Active Mixer Design
Active Mixer Design
Active Mixer Design
Taken from Keysight EEsof EDA Technical Note: Low Power Mixer Design Example
Using Advanced Design System
This chapter describes a method for designing a low-power single-transistor active
mixer using Keysight Advanced Design System (ADS). It includes details on the
design steps, simulation setups and data displays. The workspace file discussed in
this lab is available in ADS. To find it, click the button labeled Open an Example
Workspace in the ADS homepage. Under All Examples (in alphabetical order) click
example titled MixerPager_wrk.7zads. Chose a workspace to place this file in and
then let it unarchive itself. After the file has unarchived, in the list of available files in
the folder, open and read the schematic in 01 ReadMe.
Device Selection
One of the first steps in the design process is to select the device. The device used for this example is
the Motorola MMBR941, a bipolar junction transistor (BJT) packaged in a standard SOT-23 plastic
package. While bipolar devices do not generally have as good of mixing properties as field-effect
transistors, the low operating voltage precludes using FETs in this case. The chosen device has
acceptable performance for this application and offers several other advantages: it is extremely low
cost, and accurate models are readily available. A rule of thumb in high-volume, low-cost applications is
to use the least expensive device that will accomplish the job, the MMBR941 is a good choice for this
mixer. It is equally true that, no matter how good a device is, if there are no models with which to
simulate it, it becomes impossible to use in a design.
The device model, taken from the ADS RF Transistor Library, is a Gummel-Poon model where the
parameters were extracted by the manufacturer, Motorola. Initially, the model’s DC performance is
verified by comparing DC I-V curves. Next, a bias network will be designed to establish the desired
operating point. The model’s RF behavior will then be checked by comparing the simulated S-
parameters with measured S-parameters taken at the same bias conditions. Finally, the model’s
nonlinear performance is verified by simulating gain compression and comparing to measured results.
Results from this simulation are displayed in The available output variables can be
viewed by either placing a new plot or selecting the existing plot for edit, which opens the Insert Plot
dialog window shown in Figure 5. Notice that voltages at each of the named nodes are automatically
supplied, as is the current at the DC supply (VCC.i).
The data from rom the current probe, ICC.i, is redundant in this case. The numbered nodes are used to
store information for DC back annotation, discussed in the section on Device Model RF Verification.
Figure 6 shows there is good agreement between simulated and measured results. Measured data may
be read into ADS from either data files or instruments by selecting Window > New File/Instrument
Server. ADS will convert files in Touchstone, MDIF, Citifile or ICCAP formats to ADS datasets, which
can then be displayed alongside simulated results. The I-V curves clearly show that, at the specified
operating point of VCE = 1 V, ICE < 0.6 mA, the device will be operating in a low current regime. If
designers do not have measure datafile, this step can be omitted.
Figure 6. Comparison of Measured (symbols) and Simulated (solid line) DC I -V Curves for MMBR941
The schematic contains bias tee components (the DC_Feed and DC_Block components) and 50 Ω
terminations that mimic the actual test setup used to measure the device. However, since the DC
simulation does not include any RF signals, they are not necessary at this point, and can be omitted
without changing the results. The results are displayed in tabular format in (see Figure
8), so the appropriate base current can be selected. Note that the bias point current is actually lower
than the specified final value. This is because the device will be pumped with a relatively large LO
signal, causing a shift in the DC component of the collector current.
This shift will be calculated more precisely later on but, for now, IBB is selected to be 5 μA so that the
corresponding collector current (514 μA) is well below the specification.
The bias resistor values, shown in Figure 9, are calculated next. Base current, collector current, and
VCC are known, but the designer must make an assumption about the voltage drop across R to be able
to solve for Rc and Rb. In this case, a collector-emitter voltage of 0.75 V is chosen, providing a
reasonable working voltage at the output and realizable resistor values. The equations, written in the
data display page, calculate the exact values required for each value of base current, but of course the
nearest standard values must be chosen. The next step is to confirm bias operation using these
standard values and then verify the S-parameters of the model against measured values.
The device S-parameters are calculated at this operating point and displayed, together with measured
data in Figure 11. The good agreement obtained here verifies the small-signal RF performance. The
device compression point will be simulated next to confirm large-signal operation.
Figure 13. Two Methods of Determining 1 dB Compression – both show input P1 dB is -24 dBm.
ADS offers a great deal of flexibility in where and how output data are defined. To take a simple
example, “PwrOut” has been defined on the schematic page using a MeasEqn component, but it could
equally well have been defined on the data display page as an equation. An advantage of defining
outputs on the schematic is that they can be used in optimizations. On the other hand, defining them on
the data display page is useful for setting up templates (where complex calculations can be easily
applied to many different schematics). Also, any outputs that were overlooked before the simulation was
run can be calculated afterwards by adding them on the data display page.
Notice that, at this point, the design still uses ideal bias tee components to isolate the DC and RF signal
paths. These will be replaced with the real components that make up the matching networks in the next
stage of the design.
The first step in designing the input matching network, then, is to determine the device input impedance
at the RF when the output is terminated in a short circuit. For the output matching network, the designer
needs to know the BJT’s output impedance at the IF when the input is terminated in a short circuit. In
ADS, equation-based 1-port Z-parameter components are used to simulate this sort of idealized
frequency-dependent termination, as seen in RFIFmatch1 (03_Compression & IF Match >
RFIFmatch1 > schematic) in Figure 14.
The Z1P_Eqn components are defined in a VAR block. The one at the input, ZIN, is set to be a short-
circuit at the IF and an open at the RF. This provides the required termination for S22 at the IF, while
leaving S11 unperturbed at the RF. Similarly, ZOUT, at the output, is set to be a short at the RF and an
open at the IF. Notice also that the LO source is represented at this point as an ideal 50 Ω termination,
coupled to the mixer through a 0.5pF capacitor. The capacitor was chosen to be so small in order to
isolate the LO source from the RF input signal.
The resulting S-parameters at the RF show that the input impedance is (11.5 - j51.4) Ω with a short-
circuit on the output. At the IF, the output impedance is (2065 - j2010) Ω. These values can be used to
decide on matching network topologies and component values. The designer always has several
topologies to choose from in developing a matching network, and which one is best will depend on
factors such maximizing yield (some topologies are more sensitive to component variation than others),
minimizing component count (to reduce cost) and combining functions where possible (incorporating the
bias decoupling components into the matching, in this case).
- To illustrate, Figure 15, shows that, starting at the device input impedance (A), a shunt inductor
followed by a series inductor will move the circuit impedance successively from B1 to 50 Ω. The
resulting network “A” has some advantages: the shunt inductor will provide a short to the IF at the input,
as required, and it can be used in the bias decoupling network (to replace the ideal DC_feed). However,
network “B” is even better: using a smaller value of shunt inductance brings the impedance to B2, where
a match is achieved using a series capacitor. C1 can also serve as the DC blocking capacitor, thereby
saving a component, so this network is used for the mixer. ADS provides an easy to use interactive
Smith Chart tool utility that can be used for designing Matching Networks. S
add shunt L1
add series C1
Network B
add shunt L2
Although it was not done in this example, the actual component values for the network can be
calculated using ADS, as illustrated in examples like LNA_1GHz_prj. In this case, components were
calculated manually from the Smith Chart, and the resulting circuit is shown in LOdrive, (04_LO Drive >
LOdrive > schematic). The final matching networks are shown in Figure 16. Notice that, in addition to
components for the matching and bias networks, a load resistor, RL, has been added to control the
mixer’s conversion gain. The initial value of 4.7 kΩ was chosen to be high enough not to have an effect
on the mixer’s performance and will be adjusted as required once the conversion gain is known. Also,
two large RF bypass capacitors (BlkL1 and BlkL2) are added to provide RF ground to the output load
resistor and inductor and to the input shunt inductor, respectively.
The P_IF equation calculates the dBm value of the mix function.
The data display shows the effect of the load resistor (see Figure 17).
The second graph in the data display shown in Figure 18 illustrates the effect of the LO drive level on
DC bias. Increasing the LO signal at the base drives the output swing on the collector harder, shifting
the DC component higher (see Figure 19). In practice, a 5 to 15 percent shift in collector bias current
typically gives good performance for a mixer of this type.
Figure 18. Conversion Gain and Bias Current Vary with LO Drive Level
Now that the mixer’s performance is verified, the next step is to replace the ideal passive components
with realistic models of the surface-mount resistors, capacitors and inductors that will be used in the
actual circuit.
MixerLayout was created by saving MixCompr under a new name and modifying it. Since the finished
circuit will be simulated using the layout representation, it will have to be placed as a subnetwork in
another schematic. This is because the layout file cannot contain simulator controllers, sources or
terminations. The first step is to remove those components from the schematic and add ports to each
point in the circuit that will be connected externally, either to sources, grounds or other circuits. The
labels for each port will appear on the schematic symbol used when the design is placed in another
schematic, so meaningful names should be provided. At this stage, the designer may also create a
custom symbol for the circuit by selecting View > Create/Edit Schematic Symbol.
Figure 21. Substitution of SMT component for ideal component requires use of SMT_Pad
The next step is to replace each resistor, capacitor and inductor with a model of the SMT component
that will be used in the actual circuit. The models are all found in the SMT Component Libraries by
selecting the Browse and Search function in the Component Library List window. In this case, all the
capacitors are MuRata Erie parts: the matching and bias capacitors are all MuRata Erie series GRM39
parts, while the RF bypass capacitors are GRM36 series. The resistors are taken from the Dale CRCW
series and the inductors are Coilcraft parts.
Once the components are placed and the pads defined, the designer can select Layout > Place
Components from Schematic to Layout and place each part in its approximate location in the layout
window. Traces are a convenient way to create the interconnects. They can be converted to equivalent
microstrip components using the Edit > Path/Trace/Convert Traces command. In general, when
moving back and forth between the schematic and layout representations, it is best to work on small
sub-sections and synchronize the two representations manually. Synchronization ensures that both
layout and schematic describe the same circuit: for example, if the designer has made some changes to
the layout, the schematic can be updated to reflect them by selecting Schematic > Generate/Update
Schematic in the layout window. Changes made to the schematic can be similarly transferred to the
layout by choosing Layout > Generate/Update Layout in the schematic window.
Figure 22 shows the finished layout. A ground-plane has been added to the top-side metallization to
eliminate the need for vias, thus reducing fabrication costs. This can be easily created in ADS by
drawing a rectangle the size of the final circuit board and using the Edit > Create Clearance feature to
generate the required spacing around transmission lines and component footprints.
Figure 24 shows the mixer conversion gain as a function of LO drive level when simulated using both
the ideal components and the SMT model components. As expected, the conversion gain has drops
significantly, due mainly to the resistive losses in the inductors. This can be verified by replacing
individual components with their ideal counterparts and re- simulating. The load resistor can now be
adjusted to compensate for these losses:
Changing Rl from 1.5 kΩ to 3.3 kΩ restores the simulated conversion gain to 10.76 dB, providing a
0.76 dB margin over the specification. Note that these changes must be made in the layout file in order
to be reflected in the simulation results. Once any such final corrections have been made to the layout,
the circuit board is ready to be exported for fabrication.
An example mixer design using Keysight ADS has been presented, including details of the design
process and simulation set-ups. This example is included with Keysight ADS and can be readily copied
and modified by users for their own projects.
Additional material and various Mixer design examples can be found at the Keysight EEsof EDA
Knowledge Center:
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