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United Republic of Tanzania

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United Republic of Tanzania

The United Republic of Tanzania

Jointly prepared by

Ministry of Finance and Planning,

National Bureau of Statistics
Njombe Regional Secretariat

Njombe Region
National Bureau of Statistics Njombe

November, 2020
Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018


The goals of Tanzania’s Development Vision 2025 are in line with United Nation’s
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and are pursued through the National Strategy for
Growth and Reduction of Poverty (NSGRP) or MKUKUTA II. The major goals are to
achieve a high-quality livelihood for the people, attain good governance through the rule
of law and develop a strong and competitive economy. To monitor the progress in
achieving these goals, there is need for timely, accurate data and information at all levels.

Problems especially in rural areas are many and demanding. Social and economic services
require sustainable improvement. The high primary school enrolment rates recently
attained have to be maintained and so is the policy of making sure that all pupils who
passed Primary School Leaving Examination must join form one. The Nutrition situation
is still precarious; infant and maternal mortality rates continue to be high and
unemployment triggers mass migration of youths from rural areas to the already
overcrowded urban centres.

Added to the above problems, is the menace posed by HIV/AIDS, the prevalence of which
hinders efforts to advance into the 21st century of science and technology. The pandemic
has been quite severe among the economically active population leaving in its wake an
increasing number of orphans, broken families and much suffering. AIDS together with
environmental deterioration are problems which cannot be ignored.

Our efforts to meet these challenges are hampered by many factors including ill prepared
rural development programs followed by weak implementation, monitoring and their
supervision. The shortcomings in policy formulation, project identification, design and
implementation due to the lack of reliable and adequate data and information on the rural
development process have to be addressed. The availability of reliable, adequate and
relevant qualitative and quantitative data and information at regional level is a prerequisite
for the success of the formulating, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of
regions’ development programs.

The publication of the Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile series by the President
Office, Regional Administration and Local Government Authority (PO-RALG) in
collaboration with the National Bureau of Statistics and Njombe Regional Administration
Management Team should be viewed as a modest attempt towards finding a solution to the
existing problem of data and information gap at regional level.

The Regional Profile covers a wide range of statistics and information on geography,
population, social-economic parameters, social services, economic infrastructure,

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

productive sectors and cross cutting issues. Such data are vital to many policy makers,
planners, researchers, donors and functional managers.

This Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile has taken advantage of the experience
gained in the production of other Region and District Council Socio-Economic Profiles in
the country. It provides valuable information to our clients. Constructive views and
criticisms are invited from readers to make a profile like this a better tool in the
implementation of the country’s policies.

I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge, the contribution made by National
Bureau of Statistics, Council officials who coordinated the data collection and other staff
of Njombe Regional Office who devoted their time to ensure the successful completion of
this assignment.

Katarina Tengia Revocati

Regional Administrative Secretary
November, 2020

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table of Contents
Foreword ....................................................................................................................... i
Table of Contents ................................................................................................................ iii
List of Table ................................................................................................................... viii
List of Figure ................................................................................................................. xviii
Acronyms .................................................................................................................... xx

CHAPTER ONE ................................................................................................................. 1

Land, Climate, Agro-Ecological Zones and People ......................................................... 1
1.0 An Overview ............................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Geographical Location ............................................................................................. 1
1.2 Land Area, Land Use Pattern and Administrative Units .......................................... 2
1.3 Climate, Soil and Topography .................................................................................. 5
1.3.1 Climate ......................................................................................................... 5
1.3.2 Soil ................................................................................................................ 5
1.3.3 Topography................................................................................................... 6
1.4 Vegetation................................................................................................................. 6
1.5 Agro – Ecological Zones (AEZ)............................................................................... 6
1.5.1 The Highlands Zone ..................................................................................... 6
1.5.2 The Midlands Zone....................................................................................... 7
1.5.3 The Lowlands Zone ...................................................................................... 7
1.6 Drainage System ....................................................................................................... 7
1.7 Population ................................................................................................................. 8
1.7.1 Ethnic Groups ............................................................................................... 8
1.7.2 Population Distribution and Sex Ratio ......................................................... 8
1.7.3 Population Size and Growth ......................................................................... 9
1.7.4 Population Density ..................................................................................... 11
1.7.5 Population Trend ........................................................................................ 12
1.7.6 Dependency Ratio ...................................................................................... 13
1.7.7 Population Distribution by Sex and Age .................................................... 13
1.7.8 Households and Household Size ................................................................ 14
1.7.9 Rural and Urban Population ....................................................................... 15
1.7.10 Migration .................................................................................................... 16

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

CHAPTER TWO .............................................................................................................. 17

The Regional Economy and Poverty Level .................................................................... 17
2.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 17
2.1 Regional Gross Domestic Product.......................................................................... 18
2.2 Per Capita Gross Domestic Product ....................................................................... 19
2.3 Poverty Indicators ................................................................................................... 20
2.3.1 Income Poverty Rate, Poverty Gap and Gini Coefficient .......................... 20
2.3.2 Main Sources of Cash Income .................................................................... 21
2.3.3 Literacy Rate and Level of Education ........................................................ 21
2.3.4 Food security and Food Consumption Patterns .......................................... 22 Food Security............................................................................................ 22 Number of Meals per Day ........................................................................ 23 Protein (Meat and Fish) Consumption Frequencies ................................. 23

CHAPTER THREE.......................................................................................................... 25
Production Sectors............................................................................................................ 25
3.0 Overview ................................................................................................................ 25
3.1 Agriculture .............................................................................................................. 25
3.1.1 Distribution of Arable Land ....................................................................... 25
3.1.2 Land under Cultivation ............................................................................... 26
3.1.4 Crop Marketing .......................................................................................... 37
3.1.5 Irrigated Agriculture ................................................................................... 40
3.1.6 Agriculture Inputs/Implements ................................................................... 40
3.1.7 Policy Implication in Agriculture ............................................................... 43
3.1.8 Investment Opportunities in Agriculture sector ......................................... 43
3.2 Livestock ................................................................................................................ 44
3.2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 44
3.2.2 Livestock Population .................................................................................. 44
3.2.3 Grazing Land .............................................................................................. 48
3.2.4 Livestock Services ...................................................................................... 49
3.2.5 Marketing Livestock and Their Products ................................................... 55
3.2.6 Establishment and Personnel ...................................................................... 59
3.2.7 Policy Implication ...................................................................................... 59
3.2.8 Investment Opportunities in Livestock Subsector ...................................... 59
3.3. Natural Resources ................................................................................................... 60
3.3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 60

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

3.3.2 Forestry ....................................................................................................... 60

3.3.3 Tree Plantation............................................................................................ 61
3.3.2 Environmental Conservation ...................................................................... 63
3.3.3 Beekeeping ................................................................................................. 64
3.3.4 Fishery ........................................................................................................ 66
3.3.5 Tourism....................................................................................................... 67
3.4 Industrial Sector...................................................................................................... 69
3.3.9 Policy Implication on the Industrial Sector ................................................ 71
3.3.10 Investment in the Industrial Sector ............................................................. 71

CHAPTER FOUR ............................................................................................................ 72

Economic Infrastructure.................................................................................................. 72
4.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 72
4.1 Road network.......................................................................................................... 72
4.1.1 Road Network Classification ...................................................................... 73
4.1.2 Road Passability ......................................................................................... 75
4.2 Railway Transport .................................................................................................. 75
4.3 Air Transport Facilities........................................................................................... 75
4.4 Telecommunication Services.................................................................................. 76
4.5 Energy .................................................................................................................... 76

CHAPTER FIVE .............................................................................................................. 78

Social Services ................................................................................................................... 78
5.0 An Overview .......................................................................................................... 78
5.1 Health Sector .......................................................................................................... 78
5.1.1 Health Facilities .......................................................................................... 78 Health Facility Ratios ................................................................................. 83 Population per Bed Ratio ....................................................................... 84 Population per Doctor Ratio .................................................................. 85 Status of Health Personnel ..................................................................... 86

5.1.2 Morbidity .................................................................................................... 89

5.1.3 Mortality ..................................................................................................... 90
5.1.4 HIV/AIDS Infections.................................................................................. 91 The Impact of HIV/AIDS ........................................................................... 92

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

5.1.5 Child Nutrition............................................................................................ 94 Mother and Child Health Care ................................................................. 95

5.1.6 Quality and State of Health Facilities ......................................................... 98

5.1.6 Policy Implication on Health sector ........................................................... 99
5.1.7 Investment Opportunities for Health Sector ............................................. 100
5.2 Education Sector ................................................................................................... 100
5.2.0 An Overview ........................................................................................... 100
5.2.1 Pre-Primary Education ............................................................................. 100
5.2.2 Enrolment in Pre-Primary Schools ........................................................... 102
5.2.3 Primary Education .................................................................................... 103
5.2.4 Coverage of Primary School Education System ...................................... 105
5. 2.5 Standard One Enrolment .......................................................................... 106
5.2.6 Standard One Enrolment by Age Group .................................................. 107
5.2.7 Standard (I-VII) Enrolment ...................................................................... 109
5. 2.8 Primary School Completion Rate ............................................................. 110
5.2.9 Primary School Dropout Rate .................................................................. 112
5.2.10 Pass Rate in Primary Schools ................................................................... 114
5.2.11 Transition to Secondary Education .......................................................... 116
5.2.12 Primary School Facilities ......................................................................... 117
5.3 Secondary Education ............................................................................................ 121
5.4 Secondary Education ............................................................................................ 121
5.3.1 Secondary School Enrolment ................................................................... 122
5.3.2 Form One Enrolment ................................................................................ 122
5.3.3 Form (I-IV) Enrolment ............................................................................. 123
5.3.4 Form IV Pass Rate .................................................................................... 125
5.3.5 Form (V-VI) Enrolment ........................................................................... 126
5.3.6 Form VI Pass Rate .................................................................................... 127
5.3.7 Quantity and State of Secondary School Facilities .................................. 128
5.3.8 Adult Education ........................................................................................ 135
5.3.9 Colleges and Vocation Training Schools ................................................. 135
5.3.10 Policy Implication on Education sector .................................................... 137
5.3.11 Investment Opportunities in Education .................................................... 138
Water Supply and Sanitation ............................................................................................ 138
5.4.0 An Overview ............................................................................................ 138
5.4.1 Water Supply ............................................................................................ 138
5.4.2 Rural Water Supply .................................................................................. 138

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

5.4.3 Policy Implication on Water sector .......................................................... 142

5.4.4 Investment Opportunities in Water Supply .............................................. 142

CHAPTER SIX ............................................................................................................... 143

Other Development Issues ............................................................................................. 143
6.0 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 143
6.1 Gender Empowerment .......................................................................................... 143
6.1.2 Children Care Centers .............................................................................. 143
6.2 Vulnerability ......................................................................................................... 144
6.3 Women Groups ..................................................................................................... 147
6.4 Women Participation in Decision Making ........................................................... 148
6.7 Financial Institutions ............................................................................................ 151
6.8 Crime statistics ..................................................................................................... 151
6.8.1 Introduction .............................................................................................. 151
6.8.2 Crime cases reported ................................................................................ 152
6.8.3 Accidents ................................................................................................. 152
6.8.4 Theft Cases ............................................................................................... 153
6.9 Motorcycle Operators (BodaBoda) ..................................................................... 154
6.10 Policy Implication on Other Development Issues ................................................ 154

References .................................................................................................................. 155

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

List of Table

Table 1. 1: Distribution of Surface Area, Land Area and Water Area by

District/Council, Njombe Region, 2018 ....................................................... 3

Table 1. 2: Surface Area and Number of Administrative Units by

District/Council, Njombe Region, 2018 ....................................................... 4
Table 1. 3: Distribution of Land Area and Population among Wards and
Villages by Council, Njombe Region, 2018 ................................................. 4
Table 1.5: Population Distribution by Sex With Sex Ratio by
District/Council: Njombe Region, 2002, 2012 and 2018
Projections .................................................................................................... 9
Table 1.6: Population Size and Growth by District/Council, Njombe
Region, 2002, 2012 and Population Projection 2018 ................................. 10
Table 1.7: Population Density by District/Council and Ranking, Njombe
Region, 2002, 2012 and 2019 ..................................................................... 12

Table 1.8: Population Trend by District/Council, Njombe Region, 2012 and

2018 Projections ......................................................................................... 12

Table 1. 9: The Dependency Ratios by Council, Njombe Region, 2002 and

2012 ............................................................................................................ 13
Table 1. 10: Population Distribution by Broad Age Groups and by Sex,
Njombe Region, 2012 ................................................................................. 14
Table 1.11: Distribution of Households and Average Households Size by
Councils, Njombe Region, 2002 and 2012 ............................................... 14

Table 1. 12 (a): Population Distribution by District and Rural -Urban;

Njombe Region, 2012 Census .................................................................... 15

Table 1.12 (b) Population Size and Growth by District and Rural -Urban;
Njombe Region,2002 -2012 Census ........................................................... 15
Table 2. 1: Number of Government Employees in Key Sectors of the
Economy, Njombe Region, 2016-2018 ...................................................... 18
Table 2.2: GDP Estimates by Council, Njombe Region, 2016, 2017, 2018 and
2019 ............................................................................................................ 19
Table 2. 3: GDP Estimates by Sector, Njombe Region, 2016, 2017, 2018
and 2019 ..................................................................................................... 19

Table 2.4: Per Capitat GDP Estimates by Council, Njombe Region, 2016,
2017, 2018 and 2019 .................................................................................. 20

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 2. 5: Selected Poverty Indicators by District/Council, Njombe Region,

2008 ............................................................................................................ 21
Table 2.6: Number of Households by Number of Meals Consumed per Day
by Council, Njombe Region, 2007/08 ........................................................ 23

Table 3.1: Percentage Distribution of Arable Land by Council; Njombe

Region, 2017/18 ......................................................................................... 25

Table 3.2: Estimated Land Area (Ha) under Major Food Crops; Njombe
Region, 2013/14 – 2017/18 ........................................................................ 26
Table 3.3: Estimated Land Area (Ha) under Major Food Crops of Maize by
Council; Njombe Region, 2013/14 – 2017/18 ............................................ 27
Table 3.4: Estimated Land Area (Ha) under Major Food Crops of Beans by
Council; Njombe Region, 2013/14 – 2017/18 ............................................ 28

Table 3.5: Estimated Land Area (Ha) under Major Food Crops of Irish
Potatoes by Council; Njombe Region, 2013/14 – 2017/18 ........................ 29

Table 3.6: Estimated Land Area (Ha) under Major Food Crops of Irish
Potatoes by Council; Njombe Region, 2013/14 – 2017/18 ........................ 30
Table 3.7: Estimated Land Area (ha) under Major Cash Crops; Njombe
Region, 2013/14 – 2017/18 ........................................................................ 30
Table 3. 8: Estimated Production in Tons of Major Food Crops Njombe
Region; 2013/14 – 2017/18 ........................................................................ 31
Table 3.9: Production of Maize tons by Council, Njombe Region; 2013/14 –
2017/18 ....................................................................................................... 32

Table 3.10: Production of Irish Potatoes tons by Council, Njombe Region;

2013/14 – 2017/18 ...................................................................................... 32
Table 3.11: Production of Beans in tons by Council, Njombe Region;
2013/14 – 2017/18 ...................................................................................... 33
Table 3.12: Production per Hectare of Major Food Crops, Njombe Region;
2013/14, 2015/16 and 2017/18 ................................................................... 34
Table 3. 13: Estimated Production in Tons of Major Cash Crops Njombe
Region; 2013/14 – 2017/18 ........................................................................ 34

Table 3.14: Production of Irish Potatoes tons by Council, Njombe Region;

2013/14 – 2017/18 ...................................................................................... 35
Table 3.15 Production of Avocado in tons by Council, Njombe Region;
2013/14 – 2017/18 ...................................................................................... 36

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 3.16 Production of Sunflower in tons by Council, Njombe Region;

2013/14 – 2017/18 ...................................................................................... 36
Table 3.17: Production per Hectare of Major Cash Crops, Njombe Region;
2013/14, 2015/16 and 2017/18 ................................................................... 37

Table 3.18 Amounts and Value of Cash Crops Purchased by Council;

Njombe Region, 2017/18............................................................................ 37

Table 3.18a: Amount of Irish Potatoes Marketed and Revenue Earned by

Council; Njombe Region, 2017/18 ............................................................. 38
Table 3.18b: Amount of Beans Marketed and Revenue Earned by Council;
Njombe Region, 2017/18............................................................................ 39
Table 3.18c: Amount of Maize Marketed and Revenue Earned by Council;
Njombe Region, 2017/18............................................................................ 39

Table 3.18d: Amount of Tea Marketed and Revenue Earned by Council;

Njombe Region, 2017/18............................................................................ 39

Table 3.19: Distribution of Irrigation Prospects and Crop Grown by Council,

Njombe Region; 2017/18 ........................................................................... 40
Table 3.20 a: Type and Quantity of Chemical Fertilizers (Kgs) Distributed to
Farmers; Njombe region; 2013/14-2017/18 ............................................... 41
Table 3.20b: Type and Quantity of Insecticides (in Litres) Distributed to
Farmers; Njombe Region; 2013/14-2017/18 .............................................. 41
Table 3.20 c: Type and Quantity of Fungicides (in Litres) Distributed to
Farmers; Njombe region; 2013/14-2017/18 ............................................... 42

Table 3. 20d: Type and Quantity of Improved seeds (Kgs) Distributed to

Farmers; Njombe Region 2011-2015 ......................................................... 42
Table 3. 21: Availability of Agriculture Implements, Njombe region; 2017/18 ............ 43

Table 3. 22 Estimated Livestock Population by Type of livestock and

Council, Njombe Region; 2018 .................................................................. 44

Table 3. 23: Population Distribution of Cattle by Type and by Council,

Njombe Region; 2018................................................................................. 45
Table 3.24: Population Distribution of Goats by Type and Council, Njombe
Region; 2018 .............................................................................................. 46
Table 3. 25: Estimated Chicken Population by Council, Njombe region, 2018 ............. 48
Table 3. 26: Estimated Area under Grazing by Council, Njombe Region;
2018 ............................................................................................................ 48

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 3. 27: Distribution of Livestock Infrastructure by Council, Njombe

Region, 2018............................................................................................... 49
Table 3.28: Twelve Common Cattle Diseases Causes Morbidity, Njombe
Region; 2016 and 2018 ............................................................................... 50

Table 3.28a: Twelve Common Cattle Diseases Causes Mortality, Njombe

Region; 2016 and 2018 ............................................................................... 51

Table 3.29: Eleven Common Goat Diseases Causes Morbidity, Njombe

Region; 2016 and 2018 ............................................................................... 52
Table 3.29a: Six Common Goat Diseases Causes Mortality, Njombe Region;
2016 and 2018 ............................................................................................ 52
Table 3.30: Nine Common Sheep Diseases Causes Morbidity, Njombe
Region; 2016 and 2018 ............................................................................... 53

Table 3.30a: Seven Common Sheep Diseases Causes Mortality, Njombe

Region; 2016 and 2018 ............................................................................... 54

Table 3.31: Six Common Poultry Diseases Causes Morbidity, Njombe

Region; 2016 and 2018 ............................................................................... 54
Table 3.31a: Six Common Poultry Diseases Causes Mortality, Njombe
Region; 2016 and 2018 ............................................................................... 55
Table 3.32: Marketing of Major Livestock (Number and Revenue), Njombe
Region; 2016, 2017 and 2018 ..................................................................... 55
Table 3.32a: Number of Indigenous Cattle Marketed and Revenue Earned by
Council; Njombe Region, 2018 .................................................................. 56

Table 3.32b: Number of Goats Marketed and Revenue Earned by Council;

Njombe Region, 2018 ................................................................................. 56
Table 3.32c: Number of Sheep Marketed and Revenue Earned by Council;
Njombe Region, 2018 ................................................................................. 57
Table 3.32d: Number of Pigs Marketed and Revenue Earned by Council;
Njombe Region, 2018 ................................................................................. 57
Table 3.32e: Number of Poultry Marketed and Revenue Earned by Council;
Mwanza Region, 2018 ................................................................................ 58

Table 3. 32f: Number of Litres of Milk Marketed and their Value by Council,
Njombe Region, 2018 ................................................................................. 58
Table 3.33: Availability of Livestock Personnel by Council, Njombe Region;
2018 ............................................................................................................ 59

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 3.34: Status of Forest Cover by Council ,Njombe Region ; 2018 ...................... 60

Table 3.35: Number of Tree Seedlings Raised by Council, Njombe Region;

2014 – 2018 ................................................................................................ 62
Table 3.36: Number of Tree Seedlings Raised by Institution ,Njombe Region
; 2014 - 2018 ............................................................................................... 63
Table 3.37: Number of Traditional and Modern Beehives by Council,
Njombe Region; 2014 -2018 ...................................................................... 65
Table 3.38: Fishery Resources and Production by Council ,Njombe Region ,
2018 ............................................................................................................ 66

Table 3.39: Revenue Collection from Fishermen (Tshs) by Council

NjombeRegion; 2014 – 2018..................................................................... 67
Table 3.40: Accommodation facilities by Council ,Njombe Region ; 2018 ................. 68

Table 3.41: Historical sites which are potential for Tourism in Njombe
Region ;2018 .............................................................................................. 68

Table 3.42: Number of Small-Scale Establishments by Council and Type of

Activity - Njombe Region; 2018 ................................................................ 69
Table 3.43: Type of Medium Scale Industries by Council; Njombe Region;
2018 ............................................................................................................ 70
Table3.44: Number of Large Scale Industries by Council, Njombe Region;
2018 ............................................................................................................ 70
Table 4. 1: Length of Road Network by Council (in km), Njombe Region,
2018 ............................................................................................................ 73

Table 4.2: Road Networks by Type of Road and by Council, Njombe Region,
2018 ............................................................................................................ 73
Table 4. 3: Road Network by Type of Road Surface by Councils, Njombe
Region, 2018............................................................................................... 74
Table 4. 4: Passability of Road Network in Kilometers, Njombe Region;
2018 ............................................................................................................ 75
Table 4. 5: Air Services by Council, Njombe Region, 2018 ........................................ 76
Table 4. 6: Telecommunications Services by Council, Njombe Region, 2018 ............ 76

Table 4.7: Electricity coverage in Villages/Mitaas of the region by Council,

2018 ............................................................................................................ 77
Table 4. 8: Electricity coverage in Villages/Mitaas of the region by Council,
2018 ............................................................................................................ 77

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 5. 1: Availability of Health Facilities based on the Health Policy by

Council, Njombe Region; 2018 .................................................................. 79
Table 5. 2: Availability of Health Facilities by Ownership and Council,
Njombe Region; 2018................................................................................. 80

Table 5. 3: Relating Health Facilities to the Population by Council, Njombe

Region; 2010, 2012 and 2018 ..................................................................... 84

Table 5. 4: Distribution of Hospitals Beds (Public and Private) by Council,

Njombe Region, 2010 , 2012 and 2018 ...................................................... 85
Table 5. 5: Distribution of Doctors Among Population by Council, Njombe
Region; 2010, 2012 and 2018 ..................................................................... 85
Table 5. 6: Distribution of Complementary Rural Health Facilities by
Council, Njombe Region, 2018 .................................................................. 86

Table 5. 7: Type and Number of Medical Personnel by Council, Njombe

Region; 2018 .............................................................................................. 88

Table 5. 8: Ten Most Commonly Reported Causes of Morbidity (Out

Patients), Njombe Region; 2016 and 2018 ................................................ 89
Table 5. 9: Ten Most Commonly Reported Causes of Morbidity (In
Patients), Njombe Region; 2016 and 2018 ................................................. 90
Table 5. 10: Ten Most Commonly Reported Causes of Mortality (In Patients),
Njombe Region; 2016 and 2018 ................................................................. 91
Table 5. 11: HIV Infections among Family Blood Donors and New AIDS
Cases, Njombe Region; 2018 ..................................................................... 92

Table 5. 12: Number of Expectant Mothers who were Screened for HIV
through PMTCT Service and those who Received ARVs by
Council, Njombe Region; 2018 .................................................................. 92

Table 5. 13: Percentage of Expectant Mothers Vaccinated TT2 by Council,

Njombe Region; 2014,2016 and 2018 ........................................................ 96

Table 5. 14: Percentage of Children under one Year Vaccinated BCG by

Council, Njombe Region; 2014, 2016 and 2018 ........................................ 96
Table 5.15: Percentage of Children under one Year Vaccinated DPT3 by
Council, Njombe Region; 2014, 2016 and 2018 ........................................ 97
Table 5. 16: Percentage of Children under one Year Vaccinated OPV3 by
Council, Njombe Region; 2014, 2016 and 2018 ........................................ 97

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 5. 17: Percentage of Children under one Year Vaccinated Measles by

Council, Njombe Region; 2014, 2016 and 2018 ........................................ 98
Table 5.18: Number of Government Health Facilities connected with
REA/TANESCO Electricity in Njombe Region by 2018 .......................... 99

Table 5.19: Accessibility of Water in Government Health Facilities by Type,

Njombe Region, 2018 ................................................................................. 99

Table 5. 20: Number of Pre-Primary School Classrooms by Ownership and

Council, Njombe Region; 2016 and 2018 ................................................ 101
Table 5. 21: Enrolment of Pupils in Public and Private Pre-Primary Schools
by Council, Njombe Region; 2016 and 2018 ........................................... 102
Table 5. 22: Number of Primary Schools by Ownership and Council, Njombe
Region; 2016 and 2018 ............................................................................. 104

Table 5. 23: Distribution of Public Primary Schools by Council and Their

Accessibility at Ward and Village Level, Njombe Region; 2018 ............ 106

Table 5. 24: Standard I Enrolment in Public Primary Schools by Council,

Njombe Region; 2016 and 2018 ............................................................... 106
Table 5. 25: Standard I Enrolment by Age Group and Council in Public
Primary Schools, Njombe Region; 2018 .................................................. 108
Table 5. 26: Total (Std I - VII) Enrolment in Public Primary Schools by Sex
and Council, Njombe Region; 2015 - 2018 .............................................. 110
Table 5. 27: Number of Pupils Enrolled in Std I in 2011 and Completed Std
VII in 2017 by Council, Njombe Region ................................................. 111

Table 5.28 a: Number of Pupils Enrolled in Std I in 2012 and Completed Std
VII in 2018 by Council, Njombe Region ................................................. 111
Table 5. 29: Pupils Dropouts by Reason and Council, Njombe Region; 2016
and 2018 ................................................................................................... 113
Table 5. 30: Number of Pupils Who Sat and Passed STD VII Examinations in
Public Primary Schools by Council, Njombe Region; 2016 and
2018 .......................................................................................................... 115
Table 5. 31: Number of Pupils Who were Selected and Joined Form I in
Public Secondary Schools, Njombe Region; 2016 and 2018 ................... 116
Table 5. 32: Availability of Classrooms in Public Primary Schools by
Council, Njombe Region; 2018 ................................................................ 118

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 5. 33: Availability of Pit Latrines in Public Primary Schools by

Council, Njombe Region; 2018 ................................................................ 119
Table 5. 34: Availability of Public Primary School Teachers' Houses by
Council, Njombe Region; 2018 ................................................................ 119

Table 5. 35: Availability of Desks in Public Primary Schools by Council,

Njombe Region; 2018............................................................................... 120

Table 5. 36: Availability of Public Primary School’s Teachers by Council,

Njombe Region; 2018............................................................................... 120
Table 5. 37: Accessibility of Water in Public Primary Schools by Council,
Njombe Region; 2018............................................................................... 121
Table 5. 38: Number of Secondary Schools by Ownership and by Council,
Njombe Region; 2014 and 2018 ............................................................... 122

Table 5.39: Distribution of Secondary schools among Wards, by Council,

Njombe Region; 2018............................................................................... 122

Table 5. 40: Total FormOne Enrolment in Public and Private Secondary

Schools by Sex and by Council, Njombe Region; 2016 and 2018 ........... 123
Table 5. 41: Total Form (1-IV) Enrolment in Public and Private Secondary
Schools by Sex and Council, Njombe Region; 2016 and 2018 ................ 125
Table 5. 42: Students Performance in Form IV Examinations in Public
Secondary Schools by Sex, Njombe Region; 2014 and 2018 .................. 125
Table 5. 43: Pass Rate of Students Who Sat for CSEE in Public Secondary
Schools by District and by Sex, Njombe Region; 2014 and 2018 ........... 126

Table 5. 44: Total Form (V and VI) Enrolment in Public Secondary Schools
by Sex and Council, Njombe Region; 2014 and 2018 ............................. 127
Table 5. 45: Students Performance in ACSEE in Public Secondary Schools by
Sex, Njombe Region; 2016 and 2018 ....................................................... 127
Table 5. 46: Number of Students, Who Completed A- Level Education in
Public Secondary Schools by Sex and by Council, Njombe
Region; 2016 and 2018 ............................................................................. 128
Table 5. 47: Distribution of Teachers among Public Secondary Schools, by
Council, Njombe Region; 2018 ................................................................ 129
Table 5. 48: Availability of Public Secondary School’s Teachers by
Qualification and by Council, Njombe Region; 2018 .............................. 129

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 5. 49: Number of Science and Arts Teachers in Public Secondary

Schools by Council, Njombe Region; 2018 ............................................. 130
Table 5. 50: Availability of Teachers Houses in Public Secondary Schools by
Council, Njombe Region, 2018 ................................................................ 131

Table 5. 51: Availability of Classrooms in Public Secondary Schools by

Council, Njombe Region; 2018 ................................................................ 131

Table 5. 52: Availability of Toilet Holes in Public Secondary Schools by

Council, Njombe Region; 2018 ................................................................ 132
Table 5. 53: Availability of Dormitories/Hostels in Public Secondary Schools
by Council; Iringa Region; 2018 .............................................................. 132
Table 5. 54: Availability of Libraries in Public Secondary Schools by
Council, Njombe Region; 2018 ................................................................ 133

Table 5.55: Availability of Tables and chairs in Public Secondary Schools by

Council; Njombe Region, 2018 ................................................................ 134

Table 5. 56: Availability of Laboratories in Public Secondary Schools by

Council, Njombe Region; 2018 ................................................................ 134
Table 5. 57: Number of Adult Centres by Council; Njombe Region; 2018 ................. 135

Table 5. 58: List of Public and Private Vocational Training Centres, Njombe
Region; 2018 ............................................................................................ 136

Table 5. 59: Number of Students Enrolled in Colleges /Vocational Training

Centers by Council and Sex, Njombe Region; 2014 and 2016 ................ 137
Table 5. 60: Number and Type of Rural Water Sources by Condition, Njombe
Region; 2018 ............................................................................................ 139
Table 5.61: Number and Type of Rural Water Sources by Condition and
Council, Njombe Region; 2018 ................................................................ 139

Table 5. 62: Number and Type of Technology Used in Rural Water Schemes
by Council; Njombe Region; 2018 ........................................................... 140

Table 5. 63: Water Supply Coverage by Council, Njombe Region; 2018 ................... 141
Table 6.3: Number of Women Economic Groups in Njombe Region; 2016 and
2018 .......................................................................................................... 148

Table 6. 4: Women’s Participation in Managerial, Political, Professional and

Technical Personnel Positions by Council, Njombe Region; 2018 .......... 149
Table 6.5: Number of Youth Economic Groups in Njombe Region; 2016 and
2018 .......................................................................................................... 150

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 6. 6: Active SACCOS by Council, Njombe Region, 2018 ............................... 151

Table 6. 7: List of Banks in Njombe Region, 2008 - 2012 ......................................... 151

Table 6.8: Total number of Crimes Reported in Police Station and Number
of People Jailed from January to December 2018 Njombe Region ......... 152

Table 6.9: Total number of Accidents Reported in the Police Station and
Number of People Injured/died from January to December 2018,
Njombe Region ......................................................................................... 153
Table 6.10: Total Number of Theft Cases Reported in the Police Station and
Number of People Jailed from January to December 2018;
Njombe Region ......................................................................................... 154

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

List of Figure

Figure 1. 1: Percentage Distribution of Land Area by Council, Njombe

Region, 2018................................................................................................. 3

Figure 2. 1: Percentage of Households Reporting the extent of Food

Sufficiency Problems Njombe Region, 2007/08 ........................................ 22
Figure 2. 2: Percentage of Households by Number of Meals the household
consumed per day, Njombe Region, 2007/08 ............................................ 23
Figure 2. 3: Percentage of Households by the frequency of Meat
Consumption, Njombe Region, 2007/08 .................................................... 24

Figure 3. 1: Annual Average Area (HA) planted with Major Food Crops,
Njombe region, 2013/14-2017/18. ............................................................. 27

Figure 3.2: Annual Average Area (HA) planted with Major Food Crops
Maize by Council, Njombe region, 2013/14-2017/18. ............................... 28
Figure 3.3: Annual Average Area (HA) planted with Major Food Crops
Maize by Council, Njombe region, 2013/14-2017/18. ............................... 29
Figure 3.4 Production of Round Potatoes in tons in Ludewa District
Council, Njombe Region; 2013/14 – 2017/18 ............................................ 33
Figure 3.5: Production of Maize tons in Njombe Town Council, Njombe
Region; 2013/14 – 2017/18 ........................................................................ 35

Figure 3. 6: Percentage Distribution of Cattle by Type and Council, Njombe

Region; 2018 .............................................................................................. 45
Figure 3.7: Distribution of Sheep Population by Council, Njombe Region,
2018 ............................................................................................................ 46
Figure 3.8: Distribution of Pigs Population by Council, Njombe Region,
2018 ............................................................................................................ 47
Figure 4. 1: Percentage Proportion of Road Network by Type of Surface
Condition; Njombe Region; 2018 .............................................................. 74

Figure 5.1: Percentage Distribution of Children below Age 18 Years by

Survival of Parents; Njombe Region, 2012 Census ................................... 94

Figure 5. 2: Number of Expectant Mothers Targeted and Vaccinated TT2,

Njombe Region; 2014, 2016 and 2018 ....................................................... 95
Figure 5. 3: Percentage Distribution of Pre-Primary School Classrooms by
Council, Njombe Region; 2018 ................................................................ 101

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Figure 5. 4: Enrolment in Pre-Primary Schools (Total of Public and Private)

by Council, Njombe Region; 2016 and 2018 ........................................... 103
Figure 5. 5: Standard I Enrolment in Public Primary Schools by Sex and
Council, Njombe Region, 2018 ................................................................ 109

Figure 5. 6: Number of Pupil Dropouts by Reason, Njombe Region; 2016 and

2018 .......................................................................................................... 112

Figure 5. 7: Number of Pupil Dropouts by Reason and Sex, Njombe Region;

2018 .......................................................................................................... 112
Figure 6. 1: Number of Orphans and Non-orphans by Sex; Njombe Region,
2018 .......................................................................................................... 147

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
ARI Acute Respiratory Infections
ARV Antiretroviral
CBO Community Based Organization
CRDB Cooperative Rural Development Bank
DC District Council
DPT3/HB3 Diptheria Pertusis Tetanus 3 rd doze/ Haemoglobin Level
ECF East Cost Fiver
FAO Food Agriculture Organization
GIS Geographical Information System
Govt Government
Ha Hectares
HIV Human Immune Virus
IMR Infant Mortality Rate
MVC Most Vulnerable Children
NCD New Castle Disease
NMB National Microfinance Bank
NBC National Bank of Commence
OPV3 Oral Polio Vaccine 3rd Doze
PMTCT Prevention Mother to Child Transmission
SACCOS Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies
Sq. Km. Square Kilometre
Std VII Standard seven
STI Sexual Transmitted Infection
TB Tuberculosis
TBAs Traditional Birth Attendants
TC Town Council
TPR Toilet Pupil Ratio /Teacher Pupil Ratio
TT2 Tetanus Toxoid 2 nd doze
TPB Tanzania Postal Bank
U5MR Under Five Mortality Rate
UTI Urinary Track Infection
VCT Voluntary Counselling and Testing

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

VHC Village Health Committee

VHWs Village Health Workers
VWC Village Water Committee
VWF Village Water Fund
WUG Water User Group

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018


Land, Climate, Agro-Ecological Zones and People

1.0 An Overview
Chapter one describes the geographical location, land area, administrative units, climate
and agro-ecological zones of Njombe Region. Information about ethnic groups, population
distribution, size, trend, growth and other demographic characteristics is also provided in

1.1 Geographical Location

Njombe Region is located in the Southern Highlands Zone of Tanzania, below the equator
between latitudes 80 40’ and 100 32’. Longitudinally, the region is situated between 330 47’
and 350 45’ East of Greenwich. It shares borderds with Iringa region to the North;
Morogoro region to the East; Mbeya region to the West; Ruvuma region to the South and
the Republic of Malawi via Lake Nyasa to the North West.

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

1.2 Land Area, Land Use Pattern and Administrative Units

Njombe region has a total surface area of 24,994 square kilometers, divided into land area
(21,299 sq.kms equivalent to 85.2 percent of total area) and water area (3,695 sq.kms or
14.8 percent is covered by water of Lake Nyasa. Njombe region is considered to be the 5th
smallest region in size in the country and it occupy about 2.8 percent of Tanzania
Mainland total land area of 881,300 sq.km.

Table 1.1 and Figure 1.1 shows that, at District level; Ludewa District Council has the
largest land area (8,397 sq.km equivalent to 33.6 percent) whereby land area is
6,325sq.kms and 2,072 sq.kms is covered by water. Makete DC is the second with surface
area 5,800 sq.kms followed by Wanging’ombe DC 3,570sq.kms. Smallesst land area was

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

observed in Makambako Town Council 862 sq.kms equivalent to 3.4 percent. It was also
observed that Njombe and Makambako Town Councils have no water area while large
area covered by water was observed in Ludewa DC (2,072 sq.kms) and small water area in
Wanging’ombe DC (226 sq.kms).

Table 1. 1: Distribution of Surface Area, Land Area and Water Area by District/Council, Njombe
Region, 2018
Water Percent of Percent of
Land Area Percent of Surface
District/Council Area Water Surface
(sq.kms) Land Area Area
(sq.kms) Area Area
Njombe TC 3,212 15.1 0 0 3,212 12.9
Wanging’ombe DC 3,344 15.7 226 6.1 3,570 14.3
Makete DC 4,850 22.8 950 25.7 5,800 23.2
Njombe DC 2,706 12.7 447 12.1 3,153 12.6
Ludewa DC 6,325 29.7 2,072 56.1 8,397 33.6
Makambako TC 862 4.0 0 0 862 3.4
Total 21,299 100.0 3,695 100.0 24,994 100.0

Source: Land, Natural Resources and Environment Department, Njombe Region 2019

Figure 1. 1: Percentage Distribution of Land Area by Council, Njombe

Region, 2018

Source: Land, Natural Resources and Environment Department, Njombe Region 2019

Administratively, Njombe Region is divided into 6 districts namely: Njombe Town

Council, Wanging’ombe, Makete, Njombe, Ludewa and Makambako Town Council.
Moreover, Njombe region is divided into divisions, wards, villages, streets and hamlets.
Table 1.2 shows that Njombe Region has a total of 18 divisions which are divided into 107
wards, 381 villages, 82 mitaa and 1,839 hamlets.

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 1. 2: Surface Area and Number of Administrative Units by District/Council, Njombe Region,
District/Council Area Divisions Wards Villages Hamlets Streets
( sq. kms)
Njombe TC 3,212 2 13 44 224 28
Wanging'ombe DC 3,570 3 21 108 525 0
Makete DC 5,800 6 23 93 444 0
Njombe DC 3,153 1 12 45 227 0
Ludewa DC 8,397 5 26 77 352 0
Makambako TC 862 1 12 14 67 54
Total 24,994 18 107 381 1839 82

Source: Land, Natural Resources and Environment Department; Njombe Region, 2019

Table 1.3 shows that the average surface area per ward in Njombe region was 233.6 sq.
kms, and varying from 71.8 sq. kms. per ward in Makambako TC to 323 sq. kms in
Ludewa DC. Similar situation can also be observed at the village level. The average
surface area per village in Njombe region was 64.8 sq kms, but varied from 33.1 sq. kms
per village in Wanging’ombe DC to 109.1 sq. kms. per village in Ludewa DC for rural
districts only. The Njombe regional population per ward was 6,562 people. The average
population per ward varied from 4,229 people in Makete DC to 10,017 people persons in
Njombe TC. The average population per village in Njombe Region was 1,819 people per
village at regional level while in rural councils, the population per village ranged from 993
people per village in Makete DC to 1,905 people per village in Njombe DC.

Table 1. 3: Distribution of Land Area and Population among Wards and Villages by Council, Njombe
Region, 2018
Wards Villages
Total Average Average
area Number Average Number Average
District/Council population, area per area per
(sq. of population of population
2012 ward village
kms) wards per ward villages per village
(sq.kms.) (sq.kms.)
Njombe TC 3,212 130,223 13 247.1 10,017 44 73.0 2,960
Wanging'ombe DC 3,570 161,816 21 170.0 7,706 108 33.1 1,498
Makete DC 5,800 97,266 23 252.2 4,229 93 59.2 993
Njombe DC 3,153 85,747 12 262.8 7,146 45 70.1 1,905
Ludewa DC 8,397 133,218 26 323.0 5,124 77 109.1 1,730
Makambako TC 862 93,827 12 71.8 7,819 14 61.6 6,702
Total 24,994 702,097 107 233.6 6,562 381 64.8 1,819

Source: Regional Commissioner’s Office, 2012 Population and Housing Census, Vol.II Population Distribution by Age
and Sex, 2019

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

1.3 Climate, Soil and Topography

1.3.1 Climate
Temperature and Rainfall are the two key features which can describe the climate of
Njombe region. The region along with Iringa and Mbeya regions form what is called the
Southern Highlands as distinct from the Northern Highlands of Kilimanjaro, Arusha and
Manyara regions in the far North of Tanzania. The Southern Highlands experience long
rainfall and short dry seasons which more often are cool with fairly moderate wind. Total
rainfall ranges from 600mm to 1,600mm per annum with high geographical, seasonal and
annual variations. There is one rather well defined rain season starting from November
through May followed by a dry and cold season which lasts from May to September.

Altitude, topography and vegetation influence the climate greatly, resulting in micro
climates in specific areas and macro climate in larger areas. The climate in Njombe region
is influenced by several factors resulting in the formation of three distinctive climatic
zones. These are the Highlands Zone, the Midlands Zone and the Lowlands Zone.

The temperature in the region vary according to altitude but generally range from 0o C in
May/June to about 200 C to 24o C during the month of October/November. Moreover,
temperature differences can be observed between day and night and may be high with hot
afternoons going up to 26o C and chilly evenings and nights going down to below 0o C.

Winds follow a monsoonal pattern being north-easterly during the months of May to
October and south-easterly for the rest of the year. In May to October, the winds are
usually dry and sometimes dusty.

1.3.2 Soil
In Njombe region, three major superficial geological deposits can be identified. These are
the red/yellow, well drained and highly weathered and the leached clay soils in the high
altitude areas. Intermediate gravel sandy soils which are characterized by being
moderately drained and leached are found in the midlands while the lowlands are occupied
dominantly by red brown and acidic loams which are highly fertile. Most of the farmlands
are on red brown sandy loams with some red soils which characteristically host Acacia

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

1.3.3 Topography
Njombe region occupies the southern part of the southern plateau of Tanzania which has
elevations ranging from 600m to 3,000m above sea level. Surrounding the region on all
sides is a major scarp of up to 800 meters high which is the eastern part of the Kipengere
Ranges. A prominent feature of the land escarpment in Makete and Ludewa DCs is the
massive outcrops escarpments and metamorphic rocks. These outcrops, alternatively
known as inselbergs, are remnants of ancient land surfaces which in the adjacent areas
have been eroded to form an extensive gently undulating pen plain. The region is generally
dominated by the Kipengere and Livingstone Mountains separating Njombe and Mbeya
regions in the west. The northern parts of the region are relatively flat, high plains cut by
the eastern arm of the Great Rift Valley in which the tributaries of the Great Ruaha River
flows. The region is further characterized by the presence of a big plateau portion which
forms the common landform of the region. The only permanent and big rivers in the
region are the Ruhuji, Hagafilo, Ruaha, Mbarali and Ruhuhu.

1.4 Vegetation
The vegetation of Njombe region varies from miombo woodlands, savanna and mountain
forest. The western slopes are woodland, giving way to grassland patches at 2,200 meters
and moist forest on the wetter eastern slopes and rivers draining eastwards into the Ruhuji
and Hagafilo rivers. The forest is upper montane at high altitudes with montane forest
below. There are large areas of secondary forest following logging.

1.5 Agro – Ecological Zones (AEZ)

Climatic conditions as well as geological features have been the base of identifying
different agro-ecological zones in Njombe region. Basically the region has three
distinctive agro-ecological zones.

1.5.1 The Highlands Zone

The zone is characterized by moderately high rainfall with annual mean precipitation
ranging from 1,000mm to 1,600mm falling in single season from November through April
or sometimes May. The dry and cold season occurs after the rain season and lasts from
May to October. The zone is generally mountainous with plains dissected by many
seasonal streams. The zone covers the central and eastern parts of Njombe DC and
Wanging’ombe DC, the Western parts of Ludewa DC and most parts of Makete DC. The

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

soils are red/yellow, well drained and highly weathered and leached clay soils. Crops
grown are mainly maize, bananas, peas, tea, wheat, sweet and Irish potatoes, temperate
fruits and beans. Livestock keeping is largely practiced and includes cattle, pigs, goats and

1.5.2 The Midlands Zone

This zone lies at an altitude of 1,200 to 1,600 meters above sea level. The temperatures
range from 100 C to 200 C. The zone enjoys moderate rainfall with annual precipitation
from 600mm to 1,000mm. The area is characterized by a gently undulating plateau with
isolated hills, rocky outcrops and dissected by many streams in the central parts of Njombe
region covering parts of Wanging’ombe and Ludewa DCs and Makambako TC. The
Midlands areas are occupied by intermediate clay soils, which are characterized by being
moderately drained and leached. Crops grown here are mainly maize, cowpeas, sweet
potatoes, beans, and fruits. Livestock keeping includes cattle and dairy farming, sheep,
pigs and goats.

1.5.3 The Lowlands Zone

The zone is predominantly undulating, flat and broken by occasional small hills and has a
fair rainfall regime ranging between 600mm and 1000mm annually. It has an altitude of
600 meters to 1,400 above sea level. This zone covers the low lying western parts of the
Njombe DC, western parts of Wanging’ombe DC and most parts of Makambako TC. It
also includes the southern lowlands of Ludewa DC along Lake Nyasa belt. The
temperatures vary between 150 C to 280 C. The Lowlands are dominated by red/brown
loams and are highly fertile. There is considerable soil erosion. The zone is suitable for
growing drought resistant crops like sorghum, millet and cassava; groundnuts, paddy,
bananas, vegetables and fruits. The zone is free from tsetse flies and hence livestock
keeping (cattle, goats, sheep and donkeys) is taking place in the zone.

1.6 Drainage System

Njombe region is generally dominated by the Kipengere and Livingstone Mountains
which separate Njombe and Mbeya regions in the west. The northern parts of the region
are relatively flat. The region is further characterized by the presence of a big plateau
portion, which forms the common landform. Njombe region forms part of the Indian
Ocean drainage zone. The central plateau of the region divides the catchment into northern
drainage and southern drainage. The rivers draining north all merge into the Great Ruaha
and those draining south join the Ruhuhu River. Most of the rivers in the southern parts of
the region drain into Lake Nyasa and which via the Shire and Zambezi rivers flow into the
Indian Ocean.

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

1.7 Population

1.7.1 Ethnic Groups

Njombe Region is among the fast growing Regions in Tanzania; experiencing fast
population growth by both natural birth and migration. As a result, more ethnic groups are
found in the Region. However, among all people, the Region has ten main ethnic groups
namely: Bena, Kinga, Pangwa, Hehe, Sangu, Nyakyusa, Ngoni, Wanji, Kisi and Manda.
The Bena being the main ethnic group occupy most of the District, while Pangwa, Manda
and Kisi occupy most of the Ludewa DC. Ngoni and Nyakyusa occupy most of Njombe
TC and Makete DC while Wanji ethnic group is found only in Makete DC. (Table 1.4)

The Bena are the major ethnic groups in Njombe region

Table 1. 4: Number of Major Ethnic Groups by District/Council, Njombe Region, 2018

Number of
Council Names of Major Ethnic Groups
Ethnic Groups
Njombe TC 5 Bena, Pangwa, Kinga, Ngoni and Nyakyusa
Wanging'ombe DC 5 Bena, Hehe, Kinga, Kisi and Pangwa
Makete DC 5 Kinga, Wanji, Bena, Nyakyusa and Sangu
Njombe DC 1 Bena
Ludewa DC 3 Kisi, Pangwa and Manda
Makambako TC 3 Bena, Hehe and Kinga

Source: Regional Commissioner’s Office, Njombe Region, 2019

1.7.2 Population Distribution and Sex Ratio

At District level, Njombe TC had the highest sex ratios of 90 followed by Ludewa DC
(89), Njombe DC and Makambako both with 87 males for every 100 females in 2002.
Makete DC had the lowest sex ratio of 84 males for every 100 females in 2002 followed
by Wanging’ombe DC (85). This means that more females than males were found in
Njombe Region almost for all districts. In year 2012 and 2018, Ludewa DC had highest
sex ration of 91 and 92 males for every 100 females respectively followed by Njombe TC
and Makambako TC both with same sex ratios of 88 and 91 males for every 100 females

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 1.5 shows that in 2012 and 2018, lowest sex ratio was observed in Wanging’ombe
DC with 87 and 89 males for every 100 females followed by Makete DC with sex ratio of
87 and 90 respectively. (Table 1.5)

Table 1.5: Population Distribution by Sex With Sex Ratio by District/Council: Njombe Region, 2002,
2012 and 2018 Projections
2002 Census 2012 Census 2018 Population Projection
District/Council Sex Sex Sex
Male Female Male Female Male Female
Ratio Ratio Ratio
Njombe TC 53,807 59,816 90 61,112 69,111 88 71,690 79,375 90
Wanging'ombe DC 70055 82222 85 75,427 86,389 87 86,881 97,365 89
Makete DC 48377 57398 84 45,300 51,966 87 52,053 57,875 90
Njombe DC 39272 44887 87 40,047 45,700 88 45,911 50,906 90
Ludewa DC 60477 67678 89 63,442 69,776 91 73,494 79,800 92
Makambako TC 32048 37008 87 44,031 49,796 88 51,381 56,568 91
Total 304,036 349,009 87 329,359 372,738 88 381,410 421,889 90
Source: NBS, Computed Data from 2002 and 2012 Population Censuses Reports and Population Projections,
2018 Njombe Region, 2019

1.7.3 Population Size and Growth

The population of Njombe region has experienced a significant growth in the last decade.
Table 1.6 shows that the regional population has increased by 7.5 percent in 2012 from
653,045 people in 2002 to 702,097 people counted in the 2012 Population Census,
resulting in a significant increase of 49,052 people during the inter-censal period. The
region accounted for 1.6 percent of the total population of Tanzania Mainland which was

The 2012 population census put the Region’s population at 702,097 out of which, females
account for 53.1 percent (372,738) of the population and males account for 46.9 percent
(329,359) of the total population. Table 1.6 shows the population size and its increase for
Njombe Region and its councils for the census years of 2002, 2012 and Population
Projections 2018. Compared to other councils of Njombe region, Table 1.6 also shows that
Wanging’ombe was the most populous council throughout the two censuses and 2018
population projections followed by Ludewa DC and Njombe TC. Njombe DC was the
least populous council followed by Makambako TC and Makete district council.

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 1.6: Population Size and Growth by District/Council, Njombe Region, 2002, 2012 and
Population Projection 2018
Population Increase Increase
(Number) 2002 - 2012 2012 - 2018
Increase Rate
2002 2012 2018 Rate (%) Increase
(Number) (%)
Njombe TC 113,623 130,223 151,065 16,600 14.6 20,842 16.0
Wanging'ombe DC 152,277 161,816 184,246 9,539 6.3 22,430 13.9
Makete DC 105,775 97,266 109,928 (8,509) -8.0 12,662 13.0
Njombe DC 84,159 85,747 96,817 1,588 1.9 11,070 12.9
Ludewa DC 128,155 133,218 153,294 5,063 4.0 20,076 15.1
Makambako TC 69,056 93,827 107,949 24,771 35.9 14,122 15.1
Total 653,045 702,097 803,299 49,052 7.5 101,202 14.4
Source: National Bureau of Statistics; 2012 Population Censuses Reports and 2019 Population Projections

Although the population of Njombe region increased by 7.5 percent from 2002 to 2012,
the increase varied at council level. Makambako had the largest increase of 35.9 percent
followed by Njombe TC (14.6 percent), Wanging’ombe DC (6.3 percent). Ludewa DC
(4.0 percent) and Njombe DC (1.9 percent). The council population increases from 2002
to 2012 show a different picture with Makete DC showing negative increases (-8.0

Table 1.6 also shows that Wanging’ombe DC continued to have a big share of the
regional population projections for 2018; 184,246 people (22.9 percent) followed by
Ludewa DC (19.0 percent) and Njombe TC (18.8 percent). Similarly Njombe DC
continued to be the least populous (12.1 percent) followed by Makambako TC

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

1.7.4 Population Density

Table 1.7 gives the population density at council level for the census years of 2002, 2012
and 2018 Population Projections of the districts/councils in Njombe region. In 2002,
Makambako TC with a population density of 80 people per sq. km. was the most densely
populated district council followed by Wanging’ombe DC and Njombe TC with 46 and 35
people per sq. km. respectively.

In 2012, the situation was almost the same with Makambako TC being the most densely
populated district council (109 persons per sq.km) while Wanging’ombe DC (48 persons
per sq. km.) was the second most densely populated district council in the region. As
Table 1.7 shows, in 2018, Makambako TC (125 people per sq. km) was again the mostly

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

densely populated district followed by Wanging’ombe DC (55 people per sq. km.) and
Njombe TC whose population density was 47 people per sq. km.

Table 1.7: Population Density by District/Council and Ranking, Njombe Region, 2002, 2012 and 2019
Land Population Population Density Rank
District/Council Area (persons per sq.km)
(sq.km.) 2002 2012 2018 2002 2012 2019
Njombe TC 3,212 113,623 130,223 151,065 35 41 47 3
Wanging'ombe DC 3,344 152,277 161,816 184,246 46 48 55 2
Makete DC 4,850 105,775 97,266 109,928 22 20 23 6
Njombe DC 2,706 84,159 85,747 96,817 31 32 36 4
Ludewa DC 6,325 128,155 133,218 153,294 20 21 24 5
Makambako TC 862 69,056 93,827 107,949 80 109 125 1
Total 21,299 653,045 702,097 803,299 31 33 38
Source: National Bureau of Statistics; 2002 and 2012 Population Censuses Reports and 2018 Population

1.7.5 Population Trend

Table 1.8 shows that the region’s population increased slightly from 702,097 in 2012 to
803,299 in 2018. However, at the council level, there were significant differences in the
nature and level of population change with Njombe TC registered a population increase of
16 percent followed by Ludewa DC and Makambako TC both with 15 percentage of
increase. Least percentage change of population was observed in Makete DC and Njombe
DC (13percent) each.

Table 1.8: Population Trend by District/Council, Njombe Region, 2012 and 2018 Projections
Population Increase (2012 to 2018)
District/Council Area 2018
2012 Increase Percentage
(sq.km.) Population
Population (Number) Difference
Njombe TC 3,212 130,223 151,065 20,842 16
Wanging'ombe DC 3,344 161,816 184,246 22,430 14
Makete DC 4,850 97,266 109,928 12,662 13
Njombe DC 2,706 85,747 96,817 11,070 13
Ludewa DC 6,325 133,218 153,294 20,076 15
Makambako TC 862 93,827 107,949 14,122 15
Total 2 1,299 702,097 803,299 101,201 14
Source: Computed Data from 2012 PHC Reports and Population Projections 2019

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

1.7.6 Dependency Ratio

The Dependency Ratio is a measure which shows the load the economically active
population has in supporting the young and the old population who are termed as
dependents. The Age Dependency Ratio therefore gives the number of persons aged 0 – 14
years and those aged 65 years and above who are the dependants for every 100 persons
aged 15 – 64 years who are in the economically active ages. Table 1.9 shows that the
number of dependants in Njombe region decreased from 339,676 in 2002 to 330,110 in
2012 while number of economically active population increased from 343,774 in 2002 to
371,987 in 2012. At the council level, the dependency ratio in Wanging’ombe DC was the
highest at 107 persons per 100 of the active population in 2002 while Njombe DC had the
lowest dependants per 100 of the active population for 90 persons.

Table 1.9 show, dependency ratio in 2012 was ranging from 75 the lowest to 112 the
highest. Njombe Town Council had the lowest number of dependency (75) whilst Njombe
District Council had the highest (112). Therefore, economic active population in Njombe
District Council has more burdens of taking care of dependants than economic active
population in Njombe Town Council.

Table 1. 9: The Dependency Ratios by Council, Njombe Region, 2002 and 2012

2002 Population 2012 Population

Number of Number of
District/Council Dependency Dependency
Economically Ratio Economically Ratio
Dependants Dependants
Active Active
Njombe TC 61,911 64,308 96 55,979 74,244 75
Wanging'ombe DC 84,332 78,879 107 77,451 84,365 92
Makete DC 51,672 54,103 96 45,155 52,111 87
Njombe DC 39,592 44,214 90 45,275 40,472 112
Ludewa DC 64,453 63,702 101 64,549 68,669 94
Makambako TC 37,716 38,568 98 41,701 52,126 80
Total 339,676 343,774 99 330,110 371,987 89

TC: Town council, DC: District council

Source: Computed Data from 2002 and 2012 Population Censuses Reports, 2019

1.7.7 Population Distribution by Sex and Age

The 2012 population of Njombe region as depicted by Table 1.10 below was a young
population, made up of children under 18 years who were 339,362 (169,202 males and
170,160 females) or 48.3 percent of the total population, followed by the young population
aged between 18 – 29 years estimated to be 140,640 persons (63,511 males and 77,129

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

females) or 20.0 percent of total population. Persons aged 61 years and above were 40,081
(16,370 males and 23,711 females) or 5.7 percent of the total population.

Table 1. 10: Population Distribution by Broad Age Groups and by Sex, Njombe Region, 2012
Age Group Percent of Total
Male Female Total
0 – 17 169,202 170,160 339,362 48.3
18 – 29 63,511 77,129 140,640 20.0
30 – 44 51,962 62,974 114,936 16.4
45 – 60 28,314 38,764 67,078 9.6
61+ 16,370 23,711 40,081 5.7
Total 329,359 372,738 702,097 100.0

Source: 2012 Population and Housing Census Report, 2019

1.7.8 Households and Household Size

In 2002, the smallest average household size of 3.8 was registered in Makete DC followed
by Wanging’ombe DC and Njombe DC both with (4.2) while in 2012 it was registered in
Makete DC (3.8) followed by Wanging’ombe (4.1). Table 1.11 shows that during the
2002-2012 intercensal periods, there was no changes in the councils average household
sizes since it remain the same (4.2).

In terms of number of households, Table 1.11 shows, in 2002, Wanging’ombe DC had the
largest number of households (36,470) followed by Ludewa DC (27,729) and Makete
(27,672). In terms of the number of households, in 2012, Wanging’ombe DC was also
first. However, it was followed by Njombe TC then Ludewa DC. Njombe DC had the
smallest number of households.

Table 1.11: Distribution of Households and Average Households Size by Councils, Njombe Region,
2002 and 2012
2002 Census 2012 Census

Council Average Average

Total Number of Total Number of
Household Household
Population Households Population Households
size size
Njombe TC 113,623 26,300 4.3 130,223 31,279 4.2
Wanging'ombe DC 152,277 36,470 4.2 161,816 39,855 4.1
Makete DC 105,775 27,672 3.8 97,266 25,736 3.8
Njombe DC 84,159 20,128 4.2 85,747 20,211 4.2
Ludewa DC 128,155 27,729 4.6 133,218 29,990 4.4
Makambako TC 69,056 15,927 4.3 93,827 21,911 4.3
Total 653,045 154,226 4.2 702,097 168,982 4.2

Source: Computed Data from 2002 and 2012 Population Censuses Reports.

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

1.7.9 Rural and Urban Population

Table 1.12 (a) shows Population Distribution by Districts and Rural-Urban area in Njombe
Region. Results indicate that population sizes varied within districts. The district with the
largest proportion was Wanging’ombe DC with a population of 161,816 persons (23.0
percent) and the districts with the smalles proportion was Njombe DC with population of
85,747 people (12.2 percent).
Moreover, results show that the proportion of population in rural areas was more than
thrice (536,189 people) that of urban areas (165,908 people).

Table 1. 12 (a): Population Distribution by District and Rural -Urban; Njombe Region, 2012 Census
District Total Urban Rural Percent
Percent Urban
Population Population Population Rural
Njombe TC 130,223 64,122 38.6 66,101 12.3
Wanging'ombe DC 161,816 8,678 5.2 153,138 28.6
Makete DC 97,266 9,129 5.5 88,137 16.4
Njombe DC 85,747 10,563 6.4 75,184 14.0
Ludewa DC 133,218 16,128 9.7 117,090 21.8
Makambako TC 93,827 57,288 34.5 36,539 6.8
Total 702,097 165,908 100.0 536,189 100.0
Source: National Bureau of Statistics, Population Census Data 2012

Table 1.12 (b) presents Population Size and Growth by Districts and Rural -Urban Areas
in Njombe Region from 2002 to 2012 Censuses. Results show that the proportion in rural
areas decreased slightly from 0.55 million in 2002 to 0.54 million in 2012, a decrease of
3.4 percent between 2002 and 2012 Censuses. At the same period, urban population
increased from 0.1 million in 2002 to 0.2 million in 2012, a decrease of 68.9 percent.

Table 1.12 (b) Population Size and Growth by District and Rural -Urban; Njombe Region,2002 -2012
Rural Urban
Population Size Percentage Population Size Percentage
2002 2012 Change Change
2002 2012
Census Census 2002 -2012 2002 -2012
Njombe TC 77,440 66,101 -14.6 36,183 64,122 77.2
Wanging'ombe DC 149,523 153,138 2.4 2,754 8,678 215.1
Makete DC 98,480 88,137 -10.5 7,295 9,129 25.1
Njombe DC 81,886 75,184 -8.2 2,273 10,563 364.7
Ludewa DC 114,375 117,090 2.4 13,780 16,128 17.0
Makambako TC 33,137 36,539 10.3 35,919 57,288 59.5
Total 554,841 536,189 -3.4 98,204 165,908 68.9
Source: National Bureau of Statistics, Population Census Data, 2002 and 2012

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

1.7.10 Migration
Factors that cause change in the population of an area are births, deaths and migration.
Migration is one of the most complexes of the demographic variables, like deaths it occurs
at any time. Migration can affect the growth of population directly, and by influencing
fertility and mortality of the areas of origin and destination. The measurement and analysis
of migration are important in the preparation of population estimates and projections for a
region. Furthermore, it is of particular significance for manpower and regional planning.
Unfortunately there are no data on migration for Njombe region as it was only established
in 2012 and the analytical report for the 2012 population census is not out yet.

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018


The Regional Economy and Poverty Level

2.0 Introduction
This chapter describes the economy of Njombe region. The economic indicators used
include Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Per Capita Gross Domestic Product and main
source of income for the residents of Njombe region. The non-income poverty indicators
cover demographic characteristics, health, and education status, access to drinking water,
food security and housing condition.

The regional economy continues to be dominated by the agriculture sector. Both

commercial and peasantry farming are carried out. In 2019 Agriculture sector contributes
most of the region’s cash income mainly from tea, beans, maize, groundnuts, Irish
potatoes, paddy and sunflower production. It also accounts for about 45.2 per cent of the
region’s GDP. Generally the crop sub-sector’s performance has been adequate to ensure
good food security.

Services is the second most important economic activity after agriculture, contributing
about 32.6 per cent to the region’s GDP in 2019. The lndustry and construction sector
comes third in economic contribution to the region’s GDP. It is estimated that the sectors
contributes about 22.1 percent of the GDP in 2019.

Table 2.1 shows the number of Government employees in key sectors of economy in
Njombe Region from 2016 to 2018. Statistics of employment by sector highlights relative
importance of different economic activities with regard to employment. Education sector
is the main sector of employment in Njombe Region with more than a half (73.5 percent)
of total employment from 2016 – 2018. Health sector is the second with 22 percent of total
employment, followed by agriculture and livestock sector with 4.3 percent. Natural
resources recorded the least proportion of Government employees with only 0.3 percent of
the total employees in the region for the period.

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 2. 1: Number of Government Employees in Key Sectors of the Economy, Njombe Region, 2016-
Sector of
2016 2018
Education Secondary sch. Secondary sch.
Primary sch. teachers Primary sch. teachers
sector(Primary & teachers teachers
Secondary school
3921 2670 3789 2464
Health sector
doctors(specialists), Doctors Doctors Other Doctors Doctors Other
Nurses Nurses
Other Doctors, (Specialists) (Others) staff (Specialists) (Others) staff
Nurses and Other
staffs )
Total 0 27 690 1159 2 41 756 1162
Agriculture and Agriculture Agriculture Livestock Livestock Agriculture Agriculture Livestock Livestock
Livestock sector officers extension officers extension officers extension officers extension
officers officers officers officers

Total 27 246 13 93 32 239 14 81

Natural Resource Forest Beekeeping Fishing Forest Forest Beekeeping Fishing Forest
sector (forest, officers officers officers Officers officers officers officers Officers
beekeeping and
fishing officers)
Total 20 3 1 0 10 10 3 3
Source: Regional Commissioner’s Office, Njombe Region, 2019

2.1 Regional Gross Domestic Product

Table 2.2 shows the GDP estimates by council in Njombe region from 2016 to 2019. It
can be observed that the Region’s economy grew from TZS 2,132,154 Million (2016) to
TZS. 3,157,746 million in 2019 at current prices. The report further reveals that, in 2016
Makambako TC contributed more to the region’s GDP (26.6 percent) followed by Njombe
TC (24.8 percent) and Wanging’ombe DC (13.9 percent). Njombe DC had smallest share
of Region’s GDP (10.4 percent) followed by Makete DC (10.6 percent). The trend of
economic performance changed from 2017 to 2019 whereby Njombe TC had a big share
to Region’s GDP (27.7 percent in 2017, 26.6 percent in 2018 and 27.4 percent in 2019)
followed by Makambako TC (24.4 percent in 2017, 24.8 percent in 2018 and 24.6 percent
in 2019. On the other hand, Njombe DC’s share in the GDP was very little in all the three
years while smallest share was observed in Makete DC in 2019. (Table 2.2).

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 2.2: GDP Estimates by Council, Njombe Region, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019

Tshs. Million
2016 2017 2018 2019
District/ Council
Mill.TZS Percent Mill.TZS Percent Mill.TZS Percent Mill.TZS Percent

Njombe TC 529,672 24.8 699,269 27.7 720,313 26.5 864,129 27.4

Wanging’ombe DC 296,884 13.9 383,564 15.2 442,783 16.3 511,102 16.2
Makete DC 225,041 10.6 265,907 10.5 288,386 10.6 306,406 9.7
Njombe DC 222,685 10.4 242,790 9.6 256,958 9.4 318,623 10.1
Ludewa DC 290,916 13.6 319,874 12.7 337,523 12.4 381,266 12.1
Makambako TC 566,956 26.6 615,948 24.4 673,311 24.8 776,221 24.6
Total 2,132,154 100.0 2,527,353 100.0 2,719,274 100.0 3,157,746 100.0
Source: National Bureau of Statistics, National Accounts Department, 2019

When we look at sector contributions in Njombe region (Table 2.3), agriculture sector
contributed a big share of the GDP in all the four years. In 2016 the sector contributed
42.3 and 48.4 percent in 2017, 47.4 percent in 2018 and 45.2 percent in 2019. Services
sector was the second contributing 33.6 percent of the GDP in 2016, 30 percent in 2017,
29.6 percent in 2018 and 32.6 percent in 2019. The Industry and Construction sector
contributed less share of the GDP in all the four years.

Table 2. 3: GDP Estimates by Sector, Njombe Region, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019
2016 2017 2018 2019
Mill. TZS Percent Mill. TZS Percent Mill. TZS Percent Mill. TZS Percent

Agriculture 902,016 42.3 1,223,263 48.4 1,288,659 47.4 1,428,050 45.2

Industry and
512,734 24.0 545,688 21.6 624,426 23.0 700,708 22.2
Services 717,403 33.6 758,402 30.0 806,188 29.6 1,028,988 32.6

Total 2,132,153 100.0 2,527,353 100.0 2,719,273 100.0 3,157,746 100.0

Source: National Bureau of Statistics, National Accounts Department, 2019

2.2 Per Capita Gross Domestic Product

Looking at the distribution of the regional economy, Makambako TC ranked the first in Per
Capita GDP in all the four years with Tshs. 5,484,243 in 2016 and 7,019,415 in 2019. Njombe
TC was second Council with Per Capita GDP in the region, TZS 3,661,674 in 2016 and TZS
5,601,876 in 2019. The least councils were Wanging’ombe DC in the two years (2016 and
2017) and Ludewa DC in 2018 and 2019. (Table 2.3)

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 2.4: Per Capitat GDP Estimates by Council, Njombe Region, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019

District/ Council 2016 2017 2018 2019
TZS Rank TZS Rank TZS Rank TZS Rank

Njombe TC 3,661,674 2 4,756,514 2 4,768,358 2 5,601,876 2

Wanging’ombe DC 1,682,775 6 2,124,289 6 2,403,005 5 2,719,671 5
Makete DC 2,143,392 4 2,451,777 4 2,623,507 4 2,726,711 4
Njombe DC 2,402,990 3 2,542,116 3 2,654,032 3 3,217,110 3
Ludewa DC 1,975,943 5 2,145,367 5 2,201,871 6 2,441,256 6
Makambako TC 5,484,243 1 5,826,721 1 6,237,537 1 7,019,415 1
Total Regional Per Capita 2,771,374 3,214,043 3,385,132 3,849,243
Source: National Bureau of Statistics, National Accounts Department, 2019

2.3 Poverty Indicators

Besides GDP and per capita GDP, there are a number of other indicators that can be used
to describe the poverty levels of a geographical location. These include gini coefficient,
poverty gap and the poverty head count - also expressed as percentage of households
below the nationally defined poverty line, and main source of cash income. Other
indicators include food security situation, food consumption patterns, adult literacy rate,
access to safe drinking water, housing conditions in terms of type of toilet, roofing
material, and sources of energy for lighting as well as for cooking.

2.3.1 Income Poverty Rate, Poverty Gap and Gini Coefficient

According to the 2012 Region and District Poverty Estimates for Tanzania Report, the
district with highest poverty line was Ludewa DC with 29.5 percent of its people living
below basic needs poverty line. The councils of Wanging’ombe DC and Njombe DC had
28.7 and 26.4 percent of their people living below the poverty line respectively as shown
in Table 2.4. The lowest District with percentage of its people living below basic needs
poverty line was Njombe TC with 16.1 percent followed by Makambako TC with 23.5.
With respect to rate of poverty gap, the Table shows that Ludewa with 6.9 percent was the
worst district in Njombe region followed by Wanging’ombe DC and Njombe DC with 6.4
and 5.8 percent respectively.

Regarding the Gini Coefficient Rate, the results in Table 2.4 show that one council in
Njombe region had a very high uneven distribution of wealth. At 30.7 percent, Makete DC
was leading on uneven distribution of wealth in Njombe region followed closely by
Njombe TC with 30.2 percent and Ludewa DC with 29.3 percent.

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 2. 5: Selected Poverty Indicators by District/Council, Njombe Region, 2008

Percent of households living Gini
Percent of
Council below basic needs Poverty Coefficient
Poverty Gap
Line Rate
Njombe TC 16.1 3.3 30.2
Wanging'ombe DC 28.7 6.4 28.2
Makete DC 25.5 5.7 30.7
Njombe DC 26.4 5.8 28.5
Ludewa DC 29.5 6.9 29.3
Makambako TC 23.5 5.5 29.0
Source: Region and District Poverty Estimates for Tanzania Report, 2012

2.3.2 Main Sources of Cash Income

The major Region’s revenue contributors were forest produce fees, timber produce cess,
other food and crops service levy. It was observed that, Njombe Region’s revenue
collected from different sources increased from TZS 1.2 billion in 2014 to TZS 5.7 billion
in 2018 (46.0 percent increase). In 2018, forest produce (timber produce cess) recorded the
largest share of total region’s revenue with TZS 1.4 billion (24 percent) followed by other
food crop cess TZS 1.0 billion (17.8 percent) and service levy fee TZS 179 million (3.1

2.3.3 Literacy Rate and Level of Education

Literacy is the ability to read and write with an understanding a short simple sentence on
everyday life.It excludes the ability to only write or sign one’s own name or write
memorized phrase. The ability to read and write may be in any language.

The measure of literacy is obtained by calculating the literacy rate as the percentage of a
specified population, which is literate in specified language(s). Literacy rate in this profile
is defined as the percentage of a population that can read and write in Kiswahili, English,
Both Kiswahili and English or in any other language (s).

Out of 597,398 people aged 5 years and above, 468,576 (78.4 percent) were literate. The
literate rate was higher among males (81.4 percent) than females (75.8 percent). Literacy
rates were higher among people age 10 to 49 years (ranging from 92.4 to 80.8 percent).

Literacy rate in urban areas (89.1 percent) was significantly higher than that in rural areas
(75.2 percent). Males were more literate than females in both rural and urban areas.
The 2012 censuses results show that adult literacy rate (persons aged 15 years and above),
stands at 81.9 percent and it was higher in urban areas (92.2 percent) than in rural areas

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

(78.5 percent). Males were more literate than females in both rural and urban areas. The
results also revealed that literacy rate decreases as the age increases.

Adult literacy rates vary across districts from 88.4 percent in Njombe TC to 74.6 percent
in Makete DC. Districts with literacy rates above 70 person were Makambako TC (86.5
percent), Ludewa DC (84.0 percent), Njombe DC (78.6 percent) and Wanging’ombe DC
(78.3 percent).

2.3.4 Food security and Food Consumption Patterns

Food security and level of food consumption is also an indicator of poverty level of the
household. The number of meals consumed in a day and the frequencies of protein intake
per week particularly meat and fish are most superior in measuring poverty levels of the
households in the country. Food Security

According to the 2007/08 National Sample Census of Agriculture, in Njombe region,
102,106 households (73 percent of the total agricultural households in the region) said
they never experienced any food sufficiency problems. However, 16 percent said they
seldom experienced food sufficiency problems, six percent said they sometimes
experienced food sufficiency problems and three percent often experienced problems.
About two percent of the agricultural households said they always experienced food
sufficiency problems.

Figure 2. 1: Percentage of Households Reporting the extent of Food

Sufficiency Problems Njombe Region, 2007/08

Source: NBS, National Sample Census of Agriculture, Iringa Region, 2007/08.

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018 Number of Meals per Day

The National Sample Census of Agriculture 2007/08 reveals that the majority of rural
agricultural households in Njombe region normally had 2 meals per day (55 percent). This
was followed by 3 meals per day (44 percent) and one meal per day (two percent). None
of the households have 4 meals per day.

Makete DC, Ludewa DC and Njombe TC had a larger percentage of households eating
one and meal per day while Makete DC had the highest percentage of households eating
three meals per day (Table 2.6).

Table 2.6: Number of Households by Number of Meals Consumed per Day by Council, Njombe
Region, 2007/08
Number of Meals per Day
One Percent Two Percent Three Percent Total
Njombe TC 358 2.2 8,123 50.4 7,645 47.4 16,126
Wanging'ombe DC * * * * * * *
Makete DC 646 2.2 14,581 50.1 13,863 47.7 29,090
Njombe DC 676 0.9 38,557 56.3 29,256 42.7 68,489
Ludewa DC 461 1.7 15,823 59.3 10,417 39.0 26,701
Makambako TC * * * * * * *
Total 2141 1.5 77,084 54.9 61,181 43.6 140,406
*= Information included in Njombe DC
Source: NBS, National Sample Census of Agriculture, 2007/08, Iringa Region Report

Figure 2. 2: Percentage of Households by Number of Meals the household

consumed per day, Njombe Region, 2007/08

Source: NBS, National Sample Census of Agriculture, 2007/08, Iringa Region Report Protein (Meat and Fish) Consumption Frequencies

The National Sample Census of Agriculture 2007/08 further reveals that the percentage of
agricultural households that consumed any meat during the week preceding the census was

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

(72.8 percent). The percentage of household that out of these consumed meat once was (47
percent), twice (21 percent) and three times or more (5 percent). About 27 percent of the
agricultural households in Njombe region did not eat meat during the week preceding the

Figure 2. 3: Percentage of Households by the frequency of Meat Consumption,

Njombe Region, 2007/08

Source: NBS, National Sample Census of Agriculture, 2007/08, Iringa Region Report

The observation was different regarding fish consumption. The percentage of agricultural
households that consumed any fish in the week preceeding the Census was 56 percent. The
frequency of fish consumption was as follows: once (37 percent), twice (13 percent) and
three times or more (6 percent). About 44 percent of the agricultural households in
Njombe region did not eat fish during the week preceding the Agriculture Sample Census.

Figure 2. 4: Percentage of Households by the Frequency of Fish Consumption, Njombe

Region, 2007/08

Source: NBS, National Sample Census of Agriculture, 2007/08, Iringa Region Report

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018


Production Sectors

3.0 Overview
This chapter presents the performance of productive sectors in the region. The productive
sectors include crop production, livestock keeping, natural resources, tourism, manufacturing,
fishing and mining.

3.1 Agriculture
Agriculture is the back born of the Njombe economy and about 80 percent of its residents
depend on it as their main source of livelihood. In general, crop production levels per unit
area are very low due to, among other reasons, the use of out-dated, inferior agricultural
implements, soil exhaustion and soil infertility. However, agriculture sector contributes over
70 percent of the region’s GDP and it is carried out by all councils in the region. According to
UN classifications, agriculture comprises of crop production, livestock, forestry and hunting
sub sectors. Others are fishing, beekeeping and tourism.

3.1.1 Distribution of Arable Land

The 2017/18 land use planning shows that Njombe region has a total land area of 2,129,900
ha of which 1,363,913 hectares (42.6 percent) were classified as arable land which is suitable
for crop farming. The remaining 765,987 hectares (36.0 percent) are used for other economic
activities such as grazing and game reserves (Table 3.1).

At council level, Table 3.1 shows that Ludewa District Council has the biggest arable land
(663550ha) while Makambako town council has the smallest (51,422 ha). Wanging’ombe
district council utilized 76.2 percent of its arable land for growing crops followed by Ludewa
district council (33.5 percent). The least utilization of its arable land for cultivation was
Njombe town council 17.9 percent (57,114ha). The rest of councils had insignificant acreage
of arable land utilized to grow crops over the specified period of time.

Table 3.1: Percentage Distribution of Arable Land by Council; Njombe Region, 2017/18
Total land Total Arable Arable land Under Percent of Arable land
Area (ha) land (ha) Cultivation (ha) under cultivation
Njombe TC 321,200 318,400 57,114 17.9
Wanging'ombe DC 334,400 254,959 194391 76.2
Makete DC 485,000 75,582 19,410 25.7
Njombe DC 270,600 - 74,931 0.0
Ludewa DC 632,500 663550 222,408 33.5
Makambako TC 86,200 51,422 12,820 24.9
Total 2,129,900 1,363,913 581,074 42.6
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Agriculture Departments), 2019

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

3.1.2 Land under Cultivation Area under Major Food Crops Cultivation
Maize, beans, Irish potatoes, wheat, cassava, round potatoes and cow peas are the major
food crops grown in Njombe region. Table 3.2 and figure 3.1 shows that maize was
planted on the largest area than other food crops and was the leading food crop in the
region. Over the period of 2013/14– 2017/18, maize was planted on an annual average
area of 4,240 ha (68.7 percent). Round potatoes and Cowpeas were planted in small area
with an annual average of 1,581 ha (1.3 percent) and 4,133 ha (1.2 percent) respectively.

Table 3.2: Estimated Land Area (Ha) under Major Food Crops; Njombe Region, 2013/14 – 2017/18
Crop 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 Percent
Maize 230,977 237,255 202,402 241,393 244,654 231,336 68.7
Beans 39,311 52,047 39,007 47,637 46,280 44,856 13.3
Irish potato 26,689 26,511 25,315 30,787 41,222 30,105 8.9
Wheat 9,415 9,075 7,696 8,232 7,624 8,408 2.5
Cassava 5,130 10,184 9,273 8,372 8,058 8,203 2.4
Round Potatoes 2,193 4,636 4,837 5,666 3,867 4,240 1.3
Cowpeas 3,522 3,804 4,109 4,437 4,792 4,133 1.2
Sweet potatoes 1,805 1,829 1,602 1,735 2,158 1,826 0.5
Sorghum 1,110 1,012 1,147 1,289 1,817 1,275 0.4
Garden peas 1,563 1,555 934 884 1,317 1,250 0.4
Paddy 461 465 544 544 544 512 0.2
Finger millet 492 369 510 483 682 507 0.2
Ground nuts 181 176 88 108 82 127 0.0
Sweet bananas 43 41 45 47 54 46 0.0
Plantain banana 19 7 20 20 26 18 0.0
Pigeon peas 17 12 10 15 20 15 0.0
Total 322,929 348,979 297,538 351,648 363,195 336,858 100.0
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Agriculture Departments), 2019

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Figure 3. 1: Annual Average Area (HA) planted with Major Food Crops, Njombe region,

Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Agriculture Departments), 2019

(i) Maize
Maize is a staple food and the most important marketed crop in Njombe region. According
to table 3.3 and figure 3.2, area planted with maize was on average of 231,336 hectares per
year, this was equivalent to 54.1 percent of the average area planted with major food crops
per year. Area planted with maize has been increasing from 230,977 ha in 2013/14 to
237,255 ha in 2014/15 and decreased to 202,402 in 2015/16 then increased 244,654 ha in

Figure 3.2 shows the area planted with maize from 2013/14 – 2017/18 in Njombe Region.
Njombe district council had the largest average area of 58,437 ha followed by
Wanging’ombe district council (46,969). The least area planted with maize was in Makete
district council (15,905 ha).

Table 3.3: Estimated Land Area (Ha) under Major Food Crops of Maize by Council; Njombe
Region, 2013/14 – 2017/18
Council 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 Annual Average Percent
Njombe DC 55,491 58,210 58,320 59,486 60,676 58,437 25.3
Wanging'ombe DC 40,031 43,233 46,692 50,428 54,461 46,969 20.3
Ludewa DC 46,447 45,120 46,200 46,185 46,350 46,060 19.9
Makambako TC 46,697 48,367 11,443 44,468 41,966 38,588 16.7
Njombe TC 25,287 25,289 25,388 25,451 25,471 25,377 11.0
Makete DC 17,024 17,036 14,359 15,375 15,730 15,905 6.9
Total 230,977 237,255 202,402 241,393 244,654 231,336 100.0
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Agriculture Departments), 2019

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Figure 3.2: Annual Average Area (HA) planted with Major Food Crops Maize by Council,
Njombe region, 2013/14-2017/18.

Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Agriculture Departments), 2019

(ii) Beans
Beans are the second mostly important food crop grown in the region. Over the period of
2013/14- 2017/18 the annual average area planted with beans was 44,856 hectares or 20.5
percent of the average area planted with major food crops in the region (Table 3.4).

Figure 3.3 shows the area planted with beans from 2013/14 – 2017/18 in Njombe Region.
Ludewa district council had the largest average area of 15,809 ha followed by
Wanging’ombe district council (13,772 ha). The least area planted with beans was in
Njombe district council (2,987 ha).

Table 3.4: Estimated Land Area (Ha) under Major Food Crops of Beans by Council; Njombe Region,
2013/14 – 2017/18
Council 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 Percent
Ludewa 11,007 23,272 14,136 16,437 14,193 15,809 35.2
Wanging'ombe 11,737 12,676 13,690 14,785 15,968 13,772 30.7
Makambako TC 8,533 8,087 3,299 8,197 8,344 7,292 16.3
Makete 5,175 5,157 4,848 5,154 4,650 4,997 11.1
Njombe DC 2,858 2,856 3,034 3,063 3,125 2,987 6.7
Total 39,311 52,047 39,007 47,637 46280.08 44,856 100
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Agriculture Departments), 2019

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Figure 3.3: Annual Average Area (HA) planted with Major Food Crops Maize by Council, Njombe
region, 2013/14-2017/18.

Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Agriculture Departments), 2019

(iii) Irish Potatoes

In terms of area planted, Irish potato is the third important crop grown in the region. The
crop is grown for food and cash earning. Table 3.5 shows that the average area planted
with Irish potatoes per year is 15,485 hectares with major food crops in Njombe region.

Table 3.5: Estimated Land Area (Ha) under Major Food Crops of Irish Potatoes by Council; Njombe
Region, 2013/14 – 2017/18
Council 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 Annual Average Percent
Makete DC 12,924 12,835 12,255 14,938 20,147 14,620 94.4
Njombe DC 841 841 805 910 928 865 5.6
Total 13,765 13,676 13,060 15,848 21,075 15,485 100
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Agriculture Departments), 2019

(iv) Wheat
This is another important crop grown in the region. The crop is also grown for food and
cash earning. Table 3.2 shows that, the annual average area planted with cowpeas was
8,408 hectares which accounted for 2.5 percent of the total area planted with major food
crops in the region.

Table 3.6 shows the area planted with wheat from 2013/14 – 2017/18 in Njombe Region.
Makete district council had the largest average area of 6,472 ha followed by
Wanging’ombe district council (1,936 ha) with the least average area planted with wheat.
Other crops such as Cowpeas, sweet potatoes, sorghum, garden peas, paddy, finger millet,
ground nuts, sweet bananas, plantain banana and pigeon peas had the area planted less
than one percent of the total area planted with major food crops.

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 3.6: Estimated Land Area (Ha) under Major Food Crops of Irish Potatoes by Council; Njombe
Region, 2013/14 – 2017/18
Council Annual
2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 Percent
Wanging'ombe 1,650 1,782 1,925 2,079 2,245 1,936 23.0
Makete 7,765 7,293 5,771 6,154 5,379 6,472 77.0
Total 9,415 9,075 7,696 8,232 7,624 8,408 100
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Agriculture Departments), 2019 Area under Major Cash Crops Cultivation

The main cash crops grown in Njombe region are Irish potatoes, Sunflower, Groundnuts,
Tea, Tomato, Avocadoes, Pyrethrum, Coffee, Onions and Watermelon. Table 3.7 shows
that, the annual average area planted with cash crops was 75,028 ha. Irish potatoes had the
largest share (41.9 percent) of the total area planted with cash crops. Coffee, Onions and
Watermelon Water melon had the smallest share of 0.4, 0.3 and 0.1 percent respectively.

Table 3.7: Estimated Land Area (ha) under Major Cash Crops; Njombe Region, 2013/14 – 2017/18
Crop 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 Percent
Irish potatoes 29,622 30,507 31,526 32,209 33,313 31,435 41.9
Sunflower 19,645 21,963 19,623 22,744 26,840 22,163 29.5
Groundnuts 6,652 7,184 7,757 8,379 9,048 7,804 10.4
Tea 4,936 4,938 4,944 4,944 4,950 4,942 6.6
Tomato 7,408 5,316 1,869 4,431 5,349 4,875 6.5
Avocadoes 8,926 620 397 507 596 2,209 2.9
Pyrethrum 892 1,281 806 1,030 631 928 1.2
Coffee 209 278 335 418 354 319 0.4
Onions 205 222 239 259 279 241 0.3
Watermelon 95 103 111 120 130 112 0.1
Total 78,590 72,412 67,607 75,041 81,489 75,028 100
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Agriculture Departments), 2019

3.1.3 Crop Production Production of Major Food Crops
Njombe region had a total production of 3,384,949 tons of the major food crops during the
period of 2013/14 to 2017/18, grown at an average of 676,990 tons per year (Table 3.8).
The production of major food crops increased from 618,585 tons in 2013/14 to 720,519
tons in 2016/17, but decreased to 701,327 tons in 2017/18.

Maize was a dominant food crop grown in the region with a share of 61.9 percent
(419,015tons) of the total production, followed by Irish Potatoes (22.8 percent), Beans (6.5
percent), Round Potatoes (4.2 percent), Sweet potatoes (1.7 percent) and Wheat (1.4 percent).
Other crops such as cowpeas, cassava, paddy, sorghum, garden peas, finger millet, sweet

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

bananas, plantain banana, ground nuts, and pigeon peas had the share less than one percent
of the total production in of the region. Regional production was at the peak in the season
of 2016/17 at 720,519 tons which was above the annual average production of 676,990
tons during the period of 2013/14 to 2017/18.

Table 3. 8: Estimated Production in Tons of Major Food Crops Njombe Region; 2013/14 – 2017/18
Crop Annual
2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 Percent
Maize 401,809 407,673 456,223 445,295 384,078 419,015 61.9
Irish Potatoes 141,075 136,515 132,920 162,253 198,834 154,319 22.8
Beans 34,673 51,855 41,019 46,960 44,013 43,704 6.5
Round Potatoes 16,723 35,357 28,974 29,588 29,910 28,110 4.2
Sweet potatoes 6,470 6,164 11,793 14,392 18,685 11,501 1.7
Wheat 9,667 9,410 8,329 10,103 10,192 9,540 1.4
Cowpeas 2,676 3,826 3,082 3,993 4,313 3,578 0.5
Cassava 1,377 1,660 1,634 2,882 5,460 2,603 0.4
Paddy 1,153 1,163 1,360 1,360 1,360 1,279 0.2
Sorghum 1,110 1,012 1,147 1,289 1,817 1,275 0.2
Garden peas 805 800 925 1,250 1,140 984 0.1
Finger millet 492 369 347 440 690 468 0.1
Sweet banana 311 263 298 440 509 364 0.1
Plantain banana 150 50 200 200 260 172 0.0
Ground nuts 91 88 54 67 56 71 0.0
Pigeon peas 6 6 5 8 10 7 0.0
Total 618,585 656,209 688,308 720,519 701,327 676,990 100
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Agriculture Departments), 2019

(i) Production of Maize by Council

Maize is the leading food crop in the region which grows in both in lowlands and
highlands areas. It accounts for about 61.9 percent of total tonnage of all major food crops
produced in Njombe region (Table 3.8). Table 3.9 also shows that maize is grown in
almost all district councils but at different production levels. Njombe district council with
total production of 812,895 tons and an average annual production of 162,579 tons was
leading council in maize production in the region. It accounted for 38.8 percent of the
region’s maize total production of 2,095,077 tons. Wanging’ombe DC was the second
(26.1 percent) producer followed by Ludewa DC (19.2 percent), Makete DC and
Makambako TC with 7.9 percent each for maize producers in the region during the
specified seasons.

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 3.9: Production of Maize tons by Council, Njombe Region; 2013/14 – 2017/18
Council Annual
2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 Percent
Njombe DC 138,724 138,725 174,960 178,458 182,028 162,579 38.8
Wnging'ombe 86,915 101,674 112,061 111,010 136,154 109,563 26.1
Ludewa 100,882 97,999 101,640 92,915 9,734 80,634 19.2
Makete 34,045 34,072 31,133 33,550 33,577 33,275 7.9
Makambako TC 41,243 35,203 36,429 29,362 22,585 32,964 7.9
Total 401,809 407,673 456,223 445,295 384,078 419,015 100
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Agriculture Departments), 2019

(ii) Irish Potatoes Production by Council

Table 3.8 shows that, over the period of 2013/14- 2017/18 , the production of Irish
potatoes was realized in only two district councils with the total production of 771,597
tons at an annual average production of 15,4319 tons per year. Makete district council had
high production of Irish potatoes, with an annual average production of 141,082 tons, it
accounted for 91.4 percent of the regional total production. Njombe district council had
the least production of Irish potatoes with an average of 13,237 tons or 8.6 percent.

Table 3.10: Production of Irish Potatoes tons by Council, Njombe Region; 2013/14 – 2017/18
Council 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 Annual Average Percent
Makete 128,460 123,900 119,540 148,603 184,908 141,082 91.4
Njombe DC 12,615 12,615 13,380 13,650 13,926 13,237 8.6
Total 141,075 136,515 132,920 162,253 198,834 15,4319 100
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Agriculture Departments), 2019

(iii) Production of Beans by Council

Beans are the third most important food crop in terms of production in Njombe region. Table
3.8 shows beans production over the period of 2014/15 to 2016/17 of which the highest
productions were recorded in 2014/15 and 2016/17 seasons. The worst season was 2013/14 of
which only 34,673 tons of cumulative total products harvested. Table 3.11 shows that at
council level, Ludewa DC leads with 46.3 percent of the region’s total production. Second
council was Wanging’ombe with 31.9 percent followed by Njombe DC (8.9 percent) and
Makambako TC (7.2 percent). Makete district produced the smallest tonnage of beans and its
share was 5.7 percent of the region’s total production.

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 3.11: Production of Beans in tons by Council, Njombe Region; 2013/14 – 2017/18
Council 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 Annual Average Percent
Ludewa 14,344 30,328 18,671 19,894 17,954 20,238 46.3
Wnging'ombe 10,735 12,747 13,690 15,605 16,826 13,921 31.9
Njombe DC 3,533 3,532 3,752 4,724 3,866 3,881 8.9
Makambako TC 3,474 2,670 2,482 4,161 3,037 3,165 7.2
Makete 2,588 2,579 2,424 2,577 2,330 2,499 5.7
Total 34,673 51,855 41,019 46,960 44,013 43,704 100
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Agriculture Departments), 2019

(iv) Round Potatoes Production

Table 3.8 shows that, over the period of 2013/14- 2017/18, the production of round
potatoes was realized in only one district council with the total production of 140,552 tons
at an annual average production of 28,110 tons per year. Ludewa district council was the
only council with production of Round potatoes for the period of 2013/14- 2017/18 with
an average of 28,110 tons as shown in figure 3.4.

Figure 3.4 Production of Round Potatoes in tons in Ludewa District Council, Njombe Region;
2013/14 – 2017/18

Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Agriculture Departments), 2019 Production per Hectare of Major Food Crops

Table 3.12 shows crop yield in Njombe region for the major food crops. Productivity of
maize in terms of production per hectare was almost the same in all three seasons under
consideration. In the 2013/14 crop season, Round Potatoes had the best yield of 7.6 tons
per hectare. The best yield for beans was in the season of 2015/16, Irish potatoes had the
same yield for two seasons of 5.3 tons per hectare. There was very little variation in the
yields of wheat over the seasons under consideration.

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 3.12: Production per Hectare of Major Food Crops, Njombe Region; 2013/14, 2015/16 and

2013/14 2015/16 2017/18

Crop Planted Planted Planted

Production Yield Production Yield Production Yield
Area Area Area
(tons) (t/ha) (tons) (t/ha) (tons) (t/ha)
(ha) (ha) (ha)

Maize 230,977 401,809 1.7 202,402 456,223 2.3 244,654 384,078 1.6
Irish Potatoes 26,689 141,075 5.3 25,315 132,920 5.3 41,222 198,834 4.8
Beans 39,311 34,673 0.9 39,007 41,019 1.1 46,280 44,013 1.0
Round Potatoes 2,193 16,723 7.6 4,837 28,974 6.0 3,867 29,910 7.7
Sweet potatoes 1,805 6,470 3.6 1,602 11,793 7.4 2,158 18,685 8.7
Wheat 9,415 9,667 1.0 7,696 8,329 1.1 7,624 10,192 1.3
Regional Total 310,390 610,416 N/A 280,859 679,258 N/A 345,805 685,713 N/A
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Agriculture Departments), 2019 Production of Major Cash Crops

The major cash crops grown in Njombe region are Irish potatoes, maize, avocado,
sunflower, tomatoes, tea, wheat, beans, groundnuts, onions, pyrethrum, watermelon and
coffee. The total production of cash crops in the region was 3074435.1 tons from 2013/14
to 2017/18 with an average production of 614,887 tons per year. Irish potatoes were the
leading cash crop in terms of production, accounting for 65.9 percent of the total
production in the region followed by avocado (18.5 percent) and sunflower (4.8 percent).
Coffee recorded the smallest share of less than one percent of the total production in the
region (Table 3.13).

Table 3. 13: Estimated Production in Tons of Major Cash Crops Njombe Region; 2013/14 – 2017/18
Crop 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 Percent
Irish potatoes 428,815 326,046 307,949 450,505 511,863 405,036 65.9
Maize 113,790 113,709 114,292 113,728 114,638 114,031 18.5
Avocado 24,493 19,372 21,968 45,075 36,460 29,474 4.8
Sunflower 23,395 29,654 23,369 24,195 26,442 25,411 4.1
Tomatoes 9,621 11,409 12,898 24,972 19,483 15,677 2.5
Tea 8,103 8,103 8,714 8,947 10,550 8,883 1.4
Wheat 4,812 4,657 4,846 4,878 4,846 4,808 0.8
Beans 4,548 2,994 3,584 4,448 7,205 4,556 0.7
Groundnuts 5,697 3,840 4,093 4,202 4,536 4,474 0.7
Onions 232 887 1,049 1,112 1,201 896 0.1
Pyrethrum 730 1,045 680 887 532 775 0.1
Watermelon 191 721 853 925 1,000 738 0.1
Coffee 145 110 107 136 149 129 0.0
Total 624,571 522,548 504,402 684,008 738,906 614,887 100
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Agriculture Departments), 2019

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

(i) Production of Irish Potatoes as Cash Crop by Council

Irish potato is the leading cash crop in the region which grows in both in lowlands and
highlands areas. It accounts for about 65.9 percent of total tonnage of all major cash crops
produced in Njombe region (Table 3.13). Table 3.14 shows Irish potato is grown mostly
in two district councils but at different production levels. Njombe town council with total
production of 1,418,644 tons and an average annual production of 283,729 tons was
leading council in Irish potato production in the region. It accounted for 70.1 percent of
the region’s Irish potato total production of 2,025,178 tons. Wanging’ombe DC was the
second (29.9 percent) producer of Irish potato in the region during the specified seasons.

Table 3.14: Production of Irish Potatoes tons by Council, Njombe Region; 2013/14 – 2017/18
Council 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 Annual Average Percent
Njombe TC 324,351 270,992 166,846 303,427 353,028 283,729 70.1
Wanging'ombe 104,464 55,054 141,103 147,078 158,836 121,307 29.9
Total 428,815 326,046 307,949 450,505 511,863 405,036 100
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Agriculture Departments), 2019

(ii) Maize Production as Cash Crop by Council

Maize is the major cash crop grown in the region. Maize as a cash crop is mainly grown in
Njombe town councils, the region had a total production of 2,025,178 tons produced at an
average of 405,036 tons annually (Figure 3.5).

Figure 3.5: Production of Maize tons in Njombe Town Council, Njombe Region; 2013/14 – 2017/18

Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Agriculture Departments), 2019

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

(iii) Production of Avocado as Cash Crop by Council

Avocado is among cash crop in the region which grows mostly in two councils. It
accounts for about 4.8 percent of total tonnage of all major cash crops produced in
Njombe region (Table 3.13). Table 3.15 shows avocado is grown mostly in two district
councils but at different production levels. Makambako town council with total production
of 138,803 tons and an average annual production of 27,761 tons was leading council in
avocado production in the region. It accounted for 94.2 percent of the region’s avocado
total production of 147,368 tons. Wanging’ombe district council was the second (5.8
percent) producer of Irish potato in the region during the specified seasons.

Table 3.15 Production of Avocado in tons by Council, Njombe Region; 2013/14 – 2017/18
Council Annual
2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 Percent
Wanging'ombe 1,357 1,464 1,732 1,929 2,082 1,713 5.8
Makambako TC 23,135 17,908 20,236 43,146 34,378 27,761 94.2
Total 24,493 19,372 21,968 45,075 36,460 29,474 100.0
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Agriculture Departments), 2019

(iv) Sunflower Production

Sunflower is grown in lowland areas of the region and is the fourth most important cash
crop in terms of production. Table 3.13 shows that from year 2013/14 to 2017/18, a total
of 127,055 tons of sunflower were produced at an average of 25,411 tons annually. Table
3.16 shows that, sunflower was produced by only four councils. Wanging’ombe was
leading in terms of sunflower production, it accounted for an average production of 19,
574 tons per year which is equivalent to 77.0 percent of the total regional production. It
was followed by Njombe district council with a share of 17.9 percent. Makete district
council was the least producers of sunflower, with a share of o.8 percent of the regional
production of sunflower.

Table 3.16 Production of Sunflower in tons by Council, Njombe Region; 2013/14 – 2017/18
Council 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 Annual Average Percent
Wanging'ombe 12,219 18,790 21,373 21,869 23,618 19,574 77.0
Njombe DC 9,853 9,852 963 1,014 1,045 4,546 17.9
Makambako TC 1,134 783 913 1,143 1,528 1,100 4.3
Makete 189 230 120 170 252 192 0.8
Total 23,395 29,654 23,369 24,195 26,442 25,411 100.0
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Agriculture Departments), 2019 Production per Hectare of Major Cash Crops

Table 3.17 shows crop yield in Njombe region for the major cash crops. Productivity of
Irish potatoes in terms of production per hectare was almost the same in all three seasons

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

under consideration. In the 2013/14 crop season, Round Potatoes had the best yield of 14.5
tons per hectare. The best yield for tea was in the season of 2017/18, Irish potatoes had the
same yield for three seasons of 2.1 tons per hectare. There was very little variation in the
yields of sunflower over the seasons under consideration.

Table 3.17: Production per Hectare of Major Cash Crops, Njombe Region; 2013/14, 2015/16 and
2013/14 2015/16 2017/18

Crop Planted Planted Planted

Production Yield Production Yield Production Yield
Area Area Area
(tons) (t/ha) (tons) (t/ha) (tons) (t/ha)
(ha) (ha) (ha)
Irish potatoes 29,622 428,815 14.5 31,526 307,949 9.8 33,3 511,863 15.4
Groundnuts 6,652 5,697 0.9 7,757 4,093 0.5 9,048 4,536 0.5
Avocado 8,926 24,493 2.7 397 21,968 55.3 596 36,460 61.2
Sunflower 19,645 23,395 1.2 19,623 23,369 1.2 26,840 26,442 1.0
Tomatoes 7,408 9,621 1.3 1,869 12,898 6.9 5,349 19,483 3.6
Tea 4,936 8,103 1.6 4,944 8,714 1.8 4,950 10,550 2.1
Total 77,189 500,123 N/A 66,116 378,990 N/A 80,096 609,335 N/A
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Agriculture Departments), 2019

3.1.4 Crop Marketing

Table 3.18 shows an indicative estimated amount of cash crops marketed and revenue earned
in Njombe region during the 2017/18 season. A total of 650,642,324 kilograms of Irish
potatoes, beans, maize, tea, avocadoes, wheat, coffee, paddy, cashew nuts, sunflower, ground
nuts, watermelon, tomatoes, pyrethrum, sweet potatoes, cassava, sweet banana and onions
were marketed in the region which earned a sum of Tshs. 273,538,052,988. Most of the
revenue earned from irish potatoes which accounted for 77.8 percent of total revenue,
followed by beans (16.3 percent), maize (3.0 percent) and avocado (1.1 percent). Other crops
share less than one percent of the total revenue in the region.

Table 3.18 Amounts and Value of Cash Crops Purchased by Council; Njombe Region, 2017/18

Crop Amount Purchased Average Price per Revenue Earned in Percent

(Kgs) Kg (Tshs.) Tshs Earnings
Irish potatoes 473,436,070 400 212,788,995,000 77.8
Beans 137,601,951 1,500 44,522,175,720 16.3
Maize 22,366,396 430 8,257,944,550 3.0
Tea 10,583,754 314 3,323,302,308 1.2
Avocado 2,777,500 1,000 1702895000 0.6
Wheat 2,434,645 650 1,587,594,250 0.6
Coffee 110,209 4,000 393,381,500 0.1
Paddy 612,000 500 306,000,000 0.1
Cashew nut 64,160 3,300 211,728,000 0.1
Sunflower 375,000 350 120,050,000 0.0
Ground nuts 50,500 2,000 104,000,000 0.0

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Crop Amount Purchased Average Price per Revenue Earned in Percent

(Kgs) Kg (Tshs.) Tshs Earnings
Water melon 89,000 1,000 89,000,000 0.0
Tomato 97,704 950 62,086,160 0.0
Pyrethrum 18,435 2,300 42,400,500 0.0
Sweet potato 3,000 500 15,000,000 0.0
Cassava 19,000 500 9,500,000 0.0
Sweet Banana 1,000 1,000 1,000,000 0.0
Onions 2,000 500 1,000,000 0.0
Total 650,642,324 273,538,052,988 100.0
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Agriculture Departments), 2019

Contrary to the fact that Njombe TC is the main producer of Irish potatoes in the region
followed by Makete district council. Table 3.18a shows Njombe town district was the first
council in Njombe region for marketing irish potatoes. The council marketed
176,513,935kilogram of irish potatoes worth Tshs. 88,256,967,500, equivalent to 70.9 percent
of total revenue earned by the region through selling of that crop. Never the less, Makete DC
was the second by earning 29.0 percent of the region’s irish potatoes revenue obtained.
Wanging’ombe district earned 0.2 percent in earning revenue for marketing of such crop in
year 2017/18.

Table 3.18a: Amount of Irish Potatoes Marketed and Revenue Earned by Council; Njombe Region,
Amount Purchased Average Price per Revenue Earned in Percent
(Kgs) Kg (Tshs.) Tshs Earnings
Njombe TC 176,513,935 500 88,256,967,500 70.9
Wanging'ombe 218,000 1,000 218,000,000 0.2
Makete 120,190,200 300 36,057,060,000 29.0
Total 296,922,135 400 124,532,027,500 100.0
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Agriculture Departments), 2019

In 2017/18, beans was the second cash crop marketed in the region after maize (refer Table
3.18). Beans earned 16.3 percent of the region’s total revenue obtained from marketing of all
types of cash crops. On the other hand, Table 3.18b shows that Makete council leading on the
data of the amount of cotton sold. By comparing the revenue earned by councils, Makete
earned almost 98.9 percent followed by Wanging’ombe (1.1 percent) and Makambako TC
with the least council which earned the minimum amount Tsh. 8,884,170 of all revenue
obtained from selling beans in the region.

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 3.18b: Amount of Beans Marketed and Revenue Earned by Council; Njombe Region, 2017/18
Amount Purchased Average Price per Revenue Earned in Percent
(Kgs) Kg (Tshs.) Tshs Earnings
Wanging'ombe 315,000 1500 472,500,000 1.1
Makete 137,271,261 1500 44,040,791,550 98.9
Makambako TC 15,690 1500 8,884,170 0.0
Total 137,601,951 1500 44,522,175,720 100.0
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Agriculture Departments), 2019

Table 3.18 shows that maize with 3.0 percent of earning in the region was the third valuable
cash crop in the region. Table 3.18c shows the amount of maize marketed in the crop season
of 2017/18. Out of 22,366,396 kg of maize marketed in 2017/18 season, the region managed
to earn a sum of Tshs. 8,257,944,550. Makete district council was the first council in
marketing of maize by earning 63.8 percent of the region’s revenue obtained from selling of
that crop. The second and third councils were Ludewa and Wanging’ombe earned 22.7
percent and 10.3 percent of total earnings, while Njombe district council was the least by
having 3.2 percent of the region’s revenue earned through marketing of maize.

Table 3.18c: Amount of Maize Marketed and Revenue Earned by Council; Njombe Region, 2017/18
Amount Average Price per Revenue Earned in Percent
Purchased (Kgs) Kg (Tshs.) Tshs Earnings
Wanging'ombe 2,429,600 350 851,985,000 10.3
Makete 15,052,923 350 5,268,523,050 63.8
Njombe DC 533,873 500 266,936,500 3.2
Ludewa 4,350,000 430 1,870,500,000 22.7
Total 22,366,396 430 8,257,944,550 100.0
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Agriculture Departments), 2019

Tea with 1.2 percent of earnings was the fourth valuable cash crop in the region (Table 3.18).
Table 3.18d shows marketing status of tea in the crop season of 2017/18. The region marketed
a total of 10,583,754 kg of tea and earned a sum of Tshs. 3,323,302,308 in 2017/18 season.
Njombe district council was the first council in marketing of tea by earning 99,7 percent of
the region’s revenue obtained from selling of that crop. Ludewa was the second for 0.3
percent of the region’s revenue earned through marketing of tea.

Table 3.18d: Amount of Tea Marketed and Revenue Earned by Council; Njombe Region, 2017/18

Council Amount Purchased Average Price per Kg Revenue Earned in Percent

(Kgs) (Tshs.) Tshs Earnings
Njombe DC 10,550,610 314 3,312,891,540 99.7
Ludewa 33,144 314 10,410,768 0.3
Total 10,583,754 314 3,323,302,308 100.0
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Agriculture Departments), 2019

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

3.1.5 Irrigated Agriculture

Njombe region is endowed with a potential area for irrigation prospects of about 15,376.4
hectares due to its geographical location, topography and ecological conditions. The largest
potential irrigated area was found in Njombe TC (43.9 per cent) followed by Ludewa council
(22.1 per cent). The smallest area cultivated in Njombe DC (2.7 per cent). Major crops
irrigated were Maize, beans, tomatoes, potatoes, other vegetables, egg plant, carrot, paddy,
Irish Potatoes (Table 3.19).

Table 3.19: Distribution of Irrigation Prospects and Crop Grown by Council, Njombe Region; 2017/18
Potential Area
Council Area Major crops
Njombe TC 6,753.0 43.9 Irish Potatoes, vegetables
Wanging'ombe 1,949.0 12.7 Maize, beans, tomatoes, potatoes, other vegetables
Makete 570.0 3.7 Paddy, maize and vegetables
Njombe DC 417.8 2.7 Maize, Beans, African egg plants, Carrots, Tomatoes
Ludewa 3,400.0 22.1 Paddy
Makambako TC 2,286.6 14.9 Tomato, maize, beans and avocado
Total 15,376.4 100.0
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Agriculture Departments), 2019

3.1.6 Agriculture Inputs/Implements Introduction
Reducing rural poverty by delivering appropriate modern farming implements and inputs,
accessibility of extension services and credits as well as markets for agriculture products
are among the strategies of Agriculture Policy. The farming input which are most used in
Njombe region are described below; Types of Chemical Fertilizers

Soil infertility, plant pests and diseases are among the factors which limit agricultural
production in Njombe region. Over the past five years, the region soils have depended on
application of chemical fertilizers for optimum crop harvests. CAN, UREA, DAP, TSP, SA,
Minjingu Mazao, NPK, MRP, KYNOPLUS, NPS and YARA were the most used chemical
fertilizers in the region.

Table 3.20a shows that Njombe region supplied a total of 157,353,920.7 Kgs of different
types of fertilizers to farmers, CAN being the leading chemical fertilizer which accounted
for 52.8 percent of the total kilograms of chemical fertilizers, followed by UREA (23.6
percent), DAP (14.9 percent while the least used chemical fertilizers in the region was
YARA with less than one percent.

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 3.20 a: Type and Quantity of Chemical Fertilizers (Kgs) Distributed to Farmers; Njombe
region; 2013/14-2017/18
Type of Fertilizers 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 Total Percent
CAN 18,758,111.4 22,860,890.3 16,107,121.7 13,593,916.4 11,812,599.6 83,132,639.4 52.8
UREA 7,616,331.9 9,328,244.8 7,314,868.5 7,061,154.7 5,773,536.2 37,094,136.1 23.6
DAP 5,434,516.2 8,438,745.8 4,454,918.8 2,680,162.8 2,411,672.8 23,420,016.4 14.9
TSP 1,738,778.3 1,766,914.7 2,706,083.5 1,636,783.8 1,633,001.6 9,481,561.9 6.0
SA 505,466.0 534,655.0 800,567.0 310,550.0 226,679.0 2,377,917.0 1.5
Minjingu 1,768,577.0 33,087.0 18.0 28.0 - 1,801,710.0 1.1
NPK 3,901.7 3,543.0 5,517.8 4,425.6 3,906.8 21,294.9 0.0
MRP 2,727.0 1,811.0 3,223.0 5,359.0 2,609.0 15,729.0 0.0
KYNOPLUS - - - 5,136.0 544.0 5,680.0 0.0
NPS - - - 3,233.0 - 3,233.0 0.0
YARA - - - - 3.0 3.0 0.0

Total 35,828,409.5 42,967,891.6 31,392,318.3 25,300,749.3 21,864,552.0 157,353,920.7 100.0

Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Agriculture Departments), 2019 Types of Insecticides

Insecticides are chemicals used to control insects by killing them or preventing them from
engaging in behaviors deemed undesirable or destructive. Table 3.20b shows that, over the
period of 2013/14-2017/18, Njombe region supplied a total 257,590.8 Litres of different
types of insecticides. Actellic was the most common insecticide supplied to farmers, it
accounted for 45.8 percent of the total kilograms supplied in the region. The least
insecticide was Herbicides (Liquid Lts) with the share of 9.5 percent.

Table 3.20b: Type and Quantity of Insecticides (in Litres) Distributed to Farmers; Njombe Region;
Type of Insecticides 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 Total Percent
Actellic 22,785.0 22,988.3 17,797.1 24,501.0 29,851.0 117,922.3 45.8
Insecticide (Liquid Lts) 8,369.0 9,637.0 14,033.0 14,057.0 14,084.0 60,180.0 23.4
Pesticides (Liquid Kg) 4,372.0 5,200.0 6,501.0 6,521.0 6,540.0 29,134.0 11.3
BOOSTER 4,621.0 5,208.0 5,313.0 5,329.0 5,345.0 25,816.0 10.0
Herbicides (Liquid Lts) 4,364.0 5,308.5 4,924.0 4,959.0 4,983.0 24,538.5 9.5
Total 44,511.0 48,341.8 48,568.1 55,367.0 60,803.0 257,590.8 100.0
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Agriculture Departments), 2019 Type of Fungicides

Managing diseases is an essential component of production for most crops. Fungicides,

herbicides and insecticides are pesticides used in plant protection. A fungicide is a specific
type of pesticide that controls fungal disease by specifically inhibiting or killing the fungus
causing the disease.

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 3.20c present different types of fungicides which are used to control plant diseases
in Njombe region. The most common fungicides used in Njombe region was Blue copper,
it accounted for 82.5 percent of all fungicides in the region, it was followed by Fungicides
(Powder Kg) (10.7 percent), the least fungicides was Fungicides (Liquid Lts) which
accounted for only 6.8 percent of the regional total fungicides supplied to farmers.

Table 3.20 c: Type and Quantity of Fungicides (in Litres) Distributed to Farmers; Njombe region;
Type of Insecticides 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 Total Percent
Blue copper 37,141 32,058 29,788 56,158 48,261 203,406 82.5
Fungicides (Liquid Lts) 3,489 3,110 3,361 3,439 3,466 16,865 6.8
Fungicides (Powder Kg) 4,801 5,349 5,307 5,409 5,440 26,306 10.7
Total 45,431 40,517 38,456 65,006 57,167 246,577 100.0
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Agriculture Departments), 2019 Type of Improved Seeds

Seeds is the most vital and crucial input for crop production. Crop improvement and the
delivery of the high quality seeds and planting materials of selected to growers is
necessary for ensuring improved crop production and meeting growing environmental
challenges. Food security therefore is dependent on the seed security of the farming
community. Table 3.8 shows that, the use of improved seeds has resulted into high
production of maize in the region with annual production of 2,095,075 tons.

A total of 16,211,461kilograms of improved seeds was distributed to farmers from

2013/14- 2017/18, of the distributed seeds, round potatoes accounted for 7,464,363 Kgs
which is equivalent to 46.0 percent of the total seeds distributed in the region. It was
followed by maize (43.8 percent). Other improved seeds which were distributed in the
region but in small amount include cassava, beans, vegetables, sunflower, paddy and

Table 3. 20d: Type and Quantity of Improved seeds (Kgs) Distributed to Farmers; Njombe Region
Type of Quantity of Improved seeds (Kgs)
Improved 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 Total Percent
Round potatoes 2,112,307 222,955 1,793,637 1,664,355 1,671,110 7,464,363 46.0
Maize 935,851 1,119,944 943,941 2,007,975 2,094,994 7,102,704 43.8
Cassava 187,000 187,000 117,000 135,000 158,000 784,000 4.8
Beans 17,692 37,219 39,211 258,215 252,235 604,571 3.7
Vegetables 24,421 23,987 23,200 24,640 24,756 121,004 0.7
Sunflower 12,052 20,078 83 21,099 21,113 74,424 0.5
Paddy 8,172 8,181 8,190 17,200 18,211 59,954 0.4
Wheat 71 88 91 94 96 439 0.0
Total 3,297,564 1,619,451 2,925,354 4,128,578 4,240,515 16,211,461 100.0
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Agriculture Departments), 2019

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018 Agriculture Implements

The use of agricultural implements is necessary for crop production. Table 3.21 shows the
demand and supplied agriculture implements in Njombe region in the year 2017/18. A
total of 38,831 implements were demanded by the farmers in 2017/18 but 96,790were
supplied. The most common demanded farm implements in the council were Ox plough,
Ox chain, Oxcart, Ox cultivator, power tillers and tractors. The table shows that, Ox ridger
and power tillers were demanded but the supply was very small. Low supply of
implements might have been caused by high prices together with the low purchasing
power of small scale farmers.

Table 3. 21: Availability of Agriculture Implements, Njombe region; 2017/18

Type of Implements Demand Supplied Deficit (-) / Excess
Maize shellers 50 3 -47
Ox chain 12,033 24,583 12,550
Ox cultivator 371 592 221
Ox harrow 766 47 -719
Ox plough 13,095 23,606 10,511
Ox ridger 420 22 -398
Ox shares 10,358 22,205 11,847
Oxcart 1,095 12,908 11,813
Oxridger 140 12,388 12,248
Power tillers 269 152 -117
Tractors 234 284 50
Total 38,831 96,790 57,959
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Agriculture Departments), 2019

3.1.7 Policy Implication in Agriculture

Limited access to agricultural inputs especially by peasant farmers, low prices of
agricultural produce against production costs, poor agricultural practices as well as
adverse weather condition are other factors which are responsible for the poor
performance of the agricultural sector in the region. Improving extension services, reliable
supply of agricultural inputs through improvement of procedures of National Agricultural
Input Voucher Scheme (NAIVS) are some of the initiatives that can be taken to improve
the efficiency of the agricultural sector.

3.1.8 Investment Opportunities in Agriculture sector

The climate and topography of Njombe region are suitable for growing a variety of crops.
Investment should therefore focus on large scale farming of crops like maize, Irish and
sweet potatoes, wheat, tomatoes, avocados, pineapples, water melon, tea and coffee.

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Supply of farm inputs at affordable prices such as fertilizers, insecticides, improved seeds
and farm implements (i.e. tractors and power tillers) are other areas for investment.

3.2 Livestock

3.2.1 Introduction
Livestock is important for subsistence by providing meat and milk to enrich diet.
However, livestock keeping is the second economic activity in Njombe region.

3.2.2 Livestock Population

Livestock is the second important economic activity for the residents of Njombe region.
To large extent livestock keeping is predominantly traditional and involves mostly
indigenous cattle, other livestock kept are goats, sheep, donkeys, pigs and chicken. Table
3.22 shows the estimated population of livestock kept in Njombe region. Chicken was
dominant with population of 1,250,545, (863,209 Indigenous chicken and 387,336
Chicken Broilers) followed by cattle (199,116). Donkey (6,790) was the least kept
livestock in the region.

Furthermore the data shows that, cattle were much concentrated in Wanging’ombe district
council which accounted for 67,204 cattle in the region. It was followed by Makete
(44,447). The smallest number of cattle was found in Njombe district council (20,728). A
large number of Goat, sheep and Donkey were kept in Makete and Wanging’ombe district
councils while Njombe TC, Makambako TC and Njombe district councils were famous for
keeping chickens (Table 3.22).

Table 3. 22 Estimated Livestock Population by Type of livestock and Council, Njombe Region; 2018
Indigenous Chicken
Council Cattle Goats Sheep Donkeys Pigs
chicken (Bloiers)
Njombe TC 22,950 13,427 3,959 2,934 19,713 51,862 271,434
Wanging'ombe 67,204 21,806 8,019 604 7,676 261,749 21,054
Makete 44,447 35,080 8,464 2,289 8,086 79,398 -
Njombe DC 20,728 4,164 1,310 160 8,520 215,031 54,719
Ludewa 20,864 15,855 703 589 19,420 143,811 6,390
Makambako TC 22,923 2,038 1,332 214 4,242 111,358 33,739
Total 199,116 92,370 23,787 6,790 67,657 863,209 387,336
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Livestock Department), 2019

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018 Cattle Population.

Njombe region had a total of 1,032,289 cattle dominated by indigenous type. Table 3.23
shows that, 90.0 percent are indigenous and 9.6 percent of the cattle found in the region
are of improved dairy cattle while 0.4 percent are improved beef cattle. Wanging'ombe
district had the largest number of cattle, it accounted for 35.8 percent while the least
number of cattle was found in Njombe district council with only 20,748 or 10.8 percent
cattle as shown in figure 3.6.

Table 3. 23: Population Distribution of Cattle by Type and by Council, Njombe Region; 2018
Population of Cattle by Type
District/ Council Indigenous Improved Improved Percent
Cattle Dairy Cattle Beef Cattle
Njombe TC 16,390 6,560 - 22,950 11.9
Wanging'ombe 67,204 1,537 - 68,741 35.8
Makete 26,362 7,092 666 34,120 17.8
Njombe DC 19,250 1,498 - 20,748 10.8
Ludewa 20,864 322 - 21,186 11.0
Makambako TC 22,923 1,526 - 24,449 12.7
Total 172,993 18,535 666 192,194 100.0
Percent 90.0 9.6 0.4 100.0
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Livestock Department), 2019

Figure 3. 6: Percentage Distribution of Cattle by Type and Council, Njombe Region; 2018

Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Livestock Department), 2019 Goat Production

In 2018, Goat population in Njombe region was of 97,524 most of which were indigenous
breed. Makete district council lead in terms of goat population with a total of 35,080

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

which is equivalent to 36.0 percent of all goat in the region. It was followed by
Wanging’ombe 21,806 or 22.4 percent. The least number of goat was found in Njombe
district council which kept 4.7 percent of all goat in the region (Table 3.24).

Table 3.24: Population Distribution of Goats by Type and Council, Njombe Region; 2018
Population of goats by Type
District/ Council Improved Dairy
Indigenous Goats Total Percent
Njombe TC 13,419 48 13,467 13.8
Wanging'ombe 21,806 0 21,806 22.4
Makete 32,223 2,857 35,080 36.0
Njombe DC 4,566 13 4,579 4.7
Ludewa 15,855 0 15,855 16.3
Makambako TC 6,725 12 6,737 6.9
Total 94,594 2,930 97,524 100.0
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Livestock Department), 2019 Sheep Population

Figure 3.7 shows that the sheep population in Njombe region in 2018 was 23,787 with
most of them being in Makete and Wanging’ombe district councils (8,464 and 8,019
respectively). The smallest number of sheep was in Ludewa district council (703).

Figure 3.7: Distribution of Sheep Population by Council, Njombe Region, 2018

Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Livestock Department), 2019 Pig Population

Pig is another type of livestock raised in Njombe region in 2018. Figure 3.8 shows that,
population of pig was 67,657 most being found in Njombe district council (19,713).

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Njombe DC was the second in terms of pig population, it accounted for 19,420 of all pig
in the region and Ludewa District Council had the smallest number of pig (4,242).

Figure 3.8: Distribution of Pigs Population by Council, Njombe Region, 2018

Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Livestock Department), 2019 Chicken Population

Chicken farming plays a significant role in rural and urban people’s life and contributes
significantly to poverty alleviation and improvement of food security with high nutrition.
In Njombe region, chicken farming is an emerging industry which can pave way to better
income and sustainable development. Moreover, growth of this industry involves a lot of
women and thus provides a strong base for women empowerment in this area. Likewise,
simple changes in the management of villages, chicken can significantly improve
production and the living conditions of many rural families in terms of enhanced nutrition
and income generation through the sale of surplus chicken or eggs.

The chicken population in Njombe region was 1,250,545, with Njombe town council
having the largest number (323,296or 25.9percent) followed by Wanging’ombe district
council (282,803 or 22.6 percent). Njombe DC and Ludewa district councils recorded a
small number of chickens with a share of 21.6percent a12.0 percent respectively. Makete
District Council had the smallest number of chicken (6.3 percent). The chicken population
was predominantly of the indigenous type (Table 3.25).

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 3. 25: Estimated Chicken Population by Council, Njombe region, 2018

Council Indigenous chicken Chicken (Bloiers)

Total Percent
Njombe TC 51,862 271,434 323,296 25.9
Wanging'ombe 261,749 21,054 282,803 22.6
Njombe DC 215,031 54,719 269,750 21.6
Ludewa 143,811 6,390 150,201 12.0
Makambako TC 111,358 33,739 145,097 11.6
Makete 79,398 - 79,398 6.3
Total 863,209 387,336 1,250,545 100
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Livestock Department), 2019

3.2.3 Grazing Land

Grazing land is the land that is available for rearing livestock. It excludes all tsetse fly
infected areas, wildlife and forest reserves as well as tree plantations but includes game
controlled areas and overlaps arable land. Tanga region, with its respective district
councils, has established areas that can be used for keeping animals. Specifying grazing
land through land use planning is important as it reduces conflicts among livestock
keepers and farmers.

Table 3.19 shows that Njombe region had a total of 198,618 hectares of land fit for
grazing, of the total area fit for grazing, 83.6 percent was used for grazing in 2018 and
area affected by tsetse fly was 4,729 which is equivalent to 2.4 percent of the area fit for
grazing. All hectares planned for grazing in Wanging’ombe district council and
Makambako TC was utilized. The smallest land area used for grazing was in Makambako
town council with only 30.4 percent of the council land area fit for grazing. However, due
to increase in the number of livestock in the region, more grazing land should be
established. Awareness campaign to livestock keepers on the use of modern methods of
grazing is important to rescue the existing natural forests encroachment.

Table 3. 26: Estimated Area under Grazing by Council, Njombe Region; 2018
Land Percentage
Tsetse Fly
Total Land Land fit for used for of Land
District/ Council infected
Area (Ha) Grazing (Ha) Grazing used for
Area (Ha)
(Ha) grazing
Njombe TC 3,212,000 31,268 9,494 30.4 0
Wanging'ombe 3,344,000 117,372 117,372 100.0 0
Makete 4,850,000 27,374 21,781 79.6 3984
Njombe DC 2,706,000 12,133 7,215 59.5 0
Ludewa 6,325,000 6,781 6,457 95.2 0
Makambako TC 862,000 3,690 3,772 102.2 745
Total 21,299,000 198,618 166,091 83.6 4,729
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Livestock Department), 2019

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

3.2.4 Livestock Services

Delivery of livestock health services depends on facilities such as veterinary health
centres, dips, and water sources. Njombe region as a whole had a total of 98 dips, 15
veterinary centres, 135 crushes, 9 hides/skin sheds, 7 abattoirs, 157 slaughter slabs, 10
livestock market/ auction and 40 charcoal dams.

Table 3.27 shows that Makambako town council is in a better position to provided
veterinary services to livestock keepers than any other council because it has a large
number of veterinary health centres (8). Dips are also very important for animal health, the
region had a total of 98 dips in 2018 where by 87 dips are working and 11 are not
working. Due to an increase number of livestock in the region, there is a need of taking an
extra effort to increase the number of veterinary centres as well as other livestock
infrastructure to reduce livestock diseases.

Table 3. 17: Distribution of Livestock Infrastructure by Council, Njombe Region, 2018





District/ Council sheds

W NW Total W NW Total

Njombe TC 13 3 16 0 0 0 49 2 3 109 0 0
Wanging'ombe 26 1 27 1 1 2 0 0 0 2 1 1
Makete 18 2 20 4 0 4 18 1 0 4 2 0
Njombe DC 8 1 9 0 0 0 51 2 0 2 1 0
Ludewa 17 4 21 0 1 1 17 2 2 22 4 0
Makambako TC 5 0 5 8 0 8 0 2 2 18 2 39
Total 87 11 98 13 2 15 135 9 7 157 10 40
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Livestock Department), 2019 Causes of Livestock Morbidity and Mortality

Diseases, among other reasons, were the main causes of livestock morbidity and mortality
in Mwanza region. Data provided by local authorities of Mwanza region shows different
types of diseases for big, medium and small animals. The most common diseases in
Mwanza region are east coast fever, anaplasmosis, babesiosis, heart water,
trypasonomiasis, helminthiasis, and worms, CCPP, Mange, Pneumonia and Foot Mouth
Disease. Others are new castle, coccidiosis, fowl coryza, fowl typhoid, fowl pox and

(i) Causes of Cattle Morbidity and Mortality

Table 3.28 shows a list of common diseases which caused cattle morbidity in Njombe
region between 2016 and 2018. In 2016, Table 3.28 shows that anaplasmosis was the most
common diseases caused highest cattle morbidity rate accounted 34.9 percent of reported

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

7,374 cases in the region. The second and third causes for cattle morbidities were
helminthosis (34.4 percent) and black quarter (7.9 percent) diseases and East Coast Fever
with 7.6 percent of total cases reported was the fourth disease and the fifthy disease was
Foot and Mouth Disease (4.7 percent).

Similar observation was also experienced in 2018, of which anaplasmosis and

helminthosis remained as the first and second common cattle diseases in the region. One
general observation from these data is that there was an increase of cattle morbidity cases
caused by helminthosis disease in 2018 than 2016. Regional authority, therefore, should
examine these diseases in order to prevent them in the future.

Table 3.28: Twelve Common Cattle Diseases Causes Morbidity, Njombe Region; 2016 and 2018
2016 2018
Disease No. of Disease No. of
Percent Percent
Cases Cases
Anaplasmosis 7,374 34.9 Anaplasmosis 6,600 36.6
Babesiosis 862 4.1 Babesiosis 551 3.1
Black Quarter 1,674 7.9 Black Quarter 1,555 8.6
CBPP 133 0.6 CBPP 37 0.2
East Coast Fever 1,611 7.6 East Coast Fever 1,366 7.6
Foot and Mouth Disease 985 4.7 Foot And Mouth Disease 387 2.1
Foot rot 563 2.7 Foot rot 359 2.0
Helminthosis 7,284 34.4 Helminthosis 6,573 36.5
Lumpy Skin Disease 62 0.3 Lumpy Skin Disease 32 0.2
Mange 63 0.3 Mange 62 0.3
Mastitis 418 2.0 Mastitis 398 2.2
Worms 123 0.6 Worms 101 0.6
Total 21,152 100.0 Total 18,021 100.0
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Livestock Department), 2019

Table 3.28a shows death toll of cattle caused by different type of diseases in 2016and
2018. In 2016, out of 934 cattle deaths, 29.9 percent were caused by east coast fever (35.5
percent), Black Quarter (23.1 percent), anaplasmosis (22.8 percent), babesiosis (13.0
percent) and Helminthosis (6.5 percent). Similar observations were experienced in 2018
with east coast fever being the number one killer disease (35.5 percent) followed by
anaplasmoasis (24.0 percent). Foot and Mouth Disease which was the least disease in 2018
became also the last killer with less one percent of mortality occurred in 2016. One
general observation from these data is that foot and mouth disease which was the most
dangerous disease in last three decades has been controlled by regional authority (Table

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 3.28a: Twelve Common Cattle Diseases Causes Mortality, Njombe Region; 2016 and 2018
2016 2018
Disease No. of Disease No. of
Percent Percent
Cases Cases
Anaplasmosis 213 22.8 Anaplasmosis 90 24.0
Babesiosis 121 13.0 Babesiosis 33 8.8
Black Quarter 216 23.1 Black Quarter 73 19.5
CBPP 15 1.6 CBPP 4 1.1
East Coast Fever 279 29.9 East Coast Fever 133 35.5
Foot And Mouth Disease 0 0.0 Foot and Mouth Disease 1 0.3
Foot rot 0 0.0 Foot rot 0 0.0
Helminthosis 61 6.5 Helminthosis 23 6.1
Lumpy Skin Disease 12 1.3 Lumpy Skin Disease 3 0.8
Mange 1 0.1 Mange 2 0.5
Mastitis 9 1.0 Mastitis 13 3.5
Worms 7 0.7 Worms 0 0.0
Total 934 100.0 Total 375 100.0
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Livestock Department), 2019

(ii) Causes of Goat Morbidity and Mortality

Table 3.29 shows nine common diseases that contributing to poor health of goats in
Njombe region between 2016 and 2018. The diseases were Helminthiasis, Mange,
Babesiosis, Salmonellosis, Orf, worms, Foot rot, CCPP, Pneumonia, Anaplasmosis, and
Mastitis. Table 3.28 also shows that, among all eleven diseases, Helmenthiasis caused
much illness to goats than any other diseases in both years, accounted for 42.4 percent of
12,564 morbidity cases in 2016 and 42.6 percent of 9,577 morbidity cases in 2018. It was
followed by Mange 17.9 percent of reported morbidity cases in 2016 and 14.7percent in
2018. However, Anaplasmos has been controlled as result became the least disease that
causes morbidity in the region (Table 3.29). One general observation from these data is
that councils have managed to control morbidity in the referred years as evidenced by the
decline of number of occurrences from 12,564 cases in 2016 to 9,577 cases in 2018.

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 3.29: Eleven Common Goat Diseases Causes Morbidity, Njombe Region; 2016 and 2018
2016 2018
Disease No. of Disease No. of
Percent Percent
Cases Cases
Helmenthiasis 5324 42.4 Helmenthiasis 4083 42.6
Mange 2253 17.9 Mange 1410 14.7
Babesiosis 1449 11.5 Babesiosis 485 5.1
Salmonellosis, 1446 11.5 Salmonellosis, 1,394 14.6
Orf 1292 10.3 Orf 1,243 13.0
Worms 471 3.7 Worms 590 6.2
Foot rot 177 1.4 Foot rot 125 1.3
CCPP 58 0.5 CCPP 97 1.0
Pneumonia 48 0.4 Pneumonia 76 0.8
Anaplasmos 23 0.2 Anaplasmos 9 0.1
Mastitis 23 0.2 Mastitis 65 0.7
Total 12,564 100.0 Total 9,577 100.0
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Livestock Department), 2019

Out of six common diseases that causes deaths of goats, 91.2 percent of goat deaths were
caused by the first three diseases. In 2016, Table 3.29a shows that 34.1 percent of 724 goat
deaths were caused by Helmenthiasis followed by Mange (30.4 percent), Babesiosis (26.7
percent), Orf (3.9 percent), Salmonellosis (3.5 percent) and CCPP (1.5 percent). Out of
137 goat deaths recorded in 2015, about 80 percent of goat deaths were also caused by the
first four illnesses; Helmenthiasis had the highest death rate (21.9 perccent) followed by
Orf (18.2 percent), Mange (16.1 percent), Babesiosis (15.3 percent), Salmonellosis (14.6
percent) and CCPP (13.9 percent). One general observation from these data is that if
regional authority can manage to prevent the first four diseases will able to reduce goat
deaths by 71.5 percent.

Table 3.29a: Six Common Goat Diseases Causes Mortality, Njombe Region; 2016 and 2018
2016 2018
Disease No. of Disease No. of
Percent Percent
Cases Cases
Helmenthiasis 247 34.1 Helmenthiasis 30 21.9
Mange 220 30.4 Mange 22 16.1
Babesiosis 193 26.7 Babesiosis 21 15.3
Orf 28 3.9 Orf 25 18.2
Salmonellosis, 25 3.5 Salmonellosis, 20 14.6
CCPP 11 1.5 CCPP 19 13.9
Total 724 100.0 Total 137 100.0
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Livestock Department), 2019

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

(iii) Causes of Sheep Morbidity and Mortality

With reference to Table 3.30, similar diseases were also observed as contributing factors
to poor health of sheep in Njombe region between 2016 and 2018. The diseases were
Helminthiasis, Babesiosis, Mange, Foot rot, Babesiosis, worms, Salmonellosis, Nosal
discharge, Pneumonia and Anaplasmos. The leading cause of morbidity to sheep in 2016
was Helminthiasis which caused much illness (43.0 percent) than any other diseases,
followed by Mange (35.9 percent) and Mange (7.2 percent). Again, Helminthiasis, Mange
and Babesiosis were the main causes of sheep morbidity in 2018 accounted for 59.7
percent, 22.9 percent and 5.0 percent respectively (Table 3.30).

Table 3.30: Nine Common Sheep Diseases Causes Morbidity, Njombe Region; 2016 and 2018
2016 2018
Disease No. of Disease No. of
Percent Percent
Cases Cases
Helminthiasis 1149 43.0 Helminthiasis 1123 59.7
Mange 957 35.9 Mange 430 22.9
Foot rot 193 7.2 Foot rot 36 1.9
Babesiosis 154 5.8 Babesiosis 94 5.0
Worms 104 3.9 Worms 78 4.1
Salmonellosis, 30 1.1 Salmonellosis, 40 2.1
Nosal discharge 29 1.1 Nosal discharge 33 1.8
Pneumonia 27 1.0 Pneumonia 38 2.0
Anaplasmos 26 1.0 Anaplasmos 8 0.4
Total 2669 100.0 Total 1880 100.0
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Livestock Department), 2019

Similar observation was also experienced on causes of sheep deaths in the region, though
there was a different in magnitude and ranking of diseases. Helmethiasis disease which
was ranked first for goat deaths was number one killer of sheep in both years in 2018.
Mange which was second mortality rate of sheep for two year in 2016 and 2018. The third
diseases for sheep deaths was babesiosis. Again, regional authority should find means to
prevent these diseases in order to rescue sheep from deaths by 100 percent.

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 3.30a: Seven Common Sheep Diseases Causes Mortality, Njombe Region; 2016 and 2018
2016 2018
Disease No. of Disease No. of
Percent Percent
Cases Cases
Helminthiasis 100 37.7 Helminthiasis 8 40.0
Mange 89 33.6 Mange 6 30.0
Babesiosis 76 28.7 Babesiosis 6 30.0
Anaplasmos 0 0.0 Anaplasmos 0 0.0
Foot rot 0 0.0 Foot rot 0 0.0
Nosal discharge 0 0.0 Nosal discharge 0 0.0
Pneumonia 0 0.0 Pneumonia 0 0.0
Salmonellosis, 0 0.0 Salmonellosis, 0 0.0
Worms 0 0.0 Worms 0 0.0
Total 265 100.0 Total 20 100.0
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Livestock Department), 2019

(iv) Causes of Poultry Morbidity and Mortality

Apart from big and medium sizes livestock keeping, poultry keeping is another main
economic activity done by the residents of Njombe region. Unfortunately, among many
factors which affect poultry industry in the region, diseases associated to poultry happened
to be the leading factors. The most common poultry diseases include: Fowl Typhoid, new
castle, coccidiosis, Helmithiasis, Infectious Coryza, Avitaminosis and Salmonella. Table
3.31 shows that out of 53,110 reported cases of portly illnesses, Fowl Typhoid was the
leading disease for both years accounted for 31.3 percent in 2016 and 31.7 percent in
2018. One general observation from these data is that ranking of diseases has remained the
same for both years.

Table 3.31: Six Common Poultry Diseases Causes Morbidity, Njombe Region; 2016 and 2018
2016 2018
Disease No. of Disease No. of
Percent Percent
Cases Cases
Fowl Typhoid 16,598 31.3 Fowl Typhoid 16,810 31.7
Newcastle disease 14,514 27.3 Newcastle disease 15,162 28.6
Coccidiosis 13,717 25.8 Coccidiosis 12,517 23.6
Helmithiasis 6,944 13.1 Helmithiasis 5,510 10.4
Infectious Coryza 1,208 2.3 Infectious Coryza 1,989 3.8
Avitaminosis 129 0.2 Avitaminosis 129 0.2
Salmonella 0 0.0 Salmonella 863 1.6
Total 53,110 100.0 Total 52,980 100.0
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Livestock Department), 2019

New castle, besides being the second causes of morbidity for poultry in the region, it also
the first disease for poultry deaths in both year, lost 47.4 percent of poultry lives in 2016

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

and 48.0 percent in 2018 (Table 3.31a). Second and third diseases were Fowl Typhoid and
Coccidiosis with death rate of 23.4 percent and 13.2 percent respectively in 2016. One
general observation from these data is that Infectious Coryza which was one poultry killer
disease in the last three decades has been prevented significantly in recent years.

Table 3.31a: Six Common Poultry Diseases Causes Mortality, Njombe Region; 2016 and 2018
2016 2018
Disease No. of Disease No. of
Percent Percent
Cases Cases
Newcastle disease 6,626 47.4 Newcastle disease 6,451 48.0
Fowl Typhoid 3,266 23.4 Fowl Typhoid 2,693 20.0
Coccidiosis 1,850 13.2 Coccidiosis 2,152 16.0
Helmithiasis 1,259 9.0 Helmithiasis 1,154 8.6
Infectious Coryza 903 6.5 Infectious Coryza 941 7.0
Salmonella 62 0.4 Salmonella 59 0.4
Avitaminosis 0 0.0 Avitaminosis 0 0.0
Total 13,966 100.0 Total 13,450 100.0
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Livestock Department), 2019

3.2.5 Marketing Livestock and Their Products

Lack of proper procedure of marketing livestock have created a problem of getting actual
number of livestock marketed and the amount of revenue collected from each type of
livestock in the region and country at large. However, Table 3.32 shows indicative number
and value of livestock marketed in Njombe region between 2016, 2017 and 2018.
Indigenous cattle, goat and poultry were the main contributors to the region’s total revenue
obtained from marketing of livestock in all three years (Table 3.32). One general
observation from these data is that contribution of improved cattle was insignificant
because of their population in the region.

Table 3.32: Marketing of Major Livestock (Number and Revenue), Njombe Region; 2016, 2017 and
2016 2017 2018
Livestock Amount Amount Amount
Number Number Number
(000) (000) (000)
Indigenous Cattle 10,946 5,564,217 12,625 7,101,563 13,227 8,377,100

Dairy Cattle 74 45,017 87 69,238 152 128,060

Beef Cattle 6 1,400 11 3,300 23 10,350

Goats 5,397 251,860 3,840 195,200 3,915 176,175

Poultry 173,881 1,883,711 119,975 1,379,713 2,439,560 86,604,384

Pig 12,102 1,664,025 12,156 1,590,410 18,193 3,213,418

639 25,028 630 26,250 709 32,260
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Livestock Department), 2019

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

(i) Cattle
Table 3.32a shows that in 2018, Indigenous Cattle which was a predominant livestock in
the region was sold between Tshs. 375,000 in Ludewa DC and Tshs. 1,000,000 in Njombe
town council. The data also shows that Njombe town council had marketed the most herds
of indigenous cattle (43.9 percent) and earned 59.2 percent of total earnings obtained in
the region, while Makete was the least with 0.7 percent of marketed indigenous cattle and
earned 0.5 percent of total revenue from marketed cattle (Table 3.32a).

Table 3.32a: Number of Indigenous Cattle Marketed and Revenue Earned by Council; Njombe
Region, 2018

Total Earnings Average

Council Number Percent Percent
(Tshs.) Price

Njombe TC 5,803 43.9 5,803,000,000 59.2 1,000,000

Wanging'ombe 4,874 36.8 3,411,800,000 28.6 700,000

Makete 99 0.7 44,550,000 0.5 450,000

Njombe DC 174 1.3 113,100,000 1.2 650,000

Ludewa 1,871 14.1 701,625,000 7.2 375,000

406 3.1 345,100,000 3.5 850,000
Makambako TC
13,227 100 10,419,175,000 100 670,833
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Livestock Department), 2019

(ii) Goat
Table 3.32b shows that selling of goats in Njombe region increased significantly in 2018
than was before. Among other reasons, meat goat have been used mostly to the hotels and
bars for roasting and was sold at the average price of between Tshs. 50,000 and Tshs.
65,000 in 2018. Njombe town council was the leading other councils marketed 32.9
percent while Njombe DC had the least marketed goats compared to other council in
Njombe region.

Table 3.32b: Number of Goats Marketed and Revenue Earned by Council; Njombe Region, 2018

Council Number Percent Total Earnings Percent

(Tshs.) Average Price
Njombe TC 1,158 29.6 75,270,000 32.9 65,000
Wanging'ombe 1,035 26.4 56,925,000 24.9 55,000
Makete 129 3.3 6,450,000 2.8 50,000
Njombe DC 2 0.1 130,000 0.1 65,000
Ludewa 1,343 34.3 73,865,000 32.3 55,000
Makambako TC 6.3 16,120,000 7.0 65,000
Total 3,915 100 228,760,000 100.0 59,167
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Livestock Department), 2019

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

(iii) Sheep
Number of sheep and estimated earnings received by residents of Njombe region are
shown in Table 3.32c. In 2018, the region sold a total of 731 sheep at an average price of
TZS. 54,600. At council level, Wanging'ombe with 52.8 percent of all sheep sold in the
region followed by Makambako TC with 38.4 as highest percent in relative to other
district council on sheep sold in region while Ludewa had lowest number of sheep sold in
region with 0.7 percent

Table 3.32c: Number of Sheep Marketed and Revenue Earned by Council; Njombe Region, 2018

Total Earnings Average

Council Number Percent Percent
(Tshs.) Price

Wanging'ombe 386 52.8 15,440,000 36.9 40,000

Makete 37 5.1 1,850,000 4.4 50,000

Njombe DC 22 3.0 990,000 2.4 45,000

Ludewa 5 0.7 275,000 0.7 55,000

281 38.4 23,323,000 55.7 83,000
Makambako TC
Total 731 100.0 41,878,000 100.0 54,600
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Livestock Department), 2019

(iv) Pigs
Pig is not a common livestock in Njombe region and mostly found Njombe TC, Ludewa,
Wanging'ombe, Makambako TC and Njombe DC. In 2018, Table 3.32d shows that the
region managed to sell 22,169 of which Njombe TC council where leading with 39.7
percent of all pigs sold in the region while Makete district council had the lowest number
of pigs (4.4 percent) sold in the region.

Table 3.32d: Number of Pigs Marketed and Revenue Earned by Council; Njombe Region, 2018

Total Earnings Average

Council Number Percent Percent
(Tshs.) Price

Njombe TC 8,803 39.7 1,232,420,000 33.8 140,000

Wanging'ombe 2,951 13.3 442,650,000 12.1 150,000

Makete 978 4.4 146,700,000 4.0 150,000

Njombe DC 3,976 17.9 675,920,000 18.5 170,000

Ludewa 4,227 19.1 845,400,000 23.2 200,000

1,234 5.6 308,500,000 8.4 250,000
Makambako TC
22,169 100 3,651,590,000 100.0 176,700
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Livestock Department), 2019

(v) Poultry
Table 3.32e shows estimated poultry and amount of revenue earned by Njombe residents
in 2018. The region sold poultry amounted to 1,636,879 and contributed more than TZS.

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

24.284 billion, at an average price of TZS. 13,200 per poultry. Njombe TC district council
was leading with 1,522,560 marketed poultry amounted to 94.0 percent of total revenue
earned in 2018 followed by Wanging'ombe DC (2.4 percent) and Ludewa DC with 1.6
percent earnings. Absence or lack of official poultry markets causes unreliable and
unrealistic data and information from other councils, including, Njombe DC. As a result,
no data were provided by this council, although marketing of poultry is taken place in
various areas of the council.

Table 3.32e: Number of Poultry Marketed and Revenue Earned by Council; Mwanza Region, 2018

Council Number Percent Total Earnings Percent

(Tshs.) Average Price
Njombe TC 1,522,560 93.0 22,838,400,000 94.0 15,000

Wanging'ombe 43,123 2.6 582,160,500 2.4 13,500

1,376 0.1 19,264,000 0.1 14,000
22,619 1.4 271,428,000 1.1 12,000
Njombe DC
Ludewa 33,180 2.0 398,160,000 1.6 12,000
14,021 0.9 175,262,500 0.7 12,500
Makambako TC
1,636,879 100.0 24,284,675,000 100.0 13,200
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Livestock Department), 2019

(ii) Milk Production and Marketing

Table 3.32f shows that a total of 8,137,342,100 litres of milk worth TZS. 10,129,738 were
marketed in Njombe region in 2018. Most of the milk (42.4 percent) was obtained from
Njombe Town Council which also accounted for most o the sales (48.6 percent).
Makambako TC sold the smallest quantity of milk (3.4 percent of the regional total).
Furthermore, price per liltre ranged from TZS 600 in Wanging'ombe to TZS 1,000 in
Makete and Ludewa.

Table 3. 32f: Number of Litres of Milk Marketed and their Value by Council, Njombe Region, 2018

Total Number of Total Revenue Average Price

Council Percent Percent
Litres in TZS perLitre(TZS)
Njombe TC 3,446,576,700 42.4 4,923,681 48.6 700
Wanging'ombe 574,045,800 7.1 956,743 9.4 600
Makete 2,854,440,000 35.1 2,854,440 28.2 1,000
Njombe DC 470,861,600 5.8 588,577 5.8 800
Ludewa 514,478,000 6.3 514,478 5.1 1,000
Makambako TC 276,940,000 3.4 291,819 2.9 949
Total 8,137,342,100 100.0 10,129,738 100.0
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Livestock Department), 2019

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

3.2.6 Establishment and Personnel

Table 3.33 reflects availability of livestock personnel by Council in Njombe region.
Makambako TC had a critical shortage of staff than any other council. The council had
only 4 livestock field officers with no veterinary officer and livestock officer in 2018. It
was followed by Makete, Njombe TC and Njombe DC with only 16.4 percent each of 61
livestock personnel in the region. Wanging’ombe and Ludewa district councils had
enough livestock personnel accounted for 23.0 percent and 21.3 percent respectively.
It is obvious that, poor performance of this sub sector to the large extent have influenced
by shortages of livestock personnel such as veterinary officers and livestock officers in all
councils of Njombe region. There is a need therefore, to recruit more staff in order to
increase productivity of the sector and finally increase its contribution to the council and
regional GDP.

Table 3.33: Availability of Livestock Personnel by Council, Njombe Region; 2018

Veterinary Livestock Livestock Field Total

Officers Officers Officers
Number Percent
Njombe TC 0 2 8 10 16.4
Wanging'ombe 0 0 14 14 23.0
Makete 0 0 10 10 16.4
Njombe DC 0 2 8 10 16.4
Ludewa 1 3 9 13 21.3
Makambako TC 0 0 4 4 6.6
Total 1 7 53 61 100.0
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Livestock Department), 2019

3.2.7 Policy Implication

Njombe region, like other regions in southern highland zones, has few livestock
population, including cattle, goats, sheep and poultry and consider the second economic
activity that can employed insignificant number of people and contributes share to the
GDP of the region and country at large. Main reason for poor performance of this sector
has been influenced by poor or traditional practice of livestock keeping with no regular
treatment, absence of livestock infrastructure and medicine.

3.2.8 Investment Opportunities in Livestock Subsector

Njombe region has inadequate livestock infrastructure that are working such as dips,
veterinary centres, water points, abattoirs etc. Therefore, construction of livestock
infrastructures might be a priority area for investing in livestock sub sector. There are very
few dairy cattle and goats for milk production. However, the increase in livestock should

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

be matched with the increase of livestock infrastructure such as dips, crushes and
veterinary centers. Moreover, rehabilitation of outdated livestock infrastructure is also
recommended for improvement of livestock health.

Other areas which highly need investors are dairy farming and livestock processing
industries such as milk processing, leather tanning and meat canning.

3.3. Natural Resources

3.3.1 Introduction
The natural resource sector is comprised of forestry, hunting, beekeeping and tourism. The
forestry sub sector plays an important role in maintaining ecological balance, protect soils
from erosion and conserves water and wildlife. Forests are sources of domestic energy and
provide industrial raw materials. Forests also provide useful non-wood products mainly
honey and bee wax.

3.3.2 Forestry
Njombe region like other regions, used to have a wide range of large forest cover. Due to
increase in human economic activities caused by population growth, forests depleted at a
high rate due to the demand for firewood, timber and other human activities such as
human settlements and agricultural expansion.As Table 3.29 shows, Njombe region has a
total forest area of 332,086.6 ha which is 13.3 percent of the region’s total land area of
2,499,400 ha. Wanging’ombe DC has the largest forest cover of 132,129.5 ha followed by
Njombe DC (40,530.6ha) and Makete DC (58,155 ha).

Table 3.34: Status of Forest Cover by Council ,Njombe Region ; 2018

Natural Total
Total Forest Game Percentage
forest area (Ha)
Council Land Area plantation Reserve of forest
reserve under
(ha) area (ha) area (ha) cover
area (ha) forest

Njombe TC 321,200 3021 22725 0 25,746.00 8.0

Wanging'ombe DC 357,000 97324.5 21305 13500 132,129.50 37.0

Makete DC 580,000 18025 30125 9965 58,115.00 10.0

Njombe DC 315,300 801.2 39729.45 0 40,530.65 12.9

Ludewa DC 839,700 38393.14 36870.89 0 75,264.03 9.0

Makambako TC 86,200 99.434 202 0 301.43 0.3

Total 2,499,400 157,664 150,957 23,465 332,086.61 13.3

Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Natural Resources), 2018

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

3.3.3 Tree Plantation

Table 3.35 indicates that in the five year period (2014 to 2018) Njombe region raised a
total of 195,760,217 tree seedlings at an average of 39,152,043.4seedlings per annum.The
largest number of tree seedlings (50,741,986) were raised in 2015 while the smallest
number of tree seedlings (24,899,196) was raised in 2018. At Council level, Njombe TC
raised the largest number of tree seedlings (61,732,412) which was equivalent to 31.5
percent of the average annual number of tree seedlings raised in the Council. Kibogora
ward raised the smallest number of tree seedlings (5,176,965, 2.6 percent).

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 3.35: Number of Tree Seedlings Raised by Council, Njombe Region; 2014 – 2018

Number of Tree Seedlings Raised Annual

Total Percent
District /Council 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Njombe TC 11,520,946 16,758,284 13,479,147 11,237,800 8,736,235 61,732,412 12,346,482.4 31.5

Wanging'ombe DC 2,585,628 3,704,899 1,842,376 2,064,911 503,132 10,700,946 2,140,189.2 5.5

Makete DC 7,268,534 8,296,231 9,127,460 6,786,520 3,382,923 34,861,668 6,972,333.6 17.8

Njombe DC 9,419,558 12,866,257 8,978,309 12,038,247 8,521,925 51,824,296 10,364,859.2 26.5

Ludewa DC 6,973,655 8,239,718 9,008,174 4,980,654 2,251,649 31,453,850 6,290,770.0 16.1

Makambako TC 1,002,150 874,582 878,546 920,373 1,501,314 5,176,965 1,035,393.0 2.6

Total 38,772,485 50,741,986 43,316,028 38,030,522 24,899,196 195,760,217 39,152,043.4 100

Percent 19.8 25.9 22.1 19.4 12.7 100

Source:Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Natural Resources), 2019

Though the region is endowed with adequate forestry resources, but due to increasing human activities such as cutting trees for fire wood, charcoal,
timber polesand agriculture activities, the region has taken necessary initiatives of tree planting in order to prevent critical deforestation that might
happen in the near future.

Table 3.36 indicates that in five years period from 2014 to 2018 the region raised a total of 19,315,774 tree seedlings. Njombe Town council was
number one district by raising a total of 11,424,968 tree seedlings, followed by Makambako Town council (4,325,000seedlings).Wanging’ombe
district council did not involve in tree seedlings raising for the five years 2014 to 2018. A remarkable number of 4,775,421 seedlings, equivalent to
24.7 percent of the total seedlings raised in the region, were raised in the season of 2016 while the smallest number of 3,177,118 (15.3 percent) were
raised in the season of 2018.

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

3.3.2 Environmental Conservation

Environmental conservation is important to assure activities taken by human being do not
cause much harm to the environment. Initiatives towards environmental conservation in
Ngara DC have been engineered by Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs), registered
and operating within Ngara DC which totaled nine (9) at December 2015.

Table 3.36: Number of Tree Seedlings Raised by Institution ,Njombe Region ; 2014 - 2018

Council Institution 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total

Njombe TC Njombe Town Council 17460 23568 38130 31679 19131 129,968

TANWATT 3,000,000 2,550,000 2,580,000 1,335,000 1,830,000 11,295,000

- - - - - - -
Makete DC Lutheran Church 40,000 284,614 5,900 132,700 31,716 494,930

Roman Catholic Church 23,527 93,567 4,520 4,210 6,023 131,847

Secondary Schools 151,518 307,845 49,968 74,517 101,627 685,475

Primary Schools 604,441 38,470 3,722 13,612 142,167 802,412

SumasesuTandala 0 40,500 7,000 0 0 47,500

Tandala TTC 0 75,030 0 0 0 75,030

Bulongwa Health Institute 0 90,000 0 34,000 10,400 134,400

P.F.P-MVC 0 0 0 92,200 0 92,200

Eden Valley College 0 30,000 0 0 54 30,054

Kitulo-TANAPA 80,000 52,000 0 0 0 132,000

Njombe DC Sayuni Sisters’ Convent 0 0 190,000 60000 250,000

JuPahima 0 0 0 30000 0 30,000

UWAMIMA 0 0 200,000 0 0 200,000

Ludewa DC MFC 14,020 23,050 93,381 76,000 0 206,451

MLADEA 10,000 12,000 12,800 15,800 0 50,600

LUDA 20,000 25,000 20,000 4,320 30,000 99,320

MOLIDA 25,000 0 0 2,587 0 27,587

WCS 0 0 70,000 0 6,000 76,000

TFS 500,000 875,000 1,500,000 450,000 1,000,000 4,325,000
Total 4,485,966 4,520,644 4,775,421 2,356,625 3,177,118 19,315,774
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Natural Resources), 2018

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

3.3.3 Beekeeping
Production of honey and wax is another sector which has not been fully utilised by residents
of Njombe region. Besides having conducive environment for modern bee keeping the region
had only 92,203 cumulative traditional beehives in the last five years period, 2014 to 2018
(Table 3.37). Table 3.37 also shows that Ludewa district had the highest (65.8 percent)
number of traditional beehives followed by Wanging’ombe (20.5 percent) and Njombe DC
(10.1 percent). Table 3.37 also shows that from 2014 – 2018, Njombe region had a total of
69,279 modern beehives. Modern beehives increased from 8,946 in 2014 to 19,343 in 2018.
At Council level, Ludewa DC had largest average annual number of modern beehives

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 3.37: Number of Traditional and Modern Beehives by Council, Njombe Region; 2014 -2018

Traditional Beehives Modern beehives

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total Percentage 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total Percentage

Njombe TC 208 222 261 43 38 772 0.8 1302 1392 1421 670 5109 9894 14.3

Wanging'ombe DC 3,226 3,396 3,574 4,302 4,424 18,922 20.5 1890 2095 2204 2821 3146 12156 17.5

Makete DC 408 309 282 183 119 1,301 1.4 3155 4030 4330 4544 3745 19804 28.6

Njombe DC 1,202 662 3,399 3,361 650 9,274 10.1 97 1911 1385 266 1000 4659 6.7

Ludewa DC 12,513 12,613 12,060 11,843 11,608 60,637 65.8 2475 3765 4823 5200 6328 22591 32.6

Makambako TC 284 406 - 290 317 1,297 1.4 27 54 0 79 15 175 0.3

Total 17,841 17,608 19,576 20,022 17,156 92,203 100 8,946 13,247 14,163 13,580 19,343 69,279 100
Source:Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Natural Resources), 2018

The fisheries sector is among the important economic sub sectors of the economy in Tanzania. The sector provides substantial employment, income,
livelihood, foreign earnings and revenue to the country. In 2018, fishery sub-sector created employment opportunities to fishermen and community
who continued to rely on fishing related activities such as fishing business, processing and manufacturing of fishing gears and vessels.

In 2018 the fisheries sector contributed 1.7% to GDP, annual consumption of fishery products per person was 7.2kg compared to 20.3kg recommended
by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) (National Economic Survey, 2018).

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

3.3.4 Fishery
Table 3.38: Fishery Resources and Production by Council ; Njombe Region, 2018

Type of Fishing Resources Fish Production

District/ No. of No. of Un-

Council No. of Fishing No. of Registered Registered
Weight (kg)
licesenses Fishermen Fishing Fishing
(Tshs. )
Vessels Vessels

Njombe TC 0 98 0 0 4,193 29,571,500

- 0 - 36 5,259 40,520,000
Makete DC 0 0 0 0 0 0

Njombe DC 0 0 0 0 0 0

Ludewa DC 280 1,236 - 612 32,664 43,577,424

Makambako TC 5 0 0 34 6,067 41,402,000

Total 285 1,334 0 682 48,183 155,070,924

Source:Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Natural Resources), 2018

From Table 3.38 shows the estimated amount of revenues collected from selling fish
products in Njombe region from 2014-2018. The table shows that only two councils of
Ludewa DC and Makambako TC are involving in fishing activity. There is improvement
of revenue earned by fishermen in the region when comparing 2014 and 2018 seasons.
The revenue earned by fishermen increased from TZS 4,948,000in 2014to TZS
15,947,754 in 2018.

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 3.39: Revenue Collection from Fishermen (Tshs) by Council Njombe Region; 2014 – 2018

District/ Council 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total

Njombe TC 0 0 0 0 0 0

Wanging'ombe DC 0 0 0 0 0 0

Makete DC 0 0 0 0 0 0

Njombe DC 0 0 0 0 0 0

Ludewa DC 4,238,000 5,102,000 10,263,500 4,522,000 14,187,754 38,313,254

Makambako TC 710,000 810,000 768,000 880,000 1,760,000 4,928,000

Total 4,948,000 5,912,000 11,031,500 5,402,000 15,947,754 43,241,254
Source:Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Natural Resources), 2018

3.3.5 Tourism
In the recent past, the concept of ecotourism has been promoted in Tanzania as an
alternative, low-impact form of tourism that supports conservation of natural resources,
preserves local culture, and provides economic benefits to the communities. Existing
evidence shows that Tanzania has not utilised most of its ecotourism potential. The actual
amount of ecotourism activity in the country is highly localised and relatively minimal due
to the following factors: accessibility problems in some protected areas, inadequate
infrastructure, and insufficient marketing and promotion.

Availability of good infrastructure such as accommodation facilities, telecommunication

services, roads, banking/bureau de change services and tour operators are essential tools in
the development of competitive tourism industry. Dar es Saalam to Songea road plays a
key role in the eco-tourism development of the region. The road provides easy
communication between the region and other big commercial cities in Tanzania like Dar
es Salaam and Mbeya which encourage more people to come in search of business
opportunities, such as timber production as well as those who come for tourism purposes.
The available accommodation facilities, mostly guest houses are to a large extent located
inthe two town councils of the region (Njombe and Makambako TC). In this regards,
construction of new accommodation facilities in other councils becomes a pressing issue.
Table 3.40 show accommodation facilities by council in Njombe region for the year 2018.
According to Table 3.40, the region had 358 guest houses by the end of 2018. Most of the
guest houses (118) were concentrated in Njombe TC which is the headquarters of the
region, followed by Makambako which had 109 guest houses.

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 3.40: Accommodation facilities by Council ,Njombe Region ; 2018

Council Number of Guest Houses

Njombe TC 118

Wanging'ombe DC 39

Makete DC 33

Njombe DC 21

Ludewa DC 38

Makambako TC 109

Total 358

Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Trade and Industry Departments), 2018

Historical Site Viewing Tourism

According to the national industry’s mission statement that forms the basis of the tourism
policy is develop sustainable quality tourism that is ecologically friendly to the
conservation and restoration of the environment and its people’s culture. Njombe is one of
the unique destinations in Tanzania that has yet been discovered by many. It is a land of
much wonder holding many historical sites and different natural features. The wonders of
natural forests, water falls, hot spring, Livingstone mountain ranges, old missionary
buildings and many other including very friendly people makes Njombe an exceptional
place for historical site viewing tourism. Table 3.41 shows the historical sites potential for
tourism in Njombe region.

Table 3.41: Historical sites which are potential for Tourism in Njombe Region ;2018
Council Ward Historical Site
Njombe territory chief dom tax collection centres
Mjimwema Human skulls at Nyikamtwe
Hagafilo and Nyamuyuya river water falls,
Salmon fish at Hagafilo river

Njombe TC Yakobi Yakobi church of 100 years old

Natural forest of Nundu
Kifanya Cave of Maji Maji war warriors grave
Welela wetland
Matola Hot spring
Uwemba Natural forest
Igima Nyumbanyitu natural forest
Wanging’ombe Imalinyi Lwivala rock
Wangama Fulanyingi Mountain

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Council Ward Historical Site

Mdandu Mdandu historical site
Kidugala Old Lutheran church
Lupila ArchaeloGical Site
Makete Bulongwa Old Missionary Buildings
Mang’oto Cononial Ruin
Kidegembye Caves
Njombe DC Lupembe KKKT Old Church building
Mtwango Mwandulami pre-built tomb
Manda ,Ruhuhu, Lupingu,
Makonde, Lumbila and Lake nyasa beaches
Lupingu, Makonde,
Livingstone mountain ranges
Lumbila and Kilondo
Milo and madilu Natural forest
Ludewa Mundindi and
Mchuchuma coal and liganga iron resources
Mundindi and luilo Ketewaka and lupali water falls
Makonde, lumbila and
Pottery activities
Lupingu ,Mlangali and Traditional practices ( dances ) mganda, ngwaya,
Manda matuli, maharamis and kihoda.
Makambako Utengule Stones culve
Source:Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Natural Resources and Tourism), 2018

3.4 Industrial Sector

Table 3.42 shows that Njombe region had a total of 1,732 small scale industries in 2018.
The table further reveals that there were about 615 small industries that were dealing with
maize milling followed by carpentry (473), welding (261) and Service industry-garage
with 164 establishments. There were 41industries dealing with food processing while
timber processing industries were 39.

Table 3.42: Number of Small-Scale Establishments by Council and Type of Activity - Njombe Region;
Maize Sunflower oil Food Timber
Council Carpentry Welding industry Bakery Other
milling pressing mill processing processing
- garage
Njombe TC 156 6 2 139 33 117 0 6 1
122 5 0 70 34 9 16 0 15
Makete DC 96 1 5 39 11 8 3 0 0
Njombe DC 21 0 0 4 2 0 1 0 0
Ludewa DC 244 3 0 128 5 5 9 0 0
56 20 34 93 176 25 10 0 2
Total 695 35 41 473 261 164 39 6 18
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Trade and Industry Departments), 2018

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 3.43 gives a number of medium scale industries which were available in the region
in 2018. The distribution of medium scale industries by council were as follows: Njombe
TC (7 industries), Wanging’ombe(2 industries), Makete DC (1 industry). There was no
medium scale Industry in three councils of Njombe DC, Ludewa DC and Makete TC.

Table 3.43: Type of Medium Scale Industries by Council; Njombe Region; 2018

Council Type of Industry Number of industries

Njombe TC NJORECU Flour milling 1

Tenende Flour milling 1

Tenende Oil milling 1

Milk processing CEFA 1

Kitulo drinking water 1

Chemichemidrinking(Nole) 1

Coldroom for fruits 1

Wanging'ombe DC Maize milling 2

Makete DC Water Processing 1

Njombe DC 0

Ludewa DC 0

Makambako TC 0
Total 10
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Trade and Industry Departments), 2018

Table 3.44 gives a number of large-scale industries which were available in the region in
2018. The distribution of large-scale industries by council were as follows: Njombe TC (6
ndustries), Wanging’ombe DC (1 industry) and Njombe DC (1 industry).

Table3.44: Number of Large Scale Industries by Council, Njombe Region; 2018

Ward Type of Industry Number of industries
Njombe TC Wattle processing 1
Timber processing 1
Poles Processing 1
Kibena-Tea processing 1
Uniliver-Tea processing 1
Luponde-Tea processing 1
Wanging'ombe DC TANIWAT 1
Makete DC 0
Njombe DC Matembwe Logs Processing 1
Ludewa DC 0
Makambako TC 0
Total 8
Source: Njombe Region, Compiled Data from Councils (Trade and Industry Departments), 2018

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

3.3.9 Policy Implication on the Industrial Sector

It has been observed that the agriculture sector is the main economic base and also the
source of establishment of many industries in Njombe region. This means that
improvement of the agriculture sector through modern farming practices will have a direct
impact on the industrial sector development in Njombe region.

3.3.10 Investment in the Industrial Sector

The basis for industrial development in Njombe region has been agricultural products.
Maize, timber and tea which are produced in large quantities provides opportunity for
establishment of maize milling and flour packaging, timber and tea processing industries.
On the other hand, the presence of natural forests creates a conducive environment for
beekeeping. Therefore, promotion of commercial honey production is another area for

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Economic Infrastructure

4.0 Introduction
This chapter explains the existing economic infrastructure in Njombe region. It covers the
road network development in terms of road classification, type of road surface and
passability. Others include railway, air services and postal services including radio and
television facilities. In the energy sector, developments in regards to hydro-electricity,
biogas, solar panel, fuel wood and fossil fuels are discussed.

Njombe region has the privilege of having frontier with four regions. These regions
include Mbeya, Iringa, Morogoro, and Ruvuma. Landlocked countries of Malawi, Zambia
and even the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) depend to some extent on the
efficiency of Njombe roads. Njombe region has a well-developed transport network
system connected to other regions. With the exception of Njombe to Iringa and Morogoro,
Njombe to Mbeya and Njombe to Ruvuma roads which are tarmac, the other roads
connecting the region to the neighboring country of Malawi through Ludewa are still not
in good condition rather water transport is mainly used. The total road network for
Njombe region is 6,403.49 kilometers as indicated in Table 4.1.

4.1 Road network

Table 4.1 and 4.2 shows that the trunk roads occupied 6.1 percent of the regional network,
regional roads accounted for 12.45 percent of the network while district roads accounts for
a total of 81.45 percent (Paved roads 0.52, Gravel 19.93 and Earth 60.8).
Njombe region has a total of 6,403.49 kilometers of roads distributed as follows:-
Wanging’ombe (1,305.07 kilometers) Ludewa DC (1,369.35 kilometers), Njombe TC
(1,359.19 kilometers), Makete DC (946.9 kilometers), Njombe DC (724.07 kilometers)
and and Makambako TC (698.91 kilometers).

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 4. 1: Length of Road Network by Council (in km), Njombe Region, 2018
Type (km)

Councils Trunk Roads Regional Roads District Roads (Km)

Paved Unpaved Paved Unpaved Paved Gravel Earth (Km)
Njombe TC 95.56 46 2.3 24.25 11.08 245.88 934.12 1359.19
Wanging’ombe DC 51.89 0 71.23 141.34 6.9 192.05 841.66 1305.07
Makete DC 0 0 21.39 245.19 0.67 339.38 340.27 946.9
Njombe DC 14.17 0 0 127.67 0 186.17 396.06 724.07
Ludewa DC 7.82 157.61 0.98 162.57 8.5 226.32 805.55 1369.35
Makambako TC 30.94 0 0 0 6 86.5 575.47 698.91
Total 200.38 203.61 95.9 701.02 33.15 1276.3 3893.13 6403.49
Percent 3.13 3.18 1.50 10.95 0.52 19.93 60.80 100.00
Source: Njombe Regional Manager TARURA and TANROADS Office, 2019

Table 4.2: Road Networks by Type of Road and by Council, Njombe Region, 2018

Type (km)
Council Total
Trunk Regional Collector Feeder Community

Njombe TC 141.56 26.55 557.21 537.87 96 1359.19

Wanging'ombe DC 51.89 212.57 361.07 275.49 31.41 932.43

Makete DC 0 266.58 315.9 266.33 0 848.81

Njombe DC 14.17 127.67 338.48 267.76 74.08 822.16

Ludewa DC 165.43 163.55 784.63 207.94 47.8 1369.35

Makambako TC 30.94 0 644.72 322.33 73.56 1071.55

Total 403.99 796.915 3002.01 1877.72 322.85 6403.485

Percent 6.31 12.45 46.88 29.32 5.04 100.00

Source: Njombe Regional Manager TARURA and TANROADS Office, 2019

4.1.1 Road Network Classification

Table 4.3 bellow shows that 329.43
kilometers in Njombe region are tarmac
covering 5.14 percent of the total regional
road network (Figure 4.1). The gravel roads
network is 2,180.93 kilometers equivalent
to 34.06 percent and the remaining 3,893.13
kilometers equivalent to 60.8 percent is of
Earth Road Network. Tarmac and gravel
roads made up 39.20 percent of the network and since there is a close affinity between

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

road worthiness and tarmac/gravel surface it could generally be said that 39.2 percent of
the region’s road network is passable throughout the year including during the rain,

Makete DC has the longest road network of tarmac and gravel roads of 606.63 kilometers
followed by Ludewa DC with 563.8 kilometers, Wanging’ombe DC with 463.41
kilometers, Njombe TC with 425.07 kilometers, Njombe DC with 328.01 kilometers and
lastly Makambako TC with 123.44 kilometers.

Table 4. 3: Road Network by Type of Road Surface by Councils, Njombe Region, 2018
Surface Condition (Km)
Tarmac Gravel Sub Total
Earth Total
(Tarmac & Gravel)
Njombe TC 108.94 316.13 425.07 934.12 1,359.19

Wanging’ombe DC 130.02 333.39 463.41 841.66 1,305.07

Makete DC 22.06 584.57 606.63 340.27 946.9

Njombe DC 14.17 313.84 328.01 396.06 724.07

Ludewa DC 17.3 546.5 563.8 805.55 1,369.35

Makambako TC 36.94 86.5 123.44 575.47 698.91

Total 329.43 2,180.93 2,510.36 3,893.13 6,403.49
Percent 5.14 34.06 39.2 60.8 100

Source: Njombe Regional Manager TARURA and TANROADS Office, 2019

Figure 4. 1: Percentage Proportion of Road Network by Type of Surface Condition;

Njombe Region; 2018

Source: Njombe Regional Manager TARURA and TANROADS Office, 2019/20

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

4.1.2 Road Passability

The measure of effectiveness of the road is its
roadworthiness especially during rain season. By
having 4,586.6 kilometres (1,854.05 passable
thoughout and 2,732.55 passable in greater part of
the year of its road network equivalent to 71.6
percent passable throughout the year, Njombe
region had done quite well in achieving a near
satisfactory improvement (Table 4.4). However, improving the condition of road network
should focus first on the most disadvantaged councils. Table 4.4 shows that the most
disadvantaged council was Njombe DC with only 58.61 percent followed by Makambako
TC with only 58.95 percent of its road network passable throughout the year.

Table 4. 4: Passability of Road Network in Kilometers, Njombe Region; 2018

Condition of Network Throughout the Year in km
Council Passable Passable a Not Passable Total Percent
Throughout Greater Part of Most of the Road Passable
the Year the Year Year Network
Njombe TC 340.06 733.05 285.08 1358.19 79.01
Wanging'ombe DC 358.02 374.22 200.19 932.43 78.53
Makete DC 306.1 264.48 278.23 848.81 67.22
Njombe DC 184.26 297.63 340.27 822.16 58.61
Ludewa DC 547.33 549.15 272.87 1369.35 80.07
Makambako TC 118.28 514.02 440.25 1072.55 58.95
Total 1854.05 2732.55 1,816.89 6403.49 71.63

Source: Njombe Regional Manager TARURA and TANROADS Office, 2019

4.2 Railway Transport

Njombe region has the opportunity of having the TAZARA railway line to Mbeya and
Kapirimposhi and passes through Makambako Station in Makambako Ward and Utiga in
Wanging’ombe Ward. These two railway stations serve as a gateway for handling bulky
goods and services intended for the region. However, due to the good road network
between the region and other areas, very few goods currently pass through the two

4.3 Air Transport Facilities

There are only two Aerodromes which carters for the visitors to the region. The two
aerodromes are located in Njombe TC and Wanging’ombe DC but because has no
scheduled flights hence there are no data on passengers embarking and disembarking at

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

that airport (Table 4.5). Their airstrips are earth surfaced and can only handle only small
aircrafts or charter flights. Plans are on the way to expand and modernize them.

Table 4. 5: Air Services by Council, Njombe Region, 2018

Council No. of Airports No.of Air Strips No. of Passengers
Njombe TC 0 1 0
Wanging’ombe DC 0 1 0
Makete DC 0 0 0
Njombe DC 0 0 0
Ludewa DC 0 0 0
Makambako TC 0 0 0
Total 0 2 0
Source: Regional Commissioner’s Office, Njombe, 2019

4.4 Telecommunication Services

According to the data obtained from the six District Councils, Njombe region has 349 land
line telephone services, no TV stations, 8 radio stations, 7 internet cafes, 6 mobile phone
providers, four Post offices and three sub-Post offices. Table 4.6 below shows the
distribution of telecommunication services in the region.

Table 4. 6: Telecommunications Services by Council, Njombe Region, 2018

No. of Mobile Phone Services
No. of
Tel. No. of No. of No. of Provided No. of
Council Lines Television Radio Internet No. of Estimated Post
(land Stations Stations Centres Company Coverage Offices
lines) %
Njombe TC 348 0 4 1 6 89 1 0
0 0 0 0 6 70 0 1
Makete DC 0 0 2 2 6 78 1 1

Njombe DC 0 0 0 0 6 76 0 1

Ludewa DC 1 0 1 2 6 65 1 0
0 0 1 2 6 87 1 0
Total 349 0 8 7 36 78 4 3

Source: Regional Commissioner’s Office, Njombe, 2019

4.5 Energy
Njombe region uses various sources of energy for lighting, cooking as well as for running
machines. The different sources of energy include hydro-electricity, gas, paraffin,
charcoal, firewood, biogas and solar. These data were obtained after the completion of the
analysis of 2012 Population and Housing Census.

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

For Electricity Connection coverage in the villages/mitaa of the region, a total of 293
villages /mitaas out of 463 equivalents to 63.3 percent had been connected to electricity
services through TANESCO. Makambako TC is leading in the Region where about 85.3
percent of its villages/mitaa are connected with electricity the minimal connected council
is Makete with only 31.2 percent of its villages connected. Refer table 4.7

Table 4.7: Electricity coverage in Villages/Mitaas of the region by Council, 2018

Total No.of Villages and No. of Villages and Streets % of Villages &
Streets Connected Streets Connected
Njombe TC 72 49 68.06
Wanging’ombe DC 108 79 73.15
Makete DC 93 29 31.18
Njombe DC 45 29 64.44
Ludewa DC 77 49 63.64
Makambako TC 68 58 85.29
Total 463 293 63.28

Table 4.8 shows the pace of electricity connection in councils of the region between 2016
and 2018 where a total of 891 institutions, 12,147 Domestic Users and 593 commercial
users had been connectd to electricity for that period.

Table 4. 8: Electricity coverage in Villages/Mitaas of the region by Council, 2018

No. of Customers
Years/Category/ Institution Domestic Commercial
Council Grand
2016 2017 2018 Total 2016 2017 2018 Total 2016 2017 2018 Total Total

Njombe TC 55 67 72 194 138 233 284 655 27 29 27 83 932

106 48 54 208 1255 1420 988 3663 109 44 89 242 4,113
Makete DC 18 60 38 116 1181 893 281 2355 20 11 16 47 2,518

Njombe DC 37 49 58 144 123 170 189 482 26 17 30 73 699

Ludewa DC 16 8 7 31 213 158 146 517 13 4 6 23 571
Makambako TC 56 62 80 198 1295 1342 1838 4475 25 13 87 125 4,798
Total 288 294 309 891 4,205 4,216 3726 12,147 220 118 255 593 13,631
Source: TANESCO Regional office, Njombe, 2019

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018


Social Services

5.0 An Overview
Chapter Five discusses the status of social services in Njombe Region and covers the
health sector, education sector, water and sanitation. In the health sector, the discussion
covers improvement of health facilities and staff, morbidity and mortality status and
mother and child health. It also covers the prevalence of HIV/AIDS and related diseases as
well as its impact to the community.

5.1 Health Sector

The status of public health services can be visualized through the health infrastructure,
availability and commitment of health practitioners, implementation of preventive and
curative measures and availability of medicine. The Region experiences shortages of
health practitioners such as professional doctors, medical officers (MOs), assistant medical
officers (AMOs), clinical officers (COs), nursing officers (NOs) and midwifes; equipment
and medicines. This causes unnecessary loss of peoples’ lives due to preventable causes.
The major killer diseases in Njombe Region include: Malaria, Anemia, Pneumonia,
Clinical AIDS and other communicable diseases.

5.1.1 Health Facilities

Njombe Region is still improving the health sector by constructing new facilities. They
increased from 3 health facilities in 1961 to 146 (10 hospitals, 19 health centres and 117
dispensaries) in 2003, 241 facilities (10 hospitals, 22 health centres and 209 dispensaries)
in 2012 and reached 273 facilities (10 hospitals, 33 health centres and 230 dispensaries) in

As Table 5.1 shows, the health facilities were distributed unevenly with Njombe Town
Council being leading in number of dispensaries (59). Makambako Town Council had the
least number of dispensaries (7). Likewise, Njombe Town Council also led in number of
health centres (9) while Makambako Town Council had the least (3). In terms of hospitals,
Makete and Ludewa district councils had the biggest number of hospitals (3 each).

Table 5.1 also shows that out of the 109 wards located in the Region, more than half (74
wards, 69.2 percent) had so far failed to implement the policy of one health centre per
ward. Similar shortages were reported at Village/Mtaa level of which 233 of them had no
dispensaries equivalent to 50.3 percent shortage of dispensaries in the Region.

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Makambako Town Council had a significant shortage of health facilities since it had three
health centre, seven dispensaries and one hospital facility. The shortage of health centres
was 75.0 percent and that of dispensaries was 89.7 percent. However, Njombe Town
Council, where the regional headquarters is located, had two hospitals, 9 health centres
and 59 dispensaries which caused a shortage of 30.8 percent for health centers and 18.1
percent for dispensaries (Table 5.1).

Table 5. 1: Availability of Health Facilities based on the Health Policy by Council, Njombe Region;
Available Health Facilities Shortage of Health Facilities
No. of of Shortage Percent
Council Required Percent
Wards Village/ Health of Shortage Shortage Required
Hospitals Disp. Health Shortage
Street Centres Health Health of Disp. Disp.
Centres of Disp.
Centres centres
Njombe TC 13 72 2 9 59 4 13 30.8 13 72 18.1
Wanging'ombe 21 108 1 5 43 16 21 76.2 65 108 60.2
Makete 23 93 3 6 48 17 23 73.9 45 93 48.4
Njombe DC 12 45 0 4 23 8 12 66.7 22 45 48.9
Ludewa 26 77 3 6 50 20 26 76.9 27 77 35.1
Makambako 12 68 1 3 7 9 12 75.0 61 68 89.7
107 463 10 33 230 74 107 69.2 233 463 50.3
Source: Compiled from District Councils (District Medical Office), Njombe Region, 2019

In regard to ownership, the private sector has contributed significantly the improvement of
health infrastructure in the Region due to the well articulated health policy which
recognises the contribution of private sector in the provision of health services in the

Table 5.2 shows that from 2015 to 2018 health facilities in the Region increased by 36
facilities (69.2 percent) from 237 in 2015 to 273 in 2018. Public owned health facilities
increased by 28 facilities(15.3 percent) from 183 in 2015 to 211 in 2018. Makete District
Council had the biggest increase in number of public health facilities from 27 of 2015 to
42 in 2018. Unusal trend happened to Ludewa and Makambako Councils which their
number of public health facilities decreased by three and four respectively. For privately
owned health facilities, their number in the Region increased by eight (14.8 percent) from
54 of 2015 to 62 of 2018. Njombe Town Council had the biggest increase in number of
private health facilities(7, 63.6 percent) from 11 of 2015 to 18 of 2018.

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 5. 2: Availability of Health Facilities by Ownership and Council, Njombe Region; 2018
Change in
Hospitals Health Centres Dispensaries Total Facilities (2018) Total Facilities (2015) Percent of
District Change(2018 -
(2018 -
Public Private Public Private Public Private Public Private Total Public Private Total 2015)

Njombe TC 1 1 2 7 49 10 52 18 70 41 11 52 18 34.6

Wanging'ombe 0 1 2 3 42 1 44 5 49 39 6 45 4 7.7

Makete 1 2 4 2 37 11 42 15 57 27 14 41 16 30.8

Njombe DC 0 0 4 0 18 5 22 5 27 18 6 24 3 5.8

Ludewa 1 2 3 3 46 4 50 9 59 53 9 62 -3 -5.8

Makambako 0 1 1 2 0 7 1 10 11 5 8 13 -2 -3.8

Total 3 7 16 17 192 38 211 62 273 183 54 237 36 69.2

Percent 30 70 48.5 51.5 83.5 16.5 77.3 22.7 100 77.2 22.8 100.0

Source: Compiled Data from Districts, Health Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018 Health Facility Ratios

The availability of health facilities in Njombe Region falls below WHO standards. The
average coverage of the population by health facilities in Njombe Region was 3.3 facilities
per 10,000 people in 2010 and 3.4 in 2012 and 2018 respectively. At council level, Table
5.3 shows that the best population coverage in 2010 were in Ludewa and Makete with 5.2
and 3.1 health facilities per 10,000 of the populations respectively. Looking at the
coverage in 2012, the best coverage was in Ludewa at 4.7 facilities per 10,000 persons
followed by Makete District with 4.2 facilities and Njombe Town Council with 4.0
facilities per 10,000 of the population. Likewise, in 2018, Makete District Council had the
best coverage of 5.2 health facilities per 10,000 of the populations followed by Njombe
Town Council (4.6).

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 5. 3: Relating Health Facilities to the Population by Council, Njombe Region; 2010, 2012 and
2010 2012 2018

Mean h.f.s. Mean h.f.s. h.f.s.
Council Average
Total Average per Total Average per Total per
h.f.s. h.f.s. h.f.s. Population
Population Population 10,000 Population Population 10,000 Population 10,000
per h.f
per h.f People per h.f People People

Njombe TC 102,424 44 2,328 2.3 130,223 52 2,504 4 151,065 70 2,158 4.6

Wanging'ombe 176,417 45 3,920 2.5 161,816 45 3,595 2.8 184,246 49 3,760 2.7

Makete 119,452 37 3,228 3.1 97,266 41 2,372 4.2 109,928 57 1,929 5.2

Njombe DC 78,887 18 4,383 2.3 85,747 24 3,573 2.8 96,817 27 3,586 2.8

Ludewa 124,625 65 1,917 5.2 133,218 62 2,149 4.7 153,294 59 2,598 3.8

Makambako 73,899 13 5,685 1.4 93,827 13 7,217 1.4 107,949 11 9,814 1.0

Total 675,704 222 3,044 3.3 702,097 237 2,962 3.4 803,299 273 2,942 3.4

h.f.s. means health facilities

Source: Compiled Data from Districts, Health Departments, Njombe Region; 2019 Population per Bed Ratio

Availability of hospital beds is considered as a key aspect to the admission of patients in
the referral health facilities to enable practitioners to have close monitoring and follow up
professionally. Number of beds in hospitals (public and private) in the Region was
significantly increased from 1,431 in 2010 to 1,450 in 2012 and then reached 1,574 in
2018 (Table 5.4). Although number of beds in 2018 was significantly improved, rapid
population growth pushed down the Regional population per bed ratio from 488 in 2012 to
510 in 2018.

Table 5.4 further shows average population per hospital bed by council. The Table shows
that the population bed ratio increased from 422 in 2010 to 484 in 2012 and then reached
510 in 2018. In all three years shown in the Table, Makete District Council had the best
population bed ratio of 178, 142 and 176 respectively. Since Njombe DC had no hospital it
had the worst population bed ratio in the Region. Therefore, there is a need to construct a
hospital in this council so as improving health services as well as reducing conjection of
population per bed ratio to the nearby Kibena hospital which is mostly visited by the
residents of Njombe District Council.

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 5. 4: Distribution of Hospitals Beds (Public and Private) by Council, Njombe Region, 2010 ,
2012 and 2018
2010 2012 2018

Council No. No. No.

Total Population Total Population Total Population
of of of
Population per Bed Population per Bed Population per Bed
Beds Beds Beds

Njombe TC 102,424 342 299 130,223 342 381 151,065 182 830

Wanging'ombe 176,417 326 541 161,816 330 490 184,246 317 581

Makete 119,452 671 178 97,266 683 142 109,928 625 176
Njombe DC 78,887 7 11,270 85,747 8 10,718 96,817 0 0
Ludewa 124,625 20 6,231 133,218 15 8,881 153,294 330 465

Makambako 73,899 65 1,137 93,827 72 1,303 107,949 120 900

Total 675,704 1,431 472 702,097 1,450 484 803,299 1,574 510
Source: Compiled from Districts, Health Departments, Njombe Region; 2019 Population per Doctor Ratio

Looking at population against doctors, the Region managed to reduce the mean average
population per doctor from 6,690 persons in 2010 to 5,401 persons in 2012 (Table 5.5).
However, the Region had a slight higher mean average population per doctor of 5,697
persons in 2018 compared to that of 2012.

Njombe District Council had the highest mean average population per doctor in two
consecutive years, 13,148 in 2010 and 17,149 in 2012. Wanging’ombe District Council
had the highest mean average population per doctor of 23,031 in 2018. Ludewa District
Council had the least mean average population of 2,493 and 2,514 in 2010 and 2012 while
Njombe District Council had 3,724 in 2018.

Table 5. 5: Distribution of Doctors Among Population by Council, Njombe Region; 2010, 2012 and
2010 2012 2018

Council Total No. of Populatio Total No. of Populatio Total No. of Populatio
Populatio Doctor n per Populatio Doctor n per Populatio Doctor n per
n s Doctor n s Doctor n s Doctor
Njombe TC 102,424 10 10,242 130,223 18 7,235 151,065 35 4,316
176,417 14 12,601 161,816 15 10,788 184,246 8 23,031
Makete 119,452 12 9,954 97,266 27 3,602 109,928 25 4,397
Njombe DC 78,887 6 13,148 85,747 5 17,149 96,817 26 3,724
Ludewa 124,625 50 2,493 133,218 53 2,514 153,294 24 6,387
Makambako 73,899 9 8,211 93,827 12 7,819 107,949 23 4,693
Total 675,704 101 6,690 702,097 130 5,401 803,299 141 5,697

Note: Doctors include: MO, AMO, ADO, DDS and Specialist

Source: Compiled Data from Districts, Health Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

As the available official health facilities were not enough to serve the ever growing
population of Njombe Region, primary rural health centres were established to
complement the existing official health infrastructure. These centres are operated by
Village Health Workers (VHWs) assisted by Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs) under
supervision of Village Health Committees (VHCs).

Table 5.6 shows that by 2018, the Region had 255 trained Tradition Birth Attendants, 592
Village Health Workers and 278 Village Health Posts. The average numbers of Trained
Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs) per village for the 2018 were less than one (0.6:1)
while the Village Health Workers per village was greater than one (1.3:1). At district level,
Makete DC had the best TBAs village Ratio of 2.4 TBAs per village. Njombe and Ludewa
district councils each had the best VHWs village Ratio of 2.0 VHWs per village. However,
Njombe Town Council, where the regional headquarters is located, has worst ratios of
TBAs (0.1) and VHWs (1.1) per village/street.

Table 5. 6: Distribution of Complementary Rural Health Facilities by Council, Njombe Region, 2018
No. of TBAs VHWs
of No. of No. of No. of TMP
Council TBAs Village Village
Village/ VHWs VHP (Registered)
(Trained) Ratio Ratio
Njombe TC 72 10 0.1 82 1.1 82 4
Wanging'ombe 108 - - 193 1.8 58 6
Makete 93 227 2.4 177 1.9 42 14
Njombe DC 45 18 0.4 88 2.0 44 35
Ludewa 77 136 1.8 154 2.0 55 77
Makambako 68 - - 52 0.8 52 n.a
Total 463 255 0.6 592 1.3 278 59
VHP means Village Health Posts
TMP means Traditional Medical Practioners
Source: Compiled Data from Districts, Health Departments, Njombe Region; 2019 Status of Health Personnel

The provision of quality health service depends on, among others, the availability of
qualified practitioners, hospital equipment and medicines. Table 5.7 shows that Njombe
Region had a total of 1,306 staff in health sector in 2018.This was an increase of nine staff
(0.7 percent) from 1,297 staff whom were available in the Region in 2015.

As it was in 2015, the availability of medical personnel for the 2018 was uneven and in
favour of females. Out of 1,306 medical staffs, 69 percent were females with more of them
in nursing and medical attendant cadres. Critical shortage of medical personnel were
observed on radiologist and radiographer.

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

At council level, Table 5.7 shows that Makete District Council had the largest number
(376) of health personnel followed by Njombe TC (374) and Njombe DC (261).
Makambako Town Council had the smallest number of health workers (186).

Table 5.7 also shows the situation of medical personnel in the region by 2012. The table
shows that Njombe Region had few health personnel in regard to specialist doctors,
medical doctors, dental surgeons, radiologists, dental therapists and pharmacists. Table 5.7
also shows that only 0.2 percent of medical personnel were specialist doctors, 2.3 percent
were medical doctors and zero percent were radiologist and radiographers. However, the
cadre with largest percentage of personnel was trained nurses (33.8 percent) followed by
medical attendants (27.2 percent).

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 5. 7: Type and Number of Medical Personnel by Council, Njombe Region; 2018
Type of Medical Njombe Town Council Wanging'ombe DC Makete DC Njombe DC Ludewa DC Makambako DC Regional Total
Personnel M F Total M F Total M F Total M F Total M F Total M F Total M F T %
Specialist Doctors 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 0.2

Medical doctors 10 1 11 0 0 0 6 1 7 1 2 3 2 2 4 5 0 5 24 6 30 2.3

Ass. Medical Officers 7 3 10 0 0 0 7 3 10 2 3 5 4 4 8 1 3 4 21 16 37 2.8

Clinical Officers 8 6 14 0 0 0 9 7 16 16 5 21 7 7 14 7 3 10 47 28 75 5.7

Ass. Clinical Officers 2 1 3 0 0 0 9 4 13 21 7 28 2 2 4 0 0 0 34 14 48 3.7

Dental Surgeon 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 2 0.2

Ass. Dental Officer 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 1 0 1 2 2 4 0 1 1 5 3 8 0.6

Dental Therapist 0 4 4 0 0 0 1 3 4 3 2 5 1 1 2 2 1 3 7 11 18 1.4

Pharmacists 2 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 5 0 5 0.4
Pharmaceutical 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 1 1 1 3 4 2 5 7 0.5
Pharmaceutical 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 4 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 4 1 5 0.4
Laboratory Technicians 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 5 7 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 3 4 7 10 17 1.3

Laboratory Ass. 3 1 4 0 0 0 4 1 5 8 4 12 1 6 7 2 3 5 18 15 33 2.5

Radiologist 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0

Radiographer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0

Radiographic Assistant 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0.1

Nursing Officers 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 34 42 1 2 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 9 37 46 3.5

Trained 21 115 136 0 0 0 24 77 101 25 98 123 0 0 0 12 69 81 82 359 441 33.8
MCHA 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0.1

Medical Attendants 17 49 66 0 0 0 21 119 140 3 41 44 9 39 48 6 51 57 56 299 355 27.2

Health Officers 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 1 0 1 2 2 4 0.3

Health Assistants 4 1 5 0 0 0 6 1 7 2 5 7 1 0 1 3 3 6 16 10 26 2.0

Health Secretaries 1 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 2 3 2 0 2 1 1 2 6 4 10 0.8

Other Medical Carders 43 69 112 0 0 0 7 8 15 0 0 0 4 4 8 0 0 0 54 81 135 10.3

Regional Total 120 254 374 0 0 0 111 265 376 88 173 261 39 70 109 44 142 186 402 904 1306 100

Percent 32 68 100 0 0 0 30 70 100 34 66 100 36 64 100 24 76 100 31 69 100 8

Source: Compiled Data from Districts, Health Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

5.1.2 Morbidity
The health service aims at solving the problems of morbidity or sicknesses as well as
mortality. However, in order to take care of morbidity, the government needs an inventory
of these health problems. The inventories though note exhaustive shows the ten most
common causes of illnesses affecting the health and welfare of Njombe Region
inhabitants. These indicative inventories categorized into out-patients and in-patients,
morbidity and mortality for years 2016 and 2018 are based hospital records only.

Table 5.8 shows the ten most common diseases that caused of morbidity for out-patients.
Out of 1,529,122 out patients recorded in 2016, 84.0 percent were suffering from one or
the other of the first five illnesses. In 2016, upper respiratory infections illness ranked the
first as a cause of morbidity for outpatients in the Region. Malaria ranked second and the
third was urinary track infections. The fourth and fifth diseases were pneumonia and
intestinal worms, respectively.

The observations in 2018 were different from those of 2016 except for the first disease,
upper respiratory infections which ranked first as it was in 2016. The second disease was
urinary track infections followed by pneumonia and malaria. Defined sysmtoms (no
diagnosis) ranked fifth disease in 2018.Furthermore, diarrhea was the last disease in 2018
as caused illness to 5,873 people in the Region.

Table 5. 8: Ten Most Commonly Reported Causes of Morbidity (Out Patients), Njombe Region; 2016
and 2018
2016 2018
No. of Percent No. of Percent
S/NO. Disease Disease
Occurrence Share Occurrence Share

1 Upper respiratory infections 467,886 30.6 Upper respiratory infections 108,813 44.7

2 Malaria 329,308 21.5 UTI 31,517 13.0

3 UTI 282,198 18.5 Pneumonia 28,137 11.6

4 Pneumonia 105,730 6.9 Malaria 17,413 7.2

Defined Symptoms (No

Intestinal Worms 98,594 13,139 5.4
5 6.4
Sub Total 1,283,716 84.0 Sub Total 199,019 81.8

6 Surgical Condition 54,297 3.6 Hypertension 11,284 4.64

7 Hypertension 54,156 3.5 Peptic Ulcers 9,213 3.79

8 GIT other Non-Infection 50,821 3.3 Surgical condition 9,064 3.72

9 Skin Infection, Non - Fungal 50,034 3.3 Intestinal Worms 8,901 3.66

10 Skin Infection, Fungal 36,098 2.4 Diarrhoea 5,873 2.41

Total 1,529,122 100.0 Total 243,354 100.00

Source: Compiled from Districts, Health Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 5.9 shows the ten most common diseases that caused of morbidity for in-patients.
Out of 69,175 in-patients recorded in 2016, 76.2 percent were suffering from one or the
other of the first five illnesses. In 2016, malaria was the first cause of illness for inpatients
recorded in Njombe Region, followed by pneumonia, urinary tract infections, diarrhoea
and hypertension.

Different observations were made for in-patients in 2018. Pneumonia happened to be the
first cause of illness for in patients in the Region. The second, third, fourth and fifth
diseases were hypertension, peptic ulcers, HIV infection and Typhoid (Table 5.9).

Table 5. 9: Ten Most Commonly Reported Causes of Morbidity (In Patients), Njombe Region; 2016
and 2018
2016 2018
S/No No. of Percent No. of Percent
Disease Disease
Occurrence Share Occurrence Share
1 Malaria 25,159 36.4 Pneumonia 3,319 22.2
2 Pneumonia 8,842 12.8 Hypertension 1,558 10.4
Urinary Tract
3 7,061 10.2 Peptic Ulcers 1,516 10.1
4 Diarrhoea 6,754 9.8 HIV infection 1,489 9.9
5 Hypertension 4,867 7.0 Typhoid 1,477 9.9
Sub Total 52,683 76.2 Sub Total 9,359 62.5
6 Anaemia 4,042 5.8 Urinary Tract Infections 1,420 9.5
Upper Respiratory
7 3,794 5.5 Diarrhoea 1,292 8.6
8 HIV Infection 3,507 5.1 Fracture 1,220 8.1
9 Neonatal septicaemia 2,964 4.3 Eye Diseases, Non-Infectious 1,050 7.0
Gastro Infection
10 2,185 3.2 Anaemia 633 4.2
Total 69,175 100.0 Total 14,974 100.0
Source: Compiled from Districts, Health Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

5.1.3 Mortality
The available data do not give the true picture of the mortality level in Njombe Region.
However, the medical records indicate that a dominant cause of mortality for inpatients of
all ages in 2016 was pneumonia (Table 5.10. Table The same table also shows that out of
911 reported deaths in 2016, 198 (21.7 percent) were caused by pneumonia, followed by
clinical AIDS (20.5 percent), acute respiratory infections (ARI) (13.8 percent), defined
symptoms (13.2 percent) and severe malaria (9.9 percent). Other diseases were diarrhoea,
non-infectious diseases, tuberculosis and uncomplicated malaria.

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Likewise, among the causes of mortality for inpatients of all ages in 2018 were pneumonia
(37.7 percent) followed by severe malaria (29.4 percent), acute respiratory infections
(ARI) (12.2 percent), diarrhoea (6.6 percent) and anemia (4.5 percent). Other diseases
were fracture, clinical AIDs, burns, poisoning and other diagnosis (Table 5.10).

Table 5. 10: Ten Most Commonly Reported Causes of Mortality (In Patients), Njombe Region; 2016
and 2018
2016 2018
Disease No. of Percent No. of Percent
Occurrence Share Occurrence Share
1 Pneumonia 198 21.7 Pneumonia 1,928 37.7
2 Clinical AIDs 187 20.5 Severe Malaria 1,504 29.4
3 ARI 126 13.8 ARI 624 12.2
4 Define Symptoms 120 13.2 Diarrhoea 337 6.6
5 Severe Malaria 90 9.9 Anemia 232 4.5
Sub Total 721 79.1 Sub Total 4,625 90.4
6 Diarrhoea 82 9.0 Fracture 174 3.4
7 Anemia 43 4.7 Clinical AIDs 119 2.3
8 Non Infectious Dis. 28 3.1 Burns 75 1.5
9 Tuberculosis 29 3.2 Poisoning 63 1.2
10 Un. Malaria 8 0.9 Other Diagnosis 61 1.2
Total 911 100.0 5,117 100.0

Source: Compiled from Districts, Health Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

5.1.4 HIV/AIDS Infections

Though there are a number of ways that can be used to measure the extent and trend of the
HIV prevalence among the people, the ones used in Njombe Region are testing family
blood donors, prevalence among Voluntary Councelling and Testing (VCT) volunteers
and expected mothers participating in the (Prevention from Mother to ChildTransmission
(PMTCT) service.

Though family blood donation is not a reliable method of measuring extent and the trend
of the HIV problem, Table 5.11 shows that out of 2,046 (1,071 males and 971 females)
blood donors screened in 2018, 235 (131 males and 104 females) were found to be HIV
positive.This number varied from district to district. Njombe Town Council had the
highest number of persons with HIV (72) though it had the minimum rate of prevalence of
14.8 percent (13.2 percent for males and 18.2 percent for females) followed by Makete
District Council (33 males and 15 females) and prevalence of 22.9 percent. Njombe
District Council had the lowest prevalence rate of 11.9 percent respectively.

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 5. 8: HIV Infections among Family Blood Donors and New AIDS Cases, Njombe Region;
No. of Persons Tested No. of Persons with HIV+ Percent of HIV+
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
Njombe TC 340 148 488 45 27 72 13.2 18.2 14.8

Wanging'ombe 115 85 200 11 8 19 9.6 9.4 9.5

Makete 124 86 210 33 15 48 26.6 17.4 22.9
Njombe DC 71 123 194 5 18 23 7.0 14.6 11.9
Ludewa 146 103 249 14 17 31 9.6 16.5 12.4
Makambako 275 430 705 23 19 42 8.4 4.4 6.0
Total 1,071 975 2046 131 104 235 12.2 10.7 11.5
Source: Compiled from Districts, Health Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

The prevalence of HIV/AIDS could also be assessed from reports from PMTCT service
for 2018. The reports from the District Medical Offices of Njombe TC, Makete, Njombe
DC, Ludewa and Makambako TC reveal that out of 28,512 expectant mothers who
participated in that service and hence screened, 1,290 (5.6 percent) were found to be HIV
positive and 81.0 percent of them were given Niverapine. The results also show that
Makete DC had the highest rate of infection of 13.9 percent followed by Ludewa DC (7.3
percent) and Njombe DC (6.2 percent) (Table 5.12).

Table 5. 92: Number of Expectant Mothers who were Screened for HIV through PMTCT Service
and those who Received ARVs by Council, Njombe Region; 2018
Percent of
No. of ANC No. of Percent of No. of Given
Council No. Screened Given
Attendants HIV+ HIV+ Niverapine
Njombe TC 9,012 5,620 241 4.3 221 91.7
Wanging'ombe 4751 4683 131 2.8 64 48.9
Makete 2,301 2,205 306 13.9 259 84.6
Njombe DC 3,127 2,967 185 6.2 112 60.5
Ludewa 4,308 3,084 224 7.3 211 94.2
Makambako 5013 4459 203 4.6 178 87.7
Total 28,512 23,018 1290 5.6 1045 81.0
Source: Compiled from Districts, Health Departments, Njombe Region; 2019 The Impact of HIV/AIDS

The socio-economic assessment of Njombe region is not complete without addressing the
extreme challenges caused by the HIV/AIDS and the efforts so far made by various local
and International Organisations to combat the epidemic. HIV/AIDS is highlighted in this
document, because it has been a major health problem since its advent at the end of 1987.
The other reason for addressing the epidemic stems from the role it plays in impoverishing
families and generating widows, orphans and vunerable children due to the loss of bread-
winers in the families.

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

The report from the District Medical Offices (DMOs) qualifies Njombe as among the few
regions with ever increasing rates of HIV/AIDS prevalence in the country. Economically,
Njombe people are migrant labours and industrialists who migrate to various parts of the
country to look for work and businesses, which makes it easy for them to engage in sexual
relationships. Other reasons include the traditional practice of prolonged drinking and
unsafe sexual practices, poligamy as well as poverty. The poor, especially young girls
migrate to urban centres end up being domestic workers for sometime before resorting to
prostituion for better survival.

Understanding the status of HIV/AIDS prevelance in Njombe region is very difficult since
most of the rural districts do not have health facilities such as health centres and hospitals
and as a result, many people die at home. With the exception of 2007, the lack of VCT in
remote areas where people could be tested in order to know their health status was a
problem. Therefore, there are people who live with the HIV/AIDS virus without knowing
that they have it.

i) The Increase of Widows

One of the indication of the high prevelance rate in the region is the rate of widowhood.
The data gathered in the 2002 Population Census show high rate (7.51 percent) of
widowhood in Njombe Region. The proportion of the widows was higher for females
(9.89 percent) than males (1.79 percent). At council level, Makete was the most affected
council with widowhood of 10.24 percent followed by Njombe (6.6 percent) and Ludewa
(5.7 percent). Nevertheless, there is a need of conducting a study that will gather
information of widowed and their problems in order to come up with appropriate measures
and solutions.

ii) The Increase of Orphans

An orphan in Tanzania is a child under the age of 18 years who has lost one or both parents.
Figure 7.1 presents the percentage of children 0-17 years old and the survival status of their
biological parents. Observation on the Figure 7.1 shows that about three percent (2.51 percent)
of persons below 18 years had lost both parents and about fourteen (14) percent of all children
below 18 years were orphans due to the loss of one or both parents. The incidence of orphan
hood is slightly lower for male children (13.87 percent) compared with that for female
children (13.58 percent).

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Figure 5.1: Percentage Distribution of Children below Age 18 Years by Survival of

Parents; Njombe Region, 2012 Census

Source: Compiled Data from 2002 Population and Housing Census Reports (Vol. IV).

There is a need to conduct a study that will enable the region Administration to identify
the number and status of the most vulnerable children as it has been done in other regions
in the country. Understanding the status of orphans and most vulnerable children will
enable the regional and district authorities to adopt policies and measures that will reduce
street children and improve their welfare.

5.1.5 Child Nutrition

Children, from the stage of foetuses to under - five years and their mothers are the most
vulnerable group in the society. Therefore, reproductive and child health services are the
most vital services. Besides vaccination programme, children are also weighed to reveal
how prevalent underweight is among them and hence the extent of child malnutrition.
Nutritional food intake is associated with child health and therefore, poor diet can result
into severe malnutrition which in turn manifests itself in high infant and child mortality

Lack of health facilities particularly MCHA in the region make it difficult to determine the
significance of severe malnutrition. However, the Demographic and Health Surveys
conducted by the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare in 1999, 2004/05, 2010 and
2015/16 show that severe malnutrition or stunting in the country declined from 48 percent
in 1999 to 44 in 2004/05 and reached 42 percent in 2010 and 34 percent in 2015/16.
At regional level, the 2015/16 Demographic and Health Surveys shows that regions with
the highest prevalence of stunting for under five children were Rukwa Region (56
percent), Njombe Region (49 percent) and Ruvuma Region (44 percent).

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018 Mother and Child Health Care

Protection of expectant/lactating mothers and children from measles, tuberculosis, etc
through immunization programme (CSPD) which is supported by development partners
has to a large extent reduced the risk of their being infected. This is evidenced by the rise
of deaths among children and their mothers in recent years which are attributed to the
decline in coverage of immunization campaigns in both numbers and percentages in the
Region. Figure 5.2 reveals that only 18,643 of the targeted 28,401 expectant mothers were
vaccinated with TT2 in 2014. In 2016, out of 27,630 targeted pregnant women, 15,902
were vaccinated. In 2018, out of the targeted 25,588 pregnant women 18,320 were
vaccinated with TT2.

Figure 5. 1: Number of Expectant Mothers Targeted and Vaccinated TT2, Njombe

Region; 2014, 2016 and 2018

Source: Compiled Data from Councils, Health Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

As Table 5.13 shows, at council level, in 2014, Makambako led other District Councils
with the best coverage of expectant mothers vaccinated with TT2 by 116.1 percent. This
was followed by Njombe District Council (71.2 percent) and Ludewa District Council
(59.1 percent). In 2016, Njombe District Council had the best coverage (80.8 percent)
followed by Makambako District Council (72.1 percent) and Wanging’ombe DC (65.8
percent). Ludewa DC had the smallest coverage of 35.0 percent respectively. The same
Table, 5.13, shows that in 2018 Makambo led other District Councils with 115.5 percent
of expectant mothers vaccinated with TT2. Ludewa District Council had the smallest
coverage of 51.4 percent.

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 5. 103: Percentage of Expectant Mothers Vaccinated TT2 by Council, Njombe Region;
2014,2016 and 2018
2014 2016 2018














Njombe TC 5,579 2849 51.0 5,335 2,881 54.0 5,435 3,719 68.4
Wanging'ombe 7,218 4,079 56.5 6579 4332 65.8 5,588 3,167 56.7
Makete 4,050 2,381 58.8 3,541 1583 44.7 2,861 1,667 58.3
Njombe DC 3,881 2,762 71.2 3,552 2,871 80.8 3,124 3,086 98.8
Ludewa 4097 2421 59.1 5347 1873 35.0 5043 2594 51.4
Makambako 3576 4151 116.1 3276 2362 72.1 3537 4087 115.5
Total 28,401 18,643 65.6 27,630 15,902 57.6 25,588 18,320 71.6

Source: Compiled Data from Councils, Health Departments, Njombe Region 2019

The trend of BCG vaccination for children under one year shows an flactuations in the
number of children vaccinated (Table 5.14). At Regional level, the immunization coverage
for 2014 and 2018 significantly exceeded the targeted children that indicating either the
targeted children were underestimated in all the councils or mothers were highly
motivated to vaccinate their children. On the other hand, the immunization coverage of
2016 was not good as was below fifty percent (i.e 44.5 percent).

At council level, Makambako TC had the best coverage of 154.8 and 227.0 percent in
2014 and 2018. In 2016, Njombe TC had the best coverage of 148.8 percent. Makete
District Council had the smallest immunization coverage of 85.3 and 8.7 percent in 2014
and 2016 respectively.

Table 5. 114: Percentage of Children under one Year Vaccinated BCG by Council, Njombe Region;
2014, 2016 and 2018
2014 2016 2018















Njombe TC 5,579 7795 139.7 5,335 7,939 148.8 8,437 5,435 64.4
Wanging'ombe 4,594 5,669 123.4 4471 5360 119.9 5,072 6,978 137.6
Makete 3,876 3,307 85.3 4,166 3637 87.3 1,761 2,931 166.4
Njombe DC 3,876 3,307 85.3 41,665 3,637 8.7 2,931 3,361 114.7
Ludewa 3771 4231 112.2 4449 4765 107.1 4502 5271 117.1
Makambako 3363 5207 154.8 3363 2923 86.9 2922 6634 227.0
Total 25,059 29,516 117.8 63,449 28,261 44.5 25,625 30,610 119.5
n.a= means data not available
Source: Compiled Data from Councils, Health Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

In regard to DPT3, the coverage of immunization in at Regional level was very good only
in 2014 and 2018. This is because the Region had the coverage of 95.4 and 100.0 percent
respectively. The worst DPT3 immunization coverage of 31.2 percent was observed in
2016 (Table 5.15).

At Council level, Wanging’ombe Diistrict Council had the best immunization coverage of
127.7 percent in 2014 while Ludewa DC and Makambako TC had the best coverage of
97.7 and 131.0 percent in 2016 and 2018 respectively.

Table 5.15: Percentage of Children under one Year Vaccinated DPT3 by Council, Njombe Region;
2014, 2016 and 2018
2014 2016 2018













Njombe TC 5,298 4,252 80.3 5,068 4,664 92.0 5,027 5,008 100
Wanging'ombe 4,594 5,868 127.7 4,348 3,249 74.7 5,072 5,481 108
Makete 2,884 2,524 87.5 40,237 2,506 6.2 2,625 2,577 98
Njombe DC 3,495 3,219 92.1 3,246 2,856 88.0 3,089 1,008 33
Ludewa 3,232 3,186 98.6 4,080 3,988 97.7 3,701 4,368 118
Makambako 3,363 2758 82.0 3363 1576 46.9 3228 4230 131
Total 22,866 21,807 95.4 60,342 18,839 31.2 22,742 22,672 100

Source: Compiled from Councils, Health Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

Regarding the OPV3 vaccination for the under one year coverage in the Region, was the
best at 82.8 and 97.6 percent in 2014 and 2018 (Table 5.16). The worst OPV3 vaccination
coverage of 32.7 percent was observed in 2016. At Council level, Ludewa DC (103.3
percent) was the best performer in 2014 while in 2016 was Njombe DC (97.2 percent) as
well as Makambako TC (125.1 percent) was in 2018.

Table 5. 126: Percentage of Children under one Year Vaccinated OPV3 by Council, Njombe Region;
2014, 2016 and 2018
2014 2016 2018















Njombe TC 5,298 3,836 72.4 5,068 4,693 92.6 5,027 4,949 98.4
Wanging'ombe 4,596 3,337 72.6 3,691 2,835 76.8 5,072 5,417 106.8
Makete 5,100 4,411 86.5 43,107 4,495 10.4 4,581 4,457 97.3
Njombe DC 3,495 3,236 92.6 3,374 3,280 97.2 2,856 3,082 107.9
Ludewa 3,454 3,568 103.3 4,837 3,865 79.9 5,753 3,891 67.6
Makambako 3363 2562 76.2 3363 1585 47.1 3363 4207 125.1
Total 25,306 20,950 82.8 63,440 20,753 32.7 26,652 26,003 97.6
Source: Compiled from Councils, Health Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Measles vaccination is performed to protect children against measles. At the Regional

level coverage for 2014 was 92.4 percent which dropped to 34.0 percent in 2016. The
coverage increased significantly to reach 104 percent in 2018. Table 5.17 also shows that
with coverage of 105.9 percent, Wanging’ombe DC was the best Council in 2014. Njombe
DC at 93.4 percent in 2016 and 113 percent in 2018 was the best Council in those years.
The worst councils measles vaccination were Makete (80.7 percent in 2014 and 6.5
percent in 2016) and Makambako TC (91 percent) in 2018.

Table 5. 137: Percentage of Children under one Year Vaccinated Measles by Council, Njombe Region;
2014, 2016 and 2018
2014 2016 2018













Njombe TC 5,298 4,434 83.7 5,068 4,530 89.4 5,027 5,315 106
Wanging'ombe 4,594 4,867 105.9 4,268 3,230 75.7 5,072 5,590 110
Makete 2,854 2,304 80.7 36,467 2,366 6.5 2,630 2,763 105
Njombe DC 3,495 2,941 84.1 3,374 3,151 93.4 2,856 3,227 113
Ludewa 3,729 3,665 98.3 4,342 3,665 84.4 3,988 3,859 97
Makambako 2,879 2,912 101.1 2,879 2,218 77.0 2,879 2,609 91
Total 22,849 21,123 92.4 56,398 19,160 34.0 22,452 23,363 104
Source: Compiled Data from Councils, Health Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

5.1.6 Quality and State of Health Facilities

The most common parameters discussed are accessibility of water and electricity in health
facilities in Njombe Region. This are important parameters in monitoring the extent which
health facilities in the Njombe Region meet the requirement stipulated in Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) which among all, promotes availability of reliable water and
power in health facilities for better provision of health services.

(i) Electricity
Table 5.18 shows number of Government health facilities connected with
REA/TANESCO electrity by 2018 in Njombe Region. Out of 248 health facilities
available in the Region by 2018, 96 facilities (38.7 percent) were connected to
REA/TANESCO electricity. Most of the health facilities connected were dispensaries
(216, 76.0 percent of the connected facilities). Moreover, all eight hospitals and 15 health
centres in the Region were connected to REA/TANESCO electricity. At Council level,
Wanging’ombe (49.0 percent) led other Councils in number of health facilities connected
to REA/TANESCO electricity. Makambako TC had the least number of health facilities
connected to REA/TANESCO electricity (1 facility, 1.0 percent).

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 5.18: Number of Government Health Facilities connected with REA/TANESCO Electricity in
Njombe Region by 2018
Total Government Health
Total Government Health Fcilities Connected to Percent
Facilities Available REA/TANESCO connected
Electricity Percent
Council connected








Njombe TC 1 2 46 49 1 1 3 5 10.2 5.2

Wanging'ombe 1 5 43 49 1 5 41 47 95.9 49
Makete 3 6 46 55 3 3 6 12 21.8 12.5
Njombe DC 0 4 23 27 0 3 11 14 51.9 14.6
Ludewa 3 6 55 64 3 2 12 17 26.6 17.7
Makambako 0 1 3 4 0 1 0 1 25 1
Regional Total 8 24 216 248 8 15 73 96 38.7 100
Percent 3.2 9.7 87.1 100 8.3 15.6 76 100
Source: Compiled Data from Councils, Health Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

(ii) Water
Table 5.19 shows accessibility of water in Government health facilities in Njombe Region
in 2018. Tape water is the dominant water source in all health facilities followed by water
reserved in tanks. Out of the eight hospitals available in the Region in 2018 (Table 5.19),
seven depended on water from tap. Likewise, out of the 24 health centres which were
available in the Region by 2018, 14 of them (58.3 percent) used tap water as their main
source. Dispensaries which were 216 by 2018 (Table 5.19), 111 of them (51.3 percent)
supplied with tap water as their main water source.

Table 5.19: Accessibility of Water in Government Health Facilities by Type, Njombe Region, 2018
Hospital Health centres Dispensaries
Council Water Water Tape Water Water Tape Water Water Tape
Tanks Wells Water Tanks Wells Water Tanks Wells Water
Njombe TC 1 0 1 1 0 2 2 0 26
Wanging'ombe 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 39
Makete 3 0 3 6 0 6 5 0 41
Njombe DC 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 16 3
Ludewa 0 3 3 4 0 3 42 0 0
Makambako 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2
Regional Total 4 3 7 13 1 14 51 19 111
Source: Compiled Data from Councils, Health Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

5.1.6 Policy Implication on Health sector

Provision of health services in Njombe region still below the national and WHO standards.
The region still has inadequate number of doctors, health infrastructure and facilities.

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Moreover, there are questions of inadequate number of doctors; limited provision of

curative and preventive health services such as operations, professional assistance and
advices, mother and child health facilities; poor diagnosis of illnesess due to shortage or
lack of medical machines and equipment, just to mention a few. This is evidenced by high
rates of infant and child mortality as well as maternal mortality as already discussed in in
this report. However, health services can be improved through formulating policies which
will favour doctors and other health workers working in rural areas. Likewise, the policy
of constructing dispensaries in every village and one health centre in every ward by both
public and private sectors should be adhered to for increase accessibility of health services
to rural population.

5.1.7 Investment Opportunities for Health Sector

This sub-sector faces many problems including prevalence of diseases such as ARI,
pneumonia, diarrhea, malaria, clinical Aids, etc; shortage of workers especially nurses and
medicines. Investment is needed in regard to the construction of more health facilities e.g.
health centers, instruments/medicines and training of health/medical personnel.

5.2 Education Sector

5.2.0 An Overview
Education Sector covers pre-primary, primary, secondary and tertiary education. The
sector also includes adult education, vocational education and teacher education. Thus, the
development of this sector in Njombe Region involves improving school infrastructure
and students access to all the above mentioned areas. This understanding is been
evidenced by steps so far taken by the Government and the Private Sector to increase
student enrolment from pre-primary to higher learning institutions in recent years.

5.2.1 Pre-Primary Education

One condition set by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training is that enrolment
in primary education should be for those who graduate from pre-primary education and
this has led to the expansion of pre- primary schools in Njombe Region.

Table 5.20 shows that the Region increased the number of pre-primary classrooms from
497 in 2016 to 503 in 2018. Most of these classes are annexed to private and government
owned primary school compounds. The distribution of pre-primary schools was not even
and Ludewa District Council (21.9 percent) had the largest percentage followed by
Wanging’ombe (21.7 percent) and Makete (20.5 percent). Makambako TC (40
classrooms, 8.0 percent) had the least number pre-primary school classrooms in Njombe
Region in 2018.

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 5. 14: Number of Pre-Primary School Classrooms by Ownership and Council, Njombe Region;
2016 and 2018

2016 2018
2018 Council Share
Public Private Total Public Private Total

Njombe TC 73 11 84 76 12 88 17.5

Wanging'ombe 107 1 108 107 2 109 21.7

Makete 102 1 103 102 1 103 20.5

Njombe DC 52 1 53 52 1 53 10.5

Ludewa 108 1 109 108 2 110 21.9

Makambako 38 2 40 38 2 40 8.0

Total 480 17 497 483 20 503 100.0

Percent 96.6 3.4 100 96.0 4.0 100
Source: Compiled from Districts, Education Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

With reference to Figure 5.3, Ludewa DC had the largest share of pre-primary school
classrooms of 21.9 percent in 2018. Wanging’ombe DC was the second (21.7 percent) and
Makete DC (20.5 percent) the third. Makambako TC (8.0 percent) had the least share of
pre-primary school classrooms in the Region in 2018.

Figure 5. 2: Percentage Distribution of Pre-Primary School Classrooms by Council,

Njombe Region; 2018

Source: Compiled Data from Districts, Education Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

5.2.2 Enrolment in Pre-Primary Schools

The motive behind introducing pre-primary classes in government and private primary
schools all over the country was to increase enrolment of children aged 5 and 6 years in
such schools. Enrolment in Njombe Region decreased slightly by 2.2 percent (591 pupils)
from 26,888 pupils in 2016 to 26,297 in 2018 (Table 5.21). Nevertheless, there was
decrease in enrolment in all councils with exception of Makete District Council where its
enrolment increased by 426 pupils (15 percent). However, in terms of the share of each
council in 2018 enrolment, Wangingombe District Council had the largest share (6,017
pupils, 22.9 percent) while Makete District Council had the lowest share (3,247 pupils,
12.3 percent).

Table 5. 151: Enrolment of Pupils in Public and Private Pre-Primary Schools by Council, Njombe
Region; 2016 and 2018
Change in Percentage 2018
Total Change in Council
2016 2018
Council Enrolment Enrolment Share
2018-2016 2018-2016 (Percent)
Public Private Total Public Private Total
Njombe TC 5,187 309 5,496 4,699 357 5,056 -440 -8 19.2
Wanging'ombe 6,251 - 6,251 6,004 13 6,017 -234 -4 22.9
Makete 2,803 18 2,821 3,231 16 3,247 426 15 12.3
Njombe DC 3,283 37 3,320 3,253 - 3,253 -67 -2 12.4
Ludewa 5,434 42 5,476 5,448 20 5,468 -8 0 20.8
Makambako 3,469 55 3,524 3,159 97 3,256 -268 -8 12.4
Total 26,427 461 26,888 25,794 503 26,297 -591 -2 100.0
Percent 98.3 1.7 100 98.1 1.9 100 -2.2
Source: Compiled Data from Districts, Education Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

Figure 5.4 shows that in both years, 2016 and 2018, Wanging’ombe District Council had
the highest enrolment of pre-primary school pupils in the Region. It was followed by
Njombe TC (5,496 pupils) in 2016 and Ludewa District Council (5,468 pupils) in 2018.
The least registration of pre-primary school pupils in both years were observed in Makete
District Council at 2,821 and 3,247 pupils respectively.

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Figure 5. 3: Enrolment in Pre-Primary Schools (Total of Public and Private) by Council,

Njombe Region; 2016 and 2018

Source: Compiled from Districts, Education Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

5.2.3 Primary Education

According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948, primary education
should be free, fundamental and a basic right. In Tanzania, primary education is free and
compulsory to every Tanzanian child of school going age (7-13). To render this possible
the Government of Tanzania put in place various policies and programmes including: the
Universal Primary Education (UPE) in 1974; the Educatiuon Act Number 25 of 1978 with
its subsequent amendments; the Education and Training Policy 1995 and the Primary
Education Development Programme (PEDP) 2001; all of which make primary education
compulsory and set out to make it available to every child. To achieve this goal, the first
task was to have a reliable number of primary schools which would make enrolment
increase possible.

According to Table 5.22, out of 503 primary schools in the Region in 2018, 483 (96.0
percent) were owned by the Government and 20 schools (4.0 percent) owned by private.
The number of primary schools in the Region increased by six schools (1.2 percent) from
497 in 2016 to 503 in 2018. Njombe TC and Wanging’ombe DC were the only councils
which had increase in number of primary schools. At Council level, Ludewa DC (110
schools, 21.9 percent) led in number o primary schools in the Region in 2018. It was
followed by Wanging’ombe DC (109 schools, 21.9 percent) and Makete DC (103 schools,
20.5 percent). The least number of primary schools in 2018 in the Region was observed in
Makambako Town Council ( 40 schools, 8.0 percent).

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 5. 162: Number of Primary Schools by Ownership and Council, Njombe Region; 2016 and 2018
2016 2018 Percentage
Change in 2018
Change in
number of Council
Council number of
Public Private Total Public Private Total schools Share
2018-2016 (Percent)
Njombe TC 73 11 84 76 12 88 4 4.8 17.5
Wanging'ombe 107 - 107 107 2 109 2 1.9 21.7
Makete 102 1 103 102 1 103 0 0.0 20.5
Njombe DC 52 1 53 52 1 53 0 0.0 10.5
Ludewa 108 2 110 108 2 110 0 0.0 21.9
Makambako 38 2 40 38 2 40 0 0.0 8.0
480 17 497 483 20 503 6 1.2 100.0
Percent 96.6 3.4 100 96.0 4.0 100

Public Schools=Government Owned Schools

Source: Compiled Data from Districts, Education Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

5.2.4 Coverage of Primary School Education System

By increasing number of primary schools the region showed the desire of giving every
child of school going age a chance of being enrolled into standard one. On average, each
village had a primary school as the region had 463 villages and 483 public/government

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

owned primary schools in 2018. Furthermore, Table 5.23 reveals that Ludewa had the
highest average number of primary schools (1.4) per village while Makambako had the
least number of primary school per village (0.6).

Table 5. 173: Distribution of Public Primary Schools by Council and Their Accessibility at Ward and
Village Level, Njombe Region; 2018
Number of Number of Number of Schools Ward Schools Village
Ward Village/ Street Schools Ratio Ratio
Njombe TC 13 72 76 5.8 1.1

Wanging'ombe 21 108 107 5.1 1.0

Makete 23 93 102 4.4 1.1
Njombe DC 12 45 52 4.3 1.2
Ludewa 26 77 108 4.2 1.4
Makambako 12 68 38 3.2 0.6
Regional Total 107 463 483 4.5 1.0
Source: Compiled Data from Districts, Education Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

5. 2.5 Standard One Enrolment

Over the period of two years 2016 and 2018, Njombe Region had a challenge of
implementing the call of the government to increase enrolment in primary school. This is
justified in Table 5.24 as number of standard I pupils enrolled in government primary
schools decreased by 1.4 percent (373 pupils) from 26,045 pupils of 2016 to 25,672 of
2018. Most of the decrease in pupils in 2018 as compared to 2016 was observed in
Njombe Town Council (479 pupils decreased, 9.7 percent). On the other hand,
Makambako Town Council had the largest increase of pupils enrolled in standard I in
government primary schools (243 pupils, 6.7 percent).

Table 5. 184: Standard I Enrolment in Public Primary Schools by Council, Njombe Region; 2016 and
2016 2018 Enrolment Change
Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
Njombe TC 4,963 19.1 4,484 17.5 -479 -9.7

Wanging'ombe 5,973 22.9 5,632 21.9 -341 -5.7

Makete 2,803 10.8 2,995 11.7 192 6.8

Njombe DC 3,311 12.7 3439 13.4 128 3.9
Ludewa 5,347 20.5 5,231 20.4 -116 -2.2
Makambako 3,648 14.0 3,891 15.2 243 6.7

Regional Total 26,045 100.0 25,672 100.0 -373 -1.4

Source: Compiled Data from Districts, Education Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Standard I Enrolment by Council, Njombe Region; 2012 Census

Source: National Bureau of Statistics, Geographical Information System Unit, 2019

5.2.6 Standard One Enrolment by Age Group

Community participation through PEDP and the Complementary Basic Education in
Tanzania (COBET) has managed to motivate parents in the region to enroll their children
and thus improve the enrolment rate of Njombe region. This improvement can be seen
through changes in net enrolment rates and gross enrolment rates; reduction of drop out of
pupils; availability of education facilities and performance of pupils in general.

Though enrolment into standard one, according to the education policy, is for children
aged six to seven years, it has been expanded to cover children aged between 6 and 13
years due to culture and norms of the people of Tanzania. Table 5.25 shows that children

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

enrolled in Standard One at the age of six to seven years in 2018 accounted for 84.8
percent of the total enrolment while children aged eight years and over accounted for 15.2
percent. Best performer was Ludewa District Council where 99.1 percent of Standard I
pupils were aged six to seven years. Njombe DC had the worst performance since only
76.7 percent of pupils enrolled in standard one were of age six to seven years.Moreover,
almost in all councils equal number of boys and girls were registered to standard one.

Table 5. 195: Standard I Enrolment by Age Group and Council in Public Primary Schools, Njombe
Region; 2018
Age Six to Seven Eight Year and
Council Sex Years Above
Percent of
Number Percent Number Percent Number
Boys 1,888 86.8 286 13.2 2,174 50.2
Njombe TC Girls 1,966 91.3 188 8.7 2,154 49.8
Total 3,854 89.0 474 11.0 4,328 100.0
Boys 2,278 80.3 559 19.7 2,837 49.5
Girls 2,475 85.7 414 14.3 2,889 50.5
Total 4,753 83.0 973 17.0 5,726 100.0
Boys 1,181 78.5 323 21.5 1,504 50.1
Makete Girls 1,145 76.5 352 23.5 1,497 49.9
Total 2,326 77.5 675 22.5 3,001 100.0
Boys 1,137 73.2 416 26.8 1,553 49.0
Njombe –DC Girls 1,294 80.0 323 20.0 1,617 51.0
Total 2,431 76.7 739 23.3 3,170 100.0
Boys 2,316 99.1 21 0.9 2,337 50.9
Ludewa Girls 2,237 99.1 20 0.9 2,257 49.1
Total 4,553 99.1 41 0.9 4,594 100.0
Boys 1,492 78.9 400 21.1 1,892 48.6
Makambako Girls 1,552 77.6 447 22.4 1,999 51.4
Total 3,044 78.2 847 21.8 3,891 100.0
Boys 10,292 83.7 2,005 16.3 12,297 49.8
Girls 10,669 86.0 1,744 14.0 12,413 50.2
Total 20,961 84.8 3,749 15.2 24,710 100.0
Source: Compiled Data from Districts, Education Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

Though there were variations among councils, in 2018, the best Council in giving equal
opportunities to boys and girls was Makambako Town Council where more girls (11,880,
51.8 percent) than boys (11,041, 48.2 percent) were registered in public primary schools.
It was followed by Njombe DC with 10,047 girls (51.5 percent) compared to boys 9,480
(48.5 percent). With enrolment for girls of lower than fifity percent, Makete ( 9,386 girls ,
48.6 percent) and Njombe TC (15,312 girls, 49.9 percent), the two councils still struggling
in implementing the Government call of equal opportunity to boys and girls in primary
school pupils registration. (Figure 5.5).

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Figure 5. 4: Standard I Enrolment in Public Primary Schools by Sex and Council,

Njombe Region, 2018

Source: Compiled from Districts, Education Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

5.2.7 Standard (I-VII) Enrolment

With reference to Table 5.26, the percentage share of girls in total enrolment was slightly
higher than that of boys. However, the insignificant difference in the shares of boys and
girls is a result of the region’s efforts to implement national objective of ensuring girls get
equal opportunity as boys in primary school education. Table 5.26 further shows that
primary schools in Makambako Town Council lead in girl’s enrolment in both years; 2010
(52.8 percent). Makete had the lowest share of girls enrolment in all four years. There is
therefore a need to find strategies that will improve girl’s enrolment in primary schools
located in this District Council.

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 5. 20: Total (Std I - VII) Enrolment in Public Primary Schools by Sex and Council, Njombe Region; 2015 - 2018
2015 2016 2017 2018
Council Percent Percent Percent Percent
Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total
Girls Girls Girls Girls
Njombe TC 12,766 51.6 13,585 26,351 14,336 50.9 14,839 29,175 14,698 50.4 14,913 29,611 15,352 49.9 15,312 30,664
Wanging'ombe 15,586 51.9 16,829 32,415 16,573 51.4 17,521 34,094 18,094 50.6 18,522 36,616 18,481 50.4 18,789 37,270
Makete 9,153 49.8 9,064 18,217 9,772 49.5 9,568 19,340 9,684 49.2 9,364 19,048 9,929 48.6 9,386 19,315
Njombe DC 8,552 52.0 9,281 17,833 8,746 51.9 9,427 18,173 9,132 51.7 9,793 18,925 9,480 51.5 10,047 19,527
Ludewa 13,534 51.5 14,355 27,889 13,773 50.9 14,267 28,040 14,441 50.0 14,465 28,906 14,745 50.4 14,961 29,706
Makambako 9,553 52.1 10,411 19,964 9,906 51.9 10,710 20,616 10,529 52.0 11,427 21,956 11,041 51.8 11,880 22,921
Total 69,144 51.5 73,525 142,669 73,106 51.1 76,332 149,438 76,578 50.6 78,484 155,062 79,028 50.4 80,375 159,403
Source: Compiled from Districts, Education Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

5. 2.8 Primary School Completion Rate

The completion rate is an indicator of the internal efficiency of the school system that shows the extent to which a cohort of pupils admitted in class
one, completes the primary education cycle irrespective of whether they sit for the final examination or not. The rate of completion of primary
education cycle in Njombe Region, improved slightly due to the improvement of school environment such as provision of meals and parents
involvement through school committees.

Table 5.27 shows the extent to which a cohort of pupils that enrolled in primary education in 2011 and completed in 2017. Out of 22,431 pupils
enrolled in standard one in 2011, 17,832 pupils (79.5 percent) completed Standard Seven in 2017. More girls (9,509, 53.3 percent) than boys (8,323,
46.7 percent) completed primary education in 2017. Along with the variations observed among councils; Njombe Town Council had the highest
completion rate of 87.8 percent while Makambako Town Council had the lowest of 61.2 percent.

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 5. 21: Number of Pupils Enrolled in Std I in 2011 and Completed Std VII in 2017 by Council,
Njombe Region
2011 to 2017

Council Completion Rate (%)

Enrolled 2011 Completed 2017
by Sex
Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total
Njombe TC 2,094 2,029 4,123 1,740 1,878 3,618 83.1 92.6 87.8
Wanging'ombe 2,397 2,581 4,978 1,980 2,221 4,201 82.6 86.1 84.4
Makete 1,559 1,493 3,052 1,028 1,184 2,212 65.9 79.3 72.5
Njombe DC 1,081 1,235 2,316 911 1,116 2,027 84.3 90.4 87.5
Ludewa 2,194 2,207 4,401 1,679 1,917 3,596 76.5 86.9 81.7
Makambako 1,781 1,780 3,561 985 1,193 2,178 55.3 67.0 61.2
Regional Total 11,106 11,325 22,431 8,323 9,509 17,832 74.9 84.0 79.5
Percent 49.5 50.5 100 46.7 53.3 100
Source: Compiled from Districts, Education Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

The performance of primary schools in terms of completion rate was slightly higher in
2018 when the completion rate was 79.7 percent (Table 5.28a) than in 2017 when it was
79.5 percent (Table 5.29). Moreover, in both 2017 (84.0 percent) and 2018 (85.2 percent)
the completion rate was higher for girls.

At Council level, Table 5.28a shows that in 2018 Njombe District Council led other
councils with completion rate of 83.0 percent while Makambako Town Council had the
lowest of 74.9 percent respectively.

Table 5.28 a: Number of Pupils Enrolled in Std I in 2012 and Completed Std VII in 2018 by Council,
Njombe Region
2012 to 2018

Council Enrolled 2012 Completed 2018 Completion Rate (%) by Sex

Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total

Njombe TC 2,079 2,056 4,135 1,640 1,786 3,426 78.9 86.9 82.9

Wanging'ombe 2,322 2,538 4,860 1,677 2,098 3,775 72.2 82.7 77.7
Makete 1,693 1,499 3,192 1,195 1,257 2,452 70.6 83.9 76.8
Njombe DC 1,195 1,282 2,477 902 1,155 2,057 75.5 90.1 83.0

Ludewa 2,139 2,239 4,378 1,712 1,902 3,614 80.0 84.9 82.5

Makambako 1,503 1,448 2,951 981 1,230 2,211 65.3 84.9 74.9

Regional Total 10,931 11,062 21,993 8,107 9,428 17,535 74.2 85.2 79.7

Percent 49.7 50.3 100 46.2 53.8 100

Source: Compiled from Districts, Education Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

5.2.9 Primary School Dropout Rate

Figure 5.6 summarizes the situation of primary school dropouts in Njombe Region in 2016
and 2018. Dropouts in primary school education were due to truancy, pregnancy, death or
other reasons.

Figure 5.6 shows that in both years, droup outs du to other reasons was the most serious
problem for primary school pupils in completing Standard Seven education. Truancies
were second source of drop outs in the Region while deaths and pregnancies were

Figure 5. 5: Number of Pupil Dropouts by Reason, Njombe Region; 2016 and 2018

Source: Compiled Data from Districts, Education Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

Sex – wise, Figure 5.7 shows that pupils drop out in 2018 was more significant for boys
than girls with exception of pregnancy. Drop out cases caused by truancy was 137 for
boys compared to 102 girls’ cases. Similar trend is observed for deaths, of which 18 deaths
were registered for boys compared to 13 cases for girls. Likewise, droup outs due to other
reasons were more common to boys (170) than girls (122). These data highlight that there
is a need to reduce number of drop outs for boys.

Figure 5. 6: Number of Pupil Dropouts by Reason and Sex, Njombe Region; 2018

Source: Compiled from Districts, Education Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Njombe Region had a total of 630 droup outs in 2016 and 571 in 2018 (Table 5.29). Drop
outs caused by other reasons were the leading in both years, 2016 and 2018 at 57.5 and
50.3 percent respectively. Likewise, in both years, truancies and deaths ranked second and
third reasons for drop outs in the Region.

At a council level, Table 5.29 shows that in 2016, Makambako Town Council had the
highest number of pupils drop outs in of 181 followed by Wanging’ombe DC (144) and
Makete DC (127). Ludewa DC had the least number of drop outs (9). Makete DC had the
highest number of drop outs (189) in 2018 followed by Wanging’ombe (152) and
Makambako (60). Njombe DC had the least number of drop outs (28).

Looking at the causes of pupils drop outs, in both years, 2016 and 2018, Ludewa District
Council had highest number of truancies of 94 and 79. Makambako TC was the
second(57) and Njombe DC the third(53) in number of truancies in 2016. Likewise,
Makambako TC (53 truancies drop outs) and Njombe TC (33 truancies drop outs) were
the second and third in 2018 in number of truancies drop outs. In both years given in Table
5.29, drop outs due to pregnancy as well as deaths drop outs were insignificant in number
in the Region. Pupils drop outs due to ‘other reasons’ observed to be very significant in
three councils of Wanging’ombe, Makete and Makambako councils.

Table 5. 229: Pupils Dropouts by Reason and Council, Njombe Region; 2016 and 2018
2016 2018
Council Reason
Boys Girls Total Percent Boys Girls Total Percent

Truancy 7 6 13 5.3 24 9 33 13.8

Pregnancy 0 0 0.0 5 5 55.6

Njombe-TC Death 4 0 4 19.0 10 6 16 51.6

Other 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0.0

Total 11 6 17 2.7 34 20 54 9.5

Truancy 18 4 22 9.0 18 9 27 11.3

Pregnancy 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0

Wanging'ombe Death 0 1 1 4.8 0 0 0 0.0

Other 77 44 121 33.4 84 41 125 42.8

Total 95 49 144 22.9 102 50 152 26.6

Truancy 3 2 5 2.0 14 9 23 9.6

Pregnancy 0 0 0.0 1 1 11.1

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

2016 2018
Council Reason
Boys Girls Total Percent Boys Girls Total Percent

Death 0 1 1 4.8 0 0 0 0.0

Other 77 44 121 33.4 84 81 165 56.5

Total 80 47 127 20.2 98 91 189 33.1

Truancy 36 17 53 21.7 13 11 24 10.0

Pregnancy 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0

Njombe-DC Death 3 0 3 14.3 2 0 2 6.5

Other 2 0 2 0.6 2 0 2 0.7

Total 41 17 58 9.2 17 11 28 4.9

Truancy 41 53 94 38.5 37 42 79 33.1

Pregnancy 3 3 100.0 2 2 22.2

Ludewa Death 2 4 6 28.6 3 4 7 22.6

Other 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0.0

Total 2 7 9 1.4 3 6 9 1.6

Truancy 33 24 57 23.4 31 22 53 22.2

Pregnancy 0 0 0.0 1 1 11.1

Makambako Death 3 3 6 28.6 3 3 6 19.4

Other 53 65 118 32.6 0 0 0 0.0

Total 89 92 181 74.2 34 26 60 10.5

Truancy 138 106 244 38.7 137 102 239 41.9

Pregnancy 3 3 0.5 0 9 9 1.6

Regional Total Death 12 9 21 3.3 18 13 31 5.4

Other 209 153 362 57.5 170 122 292 51.1

Total 359 271 630 100.0 325 246 571 100.0

Source: Compiled from Districts, Education Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

5.2.10 Pass Rate in Primary Schools

Pass rate refers to the percentage of pupils who passed the Primary School Leaving
Examinations (PSLE) out of the total pupils who sat for the examinations. Table 5.30
shows that the pass rate increased from 77.7 percent in 2016 to 80.4 percent in 2018. In
2016, Makambako TC had the highest pass rate (87.6 percent) in the Region followed by

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Wanging’ombe DC (83.8 percent) and Njombe DC (83.6 percent) . Ludewa DC had the
lowest pass rate (66.6 percent) followed by Makete DC (66.9 percent).

In 2018, Makambako TC again had the highest pass rate (91.0percent) in the Region,
followed by Njombe TC (84.7 percent) and Ludewa (81.1 percent) while Njombe DC had
the lowest pass rate (72.6 percent).

Table 5.30 also shows that, overall in 2016 the pass rate for girls was lower (77.3 percent)
than that of boys (78.2 percent). However, there were variations among councils, with
Njombe TC, Wanging’ombe and Makete having higher pass rates for girls than boys.
However, all six councils had higher pass rates for girls than boys in 2018.

Table 5. 23: Number of Pupils Who Sat and Passed STD VII Examinations in Public Primary Schools
by Council, Njombe Region; 2016 and 2018

Pupils sat for STD VII Pupils Passed STD Percentage of Pupils Who
Council Sex Examinations VII Examinations Passed Examination

2016 2018 2016 2018 2016 2018

Boys 1,417 1546 1,138 1277 80.3 82.6
Njombe TC Girls 1,671 1701 1,383 1473 82.8 86.6
Total 3,088 3247 2,521 2750 81.6 84.7
Boys 1,509 2088 1,251 1523 82.9 72.9
Wanging'ombe Girls 1,969 2392 1,664 1937 84.5 81.0
Total 3,478 4480 2,915 3460 83.8 77.2
Boys 1,366 1,195 865 880 63.3 73.6
Makete Girls 1,422 1,257 1,000 947 70.3 75.3
Total 2,788 2,452 1,865 1,827 66.9 74.5
Boys 861 1,158 777 758 90.2 65.5
Njombe DC Girls 1,059 1,185 829 942 78.3 79.5
Total 1,920 2,343 1,606 1,700 83.6 72.6
Boys 1,510 1793 1,038 1413 68.7 78.8
Ludewa Girls 1,776 1962 1,151 1633 64.8 83.2
Total 3,286 3755 2,189 3046 66.6 81.1
Boys 981 1311 911 1172 92.9 89.4
Makambako Girls 1,230 1530 1,026 1413 83.4 92.4
Total 2,211 2841 1,937 2585 87.6 91.0
Boys 7,644 9,091 5,980 7,023 78.2 77.3
Region Girls 9,127 10,027 7,053 8,345 77.3 83.2
Total 16,771 19,118 13,033 15,368 77.7 80.4
Source: Compiled from Districts, Education Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

5.2.11 Transition to Secondary Education

Transition rate refers to the ability of the Local Government Authorities to absorb all
students who pass the PSLE and provide them with secondary education. It also reflects
the capacity of secondary education being provided in the region or district. In 2016, a
total of 11,882 pupils passed the PSLE and almost all of them (98.9 percent) were selected
to join Form One in the region (Table 5.31). The same situation happened in 2018 when
all 13,735 pupils who passed PSLE joined form One.

In 2016, more girls (118.2 percent) than boys (79.9 percent) joined form One in the region.
The same situation happened in 2018 when more girls (124.3 percent) than boys (78.5
percent) joined form One. At district level, in both years, 2016 and 2018 Wanging’ombe
Distric Council led other councils in the region by having the largest number of pipils who
were selected to join form One in the region. The District council had 24.8 percent of the
regional pupils who were selected to join form in 2016 as well as 29.4 percent in 2018
respectively. Makete District Council had the least with 15.9 percent in 2016 and 15.5
percent in 2018.

Table 5. 24: Number of Pupils Who were Selected and Joined Form I in Public Secondary Schools,
Njombe Region; 2016 and 2018
Pupils Passed STD VII Percentage of Pupils
Pupils Selected to Join Form I
Council Sex Examinations Selected to Join Form I
2016 2018 2016 2018 2016 2018
Boys 1,138 1277 1,103 1277 96.9 100.0
Njombe TC Girls 1,383 1473 1,309 1473 94.6 100.0
Total 2,521 2750 2,412 2750 95.7 100.0
Boys 1,251 1523 1,251 1523 100.0 100.0
Wanging'ombe Girls 1,664 1937 1,664 1937 100.0 100.0
Total 2,915 3460 2,915 3460 100.0 100.0
Boys 865 880 865 880 100.0 100.0
Makete Girls 1,000 947 1000 947 100.0 100.0
Total 1,865 1,827 1865 1827 100.0 100.0
Boys 777 758 647 659 83.3 86.9
Njombe DC Girls 829 942 829 942 100.0 100.0
Total 1,606 1,700 1476 1601 91.9 94.2
Boys 1,038 1413 1,038 1413 100.0 100.0
Ludewa Girls 1,151 1633 1,151 1633 100.0 100.0
Total 2,189 3046 2,189 3046 100.0 100.0
Boys 911 1172 911 1172 100.0 100.0
Makambako Girls 1,026 1413 1026 1413 100.0 100.0
Total 1,937 2585 1937 2585 100.0 100.0
Boys 5,980 7,023 4,777 5,511 79.9 78.5
Region Girls 5,902 6,712 6,979 8,345 118.2 124.3
Total 11,882 13,735 11,756 13,856 98.9 100.9
Source: Compiled from Districts, Education Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

5.2.12 Primary School Facilities

It is the duty of the local government authorities and the President Office – Regional
Administration Local Government (PO-RALG) to collaborate with beneficiaries (the
community) to make sure that teachers and basic education facilities such as classrooms,
toilets, staff houses, furniture, libraries and textbooks are in place.

i) Classrooms
In the Tanzania Education System, the use of each classroom in primary schools should
follow the national standard of accommodating 45 pupils only. Due to inadequate
infrastructure most of schools failed to meet the recommended pupils classroom ratio of
one classroom per 45 pupils or CPR = 1:45. Using CPR indicator, Table 5.32 shows
Njombe Region had the ratio of 1:45 hence no shortage of classrooms the Region had in
2018. On the other hand, basing on the deference on the number of available and required
classrooms, the Region had a shortage of 1,516 classrooms in 2018. This exceded a
shortage of 2015 by 1,283 classrooms (551.0 percent). Moreover, at Council level and
basing on CPR of 2018, Makambao TC (1:71), Njombe TC (1:52), Wanging’ombe (1:49)
and Njombe DC (1:48) all had classrooms deficits.Deficit by Council in absolute numbers
shows Makete DC led other councils (408 classrooms deficit).

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 5. 252: Availability of Classrooms in Public Primary Schools by Council, Njombe Region; 2018

Average Classroom Required Change in Percent

Number Deficit/Extra Deficit/Extra
Council Total Available Number of Pupils Classrooms Deficit/Extra Change
of Classrooms Classrooms
Pupils Classrooms Classrooms Ratio by Using Classrooms(2018 - (2018 -
Schools (2018) (2015)
per School (CPR) STD Ratio 2015) 2015)

Njombe TC 76 30,664 587 7.7 1:52 952 -365 -140 -225 161
Wanging'ombe 107 37,270 753 7.0 1:49 962 -209 36 -245 (681)
Makete 102 19,315 728 7.1 1:27 1136 -408 138 -546 (396)
Njombe DC 52 19,527 407 7.8 1:48 515 -108 -56 -52 93
Ludewa 108 29,706 764 7.1 1:39 898 -134 -37 -97 262
Makambako 38 22,921 325 8.6 .1:71 617 -292 -174 -118 68

Regional Total 483 159,403 3,564 7.4 1:45 5,080 -1516 -233 -1283 551

Source: Compiled from Districts, Education Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

ii) Pit-latrines
All primary schools in the Region had a total of 6,667 stances of pit-latrines in 2018 (Table 5.33). The standard set by the Government of Tanzania is
one pit-latrine stance to 20 girls (1:20) or 25 boys (1:25). Njombe Region had a Pitlatrine Pupils Ratio (PPR) of 1:24 in 2018 (Table 5.33). However,
basing on the stance ratio, Makambako Town Council had a rcritical shortage of pit-latrines (1:30) followed by Njombe TC (1:28). With PPR of 1:16,
Makete District Council had no shortage of pit-latrines and thus, the Council had excess of pit-latrines (1,197).Likewise, by absolute numbers, Njombe
Region had excess of 172 pit-latrines in 2018 as well as the Njombe Town Council had most of the shortages (350).

It is important to note that the information provided in Table 5.33 does not take into account sex differences as instructed by the Government. In order
to provide proper environment and hygiene, the recommended ratios for boys and girls should be followed.

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 5. 263: Availability of Pit Latrines in Public Primary Schools by Council, Njombe Region; 2018
Pit Pit
Available number
Number Latrine latrine
Council Total Pit of Pit Deficit/Extra
of Pupils by Using
Pupils Latrine Latrine Pit Latrines
Schools Ratio STD
Stances per
(PPR) Ratio
Njombe TC 76 30,664 1091 14 1:28 1,441 -350
Wanging'ombe 107 37,270 1,483 14 1:25 1,687 -204
Makete 102 19,315 1197 12 1:16 0 1,197
Njombe DC 52 19,527 900 17 1:21 874 26
Ludewa 108 29,706 1,234 11 1:24 1,447 -213
Makambako 38 22,921 762 20 1:30 1046 -284

Regional Total 483 159,403 6,667 14 1:24 6,495 172

Source: Compiled from Districts, Education Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

iii) Staff Houses

Of the various teaching incentives, the provision of staff quarters is very crucial as it
facilitates the retention of teachers and also promotes teaching morale. Table 5.34 reveals
that Njombe Region had a total of 2,290 teachers’ houses compared to actual requirement
of 4,787 houses. If we use the required official House Teacher Ratio (HTR) of 1:1,
Njombe Region had a deficit of 2,497 houses.

Table 5.34 also shows that all councils suffered shortages of of teacher houses. Njombe
TC with a shortage of 694 teacher houses was the most affected. With its urban nature and
being the headquarters of the Region, Njombe TC has better social services compared to
other councils. As a result, most of the teachers prefer to work in this Council rather than
in other councils. This leads to a large shortage of teacher houses. Makete District Council
had the least shortage of teachers houses (104).

Table 5. 274: Availability of Public Primary School Teachers' Houses by Council, Njombe Region;
Number House Required
Number of Available Teachers Houses by Deficit/Extra
Council of Houses
of Schools Available Houses Ratio Using STD Houses
Teachers (HTR) Ratio (1:1)
Njombe TC 76 706 336 4 1:2 1030 -694
Wanging'ombe 107 631 554 5 1:1 977 -423
Makete 102 590 486 5 1:1 590 -104
Njombe DC 52 374 289 6 1:1 509 -220
Ludewa 108 620 447 4 1:1 1064 -617
Makambako 38 573 178 5 1:3 617 -439
Regional Total 483 3,494 2,290 5 1:2 4,787 -2497
Source: Compiled from Districts, Education Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

iv) Furniture (Desks)

The average number of pupils per desk is an important indicator for the provision of
favourable and conducive learning environment for pupils. With 159,403 pupils enrolled
in 2018, Njombe Region needed about 58,844 desks so as to comply with the official
Desk Pupils Ratio of 1:3. The Region, therefore, had access of 14,692 desks. Ludewa was
the only District Council with shortage of desks (234) in the Region in 2018 (Table

Table 5. 285: Availability of Desks in Public Primary Schools by Council, Njombe Region; 2018
Desk Pupils Desks by
Number of Total Available Deficit/Extra
Council Ratio Using
Schools Pupils Desks Desks
(DPR) STD Ratio
Njombe TC 76 30,664 11,195 10,738 457
Wanging'ombe 107 37,270 14,376 13,407 969
Makete 102 19,315 13,019 0 13,019
Njombe DC 52 19,527 10,406 10,039 367
Ludewa 108 29,706 15,313 15,547 -234
Makambako 38 22,921 9,227 9,113 114
Regional Total 483 159,403 73,536 58,844 14,692

Source: Compiled from Districts, Education Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

v) Teachers
The teacher to pupil ratio is an important indicator which shows the quality of education
provided in schools. The standard requirement is that one teacher should serve a class of
45 pupils (1:45). Njombe Region has an average of one teacher for every 46 pupils or 1:46
indicating there is a shortage of techers (Table 5.36). Table At Council level, the
recommended ratio was met in three councils in 2018. The Councils were Njombe TC
(1:43), Makete DC (1:33), Ludewa and Makambako TC (1:40). Wanging’ombe DC
(1:59), Njombe DC (1:52) and Ludewa DC (1:48) fell short of the requirement.

Table 5. 296: Availability of Public Primary School’s Teachers by Council, Njombe Region; 2018
of Required Teacher Pupils Shortage/Extra
Council Total Pupils
Available Teachers Ratio (TPR) Teachers
Njombe TC 30,664 706 982 1:43 -276
Wanging'ombe 37,270 631 6294 1:59 -5663
Makete 19,315 590 0 1:33 590
Njombe DC 19,527 374 525 1:52 -151
Ludewa 29,706 620 847 1:48 -227
Makambako 22,921 573 533 1:40 40
Regional Total 159,403 3,494 9,181 1:46 -5687

Source: Compiled from Districts, Education Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

vi) Accessibility of Water

Njombe Region has managed to supply water to some of her primary schools through
water tanks, water wells and tap water. To reduce water shortage, rain water harvests done
through water tanks were very common. Table 5.37 shows that in 2018 tap water was the
major source of water supply in primary school and accounted for 72.7 percent of the
schools water sources followed by rain water harvests through water tanks (19.0 percent)
and water wells (17.4 percent). 9.6 percent and rain water harvests through water tanks
(6.6 percent). However, in 2018, Makete District Council led other councils in the Region
with about 95 percent of her primary schools supplied with tap water. It was followed by
Wanging’ombe District Council (84.1 percent) and Njombe Town Council (68.4
percent).Only fifty percent of schools in Njombe District Council were supplied with tap
water which was the lowest in the Region. Therefore, more effort is needed to improve the
situation in this Council to prevent water borne diseases.

Table 5. 307: Accessibility of Water in Public Primary Schools by Council, Njombe Region; 2018
No. of Schools with Percent of
schools with tap
Number of
Council water to the
Water Tanks Water Wells Tap Water Schools
Total number of
Njombe TC 24 24 52 68.4 76
Wanging'ombe 19 5 90 84.1 107
Makete 5 0 97 95.1 102
Njombe DC 21 15 26 50.0 52
Ludewa 18 25 65 60.2 108
Makambako 5 15 21 55.3 38
Regional Total 92 84 351 72.7 483
Percent 19.0 17.4 72.7 100.0
Source: Compiled from Districts, Education Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

5.3 Secondary Education

5.4 Secondary Education

The development of secondary education in Njombe region is very recent given its history
and poor infrastructure. During colonial times, some parts of Njombe region were kept as
a reserve area for cheap labour to work in cash crop plantations in Kilombero, Mtibwa,
Tanga and Kilimanjaro. So, up to the 1970s, the region had only three public secondary
schools. But the number of secondary schools had increased to 114. In 2018 the number of
secondary schools reached 116.

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 5. 38: Number of Secondary Schools by Ownership and by Council, Njombe Region; 2014 and
2014 2018 Percent
Number of Schools Number of Schools
Council /Decrease
Public Private Total Public Private Total 2014-
Njombe TC 14 13 27 14 9 23 -14.8
Wanging'ombe 15 3 18 15 5 20 11.1
Makete DC 17 2 19 18 2 20 5.3
Njombe DC 10 2 12 11 3 14 16.7
Ludewa DC 17 6 23 17 6 23 0.0
Makambako TC 10 5 15 10 6 16 6.7
Total 83 31 114 85 31 116 1.8
Percent 72.8 27.2 73.3 26.7
Source: Compiled from Districts, Education Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

Table 5.39 shows that each ward in the region have a secondary school. Njombe TCs had
the highest ratio of 2 schools per Ward. The tremendous achievement made by the region
was to a large extent due to the government resolve of establishing at least one secondary
school in each ward and the community’s awareness of the benefits of having enough
secondary facilities for their children.

Table 5.39: Distribution of Secondary schools among Wards, by Council, Njombe Region; 2018
Number of Number of Number of Schools Ward Villages
Ward Village/ Street Schools Ratio School Ratio
Njombe TC 13 72 23 1:2 1:3
Wanging'ombe 21 108 20 1:1 1:5
Makete 23 93 20 1:1 1:5
Njombe DC 12 45 14 1:1 1:3
Ludewa 26 77 23 1:1 1:3
Makambako 12 68 16 1:1 1:2
Regional Total 107 463 116 1:1 1:4
Source: Compiled from Districts, Education Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

5.3.1 Secondary School Enrolment

5.3.2 Form One Enrolment

The enrolment of students into Form One in Njombe region increased with the increase of
school infrastructures constructed through the people’s efforts and the involvement of the
Private Sector in the provision of education. Table 5.40 shows that student’s enrolment
increased by1,558 students (13.7 percent) between 2016 and 2018. In 2016, a total of
11,389 pupils were enrolled in Form One in the region. And the total enrollementof girls
(54.4 percent) were more than boys (45.6 percent).

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 5. 310: Total FormOne Enrolment in Public and Private Secondary Schools by Sex and by
Council, Njombe Region; 2016 and 2018

2016 2018 Percent

Council Number of Enrolled students Number of Enrolled students /Decrease
Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total 2018

Njombe TC 1103 1309 2412 1246 1599 2845 18.0

Wanging'ombe 1144 1497 2641 1243 1636 2879 9.0

Makete DC 662 702 1364 851 995 1836 34.6

Njombe DC 567 684 1,261 615 847 1,462 15.9

Ludewa DC 874 948 1,824 906 1,080 1,885 3.3

844 1,055 1,899 907 1,022 1,929 1.6
Total 5,194 6,195 11,389 5,768 7,179 12,947 13.7

Percent 45.6 54.4 100.0 44.6 55.4 100.0

Source: Compiled from Districts, Education Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

5.3.3 Form (I-IV) Enrolment

Table 5.41 shows that student’s enrolment increased from 30,718 in 2016 to 35,262 in
2018. Ludewa District Council had highest increase of students (1,449) in the region
followed by and Makete DC (1,217), Makambako TC(1,215), Wanging’ombe DC 533)
Njombe TC (110) and Njombe DC (20).

Comparing enrolment between sexes, Table 5.41 shows that in 2016 the share of
enrollement was more for girls (56.7 percent) than boys (43.3 percent) while in 2018 the
share of girls (57.8 percent) and of boys (42.2 percent).

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Map 5. 1: Enrolment in Public and Private Secondary Schools by Council, Njombe Region; 2018

Source: National Bureau of Statistics, Geographical Information System Unit, 2019

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 5. 321: Total Form (1-IV) Enrolment in Public and Private Secondary Schools by Sex and
Council, Njombe Region; 2016 and 2018
2016 2018 Change
Council Percent Percent
Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total No. Percent
Boys Boys
Njombe TC 1,442 47.5 1,595 3,037 1,622 1,525 3,147 110 3.5
Wanging'ombe 3769 41.5 5302 9,071 3919 5685 9,604 533 5.5
Makete 2485 50.6 2425 4,910 2730 3397 6,127 1,217 19.9
Njombe DC 1256 34.8 2357 3,613 1067 2566 3,633 20 0.6
Ludewa 2,088 47.2 2,333 4,421 2,756 3,114 5,870 1,449 24.7
Makambako 2259 39.9 3407 5,666 2779 4102 6,881 1,215 17.7
Total 13,299 43.3 17,419 30,718 14,873 20,389 35,262 4,544 12.9
Source: Compiled from Districts, Education Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

5.3.4 Form IV Pass Rate

The pass rate of the Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE) or Form IV
Examinations and the number of students selected to join Form V reflect the quality of
secondary education in the region. Pass in the CSEE is divided into divisions with
Division I being the highest pass. Table 5.42 shows that Form IV examination
performance in 2014 and 2018 in Njombe region was not good. There were only 1.0
percent of students who attained Division I and 7.0 percent who attained Division II in
2014. In 2018, performance improved to 2.0 percent for Division I and 9.1 percent for
Division II. Moreover, the proportion of students who got Division Zero dropped from
29.9 percent in 2014 to 16.9 percent in 2018. In terms of sex, in 2014 boys performed
better than girls, 73 percent of the boys passed their examinations compared to 67.4
percent for girls while in 2018 both boys and girls passed equally (83 percent).

Table 5. 332: Students Performance in Form IV Examinations in Public Secondary Schools by Sex,
Njombe Region; 2014 and 2018
2014 2018
Division Percen
Percent Percent
Boys Girls Total Percent Boys Girls Total t
Boys Boys
I 54.5 44 1.0 46.0 137 2.0
24 20 63 74
II 57.1 310 7.1 51.1 636 9.1
177 133 325 311
III 59.2 715 16.3 45.0 1127 16.2
423 292 507 620
IV 45.0 1999 45.6 39.5 3895 55.9
899 1100 1540 2355
0 42.9 1311 29.9 41.9 1178 16.9
562 749 494 684
Total 2,085 2,294 4,379 2929 42.0 4,044 6,973
Source: Compiled from Districts, Education Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

At district level, the best performer in 2014 was Njombe TC with pass rates of 76.5
percent while in 2018 Wanging’ombe DC was the best performer with 89.3 pass rate. And
the worst performer was Ludewa DC with pass rates of 58.4 percent in 2014 and 74.6
percent in 2018.

Table 5. 343: Pass Rate of Students Who Sat for CSEE in Public Secondary Schools by District and by
Sex, Njombe Region; 2014 and 2018

2014 2018

Examinees Passed

Total Pass


Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total

Njombe TC 922 705 76.5 483 782 1265 415 661 1,076 85.1

Wanging'ombe 1,061 774 73.0 821 1,005 1826 746 884 1630 89.3

Makete 626 464 74.1 482 577 1059 374 435 809 76.4

Njombe DC 525 353 67.2 299 614 913 238 528 766 83.9

Ludewa 688 402 58.4 414 473 887 317 345 662 74.6

Makambako 557 370 66.4 430 608 1038 345 507 852 82.1

Total 4,379 3,068 70.1 2,929 4,059 6,988 2,435 3,360 5,795 82.9
Source: Compiled from Districts, Education Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

5.3.5 Form (V-VI) Enrolment

Table 5.44 shows that in Njombe region, Form (V – IV) enrolment remainedalmost at
1,393 students in 2014 and 2,174 students in 2018. Moreover boys enrolment increased
significantly from 915 in 2014 to 1,218 in 2018 but girls’ enrolment slightly increased
from 391 in 2014 to 412 in 2018. At council level, the following were the increase in
enrolment between 2014 and 2018 Makambako TC (277.2 percent), Wanging’ombe DC
(100 percent), Ludewa DC (40.2 percent), Njombe DC (39.0 percent), Makete DC (31.7
percent) and Njombe TC (-3 percent). Overall, these results indicate improvement in Form
V enrolment in the region.

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 5. 354: Total Form (V and VI) Enrolment in Public Secondary Schools by Sex and Council,
Njombe Region; 2014 and 2018

2014 2018 Change

Percent Percent
Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total No. Percent
Boys Boys

Njombe TC 542 89.0 67 609 535 90.5 56 591 -18 -3.0

Wanging'ombe 0 0.0 0 0 203 53.1 179 382 382 100.0

Makete 218 58.6 154 372 252 51.4 238 490 118 31.7

Njombe DC 0 0.0 136 136 58 30.7 131 189 53 39.0

Ludewa 155 70.8 64 219 170 55.4 137 307 88 40.2

Makambako TC 0 0.0 57 57 0 0.0 215 215 158 277.2

Total 915 65.7 391 1,393 1,218 56.0 412 2,174 781 56.1

Source: Compiled from Districts, Education Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

5.3.6 Form VI Pass Rate

Table 5.45 shows student’s performance in the Advanced Certificate of Secondary
Education Examination (ACSEE) or Form VI or ‘A’ Level Examinations. Pass in ACSEE
is divided into divisions with Division I being the highest pass. Unlike Form IV
examinations performance, performance in Njombe region for Form VI examinations over
the period from 2016 to 2018 is encouraging. More than 98 percent of students passed
their Form VI examination in 2016 and 2018. Although almost all student passed their
examinations there is a slight decline of proportion of students who attained division I
between the two years, most students attained divisions II and II in both years More efforts
are required to taken by the Regional authority in order to increase A Level enrolment and
improvement of pass rates at higher divisions.

Table 5. 365: Students Performance in ACSEE in Public Secondary Schools by Sex, Njombe Region;
2016 and 2018

2016 2018
Percent Percent Percent Percent
Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total
Boys Share Boys Share
I 106 59.2 73 179 12.1 145 74.7 49 194 10.5
II 419 58.8 294 713 48.3 452 50.3 447 899 48.5
III 322 66.7 161 483 32.7 280 40.9 404 684 36.9
IV 39 53.4 34 73 4.9 26 48.1 28 54 2.9
0 20 74.1 7 27 1.8 7 31.8 15 22 1.2
Total 906 61.4 569 1,475 910 49.1 943 1,853
Source: Compiled from Districts, Education Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

At district level, Makete district performed best by attaining 100 percent in both years
2016 and 2018. Overall Form VI performance in Njombe Region was good since for the
two years all district councils scored 97 percent or more pass rate. However, the Region
authority should encourage people’s participation in building more ‘A’ level schools,
dormitories, libraly and laboratories in order to increase enrolment at ‘A” level as it can be
seen from the table number of Form VI examinee for each council is very low (Table

Table 5. 376: Number of Students, Who Completed A- Level Education in Public Secondary Schools
by Sex and by Council, Njombe Region; 2016 and 2018

2016 2018

Council Examinees Passed

Total Total Percent Percent
Examinees Pass Pass Pass
Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total
Njombe TC
652 633 97.1 509 83 592 502 83 585 98.8
0 0 0.0 38 29 67 38 27 65 97.0
321 321 100.0 244 409 653 244 409 653 100.0
Njombe DC
136 136 100.0 0 163 163 0 161 161 98.8
190 187 98.4 119 101 220 119 99 218 99.1
176 171 97.2 0 158 158 0 149 149 94.3

Total 1,475 1,448 98.2 910 943 1,853 903 928 1,831 98.8

Source: Compiled Data from Districts, Education Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

5.3.7 Quantity and State of Secondary School Facilities

The quantity and quality of facilities for the secondary school system in Njomberegion are
below the standards set by the educational authorities. The most common facilities are
classrooms, toilets, staff quarters, libraries, laboratories, dormitories, desks and teachers.

i) Teachers
Expansion of secondary education should always go hand in hand with the increase in the
number of teaching staff. By the end of 2018, Njombe region had a total of 2,284 teachers
distributed in 86 public secondary schools. This gives a School Teachers Ratio of 1:27. At
council level, only three out of six councils schools had 27 or more teachers per school,
the rest had fewer teachers. Generally, the region had surplus of 34 teachers or 1.5
percent. Table 5.47 shows that Ludewa with a 10.5 percent shortage was the most affected
council followed by Wanging’ombe DC (2.2 percent) and Njombe TC (1.7 percent).

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 5. 47: Distribution of Teachers among Public Secondary Schools, by Council, Njombe Region;
School Teacher Shortage
No. of Total Available Teachers Pupils Required
Schools Pupils Teachers Ratio Ratio Teachers
(TPR) No. Percent

Njombe TC 14 7,889 466 1:33 1:17 474 8 1.7

Wanging'ombe 16 9,179 408 1:26 1:22 417 9 2.2

Makete 18 6,111 408 1:23 1:15 372 -36 -9.7

Njombe DC 11 4,520 301 1:27 1:15 263 -38 -14.4

Ludewa 17 6,924 377 1:22 1:18 421 44 10.5

Makambako 10 6,157 324 1:32 1:19 303 -21 -6.9

Total 86 40,780 2,284 1:27 1:18 2,250 -34 -1.5

Source: Compiled from Districts, Education Departments, Njombe Region; 2018

Table 5.48 shows that, out of 2,267 public secondary school teachers available in Njombe
region by 2018, 960 teachers (42.3 percent) were diploma holders, 1,269 (56.0 percent)
were degree holder and 37 (1.6 percent) were masters holders At district level, secondary
schools in Wanging’ombe DC were the most privileged as 64.4 percent of the teachers
were degree holders, followed by Makambako TC (61.5 percent), Njombe TC (55.7
percent) and Makete (53.9 percent). Ludewawas the most disadvantaged council as it had
the smallest percentage (48.3 percent) of degree holders followed by Njombe DC (51.2

Table 5. 388: Availability of Public Secondary School’s Teachers by Qualification and by Council,
Njombe Region; 2018
Type of Certificate Percent
Council Total Teacher
Diploma Degree Masters Others with
Njombe TC 196 259 10 0 465 55.7
Wanging'ombe 144 260 0 0 404 64.4
Makete 180 220 8 0 408 53.9
Njombe DC 143 154 4 0 301 51.2
Ludewa 180 175 7 0 362 48.3
Makambako 117 201 8 1 327 61.5
Total 960 1,269 37 1 2,267 56.0
Percent 42.3 56.0 1.6 0.04 100
Source: Compiled from Districts, Education Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Campaigns for increasing the number of science teachers in Njombe region should be
enhanced by the regional authorities, since out of 2,218 available teachers; only 521 (23.5
percent) were science teachers.Wanging’ombe DC (12.6 percent) was the most affected
followed by Njombe DC (21.9 percent). The most privileged council was Njombe TC
(30.9 percent), followed by Makambako TC (27.5 percent) and Ludewa TC (23.8 percent),
(Table 5.49).

Table 5. 49: Number of Science and Arts Teachers in Public Secondary Schools by Council, Njombe
Region; 2018

Number of Teachers
Percent of Science
Council Teaching Science Teaching
Subjects Arts Subjects

Njombe TC 139 311 450 30.9

Wanging'ombe 49 341 390 12.6

Makete 90 294 384 23.4

Njombe DC 66 235 301 21.9

Ludewa 88 281 369 23.8

Makambako 89 235 324 27.5

Total 521 1,697 2,218 23.5

Percent 23.5 76.5 100

Source: Compiled Data from Districts, Education Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

ii) Teachers’ Houses

Besides the shortage of teachers, the region also experienced a shortage of staff quarters in
all councils. Table 5.50 shows that, the region had 627 teachers houses while the
requirement was 2,218. Therefore, the regionhad a shortage of 1,591 houses or 71.7
percent. Table 5.50 also shows that though all councils experienced shortage of staff
quarters, Makambako TC with 89.8 percent shortage was the most affected council
followed by Njombe DC (76.1 percent) and Njombe TC (72.7 percent).

The Region Authority together with individual district council should take into account the
fact that the provision of staff houses is a basic incentive for teacher retention and
promotion of effective teaching. Therefore, more effort should be directed towards
building staff houses together with other facilities.

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 5. 390: Availability of Teachers Houses in Public Secondary Schools by Council, Njombe
Region, 2018
School House
No. of Shortage
No. of Available Houses Teachers Required Percent
Council Available of
Schools Houses Ratio Ratio Houses Deficit
Teachers Houses
Njombe TC 14 450 123 1:9 1:4 450 327 72.7

Wanging'ombe 16 390 119 1:7 1:3 390 271 69.5

Makete 18 384 120 1:7 1:3 384 264 68.8

Njombe DC 11 301 72 1:7 1:4 301 229 76.1

Ludewa 17 369 160 1:9 1:2 369 209 56.6

Makambako 10 324 33 1:3 1:10 324 291 89.8

Total 86 2,218 627 1:7 1:4 2,218 1,591 71.7

Source: Compiled from Districts, Education Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

iii) Classrooms
Table 5.51 shows that at regional level there was a 8.7 percent shortage of classrooms.
Table 5.51 also shows that, the Region’s School Classrooms Ratio was 1:39. At council
level, with the exception of Ludewa and Njombe TC, the shortage of classrooms ranged
from 6.6 percent to 30.3 percent. Makambako TC (30.3 percent) was the most affected
followed by Wanging’ombe (18.0 percent). Ludewa DC had surplus of 9.1 percent of the
required number of classrooms in 2018.

Table 5. 401: Availability of Classrooms in Public Secondary Schools by Council, Njombe Region;
Average Classroom
No. of Total Available No. of Pupils Required Shortage of Percent
Schools Students Classrooms Classroom Ratio Classrooms Classrooms Shortage
per School (CPR)
Njombe TC 14 7,889 218 15.6 1:36 216 -2 -0.9

Wanging'ombe 16 9,179 205 12.8 1:45 250 45 18.0

Makete 18 6,111 184 10.2 1:33 197 13 6.6

Njombe DC 11 4,520 110 10.0 1:41 120 10 8.3

Ludewa 17 6,924 215 12.6 1:32 197 -18 -9.1

Makambako 10 6157 122 12.2 1:50 175 53 30.3

Regional Total 86 40,780 1,054 1:39 1,155 101

12.3 8.7
Source: Compiled from Districts, Education Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

iv) Toilets
The region requirement was for 1,119 toiletsholes in 2018 but the Council had 1,711toilet
holes available making a surplus of 592 toiletholes (52.9 percent). Table 5.52 shows that

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

none of the council had shortage of toilets in 2018. Njombe TC was leading by having 179
extra toilet holes, followed by Makete(136) and Ludewa(97).

Table 5. 412: Availability of Toilet Holes in Public Secondary Schools by Council, Njombe Region;
Average Toilet
Number Available Number Holes Required
Total Shortage Percent
Council of Toilet of Holes Students Toilet
Students Number Shortage
Schools Holes per Ratio Holes
School (HSR)

Njombe TC 14 7,889 392 28 01:20 213 -179 -84

Wanging'ombe 16 9,179 329 20.6 01:28 238 -91 -38.2
Makete 18 6,111 312 17.3 01:20 176 -136 -77.3
Njombe DC 11 4,520 170 15.5 01:27 141 -29 -20.6
Ludewa 17 6,924 276 16.2 01:25 179 -97 -54.2
Makambako 10 6,157 232 23.2 01:27 172 -60 -34.9
Regional Total 86 40,780 1,711 19.9 01:24 1,119 -592 -52.9

Source: Compiled from Districts, Education Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

v) Dormitories
Provision of dormitories in schools is essential due to the geographical location of wards
and the distribution of human settlements in Njombe region. The availability of
dormitories help students solve the problem of walking long distances and reduce the rates
of drop outs, pregnancies and truancy. Unfortunately, all councils had shortage of
dormitories at the end of 2018. This implies that most students were day students or rented
premises near to school compound.

In ranking of councils by severity of deficit, Wanging’omberanked first since the shortage

of dormitories was the highest (60.5 percent) in the region (Table 5.53). It was followed
by Njombe DC (55.6 percent)and Makambako TC (50 percent).

Table 5. 423: Availability of Dormitories/Hostels in Public Secondary Schools by Council; Iringa

Region; 2018
Average No.
Number of Total Available of Required Shortage Percent
Schools Students Dormitories Dormitories Dormitories Number Shortage
per School
Njombe TC 11 7,889 61 5.5 80 19 23.8
Wanging'ombe 16 9,179 47 2.9 119 72 60.5
Makete 3 6,111 7 2.3 13 6 46.2
Njombe DC 3 4,520 4 1.3 9 5 55.6
Ludewa 3 6,924 12 4.0 15 3 20.0
Makambako 10 6,157 2 0.2 4 2 50.0
Regional Total 46 40,780 133 2.9 240 107 44.6
Source: Compiled from Districts, Education Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

vi) Libraries
The library facility is considered essential but not crucial for the development of
knowledge and skills of a student. According to the standards set by the Ministry of
Education and Vocation Training, every secondary school should have a library to enable
students to borrow and use supplementary books besides textbooks. Table 5.54 shows that
Njombe TC had the required number of libraries and two councils had no libraries at the
end of 2018. This implies that no supplementary books were available for renting to
students in Makete and Makambako councils of Njombe region and the rest of the
councils had significant shortages of libraries.

There is no excuse in this regard since it is a requirement for secondary schools to have
libraries. So it is important for the local authorities to include the provision of libraries in
their school development plans in the near future (Table 5.54).

Table 5. 434: Availability of Libraries in Public Secondary Schools by Council, Njombe Region; 2018
Number Average No.
Total Available Required Percent
Council of of Libraries Shortage
Students Libraries Libraries Shortage
Schools per School

Njombe TC 14 7,889 42 3.0 42 0 0.0

Wanging'ombe 16 9,179 1 0.1 16 15 93.8

Makete 18 6,111 0 0.0 18 18 100.0

Njombe DC 11 4,520 2 0.2 11 9 81.8

Ludewa 17 6,924 5 0.3 18 13 72.2

Makambako 10 6,157 0 0.0 10 10 100.0

Regional Total 86 40,780 50 0.6 115 65 56.5

Source: Compiled from Districts, Education Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

vii) Tables and Chairs

Table 5.55 shows that at the end of 2018 there was surplus of tables and chairs in
Wanging’ombe and Njombe district councils, Njombe TC had the required number of
tables and chairs. Table 5.55 also shows that there was a shortage of tables and chairs in
the remaining three councils. By the end of 2018, the region had a shortage of 1,371 tables
(3.3 percent) and 2,067 chairs (5 percent).

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 5.55: Availability of Tables and chairs in Public Secondary Schools by Council; Njombe Region,

Number of Tables and chairs

No. of
Council Required Available Deficit Percent Deficit
Tables Chairs Tables Chairs Tables Chairs Tables Chairs

Njombe TC 14 7889 7889 7889 7889 0 0 0.0 0.0

16 9590 9553 9710 9635
Wanging'ombe -120 -82 -1.3 -0.9

Makete DC 18 6111 6111 6040 5950 71 161 1.2 2.6

Njombe DC 11 4,612 4,612 4,979 4,894 -367 -282 -8.0 -6.1

Ludewa DC 17 7,197 7,234 6,257 6,039 940 1195 13.1 16.5

10 6,118 6,118 5,271 5,043 847 1075 13.8 17.6
Total 86 41517 41517 40146 39450 1371 2067 3.30 4.98
Source: Compiled from Districts, Education Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

viii) Laboratories
The laboratory is a necessary facility for students taking science subjects. The directive of
the government is that each school should have three laboratories for physics, chemistry
and biology subjects. Table 5.56 shows that Njombe region had 220 laboratories in its 86
secondary schools at the end of 2018 which resulted in a shortage of 15.7 percent. This
implies that Njombe region is almost meeting the government directive of having three
laboratories in each school, but it is important for the local authorities to include the
provision of laboratories in their school development plans for the future so as to ensure
the remaining gap is covered.

Table 5. 446: Availability of Laboratories in Public Secondary Schools by Council, Njombe Region;
Number Average
Total Available Required Shortage Percent
Council of Lab per
Students Laboratories Lab of Lab Shortage
Schools School

Njombe TC 14 7,889 42 3.0 42 0 0.0

Wanging'ombe 16 9,179 48 3.0 48 0 0.0

Makete 18 6,111 50 2.8 54 4 7.4

Njombe DC 11 4,520 31 2.8 33 2 6.1

Ludewa 17 6,924 19 1.1 54 35 64.8

Makambako 10 6,157 30 3.0 30 0 0.0

Regional Total 86 40,780 220 2.6 261 41 15.7

Source: Compiled from Districts, Education Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

5.3.8 Adult Education

Along with the expansion of primary and secondary education, the region has also
expanded adult education using primary schools as centres. The head teachers are in
charge of adult education campaigns through the Intergrated Community Based Adult
Education (ICBAE) commonly known as MUKEJA in Kiswahili; and the Comlementary
Basic Education in Tanzania (COBET) programs. Table 5.57 shows that in 2016 and 2018
the region had 139 and 147 centres respectively for MUKEJA programme. Enrolment of
ICBAE and COBET programs in 2016 was 629 students but it increased to 714 in 2018..
The region should continue to have regular sensitization campaigns for sustainability of
the two programs.

Table 5. 457: Number of Adult Centres by Council; Njombe Region; 2018

Council 2016 2018 Increase of Percent
No. of Total Number Total Centres Total
Centres Enrolment of Enrolment Enrolment
Njombe TC 2 140 3 186 1 46 24.7
Wanging'ombe 6 67 6 69 - 2 2.9
Makete 8 102 10 133 2 31 23.3
Njombe DC 4 138 8 63 4 -75 - 119.0
Ludewa 108 74 108 51 - -23 - 45.1
Makambako 11 108 12 212 1 104 49.1
Regional Total 139 629 147 714 8 85 11.9

Source: Compiled from Districts, Education Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

5.3.9 Colleges and Vocation Training Schools

Njombe region is not well endowed with colleges and vocational training schools. In 2018,
the region had 26 vocational training centres, located in Makambako TC, Njombe TC,
Wanging’ombe DC, Makete DC, Ludewa DC and Njombe DC as shown in Table 5.58.
The courses offered include, motor vehicle mechanics, electrical installation and auto
electrical, agriculture and animal husbandry, carpentry, tailoring and masonry and driving.

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 5. 468: List of Public and Private Vocational Training Centres, Njombe Region; 2018
Council Name of Centers Skills Taught
Uwemba - Public Carpentry, marsondry, tailor
K.K.T Viziwi - Public Carpentry, tailor
Proffesional Collage of Carpentry, marsondry,Livestock and Electricity
Njombe -Private
PADECO Youth Trainig Carpentry, tailor
Centre -Private
Njombe TC Njombe VTC -Private Driving, Electricity, tailor,Mechanics
Mpechi VET -Private Driving, Electricity, Mechanics
Driving, Electricity, Mechanics
UshonajiKibena -Private Tailoring
TPAB Training College -
Driving, computer
Capentry,Tailoring, Electrical Instalation,
Igwachanya VTC
Vehicle Maintaines
Capentry,Tailoring, Electrical Instalation,
Ilembula KKT
Welding, Vehicle Maintaines
Wanging'ombe DC
Capentry,Tailoring, Electrical Instalation,
Kipengere VTC
Welding, Vehicle Maintaines
Capentry,Tailoring, Electrical Instalation,
Ulembwe Vtc
Welding, Masonry
Mtwango Vocational Carpentry, Masonry, Domestic Science,
Center Electricty
Njombe DC
welding, carpentry, tailoring, and domestic
Matembwe VTC
Masonry, Carpentry, Driving, Mechanics and
Makete DC VETA Makete
Carpentry, masonry,Electrical skill,
Entrepreneurship skill
Entrepreneurship skill, Carpentry, tailoring
Ludewa (M)
skills, Electrical skill
Entrepreneurship skill, Carpentry, tailoring
skills, Electrical skill
Ludewa DC
Entrepreneurship skill, Carpentry, tailoring
skills, Electrical skill, masonry
Entrepreneurship skill, Carpentry, tailoring
skills, Electrical skill, masonry
Entrepreneurship skill, Carpentry, tailoring
skills, Electrical skill
Betsaida Vocational Training Driving
Mart Elecronic Auto Driving and Electricity
Makambako TC Mechanics Trainng Center
Lumet VTC Masonry, Carpentry and tailoring
Chuo Cha Ufundi Stad Driving, Computer, Entrepreneurship and Electricity
VTC: Vocational Training Centre
Source: Compiled from Districts, Education Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 5.59 shows that the number of students who enrolled increased from 1,666 in 2014
to 1,965 in 2016 or an increase of 17.9 percent. Female enrolment increased from 358 in
2014 to 462 in 2016. This supports the Government programme for women empowering.

Table 5. 47: Number of Students Enrolled in Colleges /Vocational Training Centers by Council and
Sex, Njombe Region; 2014 and 2016

2014 2016 Change of Students

Male Female Total Male Female Total No. Percent

Njombe TC 193 73 266 203 99 302 36 13.5

Wanging'ombe DC 977 245 1222 1168 309 1469 247 20.2

Makete 57 15 72 68 19 87 15 20.8

Njombe DC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0

Ludewa 32 9 41 26 23 49 8 19.5

Makambako 49 16 65 46 12 58 -7 -10.8

Total 1,308 358 1,666 1,511 462 1,965 299 17.9

Percent 78.5 21.5 100 56.4 43.6 100

Source: Compiled from Districts, Education Departments, Njombe Region; 2019

5.3.10 Policy Implication on Education sector

Although there is recognizable development in both primary and secondary education,
policy intervention need to take place to alleviate the few challenges observed. The region
need to put more effort in the construction of girls’ dormitories which will help to prevent
or reduce girls’ dropouts due to pregnancy and also increasing pass rate for girls
pupils/students. In addition to that, for learning improvement in primary schools, the
school feeding programme is of paramount important.

Since both primary and secondary schools in the region have a critical shortage of teacher
houses; more teacher houses should be constructed as a means of attracting and retaining
teachers in the region. Moreover more toilet facilities should be constructed to satisfy the
education policy of one toilet stance for 20 girls and one toilet stance for 25 boys.
Likewise, the number of desks in some of primary and secondary schools should be
increased to meet education policy of one desk per three pupils/students.

Most of primary and secondary schools in Njomberegion have no access to clean and safe
water. Therefore, initiatives are needed to supply the schools with clean and safe water
through tap water or construction of boreholes. Rain water harvest technology can also

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

help to alleviate the water shortage problem. Moreover, schools and especially boarding
schools should be supplied with electricity to enhance the learning environment.

5.3.11 Investment Opportunities in Education

Investment in the education sector can be done in regard to the establishment of:-

i) Private schools at all levels in various areas in the region.

ii) Vocational training centres and polytechnic colleges in different areas of the
region; especially in Liganga and Mchuchuma mining complexes.

iii) Teachers’ tranining colleges, tourism and hotel management training institutions.
iv) University colleges in mining technology, business and ICT, engineering,
environment, forestry, fisheries, beekeeping and agriculture.

Water Supply and Sanitation

5.4.0 An Overview
Water Supply and Sanitation Sector cover rural and urban water supply in terms of water
sources, schemes and technology used to supply water.

5.4.1 Water Supply

Availability of adequate supply of clean potable water for the residents of Njombe region
is of utmost importance. Water play a major role in social and economic development
process touching all sector of the economy, including domestic, agriculture, livestock,
fishery, wildlife, tourism,mining , industry and energy.

5.4.2 Rural Water Supply

Njombe region is among the many regions dominated by the rural population. The region
uses the following sources to supply water to its rural population: - shallow wells, bore
holes, charcoal dams and surface water such as springs, rivers and rain water harvesting.
Table 5.60 shows that the main source of water for the rural population in Njombe region
was the springs (60.3 percent) followed by shallow well (25.5 percent), piped scheme (6.8
percent), rain water harvesting (3.5 percent), river (2.3 percent), borehole (0.8 percent)
Charcoal (0.6 percent) and Dam/Lake (0.2 percent).

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 5. 60: Number and Type of Rural Water Sources by Condition, Njombe Region; 2018
Percent Not Percent Not Percent
Water Source Working Total
Working Working Working Source
Charcoal 7 64 4 36 11 0.6
Shallow Wells 483 96 22 4 505 25.5
Rain Water Harvesting 65 94 4 6 69 3.5
Bore Holes 15 94 1 6 16 0.8
Piped Scheme 127 94 8 6 135 6.8
Spring 219 18 977 82 1196 60.3
Dam/Lake 4 100 0 0.0 4 0.2
River 46 100.0 0 0.0 46 2.3
Total 966 49 1016 51 1982 100.0
Source: Computed from District Offices, Water Supply and Sanitation Department, Njombe Region, 2019.

At council level, all councils are well endowed with at least one source of water supply in
each village of the region. Table 5.61 shows that the most common source of water in all
councils was the shallow well with 483 working sources of water followed by spring 219
and piped schemes (127) and with each used by four or five councils. The rest of sources
were used by a few councils.

Table 5.61: Number and Type of Rural Water Sources by Condition and Council, Njombe Region;



Water Condition of a
Njombe DC
Njombe TC

Makete DC
Source Source


Working 0 2 0 4 1 0 7
Charcoal Not Working 0 4 0 0 0 0 4
% Working 0 33 0 100 100 0 78

Working 3 443 20 16 1 0 483

Shallow Not Working 2 0 7 6 7 0 22
60 100 74 73 0 62
% Working

Working 0 12 0 53 0 0 65
Rain Water 0 0 0 4 0 0 4
Not Working
% Working 0 100 0 93 0 0 67

Working 0 12 0 3 0 0 15
Bore Holes Not Working 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
% Working 0 100 0 75 0 0 88

Working 21 35 15 45 7 4 127
Piped 0 1 6 0 0 1 8
Not Working
%Working 100 97 71 100 100 80 91
Working 30 35 12 0 142 0 219
Spring Not Working 944 1 6 0 26 0 977
% Working 3 97 67 - 85 - 63

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018



Water Condition of a

Njombe DC
Njombe TC

Makete DC
Source Source


Permanent 3 1 0 0 0 0 4
Dam/Lake 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
% Permanent 100 100 0 0 0 0 100

Permanent 0 0 2 0 2 40 44
River Seasonal 0 0 0 0 2 0 2
% Permanent 0 100 0 50 100 83.3

Working 57 540 49 121 153 44 964

Total 946 6 19 11 35 1 1018
Not Working
% Working 6 99 72 92 81 98 49
Total 1,003 546 68 132 188 45 1,982

Number of Village 44 108 45 77 14 93 381

Sources (Working) per
Village Ratio 0.8 05.6 1.09 7.4 10.8 0.5 4.3
Source: Computed from District Offices, Water Supply and Sanitation Department, Njombe Region, 2019

In order to make sure that there is a fairly sufficient supply of water to the residents of
Njombe region; different types of water technologies are used. Table 5.62 shows that hand
pump is the leading technology used in the region with 488 working sources followed by
gravity piped with 167 sources, diesel pump is only used in Njombe DC and
Wanging’ombe while wind mill is only used at Njombe DC. Electricity pump technologies
were used only in Njombe DC, Ludewa and Wanging’ombe (Table 5.63).

Table 5. 62: Number and Type of Technology Used in Rural Water Schemes by Council; Njombe
Region; 2018
Wind Electricity Diesel Hand Gravity
Mill Pump Pump Pump Piped














Njombe TC 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 60.0 21 100 24

0 0 4 100 1 100 448 99 35 97 488
Makete DC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 52 5 52
Njombe DC 6 60 5 100 2 100 20 74 7 87 40
Ludewa DC 0 0 2 66.7 0 0 16 81.0 45 63.4 63
Makambako TC 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 7 7 0 8
Region 6 60 11 266.7 3 200 488 321 167 352.4 675
Source: Computed Data from District Offices, Water Supply and Sanitation Department, Njombe Region, 2019.

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

The existing water supply infrastructure supplies water to 65.34 percent of the rural and
urban population of Njombe region (Table 5.63). The percentage of people getting clean
water varied from council to council. Wanging’ombe Council, had the highest percent of
the people getting clean water (rural population 70.14 percent and urban population 79.1
percent) followed by Makete (rural population 69.1 percent and urban population 71
percent) , Njombe TC (rural population 50.5 percent and urban population 61 percent)
reported the lowest percent of the people who got clean water followed by Njombe DC
(typical rural population 60 percent).

Table 5. 63: Water Supply Coverage by Council, Njombe Region; 2018

COUNCIL Percent of
Total Populati Population Ranking in
Served with
Population on Served with Performance
Clean Water
Clean Water
Njombe TC rural 151,065 84,112 42,477 50.5 6
Njombe TC urban 66,953 40,842 61
Wanging’ombe Rural 184,246 89,703 62,918 70.14 1
Wanging’ombe Urban 94,543 74,784 79.1
Makete DC rural 109,928 94,797 65,505 69.1 2
Makete DC urban 15,131 10,744 71
Njombe DC 96,817 96,817 58,091 60 5
Ludewa DC rural 153,294 141,387 93,316 66 4
Ludewa DC urban 11,907 5,359 45
Makambako TC rural 107,949 28,022 16,814 60 3
Makambako TC urban 79,927 54,031 67.6
Total rural 534,838 339,121 42.22
Total Urban 268,461 185,760 23.12
Total Region 803,299 524,881 65.34
Source: Computed from District Offices, Water Supply and Sanitation Department, Njombe Region, 2019.

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

5.4.3 Policy Implication on Water sector

Poor accessibility of clean and safe water is a very common problem in Njombe region.
Lack of reliable and permanent water sources is believed to be the corner stone of the
problem. To alleviate the situation, extensive research is needed to make sure the problem
is alleviated.

5.4.4 Investment Opportunities in Water Supply

Njombe region is endowed with various types of water sources. However, the region has
very few piped water sources. In this regard, investment is needed in regards to the supply
of pipes, drilling, charcoal dams and pumping equipment and to increase the capacity of
water storage. Investment is also needed for the supply of electricity to be used in
electricity pumps.

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018


Other Development Issues

6.0 Introduction
Chapter six discusses other development issues including gender empowerment such as
day care centers, women’s economic groups and women’s participation in policy and
decision making. Other issues discussed in this chapter include youth development, saving
and Credit Cooperative Societies (SACCOS), Community Based Organization (CBOs),
Faith Based Organization (FBOs), Cooperatives and Non-Government Organization

6.1 Gender Empowerment

Gender empowerment aims at ensuring that the disadvantaged group particularly women,
fully participates in the policy and decision-making process and in all aspects of
economic, social-cultural and politics. Various measures have been put in place to
minimize time spent by women and girls in attending to home activities and allow them
more time to participate in the above mentioned activities. These measures include the use
of family planning, opening and operating day care centers, establishment of women’s
economic groups, participation in SACCOS, CBOs and other cooperative activities.

Traditional customs such as the custom of female genital mutilation (female circumcision)
are still being practiced by some tribes while in certain tribes within the region, there is a
thin dividing line between rape and consensus sex and these things continue to relegate
women to the status of love objects.

The response of the government and enlightened civil society has been to try to
mainstream women protection and development in the region’s development agenda. This
has called for the emancipation and empowerment of women through the legal window
and the alternatives of public education and the broaching gender issues in forum at all
levels of society. The goal is for the region to catch up with the rest of the country this
issue of women equity and equality with men.

6.1.2 Children Care Centers

Children Care Centers have become an important service in various parts of the region.
This is due to the fact that, keeping children at day care centers apart from giving women
chances to participate fully in economic activities, it also allows children to join pre-
primary education which is a prerequisite for joining primary education. Table 6.1 below

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

shows the number of day care centers and number of children in this center by district for
the years 2016 and 2018. Table 6.1 shows that Makambako TC had the largest number of
Day care centre compared to the rest of the districts/ Council in 2016 and 2018. However,
there is a significant increase in a total number of day care centres in the Region from 217
in 2016 to 273 in 2018 and the number of children has increased by 5.79 percent in 2018
in the Region.

Table 6.1: Distribution of Day Care Centers by Region; 2016 and 2018

2016 2018 Difference in Percent

District/Council Number of Difference of
Number of Number of Number of Number of children children
Centres children Centres children
Njombe TC 53 1902 80 2009 107 5.63
35 1,694 41 1,911 217 12.81
Makete DC 6 288 7 300 12 4.17

Njombe DC 23 1678 37 1550 -128 (7.63)

Ludewa DC 4 62 5 102 40 64.52

Makambako TC 96 2354 103 2568 214 9.09

Total 217 7,978 273 8,440 462 5.79

Source: Computed from District Offices, Health Department, Njombe Region, 2019.

6.2 Vulnerability
Vulnerability refers to the risk of adverse outcome, such as impoverishment, ill health,
social exclusion. It reflects not only the likelihood that an unpleasant event occurs, but
also lack of capacity to cope with it. It is therefore the result not only of individual mishap,
but also the social conditions which follow from systematic differences in the flows of
resources and opportunities which themselves influence capabilities

If vulnerability is a reflection of lack of control, then all children especially young children
are vulnerable simply because of their age; they depend on others to provide them with
their basic needs. Increasing physical and mental maturity usually leads to growing
capability for self-provisioning, but during the period of childhood and adolescence,
children and young people continue to need special care and support. While most children
in Tanzania are cared for and protected by their families and communities, many are not
so fortunate. Aspects of child vulnerability include:
 Child mortality and malnutrition
 Orphan hood and HIV/AIDS
 Children in household headed by children or household with elderly adults only
 Education and child labour and
 Gendered abuse.

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Various research results indicate that, orphaned children are poorer than children who are
not orphaned. Table 6.2 and Figure 6.1 show the number of the most vulnerable children
aged 0 – 17, in Njombe region categorized as orphans and non-orphans. Table 6.2 shows
that the region had 12,055 non orphans compared to 10,964 orphans. The table also shows
that out of all orphans, 56.8 percent was females and 43.2 percent were boys.

Map 6. 1: Number of Orphans Children by Council and Sex, Njombe Region; 2012

Source: National Bureau of Statistics, Geographical Information System Unit, 2019

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 6. 2: Number of Vulnerable Children by ward, Njombe Town Council, 2018

Most Vulnerable Children Total of Percent of

Orphans Non Orphans MVC MVC
Number of
Council Children




Aged 0-17

No. of

No. of

No. of

No. of







Njombe TC 64,681 1,095 61.52 685 38.48 1,780 325 60.75 210 39.25 535 2,315 3.58
83,868 528 45.99 620 54.01 1,148 928 50.11 924 49.89 1852 3,000 3.58
Makete DC 46,647 450 47.42 499 52.58 949 2285 46.77 2601 53.23 4886 5,835 12.51
Njombe DC
45302 581 51.97 537 48.03 1,118 1827 50.10 1820 49.90 3647 4,765 10.52

Ludewa DC
70,730 2,974 61.01 1,901 38.99 4,875 289 53.13 255 46.88 544 5,419 7.66

49000 600 54.84 494 45.16 1,094 381 64.47 210 35.53 591 1,685 3.44
Total 360,228 6,228 56.80 4,736 43.20 10,964 6,035 50.06 6,020 49.94 12,055 23,019 6.39
Source: Regional Commissioner’s Office – Njombe Region and NBS 2019

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Figure 6. 1: Number of Orphans and Non-orphans by Sex; Njombe Region, 2018

Source: Regional Commissioner’s Office – Njombe Region, 2018

6.3 Women Groups

The 2012 Population and Housing Census results show that the male population was
329,359 and female population was 372,738 in Njombe region. These results show that
the number of females exceeds that of males. In order to respond to the requirements of
women emancipation in society, women economic groups have been established to cater
women emerging needs. Table 6.3 shows that Njombe region had 5,042 members of
women groups in 2016, the number of membership increased to 7,179 in 2018. The table
further reveals that there was total loaned TZS 544,075,000 in 2016 which increased to
902, 564,590 in 2018. This means that,all councils/District were responisible of providing
loans to the members of the women group.

The main source of loans provided to these groups comes from council’s own sources
revenue. All councils are required by law to set aside 10% (4% for women, 4% for youth
and 2% for economic groups of people with disabilities) of its own source revenue
collections to support women, and economic groups of people with disabilities. However,
it was reported from the council that, 4% of own sources revenue collection is not
allocated to support all women groups and that it is the main reason for low amount of
loans given to these groups and failure to access loans for some groups.

However, all council is also responsible to make sure that women groups are provided
with entrepreneurial skill and assist in making transformation from women economic
groups into real ‘Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)’as well as financial management
skills to avoid misuse of loans. SMEs are often considered to be a key source of
productivity, growth, and job creation and, hence, their performance and the environment
in which they perform, are seen as an important factor for economic development.

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 6.3: Number of Women Economic Groups in Njombe Region; 2016 and 2018
2016 2018

Council Total No. of Total Total No. of Total

Total Total
no. of Groups Loaned no. of Groups Loaned
Members Members
Groups Assisted Tshs Groups Assisted Tshs.

Njombe TC 181 905 58 96,925,000 190 950 140 373,717,000

Wanging'ombe DC 27 135 27 30,000,000 174 905 92 143,000,000
Makete DC 109 1411 5 7,400,000 189 2395 30 46,647,590
Njombe DC 64 320 64 63,500,000 36 180 36 95,500,000
Ludewa DC 245 2,136 139 131,250,000 217 2,184 51 102,000,000
Makambako TC 27 135 27 21,5000,000 113 565 113 141,700,000
Total 653 5,042 320 544,075,000 919 7,179 462 902,564,590
Source: Regional Commissioner’s Office – Njombe Region, 2019

6.4 Women Participation in Decision Making

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that everyone has the right to take part
in the Government of his/her country. The empowerment and autonomy of women and the
improvement of women's social, economic and political status is essential for the
achievement of both transparent and accountable government and administration and
sustainable development in all areas of life. Achieving the goal of equal participation of
women and men in decision-making will provide a balance that more accurately reflects
the composition of society and is needed in order to strengthen democracy and promote its
proper functioning. Equality in political decision-making performs a leverage function
without which it is highly unlikely that a real integration of the equality dimension in
government policy-making is feasible.

The situation of participation in Managerial, Political, Professional and Technical

Personnel in Njombe Region for both men and women is presented in Table 6.4. Men
outnumbered female in all posts highlighted in the Table 6.4.

The table shows that in 2018, 3,132 women held decision making positions as managers,
professionals, technicians and politicians in Njombe Region compared to 4,419 positions
held by men.

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 6. 4: Women’s Participation in Managerial, Political, Professional and Technical Personnel

Positions by Council, Njombe Region; 2018
Professionals/ Politics (MPs,
Managerial Total Percent
District Technicians Councilors)
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Njombe TC
173 50 1,190 976 13 9 1,376 1,035
31.1 33.0
Wanging'ombe DC
8 13 901 743 17 5 926 761
21.0 24.3
Makete DC
86 7 272 374 24 9 382 390
8.6 12.5
Njombe DC
19 1 698 589 13 5 730 595
16.5 19.0
Ludewa DC
439 84 438 216 50 16 927 316 21.0 10.1
Makambako TC
68 28 0 0 10 7 78 35 1.8 1.1
Region 793 183 3499 2898 127 51 4419 3132 100 100
Source: Regional Commissioner’s Office – Njombe Region, 2019

6.5 Youth Development

Employment of youths in most of rural (the large part of Njombe Region) areas, is mainly
in the agricultural sector and other informal sectors, particularly in form of self-
employment. However, self-employment even in these sectors needs some preparation and
some capital input. Access to entrepreneurship skills as well as credit is therefore
absolutely essential facilitator if these youths are to develop their potential and contribute
to the district economy and poverty eradication. Availability of training and credit
facilities depends on the formation of mutual benefit economic groups basically because
many youths have no collaterals. Youths can be provided with entrepreneurial skills and
access credits through these groups, which provide supervision and guarantee repayment
of the loans.

Based on challenges facing youths especially in employment sector, Njombe Region

facilitated youths to formulate economic groups through which they can get loans to
support initiation of economic activities. By the end of 2018, Njombe Region managed
youths to organize themselves into 261 in 2016 and 189 in 2018 in economic groups with
a total membership of 2738 in the year 2016 and 3,370 in the year 2018 (See Table 6.5 ).

Youth is another group which organizes and form groups for the purpose of social
economic development. It is through these groups that provision of credit services become
easier. Table 6.5 shows the number of active youth economic groups by council in
Njombe region. The table reveals that there were 131 groups in the region in 2016 and 189
groups 2018 were assisted. Total Loan received loans for the Youth of Njombe Region in
the year of 2016 was Tshs. 256,150,000 and 2018 was Tshs. 392,605,000. As for women
groups, the main source of loans for youth groups comes from council’s own sources

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

revenue (4% of own source revenue collection). The 4% of own source revenue collection
is reported to be low as compared to demand for loans for youth groups, and that it is the
main reason for low amount of loans given to these groups and failure to access loans for
some groups.

The responsible authorities should take action and ensure that loan agreements are adhered
so as to give other groups a chance to borrow.

Table 6.5: Number of Youth Economic Groups in Njombe Region; 2016 and 2018
2016 2018
Total no. of

Total no. of






No. of

No. of




Njombe TC 45 225 41 80,500,000 82 410 64 142,405,000
Wanging'ombe DC 28 260 20 29,500,000 22 60 22 55,500,000
Makete DC 78 1067 10 13,400,000 111 1477 17 38,700,000
Njombe DC 27 135 27 32,000,000 22 130 22 67,500,000
Ludewa DC 72 996 22 15,750,000 80 1,013 8 16,000,000
Makambako TC 11 55 11 8,5000,000 56 280 56 72,500,000
Total 261 2738 131 256,150,000 373 3,370 189 392,605,000
Source: Regional Commissioner’s Office – Njombe Region, 2019

6.6 Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies (SACCOS)

Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies (SACCOS) contribute significantly to social and
economic development especially for low income earners. Through SACCOS members have
access to financial resources of which prefer to channel loans to small groups and individuals
through their SACCOS. In Njombe region, each district has a number of SACCOS. Table 6.6
shows the number of SACCOS in Njombe region by district. The table shows that there were 141
registered SACCOS that the total funds in the SACCOS: accounts as at 31 December, 2018 were
TZS 3,595,876,055. The table further shows that the amounts of TZS 22,351,902,964 were
loaned to members and TZS 17,539,083,685 were recovered. Looking at total membership, the
SACCOs had 2018 members out of whom 12, 5093 are males and 8,771 were females. More
campaign is needed to encourage women to join SACCOs.

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 6. 6: Active SACCOS by Council, Njombe Region, 2018

Total Total Funds in Total recovered
No. of Total Loaned to
Membership SACCOS’s Loans by
Council SACCOS Members Jan-Dec
A/Cs as at Members Jan-
(registered) Male Female 2018 (TZS)
31/12/2018 Dec 2018(TZS)
Njombe TC 28 1,590,672,084 13,007,501,269 10,537,617,663
4,193 3,213
Wanging'ombe DC 15 1830 1405 127,501,934 7,352,216,963 4,754,244,644
Makete DC 30 1174 798 185,397,886 675,277,787 54,089,600
Njombe DC 14 3221 2208 444,997,993 971,017,135 1,395,833,485
Ludewa DC 41 748 341 1,123,000,000 187,409,759 686,147,800
Makambako TC 13 1,337 806 124,306,158.00 158,480,051.00 111,150,493.00
Total 141 12,503 8,771 3,595,876,055 22,351,902,964 17,539,083,685
Source: Regional Commissioner’s Office – Njombe Region, 2019

6.7 Financial Institutions

In 2012 there were two (4) financial institutions in the region which increased to four (5)
by the end of 2018 (Table 6.7). This is an indication that the demand for financial services
is increasing in the region due to increasing number of formal and informal small scale
businesses and increased population after. Other factors include increased timber
production in the region which has attracted many timber businessmen/women from other
parts of the country as well as from neighboring countries and establishment of irrigation
scheme which resulted into increased production of round potatoes throughout the year
which has also attracted businesses.

Table 6. 7: List of Banks in Njombe Region, 2008 - 2012

2015 2016 2017 2018
National Microfinance National Microfinance Bank National Microfinance National Microfinance
Bank (NMB) (NMB) Bank (NMB) Bank (NMB)
National Bank of National Bank of Commerce National Bank of National Bank of
Commerce Limited(NBC) Limited(NBC) Commerce Limited(NBC) Commerce Limited(NBC)
Cooperative Rural Cooperative Rural Cooperative Rural Cooperative Rural
Development Bank Development Bank (CRDB Development Bank Development Bank -
(CRDB Bank) Bank). (CRDB Bank) Bank (CRDB Bank)
Njombe Community Bank Njombe Community Bank Njombe Community Bank
Bayport Bayport Bayport
Source: Regional Commissioner’s Office – Njombe Region 2019

6.8 Crime statistics

6.8.1 Introduction
The growth of towns, population increase, the development of science and technology and
the erosion of morals has led to the increase of crime in the country. Njombe region like

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

other parts of the country has experienced the increase in crime. This section presents
crime as well as accidents statistics in Njombe region.

6.8.2 Crime cases reported

A total of 1,096 crime cases were reported in Njombe region in the period of January to
December 2018 (Table 6.8). Property crimes cases were leading by having 66.1 percent of
all crimes cases out of which 31 people (38.3 percent) were jailed. As many as 33 people
(40.7 percent of all people jailed) were jailed due to the reported drug crimes. These police
officers are required to deal with the increasing number of crimes associated with rapid
population growth of the region.

Table 6.8: Total number of Crimes Reported in Police Station and Number of People Jailed from
January to December 2018 Njombe Region
Total Number of People Jailed
Total number of
due to
District Violent Property Drug
Sub Violent Property Drug
Crimes Crimes Crimes
Total Crimes Crimes Crimes
Reported Reported Reported
Njombe 168 497 34 699 8 17 25
Wanging'ombe 72 70 12 154 0 3 3
Makete 32 27 1 60 6 3 3
Ludewa 50 130 3 183 3 8 2
Total 322 724 50 1096 17 31 33
Percent 29.4 66.1 4.5 100 21.0 38.3 40.7
Source: Officer Commanding District Wangin`ombe Njombe, Ludewa and Makete 2018 and State Attoney Njombe, 2019

6.8.3 Accidents
Table 6.9 gives the number of accidents reported and the number of people died/injured in
2018. The total number of accidents which occurred was 341 out of which 131 people
died and 289 were injured. Most accidents were due to motor vehicles only (30.8 percent
of the total accidents), followed by motor vehicles versus motorcycles (19.9 percent),
motor cycles only (29 percent) and motor vehicles and motor cycles versus pedestrian
(20.2 percent).

Table 6.9 also shows that there were more people who injured from accidents (289) than
those who were died (131). The total number of people who died from motor vehicle
versus motor cycle was 28 (21.4 percent) and those injured were 51 (17.6 percent). In
motor vehicle and motor cycle versus pedestrians 24 people (18.3 percent) died and 66
people (22.8 percent) were injured. In motor vehicles only 26 people (19.8 percent) died
and 95 (32.9 percent) were injured. In motor cycles only 53 people (40.5percent) died and
77 (26.6 percent) were injured.

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 6.9: Total number of Accidents Reported in the Police Station and Number of People Injured/died from January to December 2018, Njombe Region
Total number of Accidents involving Total Number of People Died/Injured from Accidents involving

Motor Motor Motor

Grand Total
Motor vehicle Motor vehicles and
vehicles Motor
vehicle Versus cycles Motor cycles Sub Total
Motor Motor and Motor Sub vehicles only
District Versus Motor only Versus
vehicles only cycles only cycles Total
Motor Cycles Pedestrian
Njombe 26 28 7 27 88 14 19 13 23 7 9 11 25 45 76 121

Wanging'ombe 30 17 42 15 104 5 20 9 7 30 34 8 14 52 75 127

Makete 18 11 31 4 64 5 29 3 7 10 18 2 3 20 57 77
Ludewa 31 12 19 23 85 2 27 3 14 6 16 3 24 14 81 95
Total 105 68 99 69 341 26 95 28 51 53 77 24 66 131 289 420
Percent 30.8 19.9 29.0 20.2 100
19.8 32.9 21.4 17.6 40.5 26.6 18.3 22.8 100 100
Note: D: Died, I: Injured
Source: Officer Commanding District Wangin`ombe Njombe, Ludewa and Makete 2019

6.8.4 Theft Cases

As Table 6.10 shows, a total of 201 theft cases were reported in Njombe region in the year 2018. Most of the cases were due to motor cycle stealing
which accounted for 131 (65.2 percent) of all the theft cases. It was followed by cattle stealing with 61 cases (30.3 percent) and bicycles stealing with six
case (2.8 percent). Most people were jailed due to the stealing of motor cycles (20 cases, 40.8 percent) and stealing of cattle (20 cases, 40.8 percent).

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

Table 6.10: Total Number of Theft Cases Reported in the Police Station and Number of People
Jailed from January to December 2018; Njombe Region
Total Number of People Jailed due to
Total number of
stealing of

Motor vehicles

Motor vehicles
Bicycles stolen
Police Posts in

Motor cycles

Motor cycles
Council Total no. of

the Council

Sub Total

Sub Total



Njombe 7 2 50 0 2 61 3 7 0 0 10
Wanging'ombe 4 0 10 6 26 40 0 8 6 13 27
Makete 5 0 8 0 4 17 0 4 0 2 6
Ludewa 4 0 8 0 23 35 0 1 0 5 6
Makambako 1 1 55 0 6 63 0 0 0 0 0
Total 21 3 131 0 61 201 3 20 6 20 49
Percent 1.5 65.2 2.8 30.3 100 6.1 40.8 12.2 40.8 100
Source: Officer Commanding District Wangin`ombe Njombe, Ludewa and Makete 2019

6.9 Motorcycle Operators (BodaBoda)

Informal activities such as bodaboda business contribute to the reduction of youth
unemployment as well as income poverty. High motor vehicle hiring charges as well as
poor road network have led to the increase of bodaboda transportation. Most people opt
for bodaboda as they are cheap and can reach places that are difficult to reach with a motor
vehicle. Table 6.10 shows the total number of Motorcycle operating in the Region in 2018
is increasing compared to 2012 by 132%.

Table 6. 11: Number of Motorcycle Operators (BodaBoda) by Council, Njombe Region; 2018

District/Council Number of Bodaboda Estimated Income Earned per Bodaboda

Operators Operator in a Month (TZS)
Njombe TC 420 3,360,000
Wanging'ombe DC 693 6,194,000
Makete DC 536 4,600,000
Njombe DC 130 1,040,000
Ludewa DC 709 2,160,150
Makambako TC 270 2,160,000
Total 2,758 19,514,150
Source: Officer Commanding District Wangin`ombe Njombe, Ludewa and Makete 2019

6.10 Policy Implication on Other Development Issues

Policy formulation on youths and women is important in order to deal with new challenges
of unemployment and gender inequalities. Informal sector is now playing a big part in
youths and women employment. Therefore, policies should focus on alleviating income
poverty among youths and women through encouraging those formulating economic
groups. Supporting the groups through provision of soft loans and entrepreneurship skills
is important for income poverty alleviation among the people.

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile, 2018

1. 2002 Population and Housing Census, Age and Sex Distribution, Volume II,
Central Census Office, National Bureau of Statistics, September, 2003;

2. 2002 Population and Housing Census, Village and Street Statistics, Age and Sex
Distribution, Iringa Region, Volume II, Central Census Office, National Bureau of
Statistics, June, 2005;

3. 2002 Population and Housing Census, Iringa Regional Profile, Volume VI, Central
Census Office, National Bureau of Statistics, December, 2004;

4. 1978, 1988 and 2002 Population and Housing Census General Reports, Central
Census Office, National Bureau of Statistics;

5. National Sample Census of Agriculture 2002/03 and 2007/08, Iringa Regional

Reports, National Bureau of Statistics,

6. Sample Census of Agriculture 2002/03 and 2007/08, National Reports, National

Bureau of Statistics,

7. 2005 Poverty and Human Development Report, Repoa;

8. Infant and Child Mortality Report, March 2006, National Bureau of Statistics, Dar
es Salaam;

Njombe Region Socio-Economic Profile Report, 2018

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