Unit-6 Test, Measurement & Eval.

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A test is a tool used to obtain data of an individual or a group. It is intended to measure knowledge of what
students have learned or what they know. It meets some requirements, such as validity and reliability.
Measurement is the score that shows the size or amount of something. It is used to obtain information about the
characteristics of students, such as their knowledge, skills, abilities, and interests.
Test and measurement are prerequisites for evaluation. The evaluation is the process which tells the worth or
progress of the individual or group. It is a process of making judgments based on criteria and evidence.

Importance of Test, Measurement & Evaluation

Classification of sportsperson: Test helps to classify the sportsmen of various groups by testing their
capacities and present level of fitness.
Selection of sportsperson: Tests are used to select participants for various categories of sports activities based
on their selection criteria
Training effects: The progress of sports training and physical fitness program can be evaluated with the help of
scientific measurement and evaluation procedure
The individualisation of the training program: The measurement and
evaluation process helps to diagnose the weakness or needs of the students, based on this training
The motivation of sportsperson: Test, measurement and evaluation are highly associated with self-involvement
of students. Thus create interest among students and motivate them towards fitness programs.
To achieve goals and objectives specifically: It helps students to find out whether the specific goal and
objectives have been achieved.
To study the development of a sportsperson: It helps to check the development of neuromuscular,
interpretive, social and emotional aspects of an individual.
To prepare standards and norms: The measurement and evaluation process is used to conduct standards or
To predict performance: The evaluation process helps to predict future performance potential.
To compare and evaluate trading methods: This enables the coach to compare different training methods
suitable for different groups.
To conduct research work: Measurement and evaluation are very helpful to research work.

Calculation of BMI & Waist – Hip Ratio

Body Mass Index (BMI)/Quetelet Index- deleoped by Adolphe Quetelet
This fitness testing is used to measure body composition based on weight and height. BMI helps a person to
know whether he is underweight, normal weight or overweight. Accordingly, diet and workout can be done to gain
or to reduce weight.
BMI is calculated by taking a person’s weight ( in kg & gram) and dividing by height (metres and centimetres)
BMI = WEIGHT (in KG) ÷ ( HEIGHT × HEIGHT in meters)
Evaluation: Higher the figure, more overweight is the person. Lower the score, normal weight a person

BMI Weight Status

Below 18.5 Underweight
18.5—24.9 Healthy Weight
25.0—29.9 Overweight
30.0 -34.9 Obesity I
35-39.9 Obesity II
40 and Above- Obesity III
Waist Hip Ratio (WHR) - This is the ratio of the circumference of the waist to that of the hips. It is calculated by
measuring the smaller circumference of the waist (above the navel) and dividing by the hip circumference at the
widest part of buttocks or hip.
WHR= Waist circumference ÷ Hip circumference.
Evaluation of test: WHR is a good indicator of health and attractiveness of a person. The ratio less than or 0.85 is
considered good health among women, whereas the ratio at less than 1 is considered good health among men.
These people have fewer chances of health problems like diabetes, cardiovascular disorder, cancers etc.
Components of Health Related Fitness
1. Cardiovascular Endurance:
It is the ability to do work for a longer period. It requires a strong heart, healthy lungs, and clear blood vessels to
supply oxygenated blood to the whole body. Eg.-jogging, cycling and swimming. The Harvard Step test, Rockport
(1 mile run/walk) test, Cooper Run is used most often to test cardiovascular endurance.
2. Muscular strength:
It is the ability to overcome resistance with muscular force. It is measured by how much weight a person can lift.
Examples would be the bench press, leg press or bicep curl. The push up test is most often used to test
muscular strength.
3. Muscular Endurance:
It is the ability of a muscle or to perform repetitive muscular contractions against a force for a longer period. The
more your muscular endurance is, higher numbers of repetitions you could complete. Eg.- The sit up test, partial
curlup test are the most often used to test muscular endurance.
4. Flexibility:
It is the ability to use joints in its full range of movement. It depends upon long muscles and flexible
joints. Examples would be stretching individual muscles or the ability to perform certain functional movements
such as the lunge. The sit and reach test is most often used to test flexibility.
5. Body Composition:
It is the percentage of body fat compared to other body Tissue. People who have a high percentage of fat are
more likely to fall sick. It can be identified by calculating Body Mass Index.
1. Harvard Step Test-The Harvard step test is a cardio vascular fitness test. It is also called aerobic fitness test. It
is used to measure the cardio vascular fitness or aerobic fitness by checking the recovery rate.
Equipment required: A gym bench or box of 20 inches high for man and 16 inches for woman, stopwatch and
cadence tape.
Procedure: In this test, Athlete step-ups and step-down on the gym bench for five minutes or until exhaustion, at
a rate of 30 steps per minute. On the command ‘go’ an athlete starts doing steps, stopwatch is switched on
simultaneously. After completing athlete sits down immediately
Pulse 1: The assistant measures the total number of heartbeat counted for 30 sec after 1 min of completion.
Pulse 2: The assistant measures heartbeat again after 2 min for 30sec.
Pulse 3: The assistant measures pulse again after 3 minutes for 30 sec.
Calculation- 100 x Test duration in seconds / 2x Sum of pulses
For male excellent score is above 90, and for women it is above 86
2. The push up test measures upper body strength and endurance. In this test, the maximum number of push up
performed at a rate of one every three seconds is recorded.
Equipment required: Flat clean cushioned surface/Gym mat
Procedure: A standard push up begins with the hands and toes touching the floor, the body and legs in a straight
line, feet slightly apart, the arms at shoulder width apart, extended and at a right angles to the body. Keeping the
back and knees straight, the subject lowers the body to a predetermined point, to touch some other object, or
until there is a 90-degree angle at the elbows, then returns back to the starting position with the arms extended.
This action is repeated, and test continues until exhaustion, or until they can do no more in rhythm or have
reached the target number of push-ups.
For Girls: push-up technique is with the knees resting on the ground. the number of correctly completed push-
ups that were performed in time to the rhythm.
Scoring: Record the number of correctly completed push-ups.
3. Partial Curl- up-
Purpose: It measures abdominal muscular strength and endurance of the abdominals and hip Flexors, important
in back support and core stability.
Equipment Required: Flat clean cushioned surface with two parallel strips (6 inches apart), Stopwatch,
Recording sheets, Pen
Procedure: The subject lies on a cushioned, flat, clean surface with knees flexed, usually at 90 degrees, with
hands straight on the sides (palms facing downwards) closer to the ground, parallel to the body. The subject
raises the trunk in a smooth motion, keeping the arms in position, curling up the desired amount (at least 6
inches above/along the ground towards the parallel strip). The trunk is lowered back to the floor so that the
shoulder blades or upper back touch the floor.
Scoring: Record the maximum number of Curl ups in a certain time period 30 seconds.
4. Sit and reach-
Purpose: measures the flexibility of the lower back and hamstring muscles. Equipment Required: Sit and Reach
box with the following dimensions: 12" x 12" (sides) 12" x 10" (front and back) 12" x 21" (top) Inscribe the top
panel with centimeter/mm gradations. It is crucial that the vertical plane against which the subject's feet will be
placed is exactly at the 23 cm mark. Flat clean cushioned surface/Gym Mats.
Procedure: This test involves sitting on the floor with legs stretched out straight ahead. Shoes should be
removed. The soles of the feet are placed flat against the Sit and Reach box. Both knees should be locked and
pressed flat to the floor - the tester may assist by holding them down. With the palms facing downwards, and the
hands on top of each other, the subject reaches forward along the measuring line as far as possible. Ensure that
the hands remain at the same level, not one reaching further forward than the other. After some practice
reaches, the subject reaches out and holds that position for at one-two seconds while the distance is recorded.
Make sure there are no jerky movements.
Scoring: The score is recorded (difference between initial position and final position), in cm and mm, as the
distance reached by the hand
5. Body Mass Index:- Body Composition refers primarily to the distribution of muscle and fat in the body. Body size
such as height, lengths and girths are also grouped under this component. The test performed is Body Mass
Index (BMI), which is calculated from body Weight (W) and height(H). BMI = W / (H x H), where W = body weight in
kilograms and H = height in meters. The higher the score usually indicating higher levels of body fat.


Somatotypes means human body shape and physique types. Somatotypes helps the physical education and
sports teachers to classify the students for particular sports and games on the basis of physical mental and
practical aspects. The procedure of measuring somatotypes is based on the classification by W.H.SHELDON-

(Endomorphy, Mesomorphy & Ectomorphy)

An endomorphic person is generally stocky with the large round body, short neck, short arms and wide hips. They
have plenty of fat all over their body.
Their physical fitness level is low, related to speed and endurance, whereas they have massive strength. They are
comfort-loving, peaceful, sociable, relaxed and tolerant Personal. They are generally good at sports like
weightlifting, powerlifting, throws,etc.
Mesomorphic persons are muscular with a broad chest, strong legs and arms with medium height. These people
have a lot of strength, speed and flexibility. Also, have attractive Personality. Eg. Sprinters, Football, basketball.
They are good for almost all kinds of activities. Their characters say that they are active, assertive and competent
These individuals are generally slim because their muscles and limbs are elongated.As they have weak
constitution of body and usually face difficulties in gaining weight.Their light body constitution makes them
suited for aerobic activities like gymnastics. They are good to run marathons.
Personality-wise they are quiet, sensitive, restrained and non-assertive. They are very self-conscious, socially
anxious, artistic and thoughtful.

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