MM Tricks 2

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Goods Movements Scenarios: The Movement Types

The Inventory Management process within SAP means movements inside the plant
that can create a change in stock levels within the storage locations designated to
that plant. The movement of stock can happen in different ways like goods receipt,
goods issue, a stock transfer between plants, or an internal transfer within a plant.

For every goods movement, the SAP system can create two types of documents: a
material document and an accounting document. The SAP system follows the
accounting principle that for every material movement, there is a corresponding
document that provides details of that movement. In addition, an accounting
document is produced that describes the financial aspects of the goods movement.
However, the accounting document is only relevant if the material is valuated.

The material document is produced for each movement type. It contains the date of
the material movement, the material number, the quantity of the material moved, the
location of the movement, the batch number if applicable, and the movement type.

Changes cannot be made to the material document after it has been posted, except
when you are only changing the header and item text. If an error was made on the
material movement, it has to be reversed and the movement correctly entered. This
will produce a material document for the reversal and then a new material document
for the correct movement.

The database tables to keep the material documents are:

MKPF Material document header-data

MSEG Material document item-data

And the Key-fields are:

MANDT Client
MBLNR Material document number
GJAHR Fiscal year
Line number (only in
To check material documents you can directly display via transaction MB03 or search
for material documents via transaction MB51.

The same goods movement can be posted on-line using different transactions or by
means of BAPIs or Idocs.

What really identifies a goods movement is the movement type: It is a three-digit

code which differentiates between the various kinds of goods movements which can
be entered in the system.

Movement type is a key to generate a material document which identifies a goods


Characteristics of Movement Types:

 Three-digit identification key for a goods movement
 Quantity control (stock tables)

 Value control (FI document, account determination)

 Screen layout (dialog only)

 GR/GI slip print

 Checks (min. shelf life, dynamic availability, etc.

 Link to WM, QM, serial numbers

Classification of Movement Types:

1xx GR from purchasing/production + returns
2xx GI for consumption
3xx Transfers
4xx Transfers for Special Stock
5xx GR without reference to PO or PP order
6xx LE-SHP movement types
7xx Physical inventory (MM-IM: 70x / WM: 71x)
8xx Brazilian Movements and Industry solution
9xx, Xxx, Yxx, Zxx Customer range

The different movement types are documented in the IMG.

In any internal test system or in customer’s system you can check the documentation
of the movement type going to the transaction SPRO, then "SAP Reference IMG" (or
F5), and open the path:



>> Materials Management

>>> Inventory Management and Physical Inventory

>>>> Movement Types

>>>>> Copy, Change Movement Types

Once you are in this last activity "Copy, Change Movement

Types" do not execute the transaction, but click in the "IMG activity documentation
icon" instead. You will be able to see the some general information concerning the
movement types and then specific information for every single movement type.

To check the movement type configuration you should execute this activity "Copy,
Change Movement Types" or you could directly access transaction OMJJ.

3. Critical issue in the MM-IM component

Unfortunately, there is not a "standard" critical issue in the Inventory Management

Most cases of this kind arise when customer is not able to save goods movements
into the system because of the existence of error messages.

Normally customers can wait for one day to be able to post the goods movement, but
the situation can be more complicated depending on the number of postings which
are stopped and depending also on the date in the month: When customers are
about to do the period closing and they urgently need to post the goods movement
on a required date.

3.1. When no goods movements at all can be posted into the system

Most cases in which goods movements are completely stopped from being posted
relate to issues with the number range or the posting period.

In errors addressing to duplicated entries (dump

"SAPSQL_ARRAY_INSERT_DUPREC") for material documents always check the
current number in use in the number range interval (customizing transaction OMBT).
Then check in SE16 the last number really used. This number found in SE16 cannot
be higher than the current number in the number range interval. If this is the case,
the current number in the customizing should be increased accordingly. Check also
in SE11 the index used for the relevant table. See if any index has been set as
unique. In this case, see if, according to this unique index, duplicated entries are
being created (for example, a unique index is set considering only the fiscal year but
not the document number: as soon as two documents are created within the same
year, the system will consider that they are duplicated entries).

In Inventory Management it is only possible to post into the current and the previous
period. It is not possible to post into other periods. If re-opening a previous closed
period is needed, please, check the note 1085641 , section "Period Closing

3.2. When the process fails for only some certain materials in certain

3.2.1. Inconsistencies

The most common reason for urgent cases in this scenario is the existence of
database inconsistencies.
The fact that inconsistencies exist does not justify the criticality. For example, if the
customer detected an inconsistency by looking at the tables or by using the
transaction MB5K, this has to be analyzed, but it is not too urgent to be considered
as production down.

A critical stock inconsistency issue is justified only if:

- The inconsistency prevents further postings (error message) in urgent processes.

- The inconsistency leads to a delay in the year-end close. Monthly closing processes
must not be delayed because of inconsistencies.

So, in this case, one of the following messages are raised when posting the goods

M7 308 'Stock value and qty are unrealistic: & / &

M7 309 'Stock value is negative: &

M7 310 'Valuated stock is negative: &

M7 314 Valuated stock becomes negative: &

These messages are generated if the system finds a data inconsistency when
reading the material master data (this is, the stock quantity or the stock value is
already inconsistent before the goods movement). Further data about this situation
can be found in the SAP KBA note 1618888. This KBA points to relevant notes which
explains possible reasons for the generation of database inconsistencies as well as
how to proceed in this case.

"False" inconsistencies:
If customer reports negative stocks (error ‘M7310’) although they have not been
allowed in the Customizing (OMJ1), indicate the note 935755 .

3.2.2. How to proceed for other error messages?

 Check with customer if there have been any recent changes in the
customizing or if new user exits or BAdIs have been implemented (transaction

 Also check if there have been any recent Support Package upgrades or if
customer is migrating into a new Release.

 Check if dumps, update termination errors or express documents are


 Dumps can be displayed in the transaction ST22.The dump specifies the

coding section (include) and the error message. Use this information to
determine the proper CSN component. Often dumps in MIGO are caused by
"A" messages from other modules like FI, CO, etc, if you recognize here the
correct component you should forward it to the corresponding area.

Consider specially the note 386152: A dump MESSAGE_TYPE_X in SAPLMBWL /

LMBWLU21 /MB_POST_GOODS_MOVEMENT occurs in MM-IM only in order to
avoid the generation of inconsistencies.

The long text of the termination contains information on the actual error cause
(section "error analysis").
 Update termination errors can be seen with the transaction SM13. Double click
in the lines with status "Err" for further information about the problem. If a
dump has been generated, it can also be displayed from here.

 Express documents are the notification to the user of dumps or update

termination errors.
 The transaction SM50 for the Process Overview can be used to see the tables
that are being updated after the posting of a goods movement (useful when
the material document is posted but there is a delay in the database update).

4. Transactions in Inventory Management

The Enjoy Transaction MIGO was first made available in Release 4.6A. Since then its
functionality has been constantly growing to cover as many possible goods
movements as possible. Here there is an overview of the tasks the functionality of
MIGO offers for every Release and the old MBxx transaction that it replaces. As
advised before, if a process fails using MIGO, it is always a good idea to check if the
error is the same using the old transaction MBxx.

Release 4.6A:
 Goods receipt for known purchase order (transaction code MB01)
 Goods receipt for unknown purchase order (transaction code MB0A)

 Enter return delivery (transaction code MBRL)

 Release blocked stock (transaction code MBSF)

 Enter subsequent delivery (transaction code MBNL)

 Cancel material document for goods receipts (transaction code MBST)

 Display material document for goods receipts (transaction code MB03)

Release 4.6C: The following functionalities are added to the ones listed before:
 Goods receipt for order (transaction code MB31)
 Other' goods receipts (transaction code MB1C)

 Goods issue (transaction code MB1A)

 Cancel material document for goods issues (transaction code MBST)

 Display material document for goods issues (transaction code MB03)

Release 4.70: The following new functions are made available:
 Transfer Postings and Stock Transfers (transaction code MB1B)
 Subsequent Adjustment in subcontracting (transaction code MB04)

5. Important tables in the Inventory Management Area

Document Tables:
Table Meaning Key fields
MKPF Header: Material Document Document number (MBLNR), year (MJAHR)
Material Document – Document number (MBLNR), year (MJAHR), line
segments/ lines number (ZEILE)
Index for material to the FI-
BSIM Material (MATNR), Valuation Area (BWKEY)…
Material ledger index, used to
document changes in MBEW
CKMI1 KALNR, use mbew-kaln1
for each

Valuation Tables:
Table Meaning
MBEW Material Valuation
EBEW Sales Order Stock Valuation (from 4.0 on)
QBEW Project Stock Valuation (from 4.0 on)
OBEW Valuated Stock with Subcontractor (from 4.6 only for Japan)

Stock Tables:
Table Meaning
MARC Plant Data for Material
MARD Storage Location Data for Material
MCHB Batch Stocks
MSSL Total Special Stocks with Vendor O
MSLB Special Stocks with Vendor O
MSKU Special Stocks with Customer V,W
MSSA Total Customer Orders on Hand E
MSKA Sales Order Stock E
MSSQ Project Stock Total Q
MSPR Project Stock Q
MKOL Special Stocks from Vendor K,M

6. Important breakpoints for debugging

Check all data before posting:

Important breakpoint when we work in productive environments and we cannot save

the posting. This is the last point in which the debugging can be re-started.
Breakpoint in MM07MFB9, form BUCHEN_AUSFUEHREN.The internal table
XMSEG shows how the document would be posted.

Check data defaulted from other documents or master data:

Data from the Material Master: Set a breakpoint in the function module

Goods Issue for Reservation: Breakpoint in MM07MFR0, form

Check the internal table XRBEFU. The same function module is also called from the
include LMBWLU10.

Cancellation of a Material Document: Breakpoint in MM07MFB1, form

BELEG_LESEN, at call function MB_READ_MATERIAL_POSITION. Goods Receipt
for Production Order: Breakpoint in MM07MPPS, form PPS_AUFTRAG_PRUEFEN,
at call function CO_SF_ITEM_GOODS_RECEIPT.

For valuation data, set a breakpoint in the include LMBGBFPP (4.0: LMBGBFWR) at
call function CK21_ITEM_GOODS_RECEIPT.

Goods Issue for Production Order: Breakpoint in LMBGBFWR, form


Check data in the interfaces:

Data in the accounting interface: Breakpoint in MM07MFF9, form F-

page). The internal tables XACCIT (for the accounting document item data. It will be
the data in BSEG when the document gets posted), XACCHD (accounting document
header data: BKPF) and XACCCR (for the values in the different currencies) can be
checked here.

Data in the MB_CREATE interface (valid for all goods movements posted
automatically like postings from SD - Goods issues for deliveries -, from PP –
backflush; confirmation of production orders, EDI, QM, BAPIs, MIGO, etc.):
Breakpoint in LMBWLU14, function module MB_CREATE_GOODS_MOVEMENT.
See the data in the internal table IMSEG.

Check some other data:

Check the account determination process: Breakpoint in function module


Check the account assignment data: Breakpoint in function module


Check the movement type being posted: Breakpoint in function module


Check the valuation: Breakpoint in MM07MFF9, form F_SEGMENTE_GENERIEREN

at call function MB_CALCULATE_VALUES.

Special program MBDEBUG: Some of these Breakpoints can be set automatically by

executing the program MBDEBUG in SE38 and setting a flag in the desired point. A
"stop" icon will be displayed as soon as the breakpoint is selected (i.e. activated). Exit
the report going back with the green arrow (F3) and the system will stop at the
breakpoints activated this way.

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