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Document: SDS O1

Yuasa Battery Europe Ltd lssue No: 3

SAFETY DATA SHEET lssue Date: 19.10.2011

YUASA Valve Regulated Lead-Acid (VRLA) Battery Page lofB

PRODUCT IDENTIFCATION : Valve Regulated Lead-Acid (VRLA) Battery
CLASSIFICATION: Battery, wet, non-Spillable electric storage
Substance classification: UN 2800
lndustrial VRLA Batteries
USAGE / APPLICATIONS: Some common uses
Standby: Telecoms; UPS, alarm and security systems; emergency lighting; utility switching
Cyclic: Golf Trolleys, portable tools, portable lighting, wheelchairs, remote telemetry
Enerqv storaqe: Photovoltaic enerqy svstems (PVES); wind turbines
MANUFACTURER / SUPPLIER Yuasa Battery Europe Ltd,
Unit22, Rassau lndustrial Estate,
Ebbw Vale, NP23 55D
United Kinqdom
Tel: (+44) 01495 354 000
Health, Safety & Environment Dept,
Yuasa Batterv (UK) Ltd.
Tel: (+44) 01495 354 071
e-mail selwvn, thom as(@vuasaeu rope. com


Components Risk Description Approximate % Symbol CAS No.
Phrasesl Bv Wt. or Vol.
Plate Grid 30 to 40 Pb 7439-92-1
R23 Metallic Iead, lead alloys
R25 Calcium < 0.1 Ca l/a[;-1s-2
fin \Z Sn i44oi-i1-5
Active materials R23 Lead Dioxide 35 to 45 Pb:o? 1 309-60-0
R24 Aarium Compouna :-i.5 Ba 7/a[]e-j
Battery Electrolyte R21 R22 Dilute Sulphuric Acid 10 to 20 H2.SO+ 7664-93-9
R36 R37
R38 R49
Case Material Standard Grade, UL94:HB 5 to 10 9003-56-9
. ABS (Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene
Flame Retardant (FR) Grade, UL94:V0
o ABS (Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene 5 to 10 9003-56-9
. Tetrabromobisphenol-A-diglycygilether, with < 0.1 40039-
tribromophenol < 0.01 9B-B
Antimony trioxide 1 309-64-4

Separator Material Absorbent Glass Matt (AGM) Separaior 2to5

('1 00% Borosilicate Glass Microfibre)

lnorganic lead and battery electrolyte (Dilute Sulphuric Acid) are the main components of VRLA batteries. Other substances may be present
but in small amounts dependant on batterv tvpe. Contact Yuasa Batterv UK Ltd forfurther information.

VRLA Battery Mecha nical VRLA Batteries can be heavy. Correct manual handling techniques and/or
mechanical lifting aides (e.9. Fork Lift Truck) must be used.
Electrical VRLA Batteries can contain large amounts of electrical energy which can give very
high discharge currents and severe electrical shock if the terminals are short
Chemicat . The VRLA Battery presents no chemical hazards during the normal operation
provided the recommendations for handling, storage, transport and usage are
. VRLA Batteries emit hydrogen gas which is highly flammable and will form
explosive mixtures in air from approx 4oh to 76%. This can be ignited by a spark
at any voltage, naked flames or other sources of ignition.
. lf the battery is broken and the internal components exposed, hazards may exist
which require careful attention.
Plate Grids and r Metallic lead, lead alloys and Lead inorganic compounds:
Active materials . Lead poisoning is usually caused by inhalation of minute particles of lead fume and dust, which are absorbed by

I (r firr tirll lcrl of cach

Document: SDS 01
Yuasa Battery Europe Ltd lssue No: 3

SAFETY DATA SHEET lssue Date: 19.10 201 1

YUASA Valve Regulated Lead-Acid (VRLA) Battery Page 2ofB

the blood stream from the Iungs and deposited in the bone marrow.
. Lead is only slowly released from the bones and thus has an accumulative effect causing chronic poisoning.
. TOXIC by ingestion or inhalation of dust, vapour or fume
. May cause harm to the unborn child
. Harmful by inhalation and if swallowed
. Danqer of cumulative effects
Battery Electrolyte Severe IRRITATION and DAMAGE to internal tissues if swallowed,
IRRITATION of eyes and skin and may cause BURNS and DERMATITIS.

Case Material Standard Grade, UL94:HB & Flame Retardant (FR) Grade, UL94:V0.
No hazard in normal use.
Material can burn in a fire with toxic smoke and decomposition products.
Separator Material The fibres may cause IRRITATION to skin or eyes upon exposure, and to internal tissues if inhaled or


This information is of relevance only if the VRLA Battery has suffered damage, is broken and persons have direct contact with the internal

Components Action
Plate Grids and lnhalation: Remove the person from exposure !o fresh ai1_, Seek adyice flom a medical doctor
Active materials ingestion Wash out mouth with water and give plenty of water to drink. Do not induce
vomiting. Seek advice from a medical doctor
Skin bontact: Wash off with plenty of water and soap to prevent accldental ingestion oi !lhalatlon
eve contiCt lmmediately irrigate with eyewash solution or clean water, holding the eyelids aparl
for at least 10 minutes. Then take the person to
Battery Electrolyte
tntritiiion: Remote the person from exposure io fresh air. lf the person continues to feel
.. unwell seek advice from a medical doctor.
ingesiio;- Wash out mouth with water and give plenty of water to drink. Do not induce
vomitlng, !f !he_ person 9o1!!pues- !o fee! unwe!! geek adyice from a medlcal doc!o1,
Skin ContaCi: Drench with large quantities of water. Remove contaminated clothing. Continue to
wash the affected area for at least 10 minutes. Seek advice from a medical doctor
tye Contact: SpEeb rS eSSeNrraL. oererN lrvrrueotare NreotcaL nrreNrtoN.
lmmediately irrigate with eyewash solution or clean water, holding the eyelids
for at least '10 minutes. Then take the person to hospital.
Case Material tnnatailon: can burn in a fire with toxic smoke and decomposition products. Upon
inhalation of decomposition products, keep patient calm, remove to fresh air, and
seek advice from a medical doctor. lf a large quantity is inhaled take the person to
Note to phvsician: Treat according to symptoms (decontamination, vital
functions), no known spe_clfic an!1dole,
lngestion Wash out mouth with water and give plenty of water to drink. Do not induce
vom!t!19, !f Jhe person gontinues to feel unwell seek advice from a medica! doctol,
s(in bontict: Areas affected by molten material should be quickly placed under cold running
water and a sterlfe prolective dreqs!19 gpptied. Seek advice from a medicgf do-ctor,
tye Contact: May cause irritation or injury due to mechanical action and traces of Battery
Electrolyte. lrrigate thoroughly with eyewash solution or clean water, holding the
for at least 10 minutes. Then take the person to
Separator Material lnnala!ton: exposure to fresh air. lf irritation persists, seek advice from a
medical doctor
lngestion Wbsh out mouth with water and give plenty of water to drink, Do not induce
vomlti1g, ![lhe pergon go1]i1ugs !o_ igel ylwell 99e! a$y19p [o-m p meQlca! doc]o1,
Skin Contact: After contact with skin, wash immediately with plenty of soap and water. lf irritation
persists, seek advice from a me_drc_al doctor
Eye iontact: ln case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with eyewash solution or clean
water, holding the eyelids apart, for at least 10 minutes. Then take the person to
Docunrent: SDS O1

Yuasa Battery Europe Ltd lssue No. 3

SAFETY DATA SHEET lssue Date: 19.10 2011

YUASA Valve Regulated Lead-Acid (VRLA) Battery Page 3ofB


VRLA, Battery . VRLA Batteries emit hydrogen gas which is highly flammable and will form
explosive mixtures in airfrom approx4okloT6%. This can be ignited bya spark
at any voltage, naked flames or other sources of ignition.

. Batteries in use will be part of an electrical circuit and must be isolated from the
power source before attempting to put out a fire. Switch the power OFF before
disconnecting the batteries from the power source.

. Damaged batteries may expose negative plates (grey) colour, which may ignite
if allowed to dry out. These plates may be wetted down wtth water after the
battery has been removed from all electrical circuits.
Suitable Extinguisher types: COr, Foam; Dry PowOer.
Unsuitaote Extinguishei irpes Water extinguishers must never be used to put out an elecirical fire.
H;;idous oeComposiiion Carbon monoxide, Sulphur Dioxide. Sulphur Trioxide, lead iume and vapour, toxic
products: fumes from decomposition of battery case materials.
Special protective equipment Full face visor or safety goggles; respiratory protective equipment or self-contained
for fire fighters: breathing apparatus; full acid resistant protective clothing must be worn in fire
fiqhtinq conditions.


This irrformation is of relevance onlv if the VRLA has
VRLA Battery VRLA batteries are desiqned not to leak under normal conditions.
Plate Grids and Personal Precautions: Use of heavy;dlllV Sloveg !s recommelded
Active materials Ctean-uI Metnooi: Solid lead may be picked up and recycled.
Active material waste should be cleaned up and the area washed
tnvrronmental Precautlons: Do not allow to enter a watercourse. Exposed lead materials must be placed in an
inert sealed container (e.q. self-seal plastic bao) for disposal, see Section 13.
Battery Electrolyte: Personal Precautions: Ensure suitable, acid resistant, personal protective clothing (including resptratory
protection) is worn during removal of spillages.

Clean-up Metf,oOs:
Small spillages: Absorb spillages. Wash the spillage area with water.

Large spillages: Electrolyte leakage should be absorbed onto dry sand, earth, sawdust or other
inert material and must not be allowed to enter any drains or sewage system.
Neutralise the electrolyte using soda ash, sodium bicarbonate, sodium carbonate
or calcium carbonate powder and then wash the area thoroughly with water.
Collect absorbed material and place in an inert sealed container (e.9, self-seal
plastic bag) for disposal, see Section 13.
Case Material: Clean-up Methods: Sweep and/or shovel up. Collect contaminated material and place in an inert
sealed container for disposal, see Section 13.

separator Material: Clean-up Methods: Sweep and/or shovel up. Collect contaminated material and place in an inert
sealed container for disposal, see Section 13.

Note: lf appropriate refer to 8 and 13


VRLA Battery Storage Store batteries in a cool, well ventilated area with a solid, impervious surface, and
ade-guate containment i1 the even! of accidental ac-id spitlage,
Store under a roof and protect against adverse weather conditions including rain,
snow and othe_r sources of water.
Storage of large quantities of VRLA batteries may require approval from local
envilolmen!af protecl!on agency and/or local water autholitles-,
Pallets of VRLA Batteries are heavy. Store at ground level or in lower levels of

Take gpecial gale !n dry qold[1o_1s !o_ avold the risk of ele-9J1o9]ati9 dischalge-g,
Protect against physical damage and exposure to organic solvents and other
!ncompatlble materials.
Document: SDS O1
Yuasa Battery Europe Ltd lssue No: 3

SAFETY DATA SHEET lssue Date: 19.10 2011

YUASA Valve Regulated Lead-Acid (VRLA) Battery Page 4ofB

Store batteries in their original packaging wherever possible. When batteries are
removed from their original packaging (e.9. for transportation of small quantities),
ensure new packaging protects the batteries from damage and risk of short circuit
of the terminals.
Handling: Only trained operators should be allowed to handle VRLA batteries.
Mechanical liftinq aides (e,q. FLT) mav be requrred to move larqe batteries.
End-of-Life Ensure batteries are removed from equipment at end of life and collected for
(EC WEEE Requlations) recvclinq bv an approved contractor.
lnstallation. Refer to EN 50272-2:200'1 , Safety requirements for secondary batteries and
batterv installations - Part 2 StationarV batteries.


VRLA Battery Personal Precautions: When there is no evidence of damage or visible traces of liquid (electrolyte) or
solid deposits on the batteries they nray be handled safely without extra personal
protective equipment.

Ensure electrical insulation equipment is used when installing batteries.

(e.9. insulated mats and covers; insulated tools)

Remove ALL metallic objects from the person when working with VRLA Batteries:
e.g. Jewellery (rings, watches, bracelets, necklaces), pens, torches, etc.

Where there are any signs of damage or liquid (electrolyte) or solid deposits,
rr.rbber gloves and acid resistant clothing must be worn when handling the batteries
and affected packaging to protect against the effects of any electrolyte that may be
lf it is suspected that free electrolyte is present, then safety glasses must be worn,
and if larqe amounts are present, chemical qoqqles or face shield should be used.


VRLA Battery The main components are listed in item 2 above.
The undamaged product is a manufactured item in an inert plastic (ABS) case, which will burn if subjected to
high temperatures or sources of ignition. Some battery types are made with Flame Retardant ABS cases, see
technical specification. These batteries carry the suffix'FR' after the battery type; e.g. NP24-12FR
a Batteries emit hydrooen qas, which is hicthly flammable and forms explosive mixtures in air, see Section 5.

Plate Grids and Ap_pealapce Safety;related da!a

Active materials Form Soiio Soliditication point . 327 "C
Colour ciet oibioffi Boiling point 1740 C
---o;do;;ii Odourless Solublljty in waler ; Very fow (0,15m9/!)
Solubility in acid or alkaline ' Yes, dependant on the strength of
so/irtions solution.

Vapour pressure (at 20"C) ; N.A.

Battery Electrolyte:
Form i Liouid
Colour i Colourless Boiling point ' Approx 108 to 114 "C
Odour I Odourless Solubility in water : Complete
--*..*".- i
Vapour pressure (at 20"C) : N.A.
Case Material: Appearance Safety-related data
Form Solid Softening point > '100 "C (DlN 53460)
Colour Grey or black Flash Point , >330 "C
Odour Slight Odour Solubility in water . lnsoluble
Solubility in other solvents ; Soluble in polar solvents, aromatic
solvents, chlorinated
Density (at 20"C) 1
1.07-1 .4 g/cm'(DlN 53479)
Vapour pressure (at 973"C) i 1mm Hq
Separator Material:
ioii F!brou9 maleflal Solidification point N/A
colo,ii White Boilinq point N/A
biao,ui oOouiless Solubilitv in water lnsoluble
Densitv (at 20"( N/A
Vapour oressure ht 20"C) : NIA
Document: SDS 01
Yuasa Battery Europe Ltd lssue No: 3

SAFETY DATA SHEET lssue Date: 19 10 2011

YUASA Valve Regulated Lead-Acid (VRLA) Battery Page 5ofB


VRLA Battery Within the operational temperature range -20 to +50 'C the undamaged
product is stable.

Plate Grids and Materials to Avoid: Powdered lead reacts violently with fused ammonium nitrate and sodium
Active materials: acetylide. Reacts violently when in contact with chlorine trifluoride.

Battery Electrolyte: Hazardous Reactions . Dilution of the higher concentrated grades with water may liberate
excessive heat.
o Highly reactive with metals and organic materials.
. On contact with metals, may generate hydrogen which fornrs explosive
mixtures with air.
r Destroys organic materials such as cardboard, wood, textiles, etc.
. Vlgolous reactlon with sodium hydioxlde and a!ka!is,
Sulphur oxides
Gase Material: Conditions to Avoid: To avoid thermal decomposition, do not overheat.
Starts to decompose at temperatures >275'C.

Materials to Avoid: Powerful oxidising agents.

Thermal degradation products: Monomers, other degradation products, traces of hydrogen cyanide.

Separator Material: . Stable material.

. lncompatible with Hydrofluoric acid and concentrated Sodium Hydroxide.
. No hazardous polymerisation expected.

VRLA Battery This information does not apply to the undamaged VRLA Battery. lt is of
relevance if the battery is broken and the components are released to the
environment. Exposure limits may vary according to national law and
Plate Grids: Toxicity . Toxic by ingestion or inhalation
Metallic lead, . Chronic poison
lead alloys.

E .
Lead is a poison that affects virtually every system in the body
Symptoms include fatigue, headaches, constipation, aching bones and
muscles, gastrointestinal tract disturbances and reduced appetite
Blood lead levels of 80 pg/dl and above have been associated with both
acute and chronic effects of lead poisoning

Aclive materials: Toxicity . Toxic by ingestion or inhalation

Lead dioxide. . Chronic poison
. Chronic exposure to lead compounds may lead to a build-up of lead tn the
body, giving rise to a variety of health problems, including anaemia, kidney
and'livir damaqe, impaired eyesight, memory loss and CNS2 damage
Battery Electrolyte: Dilul e Sulph uric Acid Corrosive, the more concentrated solutions can cause serious burns to the

mouth, eyes and skin
Harmful by ingestion and through skin contact

lnhalation: Mist is a severe irritant to the respiratory tract. Fluid build up on the lung
(pulmonary oedema) may occur up to 48 hours after exposure and could
prove fatal


Skin Contact:
Will immediately cause severe corrosion of and damage to the
gastrointestinal tract

Causes severe chemical burns


Eye Contact:
x Risk of serious damage to eyeJ. Causes severe burns. Miy cause prolonged

x or permanent damage or even total loss of sight. Mist will cause irritation

t ('NS
--('cntntl Ncrvous Systcrr
Document. SDS 01
Yuasa Battery Europe Ltd lssue No: 3

SAFETY DATA SHEET lssue Date: 19.1 0 20'1 'l

YUASA Valve Regulated Lead-Acid (VRLA) Battery Page 6ofB

Case Material: According to information available the product is not harmful to health
provrded it is correctly handled and processed according to the given
recom mendations.
Separator Material: Based on animal implantation and epidemiologic studies glass microflbres
are thought to have some limited carcinogenic potential and as such are
designated as Group 28 materials (lARC, US). The material should be
treated as a category 3 carcinogen (Europe).
Limited evidence of carcinogenic effect.


VRLA Battery This information does not apply to the undamaged VRLA Battery. lt is of
relevance if the battery is broken and the components are released to the
Plate Grids and Metallic lead, lead alloys and Lead Chemical and physical treatment is required for the elimination of lead from
Active materials: dioxide. water. Waste water containing lead must not be disposed of in an untreated

ecotoiicity: . ihe general classification for Lead compounds, R50/5C Ooes not appty to
Battery Lead Oxide
. Tests in 2001 and 2005 have concluded that Battery Lead Oxide is NOT
toxic for the environment; neither R50 nor R50/53 nor R51/53.
. Risk Phrase R52/53 (Harmful to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term
Bp-!fIE.qsS,5?&9 adverse effects irr the aquatic environment) app!les to Battery Lead Oxide.
Effilifi the ;qu;tt enviionment: . Toxicity for fish: 96 h LC 50 > 100 mg/l

Battery Electrolyte: Ecotoxicity:

x .
Toxicity for daphnia:
Toxicity for alga:
48 h EC 50 > 100 mg/l
72 h lC 50 > 10 mg/l

ln order to avoid damage to the sewerage system, the acid has to be

neutralised by means of soda ash, sodium bicarbonate or sodium
carbonate before disposal.
o Ecological damage is possible by change of pH. The electrolyte solution
reacts with water and organic substances, causing damage to flora and
. The electrolyte may also contain components of lead that can be toxic to
aquatic environments.
peisisience aho Deqi;db[ion: Remains indefinitely in the environment as sulphate.
Case Material: Elimination information: No data available: insoluble in water
seh;;ioui ;;d enviionmentat tate: Due to the consistency of ihe product, and its insolubility in water. it will
apparently not be bio-available.
Separator Material: No data available: insoluble in water
Not thouqht to pose anv risk to the environment.

VRLA Battery Europe: . Spent (used) VRLA Batteries are sublect to the requirements of the
Batteries Directive 2006/66/EC (on batteries and accumulators and waste
batteries and accumulators). Spent (used)VRLA Batteries MUST be sent
for recycling through an authorised contractor at the end-of-life.
. The WEEE Directive 20021961EC (Waste Electrical and Electronic
Equipment) applies. Spent (used)VRLA Batteries MUST be removed
from equ!pment a! e-nd-of-life,
Worldwide; o VRLA batteries contain inorganic lead compounds and sulphuric acid
which are damaging to the environment.
. Spent (used) batteries musl be disposed of in an environmentally friendly
manner in accordance with local national laws and requlations.
Plate Grids and . Metallic lead and active materials (Lead Oxides) must be recycled.
Active materials: . Disposal must be carried out in accordance with the European Hazardous
Waste Directive 91/689/EEC (until end of 20'10), then Directive

Battery Electrolyte: Europe . Disposal must be carried out in accordance with the European Hazardous
Waste Directive 91/689/EEC (until end of 2010),
. Thereafter, Directive 2008/98/EC on the protection of the environment
through crrminal law
Woitowioe . Disposal should be in accordance with local, state or national legislation.
Document: SDS 01
Yuasa Battery Europe Ltd lssue No: 3

SAFETY DATA SHEET lssue Date: 19.10 201 1

YUASA Valve Regulated Lead-Acid (VRLA) Battery Page TofB

Case Material: . Do not dispose of this product into sewers, any ocean or water area in
order to prevent marine animals and birds from ingesting.
. Recycling is encouraged.
. Disposal by controlled incineration oT source landfill in accordance with
local national laws and requlations may be acceptable.
Separator Material: Constitutes a special waste by virtue of hazardous subslance content.
Dispose of via approved landfill site. Disposal by controlled source
landfill in accordance with local national laws and regulations may be


VRLA Battery Land Transport Land Transport (ADR / RID)
. UN No: UN2B00
. Classification ADR / RID: Class B
. Proper Shipping Name: BATTERIES, WET, NON-SPILLABLE electric
. Packing Group ADR: not assigned
. Tunnel code: E
. ADR / RID: New and spent (used) batteries are exempt from all ADR / RID
(special provision 598)
Sea Transport Sea transport (IMDG Code)
o UN No: UN2800
. Classification: Class 8
. Proper Shipping Name: BATTERIES, WET, NON-SPILLABLE electric
. Packing Group: III
. EmS: F-A, S-B
Non-spillable batteries meet the requirements of Special Provision 238; they
are therefore exempt from all IMDG codes and are not regulated for sea
Air Transport Air Transport (IATA-DGR)
. UN N':2800
. Classification: Class B
.. Proper Shipping Name: BATTERIES, WET, NON-SPILLABLE electric
. Packing Group: III
. Special Provision A48: Packaging test are not considered necessary
. Special Provision 467: Yuasa's VRLA batteries meet the requirements of
Packing lnstruction 872.
The battery has been prepared for transport so as to prevent:
a) A short-circuit of the battery's terminals by packaging in a strong and
sturdy carton box; AND/OR
b) The battery has been fitted with an insulating cover (made from ABS)
which prevents contact with the terminals.
c) Unintentional activation is thus prevented
The words "NOT RESTRICTED" and the Special Provision (SP) number
must be indicated on all shipping documents
. Special Provision: A164: The battery has been prepared fortransport so
as to prevent:
a) Shorlcircuit of the battery's terminals by packaging in a strong and
sturdy carton box; AND/OR
b) The battery has been fitted with a cover (made from ABS) which
prevents contact with the terminals
c) Unintentional activation is thus prevented

All methods of transport Do not place VRLA batteries inside sealed enclosures.
VRLA Batteries emit hydrogen gas which is highly flammable and will form
explosive mixtures in air from approx 4% lo 76%. This can be ignited by a
spark at any voltage, naked flames or other sources of ignition.
Document. SDS O1
Yuasa Battery Europe Ltd lssue No: 3

SAFETY DATA SHEET lssue Date: 19.10.2011

YUASA Valve Regulated Lead-Acid (VRLA) Battery Page BofB

VRLA Battery Required Markings:
Crossed-out wheeled bin indicating "SEPARATE COLLECTION" foT all

X batteries and accumulators. Not to be disposed of with general domestic,

commercial or industrial waste,
Ref: The Batteries Directive 2006/66/EC
The Pb symbol indicates the heavy metal content of the battery and enables
Pb the lead-acid battery to be sorted for recycling.
Ref: The Batteries Directive 2006/66/EC.
The lnternational Recycling Symbol, required by law in many countries
world-wide to facilitate the identification of secondary batteries and
accumulators for recycli ng.
Ee Ref: IEC 61429 :'1995, Marking of secondary cells and batteries with the
lnternational Recvclinq Svmbol ISO 7000-1 135.


VRLA Battery To ensure the safe use of VRLA Batteries supplied by Yuasa Battery (UK) Ltd., the following precautions must be

. Only trained, competent personnel, who have received special instructions for the hazards and risks, should be
allowed to handle VRLA Batteries.

. Never short-circuit battery ternrinals, since sparks and arcs produced can injure personnel and are a fire and
explosion hazard.

. VRLA Batteries emit hydrogen gas which is highly flammable and will fornr explosive mixtures in air from approx
4oklo760/o. Never install VLRA Batteries in a gas-tight enclosure, whether during storage, transport or usage.

. Batteries must always be charged on a voltage-regulated charging system with adequate ventilation provided to
avoid the build-up of ignitable gases and to promote good heat dissipation.

. Do not charge VLRA Batteries above + 50 oC, discharge or store above + 60 oC.

. Under extreme conditions of charging equipment malfunction and/or battery failure, high voltage and high
temperature conditions may occur causing the evolution of Hydrogen Sulphide (HrS) gas, which is toxic. lf
detected by its odour of rotten eggs (at extremely low concentrations), switch off the charging equipment, evacuate
all personnel from the area and ventilate well. Seek advice before attempting to re-start charging.

Risk Phrases R21 : Harmful in contact with skin

R22 Harmful if swallowed
R23 , Toxyc by inhalation
R24 : Toxic in contact with skin
R25 , Toxic if swallowed
R35 Causes severe burns

R36 . llllatins lo
R37 . llftalinO to respiratory.yrt"r
R38 lrritating to skin
R49 May cause cancer by inhalation
R52 ' Harmful to aquatic organisms
R53 : May cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment

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