Maths Practical
Maths Practical
Maths Practical
To verify distributive law for three
AOB C (A B)(A given non-empty sets
C). A, B and C, that is
Method of Construction
1. Take Material Required
drawing board and fix a white paper sheet A drawing board
of board pins. on it with the helpP
2 Draw A white paper sheet
three of them in
on the white
paper sheet with scale and Compass, pencil, sCIssors,
horizontal line and pencil, board pins, etc
another horizontal line below the first remaining two rectangles in
igure (il. (i). (i), (iv) and three rectangles as shown in
(i) (B C) B
(ii) (AB)
(ii) (A C)
(iv) A u (B n C)
3. These 5 rectangles are universal scts. So wTite on their left hand side U.
4. Draw three circles and mark them as A, B and C in each of the ive Teclangles as shown in the five
5. Shade the portions as shown in these five figures.
i. Each rectangle represents universal set and three sets A, B and C are its subsets.
2. Shaded portion in figure (i) represents (B n C).
3. Shaded portion in figure (ii) represcnts (A u B). Note: In the sane way, the other
4. Shaded portion in figure (ii) represents (A C). distributive law
5. Shaded portion in figure (iv) represents A (BC). A(B C)- (A (A C
can also be venfied
6. Shaded portion in figure (v) represents (A B) 1:AC).
1. Shaded portion of figurc (i) represents: (Bn C)
2 Shaded portion of figure (ii) represcnts: (A B
3. Shaded portion offigure (iii) represents: (A CI
This property of set operations (distributive property of set operation) can be used to simplify the problerns
involving set operations.
Activity 2.2
uncGtons of Relations
To identify a relation and a
Method of Construction
1. Take à
drawing board. Fix the white
of board pins. paper sheet on it with the half
Material Required
2. Take two sets A = A drawing board
{a, b, c, d} and B A white
3. Draw two
circles. In first circle ={1, 2, 3, 4 paper sheet
Now draw second figure Compass, pencil, scale
circle figure (i) and (i), write a, b, c and d inside it. board pins, etc
write 1, 2, 3, 4 inside it.
Join a to 1, b to 2 and to 3
with arrows as shown in
4. Draw two circles figures (i) and (ii).
again, figure (ii) and (iv). Write a, b, c, d inside circle
4 inside circle of figure (iv) of figure (ii) and write 1. 2. 3,
(li) iv)
Write a, b, c, dinside circle offigure (ii) and write 1, 2, 3, 4 inside circle offigure (iv). Join a to 1. b to 2
and 3, c to 4 and d to 4, with arrows.
5. Draw again two circles as shown in figure (v) and (vi). Write 1, 2, 3, 4 inside circle (v) and a, b, c, d
inside circle figure (vi).
(v) (vi)
Join a to 1, b to 1, c to 2 and d to 3 with arrows as shovn in figure (v) and (vi).
Dra AKa tw ciles as shown in
liygure (vii) and (vui).
Wnte b dnsie left side circle and
1,2,3,4 inside right side
circle. Join a to 1, bto 2, cto 2 and dto 4.
Set A-. 2 3. 4 shown in left circle
prrsents co-domain. represent domain and set B =
{a, b, c, di shown in right circle
Jf eachnumber a, b, c. d has been
lcft wthout joning joined to 1,2,3, 4 only by one arrowW
element of domain has and no
il with
element of co-domain, then it is a
in tigures it), (1i), cach
number a, b, chas becen function otherwise it is a relation.
w1th no element of set B. joined to 1,2,3,
by one arrow but d has
represent a relation and not a function. joined
Therefore figures (i) and (i)
in igures (t) and
(iv), number b of domain has been
B Hence this is also a relation
and not a function.
joined to co-domain by two arrows to co-domain
5 17 figures (v) and (vi), each number a, b, c, d of domain A has been
aTTOWS and no element of domain A
has been left without
joined with co-domain B with single
therefore this is a function. It is also a joining by some number of co-domain B
In figures (vii) and (vii). cach element
b, c, d of domain A has
arTOWS and no element of co-domain A been joined with co-domain B with single
has been left without joining to some number of
Tnereiore this a function. This function is relation also. co-domain B.
in figures (i and (il, ordered pairs are: (a, 1), (6, 2),
(c, 3). These ordered pairs constitute a relations
and not a function because clement d of domain A has been left
without joining.
In figures tii) and (iv), ordered pairs are: (a, 1), (b,
2), (b, 3), (c, 4), (d, 4). This is a relation and not a
function because in ordered pirs (h, 2) and (b, 3) irst number repeats.
3 Figures (v) and (vi), ordered pairs are: (a, 1), (b, 1), (c, 2) and (d, 3). This is a function
Telations hecause no element of domain has been leit without joining to some element of co-domain
and also aB
and no first nunber of any ordered pair is repeating therefore it is a function.
4 In figures (vii) and (vi), ordered pairs are: (a, 1), (b, 2),
(c, 2), (d, 4). Here also no element of domain
has teen left unpaired, no first entry in any ordered pair a repeats, therefore this is a function as well
as relatitn
This actwty can be used 1o deeicde wihether as piven relation is a function or not.
5. Linear Inegualities
Activity51 Graphical
Solutions of Linear
nequalittes in Two Variables
verify that the graph of a given inequality
Tepresents only one of the two half by 5x + 4y - 40< 0
planes. of the form ax by +
Method of Construction c* a, b 0,
1. Take the
2. Draw two
drawing board, fix the white papet shcet on it
with board pins.
white paper sheet. lines XOX and YOY'
intersecting at 0, on the Material Required
XOX is x-axis and
YOY is y-axis. Drawing board, white
equation of the line 5x+ 4y Graduate
3. Take the the x-axis and
40 0-
from =
y-axis. paper sheet, drawing
5x4y-40 < 0 the
inequation pins, scale, pencil
To draw its
5x+ 4y= 40
graph, make table of points
satisfy by the equation 5x +
4y =
Plot the 10 0
points A(0, 10) and B(8, 0) and join them
Line AB is the with a line.
graph of the linear equation
corresponding to the given linear inequation.
9 5
40 E4,7
X1D O1 2 7
4. Make wo half
planes I and Il as shown in the fig.
5. Mark some points O(0, 0). A(1, 1), B3, 2). C(4. 3) and D-1, -1) in
Mark some other
half plane
points E(4, 7), F(8, 4). G(9, 5). HI7. 5) in other
hal plane ll
1. Put the coordinates of the
point O{0, 0) in the left hand side o 5xt Ay-40 <0
5 0 t 4 0 - 10= --10 <
0 (True).
The coordinate ot the point Oj0, 0) lies in
plane I and satisfy the uequatot 5x4 Ay- 4o O
2. Put the coordinates of the point Atl, 1) in the leit hand
side of the
Itgives:5*1*41 -40 -31 <0 (True ineguateo 5ty-A0<0
Iience the coordinates ot the pont Al. 1) les in plane I satisty the ir.e .w
of the point D(-1, -1) lying in the plane I satisfy the 5x inequation 4y
.Put the coordinates of the point E(4, 7) in left hand side of the inequation 5x+ 4y- 40 0 <
It gives: 5* 4 +4 x
7 -40 =
20 +
25 -40 48- 40 8> o (False).
Hence the coordinates of the
5 x 4 y - 40 < 0.
point E (4, 7) lying in the half plane lI does not satisfy the inequation
7. Put the coordinates of the point F(8, 4)
in, the left hand side of the inequation 5x 4y -40 < 0.
It gives: 5 8+4x 4 -40 =40 +
16 - 40 =16 0 (False)>
40 0.
Itgives: 5 *9+ 4 x
5-40- 45 +
20 40 65 - 40 25 0 (False)
Hence he coordinates of the point G(9,5) lying in the
5x+4y-40 < 0.
half plane does not satisfy the inequation
9. In a
similar way, we can showthal the point H[7. 5) also does not satisiy the
inequation 5.+ 4y-40 0 .
Hence all the points O, A, B, C, and D satisly the inequation 5.x 4y- 40 < 0 and hence lie in the :l!
plane I and all the points E, F, G, H, which do not satisly the linear
inequation 5x + 4y - 40 < 0 lie in half plane . Note: The activity can also be
Hence graph of the given inequation represents only one of the performed for the inequality of
two corresponding half planes. the type ax + by + c> 0.
1. The coordinates of the point A(1, 1) satisiy the given inequation and lies in the halfplane 1.
2. The coordinates of the point O[0, 0) satisly the given inequation and lies in the half plane1.
3. The coordinates of the point B(3, 2) satisly the given inequation and lies in the half plane I
4. The coordinate of the point C(4, 3) satisly the given inequation and lies in the half plane I.
5. The coordinates of the point D(-1, -1) satisty the given inequation and lies in the half plane 1.
6. The coordinates of the point E (4, 7) does not satisfy the given incqation and lies in half plane
. The coordinates of the point F{8. 4) does the satisly the given inequat:on and lies in hall plane 11.
8. The coordinates of the point G(9.5) does not satisfy the given in1equation and lies n half plne I
9. The coordinates of the point H[7. 5) does not satisty the iven inecqu171Lun ancd lies in half plane 1!
Thi activity can be used to find the half-plane, given inequalhty represeni