Copenhagen Consensus 2008 Yohe
Copenhagen Consensus 2008 Yohe
Copenhagen Consensus 2008 Yohe
global warming
Challenge Paper
Global Warming
April 3, 2008
Gary W. Yohea, Richard S.J. Tolb, Richard G. Richelsc, and Geoffrey J. Blanfordd
Department of Economics, Wesleyan University, 238 Church St., Middletown, CT
06459 USA (Phone: 860-685-3658; Fax: 860-685-2781; e-mail:
Economic and Social Research Institute,Whitaker Square, Sir John Rogerson’s Quay,
Dublin 2, Ireland,; Institute for Environmental Studies, Vrije
Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Department of Engineering and Public
Policy, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
Electric Power Research Institute, 2000 L St. NW, Suite 805, Washington, DC 20036,
Electric Power Research Institute, 3420 Hillview Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94304,
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Section 2 provides some insight into how two integrated assessment models
(MERGE and FUND) were combined to produce emissions and impacts scenarios along
which four alternative policy approaches are examined; two appendices provide more
detail about the models themselves. The four approaches, described in our third section,
including a “Business as Usual” baseline (alternatively viewed as a “No Climate Policy”
Approach) as well as four more proactive approaches. All are consistent with the
Copenhagen Consensus budget constraint both in the near term (the next four years) and
the future (in monetary equivalence that recognizes the very long time horizon for any
climate policy). We ultimately favor the fourth pro-active alternative, a combination of
research and development, mitigation and adaptation, because it exploits the
complementarity of straight mitigation efforts (enacted through economic mechanisms),
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Our results are presented in Section 4 where we report benefit-cost ratios using
standard discounting practices that are well above the unity benchmark. Section 5
explores some caveats and extensions, most notably the significant value that would
accrue if global policy over the next century or so could exploit cost minimizing
flexibility over the timing of mitigation and investment efforts rather than adhering to the
Copenhagen Consensus budget constraint each year. Concluding remarks in Section 6
bring our results into context with both the IPCC (2007a, 2007b and 2007c) assessments
and the early contribution of Cline (2004) to the Copenhagen Consensus exercise.
The manifestations of these observed changes have also been noted across the
globe. The Tables 1.1 and 1.2, for example, provide the evidence with respect to
transient trends in specific physical impacts and the incidence of extreme events (Tables
10.2 and 10.3, IPCC, 2007b). They focus on Asia, but they can easily be extended; the
references listed can be tracked through Chapter 10 of IPCC (2007b). The take-home
message for present purposes is that climate impacts have already been observed in
precisely the regions where people are most vulnerable not only to climate-related stress,
but also the other stresses captured in the Copenhagen Convention’s list of challenges.
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Table 1.1: Observed Past and Present Trends in Climate and Climate Variability
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Table 1.2: Observed Changes in Extreme Events and Severe Climate Anomalies
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Figure 1.2: Projections of Surface Temperatures for the 2020’s and the
The discussion thus far has focused attention on what we know about the physical
manifestations of climate change with only passing mention to the activities that support
human welfare. Tables 1.3 and 1.4 correct this omission by replicating the summary
tables for major sectors and major regions, respectively, from AR4 (Tables 20.8 and 20.9,
IPCC, 2007b). All of the entries in both tables were selected by the author teams of the
respective chapters to illustrate impacts that are important for human welfare; references
back to those chapters are indicated in the table notes.1 The criteria used in the selection
process included magnitude, rate, timing and persistence. Where possible, the entries
identify both a threshold calibrated to change in global mean temperature and a
The various chapters of the Working Group II report are available before their publication by Cambridge
University Press on the IPCC website:
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quantitative measure calibrated in the most appropriate metric. The time dimension
along different scenarios, including mitigation scenarios, is reflected by the bars on the
top of Table 1.3. The real message to be drawn from these bars is one of uncertainty. No
temperature threshold that might be subjectively judged as the lower bound of
“dangerous climate change” can be guaranteed by even the most stringent of mitigation
policies; adaptation is thus an imperative. Moreover, we are currently committed to
roughly another 0.6 degrees C of warming regardless of efforts to reduce future
greenhouse gas emissions.
Many of the bars in Tables 1.3 and 1.4 highlight risks that will be born by the
planet’s most vulnerable – those who face declining opportunities to sustain subsistence
born of higher temperatures and increased water stress. Tables 1.5 and 1.6 translate these
vulnerabilities into global and regional estimates along representative scenarios for the
2080’s; they replicate Tables 20.4 and 20.5 in IPCC (2007b). While the precise numbers
depend on climate futures and assumptions about adaptation and carbon dioxide
fertilization (not to mention the specific global circulation model employed to represent
future climate change), it is clear that future impacts depend most critically upon future
development choices. For example, impacts calibrated in human lives are greatest along
the A2 scenario not because climate change would be most severe in that case, but
because there would be more people on the planet.
As can be gleaned from Tables 1.3 through 1.6, vulnerability to climate risk is not
uniform across the planet. Two explanations come to mind. On the one hand, as
displayed in Figure 1.2, climate change itself is not uniformly distributed. In addition,
vulnerability depends on socio-economic factors that determine exposure, sensitivity, and
adaptive capacity on a site-by site basis. To explore the ramifications of this diversity,
consider the impact of climate change on cereals. Parry, et al. (2005) superimposed these
yield relationships onto geographically explicit representations of climate change to
produce maps that display the relative changes in yield across the globe. Their findings
for cereal yields in the 2080’s are reflected here in Figure 1.3 (Figure 5, Parry, et al.,
2005). Unmitigated climate change produces significant yield reductions across Africa
and much of southern Asia even though gains are anticipated elsewhere. It follows that
measures of global aggregates might show modest changes in overall productivity and
thereby mask significant geographic dispersion. This disparity can, as well, be amplified
by local climate factors that are not adequately captured in climate model outputs.
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It is now widely accepted that mitigation alone is not enough to solve the climate
problem; that was one of the major messages of Tables 1.3 and 1.4. Nor will adaptation
alone be sufficient. Even together, they may not be sufficient to avoid dangerous
interference and associated significant damages. These points are illustrated in Figure 1.4
and 1.5 for 2050 and 2100. Replicated from Yohe, et al. (2006), both figures are based
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on the intermediate A2 SRES emissions scenario assuming climate sensitivity turns out to
be high. The regional distributions reflect climate impacts, calibrated in temperature
change, for each country averaged across results derived from a collection of global
circulation models. The top right panels depict the global distribution of a vulnerability
index without any specific climate policy intervention. The top right panels display the
implications of improving adaptive capacity so that, by 2100, developing countries
achieve levels that are typical of developed countries at the turn of the 21st century.
Notice the improvement almost everywhere, but particularly in China, in 2050; notice, as
well, that climate change overwhelms even enhanced adaptive capacity by 2100.
The bottom two panels bring mitigation into the mix by tracing the implications
of pursuing a least cost path to limiting atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases
to 550 parts per million in carbon dioxide (and so less restrictive than restricting to 550
ppmv in carbon dioxide equivalents). The left panel captures only the effects of
mitigation. Some improvement is observed in 2050, but the capacity to adapt is
overwhelmed in most regions by 2100, despite mitigation effort. Comparing these results
with the middle panel of Figure 1.3 is also instructive. Parry, et al. (2005) show
mitigation having significant benefit for cereal yields in the 2080’s. Their results do not,
however, reflect the high climate sensitivity embodied in the current figures. Nor do they
aggregate multiple climate stresses felt across multiple sectors. Finally, the right panels
of Figures 1.3 and 1.4 add enhanced adaptive capacity to the mix. Again, there is some
additional improvement in 2050, and the combination of the two approaches is most
effective. Unfortunately, vulnerability to climate change remains nearly everywhere by
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Emissions Scenarios.
Six emissions scenarios were constructed using the MERGE model (see Appendix
A for a description of the model). In three scenarios, a pessimistic set of assumptions
about new energy technology was applied, termed “technology as usual” (TAU). In the
other three scenarios, an accelerated technology path (ATP) was applied to represent the
results of a targeted R&D investment program. For each technology scenario, the model
was used to evaluate three alternative emissions control strategies. The first is a
reference case in which there is no price on carbon dioxide emissions. The reference
scenario is used as a baseline for measurement of the costs and benefits of the emissions
mitigation effort entailed in the other two scenarios. However, note that there are two
distinct reference cases, since the availability of new technology will affect deployment
and emissions even in the absence of a carbon price.
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Because the emissions scenarios consider both mitigation effort and investment in
R&D for new technology, the total budget is shared between these two activities. In the
TAU scenarios, all $800 billion is allocated to the mitigation effort. Consistent with
estimates from the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI, 2007), we assume an
additional funding requirement of $50 billion, largely in the next few decades, for the
R&D component. Thus in the ATP scenarios, only $750 billion is allocated to mitigation
effort. Note that in the optimal mitigation scenarios, most expenditure is delayed until
Additional experiments could be conducted in which non-Annex B countries begin to participate in
mitigation efforts by mid-century. Their participation would have little effect on the cost of meeting
prescribed global emissions targets because, under the assumption that annual expenditure on climate
policy is constrained by the annual budget imposed by this Copenhagen Consensus exercise, only modest
mitigation effort would be undertaken. For deeper cuts in emissions, participation of rapidly growing
developing countries will be crucial.
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future periods, whereas in the limited case, the annual emission targets necessitate an
approximately constant annual rate of expenditure. Table 2.1 summarizes the six
emissions scenarios.
Global Emissions
Scenario Policy Description (billion tons CO2)
2000 2050 2100
TAU Cost
Global participation
Effective 2 24 43 20
Stabilization at 5.2 W/m
TAU Limited Annex B only
24 38 55
Mitigation Emissions constant at 2010 levels
ATP Cost
Global participation
Effective 24 29 14
Stabilization at 4.5 W/m2
Annex B only
ATP Limited
Emissions reduced by 0.275% per year 24 30 37
from 2010 levels
Impacts Scenarios.
Each emissions scenario was evaluated using the climate and impacts modules in
the FUND model (see Appendix B for a description of this model). First using an central,
“best guess” value for climate sensitivity (3.0oC) and later considering a range of values,
FUND calculates a temperature trajectory associated with the given emissions path.3
Market and non-market damages from climate impacts are calculated as a regional
function of temperature increase. These calculations include economically efficient
reactive adaptations, so they represent net impacts inclusive of the costs of adaptation. In
addition to R&D investment and mitigation effort, we examine a third response activity –
Climate sensitivity is a measure of the increase in equilibrium global mean temperature that would be
associated with a doubling of the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide from pre-industrial levels
– roughly 550-560 ppmv versus 280 ppmv.
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The four responses that are the focus of our analysis are listed below; Figure 3.1
depicts their effects on emissions and temperature increases over time assuming a central
climate sensitivity of 3 degrees centigrade.
(2) “Mitigation only (annual)” – the TAU Limited Mitigation case in Table 2.1.
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(3) “R&D + mitigation (annual)” – the ATP Limited Mitigation case in Table
Figure 3.1 shows the trajectories of CO2 emissions for four cases. Figure 3.2 does
the same for increases in global mean temperature, as derived from MERGE. Notice that
the “Business as usual” trajectory puts the increase in global mean temperature at
approximately 3.5oC in 2100 (relative to the 2007 level); we are, therefore, depicting a
baseline that tracks roughly into the middle of the distribution of temperature increase
reported in Figure 1.2 for the A2 “storyline”. The first three correspond to options (1),
(2) and (3) above. Adaptation is not depicted, since adaptation has no effect on emissions
or temperature, so option (4) tracks along option “R&D + mitigation” trajectory. R&D
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alone is also depicted to show that enhanced technology produces a lower trajectory in
the near to medium term even without other policy intervention (this is the “ATP
Reference” case in Table 2.1). It is included for reference, because enhanced technology
will make any level of expenditure on mitigation more effective. It is not included as a
climate policy option, however, because emissions and temperatures rise at an increasing
rate over the long term to the point that both eventually exceed the “Mitigation only”
alternative. For reference, as well, it is important to note that mitigation constrained to
the annual Copenhagen Consensus budget requires imposing a persistent real shadow
price of $20 per ton of CO2 (by some means – a carbon tax or a carbon permit market, for
example) with or without R&D investment in enhanced carbon saving or sequestering
technology. Clearly, though, enhanced technology makes this intervention more
effective in reducing emissions and slowing the rate of increase in global mean
Figure 3.1 Emissions (gigatons per year of CO2) for Alternative Policies
Business as Usual
R&D + mitigation (annual)
25 Mitigation only (annual)
R&D only
CO2 emissions (gigatons)
2000 2020 2040 2060 2080 2100 2120 2140
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Figure 3.2 Increases in Global Mean Temperature (in degrees C above 2005 levels)
for Alternative Policies
Business as Usual
4.5 R&D + mitigation (annual)
Mitigation only (annual)
R&D only
degree centigrade
2000 2020 2040 2060 2080 2100 2120 2140
*Note: The adaptation only case is not depicted because it has no effect on emissions and therefore
tracks the business as usual case.
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4. Results
Table 4.1 displays the summary net present value statistics from our analysis of
the four policy intervention alternatives described above. Because of the long time
horizon over which impacts from climate change will emerge, the choice of discount rate
is critical for the cost-benefit calculus. In these calculations, the rate used to translate the
benefits of avoided damages in the distant future to a present value is the same as the rate
describing the return on a risk-free investment in the economic model, that is, the
marginal productivity of capital. This symmetry implies that we are indifferent between
incurring $1 million worth of damages in 2100 and losing an amount today that if
invested instead is guaranteed to be worth $1 million in 2100. However, arguments may
be made in support of a variety of alternative perspectives on the appropriate discounting
approach for climate change. For a review of these arguments, see Portney and Weyant
(1999) or Stern, et al. (2007). The discount rate used here starts at 5% in 2007, falling to
4% by the end of the century. This choice is consistent with observed and anticipated
market rates of return, where the decline reflects investors becoming more “patient” over
longer time horizons. Note that this discount rate is used for reporting as well as for
computing optimal investments (in energy technologies in MERGE, and in adaptation in
FUND); therefore, changing the discount rate would change the reference scenario as
well as the policy scenarios. It is important to note explicitly that our calculations do not
depend on assuming the low pure rate of time preference employed both by Cline (2004)
and Stern, et al. (2007).
Figure 4.1 displays the underlying trajectories of climate damages, including the
“Business as Usual” option, in terms of percentage of global GDP. Figure 4.2 converts
these estimates into benefits (damages foregone) for the three intervention alternatives.
Notice that Figure 4.1 displays the potential for beneficial climate change, at least as
measured by global aggregate economic activity, through the first half of this century.
This observation is one explanation for why the benefit-cost ratio reported in Table 4.1
for “Mitigation only” can be less than unity (though the ratio climbs above unity for
“ATP cost-effective” case from Table 2.1; this point will be discussed in Section 5).
Conversely, the fact that our modeling allows for the possibility that modest climate
change could be beneficial early in this century adds credibility to benefit-cost ratios of
the three other interventions, especially the two which involve R&D enhanced mitigation.
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percent GDP
2000 2050 2100 2150 2200 2250 2300
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Figure 4.2: Trajectories of Global Benefits for the Four Intervention Policies
through 2300
percent GDP
2000 2050 2100 2150 2200 2250 2300
Turning now to options (3), and (4) [“R&D + mitigation (annual)” and
“Adaptation + R&D + mitigation (annual)”, respectively], it is important to note that
coupling mitigation constrained by an annual expenditure with early investment in R&D
for enhanced carbon saving and carbon sequestering technology brings the benefit-cost
ratio for mitigation up to 2.1 even with a discount rate set to mimic the return to private
capital. The policy portfolio described in option (4) brings the power of enhanced R&D
and expanded investment in adaptation together to raise the benefit-cost ratio of annual
mitigation to 2.7. Both adaptation and R&D complement constrained mitigation efforts
to such a degree that the associated benefit-cost ratio increases by a factor of 3 without
spending an additional dime.4
Notice that we do not consider adaptation alone as a response option, essentially because doing only
adaptation addresses only the “symptoms” and not the “disease”. We do, though, concentrate on the
separable value of adaptation in the next section on caveats. We also do not address R&D as a stand-
alone response, because mitigation policy and R&D go hand in hand. The smaller the cost differential
between the carbon-free technology and the carbon-venting technology, the smaller the tax (either
implicit or explicit) needed to bring climate-friendly into the marketplace. Put another way, R&D is
most effective as a tool that complements mitigation efforts. It follows that the value of R&D cannot be
calculated by manipulating the values recorded in Table 4.1 for the policy portfolios recorded there.
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All of the alternatives discussed above recognize, at least implicitly, the difficulty
in imposing policies that would allocate mitigation efforts efficiently over time – “when
flexibility” in the vernacular of the climate literature that is designed to minimize the
discounted cost of achieving a given stabilization target. Achieving a concentration
target imposes, at least to a first approximation, a limit on cumulative emissions over the
very long term. Intuition born of the economics of exhaustible resources can, therefore,
be applied to envision emissions trajectories that would minimize the discounted cost of
achieving the target and thereby set an efficiency benchmark against which other, second
best approaches, can be judged. Again to a first approximation, the shadow price of
carbon in this intertemporally optimal framework would be determined by an initial
“scarcity rent” that increases roughly at the rate of interest over time.
Figure 5.1 offers insight into the significance of the optimal time path by adding
the trajectory of global benefits for a “Mitigation only” option that allows for “when
flexibility”. As shown in the first row of Table 5.1, cost-minimizing “when flexibility”
financed over time by an $800 billion annuity, funded by the same expenditure pattern as
in the budget-constrained case, would increase the benefit-cost ratio of “Mitigation only”
from 0.9 to 3.3. Table 2.1 suggests how this dramatic effect is possible. Adding “when
flexibility” to the policy design means reducing emissions from 67 gigatons of CO2 to 20
gigatons per year in 2100 (as compared with 55 gigatons for “Mitigation only” without
inter-temporal flexibility). This more stringent control late in the century is “financed”
by savings generated from curtailed emissions reductions through the middle of the
century (43 gigatons per year in 2050 is only a 2% reduction from 44 gigatons along the
“Business as Usual” alternative, while the 38 gigaton target for “Mitigation only
(annual)” represents an almost 20% reduction).
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Mitigation only (when flexibility)
R&D + mitigation (annual)
2.5 Mitigation only (annual)
Adaptation only
Adaptation + R&D + mitigation (annual)
2.0 R&D only
percent GDP
2000 2050 2100 2150 2200 2250 2300
Table 5.1: Costs, Benefits, and Benefit-Cost Ratios for Dynamically Flexible
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Regional diversity.
It is important to note that the impacts of climate change, and thus the benefits of
any policy approach, are not evenly distributed across the globe. Figure 5.2 shows that
market damages for four regional aggregates: the OECD, Eastern Europe and the Former
Soviet Union, China, and the world’s Least Developed Countries. Notice that market
damages are actually negative (i.e., modest climate change is beneficial) across much of
the world early in this century for this level of regional disaggregation, at least. This does
not mean that the market impacts of small increases in temperature are positive
everywhere, of course. Moreover, if the country by country impacts within each region
were aggregated using population-based equity weights, then the positive aggregates
would shrink quickly and turn negative earlier. Finally, it is also important to note that
the trajectories of market impacts for our five policy options do not deviate significantly
from one another until late in this century.
Non-market damages displayed in Figure 5.3 for the same four regions show a
decidedly different pattern. All begin with positive values (i.e., negative impacts). They
continue higher almost immediately for China and the OECD, but they fall precipitously
for Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union and LDC’s. This is again because
development can diminish many non-market impacts (e.g., health impacts) by improving
adaptive capacity. Notice, as well, that the implications for non-market impacts of our
five alternative policies deviate from one other much earlier than for market impacts.
Recall that Figure 4.2 displayed the underlying trajectories of benefits (damages
foregone) for the three intervention alternatives plus adaptation alone. Because
adaptation has no effect on climate change, however, the trajectories for the options that
include adaptation are difficult to distinguish from their baselines. Figure 5.4 shows that
this observation is an artifact of the scale that defines the vertical axes of the earlier
figures. Since the benefits for adaptation appear almost immediately (though they
depreciate quickly over time as development overtakes the need for these specific
adaptations in the health sector), focusing on a shorter time frame allows some
differentiation of the cases with and without mitigation to emerge.
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1.4 5.0
Adaptation only Adaptation only
1.2 Mitigation only (when flexibility) Mitigation only (when flexibility)
4.0 Mitigation only (annual)
Mitigation only (annual)
1.0 R&D only R&D only
Adaptation + R&D + mitigation (annual) Adaptation + R&D + mitigation (annual)
0.8 3.0
percent GDP
percent GDP
0.2 1.0
2000 2050 2100 2150 2200 2250 2300 0.0
-0.2 2000 2050 2100 2150 2200 2250 2300
-0.4 -1.0
Adaptation only
Mitigation only (when flexibility) 2.0
4 BaU
Mitigation only (annual)
Adaptation only
R&D only Mitigation only (when flexibility)
Adaptation + R&D + mitigation (annual) 1.5 Mitigation only (annual)
2 R&D only
Adaptation + R&D + mitigation (annual)
percent GDP
percent GDP
2000 2050 2100 2150 2200 2250 2300
-6 -1.0
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0.9 Adaptation only
0.25 Mitigation only (when flexibility)
0.8 Mitigation only (annual)
R&D only
0.20 0.7 Adaptation + R&D + mitigation (annual)
percent GDP
percent GDP
0.15 0.5
BaU 0.3
Adaptation only
Mitigation only (when flexibility) 0.2
0.05 Mitigation only (annual)
R&D only 0.1
Adaptation + R&D + mitigation (annual)
0.00 0.0
2000 2050 2100 2150 2200 2250 2300 2000 2050 2100 2150 2200 2250 2300
0.9 BaU
Adaptation only
0.25 0.8 Mitigation only (when flexibility)
Mitigation only (annual)
0.7 R&D only
0.20 Adaptation + R&D + mitigation (annual)
percent GDP
percent GDP
BaU 0.3
Adaptation only
Mitigation only (when flexibility) 0.2
Mitigation only (annual)
R&D only 0.1
Adaptation + R&D + mitigation (annual)
0.00 0
2000 2050 2100 2150 2200 2250 2300 2000 2050 2100 2150 2200 2250 2300
would produce $409 billion, we produced a benefit-cost ratio that was an order of
magnitude higher than that of Jamison et al. (this volume).5 This in itself is evidence that
In their Table 7, an investment of $500 mln per annum in malaria control would save 7.5 mln DALYs.
This amounts to $67/DALY, even though their Table A1 has a $2-24/DALY ratio. We used $17/DALY,
so we are in the latter range. We assume that a $10 bednet protects a family of four (two adults and two
children) for four years (, and that there are 15 DALYs per malaria death.
If we had used $67/DALY, our benefit-cost ratio would fall from 300 to 200, because diarrhea dominates
malaria in our analysis. Diarrhea kills more children (,
and its worst consequences can be prevented with cheap, low-tech interventions (Laxminirayan et al.,
2006). Note that Jamison et al. (this volume) do not consider diarrhea. The difference between the high
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Figure 5.4: Trajectories of Global Benefits for the Four Intervention Policies
through 2100
percent GDP
2000 2020 2040 2060 2080 2100
efforts to improve health worldwide in the absence of climate policy would, essentially,
be swimming upstream against a current that was accelerating as the pace climate change
More to the point of the portfolio approach described in Option (4), however, it is
important to note from Table 4.1 that total net present benefits of mitigation, R&D
investment and this limited adaptation is $2129 billion while the comparable discounted
sum for mitigation and R&D is only $1717 billion. Even this limited adaptation adopted
in the context of a complete portfolio adds more than it would taken alone. Put another
way, the sum of the present values of mitigation, R&D, and limited adaptation taken
benefit-cost ratio of Jamison et al. (this volume) and our very high benefit-cost ratio is therefore
explained by the valuation of the benefits rather than the estimate of the costs. Jamison et al. (this
volume) assume a benefit of $1,000/DALY, or $15,000 per malaria death. In FUND, mortality is valued
by the value of a statistical life rather than by the value of a year of life lost. The assumed value is 200
times per capita income, which in Sub-Saharan Africa implies $100,000 per malaria death. The survey of
Viscusi and Aldy (2003) suggests that our US value of a statistical life is on the low side, while our
income elasticity is too high; together, this argues for a value of statistical life in Africa that is decidedly
higher than $100,000. Viscusi and Aldy (2003) also show that the value of a statistical life is not at all
proportional to age (even when controlling for wealth differences) as implicitly assumed by putting a
value on a DALY.
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individually is smaller than the present value of all three taken together even when
subjected to the constraints of the Copenhagen Consensus spending rules.
All of our analysis was built upon the foundation of a deterministic baseline, and
so it misses the uncertainties that cloud our ability to foresee precisely the consequences
of climate change and climate policy. While we did not conduct a full investigation of
the implications of all of the profound sources of uncertainty, we did examine the
implications of one of the most important – the value assumed for climate sensitivity.
Figure 5.5 provides an indication of the significance of this uncertainty by displaying a
cumulative distribution of net present value for the “Mitigation only” alternative with
“when flexibility” (the TAU Cost Effective Mitigation case in Table 2.1) for climate
Figure 5.5: Cumulative Distribution of Net Present Value of Mitigation Only for the
“When Flexibility” Benchmark.
1 .0
0 .9
0 .8
0 .7
0 .6
0 .5
0 .4
0 .3
0 .2
0 .1
0 .0
-5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
net present va lue of b enefits (trillion dolla r)
sensitivities ranging from 0.5oC to 7.5oC. The probabilities assigned across this range are
consistent with published estimates.6
The probabilities assigned to climate sensitivities 0.5oC, 1.5oC, 2.5oC, 3.5oC, 4.5oC, 5.5oC, 6.5oC, and
7.5oC were 0.5%, 26.7%, 32%, 20.4%, 10.8%, 5.5%, 2.7% and 1.4%, respectively. They are consistent
with estimates drawn from IPCC (2007a) by Weitzman (2007) and characterized by a lognormal
distribution with µ = 1.0 and σ = 0.5.
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It is clear that low sensitivities can produce negative net present values for
mitigation (i.e., the $800 billion discounted cost is higher than the discounted value of
damages avoided) even assuming a cost minimizing allocation over time in the
implementation of climate policy. It is equally clear, though, that high climate
sensitivities produce high damages (catastrophic damages for some regions at 7.5oC) and
thus high benefits for the $800 billion investment in mitigation alone. The second row of
Table 5.1 shows that the expected present value of this option climbs to more than $5
trillion to support a benefit-cost ratio of nearly 7. Figure 5.6 displays the inter-temporal
distribution of benefits by depicting cumulative distributions of benefit estimates for
selected periods across the range of climate sensitivities; the positive ranges essentially
disappear as the future unfolds.
Figure 5.6: Cumulative Distributions of the Benefits of Mitigation Only for the
“When Flexibility” Benchmark over Time.
1 .0
0 .9
0 .8
0 .7
0 .6
0 .5
0 .4
0 .3 2100
0 .2 2200
0 .1 2250
0 .0
-5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
b e n e fits ( p e r c e n t G D P )
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back into space to offset potential warming. This occurs naturally through volcanic
eruptions or anthropogenically through the release of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere
when burning coal to generate electricity. Before policy-makers can decide if geo-
engineering should play a role along with other alternatives (for instance, if global
warming occurs even more rapidly than the high-end of the IPCC scenarios), a major
research effort is needed to understand the efficacy, costs, and potential consequences
and risks of the various geo-engineering strategies that have been proposed, and to
identify other potential alternative strategies.
While there is a danger that some may interpret geo-engineering research as a “quick fix”
to the climate problem that obviates critical adaptation and mitigation efforts, a failure to
conduct careful research into different alternatives would be an even bigger risk. At
present, it appears that geo-engineering could be simple, cheap and effective, and that it
could be unilaterally deployed by a medium-sized country. There is, however, the chance
of unintended consequences which, if the geo-engineering project were designed to
“make a dent” in the climate problem, could occur on very large scales. For instance,
geo-engineering could reverse global or regional warming, but leave ocean acidification
unaffected and accelerate changes in precipitation patterns. Articles on geo-engineering
by well-respected researchers are beginning to appear in the literature, but a more
extensive research program in this area is needed.
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6. Concluding Remarks
Table 4.1 reports our summary results, and all but the “Mitigation only (annual)”
option show benefit-cost ratios in excess of one. In our assessment of the options, we
conclude that the portfolio approach – option (5) that combines annual mitigation,
investment in carbon-saving and carbon sequestering technology, and additional
adaptation measures to combat potential increases in the incidence of some infectious
disease – is the best choice. It has the highest benefit-cost ratio (a respectable 2.7), and it
takes advantage of the complementarity noted in IPCC (2007b). To be more specific,
calculations of the benefits derived from investing in R&D alone suggest that the total
benefits of the portfolio approach that expends $50 billion on R&D (in present value) and
“investment” in mitigation to $750 billion (also in present value) exceeds the sum of
“Mitigation only” and “R&D only” by a discounted value of $50 billion. In other words,
the complementarity works to allow R&D essentially to pay for itself when it is
embedded (as it would be) in a more extensive mitigation program. Moreover, adding
adaptation to the portfolio increases its discounted value (relative to adaptation alone) by
another $3 billion. Clearly, each option makes the other options more effective; i.e., the
benefits of implementing the portfolio approach exceed the sum of their individual
Table 5.1 meanwhile shows that exploiting “when flexibility” and recognizing the
uncertainty in our understanding of the climate system both significantly increase the
value of climate policy. As noted above, implementing “when flexibility” is difficult. It
implies committing future generations to intertemporal allocations in ways that could be
very difficult to enforce. On the other hand, though, uncertainty about the climate system
is profound, and the risk-reducing value of climate policy should not be ignored. Since
Table 5.1 suggests that the expected benefit of policy would double even if only current
uncertainty about the climate sensitivity were included, we conclude that the true benefit
cost ratio of the portfolio approach described in option (5) is easily above 5
While we certainly acknowledge that climate policy is a very long term enterprise
for which a four year time horizon is virtually meaningless, it is important to recognize
that our results are different from those reported to the 2004 Copenhagen Consensus
exercise by Cline (2004) in many ways. We do not, for example, conduct an
optimization exercise; i.e., we do not rely on “when flexibility” and we model only
partial “where flexibility” in allocating expenditures that are fixed annually by the
prescribed budget. Our mitigation policies do not, therefore, imply increasingly stringent
interventions with carbon taxes that begin in the hundreds of dollars per ton and climb
from there; ours climb quickly to a level near $20 per ton of CO2 and stay there (in real
terms) almost indefinitely. This is, of course, a manifestation of our interpretation of the
Copenhagen Consensus budget constraint and our characterization of anticipated annual
decisions to mitigate – i.e., the specific second-best world within which we chose to
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It is also important to emphasize that we did not employ a very low discount rate
in an effort to produce acceptable benefit-cost ratios. Much like Stern et al. (2006), Cline
(2004) used a pure rate of time preference that approximates zero. Both analyses thereby
adopted a prescriptive approach that elevates the discounted value of future benefits
significantly. Yohe (2006) reports that, as a result, almost 50% of the climate damages
reported by Stern et al. (2006) lie in the post 2200 residual; and Nordhaus (2006)
confirms the concerns raised by Manne (2004) when he demonstrates that applying such
a discount rate across the economy would lead to a 10 percentage point increase in the
saving rate (almost 50% increase) and reduce present consumption by about 13 % (or $4
trillion). There are, of course, sound economic reasons for adopting a low discount rate
for public investment when the private return to capital is taxed and public investment
complements private investment (see Ogura and Yohe (1977), for example). Perhaps a
case can be made that public investment in mitigation would complement private
investment across a global economy, but that is beside the point here. By adopting a
more conventional approach to discounting, we avoid all of this controversy.
We must admit, though, that none of our policies “solve the climate problem” in
the sense of moving temperature increases significantly to the left in Tables 1.3 and 1.4.
Indeed, Figure 3.2 shows that our portfolio option lowers the temperature increase from
roughly 3.5oC to something slightly below 3.0oC in 2100. We do not, therefore, achieve
the results reported for long-term stabilization at the top of Table 1.3. Nor do we reduce
significantly the risk of some profound impacts across all sectors and in all regions that
many might consider “dangerous” in the parlance of the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change. Cast in that light, especially given uneven distributions
of impacts across regions and within specific populations, therefore, our portfolio
proposal must be viewed more as a start that defines near-term policy in the context of a
long-term discussion within which the expected benefits exceed tolerable costs by more
than a factor of five. It is, therefore, reassuring that the shadow price for carbon in the
mitigation component of our portfolio is in line with estimates of expected cost-
minimizing hedging policies reported in, for example, Yohe, et al. (2004). There, an
initial global carbon tax of roughly $10 per ton of CO2 that would grow predictably and
persistently at the rate of interest minimized the expected cost of achieving an as yet
undetermined temperature target given a distribution over climate sensitivities of the sort
described in Section 5. Our tax is twice that, but it remains constant over time; the
hedging tax reaches $20 per ton within 15 years and continues to rise.
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The analysis is based in part on the MERGE model (a model for evaluating the
regional and global effects of greenhouse gas reduction policies). MERGE is an
intertemporal general equilibrium model. Like its predecessors, the current version is
designed to be sufficiently transparent so that one can explore the implications of
alternative viewpoints in the greenhouse debate. The current analysis utilizes those
submodels that provide a reduced-form description of the economy, the energy sector,
and related emissions of carbon dioxide; the “handoff” to FUND occurs here.
Geographically, the world is divided into nine geopolitical regions: 1) the USA, 2)
WEUR (Western Europe), 3) Japan, 4) CANZ (Canada, Australia and New Zealand), 5)
EEFSU (Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union), 6) China, 7) India, 8) OILX (oil
exporting will be captured countries, and 9) ROW (the rest of world). Note the OECD
(regions 1-4) together with EEFSU constitute Annex B of the UN Framework
Convention on Climate Change. The remaining four regions comprise non-Annex B.
MERGE is calibrated to the year 2000. Future periods are modeled in 10-year intervals.
Hence, the Kyoto Protocol’s first commitment period (2008-2012) is represented as
2010.7 All economic values, included technology costs, are reported in U.S. dollars of
constant 2000 purchasing power.
Conference of the Parties, “Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change”, Report of the Conference of the Parties, Third Session Kyoto, 1-10 December,
Technology assumptions refer specifically to the U.S. Assumptions for other regions are similar but vary
in some cases.
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We assume that existing coal and nuclear power plants are retired during the first
half of the 21st century according to a schedule consistent with 60-year plant lifetimes.
Existing natural gas assets are assumed to have 20-year lifetimes, and hydroelectric
power is constrained to existing levels. With respect to new fossil-based generation, the
model does not distinguish between technologies within a given category, such as
between different coal feedstocks, pulverized vs. gasified processes, or the means by
which CO2 is captured in carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) technologies. We
assume that the cost of new nuclear generation has both a market and non-market
component (see Table A2). The latter, which is calibrated to current usage, rises
proportionally to market share and is intended to represent public concerns about
environmental risks in the technology and associated nuclear fuel cycle.
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Table A3 identifies alternative sources of nonelectric energy within the model. Oil
and gas supplies for each region are divided into 10 cost categories, where the higher cost
groups reflect the potential use of nonconventional sources. Coal may be used directly or
converted into synthetic fuel liquids (at a large energy and emissions premium). In
addition, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) may be used to offset non-electric
energy production for transportation with electric generation. With regard to carbon-free
alternatives, the choices have been divided into two broad categories: biofuels refer to
low-cost sources such as ethanol from biomass, while the backstop technology represents
a high cost option, for example, hydrogen produced via electrolysis using solar
photovoltaics or hydrogen from thermonuclear dissociation. The key distinction is that
biofuels are in limited supply, but the backstop is available in unlimited quantities at a
constant but considerably higher marginal cost.
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Typically, the energy producing and consuming capital stock is long lived. In MERGE, introduction and
decline constraints are placed on new technologies. We assume that the production from new technologies
in each region is constrained to 1% of total production in the year in which it is initially introduced and can
increase by a factor of three for each decade thereafter. The decline rate is limited to 3.5% per year for new
technologies, but there is no decline rate limit for existing technologies. This is to allow for the possibility
that some emission ceilings may be sufficiently low to force premature retirement of the existing capital
Turning from the supply to the demand side of the model, we use nested
production functions to determine how aggregate economic output depends upon the
inputs of capital, labor, electric and non-electric energy. In this way, the model allows
for both price-induced and autonomous (non-price) energy conservation and for interfuel
substitution. Since there is a “putty-clay” formulation, short-run elasticities are smaller
than long-run elasticities. This increases the costs of rapid short-run adjustments. The
model also allows for macroeconomic feedbacks. Higher energy and/or environmental
costs will lead to fewer resources available for current consumption and for investment in
the accumulation of capital stocks.
In MERGE, emissions can be limited either directly in each region or by a carbon tax with “lump sum”
recycling of revenue. When the carbon taxes resulting from a particular cap and trade scheme are used as
inputs to control emissions, they produce identical regional emissions that were inputs under cap and
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effects are monetized. The value of a statistical life is set to be 200 times the annual per
capita income. The resulting value of a statistical life lies in the middle of the observed
range of values in the literature (cf. Cline, 1992). The value of emigration is set to be 3
times the per capita income (Tol, 1995), the value of immigration is 40 per cent of the per
capita income in the host region (Cline, 1992). Losses of dryland and wetlands due to sea
level rise are modelled explicitly. The monetary value of a loss of one square kilometre of
dryland was on average $4 million in OECD countries in 1990 (cf. Fankhauser, 1994).
Dryland value is assumed to be proportional to GDP per square kilometre. Wetland losses
are valued at $2 million per square kilometre on average in the OECD in 1990 (cf.
Fankhauser, 1994). The wetland value is assumed to have logistic relation to per capita
income. Coastal protection is based on cost-benefit analysis, including the value of
additional wetland lost due to the construction of dikes and subsequent coastal squeeze.
Other impact categories, such as agriculture, forestry, energy, water, and
ecosystems, are directly expressed in monetary values without an intermediate layer of
impacts measured in their ‘natural’ units (cf. Tol, 2002b). Impacts of climate change on
energy consumption, agriculture, and cardiovascular and respiratory diseases explicitly
recognize that there is a climatic optimum, which is determined by a variety of factors,
including plant physiology and the behaviour of farmers. Impacts are positive or negative
depending on whether the actual climate conditions are moving closer to or away from
that optimum climate. Impacts are larger if the initial climate conditions are further away
from the optimum climate. The optimum climate is of importance with regard to the
potential impacts. The actual impacts lag behind the potential impacts, depending on the
speed of adaptation. The impacts of not being fully adapted to new climate conditions are
always negative (cf. Tol, 2002c).
The impacts of climate change on coastal zones, forestry, unmanaged ecosystems,
water resources, diarrhoea malaria, dengue fever, and schistosomiasis are modelled as
simple power functions. Impacts are either negative or positive, and they do not change
sign (cf. Tol, 2002c).
Vulnerability to climate change changes with population growth, economic
growth, and technological progress. Some systems are expected to become more
vulnerable, such as water resources (with population growth), heat-related disorders (with
urbanization), and ecosystems and health (with higher per capita incomes). Other systems
are projected to become less vulnerable, such as energy consumption (with technological
progress), agriculture (with economic growth) and vector- and water-borne diseases (with
improved health care) (cf. Tol, 2002c).