Theory Ryanair

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Technical Question

 Maximum Ceiling: The maximum ceiling of an aircraft refers to the highest altitude at
which it can sustain level flight. This is determined by the aircraft's design, engine
performance, and aerodynamic capabilities. For commercial jets like the Boeing 737-800, the
maximum ceiling is typically around 41,000 feet.

 Seats in the 737-800: The Boeing 737-800 typically seats between 162 and 189
passengers, depending on the airline's configuration and whether it is set up for all-economy
or a mix of economy and business/first class.

 Cabin Crew: The number of cabin crew on a Boeing 737-800 usually ranges from 4 to 6,
depending on the airline's service standards and regulatory requirements.

 Clearway: A clearway is an area at the end of a runway, free of obstacles, which allows an
aircraft to climb to a specified height. It is part of the takeoff distance available and is used to
ensure safe takeoff performance.

 Screen Height: Screen height is the height above the runway surface at which an aircraft
is assumed to be during takeoff or landing calculations. For takeoff, it is typically 35 feet for
jet aircraft, and for landing, it is often 50 feet.

 Lift: Lift is the aerodynamic force that allows an aircraft to rise off the ground and stay in
the air. It is generated by the wings as air flows over and under them, creating a pressure
difference. The shape of the wing (airfoil) is designed to produce lift efficiently.

 Dutch Roll: Dutch roll is a type of oscillatory motion in aircraft, involving a combination
of rolling and yawing. It is typically more pronounced in swept-wing aircraft and can be
counteracted by yaw dampers.

 Mach Trimmer: A mach trimmer is a system in aircraft that automatically adjusts the
horizontal stabilizer to compensate for changes in aerodynamic forces as the aircraft
approaches transonic speeds, where the center of pressure shifts.
 Critical Angle of Attack: The critical angle of attack is the angle between the wing and
the oncoming air at which lift is maximized. Beyond this angle, the wing stalls, causing a
rapid loss of lift.

 Mach Buffet: Mach buffet is a phenomenon that occurs when shock waves form on the
wings of an aircraft as it approaches the speed of sound, leading to turbulence and buffet. It
can limit the maximum speed of the aircraft.

 Load Factor: Load factor is the ratio of the lift generated by the wings to the actual weight
of the aircraft. It is often expressed in terms of "g" forces and is a measure of the stress on the
aircraft structure during maneuvers.


 VMCG (Minimum Control Speed on the Ground): The minimum speed at which
an aircraft can be controlled on the ground with one engine inoperative.
 VMCA (Minimum Control Speed in the Air): The minimum speed at which an
aircraft can be controlled in the air with one engine inoperative.


 IAS (Indicated Airspeed): The speed shown on the aircraft's airspeed indicator,
uncorrected for instrument or position errors.
 CAS (Calibrated Airspeed): IAS corrected for instrument and position errors.
 EAS (Equivalent Airspeed): CAS corrected for compressibility effects at high
 TAS (True Airspeed): The actual speed of the aircraft relative to the air, corrected for
altitude and temperature.

 Zero Fuel Weight: Zero fuel weight includes the weight of the aircraft, its crew,
passengers, baggage, and cargo, but excludes any usable fuel. It is important for structural
load calculations.

 NDB Errors: Non-Directional Beacons (NDBs) can suffer from several errors, including:

 Static Interference: Caused by thunderstorms and other atmospheric conditions.

 Night Effect: Signal distortion during nighttime due to ionospheric reflection.
 Terrain Effect: Signal bending over uneven terrain or water.
 Coastal Refraction: Signal bending when crossing coastlines at shallow angles.

 Radiation/Advection Fog:

 Radiation Fog: Forms on clear nights with calm winds when the ground cools
rapidly, causing the air near the surface to cool and condense.
 Advection Fog: Occurs when warm, moist air moves over a cooler surface, causing
the air to cool and condense into fog.

Principle of Flight and Aircraft General Knowledge

 High Lift Devices: High lift devices are components on an aircraft's wings that increase
lift during takeoff and landing. They include flaps, slats, and leading-edge devices. These
devices change the wing's shape, increasing its curvature and surface area, which enhances lift
at lower speeds.

 Spoilers: Spoilers are panels on the wings that can be raised to disrupt airflow, reducing
lift and increasing drag. They are used to help slow the aircraft, descend more rapidly, and
assist in roll control.

 Use of Spoilers During Roll: During roll maneuvers, spoilers can be deployed
asymmetrically (on one wing) to assist ailerons in rolling the aircraft. This helps achieve more
effective and quicker roll control.

 Advantages/Disadvantages of High Tails:

 Advantages: High tails (T-tails) are less affected by wing turbulence, providing better
control at high angles of attack. They also allow for a larger cargo door at the rear.

 Disadvantages: They can be more prone to deep stall conditions and are harder to
inspect and maintain due to their height.

 Critical Engine: The critical engine on a multi-engine aircraft is the one whose failure
would most adversely affect the aircraft's performance and handling. This is typically due to
asymmetric thrust and aerodynamic factors.

 Hydraulics System Principle: Aircraft hydraulic systems use pressurized fluid to operate
various components, such as landing gear, brakes, and flight controls. The principle is based
on Pascal's Law, which states that pressure applied to a confined fluid is transmitted equally
in all directions.

 Anti-Ice/De-Icing and How It Works:

 Anti-Ice: Prevents ice formation using heat (from engine bleed air or electrical
elements) or chemicals.

 De-Icing: Removes existing ice using heated air or de-icing fluids.

 De-Icing Liquids: There are several types of de-icing fluids, categorized as Type I, II, III,
and IV. Type I is a thin fluid used for de-icing, while Types II, III, and IV are thicker and
used for anti-icing. The choice depends on weather conditions, aircraft type, and holdover
time requirements.

 Flap 5 Departure and De-Icing: Flaps are typically set after de-icing to prevent fluid
from being blown off the wings during taxi. This ensures the de-icing fluid remains effective.

 Blocked Pitot Tube in Climb/Descent: If the pitot tube becomes blocked, the airspeed
indicator will freeze at the speed where the blockage occurred. In a climb, it may show a
decrease in airspeed, and in a descent, it may show an increase, both inaccurately.

 Yaw Damper: A yaw damper is a system that automatically applies rudder inputs to
counteract yawing motions, improving stability and passenger comfort, especially in swept-
wing aircraft.

 MCAS (Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System): MCAS is a flight control

system used in the Boeing 737 MAX to enhance pitch stability by automatically adjusting the
horizontal stabilizer in certain flight conditions.

 Vref Calculation: Vref is the reference landing speed, typically calculated as 1.3 times the
stall speed in landing configuration (Vso). It ensures a safe margin above stall speed during

 Circumstances for Higher Vref: Vref may be higher in conditions such as strong winds,
turbulence, or when landing with a non-standard configuration (e.g., partial flaps).

 Flying Above/Below Vref: Flying significantly above Vref can lead to excessive landing
distances, while flying below Vref increases the risk of stalling.
 Exact Definition of Vl: Vl is not a standard aviation term. It might be a typo or
misinterpretation. If you meant V1, it is the takeoff decision speed.

 Screen Height: Screen height is the height above the runway at which an aircraft is
assumed to be during takeoff or landing calculations. It is typically 35 feet for takeoff. The
15-foot screen height is used for certain performance calculations, such as rejected takeoff.

 Difference Between ASDA and TODA:

 ASDA (Accelerate-Stop Distance Available): The runway length available for an

aircraft to accelerate to V1 and then stop safely.

 TODA (Takeoff Distance Available): The runway length available for an aircraft to
take off and reach a specified height (usually 35 feet).

 Formula for Mach Number: Mach number is the ratio of an object's speed to the speed of
sound in the surrounding medium. It is calculated as:

True Airspeed ( TAS )

Local Speed of Sound (LSS)

 LSS with Increase in Height: The Local Speed of Sound decreases with an increase in
altitude due to lower temperatures at higher altitudes.

 Mach Number with Constant IAS: If you climb at a constant Indicated Airspeed (IAS),
the Mach number will increase because the Local Speed of Sound decreases with altitude.

 Critical Engine on P2006T: The Tecnam P2006T is a twin-engine aircraft with counter-
rotating propellers, meaning it does not have a critical engine. Both engines produce
symmetrical thrust.

 To Feather an Engine: Feathering an engine involves adjusting the propeller blades to

align with the airflow, minimizing drag and stopping the propeller from windmilling in the
event of an engine failure.

 Full Power on a Cessna Without Rudder: Applying full power without using the rudder
can cause the aircraft to yaw due to asymmetric thrust and P-factor, leading to a potential loss
of control.

 P-Factor and Slipstream:

 P-Factor: Asymmetric thrust produced by a propeller, causing yaw, especially
noticeable at high angles of attack.

 Slipstream: The spiral airflow from the propeller that can affect the tail surfaces,
contributing to yaw.

 Considerations When Flaps Can't Be Extended: Without flaps, the aircraft will require
a higher approach speed, longer landing distance, and may have reduced climb performance.

 Aquaplaning: Aquaplaning, or hydroplaning, occurs when a layer of water builds up

between the aircraft's tires and the runway, leading to a loss of traction.

 Formula for Speed of Aquaplaning: The speed at which aquaplaning can occur is
approximately calculated as:

V aqua =9∗√ Tire pressure( psi)


 Warm Front: A warm front occurs when a warm air mass moves over a cold air mass. As
the warm air rises over the cooler air, it cools and condenses, often leading to cloud formation
and precipitation.

 Cold Front: A cold front occurs when a cold air mass pushes under a warm air mass,
forcing the warm air to rise quickly. This can lead to the development of cumulonimbus
clouds and thunderstorms.

 Clouds Associated with Warm/Cold Fronts:

 Warm Front: Typically associated with stratiform clouds such as cirrus, cirrostratus,
altostratus, and nimbostratus, leading to steady precipitation.

 Cold Front: Often associated with cumulonimbus clouds, leading to showers and

 Fog Formation: Fog forms when air near the ground cools to its dew point, causing water
vapor to condense into tiny droplets suspended in the air. This can occur through radiation
cooling, advection of moist air over a cooler surface, or when moist air is lifted over rising

 Föhn Wind in the Alps: A Föhn wind is a warm, dry, downslope wind that occurs on the
leeward side of a mountain range. In the Alps, it results from moist air rising over the
mountains, cooling and losing moisture as precipitation, and then warming as it descends on
the other side.

 Avoiding Thunderstorms on Navigation Display: To avoid a thunderstorm shown on a

navigation display, you would choose a heading that steers clear of the cell, ideally by at least
20 nautical miles, depending on the storm's intensity and movement.

 Flying Through Thunderstorms: It is generally unsafe to fly through thunderstorms due

to severe turbulence, lightning, hail, and potential wind shear.

 Weather Radar Accuracy: Weather radar does not always "tell the truth" as it can be
affected by attenuation, ground clutter, and other factors. It may not detect all weather
phenomena, especially those at lower altitudes or behind other storms.

 Danger of Thunderstorms: Thunderstorms are dangerous due to severe turbulence,

lightning, hail, strong winds, and the potential for microbursts and wind shear.

 Weather Radar Colors:

 Green: Light precipitation.

 Yellow: Moderate precipitation.

 Red: Heavy precipitation.

 Magenta: Intense precipitation, possibly indicating severe weather.

 Signs of Bad Weather Without Radar: Other signs include visual observations of cloud
formations, lightning, and changes in wind patterns. Information can also be obtained from
METARs, TAFs, and pilot reports (PIREPs).

 Wind 180/20kt; Runway Choice: With a wind from 180 degrees at 20 knots, you would
use Runway 27, as it provides a headwind component, which is preferable for takeoff and
 Turbulent Layer: The turbulent layer is typically found in the boundary layer of the
atmosphere, where friction with the Earth's surface causes turbulence. It can also occur at the
interface of different air masses or near jet streams.

 Thermal Inversion and Associated Weather: A thermal inversion occurs when a layer
of warm air traps cooler air near the ground. This can lead to poor air quality, fog, and low
clouds, as well as reduced visibility.

 Weather and Hazards with Inversion: Inversions can trap pollutants, leading to smog
and poor air quality. They can also cause stable conditions that suppress convection, leading
to fog and low clouds.

 Temperature Inversion: A temperature inversion is a reversal of the normal temperature

lapse rate, where temperature increases with altitude instead of decreasing.

 Jetstreams and Associated Weather: Jet streams are fast-flowing air currents in the
upper atmosphere. They can influence weather patterns, create turbulence, and affect flight

 METAR Codes:

 SN: Snow.

 BR: Mist (from the French "brume").

 GR: Hail.

 Flying from Warm to Cold Air: When flying from warm to cold air, be cautious of
altimeter errors. The altimeter may read higher than the actual altitude, leading to a risk of
flying lower than intended.

 Pressure Altitude: Pressure altitude is the altitude above the standard datum plane (where
atmospheric pressure is 1013.25 hPa or 29.92 inHg). It is used for performance calculations
and is determined by setting the altimeter to the standard pressure setting.

Flight planning
 Alternate Fuel in Go-Around: For planning purposes, alternate fuel is typically
considered to begin after the aircraft has completed a missed approach (go-around) at the
destination airport. This includes the fuel required to climb to a safe altitude, proceed to the
alternate airport, and then descend and land. The specific point at which alternate fuel begins
can vary based on airline procedures and regulatory requirements, but it generally starts after
the decision to divert is made following a missed approach.

 Components of Block Fuel: Block fuel is the total amount of fuel loaded onto the aircraft
before departure. It includes several components:

 Taxi Fuel: Fuel used for taxiing from the gate to the runway and vice versa.

 Trip Fuel: Fuel required for the planned flight from departure to destination,
including climb, cruise, and descent.

 Contingency Fuel: Additional fuel to account for unforeseen circumstances,

such as deviations from the planned route or unexpected weather.

 Alternate Fuel: Fuel required to fly from the destination to an alternate

airport, if needed.

 Final Reserve Fuel: Fuel required to hold for a specified period (usually 30
minutes) at a safe altitude, typically at the alternate airport.

 Additional Fuel: Any extra fuel required by the operator or regulatory

authority, which may include fuel for extended holding or other specific needs.

 PLOG (Pilot's Log): A PLOG, or Pilot's Log, is a document used by pilots to plan and
record details of a flight. It typically includes information such as:

 Route and waypoints

 Estimated times of arrival (ETA) and departure (ETD) for each waypoint
 Fuel calculations and consumption
 Weather information
 Altitudes and airspeeds
 Radio frequencies and navigation aids
 Any other relevant notes or instructions for the flight

The PLOG is an essential tool for flight planning and in-flight navigation, helping pilots
ensure they have all necessary information for a safe and efficient journey.

 Squawk for Loss of Communications: The transponder code for loss of communications
is 7600. This code alerts air traffic control (ATC) that the aircraft is experiencing radio
communication failure.

 Preventing Loss of Communications: To prevent loss of communications, pilots can:

 Ensure all radio equipment is functioning properly before departure.

 Maintain a good understanding of the aircraft's radio systems and backup procedures.

 Regularly check and adjust radio frequencies as needed.

 Use headsets and microphones correctly to ensure clear communication.

 Monitor backup communication systems, such as secondary radios or satellite

communication devices.

 Decision-Making Process in Case of Loss of Communications: If communication is

lost, pilots should:

 Attempt to re-establish communication by checking radio settings, frequencies, and


 Use backup radios if available.

 Follow established procedures, such as continuing to the destination

The three main emergency transponder codes are:

1. 7500: Hijacking or unlawful interference.

2. 7600: Radio communication failure.
3. 7700: General emergency, indicating a distress situation.

The emergency radio frequency, also known as the international distress frequency, is 121.5
MHz. This frequency is monitored by air traffic control and other aircraft, and it is used for
emergency communications.
If you encounter a radio failure in flight, there are several steps you should take before setting
the transponder to squawk 7600:

1. Check Equipment: Ensure that the radio equipment is properly set up and
functioning. Verify that the correct frequency is selected and that the volume is turned
up. Check for any loose connections or switches that may have been inadvertently

2. Try Alternate Radios: If your aircraft is equipped with more than one radio, attempt
to use an alternate radio to re-establish communication.

3. Use Backup Communication Methods: If available, try using other communication

methods such as a satellite phone or data link systems.

4. Attempt Contact on Other Frequencies: Try contacting ATC on other frequencies,

such as the emergency frequency (121.5 MHz), or any nearby frequencies you might
have used recently.

5. Monitor for Instructions: Listen for any instructions or attempts to contact you from
ATC on the current or alternate frequencies.

6. Check Intercom and Headset: Ensure that the intercom and headset connections are
secure and functioning properly.

7. Visual Signals: If in visual meteorological conditions (VMC) and near an airport, look
for light signals from the control tower, which can be used to communicate with
aircraft experiencing radio failure.

Once you have exhausted these options and confirmed that the radio failure is persistent, you
should then set the transponder to squawk 7600 to indicate a loss of communication to ATC.
After setting 7600, follow standard procedures for lost communication, which typically
involve continuing to your destination or an alternate airport while adhering to previously
assigned altitudes and routes, or as per the last clearance received.

How Does Weather Radar Work?

Weather radar is a type of radar used to locate precipitation, calculate its motion, and estimate
its type (rain, snow, hail, etc.). It works by emitting a pulse of microwave energy into the
atmosphere. When this energy encounters precipitation particles, some of it is scattered back
to the radar. The radar then measures the time it takes for the signal to return and the strength
of the returned signal. This information is used to determine the location, intensity, and
movement of precipitation.

What is the Doppler Effect?

The Doppler Effect is a change in the frequency or wavelength of a wave in relation to an

observer moving relative to the wave source. It is commonly experienced with sound waves;
for example, the pitch of a siren on a passing vehicle appears to change as it moves past. In
the context of radar, the Doppler Effect is used to measure the velocity of precipitation
particles, which helps in determining wind speed and direction.

What is TCAS?

Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) is an aircraft collision avoidance system

designed to reduce the risk of mid-air collisions between aircraft. TCAS monitors the airspace
around an aircraft for other transponder-equipped aircraft and provides pilots with information
on potential collision threats. It can issue traffic advisories (TAs) and resolution advisories
(RAs) to help pilots maintain safe separation.

What are the Features of a Mode C Transponder?

A Mode C transponder is an aircraft transponder that provides information about the aircraft's
altitude in addition to its identity and position. Key features include:

 Altitude Reporting: Automatically reports the aircraft's pressure altitude to air traffic

 Identification: Transmits a unique code assigned by air traffic control, known as a

squawk code.
 Interrogation Response: Responds to radar interrogations from ground-based radar
systems and TCAS-equipped aircraft.

What is the Difference Between EGPWS and GPWS?

 GPWS (Ground Proximity Warning System): A system that provides warnings to

pilots when the aircraft is in immediate danger of flying into the ground or an obstacle.
It uses inputs like radio altimeter data to detect potential terrain collisions.

 EGPWS (Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System): An advanced version of

GPWS that includes a terrain database and GPS inputs to provide more accurate and
predictive warnings. EGPWS can offer alerts for terrain ahead of the aircraft, not just
below it, and is capable of providing more comprehensive situational awareness.

Where is the Radio Altimeter Located?

The radio altimeter is typically located on the underside of an aircraft. It consists of an

antenna that transmits radio waves towards the ground and receives the reflected signals. The
radio altimeter measures the time it takes for the radio waves to travel to the ground and back,
providing precise altitude information above the terrain. This system is crucial for low-
altitude flight operations, such as landing approaches.

Air Law

Standard Traffic Pattern

A standard traffic pattern is a rectangular flight path around an airport used to organize air
traffic and ensure safe operations during takeoff and landing. The pattern typically consists of
the following legs:

1. Upwind Leg: The flight path parallel to the runway, flown in the direction of takeoff.

2. Crosswind Leg: A 90-degree turn from the upwind leg, flown perpendicular to the

3. Downwind Leg: Parallel to the runway but flown in the opposite direction of landing,
usually at a specified altitude.
4. Base Leg: A 90-degree turn from the downwind leg, bringing the aircraft
perpendicular to the runway.

5. Final Approach: The final leg of the pattern, aligned with the runway centerline,
where the aircraft descends for landing.

In a standard traffic pattern, all turns are made to the left unless otherwise specified by the

Standard Holding Pattern

A standard holding pattern is a racetrack-shaped flight path used to delay aircraft in the
airspace. It consists of:

 Inbound Leg: The segment flown towards the holding fix, usually aligned with a
specific radial or bearing.

 Outbound Leg: The segment flown away from the holding fix, parallel to the inbound

 Turns: Standard holding patterns use right turns unless otherwise specified.

The pattern is typically flown at a specified altitude and speed, with each leg lasting one
minute (below 14,000 feet) or one and a half minutes (above 14,000 feet).

Difference Between MDA and DA

 MDA (Minimum Descent Altitude): The lowest altitude to which a pilot can descend
on a non-precision approach without having the required visual references for landing.
It is a fixed altitude, and the aircraft must level off at or above the MDA until the
runway environment is in sight.

 DA (Decision Altitude): The altitude on a precision approach at which a decision

must be made to either continue the approach and land if the runway environment is
visible or execute a missed approach. Unlike MDA, DA is associated with precision
approaches and allows for a continuous descent.

Can You Descend Below MDA?

You can only descend below the MDA if you have the required visual references for landing
in sight and can make a safe landing. If these conditions are not met, a missed approach must
be executed.
Displaced Threshold

A displaced threshold is a runway threshold located at a point other than the physical
beginning of the runway. It is used to provide obstacle clearance for arriving aircraft. The area
before the displaced threshold can be used for taxiing, takeoff, and landing rollout, but not for
landing. Displaced thresholds are marked with white arrows on the runway leading up to the
threshold bar.

Boeing 737

Difference Between B737-800 and B737 MAX

 Engines: The 737 MAX is equipped with CFM International LEAP-1B engines,
which are more fuel-efficient and quieter than the CFM56-7B engines on the 737-800.

 Aerodynamics: The 737 MAX features advanced winglets and aerodynamic

improvements that enhance fuel efficiency.

 Cockpit and Avionics: The MAX has updated avionics and cockpit displays,
providing better situational awareness and efficiency.

 Range and Efficiency: The 737 MAX offers greater range and improved fuel
efficiency compared to the 737-800.

Advantages of the 737 MAX Over the 737-800

 Fuel Efficiency: The MAX is approximately 14% more fuel-efficient than the 737-

 Range: The MAX has a longer range, allowing airlines to operate longer routes
without refueling.

 Noise Reduction: The MAX is quieter due to engine improvements and the use of
chevrons on the engine nacelles.

Difference Between B737 and A320

 Cockpit Design: The A320 features a fly-by-wire system with side-stick controls,
while the 737 uses conventional yoke controls.
 Engines: The A320 typically uses CFM56 or Pratt & Whitney engines, while the 737
uses CFM engines.

 Cabin Width: The A320 has a slightly wider cabin, offering more passenger comfort.

 Avionics: The A320's avionics are more integrated and automated compared to the
737's more traditional systems.

Walkaround Differences Between B737-800 and B737 MAX

 Engines: The larger LEAP-1B engines on the MAX are noticeable, with chevrons on
the nacelles.

 Winglets: The MAX features advanced split-tip winglets, while the 737-800 has
blended winglets.

 Landing Gear: The MAX has slightly taller landing gear to accommodate the larger

8200 Numbers on the Fuselage

The "8200" designation is specific to certain configurations of the 737 MAX, such as the 737
MAX 8-200, which is a high-density version. The numbers are typically located near the
aircraft's registration or model designation areas on the fuselage.

CFM LEAP-1B Variants

The CFM LEAP-1B is specifically designed for the 737 MAX. There are no A, C, or D
variants for this engine model.

Twin Spool Engine

 Definition: A twin spool engine has two independent rotating shafts, each with its
own set of compressors and turbines. The low-pressure spool includes the fan and
low-pressure compressor and turbine, while the high-pressure spool includes the high-
pressure compressor and turbine.

 Function: This design allows for more efficient operation across a range of speeds and

Noise Reduction in the 737-8200

The 737-8200, like other MAX variants, is less noisy due to the LEAP-1B engines and the use
of chevrons, which help reduce noise by smoothing the mixing of exhaust and bypass air.


Chevrons are sawtooth patterns on the trailing edge of engine nacelles. They reduce noise by
smoothing the mixing of hot and cold airflows, reducing turbulence and noise. The exact
percentage of noise reduction can vary, but chevrons contribute significantly to the quieter
operation of modern engines.

Bypass Ratio

The bypass ratio is the ratio of the mass of air bypassing the engine core to the mass of air
passing through the core. Higher bypass ratios generally lead to more efficient and quieter

Ryanair and the 737 MAX 8-200

 Advantages: The 737 MAX 8-200 offers higher seating capacity and improved fuel
efficiency, which can lower operating costs.

 Impact on Fares: The increased efficiency and capacity could allow Ryanair to offer
lower fares, maintaining its competitive edge in the low-cost market.

Steering with Inoperative Tiller

If the tiller is inoperative, the rudder pedals can typically steer the aircraft up to about 7
degrees of nose wheel deflection, depending on the aircraft model.


Fly-by-wire is a system that replaces traditional manual flight controls with electronic
interfaces. The pilot's inputs are converted to electronic signals, which are interpreted by
flight control computers to move the control surfaces.

Hydraulic System on the B737

 Number of Systems: The Boeing 737 has three hydraulic systems: A, B, and standby.

 Function: These systems power critical flight controls, landing gear, brakes, and other
 Accumulator: An accumulator stores hydraulic fluid under pressure, providing a
reserve for peak demands and emergency situations.

Backup for Landing Gear System

The 737 has a manual extension system for the landing gear, allowing it to be lowered by
gravity and locked into place if hydraulic power is lost.

Electrical System on the B737

 Main Sources of Power: The main sources are engine-driven generators, the APU
(Auxiliary Power Unit), and batteries.

 AC vs. DC: The 737 primarily uses AC power, with DC power provided by
transformer rectifier units (TRUs).

 AC Power Systems: The main AC power is provided by the engine-driven generators

and the APU.

Batteries on the B737

The 737 typically has two main batteries. In the event of a total power loss, these batteries
provide backup power for essential systems.

APU Functions

Apart from electrical power, the APU provides pneumatic power for engine starting and air

Pilot Seat Adjustment

A B737 pilot should adjust their seat so that they have a clear view of the instruments and
outside the cockpit. The eyes should be level with the top of the glareshield, and the pilot
should be able to reach all controls comfortably.

Takeoff Configuration Warning

The takeoff configuration warning can be triggered by incorrect settings such as flaps, trim,
speed brakes, or parking brake not set for takeoff.

Landing Gear Indication

Besides the landing gear lights near the lever, the gear position can be confirmed on the
EICAS (Engine Indicating and Crew Alerting System) or other cockpit displays, depending
on the aircraft's avionics suite.

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