Class 10 Computer Application Sample Paper Set 14

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Series ARSP/14 Set ~ 14

Roll No. Q.P Code 15/14/14

Candidates must write the Q.P Code
on the title page of the answer-book.

 Please check that this question paper contains 05 printed pages.

 Q.P. Code given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written
on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate.
 Please check that this question paper contains 21 questions.
 Please write down the serial number of the question in the answer-book
before attempting it.
 15 Minute times has been allotted to read this question paper. The question
paper will be distributed at 10:15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m to 10.30 a.m, the students
will read the question paper only and will not write any answer on the answer –
book during this period.


Time allowed: 2 hours Maximum Marks: 50

General Instructions:
1. Please read the instructions carefully.

2. This Question Paper consists of 21 questions in two sections: Section A & Section B.

3. Section A has Objective type questions whereas Section B contains Subjective type questions.

4. Out of the given (5+16=) 21 questions, a candidate has to answer (5+10=) 15 questions in the allotted (maximum)

time of 2 hours.

5. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.


1. This section has 05 questions.

2. Marks allotted are mentioned against each question/part.

3. There is no negative marking.

4. Do as per the instructions given.


1. This section has 16 questions.

2. A candidate has to do 10 questions.

3. Do as per the instructions given.

4. Marks allotted are mentioned against each question/part.


1. Answer any 4 out of the given 6 questions on Employability Skills (1 x 4 = 4 marks) [4]
(a) Which of the following is referred to as the wear and tear of human body experiences? [1]

a) Self-awareness b) Stress

c) Eustress d) Motivation
(b) Shortcut to save file is ________. [1]

a) Alt + S b) Ctrl + S

c) Ctrl + shift d) Ctrl + F1

(c) An organisation or Enterprising entity engaged in commercial, industrial or professional activities is [1]
known as

a) Business b) Production
c) Merchandising d) Service
(d) Most of our day-to-day reading it done ________. [1]

a) Loudly b) Extensively

c) Silently d) Intensively
(e) What is described by using the term development? [1]

a) Political goals and economic progress b) Economic progress

c) Political goals d) Social justice

2. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks) [5]
(a) Images can be added to a document: [1]

a) directly from scanner b) from file

c) from Open Office gallery d) all of these

(b) ________ controls all aspects of a paragraph's appearance, such as text alignment, tab stops, line [1]
spacing, and borders, and can include character formatting.

a) Paragraph Style b) Cell Style

c) Page Style d) Character Style

(c) Which of the following levels of headings can be indexed in Writer? [1]

a) H7 b) H1

c) H3 d) All of these
(d) We can create template for ________. [1]

a) Fax b) Presentation

c) Letter d) All of these

(e) Which of the following is not a wireless technology? [1]

a) 3G b) WiMAX

c) DSL d) WiFi
(f) Which of the following filter will play with the contrast of the image? [1]

a) Smooth b) Both Smooth and Sharpen

c) Rigid d) Sharpen
3. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks) [5]
(a) Data can be arranged in a worksheet in a easy to understand manner using: [1]

a) changing fonts b) auto formatting

c) All of these d) applying styles

(b) To create an interactive pivot table for the web, you use a microsoft office web component called: [1]

a) Pivot table list b) Pivot table report

c) HTML d) Pivot table field list

(c) The chart wizard term data series refers to: [1]
a) a collection of chart data markers b) a chart legend

c) a data label d) a set of values you plot in a chart

(d) To copy a formula from one cell to another: [1]

a) Drag the autofill handle b) Join the cell

c) Cut the cell d) Both drag the autofill hangle and cut the
(e) AA, AB and BZ are example of: [1]

a) Templates b) Macros

c) Column labels d) Cell addresses

(f) Cell address $B $3 in a formula means [1]

a) it is an absolute reference b) it is a mixed reference

c) it is a respective reference d) it is a relative reference

4. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks) [5]
(a) Which field is suitable for storing records of employees? [1]

a) EmpNo b) Salary

c) All of these d) Empname

(b) In this relationship, both the tables must have primary key columns. [1]

a) None of these b) One-to-one

c) One-to-many d) Many-to-many
(c) Database is made up of all the following components except [1]

a) forms b) formula bar

c) queries d) tables
(d) Which of the following term is least related to database? [1]

a) Tuples b) Attributes

c) Relationship d) Columns
(e) Which of the following is not valid field of table Student. [1]

a) salary b) fees

c) name d) admno
(f) Which data type will be appropriate to store information as Salary, Fees, Price etc. [1]

a) Date Time b) Binary Data types

c) Numeric Data type d) Alphanumeric Data types

5. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks) [5]
(a) What is the general rule to follow for secure online transactions? [1]

a) Share personal information with the b) All of these

c) Use any antivirus and antispyware d) Use any website for such transactions
(b) Customers can pay for online purchases using: [1]

a) Credit Card b) Debit Card

c) All of these d) Internet Banking

(c) A collection of web pages linked together in a random order is [1]

a) a search engine b) a web browser

c) a web server d) a website

(d) ________ software helps to protect your data from unauthorized users. [1]

a) Encryption Software b) Unlock password Software

c) Photoshop d) W33 Software

(e) A ________ is a device that converts digital computer signals into analog signals that can travel over [1]
phone lines.

a) Lane b) Modem

c) Router d) Bridge
(f) What are the major different types of network? [1]

a) Local Area Network b) node Network

c) Wide Area Network d) Both Local Area and Wide Area

SECTION B (Employability Skills)
Attempt any 3 questions
6. How does poor planning act as a barrier to communication? [2]
7. Enumerate Self-Regulation Strategies. [2]
8. What do you mean by antivirus software? [2]
9. Ankit is a class 8th student while returning home to his school he saw many lamp posts are not lighting up in the [2]
evening. So he thought to make an app that will depict which lamp post is working or not working. Initially his
idea boost up by the local authority and gradually many states used this app. Do you think Ankit is an
10. What is natural resource conservation? [2]
SECTION B (Subject Specific Skills) Short Answers
Attempt any 4 questions
11. A Tablet company sells Tablets and accessories. The head of the company's marketing department has created [2]
the following leaflet by using a Word processor. The leaflet will be
distributed to all the retail and malls.
ABC Ltd. Special Offers
To celebrate the completion of our five years in business, we are offering these special deals:
Purchase a new mobile in June and get 50% off on MRP.
Purchase 4 handsets and get one free.
To get more details, please contact to Mr Naveen on 180010400 .
Which of the following two options can improve the layout of the leaflet?
i. Line spacing
ii. Search facility
iii. Mail merging
iv. Center alignments
v. Hyperlink
12. Give an example of statistical function in Calc. [2]
13. What is the use of Consolidate option in Calc? [2]
14. Explain the following w.r.t. spreadsheets: [2]
a. Scenario
b. Goalseek
15. What do you mean by P2P? [2]
16. What are the benefits of online shopping? [2]
SECTION B (Subject Specific Skills) Long Answers
Attempt any 3 questions
17. Define different types of text case options. [4]
18. Explain the scenario tool of a spreadsheet software. [4]
19. What is SQL? Name the various categories of SQL. [4]
20. Explain various relationships that can be created between two tables in a database. [4]
21. What do you mean by Instant Messaging? Also explain one Instant Messaging software. [4]

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