vd2-2 tunnel, 03:47:21, [1/0]
03:47:21, [1/0]
[200/0] via [2] (recursive via vd2-2 tunnel,
03:47:21, [1/0]
B V [200/0] via (recursive via vd2-1 tunnel,
03:47:50, [1/0]
[200/0] via (recursive via vd2-2 tunnel,
03:47:50, [1/0]
Copying the DSCP value from the session original direction to its reply direction
In an SD-WAN scenario when DSCP tags are used to mark traffic from the spoke to the hub, it is sometimes desirable for
the hub to mark the reply traffic with the same DSSP tags. The diffserv-copy setting in firewall policy configurations
allows the DSCP tag to be copied to the reply direction.
config firewall policy
edit <id>
set diffserv-copy {enable | disable}
The use cases in this example are for a hub and spoke SD-WAN deployment. Traffic from the spoke (either real traffic or
SLA health check probes) can be marked with a certain DSCP tag when leaving the spoke. QoS may be applied by an
upstream device based on the DSCP tag. When the traffic arrives on the hub, the hub may also want to mark the reply
traffic to the spoke with the same DSCP tag. This would allow QoS to be applied to the traffic in the reply direction as
well, which is traffic in the hub to spoke direction associated with the same session in the spoke to hub direction.
While this topology simplifies the SD-WAN deployment into a single hub and spoke, this feature applies to the following
l Multiple spokes (branch sites)
l One or more hubs (data center sites)
l Multiple overlays connecting spokes to hubs
l SD-WAN configured on spokes to pick the best overlay
Traffic originates from the spoke and is destined for a server behind the hub. The spoke marks the traffic with a DSCP
tag of 101010. This is done by enabling diffserv-foward on the spoke firewall policy. It can also be accomplished by
enabling dscp-forward in an SD-WAN rule.
The hub allows the traffic in through a firewall policy. By enabling diffserv-copy on the firewall policy, it will mark the
reply traffic on the corresponding sessions with the same DSCP tag in which it came.
SLA health checks from the spoke are destined for a loopback interface on the hub. The health check is marked with a
DSCP tag of 000001 by the spoke. When the hub receives the probes to its loopback, it will mark the replies with the
same DSCP tags in which it came.
Capture packets can also be used verify that the DSCP value from the original direction is
applied to the reply direction.
In this example, you configure a connection to a new cloud deployment that has some remote servers. SD-WAN is used
to steer traffic through the required overlay tunnel.
The on-premise FortiGate has two internet connections, each with a single VPN connection. The two VPN gateways are
configured on the cloud for redundancy, one terminating at the FortiGate-VM, and the other at the native AWS VPN
This example uses AWS as the Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) provider, but the same configuration can also apply to
other services. A full mesh VPN setup is not shown, but can be added later if required.
To connect to the servers that are behind the cloud FortiGate-VM, virtual IP addresses (VIPs) are configured on port2 to
map to the servers:
l VPN traffic terminating on port1 is routed to the VIP on port2 to access the web servers.
l VPN traffic terminating on the VPN gateway accesses the VIPs on port2 directly.
There are four major steps to configure this setup:
1. Configuring the VPN overlay between the HQ FortiGate and cloud FortiGate-VM on page 1126
2. Configuring the VPN overlay between the HQ FortiGate and AWS native VPN gateway on page 1131
3. Configuring the VIP to access the remote servers on page 1135
4. Configuring the SD-WAN to steer traffic between the overlays on page 1137
After the configuration is complete, verify the traffic to ensure that the configuration is working as expected, see Verifying
the traffic on page 1141.
Configuring the VPN overlay between the HQ FortiGate and cloud FortiGate-VM
5. Click OK.
4. Click Next.
5. Configure Network settings:
Interface port1
Version 1
Mode Aggressive
This setting allows the peer ID to be specified.
Peer ID IaaS
The other end of the tunnel needs to have its local ID set to IaaS.
Name Ent_Core
9. Click OK.
1. Go to Network > Interfaces and edit the Core_Dialup interface under port1.
2. Set IP to
3. Set Remote IP/Netmask to This is where remote health check traffic will come from.
4. Enable Administrative access for HTTPS, PING, and SSH.
5. Click OK.
4. Click OK.
1. Go to Policy & Objects > Firewall Policy and click Create New.
2. Configure the following:
Name Core_Dialup-to-port2
Source all
Destination local_subnet_10_0_2_0
Schedule always
Service ALL
IP Address
Interface port5
Version 1
Mode Aggressive
This setting allows the peer ID to be specified.
7. Leave the default Phase 1 Proposal settings, except set Local ID to IaaS.
8. Disable XAUTH.
9. Configure the Phase 2 Selector settings:
Name FGT_AWS_Tun
1. Go to Network > Interfaces and edit the FGT_AWS_Tun interface under port5.
2. Set IP to
3. Set Remote IP/Netmask to
4. Enable Administrative access for HTTPS, PING, and SSH.
5. Click OK.
Routing is defined when creating the SD-WAN interface. The firewall policy is created after the
SD-WAN interface is defined.
Configuring the VPN overlay between the HQ FortiGate and AWS native VPN
This example uses static routing. It is assumed that the AWS VPN Gateway is already configured, and that proper
routing is applied on the corresponding subnet.
See Creating routing tables and associate subnets in the AWS Administration Guide for configuration details.
1. Go to Virtual Private Network (VPN) > Customer Gateways to confirm that the customer gateway defines the
FortiGate IP address as its Gateway IP address, in this case
2. Go to Virtual Private Network (VPN) > Virtual Private Gateways to confirm that a virtual private gateway (VPG) has
been created. In this case it is attached to the Cloud_onRamp VPC that contains the FortiGate and servers.
3. Go to Virtual Private Network (VPN) > Site-to-Site VPN Connections to confirm that site-to-site VPN connections
have been created and attached to the customer gateway and virtual private gateway.
If Routing Options is Static, the IP prefix of the remote subnet on the HQ FortiGate ( is entered here.
AWS site-to-site VPN always creates two VPN tunnels for redundancy. In this example, only Tunnel 1 is used.
4. Click Download Configuration to download the FortiGate's tunnel configurations. The configuration can be referred
to when configuring the FortiGate VPN.
5. The new VPG is attached to your VPC, but to successfully route traffic to the VPG, proper routing must be defined.
Go to Virtual Private Cloud > Subnets, select the Cloud-OnRamp-VPN, and select the Route Table tab to verify that
there are at least two routes to send traffic over the VPG.
l defines the tunnel IP address. Health check traffic originating from the FortiGate will come from
this IP range.
l defines the remote subnet from the HQ FortiGate.
6. On the cloud FortiGate-VM EC2 instances, ensure that port1 and port2 both have Source/Dest. Check set to false.
This allows the FortiGate to accept and route traffic to and from a different network.
If you launched the instance from the AWS marketplace, this setting defaults to true.
7. If Optimal dashboards is selected, go to Dashboard > Network and expand the Routing widget to view the routing
If Comprehensive dashboards is selected, go to Dashboard > Routing Monitor and select Static & Dynamic in the
widget toolbar to view the routing table:
IP Address
This address is taken from the downloaded AWS configuration file.
Interface port1
Version 1
Mode Main
7. Configure the Phase 1 Proposal settings using information from the downloaded AWS configuration file.
8. Disable XAUTH.
9. Configure the Phase 2 Selector settings:
1. Go to Network > Interfaces and edit the AWS_VPG interface under port1.
2. Set IP to
3. Set Remote IP/Netmask to
4. Enable Administrative access for HTTPS and PING.
5. Click OK.
Routing is defined when creating the SD-WAN interface. The firewall policy is created after the
SD-WAN interface is defined.
VIPs, interface IP addresses, and policies are created on the cloud FortiGate-VM to allow access to the remote servers.
1. On the FortiGate EC2 instance, edit the Elastic Network Interface that corresponds to port2. In this example,
Network Interface eth1.
2. Go to Actions > Manage IP Addresses.
3. Add two private IP address in the subnet.
These address will be used in the VIPs on the FortiGate. This ensures that traffic to these IP addresses is routed to
the FortiGate by AWS.
1. Go to Policy & Objects > Virtual IPs and select the Virtual IP tab.
2. Click Create new.
3. Configure the following:
Interface port2
4. Click OK.
5. Create a second VIP for the FTP server with the following settings:
Interface port2
1. Go to Policy & Objects > Firewall Policy and click Create New.
2. Configure the following:
Name To-WebServer
Source all
Destination VIP-HTTP
Schedule always
Service ALL
NAT Enabled
Name To-FTP
Source all
Destination VIP-FTP
Schedule always
Service ALL
NAT Enabled
6. Click OK.
Configure the HQ FortiGate to use two overlay tunnels for SD-WAN, steering HTTPS and HTTP traffic through the FGT_
AWS_Tun tunnel, and SSH and FTP throguh the AWS_VPG tunnel.
1. Add SD-WAN member interfaces
2. Configure a route to the remote network
3. Configure firewall policies
1. Go to Network > SD-WAN, select the SD-WAN Zones tab, and click Create New > SD-WAN Member.
2. Set Interface to AWS_VPG then click OK.
4. Click OK.
Individual routes to each tunnel are automatically added to the routing table with the same distance:
To configure firewall policies to allow traffic from the internal subnet to SD-WAN:
1. Go to Policy & Objects > Firewall Policy and click Create New.
2. Configure the following:
Name ISFW-to-IaaS
Source all
Destination all
Schedule always
Service ALL
NAT Enabled
As you are accessing the servers on the subnet, it is preferable to use the FortiGate port2 interface as the
ping server for detection. This ensures that, if the gateway is not reachable in either tunnel, its routes are brought down
and traffic continues on the other tunnel.
1. Go to Network > SD-WAN, select the Performance SLAs tab, and click Create New.
2. Configure the following:
Name ping_AWS_Gateway
Protocol Ping
Participants Specify
Add AWS_VPG and FGT_AWS_Tun as participants.
3. Click OK.
Health check probes originate from the VPN interface's IP address. This is why the phase2 selectors are configured
with Local Address set to all.
HTTPS and HTTP traffic is steered to the FGT_AWS_Tun tunnel, and SSH and FTP traffic is steered to the AWS_VPG
tunnel. The Manual algorithm is used in this example.
1. Go to Network > SD-WAN, select the SD-WAN Rules tab, and click Create New.
2. Configure the following:
Name http-to-FGT_AWS_Tun
Address remote_subnet_10_0_2_0
Protocol TCP
Port range 80 - 80
3. Click OK.
To verify that pings are sent across the IPsec VPN tunnels
1. Go to Network > SD-WAN, select the Performance SLAs tab, select Packet Loss, and click the ping_AWS_Gateway
1. Run the following CLI command to verify that HTTPS and HTTP traffic destined for the Web server at
uses FGT_AWS_Tun:
# diagnose sys session filter dst
# diagnose sys session list
2. Run the following CLI command to verify that SSH and FTP traffic destined for the FTP server at uses
# diagnose sys session filter dst
# diagnose sys session list
On the cloud FortiGate-VM, disable the firewall policy allowing Core_Dialup to port2.
1. Health-checks through the FGT_AWS_Tun tunnel fail:
a. Go to Network > SD-WAN, select the Performance SLAs tab, select Packet Loss, and click the ping_AWS_
Gateway SLA:
The SD-WAN Network Monitor service is a tool designed to determine upload and download speeds. Speed tests can be
conducted either on-demand or according to a predetermined schedule, measuring upload and download speeds of up
to 1 Gbps. The results of the tests can be used as reference for various applications, including the following:
l Configuring the estimated bandwidth of an interface, which can be employed in conjunction with various WAN
intelligence strategies. See Using speed test results with SD-WAN for more information.
l Configuring the inbandwidth and outbandwidth of an interface for use in traffic shaping. See Using speed test
results with traffic shaping for more information.
l Applying the speed test to dialup VPN tunnels in a hub and spoke deployment to conduct traffic shaping.
FortiOS offers a variety of methods for testing SD-WAN speed. The following table provides a brief overview of each
method and guidance on when it might be most advantageous to use one method over the others.
CLI speed test l Provides the most flexibility and options, which Requires a valid SD-
enables the speed test to operate with user-defined WAN Network Monitor
parameters. license.
l Results can be used as reference to manually add to
the interface's estimated bandwidth, or inbandwidth
and outbandwidth.
l Server is on the cloud, which is maintained by Fortinet.
GUI speed test l Downloads the speed test server list automatically. Requires a valid SD-
l Results can be added to the interface's estimated WAN Network Monitor
bandwidth with one click. license.
l Results are automatically updated in the interface
measured-upstream-bandwidth and measured-
downstream-bandwidth fields.
l Results can be used as a reference to manually
configure an interface’s inbandwidth and
l Easier to use.
l Server is on the cloud, which is maintained by Fortinet.
Scheduled interface speed l Speed tests can be scheduled to run automatically. Requires a valid SD-
test l Results are automatically updated in the interface WAN Network Monitor
measured-upstream-bandwidth and measured- license.
downstream-bandwidth fields.
l Results can be used as a reference to manually
configure an interface’s inbandwidth and
l Possible to temporarily bypass the bandwidth limits set
Speed test from hub to l Server is the spoke. License not required.
spoke l Tests initiated from the hub.
l Results are cached for future use.
l Results can be dynamically applied to the dialup
tunnel for egress traffic shaping.
l Results can be used as a reference to manually
configure an interface’s inbandwidth and
Speed test from spokes to l Server is the hub. License not required.
hub l Tests initiated from spokes, even when a spoke is
behind a NAT device.
l Results are cached on the spoke for future use and
sent to the hub.
l Results can be dynamically applied to the dialup
tunnel for egress traffic shaping.
l Results can be used as a reference to manually
configure an interface’s inbandwidth and
The speed test tool is compatible with iPerf3.6 with SSL support. It can test the upload bandwidth to the FortiGate Cloud
speed test service. It can initiate the server connection and send download requests to the server. The tool can be run up
to 10 times a day.
The FortiGate downloads the speed test server list. The list expires after 24 hours. One of the speed test servers is
selected based on user input.
latency-threshold Set the speed test threshold for the auto mode, in milliseconds (0 - 2000, default =
<integer> 60). If the latency exceeds this threshold, the speed test will use the UDP
protocol; otherwise, it will use the TCP protocol.
multiple-tcp-stream Set the number of parallel client streams for the TCP protocol to run during the
<integer> speed test (1 - 64, default = 4).
A speed test can be run with or without specifying a server. The system will automatically choose one server from the list
and run the speed test. The test results are shown in the command terminal.
# execute speed-test <interface> <server> {Auto | TCP | UDP}
# diagnose netlink interface speed-test <interface> <server> {Auto | TCP | UDP}
An interface speed test can be manually performed on WAN interfaces in the GUI. The results of the test can be added to
the interface's Estimated bandwidth. The estimated upstream and downstream bandwidths can be used in SD-WAN
service rules to determine the best link to use when either load balancing or best quality strategies are selected.
The CLI equivalent to running a speed test in the GUI is execute speed-test <interface>.
4. When the test completes, click OK in the Confirm pane to apply the results to the estimated bandwidth.
The results can also be applied later by clicking Apply results to estimated bandwidth.
The speed test results are used to populate the Estimated bandwidth fields.
5. Click OK.
The FortiGate must be connected to FortiGuard, and able to reach either the AWS or Google
speed test servers.
The SD-WAN Network Monitor service supports running a speed test based on a schedule. The test results are
automatically updated in the interface measured-upstream-bandwidth and measured-downstream-bandwidth
fields. These fields do not impact the interface inbound bandwidth, outbound bandwidth, estimated upstream bandwidth,
or estimated downstream bandwidth settings.
When the scheduled speed tests run, it is possible to temporarily bypass the bandwidth limits set on the interface and
configure custom maximum or minimum bandwidth limits. These configurations are optional.
config system speed-test-schedule
edit <interface>
set mode {Auto | TCP | UDP}
set schedules <schedule> ...
set update-inbandwidth enable {enable | disable}
set update-outbandwidth enable {enable | disable}
set update-inbandwidth-maximum <integer>
set update-outbandwidth-maximum <integer>
mode {Auto | TCP | UDP} Set the protocol used for the speed test:
l Auto (default): dynamically select TCP or UDP based on the speed test
l UDP: use UDP.
In an SD-WAN hub and spoke topology, connections between sites are typically made through VPN overlays. The hub
usually acts as the VPN gateway with spokes connecting as dial-up VPN clients. In order to estimate the speed of the
connection to each spoke, speed tests can be performed between the hub and each spoke. The results of the speed test
can be used for egress traffic shaping on the VPN overlay tunnel.
A speed test server can be enabled on the hub or spoke with custom speed-test listening ports. The test measures the
speeds of the link to each spoke so that QoS can be applied on the hub to the egress traffic shaping profile assigned to
the IPsec overlay tunnel interface and the respective tunnel. An egress-shaping profile can be applied to local, remote,
or both local and remote IPsec tunnels or no IPsec tunnels. Tests can be in upload or download direction and support
both TCP and UDP protocols.
Speed test results are cached for future use. When speed tests are initiated from the hub, the results are cached on the
hub. When speed tests are initiated from the spoke, the results are cached on the spoke, but sent to the hub.
When a speed-test server is enabled on a hub or spoke, two speed test daemons are started and listen on different ports
for different purposes:
l The controller speed test daemon listens on the IPsec overlay interfaces to assign an access token to each
incoming speed test for authentication.
l The speed test daemon listens on the IPsec underlay interfaces to handle the speed tests.
Each incoming speed test request must present the obtained access token to prevent random, unauthorized requests.
Otherwise, the connection is closed immediately. As such, speed test access must be enabled on both the underlay and
the IPsec overlay tunnel interfaces.
config system interface
edit <interface>
set allowaccess speed-test [other access] ...
If the IPsec tunnel has a configured exchange-ip, speed test access must also be
configured on the associated interface, such as the loopback interface.
The speed test client can be a hub or a spoke and must have system speed-test-schedule configured and the
dynamic-server setting enabled. The speed-test schedule initiates the test.
On the speed test client, specify whether and how to apply the test results in a shaping profile. The shaping profile must
be configured in the phase1 interface before it can be used with a speed test.
config system speed-test-schedule
edit <interface>
set server-port <integer>
set ctrl-port <integer>
set update-shaper {disable | local | remote | both}
set server-port <integer> Specify the port number for the speed-test server used for speed tests (1 - 65535,
default = 5201).
set ctrl-port <integer> Specify the port number for the controller on the speed-test server used for
authentication (1 - 65535, default = 5200).
set update-shaper Set the egress shaper to use the speed test results:
{disable | local | l disable: Disable updating the egress shaper (default).
remote | both}
l local: Update the speed-test client egress shaper.
l remote: Update the speed-test server egress shaper.
l both: Update both the local and remote egress shapers.
CLI commands
speedtest-server {enable Enable/disable the speed test server on the hub or spoke (default = disable).This
| disable} enables iPerf in server mode, which listens on the default iPerf TCP port 5201.
set speedtestd-server- Specify a custom port number (1024 - 65535, default = 5201) for the speed test
port <integer> daemon. The port is used to perform the speed test.
set speedtestd-ctrl-port Specify a custom port number (1024 - 65535. default = 5200) for the controller
<integer> speed test daemon. The port is used to assign access tokens for authentication
prior to performing the speed test.
<interface> The dial-up IPsec tunnel interface on the speed test client. The speed test client
can be the hub or the spokes.
dynamic-server {enable | Enable/disable the dynamic speed test server (default = disable).
Ctrl-port <integer> Specify the port number for the controller on the speed-test server used for
authentication (1 - 65535, default = 5200).
Server-port <integer> Specify the port number for the speed-test server used for speed tests (1 - 65535,
default = 5201).
Update-shaper {disable | Set the egress shaper to use the speed test results:
local | remote | l disable: Disable updating the egress shaper (default).
l local: Update the speed-test client egress shaper.
l remote: Update the speed-test server egress shaper.
l both: Update both the local and remote egress shapers.
To limit the maximum bandwidth used in the speed test, enable set update-inbandwidth
and set update-outbandwidth. See Scheduled interface speed test on page 1151 for
more information.
Enable speed test access on both the underlay and the IPsec overlay tunnel interfaces on the speed test
<interface> The dial-up IPsec tunnel interface on the speed test server.
set allowaccess {speed- Enable speed-test access on the underlay and IPsec overlay interfaces.
test | [other
Allow an SD-WAN member on the spoke to switch routes when on speed test from the hub to spokes:
speedtest-bypass-routing Enable/disable bypass routing when doing a speed test on an SD-WAN member
{enable | disable} (default = disable).
set mode speedtest Use the speed test to select the neighbor.
Manually run uploading speed test on the physical interfaces of each tunnel of a dial-up IPsec interface:
diagnose debug application Enable debug of the speed test module in the forticron daemon.
speedtest <int>
diagnose debug application Enable debug of the speed test server daemon.
speedtestd <int>
diagnose test application forticron List the scheduled speed tests.
diagnose test application forticron Show the cached speed test results.
diagnose test application forticron Write the cached speed test results to disk.
diagnose test application forticron Load the speed test results from disk.
diagnose test application forticron Cancel all pending speed tests.
Running speed tests from the hub to the spokes in dial-up IPsec tunnels
In this example, the hub is configured as a VPN dial-up server and both of the spokes are connected to the hub. It is
assumed that the VPN configuration is already done, with a dynamic gateway type and kernel device creation (net-
device) disabled. Only one SD-WAN interface is used, so there is only one VPN overlay member in the SD-WAN zone.
Multiple WAN interfaces and VPN overlays could be used.
A recurring speed test is configured that runs on the hub over the dial-up interfaces. The speed tests are performed over
the underlay interface from the hub to the spoke. Each spoke is configured to operate as a speed test server and to allow
the speed test to run on its underlay interface. The spokes establish BGP peering with the hub over the VPN interface,
and advertises its loopback network to the hub. The specific configuration is only shown for FGT_B.
When the speed test is running, routing through the VPN overlay can be bypassed, and route maps are used to filter the
routes that are advertised to peers. The spoke's route map does not advertise any routes to the peer, forcing the hub to
use others paths to reach the spoke's network.
When no speed tests are running, the spoke's route map allows its network to be advertised on the hub.
When the speed test is complete, the measured egress bandwidth is dynamically applied to the VPN tunnel on the hub,
and the result is cached for future use, in case the tunnel is disconnected and reconnected again.
Three classes are used in the profile for low, medium, and high priority traffic. Each class is assigned a guaranteed
and maximum bandwidth as a percentage of the measured bandwidth from the speed test.
2. Configure a shaping policy to assign certain traffic as a class ID:
In this example, all traffic destined to the dialup tunnels are assigned class 3.
config firewall shaping-policy
edit 2
set service "ALL"
set schedule "always"
set dstintf "hub-phase1" "hub2-phase1"
set class-id 3
set srcaddr "all"
set dstaddr "all"
4. Configure SD-WAN with bypass routing enabled for speed tests on member spoke11-p1:
config system sdwan
set speedtest-bypass-routing enable
config members
edit 1
set interface "spoke11-p1"
config neighbor
edit ""
set member 1
set mode speedtest
1. Before the speed test starts, FGT_A can receive the route from FGT_B by BGP:
# get router info routing-table bgp
Routing table for VRF=0
B [200/0] via (recursive via, hub-phase1),
B [200/0] via (recursive via, hub-phase1),
2. At the scheduled time, the speed test starts for the hub-phase1 interface from hub to spoke:
# diagnose test application forticron 9
Speed test schedules:
Interface Server Update Up/Down-limit (kbps) Days
H:M TOS Schedule
hub-phase1 dynamic 1111111
14:41 0x00 speedtest_recurring
Active schedules:
64002f: hub-phase1(port1) hub-phase1_1
64002e: hub-phase1(port1) hub-phase1_0
The diagnose debug application speedtest -1 command can be used on both the hub and spokes to
check the speed test execution.
3. While the speed test is running, FGT_A does not receive the route from FGT_B by BGP:
# get router info routing-table bgp
Routing table for VRF=0
4. Speed tests results can be dynamically applied to the dial-up tunnel for egress traffic shaping:
# diagnose vpn tunnel list
name=hub-phase1_0 ver=2 serial=c> tun_id= dst_
mtu=1500 dpd-link=on remote_location= weight=1
egress traffic control:
bandwidth=737210(kbps) lock_hit=0 default_class=2 n_active_class=3
class-id=2 allocated-bandwidth=73720(kbps) guaranteed-
max-bandwidth=73720(kbps) current-bandwidth=0(kbps)
priority=low forwarded_bytes=52
dropped_packets=0 dropped_bytes=0
class-id=3 allocated-bandwidth=221163(kbps) guaranteed-
max-bandwidth=294883(kbps) current-bandwidth=0(kbps)
priority=medium forwarded_bytes=0
dropped_packets=0 dropped_bytes=0
class-id=4 allocated-bandwidth=442325(kbps) guaranteed-
max-bandwidth=442325(kbps) current-bandwidth=0(kbps)
priority=high forwarded_bytes=0
dropped_packets=0 dropped_bytes=0
name=hub-phase1_1 ver=2 serial=d> tun_id= dst_
mtu=1500 dpd-link=on remote_location= weight=1
egress traffic control:
bandwidth=726813(kbps) lock_hit=0 default_class=2 n_active_class=3
class-id=2 allocated-bandwidth=72681(kbps) guaranteed-
max-bandwidth=72681(kbps) current-bandwidth=0(kbps)
priority=low forwarded_bytes=123
dropped_packets=0 dropped_bytes=0
class-id=3 allocated-bandwidth=218044(kbps) guaranteed-
max-bandwidth=290725(kbps) current-bandwidth=0(kbps)
priority=medium forwarded_bytes=0
dropped_packets=0 dropped_bytes=0
class-id=4 allocated-bandwidth=436087(kbps) guaranteed-
max-bandwidth=436087(kbps) current-bandwidth=0(kbps)
priority=high forwarded_bytes=0
dropped_packets=0 dropped_bytes=0
Disable then reenable the IPsec VPN tunnel and the cached speed test results can be applied to the tunnel again:
# diagnose vpn tunnel list
name=hub-phase1_0 ver=2 serial=c> tun_id= dst_
mtu=1500 dpd-link=on remote_location= weight=1
egress traffic control:
bandwidth=737210(kbps) lock_hit=0 default_class=2 n_active_class=3
name=hub-phase1_1 ver=2 serial=d> tun_id= dst_
mtu=1500 dpd-link=on remote_location= weight=1
egress traffic control:
bandwidth=726813(kbps) lock_hit=0 default_class=2 n_active_class=3
Running speed tests from spokes to the hub in dial-up IPsec tunnels
In this hub and spoke example, the hub is configured as an IPsec VPN dial-up server with two IPsec tunnels, and each
tunnel is connected to a spoke. The VPN interfaces and IP addresses are:
The hub (FGT_A) is configured as a speed-test server to listen on custom ports (6000 and 7000), and the spokes (FGT_
B and FGT_D) are configured as speed-test clients. This setup allows speed tests to successfully perform when spokes
are behind NAT devices. The results of the speed test will be applied to the hub-phase1 overlay tunnel(s) as specified by
the speed-test clients.
The spokes are configured to initiate speed tests on a schedule on UDP. After the speed test completes, the results are
sent to the hub, and the hub applies the results on its IPsec tunnels as egress traffic shaping. The results are also
cached and can be used if an IPsec tunnel is disconnected and reconnected again.
Three classes are used in the profile for low, medium, and high priority traffic. Each class is assigned a guaranteed
and maximum bandwidth as a percentage of the measured bandwidth from the speed test.
2. Configure a shaping policy to assign certain traffic as a class ID:
In this example, all traffic destined to the dialup tunnels are assigned class 3.
config firewall shaping-policy
edit 2
set service "ALL"
set schedule "always"
set dstintf "hub-phase1" "hub2-phase1"
set class-id 3
set srcaddr "all"
set dstaddr "all"
5. Allow the speed test on the overlay and use the shaping profile in the interface:
In this example, speed tests are allowed on the overlay, and the shaping profile (profile_1) is used on the hub
phase1 interface (port1).
config system interface
edit "hub-phase1"
set ip
set allowaccess ping speed-test
set egress-shaping-profile "profile_1"
set interface "port1"
1. After the speed test schedule runs, view the result on spoke FGT_B:
On spoke FGT_B, authentication succeeds through port 6000, and the test runs on port 7000. UDP mode is used,
and the test is successful.
# diagnose debug application speedtest -1
fcron_speedtest_ipsec_request_init()-464: root: spoke11-p1(spoke11-p1) id=003900d5
fd=24, init request= ->, test= -> succeed.
[speedtest(2181)] start uploading test.
[speedtest(2181)] Connecting to host, port 7000
[speedtest(2181)] [ 26] local port 17553 connected to port
[speedtest(2181)] [ ID] Interval Transfer Bitrate Total Datagrams
[speedtest(2181)] [ 26] 0.00-1.00 sec 150 MBytes 1.26 Gbits/sec 107570
[speedtest(2181)] [ 26] 1.00-2.00 sec 149 MBytes 1.25 Gbits/sec 107120
[speedtest(2181)] [ 26] 2.00-3.00 sec 149 MBytes 1.25 Gbits/sec 107030
[speedtest(2181)] [ 26] 3.00-4.00 sec 149 MBytes 1.25 Gbits/sec 107210
[speedtest(2181)] [ 26] 4.00-5.00 sec 149 MBytes 1.25 Gbits/sec 107260
[speedtest(2181)] [ ID] Interval Transfer Bitrate Jitter
Lost/Total Datagrams
[speedtest(2181)] [ 26] 0.00-5.00 sec 747 MBytes 1.25 Gbits/sec 0.000 ms
0/536190 (0%) sender
[speedtest(2181)] [ 26] 0.00-5.00 sec 271 MBytes 454 Mbits/sec 0.000 ms
341627/535995 (64%) receiver
[speedtest(2181)] client(sender): bytes_recv=283777280, bytes_sent=782837400, sender_
time=5.000, recver_time=5.000
[speedtest(2181)] client(sender): up_speed: 454 Mbits/sec
[speedtest(2181)] speed test Done.
[speedtest(2181)] start downloading test.
[speedtest(2181)] Connecting to host, port 7000
[speedtest(2181)] Reverse mode, remote host is sending
[speedtest(2181)] [ 26] local port 7998 connected to port 7000
[speedtest(2181)] [ ID] Interval Transfer Bitrate Jitter
Lost/Total Datagrams
[speedtest(2181)] [ 26] 0.00-1.00 sec 54.6 MBytes 458 Mbits/sec 0.007 ms
70745/109978 (64%)
[speedtest(2181)] [ 26] 1.00-2.00 sec 54.8 MBytes 460 Mbits/sec 0.008 ms
67547/106917 (63%)
[speedtest(2181)] [ 26] 2.00-3.00 sec 54.9 MBytes 460 Mbits/sec 0.010 ms
67543/106940 (63%)
[speedtest(2181)] [ 26] 3.00-4.00 sec 54.8 MBytes 460 Mbits/sec 0.006 ms
67636/107024 (63%)
[speedtest(2181)] [ 26] 4.00-5.00 sec 54.9 MBytes 460 Mbits/sec 0.004 ms
67421/106842 (63%)
[speedtest(2181)] [ ID] Interval Transfer Bitrate Jitter
Lost/Total Datagrams
[speedtest(2181)] [ 26] 0.00-5.00 sec 750 MBytes 1.26 Gbits/sec 0.000 ms
0/538540 (0%) sender
[speedtest(2181)] [ 26] 0.00-5.00 sec 274 MBytes 460 Mbits/sec 0.004 ms
340892/537701 (63%) receiver
2. After the speed test schedule runs, view the result on the spoke FGT_D:
On spoke FGT_D, authentication succeeds through port 6000, and the test runs on port 7000. UDP mode is used,
and the test is successful.
# diagnose debug application speedtest -1
fcron_speedtest_ipsec_request_init()-464: root: spoke21-p1(spoke21-p1) id=00380011
fd=25, init request= ->, test= -> succeed.
[speedtest(4309)] start uploading test.
[speedtest(4309)] Connecting to host, port 7000
[speedtest(4309)] [ 27] local port 15349 connected to port
[speedtest(4309)] [ ID] Interval Transfer Bitrate Total Datagrams
[speedtest(4309)] [ 27] 0.00-1.00 sec 148 MBytes 1.24 Gbits/sec 105940
[speedtest(4309)] [ 27] 1.00-2.00 sec 148 MBytes 1.24 Gbits/sec 105990
[speedtest(4309)] [ 27] 2.00-3.00 sec 147 MBytes 1.24 Gbits/sec 105860
[speedtest(4309)] [ 27] 3.00-4.00 sec 148 MBytes 1.24 Gbits/sec 105960
[speedtest(4309)] [ 27] 4.00-5.00 sec 148 MBytes 1.24 Gbits/sec 106090
[speedtest(4309)] [ ID] Interval Transfer Bitrate Jitter
Lost/Total Datagrams
[speedtest(4309)] [ 27] 0.00-5.00 sec 738 MBytes 1.24 Gbits/sec 0.000 ms
0/529840 (0%) sender
[speedtest(4309)] [ 27] 0.00-5.00 sec 271 MBytes 454 Mbits/sec 0.000 ms
335130/529650 (63%) receiver
[speedtest(4309)] client(sender): bytes_recv=283999200, bytes_sent=773566400, sender_
time=5.000, recver_time=5.000
[speedtest(4309)] client(sender): up_speed: 454 Mbits/sec
[speedtest(4309)] speed test Done.
[speedtest(4309)] start downloading test.
[speedtest(4309)] Connecting to host, port 7000
[speedtest(4309)] Reverse mode, remote host is sending
[speedtest(4309)] [ 27] local port 19586 connected to port
[speedtest(4309)] [ ID] Interval Transfer Bitrate Jitter
Lost/Total Datagrams
[speedtest(4309)] [ 27] 0.00-1.00 sec 56.1 MBytes 471 Mbits/sec 0.005 ms
70258/110574 (64%)
[speedtest(4309)] [ 27] 1.00-2.00 sec 56.0 MBytes 470 Mbits/sec 0.006 ms
66496/106740 (62%)
[speedtest(4309)] [ 27] 2.00-3.00 sec 56.0 MBytes 470 Mbits/sec 0.005 ms
66481/106736 (62%)
[speedtest(4309)] [ 27] 3.00-4.00 sec 56.1 MBytes 471 Mbits/sec 0.007 ms
66403/106690 (62%)
[speedtest(4309)] [ 27] 4.00-5.00 sec 56.3 MBytes 473 Mbits/sec 0.008 ms
65991/106454 (62%)
[speedtest(4309)] [ ID] Interval Transfer Bitrate Jitter
Lost/Total Datagrams
[speedtest(4309)] [ 27] 0.00-5.00 sec 749 MBytes 1.26 Gbits/sec 0.000 ms
0/538110 (0%) sender
[speedtest(4309)] [ 27] 0.00-5.00 sec 281 MBytes 471 Mbits/sec 0.008 ms
335629/537194 (62%) receiver
[speedtest(4309)] client(recver): bytes_recv=294284900, bytes_sent=785640600, sender_
time=5.000, recver_time=5.001
[speedtest(4309)] client(recver): down_speed: 471 Mbits/sec
[speedtest(4309)] speed test Done.
fcron_speedtest_notify_func()-1275: Speed test pid=4309 done
3. After the speed test schedule runs, view the result on the hub (FGT_A):
The server side uses speedtestd, while the client side uses speedtest.
The speed test results are applied on hub-phase1_0 and hub_phase1_1 as egress traffic shaping.
# diagnose debug application speedtestd -1
[speedtest(2771)] [ 7] local port 7000 connected to port
[speedtest(2771)] [ 7] local port 7000 connected to port 7998
[sptestd::ctrl(0377):root] set shaper: if=hub-phase1, tun=hub-phase1_0, sp=profile_1,
[speedtest(2771)] [ 7] local port 7000 connected to port
[speedtest(2771)] [ 7] local port 7000 connected to port
[sptestd::ctrl(0377):root] set shaper: if=hub-phase1, tun=hub-phase1_1, sp=profile_1,
5. On the hub (FGT_A), verify the speed test results are applied to the hub's IPsec tunnels as egress traffic shaping:
On hub-phase1_0 and hub-phase1_1, the correct traffic control is displayed.
# diagnose vpn tunnel list
list all ipsec tunnel in vd 0
name=hub-phase1_0 ver=2 serial=16> tun_id= tun_
id6=2000:10:10:15::1 dst_mtu=1500 dpd-link=on weight=1
bound_if=11 lgwy=static/1 tun=intf mode=dial_inst/3 encap=none/74408 options[122a8]=npu
rgwy-chg frag-rfc run_state=0 role=primary accept_traffic=1 overlay_id=10
parent=hub-phase1 index=0
egress traffic control:
bandwidth=459745(kbps) lock_hit=0 default_class=2 n_active_class=3
class-id=2 allocated-bandwidth=45974(kbps) guaranteed-
max-bandwidth=45974(kbps) current-bandwidth=0(kbps)
priority=low forwarded_bytes=86K
dropped_packets=0 dropped_bytes=0
class-id=3 allocated-bandwidth=137923(kbps) guaranteed-
max-bandwidth=183897(kbps) current-bandwidth=0(kbps)
priority=medium forwarded_bytes=0
dropped_packets=0 dropped_bytes=0
class-id=4 allocated-bandwidth=275846(kbps) guaranteed-
max-bandwidth=275846(kbps) current-bandwidth=0(kbps)
priority=high forwarded_bytes=0
dropped_packets=0 dropped_bytes=0
name=hub-phase1_1 ver=2 serial=17> tun_id= tun_
id6=2000:10:10:15::2 dst_mtu=1500 dpd-link=on weight=1
bound_if=11 lgwy=static/1 tun=intf mode=dial_inst/3 encap=none/74408 options[122a8]=npu
rgwy-chg frag-rfc run_state=0 role=primary accept_traffic=1 overlay_id=10
parent=hub-phase1 index=1
egress traffic control:
bandwidth=470855(kbps) lock_hit=0 default_class=2 n_active_class=3
class-id=2 allocated-bandwidth=47085(kbps) guaranteed-
max-bandwidth=47085(kbps) current-bandwidth=0(kbps)
priority=low forwarded_bytes=81K
dropped_packets=0 dropped_bytes=0
class-id=3 allocated-bandwidth=141256(kbps) guaranteed-
max-bandwidth=188341(kbps) current-bandwidth=0(kbps)
priority=medium forwarded_bytes=0
dropped_packets=0 dropped_bytes=0
class-id=4 allocated-bandwidth=282512(kbps) guaranteed-
max-bandwidth=282512(kbps) current-bandwidth=0(kbps)
priority=high forwarded_bytes=0
dropped_packets=0 dropped_bytes=0
The interface speed test can be used to populate the bandwidth values based on the results.
To manually configure the upstream and downstream interface bandwidth values in the GUI:
Alternatively, use the GUI speed test on page 1150 to add the speed test results to the
interface's estimated bandwidth with one click.
To manually configure the upstream and downstream interface bandwidth values in the CLI:
The populated bandwidth values can be employed in conjunction with various WAN intelligence strategies such as load
balancing without SLA targets, load balancing with SLA targets, and best quality. These strategies are used to select an
SD-WAN interface in SD-WAN service rules.
In this example, SD-WAN interfaces, wan1 and wan2, are connected to two different internet service providers (ISPs),
both providing access to the public internet. The preference is for Gmail services to use the link with the highest
d. Click OK.
5. Verify that the Estimated bandwidth values are used to select an SD-WAN interface in SD-WAN service rules.
a. Verify the health check status:
# diagnose sys sdwan health-check status
Health Check(google):
Seq(1 wan1): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(4.996), jitter(0.824), mos
(4.401), bandwidth-up(414400), bandwidth-dw(405115), bandwidth-bi(819515) sla_map=0x0
Seq(2 wan2): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) latency(4.634), jitter(0.340), mos
(4.402), bandwidth-up(443975), bandwidth-dw(699264), bandwidth-bi(1143239) sla_
Since wan2 has superior bandwidth, SD-WAN will prioritize Seq_num(2) over Seq_num(1), and wan2 will be
utilized to route Gmail traffic. The bandwidth is automatically determined by the Estimated bandwidth values, which
were populated by running a speed test in the GUI.
The interface speed test can be used to populate the bandwidth values based on the results.
The populated bandwidth values can be used in conjunction with either an egress or ingress traffic shaping profile.
This topic includes examples that show various tests based on different modes (auto, TCP, UDP), latency thresholds,
and test servers. Some test protocols and servers are manually configured, while others are chosen by the FortiGate.
These examples assume the FortiGate is connected to the internet, has a valid SD-WAN Network Monitor license, and
has downloaded the server list of speed tests from FortiCloud. See CLI speed test on page 1149 for more information.
l Example 1: executing a speed test without specifying the interface, server, and mode
l Example 2: executing a speed test with a lower latency threshold setting
l Example 3: executing the speed test with diagnose netlink interface speed-test
l Example 4: executing the speed test according to the schedule
l Example 5: executing multiple speed tests with TCP and UDP connections
Example 1: executing a speed test without specifying the interface, server, and mode
Geographically, the Vancouver server ( has the smallest latency (around 7 ms) to FGT_A, so it will be
automatically selected for the speed test because the latency 7 ms to is less than the default latency-
threshold of 60 ms. Meanwhile, four TCP connections will be initiated to perform the test since the default multiple-
tcp-stream is 4.
2. Execute a ping to the closest test server,, to learn the latency for the connection:
# execute ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=50 time=7.5 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=50 time=7.2 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=50 time=7.1 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=50 time=7.1 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=50 time=9.1 ms
# execute speed-test
Initializing speed test.
current vdom=root
Run in uploading mode.
Connecting to host, port 5203
[ 7] local port 21219 connected to port 5203
[ 9] local port 21220 connected to port 5203
[ 11] local port 21221 connected to port 5203
[ 13] local port 21222 connected to port 5203
[ ID] Interval Transfer Bitrate Retr Cwnd
[ 7] 0.00-1.00 sec 22.4 MBytes 188 Mbits/sec 17 140 KBytes
[ 9] 0.00-1.00 sec 9.71 MBytes 81.4 Mbits/sec 6 73.5 KBytes
[ 11] 0.00-1.00 sec 18.5 MBytes 155 Mbits/sec 12 117 KBytes
[SUM] 0.00-5.02 sec 321 MBytes 536 Mbits/sec receiver
The tested upload/download speed for port1 is 536 Mbps/555 Mbps when connecting to the closest server with four TCP
The latency-threshold setting is changed to 5 ms, which is less than the latency 7 ms to When
executing the speed test, one UDP connection will be initiated as expected.
The tested upload/download speed for port1 is 917 Mbps/595 Mbps when connecting to the closest server with one UDP
Example 3: executing the speed test with diagnose netlink interface speed-test
After running this diagnose command, the results are recorded in the interface settings for reference as measured-
upstream-bandwidth and measured-downstream-bandwidth.
After running the speed test, the results are recorded in the interface settings for reference as measured-upstream-
bandwidth and measured-downstream-bandwidth.
The speed test will be initiated at 17:07 based on 10 TCP connections. The results will be recorded in port1's
interface settings.
3. Verify the speed test results:
show system interface port1
config system interface
edit "port1"
set measured-upstream-bandwidth 715636
set measured-downstream-bandwidth 819682
set bandwidth-measure-time 1689811759
Example 5: executing multiple speed tests with TCP and UDP connections
A speed test is executed to the closest server using 64 TCP connections and another speed test is executed using one
UDP connection. The results can be checked with a third-party platform (such as Ookla), which returns comparable
Troubleshooting SD-WAN
You can check the destination interface in Dashboard > FortiView Sessions in order to see which port the traffic is being
forwarded to.
The example below demonstrates a source-based load-balance between two SD-WAN members:
l If the source IP address is an even number, it will go to port13.
l If the source IP address is an odd number, it will go to port12.
This topic lists the SD-WAN related logs and explains when the logs will be triggered.
l When health-check has an SLA target and detects SLA changes, and changes to fail:
1: date=2021-04-20 time=21:32:33 eventtime=1618979553388763760 tz="-0700"
logid="0113022923" type="event" subtype="sdwan" level="notice" vd="root" logdesc="SDWAN
status" eventtype="Health Check" healthcheck="test" slatargetid=1 oldvalue="2"
newvalue="1" msg="Number of pass member changed."
2: date=2021-04-20 time=21:32:33 eventtime=1618979553388751880 tz="-0700"
logid="0113022923" type="event" subtype="sdwan" level="notice" vd="root" logdesc="SDWAN
status" eventtype="Health Check" healthcheck="test" slatargetid=1 member="1" msg="Member
status changed. Member out-of-sla."
l When health-check has an SLA target and detects SLA changes, and changes to pass:
1: date=2021-04-20 time=21:38:49 eventtime=1618979929908765200 tz="-0700"
logid="0113022923" type="event" subtype="sdwan" level="notice" vd="root" logdesc="SDWAN
status" eventtype="Health Check" healthcheck="test" slatargetid=1 oldvalue="1"
newvalue="2" msg="Number of pass member changed."
2: date=2021-04-20 time=21:38:49 eventtime=1618979929908754060 tz="-0700"
logid="0113022923" type="event" subtype="sdwan" level="information" vd="root"
logdesc="SDWAN status" eventtype="Health Check" healthcheck="test" slatargetid=1
member="1" msg="Member status changed. Member in sla."
SD-WAN calculates a link's session/bandwidth over/under its ratio and stops/resumes traffic:
l When SD-WAN calculates a link's session/bandwidth over its configured ratio and stops forwarding traffic:
1: date=2021-04-20 time=21:55:14 eventtime=1618980914728863220 tz="-0700"
logid="0113022924" type="event" subtype="sdwan" level="notice" vd="root" logdesc="SDWAN
volume status" eventtype="Volume" interface="R160" member="2" msg="Member enters into
conservative status with limited ablity to receive new sessions for too much traffic."
l When SD-WAN calculates a link's session/bandwidth according to its ratio and resumes forwarding traffic:
2: date=2021-04-20 time=22:12:52 eventtime=1618981972698753360 tz="-0700"
logid="0113022924" type="event" subtype="sdwan" level="notice" vd="root" logdesc="SDWAN
volume status" eventtype="Volume" interface="R160" member="2" msg="Member resume normal
status to receive new sessions for internal adjustment"
l When the SLA mode service rule's SLA qualified member changes. In this example R150 fails the SLA check, but is
still alive:
1: date=2021-04-20 time=22:40:46 eventtime=1618983646428803040 tz="-0700"
logid="0113022923" type="event" subtype="sdwan" level="notice" vd="root" logdesc="SDWAN
status" eventtype="Service" serviceid=1 service="test" seq="2,1" msg="Service
prioritized by SLA will be redirected in sequence order."
l When the SLA mode service rule's SLA qualified member changes. In this example R150 changes from fail to pass:
2: date=2021-04-20 time=22:41:51 eventtime=1618983711678827920 tz="-0700"
logid="0113022923" type="event" subtype="sdwan" level="notice" vd="root" logdesc="SDWAN
l When priority mode service rule member's link status changes. In this example R150 changes to better than R160,
and both are still alive:
1: date=2021-04-20 time=22:56:55 eventtime=1618984615708804760 tz="-0700"
logid="0113022923" type="event" subtype="sdwan" level="notice" vd="root" logdesc="SDWAN
status" eventtype="Service" serviceid=1 service="test" metric="packet-loss" seq="2,1"
msg="Service prioritized by performance metric will be redirected in sequence order."
l When priority mode service rule member's link status changes. In this example R160 changes to better than R150,
and both are still alive:
2: date=2021-04-20 time=22:56:58 eventtime=1618984618278852140 tz="-0700"
logid="0113022923" type="event" subtype="sdwan" level="notice" vd="root" logdesc="SDWAN
status" eventtype="Service" serviceid=1 service="test" metric="packet-loss" seq="1,2"
msg="Service prioritized by performance metric will be redirected in sequence order."
l When SD-WAN member fails the health-check, it will stop forwarding traffic:
1: date=2021-04-20 time=23:04:32 eventtime=1618985072898756700 tz="-0700"
logid="0113022923" type="event" subtype="sdwan" level="notice" vd="root" logdesc="SDWAN
status" eventtype="Service" interface="R150" member="1" serviceid=1 service="test"
gateway= msg="Member link is unreachable or miss threshold. Stop forwarding
traffic. "
l When SD-WAN member passes the health-check again, it will resume forwarding logs:
2: date=2021-04-20 time=23:06:08 eventtime=1618985168018789600 tz="-0700"
logid="0113022923" type="event" subtype="sdwan" level="notice" vd="root" logdesc="SDWAN
status" eventtype="Service" interface="R150" member="1" serviceid=1 service="test"
gateway= msg="Member link is available. Start forwarding traffic. "
l When load-balance mode service rule's SLA qualified member changes. In this example R150 changes to not meet
1: date=2021-04-20 time=23:10:24 eventtime=1618985425048820800 tz="-0700"
logid="0113022923" type="event" subtype="sdwan" level="notice" vd="root" logdesc="SDWAN
status" eventtype="Service" serviceid=1 service="test" member="2(R160)" msg="Service
will be load balanced among members with available routing."
l When load-balance mode service rule's SLA qualified member changes. In this example R150 changes to meet
2: date=2021-04-20 time=23:11:34 eventtime=1618985494478807100 tz="-0700"
logid="0113022923" type="event" subtype="sdwan" level="notice" vd="root" logdesc="SDWAN
status" eventtype="Service" serviceid=1 service="test" member="2(R160),1(R150)"
msg="Service will be load balanced among members with available routing."
l When SLA fails, SLA link status logs will be generated with interval sla-fail-log-period:
1: date=2021-04-20 time=23:18:10 eventtime=1618985890469018260 tz="-0700"
logid="0113022925" type="event" subtype="sdwan" level="notice" vd="root" logdesc="SDWAN
SLA information" eventtype="SLA" healthcheck="test" slatargetid=1 interface="R150"
status="up" latency="0.061" jitter="0.004" packetloss="2.000%"
inbandwidthavailable="0kbps" outbandwidthavailable="200.00Mbps"
bibandwidthavailable="200.00Mbps" inbandwidthused="1kbps" outbandwidthused="1kbps"
bibandwidthused="2kbps" slamap="0x0" metric="packetloss" msg="Health Check SLA status.
SLA failed due to being over the performance metric threshold."
l When SLA passes, SLA link status logs will be generated with interval sla-pass-log-period:
2: date=2021-04-20 time=23:18:12 eventtime=1618985892509027220 tz="-0700"
logid="0113022925" type="event" subtype="sdwan" level="information" vd="root"
logdesc="SDWAN SLA information" eventtype="SLA" healthcheck="test" slatargetid=1
interface="R150" status="up" latency="0.060" jitter="0.003" packetloss="0.000%"
inbandwidthavailable="0kbps" outbandwidthavailable="200.00Mbps"
bibandwidthavailable="200.00Mbps" inbandwidthused="1kbps" outbandwidthused="1kbps"
bibandwidthused="2kbps" slamap="0x1" msg="Health Check SLA status."
This topic lists the SD-WAN related diagnose commands and related output.
l You can also use the diagnose netlink dstmac list command to check if you are over the limit.
FGT # diagnose netlink dstmac list R150
dev=R150 mac=00:00:00:00:00:00 vwl rx_tcp_mss=0 tx_tcp_mss=0 egress_overspill_
For example:
# diagnose sys link-monitor interface vd2-2
Interface(vd2-2): state(up, since Tue Jun 15 12:31:28 2021), bandwidth(up:1299bps,
down:0bps), session count(IPv4:2, IPv6:0), tx(2409919 bytes), rx(5292290 bytes), latency
(0.03), jitter(0.00), packet-loss(0.00).
To check BGP learned routes and determine if they are used in SD-WAN service:
Original VRF 0
20 10 from (
Origin incomplete metric 0, route tag 15, localpref 100, valid, external, best
Community: 30:5
Advertised Path ID: 1
Last update: Thu Apr 22 10:25:50 2021
FGT # diagnose sys sdwan route-tag-list
Route-tag: 15, address: v4(1), v6(0)Last write/now: 6543391 6566007
service(1), last read route-tag 15 at 6543420
Prefix(24): Address list(1): oif: 50 48
FGT # diagnose firewall proute list
list route policy info(vf=root):
id=2133196801(0x7f260001) vwl_service=1(DataCenter) vwl_mbr_seq=1 2 dscp_tag=0xff 0xff
You can monitor SD-WAN health check related statistics using SNMP. The MIB file can be downloaded by going to
System > SNMP and clicking Download FortiGate MIB File.
The following OIDs can be monitored:
This example shows a SD-WAN health check configuration and its collected statistics.
edit 2
set interface "MPLS"
set zone "SD-Zone2"
set cost 20
edit 3
set interface "port2"
config health-check
edit "pingserver"
set server ""
set sla-fail-log-period 10
set sla-pass-log-period 20
set members 2 1 3
config sla
edit 1
set link-cost-factor jitter packet-loss
set packetloss-threshold 2
fgVWLHealthCheckLinkID . 1 2 3
fgVWLHealthCheckLinkSeq . 2 1 3
fgVWLHealthCheckLinkState . 0 0 0
fgVWLHealthCheckLinkPacketLoss . 0 0 0
Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) is an access control method that uses client device identification, authentication, and
security posture tags (formerly ZTNA tags) to provide role-based application access. It gives administrators the flexibility
to manage network access for On-net local users and Off-net remote users. Access to applications is granted only after
device verification, authenticating the user’s identity, authorizing the user, and then performing context based posture
checks using security posture tags.
Traditionally, a user and a device have different sets of rules for on-net access and off-net VPN access to company
resources. With a distributed workforce and access that spans company networks, data centers, and cloud, managing
the rules can become complex. User experience is also affected when multiple VPNs are needed to get to various
resources. ZTNA can improve this experience.
l ZTNA application gateway allows users to securely access resources through an SSL encrypted access proxy. This
simplifies remote access by eliminating the use of VPNs.
l IP/MAC based access control combines IP/MAC with security posture tags for identification and security posture
check to implement role-based zero trust access.
When On-net and Off-net FortiClient endpoints register to FortiClient EMS, device information, log on user information,
and security posture are all shared over ZTNA telemetry with the EMS server. Clients also make a certificate signing
request to obtain a client certificate from the EMS that is acting as the ZTNA Certificate Authority (CA).
Based on the client information, EMS applies matching Zero Trust tagging rules to tag the clients. These tags, and the
client certificate information, are synchronized with the FortiGate in real-time. This allows the FortiGate to verify the
client's identity using the client certificate, and grant access based on the security posture tags applied in the ZTNA
For more information, see Establish device identity and trust context with FortiClient EMS on page 1203.
Application gateway
The FortiGate application gateway can proxy HTTP, SSH, RDP, SMB, FTP, and other TCP traffic over secure
connections with the client. This enables seamless access from the client to the protected servers, without needing to
form IPsec or SSL VPN tunnels.
The FortiGate HTTPS access proxy works as a reverse proxy for the HTTP server. When a client connects to a webpage
hosted by the protected server, the address resolves to the FortiGate’s access proxy VIP. The FortiGate proxies the
connection and takes steps to authenticate the user. It prompts the user for their certificate on the browser, and verifies
this against the ZTNA endpoint record that is synchronized from the EMS. If an authentication scheme, such as SAML
authentication, is configured, the client is redirected to a captive portal for sign-on. If this passes, traffic is allowed based
on ZTNA policies, and the FortiGate returns the webpage to the client.
For example configurations, see ZTNA HTTPS access proxy example on page 1232, ZTNA HTTPS access proxy with
basic authentication example on page 1243, and ZTNA application gateway with SAML authentication example on page
The TCP forwarding access proxy works as a special type of HTTPS reverse proxy. Instead of proxying traffic to a web
server, TCP traffic is tunneled between the client and the access proxy over HTTPS, and forwarded to the protected
resource. The FortiClient on the remote endpoint intercepts traffic destined for the protected resources and routes them
to the FortiGate proxy gateway. An HTTPS connection is made to the FortiGate’s access proxy VIP, where the client
certificate is verified and access is granted based on the ZTNA policies. TCP traffic is forwarded from the FortiGate to the
protected resource, and an end to end connection is established. To reduce overhead, you can disable access proxy
encryption on the client, as some TCP protocols, like RDP, are already secure. The TCP forwarding access proxy
supports UTM scanning and deep inspection for HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, SMTPS, IMAP, IMAPS, POP3, POP3S, SMB,
and CIFS.
For an example configuration, see ZTNA TCP forwarding access proxy example on page 1250.
The SSH access proxy provides some benefits to proxying SSH connections over TFAP, including allowing SSH deep
inspection, performing optional SSH host-key validation, and allowing one-time user authentication to authenticate the
ZTNA SSH access proxy connection and SSH server connection.
For an example configuration, see ZTNA SSH access proxy example on page 1260.
The basic components required to configure ZTNA application gateway on the FortiGate are:
1. FortiClient EMS fabric connector and security posture tags.
2. FortiClient EMS running version 7.0.0 or later or FortiClient EMS Cloud.
3. FortiClient running 7.0.0 or later.
4. ZTNA server
5. ZTNA policy
6. (Optional) User authentication
7. (Optional) HA configurations
This feature is not supported on FortiGate models with 2 GB RAM or less. See Proxy-related features not supported on
FortiGate 2 GB RAM models on page 101 for more information.
To deploy a ZTNA application gateway, configure the following components on the FortiGate:
1. Configure a FortiClient EMS connector on page 1192
2. Configure a ZTNA server on page 1194
3. Configure a ZTNA policy on page 1197
4. Optional authentication on page 1201
5. Optional HA configurations on page 1203
This feature is not supported on FortiGate models with 2 GB RAM or less. See Proxy-related features not supported on
FortiGate 2 GB RAM models on page 101 for more information.
To configure ZTNA in the GUI, go to System > Feature Visibility and enable Zero Trust
Network Access.
1. Go to Security Fabric > Fabric Connectors and double-click the FortiClient EMS card.
2. Set the Status to Enabled.
3. Enter a name for the connector and the IP address or FQDN of the EMS.
4. Click OK.
5. A window appears to verify the EMS server certificate. Click Accept.
See FortiClient EMS for more information.
1. Go to Security Fabric > Fabric Connectors and double-click the FortiClient EMS card.
2. Set the Status to Enabled.
3. Set the Type to FortiClient EMS Cloud.
4. Enter a name for the connector.
5. Click OK. A window appears to verify the EMS server certificate.
6. Click Accept.
See FortiClient EMS for more information.
After the FortiGate connects to the FortiClient EMS, it automatically synchronizes security posture tags (formerly
ZTNA tags). Security posture tags are generated from tagging rules configured on the FortiClient EMS. These tagging
rules are based on various posture checks that can be applied on the endpoints. See Endpoint Posture Check
1. Go to Policy & Objects > ZTNA and select the Security Posture Tags tab.
2. Hover the cursor over a tag name to view more information about the tag, such as its resolved addresses.
1. Go to Policy & Objects > ZTNA and select the Security Posture Tag Group tab.
2. Click Create New.
3. Enter a name for the group and select the group members.
4. Click OK.
To configure a ZTNA server, define the access proxy VIP and the real servers that clients will connect to. The access
proxy VIP is the FortiGate ZTNA gateway that clients make HTTPS connections to. The service/server mappings define
the virtual host matching rules and the real server mappings of the HTTPS requests.
1. Go to Policy & Objects > ZTNA and select the ZTNA Servers tab.
2. Click Create New.
3. Enter a name for the server.
4. Select an Interface. The IP address and Port fields are automatically filled in based on the interface selection.
Verify that the IP address and port do not conflict with management access to the
interface. Otherwise, change the IP address to another address on that subnet.
You may specify the IP address as if an interface other than Any is selected. The
ZTNA Application Gateway IP address will dynamically use the primary and secondary
IPv4 address of the interface as its external IP address.
5. Select the Default certificate. Clients will be presented with this certificate when they connect to the access proxy
e. In the Server section, enter the server IP address and port number.
f. Click OK.
7. Click OK.
8. Use the CLI to add additional servers and mappings to the ZTNA server.
After additional servers and mappings are added, the Load balancing option is visible in the GUI.
config firewall access-proxy
edit "ZTNA-Server"
config api-gateway
edit 1
config realservers
edit 0
set ip <real server 2 address>
set port <real server 2 port>
A ZTNA policy is used to enforce zero trust role based access control by using security posture tags or tag groups to
verify a device’s security posture. A ZTNA policy can also utilize security profiles to protect this traffic.
In earlier versions, ZTNA rules were special proxy policies that controlled access to the ZTNA
servers, and they could be configured from the Policy & Objects > ZTNA > ZTNA Rules tab.
However, on this version and above, these special proxy policies are now configured from
Policy & Objects > Proxy Policy page.
There are two ways to configure ZTNA rules in the GUI by using a full or simple ZTNA policy:
l Full ZTNA policy: The legacy method for configuring access-proxy policies.
l Simple ZTNA policy: A simplified method for configuring a ZTNA policy using firewall policies. This method covers
most functionality of a Full ZTNA policy, except it cannot control access based on destination interface or real
server’s destination address.
The transparent and poolname settings cannot be enabled at the same time. Use one
setting at a time when configuring ZTNA policies.