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814 INFO GCLog - PowerKitManager: initPowerKitCompat

init ,powerKitTag=815db167-647d-48c7-a115-c18b2bd551cb
11:09:48.991 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: GameCenterBizApplication onAppInit
preLoadMainPageData() will execute!
11:09:49.056 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: MainPageCacheDataModel loadFrameData()
mainFrameData from loadFrameDataFile() load time=61
11:09:49.122 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: MainPageCacheDataModel
loadContentData() mainContentData from loadContentDataFile(), pageId:540, load
frame pageId:540, load time=56
11:09:49.276 INFO GCLog - HonorAccountProvider: getAccountInfo#onLogin
11:09:49.278 INFO GCLog - AccountServiceImpl: getUserAccountInfo
11:09:49.284 INFO GCLog - AccountServiceImpl: startupInit end
11:09:49.286 INFO GCLog - SysConfigChecker: countryCode:AR,lastCountryCode:
11:09:49.287 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
11:09:49.295 INFO GCLog - BootController: executeStartup: grs[PE], uSit[AR]
11:09:49.314 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: BootController boot execute Startup
finished isBootReady is: true
11:09:49.318 INFO GCLog - AccountInfoRepositoryImpl: deCodeSpUserInfo start
11:09:49.331 INFO GCLog - AccountInfoRepositoryImpl: deCodeSpUserInfo: getUserInfo
11:09:49.345 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent init report SDK!
11:09:49.346 INFO GCLog - ConfigHelper: WhiteList config init
11:09:49.346 INFO GCLog - XDownloadInstallHelper: observerEvent
11:09:49.349 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent
11:09:49.357 INFO GCLog - BootReadyUseCase: getAccountInfo() load sp encode user
11:09:49.358 INFO GCLog - BootReadyUseCase: accountStartup success
11:09:49.359 INFO GCLog - PushServiceImpl: bindService loginBindToken
11:09:49.358 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: GameCenterBizApplication onBizInit()
boot success pushService.init(), getMainFrameFromNet(true) will execute.
11:09:49.360 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: MainPageFrameRepository
getMainFrameFromNet() invoked from: GameCenterBizApplication onBizInit(), execute
isPreLoad is: true
11:09:49.361 INFO GCLog - PushServiceImpl: init
11:09:49.369 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent
11:09:49.384 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: GCDownloadInstallServiceStartHelper
execute() invoked from is: GameCenterBizApplication
AccountInfoFinishEvent.EVENT_NAME, param isForceUpdate is: true,
isContinueAllDownload is: false
11:09:49.386 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
11:09:49.387 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
11:09:49.389 INFO GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: init
11:09:49.390 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
11:09:49.393 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
11:09:49.399 INFO GCLog - PushDownloadHelper: resumeDownloadByNetJobs!
11:09:49.409 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: onBizInit updateToken
11:09:49.410 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
11:09:49.412 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
11:09:49.414 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
11:09:49.417 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
11:09:49.418 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
11:09:49.427 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
11:09:49.428 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
11:09:49.430 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
11:09:49.434 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
11:09:49.435 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
11:09:49.410 INFO GCLog - PushServiceImpl: updateToken isLoginOut=false start
11:09:49.435 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
11:09:49.437 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
11:09:49.438 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
11:09:49.443 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
11:09:49.445 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
11:09:49.446 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
11:09:49.460 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
11:09:49.461 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
11:09:49.463 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
11:09:49.464 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
11:09:49.471 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: queryAllAppUpdate() start.
11:09:49.483 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
11:09:49.485 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
11:09:49.509 INFO GCLog - ConfigHelper: whiteList config observer send
11:09:49.510 ERROR GCLog - AccountServiceImpl: getUserAccountInfo:
11:09:49.515 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
11:09:49.517 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
11:09:49.524 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
11:09:49.525 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
11:09:49.526 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
11:09:49.528 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
11:09:49.534 ERROR GCLog - com.hihonor.gamecenter.base_report.HiAnalyticsManager:
burying point not enable or no init eventId:8810000059
11:09:49.510 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
11:09:49.543 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
11:09:49.544 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
11:09:49.546 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
11:09:49.551 INFO GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: init() apk fileSha256 success.
11:09:49.555 ERROR GCLog - com.hihonor.gamecenter.base_report.HiAnalyticsManager:
burying point not enable or no init eventId:881000000099
11:09:49.566 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
11:09:49.568 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
11:09:49.569 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
11:09:49.573 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *****************nu/query start
11:09:49.575 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
11:09:49.580 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/check start
11:09:49.582 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************************st/check
traceName = 0acffc30-4185-4b79-9577-c365edd5a45c
11:09:49.585 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********************callback start
11:09:49.587 INFO GCLog - http_request: ***********************callback traceName
= 8608c468-35d4-40f7-a5af-e220a91347ab
11:09:49.590 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *********************ry/check start
11:09:49.607 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *********************ad/brief start
11:09:49.609 INFO GCLog - http_request: *********************ad/brief traceName =
11:09:49.612 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***************************dMsgNums start
11:09:49.613 INFO GCLog - http_request: ***************************dMsgNums
traceName = ab7dd78c-2039-46f3-95c3-3c17a706c5e5
11:09:49.615 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get start
11:09:49.618 INFO GCLog - http_request: ***********nfig/get traceName = 6c6387f1-
11:09:49.631 INFO GCLog - http_request: *********************ry/check traceName =
11:09:49.635 INFO GCLog - http_request: *****************nu/query traceName =
11:09:49.644 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/check start
11:09:49.646 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************************st/check
traceName = 2d526bf1-28a3-4e67-9a20-0bc6378e408d
11:09:49.648 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/query start
11:09:49.664 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get start
11:09:49.666 INFO GCLog - http_request: ***********nfig/get traceName = 55437b32-
11:09:49.678 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************************st/query
traceName = c01f1a0f-d5c7-4016-bfe8-b8276baac43f
11:09:49.734 INFO GCLog - GetAppInfoHelp: getInstalledPackages end
11:09:49.738 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
11:09:49.739 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
11:09:49.747 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
11:09:49.755 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
11:09:49.795 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************k/update start
11:09:49.798 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************k/update traceName =
11:09:49.999 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: queryAllAppUpdate() start.
11:09:50.044 INFO GCLog - HnPushProvider: PushServiceImpl getPushStatus : enable
11:09:50.045 INFO GCLog - PushServiceImpl: updateToken:enable:true
11:09:50.051 INFO GCLog - PushServiceImpl: updateToken isLoginOut=false
11:09:50.060 INFO GCLog - GetAppInfoHelp: getInstalledPackages end
11:09:50.062 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
11:09:50.063 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
11:09:50.064 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
11:09:50.071 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
11:09:50.082 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************k/update start
11:09:50.090 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************k/update traceName =
11:09:50.115 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
11:09:50.116 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
11:09:50.117 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
11:09:50.118 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
11:09:50.123 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *********************n/upload start
11:09:50.125 INFO GCLog - http_request: *********************n/upload traceName =
11:09:50.441 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
11:09:50.442 INFO GCLog - com.hihonor.gamecenter.bu_base.reserve.ReserveHelper:
upload reserve online packageNames: []
11:09:50.443 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
11:09:50.443 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
11:09:50.443 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
11:09:50.444 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
11:09:50.444 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
11:09:50.445 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
11:09:50.446 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
11:09:50.453 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *************************st/query start
11:09:50.454 INFO GCLog - http_request: *************************st/query
traceName = 6eed9bfa-8f1a-4f01-98f8-5a46102ab906
11:09:50.457 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ******************************me/query start
11:09:50.458 INFO GCLog - http_request: ******************************me/query
traceName = b34ac372-28cc-47e3-a0d1-cb00853625f5
11:09:51.629 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *********************ad/brief end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
11:09:51.631 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-
api-dra.hispace.hihonorcloud.com": No address associated with hostname
11:09:51.641 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/check end, fail errorMsg =
11:09:51.652 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***************************dMsgNums end, fail errorMsg =
11:09:51.653 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
11:09:51.655 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *****************nu/query end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
11:09:51.653 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-
api-dra.hispace.hihonorcloud.com": No address associated with hostname
11:09:51.656 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-
api-dra.hispace.hihonorcloud.com": No address associated with hostname
11:09:51.657 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/check end, fail errorMsg =
11:09:51.655 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *********************ry/check end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
11:09:51.658 INFO GCLog - SplashAdFloatBallHelper: getGreyModeConfig() isGreyMode
is: null
11:09:51.658 ERROR GCLog - BaseReqImpl: queryCountryAvailability error:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-
api-dra.hispace.hihonorcloud.com": No address associated with hostname
11:09:51.657 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-
api-dra.hispace.hihonorcloud.com": No address associated with hostname
11:09:51.659 INFO GCLog - AmsLocHelper: checkAccountServ resp.errorCode is:
11:09:51.660 INFO GCLog - AmsLocHelper: start get service: net error
11:09:51.664 INFO GCLog - AmsServiceImpl: checkAmsServiceForBootStartupResult:
notifyAmsCheckResult,result=Error(errMsg=check service error)
11:09:51.665 INFO GCLog - AmsServiceImpl: notifyState:
notifyAmsCheckResult,lastAmsCheckResult=BootStartupResult.Unknown is false
11:09:51.668 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent
AgreementUpdateEvent: false null
11:09:51.669 ERROR GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: StartupUseCase handleResult: startup
error is: check service error
11:09:51.674 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: MainPageFrameRepository
getMainFrameFromNet() success.
11:09:51.677 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
11:09:51.678 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
11:09:51.692 INFO GCLog - MainPageFileHelper: saveFrameDataFile
11:09:51.693 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********************callback end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
11:09:51.694 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-
api-dra.hispace.hihonorcloud.com": No address associated with hostname
11:09:51.698 ERROR GCLog - PushServiceImpl: loginBindToken bind fail[10999]
11:09:51.710 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
11:09:51.712 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-
api-dra.hispace.hihonorcloud.com": No address associated with hostname
11:09:51.714 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
11:09:51.716 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
11:09:51.717 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
11:09:51.720 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
11:09:51.721 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/query end, fail errorMsg =
11:09:51.722 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: MainPageFrameRepository
getMainFrameFromNet() load data to mem file sp success.
11:09:51.726 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ****************h/v1/get start
11:09:51.727 INFO GCLog - http_request: ****************h/v1/get traceName =
11:09:51.771 ERROR GCLog - HonorAccountProvider: get adolescent account onError
11:09:51.773 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent
BootMinorsAccountGuardianVerificationEvent: false
11:09:51.773 INFO GCLog - MinorsModeSetting: localSPKidsMode=false,
11:09:51.774 INFO GCLog - MinorsModeSetting: refreshKidsMode=false
11:09:51.774 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent
BootChildModeWithNotLoginEvent: false
11:09:51.853 ERROR GCLog - AppListParamIntercept: when parse requestBodyStr error
Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-api-dra.hispace.hihonorcloud.com": No address
associated with hostname
11:09:52.121 ERROR GCLog - AppListParamIntercept: when parse requestBodyStr error
Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-api-dra.hispace.hihonorcloud.com": No address
associated with hostname
11:09:52.135 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *********************n/upload end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
11:09:52.137 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-
api-dra.hispace.hihonorcloud.com": No address associated with hostname
11:09:52.138 ERROR GCLog - PushServiceImpl: updateToken bind fail[10999]
11:09:52.462 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *************************st/query end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
11:09:52.465 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-
api-dra.hispace.hihonorcloud.com": No address associated with hostname
11:09:52.472 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ******************************me/query end, fail errorMsg =
11:09:52.474 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-
api-dra.hispace.hihonorcloud.com": No address associated with hostname
11:09:52.476 INFO GCLog - com.hihonor.gamecenter.bu_base.reserve.ReserveHelper:
query reserve online abnormal!
11:09:53.755 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ****************h/v1/get end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
11:09:53.757 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-
api-dra.hispace.hihonorcloud.com": No address associated with hostname
11:09:53.759 INFO GCLog - AppStartHelper: syncSwitchStateToService:
agreeAmsUpdateSwitch = false
11:09:53.761 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
11:09:53.762 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
11:09:53.763 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
11:09:53.764 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
11:09:53.772 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get start
11:09:53.773 INFO GCLog - http_request: ***********nfig/get traceName = fdb0ea16-
11:09:53.891 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************k/update end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
11:09:53.894 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-
api-dra.hispace.hihonorcloud.com": No address associated with hostname
11:09:54.160 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************k/update end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
11:09:54.162 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-
api-dra.hispace.hihonorcloud.com": No address associated with hostname
11:09:55.823 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
11:09:55.826 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-
api-dra.hispace.hihonorcloud.com": No address associated with hostname
11:09:55.828 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: AccountInfoFinishEvent suc
11:09:55.829 INFO GCLog - PushServiceImpl: updateToken isLoginOut=false start
11:09:55.830 INFO GCLog - PushServiceImpl: updateToken isLoginOut=false
11:09:55.859 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
11:09:55.860 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
11:09:55.861 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
11:09:55.862 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
11:09:55.866 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *********************n/upload start
11:09:55.868 INFO GCLog - http_request: *********************n/upload traceName =
11:09:57.402 INFO GCLog - ScreenReceiver: action: android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF
11:09:57.405 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: queryAllAppUpdate() start.
11:09:57.483 INFO GCLog - GetAppInfoHelp: getInstalledPackages end
11:09:57.488 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
11:09:57.489 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
11:09:57.492 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
11:09:57.493 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
11:09:57.499 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************k/update start
11:09:57.501 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************k/update traceName =
11:09:57.899 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *********************n/upload end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
11:09:57.909 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-
api-dra.hispace.hihonorcloud.com": No address associated with hostname
11:09:57.913 ERROR GCLog - PushServiceImpl: updateToken bind fail[10999]
11:09:59.549 ERROR GCLog - AppListParamIntercept: when parse requestBodyStr error
Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-api-dra.hispace.hihonorcloud.com": No address
associated with hostname
11:10:01.602 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************k/update end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
11:10:01.607 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-
api-dra.hispace.hihonorcloud.com": No address associated with hostname
21:05:22.182 INFO GCLog - PowerKitManager: initPowerKitCompat
init ,powerKitTag=28bbc991-2774-4917-afa4-cf3fa2ce8b93
21:05:22.197 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: GameCenterBizApplication onAppInit
preLoadMainPageData() will execute!
21:05:22.238 ERROR GCLog - MainPageFileHelper: loadFrameDataFile is not exist
21:05:22.256 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: MainPageCacheDataModel loadFrameData()
mainFrameData from getFrameConfigCache() load time=58!
21:05:22.258 ERROR GCLog - MainPageFileHelper: loadContentDataFile is not exist
21:05:22.396 INFO GCLog - HonorAccountProvider: getAccountInfo#onLogin
21:05:22.398 INFO GCLog - AccountServiceImpl: getUserAccountInfo
21:05:22.406 INFO GCLog - AccountServiceImpl: startupInit end
21:05:22.413 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
21:05:22.419 INFO GCLog - BootController: executeStartup: grs[PE], uSit[AR]
21:05:22.425 INFO GCLog - SysConfigChecker: countryCode:AR,lastCountryCode:
21:05:22.442 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: BootController boot execute Startup
finished isBootReady is: true
21:05:22.443 INFO GCLog - AccountInfoRepositoryImpl: deCodeSpUserInfo start
21:05:22.450 INFO GCLog - BootReadyUseCase: getAccountInfo() service user info
21:05:22.467 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent init report SDK!
21:05:22.482 INFO GCLog - ConfigHelper: WhiteList config init
21:05:22.483 INFO GCLog - XDownloadInstallHelper: observerEvent
21:05:22.485 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent
21:05:22.495 ERROR GCLog - AccountServiceImpl: getUserAccountInfo:
21:05:22.498 ERROR GCLog - com.hihonor.gamecenter.base_report.HiAnalyticsManager:
burying point not enable or no init eventId:8810000059
21:05:22.514 INFO GCLog - PushDownloadHelper: resumeDownloadByNetJobs!
21:05:22.527 ERROR GCLog - com.hihonor.gamecenter.base_report.HiAnalyticsManager:
burying point not enable or no init eventId:881000000099
21:05:22.540 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: GameCenterBizApplication onBizInit()
boot success pushService.init(), getMainFrameFromNet(true) will execute.
21:05:22.558 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: MainPageFrameRepository
getMainFrameFromNet() invoked from: GameCenterBizApplication onBizInit(), execute
isPreLoad is: true
21:05:22.566 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
21:05:22.567 INFO GCLog - PushServiceImpl: init
21:05:22.569 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
21:05:22.572 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
21:05:22.579 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
21:05:22.580 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
21:05:22.580 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
21:05:22.581 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
21:05:22.583 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
21:05:22.593 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
21:05:22.594 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: onBizInit updateToken
21:05:22.596 INFO GCLog - PushServiceImpl: updateToken isLoginOut=false start
21:05:22.600 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
21:05:22.605 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
21:05:22.607 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
21:05:22.594 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
21:05:22.609 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
21:05:22.611 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
21:05:22.613 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
21:05:22.619 INFO GCLog - ConfigHelper: whiteList config observer send
21:05:22.624 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
21:05:22.625 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
21:05:22.629 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get start
21:05:22.635 INFO GCLog - http_request: ***********nfig/get traceName = e62e5f98-
21:05:22.639 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
21:05:22.641 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
21:05:22.647 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/check start
21:05:22.648 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *********************ry/check start
21:05:22.650 INFO GCLog - http_request: *********************ry/check traceName =
21:05:22.653 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************************st/check
traceName = d25721e1-bdf5-401b-a154-759f301d4ff9
21:05:22.659 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/query start
21:05:22.673 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *****************nu/query start
21:05:22.676 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************************st/query
traceName = 4e236213-ce53-4c0d-b753-a55b405dd093
21:05:22.684 INFO GCLog - http_request: *****************nu/query traceName =
21:05:23.177 INFO GCLog - HnPushProvider: PushServiceImpl getPushStatus : enable
21:05:23.179 INFO GCLog - PushServiceImpl: updateToken:enable:true
21:05:23.180 ERROR GCLog - PushServiceImpl: Already logged ,but account info
isEmpty! return
21:05:25.686 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
21:05:25.687 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
21:05:25.689 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
21:05:25.690 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
21:05:25.698 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************en/oauth start
21:05:25.700 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************en/oauth traceName =
21:05:25.883 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
21:05:25.885 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-
api-dra.hispace.hihonorcloud.com": No address associated with hostname
21:05:25.887 INFO GCLog - SplashAdFloatBallHelper: getGreyModeConfig() isGreyMode
is: null
21:05:25.897 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *********************ry/check end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
21:05:25.900 ERROR GCLog - BaseReqImpl: queryCountryAvailability error:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-
api-dra.hispace.hihonorcloud.com": No address associated with hostname
21:05:25.901 INFO GCLog - AmsLocHelper: checkAccountServ resp.errorCode is:
21:05:25.903 INFO GCLog - AmsLocHelper: start get service: net error
21:05:25.905 INFO GCLog - AmsServiceImpl: checkAmsServiceForBootStartupResult:
notifyAmsCheckResult,result=Error(errMsg=check service error)
21:05:25.906 INFO GCLog - AmsServiceImpl: notifyState:
notifyAmsCheckResult,lastAmsCheckResult=BootStartupResult.Unknown is false
21:05:25.908 ERROR GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: StartupUseCase handleResult: startup
error is: check service error
21:05:25.908 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent
AgreementUpdateEvent: false null
21:05:25.937 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *****************nu/query end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
21:05:25.940 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-
api-dra.hispace.hihonorcloud.com": No address associated with hostname
21:05:25.956 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: MainPageFrameRepository
getMainFrameFromNet() success.
21:05:25.961 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/check end, fail errorMsg =
21:05:25.964 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/query end, fail errorMsg =
21:05:25.981 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
21:05:25.990 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
21:05:25.990 ERROR GCLog - HonorAccountProvider: get adolescent account onError
21:05:25.992 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent
BootMinorsAccountGuardianVerificationEvent: false
21:05:25.993 INFO GCLog - MinorsModeSetting: localSPKidsMode=false,
21:05:25.993 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent
BootChildModeWithNotLoginEvent: false
21:05:25.994 INFO GCLog - MinorsModeSetting: refreshKidsMode=false
21:05:26.017 INFO GCLog - MainPageFileHelper: saveFrameDataFile
21:05:26.029 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: MainPageFrameRepository
getMainFrameFromNet() load data to mem file sp success.
21:05:27.724 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************en/oauth end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
21:05:27.727 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-
api-dra.hispace.hihonorcloud.com": No address associated with hostname
21:05:27.728 ERROR GCLog - UserApiServiceImpl: getUserInfo failed: 10999
21:05:28.289 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
21:05:28.291 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
21:05:28.296 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
21:05:28.298 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
21:05:28.304 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************en/oauth start
21:05:28.306 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************en/oauth traceName =
21:05:30.343 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************en/oauth end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
21:05:30.347 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-
api-dra.hispace.hihonorcloud.com": No address associated with hostname
21:05:30.349 ERROR GCLog - UserApiServiceImpl: getUserInfo failed: 10999
21:05:30.876 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
21:05:30.878 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
21:05:30.881 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
21:05:30.887 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
21:05:30.896 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************en/oauth start
21:05:30.897 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************en/oauth traceName =
21:05:35.962 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************en/oauth end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
21:05:36.031 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-
api-dra.hispace.hihonorcloud.com": No address associated with hostname
21:05:36.034 ERROR GCLog - UserApiServiceImpl: getUserInfo failed: 10999
21:05:36.620 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
21:05:36.621 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
21:05:36.624 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
21:05:36.627 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
21:05:36.633 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************en/oauth start
21:05:36.640 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************en/oauth traceName =
21:05:38.648 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************en/oauth end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
21:05:38.651 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-
api-dra.hispace.hihonorcloud.com": No address associated with hostname
21:05:38.653 ERROR GCLog - UserApiServiceImpl: getUserInfo failed: 10999
21:05:38.655 ERROR GCLog - AccountServiceImpl: startup: getUserInfo fail
21:05:38.656 ERROR GCLog - BootReadyUseCase: accountStartup error=silentLogin fail
21:06:04.220 INFO GCLog - ScreenReceiver: action: android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF
21:06:04.223 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: queryAllAppUpdate() start.
21:06:04.242 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
21:06:04.252 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
21:06:04.255 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
21:06:04.258 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
21:06:04.261 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
21:06:04.266 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
21:06:04.269 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
21:06:04.274 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
21:06:04.277 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
21:06:04.281 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
21:06:04.284 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
21:06:04.287 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
21:06:04.289 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
21:06:04.292 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
21:06:04.295 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
21:06:04.299 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
21:06:04.302 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
21:06:04.305 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
21:06:04.306 INFO GCLog - GetAppInfoHelp: getInstalledPackages end
21:06:04.307 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
21:06:04.307 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
21:06:04.308 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
21:06:04.309 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
21:06:04.318 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************k/update start
21:06:04.321 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************k/update traceName =
21:06:06.373 ERROR GCLog - AppListParamIntercept: when parse requestBodyStr error
Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-api-dra.hispace.hihonorcloud.com": No address
associated with hostname
21:06:08.417 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************k/update end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
21:06:08.420 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-
api-dra.hispace.hihonorcloud.com": No address associated with hostname
21:13:47.602 INFO GCLog - ScreenReceiver: action: android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON
21:13:47.628 INFO GCLog - PushDownloadHelper: resumeReserveDownload no wifi
21:14:21.758 INFO GCLog - ScreenReceiver: action: android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF
21:14:21.759 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: queryAllAppUpdate() start.
21:14:21.793 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
21:14:21.805 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
21:14:21.808 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
21:14:21.812 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
21:14:21.826 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
21:14:21.831 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
21:14:21.834 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
21:14:21.866 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
21:14:21.870 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
21:14:21.879 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
21:14:21.882 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
21:14:21.885 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
21:14:21.887 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
21:14:21.891 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
21:14:21.895 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
21:14:21.899 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
21:14:21.902 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
21:14:21.906 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
21:14:21.908 INFO GCLog - GetAppInfoHelp: getInstalledPackages end
21:14:21.908 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
21:14:21.909 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
21:14:21.909 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
21:14:21.910 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
21:14:23.943 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************k/update start
21:14:23.946 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************k/update traceName =

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