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This information sheet gives employers and employees practical advice on managing
maintenance activities and the main hazards associated with the maintenance work.
Maintenance is a very common activity which affects all workplaces, in every sector,
and it concerns everyone at all levels (not just employees with ‘maintenance’ in their
job description).

Buildings and structures that are not maintained regularly and falls, which need to be assessed to eliminate or reduce
eventually become unsafe not only for the people who the risk of injury or ill health.
work in them, but also for those who enter them and
As an employer or manager, you must risk assess the
even pass by them.
hazards; therefore maintenance work needs to be
Machinery that is poorly maintained or not maintained planned and the hazards must be identified before the
regularly can make working conditions unsafe work commences.
for operators and create risks for other
employees, and may even cause business
Types of Maintenance
There are two types of maintenance:
While maintenance is absolutely essential to
ensure safe and healthy working Corrective maintenance, also known as reactive
conditions, the maintenance work itself maintenance, when work is done to restore a system or
can pose serious health and safety machine from a failed state to a working state (e.g. repair
risks if not properly managed. or replacement of broken components).
Maintenance work may cause Preventive or planned maintenance, when actions are
additional hazards, e.g. carried out at set intervals or according to prescribed
fire, machine guards
criteria, e.g. as per the manufacturer’s manual, is intended
removed, slips trips
to reduce the probability of failure or
the deterioration of an item. In this
case, actions are scheduled,
proactive and intended to control
the deterioration process leading
to failure of a system (e.g.
replacement, lubrication, cleaning or

Careful planning of maintenance activities is a crucial 4. Falls of heavy items:

element to minimise the risks for the maintenance
Heavy items sometimes have to be moved, or get
employees themselves and for others, including
disturbed, during maintenance work. If one of these
sometimes the public.
falls, the results can be fatal. There may well be
cranes, fork lift trucks or props available for use, but
maintenance tasks can sometimes involve one-off
Hazards situations and the handling of heavy loads isn't
always properly planned.
Because maintenance is carried out in all sectors and
workplaces and involves a wide range of tasks, it is Some other hazards associated with maintenance work
associated with a great variety of hazards. It often include chemical hazards such as:
involves unusual work, non-routine tasks and is often  Glass fibres
 Vapours, fumes, dusts (e.g. asphalt fumes, diesel
performed in exceptional conditions, such as working in
confined spaces. During maintenance activity employees
exhaust, crystalline silica)
often need to be in close contact with processes and
moving machinery. Working under time pressure is also
typical for maintenance operations, especially when
shutdowns or high-priority repairs are involved.
Biological hazards such as:
There are four items that merit particular
attention because of the severity of  Bacteria (e.g. legionella, salmonella)
the harm that could be involved,  Mould and fungi
and because they are commonly
encountered during plant and
building maintenance. Physical hazards such as:
 Noise, vibration
 Excessive heat and cold
 Radiation (ultraviolet radiation,
1. Falls from height:
Maintenance work often x-rays, electromagnetic fields)

involves using access
High physical workload

equipment to reach roofs,
gutters, building services, and Ergonomic-related risks, e.g.
raised sections of plant and difficult to reach items to be maintained,
machinery. It can be all too easy to fall strenuous movements (bending, kneeling,
from these positions, or to drop things onto reaching, pushing and pulling, working in confined
people beneath. spaces)

2. “Live” plant and equipment:

Risk Assessment of Maintenance Tasks
Isolation and lock off arrangements, and in some
cases permits to work, are essential to enable Before starting any maintenance work, a risk assessment
maintenance work to be conducted safely as these should be carried out. Employees should be involved in
cut power to the plant and equipment and prevent the initial risk assessment. Assessment of risk for
start up until maintenance work is complete. maintenance operations can sometimes be difficult
because of various uncertainties, such as not knowing
3. Disturbing asbestos: the actual condition of plant until it has been opened
up or not being able to decide on remedial measures
The health consequences of disturbing asbestos
until an initial survey has been completed.
when drilling holes into the building fabric or
replacing panels can be severe, as can the clean up
costs involved.

Page 2 | Maintenance

Risk assessments and safe work procedures must be Maintenance employees must receive safety training
clearly communicated and understood. Procedures need including relevant information as set out in the safety
to be in place for unexpected events. These procedures statement, risk assessments and applicable information
might, for example, prescribe the need for a new risk regarding safe working procedures. They must also be
assessment before work restarts, or consulting with trained in the use of fire extinguishers where hot work
another employee or a supervisor. Part of the safe system is undertaken and must be made aware of all external
of work should be to stop work when faced with an gas, water and electricity cut off points.
unforeseen problem or a problem exceeding one’s own
Control Measures

Selecting Contractors Control measures can be identified and implemented

based on the results of the risk assessment. When
You may do some or most of your maintenance in- hazards cannot be completely eliminated, risks should
house, but there will always be tasks that are too big or be minimised by other measures. Due to the variety of
specialised and require contractors. External maintenance work and therefore hazards it is not
maintenance employees must liaise with management possible to detail all potential controls but these may
or other designated person when arriving at your include engineering controls, such as enclosing the
premises to carry out maintenance work. To enable both process, local exhaust ventilation and safety guards, and
in-house and contracted staff to work in safety, you will safe systems of work including lock-out procedures and
need to properly brief them on the hazards associated work-permits. Some examples overleaf:
with your workplace, they must brief you on the hazards
associated with the work they are going to be doing in
your workplace, and you will need them to follow safe
working practices.

All relevant information related to the maintenance
work which is necessary to perform a task safely and
correctly should be shared between all parties
concerned. This includes not only the employees and
contractors directly involved in the maintenance task,
but also those likely to be affected by it or who may be
working in the immediate vicinity. Important information
includes the results of the risk assessment, safe work
procedures, details of any necessary protective
equipment, how to report problems, and how to report
completion of the task(s).

Contractors and maintenance employees must possess
the appropriate knowledge and skills to carry out the
work safely, e.g. maintenance employees do not carry
out repairs on electrical circuits unless competent to do so.

Maintenance | Page 3

Hazard Controls
Falls from height Avoid work at height where possible. If not possible ensure all work at height is planned
and supervised, and employees are adequately trained

Ensure that, where appropriate, an edge protection system is in place, e.g. double
handrail or parapet

Make sure that employees climbing and working at height are secured and protected
against falls where necessary

If possible use a mechanical lifting device to eliminate the need to climb, such as a
“cherry picker” or an elevating work platform

Make employees aware of the danger and make sure they understand the importance of
the protective equipment they have to wear, that they know how to use it properly
and that it is inspected, maintained and replaced as required

“Live” plant and Make sure that machines are properly isolated from electric, hydraulic and pneumatic
equipment supplies before maintenance work is commenced
Unexpected start-up If adjustments are required to machines when parts are moving and pose a risk, these
of machines should only be carried out when machines are at slow speed and/or under “hold to run”

Guards are only removed to the extent work requires and replaced as soon as mainte-
nance is complete

Develop and apply safe systems of work including permits to work, lock-off and tagging

Make sure that safe systems of work are communicated and understood by the
employees when maintenance work is being done

Disturbing asbestos Where maintenance work may involve disturbing asbestos make sure all possible types
and locations of asbestos have been identified by a competent person

Make sure employees performing maintenance tasks are aware of the risks and know
how to protect themselves and others

Asbestos removal and disposal is to be carried out by trained, competent persons in

accordance with the relevant legislation

Make sure you obtain a clearance certificate from a competent person after asbestos
removal is complete and before any other work starts

Lifting / moving Plan the lift from start to finish before task commences
equipment or
materials Use mechanical equipment where possible to lift/move heavy loads

Falls of heavy items All lifting equipment and accessories must be certified by a competent person and the
operator of lifting equipment must be trained

Keep unnecessary personnel out of the lifting area

Prevent equipment or materials falling from a work area at height or while being lifted

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