Nursing Care Plan Example

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Nursing Care Plan

Name of Patient: Francisco Age: 50 years old Civil Status: Married Sex: Male Religion: Roman Catholic Address: Cat grande ,Davao City, Davao del Sur Informant: SON. Chief Complaint: Can’t control his emotion


(According to (cues & evidences/ DIAGNOSIS short term)
priority) Objective &
Nursing intervention Rationale/Justifications (Nursing Theories of • EVALUATION

The patient have Independent Interventions: This chapter focuses on ineffective coping
To Identify and Subjective data: ineffective coping and Short-term Objectives: the patient based on Hildegard Peplau’s Theory of Short-term Evaluation: On average pe
accept positive and inability to control will write down his emotion at least Give effective attention to the Interpersonal Relations. week, the patient wrote their feelings
negative expression, reaction to disease, based once per day and verbally utterances of the patient without in a journal and had one therapy
The patient said he’s on cursing, crying and impairment throughout the process. According to Peplau’s theory the relationship
feelings, and upset and can’t hadle communicate those emotion session per day.
reaction proneness to appropriately in one week between the nurse and the patient influences
it anymore, he feel hopelessness Suggest for the patient to take out effective coping mechanisms.
hopelessness negative feeling through writing Long-term Evaluation: OVER ONE
everytime Long-term Objectives: the patient journals or speaking out. Independent Interventions: MONTH, THE PATIENT WAS
will be able to utilize two technique ABLE TO APPLY TWO
in managing emotional anxiety Use instruct procedures for Active listening and emotional support: EMOTIONAL REGULATION
within one month relaxation (i.e., diaphragmatic STRATEGIES, FOR EXAMPLE
breathing, the sequence of muscle As Peplau pointed out, the use of_PIPELINE RELAXATION OR SOCIAL
-Objective data: relaxation). increases patient’s ability to talk about feelings SUPPORT TO DEAL WITH ILL
and find appropriate ways to face challenges. FEELINGS AND HAD FEWER
The patients keep Provide information on support OUTBURSTS OF IRRITABILITY.
crying and refuse to groups’ or counseling for people Teaching relaxation techniques:
participate in affected by the diseases.
treatment Self regulation helps to foster the ability of the
Dependent Interventions: patient to overcome the feeling of depression on
his or her own.

Dependent Interventions:
Discuss the patient’s case with the
health provider to liaise the patient to Referral to a mental health professional:
a counselor, psychologist, or even a
psychiatrist. nor is the patient described by Peplau receiving
unilateral attention and care from the physician;
Give recommended medicines (for instead, Peplau reminds the readers about the
instance, antidepressants or important role of the nurse in the partnership.
anxiolytics) in case of emotional
problems. Medication administration:

Discharge planning to involve a Medication assistance helps the patient become

caregiver, primary care physician, calmer; it can be given under conditions when
physiotherapist, occupational the therapy advances.
therapist, and social workers.

Submitted by : Ando, Princess E. Submitted to: Josephine Joy Ramirez Date: October 14 2024

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