1.7 - SoP - and - PoS

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 Consider variables A and B

 Assume that they are somehow combined with AND operator

Sum of Product and Product of Sums  There are 4 possible combinations;

AB, A' B, AB ' , A' B '
(SOP and POS)
 Each of those terms is called a Minterm (standard product)

 Minterms are AND terms with every variable present in either true

or complemented form.

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Minterms… Exercise
 Given that each binary variable may appear normal (e.g., x) or  List the Minterms for 3 variables
complemented (e.g., x’), there are 2n minterms for n variables.

 In general, if there are n variables, there are 2n Minterms

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Maxterms Maxterms…
 Consider variables A and B  Given that each binary variable may appear normal (e.g., x) or

 Assume that they are somehow combined with OR operator complemented (e.g., x’), there are 2n maxterms for n variables.

 There are 4 possible combinations

A  B, A'  B , A  B', A'  B '  In general, if there are n variables, there are 2n maxterms

 Each of those terms is called a Maxterm (standard sums)

 Maxterms are OR terms with every variable in true or

complemented form.

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Exercise Standard Order

 List the Maxterm for 3 variables  Minterms and maxterms are designated with a subscript

 The subscript is a number, corresponding to a binary pattern

 The bits in the pattern represent the complemented or normal state

of each variable listed in a standard order.

 All variables will be present in a minterm or maxterm and will be

listed in the same order (usually alphabetically)

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Standard Order… Purpose of the Index
 Example: For variables a, b, c;  The index for the minterm or maxterm, expressed as a binary
number, is used to determine whether the variable is shown in the
 Maxterms: (a + b + c’), (a + b + c)
true form or complemented form.
 Terms: (b + a + c), and (c + b + a) are NOT in standard order.  For Minterms;

 Minterms: ab’c, abc, a’b’c  “1” means the variable is “Not Complemented” and

 “0” means the variable is “Complemented”.

 Terms: (a + c), bc, and (a’ + b) do not contain all variables
 For Maxterms;

 “0” means the variable is “Not Complemented” and

 “1” means the variable is “Complemented”.

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Index Example in Three Variables Index Example in Three Variables…

 Example: (for three variables)  All three variables are complemented for minterm 0

 Assume the variables are called X, Y, and Z. (X’,Y’,Z’) and no variables are complemented for

 The standard order is X, then Y, then Z. Maxterm 0 (X,Y,Z).

 Minterm 0, called m0 is X’Y’Z’
 The Index 0 (base 10) = 000 (base 2) for three variables).
 Maxterm 0, called M0 is (X + Y + Z)
 All three variables are complemented for minterm 0
 Minterm 6 ?
(X’,Y’,Z’) and no variables are complemented for
 Maxterm 6 ?
Maxterm 0 (X,Y,Z).

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Example Sum of Product (Minterm)
 Express F in the sum of minterms and product of maxterms  The Sum of Product (SOP) means that the products of the variables
formats. that are separated by a plus sign. The variables can be
F  A  BC '
complemented or uncomplemented, for-example;

 Solution F  A  BC '  A( B  B ' )(C  C ' )  ( A  A' ) BC '

 ABC  ABC '  AB 'C  AB 'C '  ABC '  A' BC '  A sum of product (minterm) is obtained as follows: For each row

 ABC  ABC '  AB 'C  AB 'C '  A' BC ' of the truth table for which the output is 1, the Boolean term is the

 m7  m6  m5  m4  m2 product of variables that are equal to 1 and the complement of

  2,4,5,6,7  variable that are equal to 0. The sum of these products is the

 0,1,3 desired Boolean equation.

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Sum of Product (Minterm)… Product of sum (Maxterm)

 One or more AND gates feeding a single OR gate at the output  The Product of Sum (POS) means that the sum of variables that are

AB  CD E  AC E
' ' ' ' separated by a multiplication sign. For example,

 A product of sum expression is obtained as follows: each row of

the truth table for which the output is 0, the Boolean term is the
sum of the variables that are equal 0 plus the complement of the
variables that are equal to 1. The product of these sum is the
desired Boolean equation.
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Product of sum (Maxterm)… Fundamental Products
 One or more OR gates feeding a single AND gate at the output  The products that produce a high (1) output are called Fundamental
Products. For example, for the two input variables A and B, we
( A  B ' )(C  D '  E )( A  C '  E ' )
have four possible combinations, which are shown in the table
below and the fundamental products corresponding to each;

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Fundamental Products… Fundamental Products…

 For three input variables or signals a similar idea is applied.

 Whenever the input variable is 0, the same variable is

complemented in the fundamental product.

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Fundamental Products… Exercises
Question 1

 Find the sum-of-products and product of sums equations from the

given truth table

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Exercises… Exercises…
Solution Question 2

 A circuit has four inputs P,Q,R,S, representing the natural binary

number 0000=0, to 1111=15. P is the most significant bit. The
circuit has one output, X, which is true if the input to the circuit
represents a prime number and false otherwise. A prime number is
a number which is only divisible by 1 and by itself. Note that
 Note that the Boolean expression from the truth table is the sum of
zero(0000) and one(0001) are not considered as prime numbers.
product (minterms) terms for which the output is;
Design a true table for this circuit, and hence obtain a SOP
expression for X in terms of P,Q,R,S.
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Exercises… Exercises…
Solution F = P’Q’RS’ + P’Q’RS + P’QR’S + P’QRS + PQ’RS + PQR’S

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Exercises… Exercises…
Question 3
Driver S.Belt Passenger Sensor Passenger S.Belt Car Start
 A car seat belt interlock requires that the car should only start if the Sensor (A) (B) Sensor (C) (Y)
driver’s seat belt is fastened and either the front passenger seat is
0 0 0 0
unoccupied or the front passenger seat is occupied and the
0 0 1 0
passenger seat belt is fastened. Develop the truth table and write 0 1 0 0
0 1 1 0
the Boolean equation (SOP expression) to realize this system.
1 0 0 1
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 0
1 1 1 1

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Exercises… Exercises…
 Car Start = AB’C’ + ABC Question 4
 A control system in an engine for an assembly plant has four fail-
safe sensors, sensor A, B, C and D. The engine should keep
running unless any of the following conditions arise.
 If sensor B is activated.
 If sensor A and sensor C are activated at the same time.
 If sensor B and sensor C are activated at the same time.
 If sensor A, sensor C and sensor D are activated at the same
 Using the condition that the machine shut down as logic 1 and
sensors activated as logic 1, develop the truth table and write the
SOP expression for the system.

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Exercises… Exercises…
Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor
 Y= A’BC’D’ + A’BC’D + A’BCD’ + A’BCD + AB’CD’ + AB’CD
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0
0 0 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 0
0 1 0 0 1
0 1 0 1 1
0 1 1 0 1
0 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 1 0
1 0 1 0 1
1 0 1 1 1
1 1 0 0 1
1 1 0 1 1
1 1 1 0 1
1 1 1 1 1
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Exercises… Exercises…
Question 5  SOP

 Convert the following expression to product-of-sum form; A B C F

0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0
= (C+C’)AB + ABC + AB’C’ + (B+B’)(AC’) 0 1 0 0
0 1 1 0
1 0 0 1
= ABC + ABC’ + ABC + AB’C’ + ABC’ + AB’C’ 1 0 1 0
1 1 0 1
1 1 1 1
= ABC + ABC’ + AB’C’

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Exercises… NAND and NOR Gates in Two level Network

0 0 0 0 =A+B+C
0 0 1 0 =A+B+C’
0 1 0 0 =A+B’+C
0 1 1 0 =A+B’+C’
1 0 0 1
1 0 1 0 =A’+B+C’
1 1 0 1
1 1 1 1
F=(A+B+C) (A+B+C’) (A+B’+C) (A+B’+C’) (A’+B+C’)
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NAND and NOR Gates in Two level
Combination of Gates
 The OR gate and AND gates and invertors can be interconnected to
form gating or logic networks, in the switching theory, these are
also called combinational networks.

 The Boolean algebra expression corresponding to a given network

can be driven by systematically progressing from input to output
on the gates.

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Combination of Gates… Combination of Gates…

 Example: Construct the logic networks for;  Solution

 i)

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Combination of Gates… Combination of Gates…
 i)  ii)

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Boolean Expressions and Logic Diagrams Exercises

 Boolean expressions are frequently written to describe Question 6
mathematically the behavior of a logic circuit. Using a truth table  Write the Boolean expression that describes mathematically the
and the Boolean expression, one can determine which behavior of logic circuit shown below. Use a truth table to
combinations of input signals cause the output signal. determine what input conditions produce a logic 1 output.

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Exercises… Exercises…

 Thus the input conditions those produce a logic 1 output are : 000,
100, 110

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Exercises… Exercises…
Question 7 Solution

 Given the Boolean expression;  a)

(a) Draw the logic diagram for the expression.

(b) Minimize the expression.

(c) Draw the logic diagram for the reduced expression.

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Exercises… Exercises…
 b)  c)

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