28,2024 Department of Corporate Limited Phiroje Jeejeebhoy Street - 400
28,2024 Department of Corporate Limited Phiroje Jeejeebhoy Street - 400
28,2024 Department of Corporate Limited Phiroje Jeejeebhoy Street - 400
Dear Sir,
Thanking you,
Yours faithfutty
Digitally signed by ARVIND BAJPAI
1a933fb, postalCode=390021,
5d36402df9bb, cn=ARVIND BAJPAI
Date: 2024.11.28 19:34:14 +05'30'
Encl.: as above
2 0 2 3 -2 4
04 Corporate Overview
30 Our Sustainability Strategy
18 Message from the Executive Director and 55 Board Structure – Deepak Phenolics
CEO, Deepak Nitrite Limited Limited
20 Message from the Director (Finance) & 56 Board Diversity and Composition
Group CFO, Deepak Nitrite Limited
57 Board Performance Evaluation
22 Message from the Executive Director,
Deepak Nitrite Limited 58 Board Remuneration and Annual Total
Compensation Ratio
24 Message from the Executive Director &
CEO, Deepak Phenolics Limited 58 ESG Governance
26 Message from the Executive Director, 60 Conflict of Interest
Deepak Phenolics Limited
60 Board Committees
28 Message from Chief Manufacturing Officer,
Deepak Nitrite Limited 62 Business Ethics and Compliance
66 Business Sustainability
92 People and Social Strategy
82 Waste Management
Climate Change and Emissions
Energy Management
130 Appendix II
Corporate Overview
About the Report
The scope and boundary of this Standards and Topic Standards
Report differs from the Annual specified in the GRI Standards.
Report of Deepak Nitrite Limited In addition to aligning our
('DNL' or 'the Company') for FY report with GRI Standards, we
2023-24. This Report covers have also mapped disclosures
the operations of Deepak Nitrite with Chemicals Sustainability
Limited and its wholly owned Accounting Standards (SASB
subsidiary, Deepak Phenolics Sector Specific Standards).
Limited (collectively referred to Our approach aligns with the
as 'Deepak'), unless otherwise disclosure requirements of
specified. these frameworks. Deepak
ensured a consistent method
Our sustainability reporting for consolidating data across
encompasses a holistic approach all disclosures within the
that integrates economic, Sustainability Report. This involved
environmental and social aggregating values from all
indicators into our operational plants within the Report’s scope
framework. It outlines Deepak's and boundary. A materiality
strategic initiatives aimed at assessment was performed
advancing sustainability goals. to identify key sustainability
This includes a focus on resource topics relevant to Deepak. Our
efficiency, where efforts are consolidation principles are
directed towards minimising consistently applied to maintain
waste, optimising energy use and uniformity in reporting both
adopting technologies that reduce financial and non-financial
environmental footprint. information.
External Assurance
This Sustainability Report is
externally assured by TÜV
SÜD, an independent third-
party assurance provider. This
assurance was conducted in
accordance with the ISAE 3000
(International Standard on
Assurance Engagements) criteria,
which is a widely accepted
standard for providing assurance
on non-financial information.
The limited assurance provided
by TÜV SÜD covers non-financial
indicators and select qualitative
information disclosed in this
Report. The scope and findings
of the assurance are detailed in
the assurance statement issued
by TÜV SÜD, as annexed to this
This report includes forward-
looking statements regarding
anticipated future events
that could impact Deepak's
operations. These statements
inherently involve assumptions
and are subject to inherent
risks and uncertainties. Caution
is advised when interpreting
these assumptions, predictions
and statements, as they may
not accurately reflect future
outcomes. Actual results and
events may differ significantly
from those anticipated in the
forward-looking statements.
Deepak is under no obligation
to update these statements
to reflect changes in events
or circumstances after the
publication of this Report.
Deepak Nitrite Limited (referred to as ‘DNL’ or ‘the Company’) is a leading manufacturer of speciality chemicals,
including intermediates and advanced chemicals that serve a wide range of industries. Our product portfolio
includes Nitrites, Nitro Toluidines, Fuel Additives, Nitrosyl Sulphuric Acid, Xylidines, Oximes, Cumidines, Speciality
Agrochemicals, Optical Brightening Agents, DASDA. Headquartered in Vadodara, Gujarat, DNL is having its
manufacturing facilities located at Nandesari and Dahej in the State of Gujarat, Roha and Taloja, in the State
of Maharashtra and Hyderabad, in the State of Telangana. The Company's wholly owned subsidiary, Deepak
Phenolics Limited (referred to as 'DPL') also headquartered in Vadodara, Gujarat and having manufacturing
facility at Dahej, Gujarat produces Cumene, Phenol, Acetone, Isopropyl Alcohol, Alpha Methyl Styrene.
As a partner of choice for both maintaining the highest quality large product portfolio of value-
domestic and global chemical standards in our products. added intermediates and export
majors, Deepak stands out as one to over 45 countries across six
of India’s fastest-growing chemical Our portfolio includes over 34 continents, balancing our import-
intermediates companies, premium products, serving more export Revenues. Our Phenol-
committed to Responsible than 56 applications across various Acetone project further diversifies
Chemistry. We lead the industry industries. We have established our offerings, catering to more
in manufacturing advanced a market presence that engages than 10 end-use segments directly
intermediates and phenolic over 1,500 customers in 45+ linked to India’s GDP growth.
chemicals, serving a wide range of countries. Our distribution network
sectors including pharmaceuticals, consists of eight manufacturing Aligning with the Government’s
personal care, textile, defence, facilities located at five strategic ‘Make in India’ mission, our
paint, laminates, plywood, auto locations, supporting efficient manufacturing capabilities ensure
ancillaries etc. Our relentless operations and sustainable growth. that we remain at the forefront
pursuit of excellence drives us of the chemical manufacturing
to innovate continuously while To mitigate risks, we maintain a industry, both in India and globally.
Product Portfolio
DNL is a leading producer of organic, inorganic and fine chemicals, providing customised solutions to meet
diverse industry needs. Our extensive product range and market leadership make us a key player in the
chemical industry.
Market Leadership
We are the market leader in India for organic intermediates, specifically Nitro Toluidines, Xylidines,
Cumidines and Oximes.
Our diverse product portfolio and strategic capabilities enable us to serve a wide range of industries effectively,
upholding our commitment to innovation, sustainability and excellence in chemical manufacturing.
Products Products
• Nitrites • Oximes
• Cumene • Alpha Methyl
• Nitro Toluidines • Cumidines Styrene (AMS)
• Phenol
• Fuel Additives • Speciality Agrochemicals • Isopropyl Alcohol
• Acetone
• Nitrosyl • Optical Brightening
Sulphuric Acid Agents (OBA)
• Xylidines • DASDA
Deepak operates with a diverse and dynamic product portfolio, segmented into Advanced Intermediates and
Phenolics, which serve a broad array of industries, including pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, plastics, textiles, laminates,
automative etc. This diversification ensures resilience against sector-specific challenges and reduces the risk of product
The Advanced Intermediates cater to high-growth sectors like dyes, pigments, agrochemicals and pharmaceuticals,
while Phenolics segment remains a key contributor to both domestic and international markets, supplying to industries
such as laminates & plywood, automative, construction and pharmaceuticals. Deepak's focus on strategic relationships
has bolstered the reliability of its supply chain, optimising production and maintaining high capacity utilisation at its
Corporate Our Sustainability Corporate Business Environment People and
Overview Strategy Governance Sustainability Responsibility Social Strategy Appendix
Operational Resilience
Deepak's focus on operational At Deepak, our Laboratory enabling us to achieve higher
excellence has resulted in Information Management levels of productivity and
sustained performance, even System (LIMS) plays a vital efficiency. By integrating LIMS, we
during volatile demand cycles. role in streamlining laboratory streamline operations, minimise
Despite scheduled maintenance workflows, improving data manual errors and maintain the
and other challenges, the Phenol accuracy, ensuring compliance consistent delivery of superior-
plant has consistently operated at and enhancing operational quality products to our customers.
high capacity, demonstrating its efficiency. This innovative solution
ability to manage both output and transforms laboratory processes,
efficiency. data handling and collaboration,
Future Growth
Looking ahead, Deepak's diversification, is expected to This strategic alignment between
strategy is centered around contribute to the sustained product innovation, operational
further integration and capacity profitability and market leadership. efficiency and sustainability
expansion, underpinned by By expanding its expertise and positions Deepak as a leader in
securing raw material supplies product offerings, Deepak is the chemical industry, prepared
and investments in cutting- well-positioned to capitalise to address future challenges and
edge processes. The anticipated on evolving industry trends seize opportunities for growth.
cyclical recovery in product and maintain its competitive
prices, combined with Deepak's advantage in both domestic and
continued focus on product international markets.
Like a tree with strong roots, Deepak has and is growing taller with fresh branches
and new off-shoots to fulfill its growth aspirations. Our brand identity and corporate
architecture, coupled with vision and way forward has set the right tone for the next phase
of our growth, expansion and profitability.
At the heart of our brand essence is the balance between ‘stability’ and ‘agility’. We aim to
maximise growth by leveraging our heritage and ensuring consistent performance, while
also driving our expansion through the agility and dynamism needed to adapt to new
Disruptive ideas and innovation.
Driving not just product ideas but
also innovation in terms of processes
and employee engagement. Thus,
maximising growth.
Ownership Agility
Everyone is a leader. Everyone Change is constant. To
is team member. Everyone respond to change and
takes equal responsibility for deliver results rapidly. This
the Company's growth. Where equips the organisation
the vision becomes not just to respond rapidly to this
the Company goal but the dynamic world.
individual goal as well.
Organisation 2023
Award received for
adopting Valuable
Initiatives by the
Economics Times
SRF Award
SRF Limited honored Deepak
Nitrite Limited with an award
for exceptional support and
Deepak Nitrite Limited (Taloja)
meeting supply commitments
and Deepak Phenolics teams
won Gold Awards at the ICQCC
Conference in Thailand
ISO9001 B
2023 CDP Climate
9001:2015 Change Score
of DNL
1,500+ 5,241
Customers Worldwide Total Workforce
Deepak C. Mehta
Chairman and Managing Director
Dear Stakeholders,
Maulik Mehta
Executive Director and CEO
Deepak Nitrite Limited
Sanjay Upadhyay
Director (Finance) and Group CFO
Deepak Nitrite Limited
Girish Satarkar
Executive Director
Deepak Nitrite Limited
Kishor Jhalaria
Executive Director and CEO,
Deepak Phenolics Limited
Meghav Mehta
Executive Director
Deepak Phenolics Limited
towards the China+1 strategy Our pursuit of alternative energy aligning our efforts with global
and rising geopolitical risks sources is equally rigorous. We standards and emerging trends.
have further positioned India have increased the use of biomass
as a reliable supplier for the in our boilers from 30 tons per day Our commitment to sustainability
global chemical industry. DPL to 100 tons per day and initiated extends beyond our operations.
stands at the forefront of this the use of ETP sludge biomass, We are dedicated to make
transformation, leveraging our significantly reducing our reliance a positive impact on the
operational capabilities and on conventional fuels. These communities where we operate,
strategic foresight to capture initiatives are complemented by through our CSR initiatives
emerging opportunities. capital investments in energy focused on education, healthcare
conservation equipment, such and the empowerment of women.
Our journey has been one of as the installation of a conveying We believe that our success is
continuous improvement. We system that allows us to utilize intertwined with the well-being
have significantly enhanced higher quantities of biomass in our of our stakeholders and we are
our operational efficiency and operations. committed to creating value
are strategically venturing into for all.
the downstream, value-added Technological innovation remains
derivatives of Phenol and Acetone a key driver of our sustainability Looking Ahead
at Group level. This expansion is journey. The implementation of As I prepare for transition from
not just about growth; it is about Advanced Process Control (APC) my role as Executive Director of
reinforcing our leadership position in our Cumene and Phenol plants Deepak Phenolics Limited, I look
and contributing to the nation's has yielded impressive results, forward to leading new projects
vision of self-reliance India including a 1-10% reduction in the at Deepak Chem Tech Limited,
(Aatmanirbhar Bharat). specific consumption of utilities a wholly owned subsidiary of
and chemicals, over 625 metric Deepak Nitrite Limited. In our
Commitment to Sustainability tons per year reduction in CO2 ongoing expansions as well, the
and Technological Innovation emissions and a 50% reduction in focus remains on sustainability.
Sustainability is a cornerstone vent losses.
of our operational philosophy. At I would like to express my heartfelt
DPL, we are deeply committed to Forging a Sustainable Future gratitude to our employees,
integrate sustainable practices As we continue to expand customers, suppliers and all
into every aspect of our business. our capacity and diversify our stakeholders for their support.
This year, we made substantial portfolio, our focus remains Together, we will continue to drive
strides in energy conservation, on sustainable growth. The sustainable growth and create a
a testament to our dedication to establishment of our Sustainability lasting impact on the industry and
environmental stewardship. By Committee earlier this year the communities we serve.
improving the usage of Smart underscores our commitment to a
PO, we achieved a 12% year-on- long-term vision. This Committee Best Regards,
year increase in power savings. will provide focused attention Meghav Mehta
Additionally, our Energy Index to our sustainability initiatives, Executive Director
has reduced to 1.91 mmkcal/ ensuring that we remain at Deepak Phenolics Limited
MT from 2.04 mmkcal/MT in the the forefront of industry best
previous year, highlighting our practices. The Committee will also
ongoing efforts to enhance energy play a pivotal role in establishing
efficiency. our sustainability roadmap,
Dear Stakeholders, At DNL, sustainability has always practices, ensuring that we not only
been at the core of our operations. meet regulatory requirements but
It is with great pride and a We understand that our industry exceed them.
deep sense of responsibility has significant environmental
that we present to you the first and social impacts and we are In alignment with global standards
Sustainability Report of Deepak committed to minimise our footprint and expectations, we have
Nitrite Limited ('DNL'). As a leading while contributing to the well-being developed a comprehensive
chemical manufacturing company of the communities we serve. This Environmental, Social and
in India, we recognise that our role report highlights our progress, Governance (ESG) Roadmap to
extends beyond business success challenges and the sustainable guide our strategy and actions. Our
— it encompasses creating value for practices we are embedding across roadmap is built on the firm belief
society, our environment and future our manufacturing processes. that sustainability is not a separate
generations. function but an integral part of our
Over the past years, we have made business, driving long-term value
substantial strides in reducing for our stakeholders.
energy consumption, improving
resource efficiency and fostering Environmental Stewardship: A
a culture of innovation that aligns Sustainable Future
with the principles of circular As part of our Environmental
economy. Our operations have commitment, we are actively
evolved to integrate state-of-the- working to reduce our carbon
art technologies and industry best footprint and enhance our
Anant Pande
Chief Manufacturing Officer
Deepak Nitrite Limited
operational efficiency. Our initiatives committed to foster an inclusive the importance of setting clear
are focused on: workplace that promotes equal and measurable targets. Our
• Carbon Footprint Reduction: We opportunities for all employees. ESG roadmap is a dynamic,
have committed to reduce our Over the last few years, we evolving strategy that will guide
Greenhouse Gas emissions year have tried to focus on involving us towards a future where our
on year. This involves increasing shopfloor teams in the safety operations contribute positively to
the use of renewable energy, journey. the environment, society and the
optimising energy usage. • Ethical Supply Chain: We are economy.
• Resource Efficiency: We are working towards enhancing the
continuously improving water sustainability of our supply chain In the coming years, we aim
management systems and by ensuring that our suppliers to expand our investments in
reducing waste generation adhere to stringent environmental renewable energy, advance
through circular economy and social standards. our zero-waste initiatives and
principles. Our waste-to-value collaborate with industry leaders to
strategies focus on reusing, Governance: Ensuring drive innovation and industry-wide
recycling and recovering valuable Transparency and Accountability change.
materials from production Our Governance approach
processes along with a continual is designed to ensure that This Sustainability Report is not
focus on maximising our process sustainability is embedded at every just a reflection of where we are
yields. level of the organisation. today but also a roadmap for
• Strong Corporate Governance: where we aspire to go in the future.
Social Responsibility: We have implemented the As we continue to innovate and
Empowering Teams highest standards of corporate improve, we remain committed to
Our Social initiatives are focused governance, with clear policies transparent reporting, measurable
on ensuring the well-being of on ethical business practices, targets and accountable actions.
our employees, supporting local anti-corruption measures and We are determined to continue
communities and promoting transparency in reporting. being a leader in sustainability,
diversity and inclusion throughout • Sustainability Integration: The creating a lasting, positive impact
our operations. Sustainability Committee of for all our stakeholders.
• Employee Health and Safety: We the Board regularly reviews the
prioritise the health, safety and progress on ESG to ensure that I would like to extend my sincere
well-being of our employees. we are on track to meet our ESG gratitude to everyone who is
We have implemented stringent goals and that our actions are contributing to our sustainability
safety protocols across all aligned with our long-term vision. journey. By embracing innovation
our plants, with a focus on and sustainability, we aim to
continuous training, safety Our Vision for the Future strengthen our position as an
culture and accident prevention. As we continue to build upon industry leader and partner in
• Inclusive Growth: We are our ESG initiatives, we recognise driving meaningful change.
Our Sustainability
Material Topic
9 14
8 10 3 15
1 12
(Impact on stakeholders)
Outward Impact
6 5
Low High
Inward Impact
(Impact on Company's Business)
Material Topics
Water Use and Effluent Management
Waste Management
Energy Management
Employee Engagement
Human Rights
Community Involvement
Customer Relationships
Product Stewardship
Product Innovation
Corporate Governance
Business Continuity
As conscientious corporate citizens, we pledge to safeguard the environment and society on several
fronts by making sure that our activities do not adversely affect the quantity or quality of water resources.
Climate-related hazards, including physical and transition risk, can interrupt our operations and those
of our value chain partners. We carefully considered the financial effects of mitigation measures when
developing our business plan.
Community Involvement
Corporate Governance
Business Continuity
Product Stewardship
Waste Management
Energy Management
Employee Engagement
Human Rights
Shri Deepak C. Mehta Shri Maulik Mehta Shri Sanjay Upadhyay Shri Girish Satarkar
Chairman and Managing Director Executive Director and CEO Director (Finance) and Group CFO Executive Director
Shri Ajay C. Mehta Shri Meghav Mehta Shri Sanjay Asher Smt. Purvi Sheth
Non-Executive Director Non-Executive Director Independent Director Independent Director
Shri Dileep Choksi Shri Prakash D. Samudra Shri Vipul S. Shah Shri Punit S. Lalbhai
Independent Director Independent Director Independent Director Independent Director
As of March 31, 2024, the Board is composed of twelve (12) Directors, including four (4) Executive Directors and
eight (8) Non-Executive Directors. Of the Non-Executive Directors, six (6) are Independent Directors, including
one (1) woman Independent Director.
The Company’s Chairman is an character and judgment, free such as Business, Finance, Law,
Executive Director and Promoter. from any relationships that could Information Technology, Human
The Board meets the requirement significantly affect their impartial Resources, Chemicals and
that at least half of its members decision-making. The Board Project Management. This diverse
be Independent Directors, with six is composed of highly skilled blend of skills and experience
(6) Independent Directors serving professionals who bring a wealth strengthens our decision-making
during the financial year ended of diverse expertise, perspectives processes, driving the Company's
March 31, 2024. Each Independent and extensive corporate strategic direction and long-term
Director brings significant business experience to the organisation. sustainability.
experience and is deemed by The collective knowledge of the
the Board to be independent in Board spans various key areas
Shri Deepak C. Mehta Shri Meghav Mehta* Shri Kishor Jhalaria Shri Maulik Mehta
Chairman and Managing Director Executive Director Executive Director and CEO Non-Executive Director
Smt. Ila D. Mehta Shri Sanjay Upadhyay Shri Sandesh Kumar Shri Shripad Gumaste
Non-Executive Director Non-Executive Director Anand Non-Executive Director
Non-Executive Director (Upto: 30-07-2024)
Shri Ashok Shri Prem Kumar Taneja Shri Milin Mehta Shri Sanjay Asher
Balasubramanian Independent Director Independent Director Independent Director
Independent Director (Upto: 24-07-2024)
As of March 31, 2024, the Board is composed of twelve (12) Directors, including three (3) Executive Directors,
five (5) Non-Executive Directors and four (4) Independent Directors. The Non-Executive Directors include
one (1) woman Non-Executive Director.
*Shri Meghav Mehta completed his term as Executive Director of DPL on 01-05-2024 and continues to be Non-Executive Director of DPL with effect from 02-05-2024.
In accordance with Section 152 recommends his re-appointment, in its meeting on May 15, 2024,
of the Companies Act, 2013, Shri Shri Shripad Gumaste has not not to fill the vacancy caused by
Shripad Gumaste and Shri Kishor opted to be re-appointed and will his retirement. A resolution for
Jhalaria are due for retirement retire at the upcoming Annual this decision will be presented at
at the upcoming Annual General General Meeting. The Board the forthcoming Annual General
Meeting. While Shri Kishor Jhalaria acknowledges Shri Shripad Meeting as per Section 152(7)(a) of
has expressed his willingness Gumaste's significant contributions the Companies Act, 2013.
to continue and the Board during his tenure and has decided,
The Board also evaluated the defined Terms of Reference. The The Board is of the opinion that
performance of its Committees Committees actively engaged in Directors of the Company including
after receiving input from discussions and provided effective Independent Director possess
Committee members. It was recommendations on matters requisite qualifications, integrity,
concluded that the Committees related to the Company’s business, expertise and experience in their
are well-structured, with operations and governance. The respective fields.
an appropriate number of Directors expressed satisfaction
Independent Directors and clearly with the evaluation process.
ESG Governance
Strategic Oversight by the health and safety, sustainable
Board of Directors supply chains, energy efficiency,
At Deepak, ESG governance is climate change mitigation, water
integrated into our operational stewardship, waste management Shri Punit Lalbhai, Chairman
framework and strategic vision. and regulatory compliance.
Shri Vipul Shah, Member
The highest governance body, The Board actively defines the
the respective Board of Directors, organisation's purpose, values and Shri Maulik Mehta, Member
is instrumental in shaping and mission to align with sustainable
approving the Deepak’s ESG development goals and oversees Shri Girish Satarkar, Member
framework, ensuring alignment the Deepak’s ESG strategies
with global sustainability to ensure their relevance and
priorities. The framework effectiveness.
emphasizes key areas such as
Role of the Sustainability energy utilization and stakeholder developing and recommending
Committee welfare initiatives. Comprising four a comprehensive Sustainability
To strengthen its ESG initiatives, a members, including independent Roadmap, monitoring the
dedicated Sustainability Committee and executive directors, the implementation of ESG priorities
of Directors has duly been Committee offers a platform for and reviewing related disclosures to
constituted and is in place. The informed decision-making on enhance transparency. Additionally,
Committee’s primary mandate is to sustainability matters. the Committee ensures alignment
drive the Company's sustainability with emerging sustainability
agenda, providing focused attention The Sustainability Committee’s practices, providing actionable
to energy conservation, renewable terms of reference include insights to the management team.
Sourcing and Energy and
Health and Supply Chain Climate Change
Safety sustainability Management
Conflict of Interest
As outlined in Deepak's Code of indirectly, through a relative Board. Additionally, when dealing
Conduct, Directors are required (as defined under Section 2(77) with the Company, Directors are
to avoid any conflicts of interest. of the Companies Act, 2013 or expected to operate at arm’s
Directors must not engage in any statutory modification or length to prevent any actual or
any transaction or relationship re-enactment thereof) or an perceived conflicts of interest.
with any entity where they affiliated organisation, without
have a financial or personal obtaining prior approval from the
interest, whether directly or disinterested members of the
Board Committees
The Company has established of reference that outline its role, incorporating renewable energy
statutory Committees of responsibilities, composition into operations and enhancing
Directors that support the Board and scope of authority, ensuring the welfare of both internal and
in supervising and directing the effective governance. external stakeholders, including
Company’s business operations through CSR activities. These
in line with the Board’s vision The Company has implemented initiatives play a significant
and guidance. Each Committee several initiatives aimed at role in ensuring the long-term
functions under defined terms conserving energy and resources, sustainability of the business.
Board of Directors
Committees of Board
Sustainability Committee
Audit Committee
Project Committee
Board Committees
Sustainability Committee
Audit Committee
Project Committee
Product Stewardship
We have successfully implemented Advanced Process Acid Concentration (SAC) unit, significantly enhancing
Control ('APC') at our Cumene and Phenol plants sustainability at our Nandesari plant.
located at Dahej, Gujarat. We have also implemented
and demonstrated the successfull operation of an Looking ahead, our Nitric Acid, MIBK and MIBC plants
APC controller for a very complex and challenging to are scheduled to be commissioned by FY 2024-25.
optimise - "cleavage reactor" section of the Phenol plant, These plants will enable us to utilise Acetone to produce
which very few peers have implemented in the world. MIBK and MIBC, thereby expanding into downstream
APC is a cutting-edge process control and optimisation value-added products. With numerous brownfield and
technology that fine-tunes various operational greenfield projects set to be completed in the coming
parameters like feed flow, temperature, pressure and years, we are well-positioned for enhanced performance
reflux flows on a minute-by-minute basis—tasks that and growth. Notably, we have also increased our stake
were previously managed manually. The implementation in Deepak Oman Industries (SFZ) LLC to 51%, making it a
of APC has yielded significant benefits including subsidiary of the Company. This strategic investment will
increased production, reduced energy consumption, fortify our market position and expand our operational
improved production yields, enhanced product quality capabilities. It enables us to benefit from low cost inputs
and lower emissions. Additionally, APC has contributed to of raw materials and energy, thereby servicing global
safer and more reliable operations, prolonged catalyst life market more effectively.
and extended asset longevity.
Furthermore, DPL has successfully migrated to SAP-S4
As a result, our Phenol plant now leads the industry HANA, a significant step towards digitalization that
with an impressive capacity utilisation rate over 150%, enhances our resource planning and decision-making,
setting new benchmarks for operational excellence. We streamlines operations and increases our agility as we
have also successfully commissioned a Spent Sulphuric move forward.
Product Innovation
Our Research and Development efforts are focused Industrial Research, Government of India, DRDC
on creating innovative chemical compounds and specialises in innovating sophisticated technologies. The
maximising the value of by-products. By consistently facility boasts a dedicated team of over 100 professionals
reviewing existing products and processes, Deepak who are actively engaged in the development of various
aims to enhance efficiency and achieve cost savings. molecules and chemicals, many of which are currently
With an emphasis on sustainable chemistry, we seek to undergoing the patenting process. To date, the Company
harness opportunities for innovation while maintaining has filed approximately 68 patent applications, with 24
high standards of operational excellence. Deepak's patents already granted.
strong execution capabilities and established success
play a crucial role in its evolution into a research and The R&D facility plays a vital role particularly in
innovation-led organisation. developing advanced intermediates that demand
complex chemistry and engineering. Equipped with
Our state-of-the-art Deepak Research and Development cutting-edge instruments and equipment, the facility is
Center ('DRDC'), located at Nandesari, Gujarat serves at the forefront of technological innovation.
as a centralised hub for our innovation capabilities.
Recognised by the Department of Scientific and
DRDC also features a state-of-the- have invested in advanced tools like Mass Spectrometry (GCMS),
art Process Engineering Lab, Kilo flow reactors and flow meters under High-Performance Liquid
Lab and Process Intensification Lab. the Process Engineering Research Chromatography (HPLC),
These facilities are instrumental and Innovation (PERI) initiative. Liquid Chromatography/
in generating scale-up data for Mass Spectrometry (LCMS),
all products developed at DRDC. Role of the Analytical Team: Ultra-Performance Liquid
The application of the Design of • The Analytical Team is essential Chromatography (UPLC), Ion
Experiments methodology, using in supporting synthetic chemistry Chromatography (IC), UV and IR
specialised software for screening throughout every stage of product technologies.
and optimisation, accelerates the and process development. • Where in-house capabilities
lab-scale development process. • The team has been strengthened are limited, the Analytical Lab
by the addition of skilled personnel collaborates with third-party
To support the development of and sophisticated analytical tools, analytical labs to generate
new technology platforms and including Gas Chromatography necessary data (e.g., PSD,
continuous process innovation, we (GC), Gas Chromatography/ S-analysis, NMR).
Facility Overview: The upcoming Savli R&D Centre will house cutting-
edge laboratories and pilot plants designed to foster groundbreaking
research in chemical processes. The facility will be equipped with advanced
technologies that enable our scientists and industry experts to explore and
develop sustainable, environmentally friendly solutions.
Standalone Consolidated
We have embraced an integrated growth approach, venturing into new products, chemistries and end
applications. Our investment strategy for ₹ 14,000 Crores encompasses projects in specialty products, phenol,
BPA, polycarbonate resins and compounds and MMA.
Business Continuity
We prioritise uninterrupted operations customers and stakeholders operations and business continuity.
and business continuity, which during disruptions. The On-Site Given the scale of Deepak's activities,
strengthens our resilience against Emergency Action Plan focuses on we have the ability to influence our
disruptions, minimises revenue risk assessment, impact analysis suppliers' ESG priorities, which can
loss, reduces operational downtime and crisis management, with clearly significantly impact stakeholders.
and protects our reputation. This defined roles and responsibilities. We uphold a robust logistics and
proactive strategy helps maintain These plans are thoroughly reviewed distribution network, utilising secure
customer trust, preserve our market every six months to maintain a high transportation with GPS tracking to
position and lower recovery costs, level of emergency preparedness. monitor raw materials and finished
ultimately safeguarding profitability goods in real-time. Our well-organized
and ensuring sustained long-term The respective Risk Management warehousing system ensures timely
financial health. Committee is responsible for deliveries to customers. By leveraging
developing and reviewing Deepak's our manufacturing expertise,
Deepak has implemented a business continuity plans as per best integrated facilities and agile
comprehensive On-Site and Off-Site industry standards. operations, we consistently achieve
Emergency Action Plan to bolster reliable and steady performance.
the resilience of our operations and Maintaining a sustainable supply
ensure the safety of our employees, chain is crucial for Deepak our
Emerging Risks
Zero cases, incidents and consumer complaints pertaining to data breach or cybersecurity
breach has been identified or reported in FY 2023-24.
To ensure the confidentiality and As part of our ongoing systems with this cutting-
security of sensitive information cybersecurity initiatives, we edge technology, we have also
and documents across all functions have significantly upgraded strategically installed new cameras
and sites, we conducted a data existing CCTV (closed-circuit at critical locations across our
life cycle assessment through an television) system by integrating sites. This comprehensive upgrade
external agency. This assessment advanced edge-based analytics not only bolsters our security
evaluated our current data security with security-focused Artificial infrastructure but also ensures
practices, identified areas for Intelligence (AI) features. These a safer working environment for
improvement and recommended new AI capabilities, such as line all employees, while improving
measures to strengthen our crossing detection and intrusion our ability to respond swiftly and
controls preventing potential data area monitoring are designed to effectively to potential security
leaks. Additionally, the assessment enhance overall safety within our breaches.
addressed our IT landscape's data premises, reduce the likelihood of
security practices and third-party staff incidents and aid in incident
risk management. prevention and investigation.
In addition to replacing outdated
Deepak has implemented a continuity, we have implemented Deepak consistently aligns its
robust framework to ensure regular system backups, operations with the latest IT laws
that all employees are aware redundancy plans and robust and cybersecurity frameworks.
of potential threat issues and disaster recovery frameworks. Our Regular audits and assessments
the importance of information Security Operation Center (SOC) help us maintain compliance
security and cybersecurity. We plays a central role in our defence and refine our strategies to
have formulated policies that strategy, continuously monitoring meet evolving legal and ethical
outline the necessary guidelines for threats and responding obligations, ensuring that we
for safeguarding information and proactively to protect our systems stay ahead in safeguarding our
these are reinforced through and data. This ensures that our information.
training sessions to educate cybersecurity measures are both
employees on what actions are proactive and reactive, providing Through these combined efforts,
expected. a strong shield against potential Deepak ensures a resilient
cyber threats. cybersecurity posture that not
Employees are also supported by only protects our critical assets
a well-defined escalation process Adherence to compliance of but also upholds the trust of
in the event of any suspicious regulatory standards is integral our customers, employees and
activity, with monthly awareness to our cybersecurity agenda. partners.
mailers that include contact
details for reporting security
concerns. Incident Response Procedures
Procedure Frequency
Incident Response and
Continuity Planning Business Continuity and Semi-annual testing
In today’s digital landscape, Incident Response
preparedness is crucial for Breach Attack Simulation A breach attack simulation and red
effectively managing cyber and Red Teaming teaming exercise to test the defences
incidents. Deepak has developed across People, Process and Technology is
a comprehensive cybersecurity scheduled in the current financial year.
framework that emphasises
incident readiness and rapid
response. Our well-established External Verification and Vulnerability Analysis
incident response protocol
Procedure Frequency
includes a dedicated team,
clear communication strategies External Vulnerability Analysis Bi-annual
and a systematic approach to Simulated Hacker Attacks Atleast twice a year
containment, investigation and
recovery, ensuring that any cyber
threat is swiftly managed.
Information Security Breaches
condensate being reused again in treatment in the Effluent Treatment of the receiving waterbody is
the production process. Salts and Plant (ETP). Following in-house carefully considered when setting
other residues from MVR are safely treatment, the treated wastewater these standards, considering
disposed of at a secured landfill. is sent to GIDC pumping station factors such as water quality,
and subsequently discharged into aquatic life support and local
This integrated system is designed deep sea. ecosystem health to minimise
to maximise water reuse while adverse environmental impacts.
ensuring compliance with We are is committed to managing At Deepak we adhere strictly
statutory environmental norms. water discharge impact, aligning to government standards for
The quality of treated wastewater with environmental sustainability water quality, specifically the
is continuously monitored through and regulatory compliance. In standards set for the organic
an Online Continuous Effluent locations where specific local chemical manufacturing industry
Monitoring System (OCEMS), discharge requirements are absent, by the Central Pollution Control
analysed internally on a daily we establish minimum effluent Board (CPCB). There is no direct
basis and validated monthly by an discharge standards, based on discharge of wastewater into any
independent third party. Similarly, best practices and environmental waterbody.
at DPL, wastewater undergoes sustainability principles. The profile
Installation of High-Temperature
Reverse Osmosis (RO) Plant
At our Hyderabad unit of DNL, the Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD)
system has been a fundamental component of our environmental
management practices. During reporting period, we upgraded this
system by integrating a specialised membrane Reverse Osmosis
(RO) plant, designed to operate efficiently at higher temperatures.
The RO permeate is directly utilised as boiler feed, eliminating the
need for additional heating prior to entering the boiler, thereby
improving operational efficiency.
Reduction in water withdrawal with the installation of the
MVR system, allowing for water reuse in processes such as
Initiative Impact
Initiatives taken at Nandesari plant: Annual Cost Saving for the initiatives
• 14 Kiloliters Per Day (KLD) of water is recycled in M- Xylene taken at Nandesari plant:
stream. • ₹ 6.31 Lakhs
• 12 KLD water is reused from Mechanical Vapor • ₹ 3.15 Lakhs
Re-compression (MVR) System. • ₹ 7.87 Lakhs
• 30 KLD capacity Reverse Osmosis (RO) plant installed that • ₹ 37.54 Lakhs
recycles water.
• 72 KLD of effluent recycled, reducing water
consumption with a Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD)
solution. The process requires no external heat
source, no heat rejection unit and minimal electric power, while
achieving 99% effluent recycling and high-quality output.
Initiatives taken at Dahej plant: Annual Cost Saving for the initiatives
• 182 KLD of water recycled using Multi-Effect Evaporation (MEE) taken at Dahej plant:
condensate processed through RO plant. • ₹ 43.31 Lakhs
Initiatives taken at Roha plant: Annual Cost Saving for the initiatives
• 112 KLD of water recycled from Mechanical Vapor Re- taken at Roha plant:
compression (MVR) System and RO system. • ₹ 28.22 Lakhs
Initiatives taken at Taloja plant: Annual Cost Saving for the initiatives
• 12 KLD of water recycled from RO. Currently, 8 KLD water is taken at Taloja plant:
being recycled based on the present feed rate. • ₹ 1 Lakhs
• ₹ 0.15 Lakhs
• Rainwater harvesting for FY 2023-24 yielded 2,000 KL of water.
Initiatives taken at Hyderabad plant: Annual Cost Saving for the initiatives
• 218 KLD of water recycled to the boiler from MEE and RO taken at Hyderabad plant:
systems. • ₹ 198 Lakhs
Waste Management
The chemical industry plays a wastes are generated as part At our manufacturing plants,
vital role in the global economy, of daily operations across these non-hazardous waste includes a
producing a wide range of essential facilities. variety of waste materials, such as
products that enhance the quality food, paper, construction debris,
of life. However, this sector is To ensure effective waste metal and wood. We implement
also associated with significant management at our manufacturing a systematic approach to waste
waste generation, which can pose facilities, we implement systematic separation, distinguishing between
serious environmental risks if not practices tailored to suit our wet and dry food waste. The wet
managed responsibly. We recognise operations. Waste generated from waste is processed using an in-
the significance of efficient waste various processes is collected house organic waste converter,
management and are committed and segregated into hazardous transforming it into valuable
to minimise our environmental and non-hazardous waste type. manure, while the dry waste
impact through efficient resource Hazardous waste is stored in is forwarded to the municipal
utilisation and responsible handling designated areas that are clearly corporation for proper disposal.
of both hazardous and non- labeled, adhering to stringent
hazardous waste while complying safety protocols and regulatory Additionally, other non-hazardous
with all applicable regulations. compliance. wastes including paper, metal and
wood are collected and stored in
Our manufacturing facilities, ETPs, We maintain comprehensive a designated scrap value yard.
production units and support records of both waste generation These wastes are then sent to
departments generate a diverse and disposal, ensuring external vendors for responsible
range of waste. At DNL, the types transparency and accountability disposal or recycling, ensuring
of waste produced include ETP in our operations. Prior to the minimal environmental impact.
sludge, spent carbon, process transfer of hazardous waste, an Our comprehensive waste
residues, oils, salts, electronic internal hazardous waste transfer management strategies are aimed
waste, biomedical waste and food slip is filled to document the at reducing waste and adopting
waste. These waste streams reflect process. Regular inspections of measures for recycling and
the complexity and diversity of the hazardous waste storage areas resource efficiency.
industrial processes involved in are conducted to uphold safety
chemical production. standards and transportation
vehicles are organized for safe
At DPL, the primary waste delivery to designated disposal
categories include ETP sludge, sites. This entire process is closely
insulation waste and spent monitored, ensuring that waste is
adsorbents, in addition to other properly disposed, highlighting our
specific waste streams related efforts towards responsible waste
to production activities. Both management.
hazardous and non-hazardous
Total Waste diverted from disposal Total Waste diverted from disposal
94,252 MT 15,236 MT
314 MT 150 MT
Our operations mostly generate hazardous waste due to the nature of our chemical processes. However, we
are committed to minimise waste generation through Research and Development (R&D) and technological
advancements that align with sustainability principles.
Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Scope 2 emissions at 12,670 tCO₂e and Scope 3
DNL's GHG emissions for FY 2023-24 amounted to emissions at 4,56,454 tCO₂e.
5,39,810 tCO₂e, marking a reduction from the previous
year’s 6,99,401 tCO₂e. This includes Scope 1 emissions Air Emissions
(direct emissions from owned or controlled sources) at DNL reported reductions in air pollutants, with NOx
1,17,226 tCO₂e, Scope 2 emissions (indirect emissions emissions at 427 MT, SOx at 300 MT and particulate
from purchased electricity) at 93,029 tCO₂e and matter (PM) at 65 MT for FY 2023-24. VOC emissions
Scope 3 emissions (other indirect emissions, such as were not reported. DPL also achieved reductions, with
transportation and supply chain) at 3,29,555 tCO₂e. NOx at 87 MT, SOx at 59 MT and PM at 50 MT.
For DPL, total GHG emissions stood at 8,76,656 tCO₂e These figures reflect focused operational efficiencies and
in FY 2023-24, down from 9,19,440 tCO₂e in FY 2022- improved environmental controls across both entities,
23. This includes Scope 1 emissions at 4,07,532 tCO₂e, contributing to reduced environmental impact.
In our approach to reduce emissions, we have undertaken various initiatives at Deepak focused at achieving
environmental sustainability as well as cost saving.
01 02 03
To control SOx emissions To address process emissions, We installed a 20 TPH multi-fuel
from the boiler stack, we have we are designing and boiler that uses bagasse, husk,
implemented the addition of incorporating an effective agro-waste and coal, with the
limestone to coal, effectively scrubber system. This measure aim of reducing Scope 1 GHG
reducing SOx emissions in aims to improve the air quality emissions.
compliance with new standards. in the workplace by significantly
This initiative has led to a reducing harmful process
significant reduction in SOx emissions.
emissions from the boiler
stack, contributing to a cleaner
Energy Management
Being a chemical company, we Energy Consumption green energy integration.
recognise the critical role energy DNL recorded a total energy DPL maintained a robust energy
plays in our operations. We consumption of 21,07,194 GJ in FY profile with a total consumption of
are focused on enhancing our 2023-24, up from 19,42,691 GJ in 50,77,549 GJ, slightly higher than
plant’s energy efficiency through FY 2022-23. This increase reflects the previous year’s 50,70,596 GJ.
continuously upgrading our facilities the company's growing operational Non-renewable sources contributed
with state-of-the-art energy- scale and production capacity. 41,98,482 GJ, while renewable
efficient equipment and technology. Non-renewable energy consumption energy usage showed a notable
Through innovation, we strive to reached 13,91,230 GJ, while indirect rise to 44,278 GJ. Indirect energy
minimise our energy footprint while energy consumption via purchased consumption also increased slightly,
maintaining operational excellence. electricity stood at 7,15,940 GJ. reaching 8,34,789 GJ, demonstrating
Renewable energy utilization was a reliable and consistent energy
Our energy consumption strategy recorded at 24 GJ, highlighting strategy to support operations.
incorporates a diverse blend of potential areas for future growth in
non-renewable and renewable
energy sources to meet our
operational needs while aligning 8.80 tCO2e/MT 5.00 tCO2e/MT
with sustainability goals. The non- Energy Intensity in terms Energy Intensity in terms
renewable energy is sourced from of production output at of production output at
fuels utilised in our production DNL DPL
processes and electricity procured
from the grid. The non-renewable
fuel consumption at DNL includes At DNL, we have made remarkable successfully improved energy
a variety of sources such as High- strides in enhancing energy intensity. This indicates a strategic
Speed Diesel (HSD), petrol, saw efficiency, achieving 160% increase focus on optimising energy use and
dust, Furnace Oil (FO), Low Sulphur in renewable energy consumption minimising waste, ensuring that
Heavy Stock (LSHS), Natural Gas through integrating cleaner energy we operate more sustainably while
(NG), biomass and coal. At DPL, our sources into our operations. meeting the growing demands
non-renewable energy consumption Additionally, DNL is set to increase of our production processes.
consists of HSD, Liquefied Petroleum its renewable energy consumption Our ongoing efforts in energy
Gas (LPG), NG and coal. by integrating hybrid power plants management reflect our dedication
of 3.75 MVA at Roha plant and 10 to balance operational efficiency
In contrast to our reliance on non- MVA at Nandesari plant. At DPL, we with environmental responsibility.
renewable sources, our renewable have made significant progress in We have adopted various initiatives
energy portfolio plays a crucial role adopting renewable energy sources. at our plants for achieving energy
in our sustainability efforts. At DNL, During the reporting period, we efficiency through energy saving.
we have established solar plants, integrated solar energy into our
which contribute significantly to operations, resulting in substantial In FY 2023-24, our energy intensity
our energy needs, while at DPL, increase in renewable energy at DNL was 8.80 tCO2e/MT (energy
both solar plants and biomass are consumption. per unit produced) and 7.73 X 10-5
incorporated into our renewable tCO2e/INR (energy per sales). At DPL,
energy strategy. This dual approach Despite the overall rise in non- the energy intensity was measured
allows us to harness natural renewable energy consumption at 5.00 tCO2e/MT (energy per unit
resources effectively and reduce our at DNL by 8% due to expanded produced) and 1.01 X 10-4 tCO2e/INR
carbon footprint. production capacity, we have (energy per sales).
Initiative Impact
At Nandesari plant, we have undertaken following These initiatives have led to significant cost saving as
initiatives for energy efficiency: well as power saving:
• Replacement of Cooling Tower (CT) Pump • Improved power consumption from 62.6 kWh to
• Replacement of chilling unit 42.7 kWh and an annual net saving of ₹ 46.89 Lakhs
• Specific power consumption reduced from 1.63 to
1.2 kWh and an annual net saving of ₹ 22 Lakhs
At Hyderabad plant, we replaced process CT pump This resulted in Improved power consumption from
with new efficient pump with VFD. 11 kWh to 8.8 kWh and an annual net saving of ₹ 1.09
Initiative Impact
Improving usage of Smart PO This initiative resulted in increase of 12% Y-o-Y power
Energy Index reduced to 1.91 mmkcal/MT from Achieved cost saving along with operational
2.04 mmkcal/MT. efficiency.
Implementation of Advanced Process Control This initiative led to ~1 to 10% reduction in specific
(APC) in Cumene and Phenol plant consumption of utilities and chemicals, >625 MT/
year reduction in CO2 emission, ~50% reduction
in vent losses, ~2 to 3.50% increase in production
Conveying system installed to use higher quantities Quantity of biomass used in boilers increased from
of biomass in boilers 30 tons per day (tpd) to 100 tpd.
Acknowledging the rapid global take comprehensive measures large-scale tree plantation drive in
decline in biodiversity, we to safeguard and preserve Village Shelavali, Shahapur Taluka,
have taken strategic measures biodiversity. In FY 2023-24, we Thane District, Maharashtra and
aimed at protecting and conducted EIA for two projects for in village Damapura, Nandesari,
enhancing biodiversity within DNL: District Vadodara in Gujarat.
our manufacturing facilities and 1. The expansion of a This initiative has resulted in
the surrounding ecosystems. manufacturing facility at Roha, the planting of over 55,000
We actively collaborate with Maharashtra. native trees, yielding numerous
internal and external stakeholders 2. An amendment in existing environmental benefits. These
to promote environmental Environment Clearance for include carbon offsetting,
sustainability while also Synthetic Organic Chemicals biodiversity preservation,
empowering local communities. Manufacturing at Nandesari, enhanced air quality, prevention
Gujarat of soil erosion and improved water
Prior to any construction project, management. Additionally, this
we conduct Environmental Impact Notably, none of our operations tree plantation drive supports
Assessment (EIA) to evaluate the at DNL and DPL are located in broader afforestation efforts
potential impacts of our projects areas of high biodiversity value. while simultaneously creating
on the surrounding environment. In partnership with the Forest employment opportunities for local
These assessments allow us to Department, DNL has undertaken a communities.
People and
Social Strategy
Workforce Composition
Age Group
<30 30-50 >50
Male Female Male Female Male Female
1,613 58 1,566 32 799 2
Age Group
<30 30-50 >50
Male Female Male Female Male Female
180 23 223 13 35 0
At DNL, we hired 2,304 contractual workers for At DPL, we manage a total of 56 contractual workers
services like housekeeping, gardening, security, including those on third party payroll, retainers and
maintenance and operational support. We track their apprentice trainees. These workers are engaged
work hours and data using the Access Control System through third party agencies and contribute to various
and report absences, mainly during festivals. support roles.
We remain dedicated in maintaining a workplace free from sexual harassment. To address complaints, we
have established an "Internal Committee" at each location, with details communicated to all employees.
Sexual harassment can occur in various forms, including between co-workers or between employees and
external contacts. We do not tolerate any sexual advances, comments, jokes or conduct that creates a
sexually offensive or intimidating environment.
For more information on our DEI policies, please refer to our Policy on Diversity, Equal Opportunity and Freedom
of Association and Code of Conduct for Employees.
• Implemented a DEI Policy.
• Formed a DEI Council, led by top leaders and directors, to oversee DEI initiatives.
• Maintained career progression plans from 'hire to retire' to support DEI objectives.
Employee Engagement
We recognise that motivated employees are essential to our success. To strengthen the bond between our
employees and us we focus on regular employee engagement programs and targeted actions to boost
engagement levels.
Facilitated informal Hosted DEI Developed and Actively working Strengthened the
interactions townhalls at all initiated an action to improve the PMS to improve
between employees locations for direct plan to address EES score and objectivity and
and leadership findings from the regularly monitoring transparency
between the CEO,
to foster open Board Members and EES and enhance employee in performance
communication and employees. future engagement engagement evaluations.
engagement. practices. practices.
Through these initiatives, we strive to create a motivated and engaged workforce, achieving an Employee
Engagement Score of 68 for the year.
3,729 4,092
(12%) (22%)
Other Training
except EHS
except EHS
and HR
and HR
6,009 (68%) 3,651
EHS Training (58%)
(20%) (20%) EHS Training
HR Training HR Training
Training Initiatives
We partner with We ensure all Our compliance We collaborate with We offer specialised
institutions like employees are training programs Welingkar and S.P. training for skill
Team Lease Skills equipped with the are designed to Jain University enhancement
University, UPL necessary health keep employees for leadership and tailored to employee
University and and safety skills. updated on behavioural skill needs.
GSFC University for regulatory development.
technical training. standards.
Targeted Programs
We offer specialised Functional, Our training approaches We ensure that all mandatory
Behavioural and Health, Safety, include Classroom Sessions, and compliance-related
Environment and Fire (HSEF) External Training and training programs are in place
training tailored to our industry Experiential Learning, which to meet industry standards
requirements. These programs are customised to align with and regulatory requirements,
are designed to address both the specific needs of our thereby supporting our
the technical and soft skills operations and workforce. commitment to safety and
essential for success within quality.
Performance Appraisals*
Performance appraisals are integral to our talent management strategy. We conduct regular evaluations to
provide constructive feedback and set clear objectives that align individual performance with organisational
Employee Benefits
We provide a robust benefits protect them against unforeseen We have also implemented a
package designed to support circumstances. Parental leave 'Higher Education Policy' to
our employees throughout their is available to senior, middle support employees pursuing
careers. Our comprehensive and junior management staff, higher education through financial
offerings include health care demonstrating our commitment assistance and study leave.
coverage for all employees, to support work-life balance. Additionally, we have a death
ensuring access to quality Additionally, we provide retirement in harness policy to protect our
medical services. We also offer benefits to enhance employee employees and their families in
disability and invalidity benefits to well-being and long-term security. unfortunate circumstances.
By implementing this robust OHSMS, we demonstrate our strong commitment to protect the health and safety
of all individuals working under our supervision, fostering a safer and more productive workplace environment.
While the implementation of our OHSMS is not mandated by legal requirements, we adhere to all applicable Acts,
Rules and Responsibilities related to occupational health and safety.
Corporate Our Sustainability Corporate Business Environment People and
Overview Strategy Governance Sustainability Responsibility Social Strategy Appendix
01 02 03 04
Developing and Overseeing risk Leading OHS initiatives, Liaising with senior
implementing OHS assessment processes including training, management to integrate
policies and procedures and ensuring appropriate audits and emergency OHS considerations
in line with industry control measures are in preparedness. into overall business
standards and regulatory place. strategies.
05 06 07 08
Conducting regular site Monitoring compliance Reporting incidents Providing on-site training
inspections and hazard with safety regulations and near-misses, and guidance on safe
assessments. and internal policies. participating in work practices.
investigations and
implementing corrective
09 10 11
Assessing workplace Conducting health Advising on occupational
health risks and surveillance and wellness health legislation and
implementing programs programs. best practices.
to address occupational
health issues.
We also engage consultants for specific tasks, such as training, risk assessments, HAZOP studies and various
audits and assessments.
Continual Improvement
We achieve continual improvement of our OHSMS through a structured, iterative process that includes:
This continuous cycle of evaluation and refinement ensures our OHSMS evolves to meet emerging challenges
and enhances overall occupational health and safety performance.
Hazard Identification and Risk defined Occupational Health and participation in occupational
Assessment Safety Policy, allowing workers to health services do not influence
We identify work-related hazards report hazardous situations and workers' treatment. Health data is
and assess risks on both routine access corrective actions. handled exclusively by authorised
and non-routine bases using a professionals and is segregated
well-defined portal for reporting Incident Investigation from employment records.
and tracking closure. We review We follow a well-defined SOP Decisions are based on job-related
the closure of action points in for incident reporting and criteria and we provide training on
corporate safety review meetings. investigation. A dedicated portal impartiality and fairness
allows for reporting incidents, .
Quality Assurance which are investigated by a Worker Participation and
To ensure the quality of our cross-functional committee. We Consultation
hazard and risk assessment use various methods for root We foster worker participation in
processes, we rely on rigorous cause analysis and corrective the development, implementation
training, professional certification actions, applying the hierarchy of and evaluation of our OHSMS.
and standardised procedures. controls to eliminate risks through Workers contribute via safety
Employees involved in these engineering controls. committee meetings, feedback
assessments receive extensive mechanisms and participation
training and are encouraged Occupational Health Services in safety drills. Information is
to obtain industry-recognised Our occupational health services communicated through digital
certifications. We regularly evaluate are crucial for identifying and platforms, meetings and bulletin
competency through performance eliminating hazards and minimising boards.
reviews and conduct independent risks. We conduct regular
reviews and audits to verify the inspections, health surveillance, Safety Committees
effectiveness of these processes. risk assessments and exposure Our safety committees consist of
monitoring. We ensure the quality of 50% workers and 50% management
Use of Results these services through adherence staff. They are responsible
We use results from hazard to regulatory standards, regular for developing, monitoring
identification and risk assessment audits and ongoing staff training. and improving OHS practices.
processes to evaluate and Services are accessible through on- Committees meet quarterly
continually improve our OHSMS. site availability, flexible scheduling to review safety performance,
Identified hazards and risk and clear communication. conduct risk assessments and
assessment outcomes are develop safety policies. They hold
reviewed in corporate safety review Confidentiality decision-making authority on key
meetings, contributing to a healthy We maintain the confidentiality of OHS issues.
and participative environment. This workers' personal health-related
enhances leading indicators and information by implementing Training Provided
reduces lagging indicators. robust data protection policies. We offer comprehensive OHS
Access is strictly controlled training, including generic and
Reporting Hazards and and data is securely stored specialised modules. Generic
Protections with encryption and secure training covers basic safety
Workers are authorised to report access methods. Confidential practices, emergency procedures
any hazards associated with their communication practices further and PPE use, while specialised
tasks. Hazards are addressed protect health information. training addresses specific
promptly as their closure tracking hazards. Training is delivered by
is integrated into our review Impartial Treatment competent trainers and evaluated
mechanism. We protect workers We ensure that personal for effectiveness through
against reprisals through a clearly health-related information and assessments and monitoring.
The OHC ensures high-quality We maintain a secure OHC portal Our confidentiality protocols
occupational health services with to protect workers' personal guarantee that personal health
easy access for all employees. It health information, ensuring that information and participation in
serves as a central hub for health sensitive data is confidential and health services do not influence
assessments and preventive care. accessible only to authorised workers' treatment within the
personnel. organisation.
DPL offers voluntary health promotion services and programs designed to address major non-work-related
health risks. Our programs focus on the following:
Mental Well-Being HIV Awareness Balanced Diet Bone Strength Skin and Eye
Check-ups Check-ups
Human Rights
Child Labor
We strictly prohibit child labor labor include frequent audits and associate and join trade unions
across all operations, engaging regular interventions. or other employee organisations.
only adult workers and ensuring Our policies support open dialogue
compliance with relevant labor Forced or Compulsory Labor and collective bargaining, fostering
laws. We do not employ young We have a robust system of vendor a respectful and collaborative
workers in hazardous processes. and supplier audits to prevent workplace. Workers' rights to
For those hired through campus any form of forced or compulsory freedom of association and
recruitment who are underage, we labor across all manufacturing collective bargaining are respected,
obtain approval from a certifying operations. We have conducted with seven registered trade unions
surgeon as per the Factories thorough assessments and have at various locations. This policy
Act, 1948 and assign them to not identified any instances of is applied to our manufacturing
non-manufacturing roles until forced or compulsory labor within plants. We engage in collective
they reach the legal working age. our operations or supply chain. bargaining processes and
Our robust system of vendor Measures to eliminate forced or hold periodic meetings with all
and supplier audits ensures compulsory labor include frequent registered trade unions to maintain
full compliance with child labor audits and regular interventions. harmonious industrial relations. For
prohibitions. We have implemented further details, please refer to our
rigorous measures to ensure that Freedom of Association Diversity, Equal Opportunity and
our operations are free from child We uphold the fundamental Freedom of Association policy.
labor. Measures to abolish child right of our employees to freely
Community Involvement
* The definition used for ‘senior management’ includes all AGM and above employees as per our Policy.
** The definition used for ‘significant locations of operation’ includes plant locations at Nandesari (NDS), Dahej (DHJ), Roha, Taloja,
Hyderabad Speciality Division (HSD) and Vadodara.
*** The organisation’s geographical definition of ‘local’ refers to the state in which the operational unit is present.
Customer Relationships
45+ 34 56+
Countries served High Value Products Applications
Appendix I
ESG Performance Tables
Environmental Performance*
*This year, environmental indicators, including energy consumption, water usage and waste generation at DNL
and DPL, have shown an upward trend. This rise is largely attributed to our ongoing expansion activities. While
these expansions support growth and innovation, they underscore the need for more efficient processes and
enhanced environmental stewardship. We are actively evaluating and implementing strategies to mitigate these
impacts and align our growth with responsible environmental management, aiming to balance expansion with
our sustainability goals.
Water Withdrawal
Deepak Nitrite Limited
Source Unit FY 2023-24 FY 2022-23
Surface water ML - -
Ground water ML - -
Seawater ML - -
Produced water ML - -
Third party water (Municipality ML 1,352 1,402
Total Water Withdrawal ML 1,352 1,402
Water Discharge
Deepak Nitrite Limited
Source Unit FY 2023-24 FY 2022-23
Surface water ML - -
Ground water ML - -
Seawater ML - -
Produced water ML - -
Third party water (Municipality ML 597 692
Total Water Discharge ML 597 692
Water Consumption
Deepak Nitrite Limited
Unit FY 2023-24 FY 2022-23
Total Water Consumed ML 755 709
Waste Generation
Deepak Nitrite Limited
Waste Type Unit FY 2023-24* FY 2022-23
Hazardous Waste
E-waste MT 4 0.11
Bio-medical Waste MT 0.02 0.02
Battery Waste MT 1 0.22
Other Hazardous waste MT 1,07,856 74,710
Total Hazardous Waste Generated MT 1,07,861 74,710
Non-Hazardous Waste
Plastic waste MT 1,537 202
Construction and demolition waste MT 472 -
Other Non-hazardous waste MT 13,226 -
Total Non-Hazardous Waste MT 15,235 202
Total Waste Generated MT 1,23,096 74,912
* The Company started monitoring two new categories of wastes viz. (a) Construction and demolition waste and (b) other Non-Hazardous Waste from FY 2023-24.
Air Emissions
Deepak Nitrite Limited
Unit FY 2023-24 FY 2022-23
NOx MT 427 432
SOx MT 300 329
Particulate matter (PM) MT 65 75
Volatile organic compounds (VOC) MT - -
Energy Management
Deepak Nitrite Limited
Unit FY 2023-24 FY 2022-23
Total Non-Renewable fuel GJ 13,91,230 12,41,466
Total Renewable fuel consumption GJ 24 9
Total Indirect energy consumption GJ 7,15,940 7,01,216
Total Energy Consumption GJ 21,07,194 19,42,691
Energy Intensity
Deepak Nitrite Limited
Unit FY 2023-24 FY 2022-23
Energy intensity as per products GJ/ MT of production 8.80 6.83
Energy intensity as per sales GJ/INR 7.73 X 10-5 4.70 X 10-5
Social Performance
Workforce Breakdown
Deepak Nitrite Limited
Employee Category FY 2023-24
<30 years 30-50 years >50 years
Male Female Male Female Male Female
Permanent Employees 461 22 875 22 338 2
Temporary Employees 1,152 36 691 10 461 -
Total 1,613 58 1,566 32 799 2
FY 2023-24
Safety Data for workers Total (Incidents) Male (Incidents) Female Main type of
who are not employees (Incidents) work-related
but whose work and/or injury
workplace is controlled
by the organisation
The main types of 1 1 - LTI (Reportable)
work-related injury
The number of hours 37,70,416
FY 2023-24
Safety Data for workers Total (Incidents) Male (Incidents) Female Main type of
who are not employees (Incidents) work-related
but whose work and/or injury
workplace is controlled
by the organisation
The main types of - - - Not Applicable
work-related injury
The number of hours 28,00,271
Appendix II
GRI Content Index
Statement of use [Name of organisation] has reported the information cited in this GRI content
index for the period [reporting period start and end dates] with reference to the
GRI Standards.
GRI 1 used GRI 1: Foundation 2021
TÜV SÜD South Asia Pvt. Ltd. ⚫ 373-374, Udyog Vihar ⚫ Phase-II, Sector-20 ⚫ Gurgaon – 122016 ⚫ Tel.: +91 0124
Independent Assurance Statement to Deepak Nitrite Limited on their Annual Sustainability Report (SR) for the Financial Year
Deepak Nitrite Limited (DNL), has developed its Sustainability Report (SR) based on Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) 2021 Standard
Guideline and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol - A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard.
TÜV SÜD South Asia Pvt. Ltd. (‘TÜV SÜD’) has been engaged by the DNL to conduct and provide independent assurance on the
Sustainability performances and parameters on the select non-financial sustainability disclosures in the Sustainability Report 2023-24 ('the
Sustainability Report') as described in the 'scope, boundary, characteristics and limitations.
DNL’s Responsibility
DNL is responsible for the preparation of the SR and for maintaining effective internal control over the data and information disclosed (as
per GRI 2021). This responsibility includes the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal controls relevant to the preparation of
the SR Report that is free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
DNL is responsible for ensuring that its business operations and activities comply with the applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.
The Reports and disclosures have been approved by and remain the responsibility of DNL.
Ultimately, the SR Report and disclosures have been approved by and remain the responsibility of DNL.
TÜV SÜD, in performing assurance work, is responsible for carrying out an assurance engagement on the SR in accordance with our
contract with DNL. The assurance statement, however, represents TÜV SÜD’s independent opinion and is intended to inform all
stakeholders, including DNL.
We have assured the sustainability indicators of SR, the Company’s Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Appendix-1), as well as the
Company’s CDP Climate Change disclosure, pertaining to the Company’s non-financial performance for the period April 1, 2023, to
March 31, 2024.
The validation and verification were carried out by a multidisciplinary team including assurance practitioners, sustainability and
environmental experts of TÜV SÜD in the month of September 2024 for 5 manufacturing units and 1 Corporate Office. TÜV SÜD has
identified and selected the following 3 three locations as samples for verification:
This Assurance Statement is limited to Deepak Nitrate Limited Only. It does not cover any information related with Deepak Phenolics Limited
(DPL) & Deepak Oman Industries LLC (SFZ) (DOIL).
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Assurance Methodology
We conducted a review and verification of data collection, collation and calculation methodologies, and a general review of the logic of
inclusion/omission of relevant information/data in the Reports. Our review process included:
• Verification of the content as well as context and application of the Report content, and principles as mentioned in the Global
Reporting Initiative (GRI 2021) Standards, and the quality of information presented in the Report over the reporting period.
• Engagement through discussions with departmental head and concerned personnel, corporate team to understand the process
for collecting, collating, and reporting as per Assurance Engagements (ISAE) 3000 (Revised) and GRI 2021.
• Review of the sustainability initiatives, practices, on ground establishment, implementation, maintenance, and performance
described in the Reports.
• Review of data collection and management procedures, and related internal controls.
• Assessment of the reporting mechanism and consistency with the reporting criteria.
• Assessment of appropriateness of various assumptions, estimations and thresholds used by DNL for data analysis
• Execution of an audit trail of claims and data streams, to determine the level of accuracy in collection, transcription, and
• Verification of the fact that no material distortion has been done at any stage.
• Assessment of the SR mechanism and Consistency with the reporting criteria.
Our Assurance engagement covers the aspects of sustainability performance disclosures demonstrated and presented by the DNL in the
SR (as per GRI 2021) report as mentioned below:
The SR scope of assurance covers the select non-financial sustainability disclosures based on reference criteria, as mentioned
in the following table Disclosures
Topic GRI Indicators
GRI 302- Energy (302-1, 302-2, 302-3, 302-4, 302-5)
GRI 303- Water & Effluent (303-3, 303-4, 303-5)
Environment GRI 304: Biodiversity
GRI 305- Emissions (305-1, 305-2, 305-3, 305-4, 305-5, 305-6, 305-7)
There are inherent limitations in an assurance engagement, including, for example, the use of judgement and selective testing of data.
Accordingly, there are possibilities that material misstatements in the sustainability information of the Reports may remain undetected.
TÜV SÜD has relied on the information, documents, records, data, and explanations provided to us by DNL for the purpose of our review.
The Assurance scope excludes the following:
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• Our engagement did not include an assessment of the adequacy or the effectiveness of DNL’s management on Sustainability related
issues and not even DNL’s strategy for sustainability. During the assurance process, TÜV SÜD did not visit any external stakeholder’s
premises, however few external stakeholders were interviewed as a part of the SR Report verification engagement.
• Review of the economic performance indicators included in the Report which we have been informed of by the Company, is derived
from the Company's audited financial records only.
• Data and information falling outside the defined reporting period (April 1, 2023, to March 31, 2024).
• The Company's statements that describe qualitative/quantitative assertions, expression of opinion, belief, inference, aspiration,
expectation, aim or future intention.
• Any disclosures beyond those specified in the Scope section above.
Our Responsibility
Our responsibility is to express a limited assurance opinion on the Identified Sustainability Information based on the procedures we have
performed and the evidence we have obtained on the annual SR Report set out in the subject matter paragraph, as disclosed in the report,
as per the principles of the ISAE 3000 (Revised) in accordance with the GRI 2021 requirement and based on the procedures we have
performed and the evidence we have obtained.
The procedures we performed were based on our professional judgment and included inquiries, observation of process followed, inspection
of documents, analytical procedures, evaluating appropriateness of quantification methods, agreeing, or reconciling with underlying data,
The data is verified on a sample basis, the responsibility for the authenticity of data lies with the reporting organization. Reporting
Organization is responsible for archiving the related data for a limited period.
Our observations
The sustainability disclosures of the Company, as defined under the scope and boundary of assurance, are reliable, valid and the Company
has appropriately consolidated data from different sources at the central level. The Company has made considerable efforts to ensure
consistency of data for this Report; however, the Company may continue to improve robustness of its data collection and collation process
for GHG accounting.
Our above observations, however, do not affect our conclusion regarding the Report.
Based on the scope of this assurance engagement, sustainability performance indicators reported in this SR report we conclude that this
report provides a fair and factful representation of the material topics, related strategies, and meets the overall content and quality
TÜV SÜD has evaluated the requirement in context of requirements of the ISAE 3000 (Revised), and in accordance with the GRI 2021
guidelines. Based on the methodology/procedures we have adopted and performed; no deviations have observed that causes us to believe
that the information subject to the limited assurance engagement was not prepared in line with the requirement. We found that the information
and data provided in all the sections and principles are consistent and adequate with regards to the reporting criteria.
Based on the scope of our review, our conclusions are outlined below:
Governance, leadership and supervision: The top management’s commitment, business model promoting inclusive growth, action and
strategies, focus on services, risk management, protection and restoration of environment, and priorities are represented adequately.
Stakeholder Inclusiveness: We have not identified any discrepancies in this aspect. Internal and external Stakeholder identification and
engagement is carried out by DNL on a periodic basis to bring out key stakeholder concerns as material aspects of significant stakeholders.
Materiality: The materiality assessment process has been carried out, based on the requirements of the Assurance Engagements (ISAE)
3000 (Revised), and as per GRI 2021 considering aspects that are internal and external to DNL’s context of the organization. The Reports
fairly bring out the aspects and topics and its respective boundaries of the diverse operations of DNL in our view, the Reports meets the
Responsiveness: We believe that the responses to the material aspects are defined and captured in the Reports, in our view, the Reports
meets the requirements.
Completeness: The Reports have fairly disclosed the general and specific standard disclosures including the Disclosure on Management
Approach, monitoring systems and sustainability performance indicators as prescribed in the standards in accordance with the Core
requirement. In our view the Reports meet the requirements.
Reliability: Most of the data and information was verified by the assurance team and found appropriate. Minor inaccuracies in the data
identified during the verification process were found to be attributable to transcription and interpretation errors and these errors were
corrected immediately. Therefore, in accordance with the ISAE 3000 (Revised) assurance engagement, TÜV SÜD concludes that the
sustainability data, parameters, information, and indicators presented in the Reports are reliable and acceptable.
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Impact: We observed and assessed that the Company has well-defined procedures to routinely monitor and measure their sustainability
impact, and they have skilled subject matter experts who are driving sustainability effectively and efficiently.
Consistency and comparability: The information in the Report is presented in a consistent and comprehensive method. Thus, the principle
of consistency and comparability is satisfactory.
During verification we did not come across any such instances or issues where we found anything which has an impact on the ecosystem
and well as the neighboring infrastructure. In our view, the Reports meet the requirements.
Our statements do not extend to any disclosures or assertions relating to future performance plans and/or strategies disclosed in the reports.
Our team comprises subject matter experts of multidisciplinary professionals, have complied with independence policies of TÜV SÜD, which
address the requirements of the ISAE 3000 (Revised) in the role as independent Verifier. TÜV SÜD states its independence and impartiality
and confirms that there is "no conflict of interest" regarding this assurance engagement. In the reporting year, TÜV SÜD did not work with
DNL on any engagement that could compromise the independence or impartiality of our findings, conclusions, and recommendations. TÜV
SÜD was not involved in the preparation of any content or data included in the Reports, except for this assurance statement.
TÜV SÜD maintains complete impartiality towards any individuals interviewed during the assurance engagement. We have complied with
the relevant applicable requirements of the International Standard on Quality Control (“ISQC”) 1, Quality.
TÜV SÜD South Asia Pvt. Ltd is an independent professional services company that specializes in Health, Safety, Social and
Environmental & Sustainability services including assurance with over 150 years history in providing these services.
No member of the assurance team has a business relationship with DNL, its directors or Managers beyond that of verification and assurance
of sustainability data and reporting. We have conducted this assurance independently and we believe there to have been no conflict of
TÜV SÜD has implemented a Code of Ethics across the business to maintain high ethical standards among staff in their day-to-day business