The population of the study comprised on higher education for handicapped students. Survey method was used to collection of data from the respondents of this
study. A total number of 25 students’ respondents selected by stratified random sampling from 2 universities. To find out the effects of handicapped students with
normal class fellow questionnaire was developed for this study has 25 questions. Mean score of each item of questionnaire was calculated to find central tendency
of responses. To know the effects of social interaction of handicapped students with normal class fellows, analyzed by using regression. Data was collected by
using questionnaire and analyzed by using SPSS Version-24. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for analysis. The findings of the study showed that
social interaction play its significance role for the enhancement of learning process.
Education was a course of action of learning in which behavior, skills and information of people are transmitted to one age group than to the subsequently
age group through research preparation and education. Education was an instrument by using of which a person can make his characteristic enhanced.
An Educated personality plays a central role in the success a country. Due to the achievements and struggle of different Pakistani policies it was necessary
to give a special and recognizable education to those students who were disable it was their right (Education for all handicapped children Act of 1975)
avoid that feelings which bring hypocrisy in human beings (Rehabilitation Act of 1973). Because these handicapped students mostly became the victim
of negatives attitudes from their regular class fellow. Some educational research tells us that normal students often feel harsh feelings & amp; attitudes
towards their handicapped students they feel that these handicapped students are a useless member of the society and they have no right for education so
they have negative feelings and emotions in their heart towards these students (Akrami et al., 2005).
Also, normal students considered that these handicapped students do not deserve to play or learn with them (Swanson & Malone, 1992). Harsh or critical
behaviors were harmful for handicapped students’ behaviors start with the passage of time in school life. Mostly higher-level handicapped students face
difficult circumstances using their school life and often in their daily life. Due to these circumstances, they cannot adjust themselves in society properly
and feel helplessness in front of people or university students (Agar, 2004). Percentage of these harsh behaviors according to some philosopher was 21%
for those students who have disabilities at higher level (McDougall et al, 2004). As the use of digital media continues to rise, the YouTube Kids app has
become increasingly popular as a means of entertainment and instruction for kids. However, other people are worried about how this trend can affect
kids' brains (Sarwar et al., 2023).
• To find out the existing level of social interaction and learning performance of the handicap students
• To investigate the relationship between social interaction and learning performance of the handicap students
• To determine the effect of social interaction on learning performance of the handicap students
Research Questions:
• What are the current modes and frequencies of social interaction among handicap students within their academic environment?
• What role does the quality of social interactions play in predicting learning performance in handicap students?
• What specific academic areas or subjects are most influenced by increased social interaction among handicap students?
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 5, no 4, pp 4768-4773 April 2024 4769
Social interaction and social communication are the same and are related with each other. Both are new terms and are associated with social reciprocity
and social language among two persons. Through communication and social interaction one person can recognize the words of different language and
different countries. Social Reciprocity is also the part of social communication in which persons recognized and understand the words of language,
grammatical structure and allow the third person how to convey his? Her message from one to other. Good communication between two persons brings
positive change in behavior and in their personality. It represents the social activities and increase social interaction in person with special needs or in
normal people that how they cooperate with them (Klin et al, 2005)
Mostly students who are disabled face many circumstances in their daily life. In early time people considered that these special people are useless members
of the society, they considered that it was wastage of time to give education and spend money upon them in 18th century parents were answerable for
this handicapped education (Richards & Gross, 2000). In previous time there were difficult circumstance for family member that how they educate their
children with possible requirements and necessities. Some families who belong to high class provide teachers for their children education and training,
while those families who belong to middle class asked permission from the respectable member of the family for their children education. In old time
many famous schools were open for such handicapped children. These schools were known as “industrial unit approximating” (Richards & Gross, 2000)
at the same time parents were completely responsible for the education of their children and hold upon their children. Mostly father of the children was
responsible to keep eyes on their children movements; he was responsible for every activity which leads his children in difficult circumstances (Richards
& Gross, 2000)
Naturally handicapped students due to the attitudes of normal class fellow feel hesitation and cannot adjust themselves with them due to their unhelpful
nature they suffer from bad circumstances and face many problems in their life. They make their mind and think that the people of the society are cruel
for them. So some time they show negativity towards people and show hyperactivity to the people of the society. They face many psychological and
emotional problems in their life due to the unhelpful nature of people (Fisher et al, 1999).
Social Acceptance:
Social acceptance was also major problem for handicapped students. Based on the previous research it was important to describes the social interaction
of handicapped students in a proper manner. Those people who considered that these students are useless members of the society cannot accept them.
Their attitudes were worse towards them. They think that they have no importance in society and they have also no right for education. Their attitudes
towards them were pessimistic. The environment in which they leave was not suitable for them (Nowicki, 2003). Social interaction for these students is
a major problem of society but people disliked these students on the base of their disability
The most important fact about social interaction of handicapped students was verbal and physical abuse. The fact was that handicapped students most
important and has great significant in society than normal students. In inclusive sat up these students give better performance than normal students. Their
learning performance was better than their normal class fellow (Llewellyn, 1995). However, the basic purpose of the study was that to focus the Pakistani
school in inclusive sat up. Mostly students say that inclusive set up was batter for them than general education. They say that in inclusive sat up they feel
batter and communicate easily with other class fellow. While in general education sat up, they feel hesitation and cannot communicate easily. Moreover,
handicapped students who face difficulty in school they face problems in home.
Inclusive Education:
It was considered that inclusive education was better for those students who were disable with their normal class fellow in harshness of general education
classroom, because in adding together they can accept suitable training about study and for their daily requirements. It was that thoughtful in which
teacher teaches those students with faithfulness that has disability. They teach only 20 students in one time while in general education set up, they will
teach more than 50 students. According to some researchers in general education set up teacher cannot assemble themselves or encourage students owing
to lack of information of general education while in wide-ranging education they feel soothe to teach those students who encompass special needs
(Alexander & Strain,1978). Maybe it was possible inclusive education was a technique or source of information for both students who were disabled or
normal. As a result of suitable social interaction maintain the inclusive education set up in which students perform. Somehow it was a technique of
information and source of knowledge, and it was better for both handicapped and normal class fellow (Agar, 2007). There were three main circumstances
in which handicapped students continue to exist and face difficult situation. These critical circumstances lead them in a difficult situation. These
circumstances were following;
• There were opportunities for handicapped students which were important for their educational skills & amp training
• Classroom management was arranged according to their disabilities (Fisher et al, 1999).
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 5, no 4, pp 4768-4773 April 2024 4770
For a long time those apprehensive with the field of education have been grapple with the serious questions of what kind of education To give for children
above all in the situation of unstable and different abilities of the students .usually education had come to be alienated into two types, specifically, general
education and special education experts and the system have been more and more quizzical for some time now if that was a correct move toward to offer
education in a situation where there were children with differing. It had been believed earlier that children with differing needs and especially those with
special needs must be given education unconnectedly, due to lack of knowledge, educational right of entry and knowledge, disable or challenged and
disabled students were therefore at first segregated from other students. They had led to the rise of general school on one hand and on the other, the
establishment of special schools for the disabled or the disabled. Since the last three decades the isolation in the education field has come beneath severe
disapproval and now an agreement has begun to emerge that instead of ongoing with segregated education, inclusive education must be provided.
Therefore, efforts have been made in the direction, predominantly during last two decades. Thus, in fresh times there has been a move towards having
children with disabilities attend the same school as nondisabled students.
In 1994, the world meeting on special needs education in Salamanca called for addition to be the norm with the guide standard that normal school should
put up all children, in spite of their physical, thinker, social, moving, linguistic or other circumstances. In Pakistan, opponents of inclusive education
quarrel that the government and the global group of people are attempt to popularize the requirement of inclusive education, while professionals and
society are still not ready. They feel that the professional responsible for formulate the policy are mostly worldwide expert who are unaware of the state
of affairs current in the country. They feel that over sea thoughts and policies are life form imported with no regard to how they will be implementing.
There are 106,275primary school in the public sector in Pakistan with 278,051 teaches (Bureau of statistics, 1998). The office of education will have to
make necessary modification to the school surroundings adapt the set of courses for special needs, and teach teachers to build their ability for responsibility
the confront of inclusive education. For this, enough home tar capital, new communications and a new vision of education for all vital rudiments. The
institute of educational development (IED), an allied organization of AKU, Karachi, is working for the endorsement of inclusive education in Pakistan,
and makes available preparation to teachers on alteration so that all students can learn in the same class. It is often argued that the monetary collision of
this enormous plan on the poor financial system of Pakistan will be intolerable.
The main objective of the study was to identify the effect of social interaction of handicapped students with normal class fellow and its effects on their
learning performance at university level. To achieve the objectives of the study a research questionnaire keeping in view all aspects of the study was
developed and finalized then same questionnaire was administered to the selected sample from the defined population for the purpose of data collection.
Data analysis was done through SPSS using descriptive and inferential statistics. The population included the handicapped students both boys &
girls in two various universities. Sample of the study consisted of 25 handicapped students both Boys & Girls and administrator taken from 2 universities
Punjab & G.C. The random sampling was applied to select the sample districts.
The mean of the statements about learning performance presents that promoted by the university level was ranging from (M= 3.59 to3.91,
SD= .68 to .88) and overall mean regarding social interaction was (M= 3.73, SD= .79) and learning performance (M= 3.89, SD= .76) which was greater
than 3.0. It shows that majority of the respondents are shown agree about all the factors of the study variables.
Table 2. Correlations
People 1
Place .569 1
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 5, no 4, pp 4768-4773 April 2024 4771
Pearson correlation conducted between independent variable (Social interaction) and dependent variable (Learning performance). The statistical result
found that people and learning performance have strong positive relationship with (r=.664, sig=.00). Place and learning performance have moderate
positive relationship with (r=.527, sig=.00), situation and learning performance have moderate positive relationship with (r=.562, sig=.00).Pearson
correlation conducted between independent variable (Social interaction) and dependent variable (Learning performance). The statistical result found that
social interaction and learning performance have strong positive relationship with (r=.584, sig=.00).
R2= .628
F= 11.83
The variance, F (3, 21) = 11.83, P<.00 explained in dependent variable (learning performance) was due to independent variable (social interaction). In
this table only total situation was statistically significant with recoded beta value ( =.596, P<.05), while the total permissive factor place was having
the higher beta value ( =.334, p>.05), than people ( =.-.140, p>.05. Hence the hypothesis was rejected which states that there was no significant
effect of social interaction on learning performance. Social interaction has positive effect on learning performance having beta value (.596) than other
two factors.
Variables B SEB t p
R2= .460
F= 19.55
Only variance, F (1, 23) = 19.55, P<.00 explained in dependent variable (learning performance) was due to independent variable (social interaction).
Social interaction was statistically significant with recoded beta value ( =.678, P<.00). Hence the hypothesis was rejected which states that there was
no significant effect of social interaction on learning performance. Social interaction has positive effect on learning performance having beta value (.678).
The current thesis seeks to suggest the theoretical frame work to examine the effect of Social Interaction of Handicapped students with normal class
fellow and its effect on their learning performance at university level. Assessing and determining learning performance with their social interaction. There
was strong positive effect of social interaction on learning performance. The majority of the statements were shown satisfied regarding the effect of social
interaction on learning performance of the students at university level. This study can be helpful for the future researchers who want to do work in the
same area/field. This study will also helpful the professionals that adopt positive techniques at higher education level.
It was concluded that the handicap students were well aware about the social interaction and their learning performance. Social interaction and learning
performance have positively associated between each other. Furthermore, social interaction has significance effect for the development of learning
performance of the students.
b) People should be made aware of the importance of inclusive education & social interaction of the students in society.
c) People should change their thinking that to educate the handicapped children was not wastage of time and money rather it was beneficial.
e) The government should be recognized on-violent setting in inclusive set up for handicapped students so that the handicapped students may
not feel shame.
g) To increase or rise of handicapped education high budget allocation should be contribute by government.
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