Assignment Chemical Fuels

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Chemical fuel


School of Basic and Applied Sciences

Department: Chemistry Session: 2024-25

Programme: B.Tech. Semester: I

Course Code: ENCH101 Name of students: prakhar gupta

Roll No :2401730095
Section :C
Course Name: Engineering Faculty: Dr. Divyanshi Mangla

Environmental Impacts of Fuel Combustion:

Fuel combustion, the process of burning chemical fuels to release energy, is
central to modern industrial economies. However, this process has profound
environmental consequences, particularly concerning greenhouse gas emissions,
air pollution, and resource depletion. As the global demand for energy continues
to rise, understanding these impacts is critical for fostering sustainable energy
practices and reducing the environmental toll of energy production. In this
assignment, we will explore the environmental issues linked to fuel combustion,
explain the concept of the carbon

a) Discuss the environmental issues associated with the

combustion of chemical fuels, including greenhouse gas emissions,
air pollution, and resource depletion

Chemical fuels burn, which contributes to environmental complications that

threaten biodiversity and human welfare as well as the stability of our planet.
These are some of the issues he discusses below:

1. Greenhouse Gas Emissions

In combustion of chemical fuels, greenhouse gases (GHG) such as carbon
dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide are releasedCarbon dioxide (CO2): The
combustion of fossil energy sources, such as coal, oil, and natural gas results in
the discharge of huge quantities of CO2, which is regarded as the most
important human-induced GHG. CO₂ also contributes the global warming as its
leak co2 to atmosphere and makes heat-trapping which lead to climate change
effects like higher temperatures, rising ice caps, etc).

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* Methane (CH₄): While, more often than not, the burning of methane
creates carbon dioxide emissions, during extraction and transportation of
natural gas, methane can also be released into the atmosphere; this
adds to GHG accumulation. While it only spends a short time in the
atmosphere, methane is far more powerful than CO₂ at trapping heat.

*Nitrous Oxide (N₂O) — Largely emitted when burning some type of

fuel, N₂O is highly adaptive gas that has warming potential and also
depletes the ozone layer

2. Air Pollution
Boiling chemical fuels releases pollutants which compromise air quality and are
detrimental to health and ecosystems.

# Particulate Matter (PM): The combustion produces micron-sized

particles (PM2. 5 and PM10) that are able to penetrate deep into the human
lungs, cause respiratory- and cardiovascular diseases.

* Sulphur Dioxide (SO₂) — Primarily from burning coal, SO₂ causes acid
rain that harms forests, soils and aquatic ecosystems.

*Nitrogen oxides (NOₓ): NOₓ gases are ozone and smog precursors.
They are bad for respiratory health as well as acid rain and
eutrophication in surface waters.

*Carbon Monoxide (CO): CO is an extremely poisonous gas that is

released during incomplete combustion. Even minute levels of CO can
cause serious health issues

3. Resource Depletion
The Chemical fuels, and especially the fossil fuels are limited resource
developed within millions of years.

*Non-Renewability: The extraction and use of Coal, oil and natural gas
extraction and consumption deplete reserves leading to sustainability

*Extraction Complexity: Technology involving energy-intensive

extraction such as oil sands and hydraulic fracturing (fracking) consumes
large amounts of energy (which is usually fossil fuels), water, and
chemicals (therefore more environmental degradation).

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*Land and Habitat Destruction: Operations in mining and drilling can

disturb ecosystems, resettle animals and demolish habitats

4. Other Environmental Impacts

*Ocean Acidity: Oceans absorb about 30 percent of the CO₂ released
by burning fossil fuels, causing carbon acidification that can further
reduce the pH level and disrupt marine ecosystems (e.g., coral reefs).

*Thermal Pollution: When chemical fuels are used to produce energy,

water that is discharged from power plants may be much warmer than
the water bodies they flow into. This heat can upset aquatic ecosystems.

# Mitigation Strategies
*Renewable energy sources (solar energy, wind energy, hydropower.)
*Improve carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology

*Implement measures to increase energy efficiency and promote energy

conservation practices,

*Make international commitments, like the Paris Agreement to restrain

GHG emissions.

Decreasing these problems can help counter the harmful effects that
burning chemical fuel causes and help us move towards a more
sustainable future.

B.) Explain the concept of carbon footprint and how fuel

choice affects carbon emissions.

What is a Carbon Footprint?

Carbon footprint means that the total greenhouse gases (GHGs)

emissions caused directly and indirectly by a specific individual,
organization, event or product are in the form of CO₂ equivalent. Usually
expressed in units of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO₂e), these are a
metric based on the global warming potential (GWP) of different GHGs.

# Segments of Carbon Footprint

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1) Direct Emissions – These emissions originate from systems owned

or controlled by yourself, like driving your car, using the heater/air
conditioner to heat/cool your house, and flying on a plane.

2) Indirect: Resulting from the production, transportation and waste

associated with goods and services that we consume e.g. food, clothing
or electricity.

To tackle climate change, it is important to understand and reduce the

carbon footprint as it helps uncover top emission sources and
opportunities for emissions mitigation.

# How Fuel Choice Affects Carbon Emissions

There is a leading role of the fuel in the carbon footprint as different fuels
vary in their carbon content and combustion efficiency -

1)Fossil Fuels
*Coal: The dirtiest fossil fuel, causing the highest level of CO₂ emissions
per unit of energy generated. This Pallets low combustion efficiency also
contributes to its detriment ability.

Oil is a producer of less CO₂ than coal but still ranks among the top
carbon polluters. This is accompanied by the environmental cost of its
refining and transport.

*Natural gas: 50-60% lower CO₂ emissions per unit of energy than coal
due to high efficiency in combustion and carbon content per unit of
output Still, its overall climate change impact is worsened by methane
leaks in extraction and transport

2. Renewable Energy Sources

Renewable energy sources are replenished at a higher rate than they are
consumed. Sunlight and wind, for example, are such sources that are
constantly being replenished. Renewable energy sources are plentiful and
all around us.
 Hydropower: the energy of water moving from higher to lower
elevations. It can be generated from reservoirs and rivers. Reservoir
hydropower plants rely on stored water in a reservoir, while run-of-

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river hydropower plants harness energy from the available flow of the

 Solar and Wind Energy: Solar energy is the most abundant of all
energy resources and can even be harnessed in cloudy weather. The
rate at which solar energy is intercepted by the Earth is about 10,000
times greater than the rate at which humankind consumes energy.

3. Biofuels
Unlike other renewable energy sources, biomass can be
converted directly into liquid fuels, called "biofuels," to help
meet transportation fuel needs. The two most common types of
biofuels in use today are ethanol and biodiesel, both of which
represent the first generation of biofuel technology.
 The most common biofuels are corn ethanol, biodiesel, and
biogas from organic byproducts
 Using biofuels rather than fossil fuels, there is the only emission of
non-toxic materials, which reduces the risk of cancer and breathing
problems in human beings
 Biofuels are friendly to the environment because they reduce the
risk of global warming.
 Lifecycle emissions range from 10-100 kg CO₂e/MWh, making
them cleaner than fossil fuels but less sustainable than

4. Hydrogen
Hydrogen’s carbon footprint varies by production method:

 Grey Hydrogen: Produced using natural gas, this process emits

significant CO₂.

 Green Hydrogen: Made via electrolysis powered by renewable

energy, it is nearly carbon-neutral and a promising future fuel.

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5. Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy can be used to create electricity, but it must first be
released from the atom. In the process of nuclear fission, atoms are split
to release that energy.

# Fuel Choice and Carbon Emissions: Real-World

The selection of fuel significantly impacts global GHG levels and
individual carbon footprints:

 Electricity generation: is defined as electricity generated from

fossil fuels, nuclear power plants, hydro power plants (excluding
pumped storage), geothermal systems, solar panels, biofuels, wind, etc.
It includes electricity produced in electricity-only plants and in combined
heat and power plants
 Industrial processes: are a major part of heavy industry.
They involve chemical, physical, electrical and mechanical steps
that help in the manufacturing process. It is mostly used in large-
scale manufacturing projects
 Transportation: switching from gas – powered car to the electric
vehicles charged with the renewable energy drastically reduces
emission .

C.) Provide examples of strategies that industries use to

reduce the environmental impact of fuel combustion
# Strategies Industries Use to Reduce the Environmental Impact of
Fuel Combustion
There are many ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the
industrial sector, including energy efficiency, fuel switching, combined
heat and power, use of renewable energy, and the more efficient use

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and recycling of materials. Many industrial processes have no existing

low-emission alternative and will require carbon capture and storage to
reduce emissions over the long term.

1. Transition to Cleaner Fuels

Switching to fuels with lower carbon content and fewer pollutants is
one of the most direct ways to reduce environmental impacts.

# Natural Gas
 For instance, there are natural gas combustion turbines in electric
power generation stations and industrial heaters which help in the
cutting down of CO₂ and particulate emissions.

 A large number of industries are substituting coal or oil for natural

gas, as the latter for instance emits CO₂ in quantities of 50-60%
less than coal when combusted.

# Biofuels and Biomass

 Bioethanol, biodiesel and biogas, which are all produced from
organic matter, are steadily emerging as substitutes for fossil fuels.

 The utilization of biofuels in the transport and aviation sectors has

been focused on overcoming dependency on fuels made of

 Throughout the lifecycle emissions of production, biomass boiler

systems in processing industries such as paper converting and
making plants generate renewable energy.

# Hydrogen
 Sectors are pouring their resources in hydrogen,
especially the green hydrogen which is produced by
electrolysis using renewable sources of energy that have
no emissions at the point of use.

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 It is high temperature processes such as steelmaking,

which in the past relied heavily on coal that they use

2.Adoption of Renewable Energy

The integration of renewable energy sources aided in mitigating
emissions attributable to burning of fuels by virtually eliminating
dependence on the fossil resources.

# Solar Energy

 Industrial enterprises are increasingly installing solar

panels to power their activities and therefore reduce their
reliance on electricity obtained from fossil-fuel fired power

 Example: Breweries and manufacturers of carbonated

drinks have incorporated solar thermal systems for the
generation of process heat.
# Wind Energy
 In the energy-intensive industries such as cement and aluminum
production, factories harness wind energy power generation

 Offshore as well as onshore wind farms feeds electricity straight to

industries located in the area with wind regime favorable to such

# Geothermal and Hydropower

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 Geothermal energy is also harnessed in regions with geothermal

resources for industrial heating and electricity generation as a
renewable source.

 Steady and low-emission energy provided by Hydropower plants is

applied in industries such as the chemical industry.

3. Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage


Carbon capture and utilization (CCU) is the process of capturing

carbon dioxide (CO2) from emission sources in processes and
industries, and then recycling it to further useful purpose such as
chemical manufacturing. Carbon capture and storage (CCS) refers
to the capture of CO2 gas and its subsequent storage, usually in
some sub-surface porous rocks such as gas or oil reservoirs, in
order to limit its discharge into the surrounding environment.

# Carbon Capture

 Deployed in power generation, cement manufacturing, and oil

refining temples, the CCUS facilities are designed to capture CO₂
from the exhaust gases, which are then aimed for disposal into
underground geological formations.

# Carbon utilization
 The CO₂ that is captured is utilized in the manufacturing of
secondary products such as synthetic gas, concrete, and
even chemicals like methanol.

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 The use of carbon dioxide enables beverage companies

to manufacture light effervescent drinks or feedstocks that
are essential for the production of plastics.

4. Improving combustion Efficiency

By optimizing combustion processes, the quantity of fuel
required is lessened, and thus emissions are reduced.
# Technologies for Enhancing Combustion
 Low-NOx burners enhance the quality of the air and fuel
mixture in order to decrease nitrogen oxide (NOₓ) gas
emissions, as those are responsible for smog and acid

 Oxy-fuel combustions rely on the use of pure oxygen

instead of air, which results in enhanced performance and
ease of CO₂ separation.
# Combined Heat & Power (CHP) systems
 CHP systems also known as cogeneration, are capable of
producing power and utilizing the waste heat generation in
industrial processes.

 Example: Food processing exemplars and chemical

process industries utilize CHP and court efficiencies of
about 80% unlike the traditional power plants which are at

5. Pollution Control Technologies

Companies deploy specific systems to combat emissions which
are produced from burning of fuels.
# Scrubbers

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 Scrubbers are devices that eliminate sulphurdd dioxide (SO₂) in

the exhaust gas composition thus palliate the effects of acid rain.

 For example FGD – flue gas desulphurization — is applicable to

coal-fired stations.

# Particulate control Devices

 Electrostatic Precipitators and bag filters are used for the removal
of particulate matter (PM) prior to the discharge of this matter into
the ambient environment.

 These systems are prevalent in sectors such as cement

production, metal smelting, and coal-based electricity generation

# Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR)

 SCR systems utilize catalysts to eliminate NOₓ pollution by
transforming it into water and innocuous nitrogen.

 They find applicability in power stations and industrial furnaces to a

great extent.

6. Electrification of Processes
The term electrification refers to the substitution of processes based on
combustion with energy-driven processes using mostly electrical power,
especially when this electrical power is produced from renewable

# Electric Furnaces and Boilers

 The use of electric arc furnaces in the steel production process
helps to cut emissions as there is reduced dependence on coal-
fired blast furnaces.

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 The traditional fuels are replaced with electrical assets as

industries and other businesses carry out installations of electric

# Electric Vehicles (EVs)

 As firms innovate, they are transitioning the logistics fleets of their
companies to electric vehicles, deploying renewables in place of
diesel and gasoline combustion.

 A Case in Point: Operational emission reductions are achieved by

employing electric trucks in logistics and delivery businesses like
DHL and Amazon.

7. Energy Efficiency Improvements

Minimizing energy waste lowers fuel consumption and its associated

# Energy Audits
 Energy audits on a regular basis assist industries in finding out
inefficiencies and making the most out of energy consumption.

 Example: Replacing outdated hardware with energy-efficient

hardware for retrofitting, e.g. variable speed drives in place of
constant speed drives or energy efficient motors.

# Waste Heat Recovery

 The industries make use of such systems which are installed to
recover waste heat from industrial processes to recycle it back.
This leads to reduction in consumption of extra fuel.
 Glass and steel producing companies utilize waste heat recovery
systems for the purpose of preheating raw materials or even
producing electrical energy.

8. Process Innovations and Digital Technologies

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Innovative approaches and advanced technologies optimize fuel use

and reduce emissions.

# Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning

 It is possible to say that AI-based technologies analyse and
improve fuel combustion processes, thus eliminating the fuel cost.

 For instance, at an oil refinery, the operation of the equipment is

constantly being able to adjust and minimizing the usage of fuel
and energy through the application of an AI system.

# 3D Printing

 Additive manufacturing (3D printing) minimizes the material

wastage as well as energy consumption in sectors such as
aerospace and automotive engineering.

10. Collaboration and Policy Compliance

Industries collaborate with governments and adhere to regulations to
reduce environmental impacts.

# Carbon Pricing
 Markets for emission allowances and carbon taxation encourage
industries to utilize cleaner technologies and limit emissions

 For instance, European Union Emission Trading Scheme provides

a certain limit of emissions per industry and allows them to trade
carbon credits.

# Green Certifications
 Therefore, obtaining accreditations, such as ISO 14001 for
Environmental Management Systems, would compel industries to
incorporate more green practices.

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