Hikmah Az Zhubair 2304020089 (QUIZ 4)
Hikmah Az Zhubair 2304020089 (QUIZ 4)
Hikmah Az Zhubair 2304020089 (QUIZ 4)
NIM: 2304020089
Students can work either individually or in small groups. They will need to research
different types of bridges, consider the materials they will use, and test their bridge to
see if it can hold weight. Once they present their findings to the class, students can test
their bridges against others to determine what combination of materials and design
results in the highest structural integrity. This type of project encourages students to
think critically and apply their knowledge to real-world situations.
B. Definition
Discovery learning is a way of teaching where students learn by exploring and
investigating ideas on their own or in groups. Instead of just listening to a teacher, they
get to find out things for themselves. This model helps them think critically and solve
problems while building their own understanding through hands-on experiences. It
encourages students to take an active role in their learning, making it more engaging
and meaningful. Overall, discovery learning helps students remember what they learn
better and enjoy the process.
C. Syntax or Learning Stages
1. Stimulation
This stimulation stage means the stage of providing stimulation. The teacher will
start the learning activities by asking questions, examples or other references,
suggestions for reading books, and other learning activities to students.
2. Problem Statement
In this next stage, the teacher will provide students with a problem statement or
identification. The teacher will provide opportunities for students to identify
various problem agendas that are relevant to the subject matter.
3. Data Collection
When students' exploration takes place, the teacher also provides opportunities for
students to collect as much relevant information as possible. After that, students
must prove whether the hypothesis is true or not.
4. Data Processing
The data processing stage is a stage where the teacher invites students to carry out
activities to process data and information that has been obtained in the previous
stage. Data and information that has been collected either through interviews,
observations, and so on
5. Verification
At this stage, the teacher will give students the opportunity to conduct a careful
examination in proving whether or not the hypothesis they have set earlier is
correct with alternative findings.
6. Generalization
This is the last stage in discovery learning. At this stage the teacher will ask
learners to draw a conclusion that can be used as a general principle. The
conclusion also applies to all similar events or problems and pays attention to the
results of verification.
D. Example of Lesson Plans
In this discovery learning lesson plan, students will explore fractions through
hands-on activities. They will use fraction circles and fraction bars to identify,
compare, and order fractions. By manipulating these manipulatives, students will
develop a concrete understanding of fraction concepts. They will also practice
adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators by using visual models
and drawing pictures. Through these activities, students will actively construct
their knowledge of fractions and develop problem-solving skills.