Research Paper Senior High School
Research Paper Senior High School
Research Paper Senior High School
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The Department of Education (DepEd) issues this DepEd Order on Establishing the
Buildings to guide the Department and other stakeholders in preparing plans architectural,
structural, electrical, fire protection, and sanitary to ensure the comfort and safety of the
comfort, illumination, ventilation, acoustics, color, and compliance with the law,
2. All DepEd Orders and related issuances, rules, and regulations inconsistent with these
or modified accordingly.
4. Immediate dissemination and strict compliance with this Order are directed.
The Manual was developed through consultations with DepEd central and
Philippines (UAP), the Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers (PICE), the Heritage
Coordinating Council (NDCC), the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC), and
in-house and field validations with School Division Superintendents, Principals, Physical
reference materials to help them manage educational facilities more efficiently and
effectively. Managing under a decentralized set-up of the Department, with its discussion of
many hazards that can lead to disasters if not given priority attention through preparedness
and risk reduction. Topics that would bring up building construction rules, current practices,
and necessary changes. With the necessary information readily available, this will aid in
the timely and sensible resolution of issues, difficulties, and other concerns. Designing a
include spatial planning, security, and compliance with the requirements necessary to
establish an educational system that meets students' and teachers' standards and needs.
Beyond aesthetics and the visual appeal of an educational institution, it is crucial to create a
space that serves current and future generations. The campus must be functional and
operational in the long term. A well-designed school fosters student productivity and
performance, while also creating a sense of belonging within the community. Ultimately, a
school's purpose is to unify diverse and dynamic young minds, fostering innovation and
The layout of both public and private schools is crucial for creating an efficient learning
environment. Key elements include the strategic placement of classrooms, teacher offices,
essential facilities, and spacious pathways that accommodate the movement of students and
disabilities. Schools should include ramps and other accessible features between floors to
ensure that all students can continue their learning despite physical limitations. Proper
lighting and ventilation are essential, especially as many schools incorporate technology into
their learning environments. Additionally, open spaces like soccer fields provide
opportunities for students to step away from technology and engage in physical activities.
Safety is a vital factor in designing educational institutions. Security measures and student
protection are fundamental, including the placement of entrances and exits and designated
emergency areas within the campus. Lastly, sustainability plays a crucial role in campus
design planning. This involves using energy-efficient materials and appliances and
architectural design. By analyzing the interactions between students, teachers, and other
faculty members, these engagements can enhance the learning environment by creating
engagement is essential for a successful school design. By involving students and teachers in
the decision-making process and designing an environment that meets their needs, schools
can create a learning experience that is both effective and enjoyable (Whisker, 2023).
The project is of public ownership, managed and administered by the state through the
DepEd Division in Cavite, with the support and partnership of the Local Government Unit.
DepEd had reorganized the administration of the Kaong National High School & Elementary
The design of the building Shall be a climate-resilient structure that features the use of
renewable energy that can sustain occupants during calamities, and flexible spaces to
accommodate multiple communal and educational functions. It shall conform to the legal
standards and specifications of DepEd and other relevant building laws, ordinances, or
statutes while being creative and aesthetically pleasing. The building must have suitably lit
and ventilated environments suitable to learning or education, with the inclusion and design
of spaces that shall cater to public events facilitated by the LGU or National Government
1. P.D. 1096 - National Building Code of the Philippines, Rule VII & VIII
The project is located at a converted agricultural lot, which had been converted by a special
Sangguniang resolution to be a General Institutional (GI) zone, specifically for the project.
The allowable occupancy falls under Division C-2, under P.D. 1096. The site is adjacent to
Residential (R1) and Mixed-use commercial zone (C1) in the locality, which location is
strategized to be the best option because of its high elevation and low-risk assessment rating.
The site measures approximately 1.2 hectares in area. It is a regular lot, with a frontage of
110 meters facing a two-way local road (6.0 meters wide). The site slopes gently (3-5 %)
towards the rear. The following site map entails the site data and pertinent descriptive
Type Municipality
Province Cavite
Barangay Count 64
Coastal/Landlocked Landlocked
municipality has a land area of 209.43 square kilometers or 80.86 square miles, constituting
13.72% of Cavite's total area. Its population as determined by the 2020 Census was 295,644.
This represented 6.80% of the total population of Cavite province or 1.83% of the overall
population of the CALABARZON region. Based on these figures, the population density is
computed at 1,412 inhabitants per square kilometer or 3,656 inhabitants per square mile.
Silang is believed to be the second-oldest town in Cavite and was founded in 1571.
The name Silang was derived from the Tagalog word “Silanganan”. Some said it came from
“isinilang” because of the sudden existence of a church at the center of the town.
Educational Facilities:
including its grounds, buildings, and numerous facilities both on the grounds and inside the
building, The different components that constitute educational facilities are categorized as
follows: school sites, school buildings, school furniture and equipment. The primary goal of
teaching and learning. It must be adaptable to changes in teaching methods and school
organization while considering changes in the educational process, which has become more
evaluating, etc., the school furniture, equipment, school buildings, and school sites. The
formation of action plans must consider the community's overall educational program, as well
as new educational trends and advancements that influence the character of the school
program and the accompanying physical facility requirements. It will also be based on data
gathered from a survey of current facilities and the findings of the school mapping process.
● Classroom Size:
○ The size of the classroom for elementary and secondary schools must be 7.00
● Windows
operable louver type. The window must allow daylight entry even if it’s
○ The total area of the window opening must be at least 10.00 sqm to provide for
○ The window still must not be lower than 0.60 meters for single-story buildings
or higher than 0.90 meters for multi-story buildings from the finished floor
line (FFL).
○ The minimum height of the fixed louver or transom window above the
○ The window metal frames and jalousie holders must be sturdy enough to
withstand vandalism.
● Doors
○ The doors must withstand normal wear and tear and shall be provided with the
● Floor
○ The classroom FFL should be higher than the corridor FFL by 25 millimeters.
○ The first-floor finish elevation must not be less than 225 millimeters and 325
the Accessibility Law (B.P No. 344), of non-skid finish, and properly labeled.
● Ceiling
○ The clear height of rooms from FFL to the finished ceiling line (FCL) must be
○ Materials to be used for the ceiling must provide thermal comfort inside the
● Roofing
○ The roofing material must be adequately protected from rust or oxidation, salt,
air, acid rain, or other sources and forms of corrosion. If made of metal, the
folding sheets shall be of 0.40 mm base metal thickness (BMT) and securely
○ For multi-story school buildings, the roof must be provided with a concrete
gutter and eaves, which shall be at least 1.10 meters from the corridor.
● Partitions
● Corridors
○ The Corridor for single-storey buildings school buildings shall not be less than
1.50 meters
○ For multi-story school buildings, the corridors must not be less than 2.50
meters and should be provided with steel railing at a height not less than 1.50
● Stairways
○ For multi-story school buildings, concrete stairs must have a width of not less
○ The number of stairways per school building shall comply with the
○ All school buildings shall comply with R.A No. 9514, otherwise known as the
Fire Code of the Philippines (FCP) and its latest Implementing Rules and
○ Fire escapes must be provided for multi-story school buildings following the
● Chalkboard
4.88 meters wide by 1.22 meters tall, with mounting heights and specifications
● Painting
Scheme etc.
Shade) Semi-gloss
Exterior) Non-skid
● All new school buildings should follow the standard color scheme above, except in
○ A different dominant color scheme already exists. In such cases, the dominant
● No new design, accent, or color scheme different from what is hereby prescribed
and/or from what already predominantly exists under item 3 above may be proposed/
● There is a need to endure, as far as practicable, the uniformity of all public school
teaching and learning. At the same time, the DepEd encourages and promotes regional
○ Roof Markings shall be painted on the main building or the tallest building of
the school. It shall include only the DepEd logo and School ID Number.
DepEd Logo
● Note: The distance between the DepEd Logo and the School I.D Number shall be at
least 2.00m.
● Wall Markings:
○ All walls must be free from any markings, except the following, which may be
○ An Interior wall section may be selected and dedicated for the recognition of
sponsors, donors, and other school partners, provided that the recognition
materials shall follow a standard metal plaque format that will be mounted to
the wall.
● Ventilation
vents. Artificial ventilation inside each classroom shall be supplied by two (2)
● Illumination
artificial and natural lightning. Illumination at all staircases and fire exit stairs
● The structural design must be by the revised IRR of the 1977 NBCP and the latest
edition of the National Structural Code of the Philippines (NSCP), Volume 1, 2010.
● Classification of Streuctures:
the project shall be designed following the classifications based on the nature
● Wind Load
○ For all school buildings, the roofing and walls shall be designed to withstand a
minimum BASIC wind speed (as defined in SEC. 207 of the NSCP) of 250
kilometers per hour (kph). The year-round effects of the southwest monsoon
(Habagat) wind and the northeast monsoon (Amihan) wind as well as the
easterly winds must be taken into consideration due to the extensive damage
○ A Wind importance factor (WIF) of 1.15 based on the NSCP, shall be used.
typhoons and heavy rains to protect sensitive materials and equipment. Doors
and windows should be fully sealed against strong vertical and lateral rains.
● Seismic Load
○ As the FFL shall be elevated to 0.20 meters above the level of flood
● Live Loads
○ The minimum occupancy or live loads shown in the table below shall be used
in the design.
● Live Loads:
● Design Life
○ The school building and its structure shall have a design life of at least
● Building Foundation
○ The foundation shall be designed for a net allowable soil bearing pressure of
96 kPa (2,000) pounds per square foot or psf). Consistent with the best
● Wall Vibration
○ Walls must not unduly vibrate due to impact caused by any part of an adult
human body and must neither be dented nor punctured by deliberate punches
○ The electrical design must follow the latest edition of the Philippine Electrical
Code (PEC). It must be provided with the basic electrical power and lighting
layout, general notes, riser diagram, single line diagram, legends and symbols,
least six (6) units of double T-5 36 watts fluorescent lamps with reflectors or a
○ Two ceiling outlets for ceiling fans for each classroom must be provided
○ Wire shall be properly designed under article 3.10 and the grounding system
must have a size of 8.0 sq. mm minimum and be properly protected by circuit
breaker protection.
● Roughing Ins
○ Service entrance
○ The service entrance shall be at least 1.60 meters above the natural grade line
(NGL) or 0.30 meters above the established high flood level, whichever is
○ Toilets and sanitary facilities shall be by the plumbing code and the sanitary
○ The drain waste and vent line piping system must be aligned with the
○ The system must be aligned with the Dutch Deutsche industry norm DIN 1988
A53/A53M. The system must provide for a water line service entrance.
● Plumbing Fixtures
● Drainage System
intensities, slope, and roof areas of the school buildings. Provision shall be
made for the future installation of the rainwater collection system and
compliance with R dot A dot NO .6716 double “an act providing for the
● Septic Vault
○ All concrete septic tanks, if used as sanitation solution, shall be protected from
● Human Dimensions
● Complies With The National Structural Code of the Philippines (NSCP) 2010
● Provision of Dry Standpipe System for 2-story & 3-story school building
● Color Scheme
● Roof Framing
● Columns
● Beams
● Tie Beams
● Foundation
B. Athletic Field. The allocation of external space for the athletic field shall allow adequate
provision for the laying out of the following basic components, among others:
a) A standard oval tract with a distance of 400 meters.
b) A baseball diamond with sides measuring 27.4 meters (90 ft.) long.
c) A softball diamond with sides measuring 18.2 meters (60 ft.) long.
d) A soccer football field measuring 90-120 meters (100-130 yards) long and 45-
90 meters (50-100 yards) wide.
e) A basketball court which shall be a flat, hard, (not grass) surface measuring 26
x 14 meters (85 x 46 ft.).
f) A volleyball court measuring 18 meters long and 9 meters wide (60 x 30 ft).
g) A lawn tennis court measuring 23.77 meters long and 8.23 meters wide (73 x
27 feet), which is the standard for singles. For doubles, a wider court is used,
10.97 meters (36 feet) wide.
h) Perimeter space shall also be provided for the construction of a grandstand or
grandstands and bleachers.
Evacuation Areas
a) The school should have provision for open space big enough to accommodate the
total population of the school. The open space can be used as a short-term (hours in
duration) temporary evacuation area for students, teachers, and school staff in case of
emergencies such as after a strong earthquake or occurrence of fire.
b) The open space should be at a safe distance from buildings, electrical wires, etc which
can become the source of falling debris that can injure people (DepED Educational
Facilities Manual, 2010, p. 72).
Special Projects
a) From time to time, special projects are undertaken by the schools in line with socio-
economic programs of the government, such as Kilusang Sariling Sikap (KSS), Food
Production, Clean and Green, School Orchard, Mini-forest, Herbal Garden, SHGP,
ALS activities, etc.
b) Provisions of space for such special projects shall be considered in the allocation of
external spaces in the school site (DepED Educational Facilities Manual, 2010, p.
Taking into consideration the two factors, the recommendable orientation of a school
building in the Philippines is a northwest-west to southeast-east axial direction.
In special instances where the path of typhoons occurs (East to West direction), the
onset of the southeast/ northeast monsoon (amihan-habagat) winds shall also be considered.
A. Layout. As a general rule, the different school buildings shall be laid out according to
functional grouping (DepED Educational Facilities Manual, 2010, p.83-84). The
distances between school buildings shall be such that:
a) Ventilation is not obstructed;
b) Natural illumination is not impeded; and
c) Sounds in one building do not carry into the next building
d) The suggested minimum distances between buildings are:
i) 8 meters between one-story buildings positioned side by side;
ii) 10 meters between two-story academic buildings positioned side by
iii) 10 meters between non-academic buildings;
iv) For a main building facing the front gate, at least 10 meters distance is
v) Greater distance than the minimum between school buildings is
desirable. Wider distance between buildings allows for adequate free
space to be utilized for many school-related activities.
e) The recommended minimum setback of a school from the street is 5 meters to
minimize intrusive sounds.
f) The School Site Development Plan must be considered in the laying-out of
school buildings
Section General provisions for means of egress (Fire Code of the Philippines: RA
9514, 2019, p. 51-57).
C. Arrangement of Exit
a) Exits shall be located and exit access shall be arranged so that exits are readily
accessible at all times.
b) Corridors shall provide exit access without passing through any intervening
rooms other than corridors, lobbies, and other spaces permitted to be open to
the corridor.
D. Access to Exits
a) A door from a room to an exit or to a way of exit access shall be of the side-
hinged, swinging type. It shall swing with exit travel.
b) In no case shall access to exit be through a bathroom, bedroom, or other room
subject to locking.
c) Exit access shall be arranged so that it will not be necessary to travel toward
any area of high-hazard occupancy to reach the nearest exit unless the path is
protected by suitable partitions.
B. Enclosures
a) Under all conditions where enclosure of inside stairways is required, outside
stairs shall be separated from the interior of the buildings with walls having
the same fire-resistance rating as that required for the wall enclosing inside
stairs. Any opening in such wall shall be protected by fire doors or fixed wired
glass windows (Fire Code of the Philippines: RA 9514, 2019, p. 63-64).
b) Wall construction required by para “B” (1) of this Section shall extend as
i) Either vertically from the ground to a point 3,050 mm above the
topmost landing of the stairs or to the roofline, whichever is lower.
ii) Horizontally for not less than 3050 mm.
Batas Pambansa Bilang 344 (Accessibility Law)
Standard accessibility for special types of facilities (Accessibility Law, 1981, p. 13).
A. Seating for the disabled shall be accessible from the main lobby to primary entrances,
together with related toilet facilities.
B. In all assembly places where seating accommodation is provided, there shall be
spaces for the disabled person as provided.
The following are the minimum requirements for accessibility (Accessibility Law, 1981,
p. 19-22).
B. Handrails
a) Handrails should be installed at both sides of ramps and stairs and the outer
edges of dropped curbs. Handrails at dropped curbs should not be installed
beyond the width of any crossing so as not to obstruct pedestrian flow.
b) Handrails shall be installed at 0.90 meters and 0.70 meters above steps or
ramps. Handrails for protection at great heights may be installed at 1.0 m to
1.06 m.
C. Ramps
a) Ramps shall have a minimum clear width of 1.20 meters, and the maximum
gradient shall be 1:12.
b) The length of a ramp should not exceed 6:00 m. Longer ramps whose gradient
is 1:12 shall be provided with landings not less than 1.50 m.
● Faculty Room
● Disciplinary office
● Cashier’s Office
● Conference room
● Maintenance quarters
● Classrooms
● Special rooms
School Canteen
● Hot canteen
● Dining spaces
School Clinic
● Infirmary
● Covered walkways
● Male, Female, and PWD toilets with spaces for drinking and hand wash
National Building Code - Philippines - Rule 7. Building Classification by use or occupancy.
(n.d.). Philippine Architecture 101 - College and University Notes - UST UPD FEU UE SLU
SECTION 701. Occupancy classified. (2019, February 24). Architects Online Review.
Whisker, A. (2023b, May 3). Designing for Learning: School Building Planning —