C Programming Lab Assignments

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C Programming Lab Assignments

1. Write a C program to convert a given

temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit and vice
2. Write a C program to calculate area and
perimeter of a circle.
3. Write a C program to read a character upper
case and print in lower case and vice versa.
4. Write a C program to exchange two numbers
(using a temporary variable and without using a
temporary variable).
5. Write a C program to find whether a given
number is even or odd.
6. Write a C program to check if one is eligible for
vote or not.
7. Write a C program to find maximum among
three input integers.
8. Write a C program to find if a given year is a leap
year or not.
9. Write a C program to read a character and then
determine if it is a vowel or consonant.
10. Write a C program to check the result of a
student in grade.
Marks >= 90 O
80 <= Marks < 90 E
70 <= Marks < 80 A
60 <= Marks < 70 B
50 <= Marks < 60 C
Marks < 50 F

11. Write a C program to calculate the tax with

following condi ons :
Income Range Tax
0 to 500,000 0%
500,000 to 700,000 10%
700,000 to 1,000,000 20%
Above 1000,000 30%

12. Write a C program to calculate the roots of a

Quadra c Equa on.
13. Write a C program to make a simple calculator.
14. Write a C program to determine whether an
entered character is vowel or consonant using
switch case.
15. Write a C program to calculate the sum of first n
numbers e.g. sum = 1+2+3+…+n.
16. Write a C program to calculate the factorial of a
given number e.g. n! = 1*2*3*…*n.
17. Write a C program to calculate sum of all digits
of an input number.
18. Write a C program to Reverse the digits of a
given number.
19. Write a C program to count and print Leap Years
between a given range.
20. Write a C program to check if a number is prime
or not.
21. Write a C program to print the prime numbers
between a given range.
22. Write a C program to generate output same as
given below :
23. Write a C program to generate output same as
given below :
24. Write a C program to generate output same as
given below :
25. Write a C program to generate output same as
given below :

26. Write a C program to convert a decimal number

into it’s equivalent binary number.
27. Write a C program to convert a binary number
into it’s equivalent decimal number.
28. Write a C program to calculate factorial of an
integer using recursion.
29. Write a C program to calculate GCD of two
numbers using recursion.
30. Write a C Program to generate Fibonacci series.
31. Write a C program to print the moves to solve
Tower of Hanoi.
32. Write a C program to create own header file and
Implement the same.
33. Write a C program to print the posi on and
value of the smallest and largest number in an
34. Write a C Program to print the posi on and
value of 2nd large number from an array.
35. Write a C program to take user Input and display
a matrix using two dimensional array.
36. Write a C program to display transpose of a
37. Write a C program to perform addi on and
subtrac on between two matrices.
38. Write a C program to perform mul plica on
between two matrices.
39. Write a C program implemen ng call by value
method of parameter passing.
40. Write a C program implemen ng call by
reference method of parameter passing.
41. Write a C program with a func on and passing
an En re Array as argument.
42. Write a C program to make and implemen ng a
func on named ‘mystrlen’ to calculate length of
a string.
43. Write a C program to make and implemen ng a
func on named ‘mystrcpy’ to copy a string.
44. Write a C program to make and implemen ng a
func on named ‘mystrcat’ to concatena on two
45. Write a C program to make and implemen ng a
func on named ‘mystrcmp’ to compare two
46. Write a C program to make and implemen ng a
func on named ‘mystrrev’ to reverse a string.

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