Statement February 2022
Statement February 2022
Statement February 2022
Kimberly Behrig
109 Kenvil Rd
North Cape May NJ 08204
Kimberly Behrig
109 Kenvil Rd
North Cape May NJ 08204
Kimberly Behrig
109 Kenvil Rd
North Cape May NJ 08204
Kimberly Behrig
109 Kenvil Rd
North Cape May NJ 08204
Kimberly Behrig
109 Kenvil Rd
North Cape May NJ 08204
Kimberly Behrig
109 Kenvil Rd
North Cape May NJ 08204
* * * * * * * * * * S A V I N G S A C C O U N T S * * * * * * * * * *
Account Title: Kimberly Behrig
Statement Savings Check Safekeeping
Account Number XXXXXX1501 Statement Dates 1/21/22 thru 2/21/22
Previous Balance 4,859.42 Days in the statement period 32
1 Deposits/Credits 3,000.00 Average Ledger 7,221.92
1 Checks/Debits 300.00 Average Collected 7,221.92
Service Charge .00 Interest Earned .32
Interest Paid .00 Annual Percentage Yield Earned 0.05%
Current Balance 7,559.42
Date Description Reference Amount Balance
1/26 Transfer from x6065 to x1501 050703904 3,000.00 7,859.42
2/04 Transfer from x1501 to x6065 050705078 300.00- 7,559.42
In case of errors or questions about Electronic Funds Transfers to your Consumer Account
Section III: Reconcilement
If you think your statement or receipt is incorrect or if you need additional information about a
transfer, call Univest Customer Support at 877-723-5571, or write to: Univest, Electronic 1 Closing Balance from Statement $
Services, P.O. Box 197, Souderton, PA 18964-0197. If there is a problem, you must contact 2 Add Total from Section I $
us within 60 days from the date of the first statement on which the problem or error appeared. 3 Total (1 and 2 above) $
Please provide the following information: 4 Subtract Total from Section II $
(a) Your name and account number(s) Balance – This should equal
(b) A description of the error or the transfer you are questioning and explain clearly your checkbook
why you believe there is an error or why you are requiring additional information. balance $
(c) The dollar amount of the suspected error
If you tell us orally, we may require that you send us your complaint or question in writing SAVINGS ACCOUNT
within 10 business days.
1 Closing Balance from Statement $
If your transaction was conducted at an automated teller machine, we will tell you the results of 2 Add deposits shown in your
our investigation within 10 business days, and will promptly correct any error. If we need more records but not shown on this
time we may take up to 45 days to investigate your complaint or question. statement
If your transaction was conducted at a point-of-sale terminal, we will tell you the results of our $
investigation within 10 business days, and will promptly correct any error. If we need more time
3 Total (1 and 2 above) $
we may take up to 90 days to investigate your complaint or question.
4 Subtract withdrawals shown in
If we decide to use the extended time period to complete our investigation, we will provisionally your records but not shown on
credit your account for the amount you think is in error so you will have use of the funds during this statement
the time required to complete our investigation. If your transaction was conducted at an
automated teller machine, we will credit your account within 10 days. If your transaction was TOTAL
conducted at a point-of-sale terminal, we will credit your account within 10 days. If we ask you Balance – This should equal
to put your complaint or question in writing and do not receive it within 10 business days, we your register balance $
may not credit your account.
If we decide that there was no error, we will send you a written explanation within three
business days after we finish our investigation. You may ask for copies of the documents that
we used in our investigation.