Iphp Q2
Iphp Q2
Iphp Q2
Also means that a person may act even if he/ she is not required
or called to take action.
Whenever we decide to take action, this results in a certain PRACTICAL driven by practical considerations—often immediate,
consequence. functional, or financially motivated
2. Responsibility- refers to the person being accountable INTELLECTUAL that reflect intellectual pursuits, values, or long-
for his/ her actions and their consequence. term goals.
❑ A person who had no awareness of the
An intellectual choice is guided by reasoning, analysis, and ethical
effect of his/ her actions can be considered as
considerations. It often involves deep thinking and reflection on
acting with diminished freedom.
principles, values, and the broader implications of the decision.
❑ Another reality that we have to face as we Characteristics:
experience/ exercise our freedom is the fact Focuses on theories, philosophies, and moral implications. May
that freedom is experienced through the act of involve complex dilemmas and a search for meaning. Can
making choices. prioritize ideals over immediate outcomes.
✓Dilemma -a situation where a person is forced to choose "The origin of all conflict between me and my fellow- men is that
between two or more conflicting options, neither of which is I do not say what I mean and I don't do what I say”. -
acceptable. MARTIN BUBER
✓When dilemmas involve human actions which have moral
“To yield to seeming is man's essential cowardice, to resist it is
implications, they are called ethical or moral dilemmas.
his essential courage”. - MARTIN BUBER
✓Moral dilemmas are situations where persons, who are called
"moral agents" in ethics, are forced to choose between two or Being
more conflicting options, neither of which resolves the situation
in a morally acceptable manner ✓It proceeds not from an image, but from what one really is.
“The world is not comprehensible, but it is embraceable: through ✓It refers to one's talking past another.
the embracing of one of its beings." -MARTIN BUBER
✓It is hearing without listening to what one says.
Personal making present
✓It is a deep and genuine relationship between persons.
✓It is the process of fully opening oneself to the other.
✓It happens when two persons truly acknowledge each other's
3. Imposition
presence and treat each other as equals.
✓It constitutes holding one's own opinion, values, attitudes and
Ich-Es (I-It) relationship
oneself without regard for those of another.
✓It refers to the world of experience and sensation where there
✓It is telling the other how he or she should act, behave and
are objects. The beings do not actually meet. Instead, the "I"
respond to things.
confronts and qualifies an idea, or conceptualization, of the
being in its presence and treats that being as an object. Unfolding
Ich-es (I-it) Relationship ✓It constitutes finding in the other the disposition toward what
one recognizes as true, good and beautiful.
✓An individual treats other things, people, etc., as objects to be
used and experienced. Essentially, this form of objectivity relates ✓It involves seeing the other as a unique, singular individual
to the world in terms of the self-how an object can serve the capable of freely actualizing himself/herself.
individual's interest.
✓It is in fact a relationship with oneself; it is not a dialogue, but a
Actions that are proper to humans
Ich-du (I-thou) Relationship
Acts that we do with the use of FREE WILL and INTELLECT.
✓It refers to the world of encounters and relationships where
there are persons. It is a concrete encounter without any They are done FREELY, DELIBERATELY and VOLUNTARILY.
qualification or objectification of one another.
Example: Choosing a Belief System, expressing emotions, making
✓It is a dialogue. sacrifices,
“Through the Thou a person becomes I." - MARTIN BUBER DETERMINANTS OF HUMAN ACTS
- An ethical theory that emphasizes the moral dimensions of FREEDOM OF THE HUMAN PERSON
relationships and interactions.
- This moral perspective encourages individuals to help other
people, most especially the vulnerable. Freedom gives us the ability to make choices and decision in life.
- The obligation to respond to the needs of other people. The Human Person in the Society plays a vital role in promoting
the universal idea that humans have roles and responsibilities in
Not all human interactions, however, are positive. There are their respective community and in the society as a whole.
those who view other people negatively and consider human
action as being influenced by selfish interests. This pessimistic What is society?
view considers human relationships frustrating and often What drives human beings to establish societies?
inauthentic or deceptive.
The human person by nature is a “social being”.
A person that adopts this negative view is said to be
experiencing alienation. This arises when a person ceases to Throughout a person’s life, he or she experiences a
view the other as a distinct and authentic person, and merely variety of relationships that help shape him or her as a person.
considers the other person as a mere object or a means to satisfy
SOCIETY- an organized group of people whose
personal interests.
members interact frequently and have a common territory and
Even though not all human beings are blessed with complete culture.
physical structure, there are people who are still successful
Society also refers to a companionship or
despite their conditions. These people are:
friendly association with others, an alliance, a community, or a
▶ Philosophers consider society as the product of Social Contract Theory
deliberate actions by individuals who come together in pursuit of
according to Jean Jacques Rousseau
a common goal.
▶ Advocate the concept of “general will”
▶ As individual persons, members of society are
able to transform themselves and attain development through ▶ Based on the assumption that the people have empowered
their interactions within society. In turn, humans are also able to the government to act on their behalf, and that it is considered to
influence society through their actions. be the best judge of what is most beneficial for society.
▶ Society and its various aspects provide support that ensures Social Contract Theory as viewed by John Rawls
▶ Society also provides opportunities to further manner in order to meet their individual self-interests.
The Social Contract Theory imagined humans as having a “veil of ignorance” –no knowledge
of one’s own characteristics such as gender, race or social status.
During the Age of Enlightenment, social
In this state, humans would naturally seek a just and fair society
philosophers studied the natural laws that govern human
to look out for their own interests.
▶ Although there are variations on the social contract theory,
▶ Enlightenment philosophers such as
one common feature they all have is that different individuals
Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean Jacques Rousseau enter into a kind of agreement with one another to form a
▶ Nomadic
Social Contract Theory according to John Locke
Horticultural Society
▶ Semi-nomadic
▶ Characterized by improved technology and the use of tools to ▶ Social System- an organized or patterned set of relationships
aid in farming. among individuals and groups that compose a society.
▶ Give rise to a growing population and a more structured social ▶ Social Role- are actions and behaviors expected of a certain
system. individual. (Eg: being a father, son, daughter, teacher, etc.)
▶ Social relations are characterized by dependence. Society also transforms human relations, which leads to the
transformation of its members.
▶ Based on the use of specialized machinery in the production important by society. (cooperation, obedience to the law,
of goods and services. concern for other, respect for others
▶ “Industrial Revolution” ● Generation Gap- conflict among people of different
▶ Technological advances in this period resulted in improved
ages when discussing certain topics.
trade and commerce. How does society enable me to become a better person?
▶ Work is done in factories ▶ We have the freedom to rise above circumstances and make
▶ Lead to greater inequalities in wealth, power, and influence.
ourselves into something different or better.
and provides its members with opportunities to better
Marked by the establishment of societies based on themselves
▶ Trend has shifted has shifted from industry to the their decisions and actions
change. (Environmental, Youth, Gender, Clean Governance)
A digital citizen is a person who is knowledgeable and
responsible enough to effectively use different social platforms in
the internet. They often engage in useful topics and issues that
will help build a better society, politics and government.
▶ Norms are one of the ways that society regulates the behavior
to establish social order.