Dimensions of mind
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1 author:
Richard Menary
Macquarie University
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Dimensions of mind
Richard Menary
Abstract In their papers for this issue, Sterelny and Sutton provide a dimensional
analysis of some of the ways in which mental and cognitive activities take place in
the world. I add two further dimensions, a dimension of manipulation and of
transformation. I also discuss the explanatory dimensions that we might use to
explain these cases.
In this issue, John Sutton and Kim Sterelny provide a dimensional analysis of some
of the ways in which mental and cognitive activities take place in the world. For
example in discussing the ways we interact with artefacts and representations in the
local cognitive niche, we might move along a dimension from trusting a notebook
implicitly to distrust of an environmental resource, from relationships that are
enduring to those that are fleeting, from individual interactions to collective
interactions and information sources that range from the easily transferable to the
individually entrenched.1 I will add some dimensions of my own: firstly along an
axis of manipulation from direct bodily manipulations that alter the informational
and physical structure of the environment, to manipulations of public representations
in the local environment. There is also a dimension of cognitive transformation
ranging from the transformation of body schemas for tool use to the transformation
of representational and cognitive capacities.
Thanks to John Sutton for clarifying these dimensions by personal communication.
The research for this paper was conducted whilst on research leave awarded by the Faculty of Arts. It is
supported by the Australian Research Council Discovery grant: Embodied Virtues and Expertise. Thanks
to John Sutton for comments.
R. Menary (*)
Department of Philosophy, The University of Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia
e-mail: rmenary@uow.edu.au
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Embodied mind
Embedded mind
& Embedded mind weak: the inputs to and outputs from mental and cognitive
processes and states are found in the environment (internalism/individualism)
& Embedded mind moderate: mental and cognitive processes and states are
scaffolded by/depend upon the environment.
& Embedded mind strong: mental and cognitive processes and states are integrated
with states and processes found in the environment (extended mind)
Depending upon the case, we might move back and forth across these explanatory
dimensions. Some examples might call for a weakly embodied and embedded
explanation and others for a strongly embodied and embedded explanation.
However, there will of course be those who deny that we can ever successfully
provide a strongly embodied and embedded explanation of cognition (Adams and
Aizawa 2008; Rupert 2009). Then there are those who would be likely to claim that
Sterelny (this issue) holds a moderate position.
Dimensions of mind 563
cognitive explanations are mostly moderate and only rarely of the strong variety. For
Sterelny (2010), this turns out to be the case because of the very rare conditions
under which a strongly embodied or embedded explanation would become active.
We are likely to find that certain dimensions go together; for example, it is unlikely
that a position located on the strongly embedded dimension will not also be located
on the strongly embodied dimension. This is mainly because most proponents of
the extended mind take mental states and processes to be composed of
environmental as well as brain and bodily states and processes—hence, the oft-
stated slogan, the mind is extended or distributed across brain, body and
environment. Similarly, individualists who think that the mind is ‘constituted’ or
‘realized’ only by the brain will also, sometimes, hold to a weak embedding—we
sometimes lean on or use props and tools to supplement our neurally realised
cognitive capacities.
It should also be noted that some positions, by occupying several dimensions at
once, absorb examples of the more restricted dimensions. Thus, strongly embedded
views can quite happily allow that there are examples of moderate and even weak
embedding. The question that holders of such views must address, and which is
raised by Sterelny 2010, is: how often is the strongly embedded dimension
occupied? My answer is: often, but only if we correctly understand what is meant by
strong embedding.
I understand strong embedding in terms of integration (Menary 2006, 2007a, b,
2009, 2010). One way to understand integration is as follows: cognition is the
coordination of bodily processes of the organism with salient features of the
environment, often created or maintained by the organism. A coordinated process
allows the organism to perform cognitive tasks that it otherwise would be unable to;
or allows it to perform tasks in a way that is distinctively different and is an
improvement upon the way that the organism performs those tasks via neural
processes alone. Integrationists think that some cognitive processes turn out to be
coordinated. It is important to note that integrationists are not committed to the view
that artefacts and tools are themselves cognitive or mental, nor that a simple causal
interaction between two states X and Y makes X part of Y (see Adams and Aizawa
The key to understanding coordinated processes is the manipulation thesis
(Rowlands 1999; Menary 2007a). We create, maintain and manipulate cognitive
niches (see Sterelny 2010) and we can give a causal or co-ordination dynamics style
explanation of these manipulations, but that is just to establish the physicalist
credentials of the explanations. There is no magic at work here (see the muggle
constraint in Wheeler 2005). These explanations must be located within the normative,
social and semantic structure of the cognitive niche. Cognitive manipulations are
bodily engagements with the niche that are regulated by norms. The norms and social
systems and structures of the environment regulate the coordination in two ways:
firstly by transformation of our basic cognitive capacities and secondly by
restructuring the informational and physical structure of the environment.
In the next section, I provide examples of the dimension of manipulation (and of
the structuring of the informational and physical environment); in the second, of
transformation. During the discussion, I locate the examples on the theoretical/
explanatory dimensions of strength of embodiment and embedding.
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The classes should be thought of as being broad with shifting and overlapping boundaries, rather than
too fixed.
I will focus on the final three classes of manipulation, because they better suit the argument of this paper.
For a detailed account of the first class, see Menary 2007a.
Dimensions of mind 565
Epistemic action
Epistemic actions involve a tight coordination between body and world. They are
part of a coordinated process spanning environment, body and brain, which, when
taken together, provide the processing required for the completion of a cognitive
task. I will argue for this strongly embodied and embedded account of epistemic
actions against a weak internalist account, by reference to the work of Kirsch and
Maglio on epistemic actions.
Kirsh and Maglio (1994), henceforth K&M, are interested in a class of actions
which they call epistemic actions, which make mental computation (processing)
“easier, faster, or more reliable.” (1994, 513) These are physical actions which the
agent performs in order to alter their own computational state. They wish to shift the
emphasis from internal planning to performing actions which simplify the processing
required to achieve that goal. Instead of thinking of an agent internally processing
various plans and choosing an action which will most efficiently bring about the
desired goal, K&M want us to think of agents directly manipulating their
environment so as to reduce the need for such internal processing.5 Epistemic
actions alter the physical and informational structure of the environment, in doing so
they are taking the cognitive agent a step closer to a solution; they are an integral
part of the agent’s processing of the problem.
An example of such a task can be found in their studies of expert Tetris players. In
the game, falling geometric shapes, or “zoids”, have to be directed to available slots
The initial focus is on this simplifying process, but epistemic actions are moves in the problem solving
routines of epistemic agents.
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process.6 Accepting this depends upon taking seriously the distinction between
epistemic and pragmatic action and seeing a tighter integration between external
epistemic actions and internal processes.
K&M themselves say of their approach that: “its chief novelty lies in allowing
individual functional units inside the agent to be in closed-loop interaction with the
outside world.”7 (Kirsh and Maglio 1994, 542) Epistemic actions are coordinated
with processes such as working memory and attention and epistemic action plus
internal processing jointly govern pragmatic action. Therefore, the coordinated and
interactive process that spans physical manipulations and attention is the process that
is causally responsible for the pragmatic action. This is the reason why I prefer a
strongly embedded interpretation of cases of epistemic action.
K&M give us a way of thinking about the role of action such that we can unify
physical space and information processing space. A weakly embedded explanation
of these cases would distinguish between a realm of internal computations upon
inputted information and a realm of outputted physical behaviours, but this is
precisely the explanation that K&M are rejecting. The information-processing space
includes both processes in the head, and processes outside of the head. All of the
processing takes place within the same state space. This state space is the problem
solving state space. Consequently, epistemic actions (as bodily manipulations of
vehicles in the environment) are processes to be found in that state space.
However, the internalist thinks that there is an easy way of demonstrating how
this division works: the only restructuring of the environment which is relevant to
the problem solving/planning agent occurs inside the agent’s head. In other words,
“The structure of the environment which matters to cognition is the structure
the agent represents (or at least presupposes in the way it manipulates its
representations).” (Kirsh and Maglio 1994, 545)
If all the relevant structure is in the head, this obviates the need for epistemic action,
where the world is structured in such a way as to negate the need for all of the
structured representations being located in the head.
But K&M have established that there is such a class of actions as epistemic
actions and now the internalist is at a loss to account for them. If we were to agree
with the internalist that all the relevant structure, all the relevant states and processes,
are in the head, then we cannot explain the performance of Tetris players. If we
explain their performance by making reference to external manipulations as part of
their cognitive processing (the problem solving), then we can explain their
performance. The weak embedding strategy is blocked by the inability to explain
the Tetris player’s performance by internal cognitive resources alone. The internalist
is forced into this position because of the difference between epistemic actions and
pragmatic actions—epistemic actions are aimed at making a move in the problem
solving state space, pragmatic actions are not. Kirsh has recently made this very
clear: “The challenge epistemic actions pose to the classical approach… is that
without an analysis of the possible epistemic functions of an action it may be nearly
Remembering that ‘epistemic action’ is a term used to label a class of manipulations of the environment.
As opposed to simply being outputs of internal processes.
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Self-correcting actions
Of course, this does not preclude the possibility that there are inherited cognitive structures in the brain.
See for example Dehaene’s work below. Think also of the work of Meltzoff and Moore (1977) on early
infant imitation. The point here is that these kind of cognitive mechanisms are very basic and require
development by being scaffolded in the cognitive niche.
Dimensions of mind 569
on empirical studies of infants' speech) that this form of speech is merely the
internalisation of speech. It does not disappear with age, it becomes an internal
The intermental development of cognition is understood in terms of ‘the zone of
proximal development.’ The zone of proximal development is the distance between the
actual level of development of an individual, what the individual can actually do, and the
potential level of development, which is what the individual can potentially do, with
guidance and collaboration from a tutor. It follows that the individual level of
development should not be the exclusive focus of interest. Intermental cognition as
mediated through language allows us to understand the intramental capabilities of an
In cases where the child must act in such a way as to bring about a goal, the
activity is accompanied by egocentric speech. As the child gains mastery of
egocentric and then inner speech, she gains access to self-controlled behaviour,
which helps her to complete cognitive tasks such as problem solving.
As an example of this development, Vygotsky cites an experiment (by a colleague
Levina) where a child’s speech arises spontaneously in a problem-solving situation.
The speech is continuous throughout the experiment as observed.
Levina’s experiments posed problems to 4- and 5-year olds, such as obtaining
candy/sweets from a cupboard. The candy was placed out of reach so that the child
could not reach it directly. Vygotsky describes the concurrent roles of speech and
action (including tool use) in the child in the following way:
“As the child got more and more involved in trying to obtain the candy,
‘egocentric’ speech began to manifest itself as part of her active striving. At
first this speech consisted of a description and analysis of the situation, but it
gradually took on the ‘planful’ character, reflecting possible paths to a solution
of the problem. Finally it was included as part of the solution.” (Vygotsky
1978, 25)
A four-and-a-half-year-old girl was asked to get candy from a cupboard with a stool
and a stick as tools. The experiment was described by Levina in the following way
(his descriptions are in parentheses, the girls speech is in quotation marks):
(Stands on a stool, quietly looking, feeling along a shelf with stick). “On the
stool.” (Glances at experimenter. Puts stick in other hand) “Is that really the
candy?” (Hesitates) “I can get it from that other stool, stand and get it.” (Gets
second stool) “No that doesn’t get it. I could use the stick.” (Takes stick,
knocks at the candy) “It will move now.” (knocks candy) “It moved, I couldn’t
get it with the stool, but the, but the stick worked.”
Vygotsky claims that activity is not just accompanied by speech in children, but
that speech plays a specific role in such activity. He claims that the experiments
show two important facts:
1. A child’s speech is as important as the role of action in attaining the goal.
Children not only speak about what they are doing; their speech and action are
part of one and the same complex psychological function, directed toward the
solution of the problem at hand.
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2. The more complex the action demanded by the situation and the less direct its
solution, the greater the importance played by speech in the operation as a whole.
Sometimes speech becomes of such vital importance that, if not permitted to use it,
young children cannot accomplish the given task (Vygotsky 1978, 26).
We should note that the child’s speech gives a cognitive structuring to the activity.
The girl verbally structures a sequence of actions, searching for a solution and
controlling the actions that will reach the solution. Children gradually gain mastery over
language as part of their cognitive as well as communicative resources. Self-corrective
speech, whether private or public, is used to structure, direct and correct actions that lead
to the completion of cognitive tasks. Again, like epistemic actions, there can be moves
made in problem solving space. They are an example of one of the ways in which the
internalisation of public language transforms our cognitive capacities.
Cognitive practices
We will need an account of how we learn cognitive practices. This will, in part,
involve the acquisition of capacities to manipulate representations and thereby
transform our cognitive abilities. However, acquiring these capacities should be
understood in the context of the cognitive practices required to complete cognitive tasks.
As such, a cognitive practice is essentially the embodying of norms in an activity.
Writing is such an activity: the crucial elements of writing, or typing, are the
ability to manipulate tools to create external vehicles: words, sentences and
paragraphs. The pen and paper or the CPU, keyboard and monitor are not
themselves cognitive, but the creation and manipulation of the external vehicles
and the coordination of internal and external vehicles are.
For example, my reading and rereading what I have written gives me new ideas
about what I should write next. Though it is true that tools such as keyboards and
pens enable me to write, it is the process of manipulating the written vehicles that is
the cognitive processing. The sentences can be rewritten, erased, moved to another
paragraph and so on. It is, moreover, precisely these kinds of manipulations that are
not easily, if ever, achieved in the head. Therefore, writing as an active and creative
process is enabled by tools such as pen and paper or word processors, but it is the
bodily manipulation of the external vehicles themselves that is where the cognitive
work gets done.
Once written, the vehicles are then available for further manipulations such as
restructuring, revising and redrafting. Manipulating written vehicles is a kind of
problem solving where a particular cognitive task must be completed: for example,
“how do I make this piece of writing clearer?” Completing these kinds of goals
without external media would be made more difficult by their absence. Without
them, behavioural competence will drop and the completion of the cognitive task be
made more difficult. Hence, cognitive integrationists are inclined to think that those
external manipulations play an important role in the processing of the task, one
different from the enabling role of tools.
What kinds of processes do external manipulations afford that purely internal
manipulations will not? If, for example, I tried to compose an essay in my head, the
likelihood of retaining much of the argument and structure would become very
limited. Making revisions and corrections would be almost impossible. Stable and
enduring external written sentences allow for manipulations, transformations,
reorderings, comparisons and deletions of text that are not available to neural
processes. Bodily manipulations of external vehicles are different from, but
complementary to, internal processes (Sutton 2010). The coordination of internal
and external processes in one extended dynamic process enables the completion of
complex cognitive tasks such as composition. I turn now to the dimension of
cognitive transformation.
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Cognitive transformations
sedimentation of our body schemas fundamentally shape the ways that we move,
intentionally act and come to communicate with others. There is a clear and
fundamental sense in which body schemas become integrated with the environment
and it is to this that I next turn.
One of the important things about schemas and motor programmes is that they
can exhibit a high degree of integration with the environment. In these cases, the
body schema incorporates parts of the environment that are not incorporated into the
body image9—such as the hammer in the carpenter’s hand (Gallagher 2005, 37).
The integration has a phenomenological aspect, where a part of the environment
can feel like an extension to the body; in these cases, the body schema goes beyond
the narrow boundary that is apparent from the body image. It also has a neural
“This extension of the body schema into its surrounding environment is
reflected in its neural representations. Not only do bimodal premotor, parietal,
and putaminal neuronal areas that represent a given limb or body area also
respond to visual stimulation in the environmental space nearby, for some of
these neurons the visual receptive field remains ‘anchored’ to the body part
when it moves (Fogassi et al. 1996; Graziano and Gross 1998; Graziano et al.
1994).” (Gallagher 2005, 37)
A clear example of this is the work by Maravita and Iriki (2004) on training Japanese
Macaques in tool use. The Macaques were trained to use a rake to pull food placed
on a table towards them. Maravita and Iriki (2004) report that several changes to the
receptive field of bimodal neurons were observed in Macaques who were trained to
use the rake. These changes in the properties of bimodal neurons occurred only after
“active, intentional usage of the tool, not its mere grasping by the hand.” (Maravita
and Iriki 2004, 81) The vRFs of these bimodal neurons now extends to include the
hand and entire tool, the tool is now incorporated into the body schema.10
Body schemas do not just initiate behaviour they are fully integrated with the
environment. They are constrained by the environment because they often require its
perceptual navigation and the manipulation of environmental objects. Therefore, the
body shapes itself to meet the environment, to hold a glass in hand or grip a pencil
between fingers and thumb for writing. Body schemas are attuned to environmental
affordances for action (Gibson 1979), the glass affords drinking and the pencil
It is in the fluid manipulation of objects in the environment and in fluent skilled
activities that we are most likely to find the unconscious integration of the body
schema with the environment. Experienced drivers will understand the nature of this
integration which involves the seamless co-ordination of body and car, sometimes to
such an extent that one cannot recall the details of the journey when the destination
is reached (Gallagher 2005). Although the body image involves conscious
experience of our own bodies and that experience is of a bounded body the body
schema has no such boundary, it directs our primary embodied engagements with the
world and it is because of this that we feel ourselves to be both in and part of the
The body image ends at the periphery of the body.
See also Clark 2008 p.38, see Gallagher 2005 and Menary 2007a, b for earlier discussions.
Dimensions of mind 575
1. The only really cognitive elements are in the brain and although the brain is
transformed by public symbol systems nevertheless that’s where cognition takes
2. The capacities to manipulate public symbols are mere scaffolds for our limited
online capacities.
3. Is quite different—that development in the cognitive niche results in an
integrated cognitive system (a position I have argued for elsewhere, Menary
2007a)—the integrated cognitive system is the system which has been through
the dual component process of transformation where one gains mastery over the
Dimensions of mind 577
symbol system in public space and that leads to a transformation of our limited
cognitive capacities such that one can complete cognitive tasks either by
manipulating symbols in public space or by manipulating symbols in neural
space or very possibly by a combination of both sets of resources. That is not to
say that notebooks, pieces of paper and so on are parts of the organism, it is
simply to say that certain cognitive capacities have both their inner and outer
manifestations and that seems to me to go beyond Sterelny’s scaffolding
position (2010) and not fall prey to the constitutive error which is so often
levelled at the extended mind (Adams and Aizawa 2008).
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