Chapter 4 - 7
Chapter 4 - 7
Chapter 4 - 7
Developmental stages in middle and late adolescence happen between the ages
of 15 to 21 when teens realize changes in their physical and social development. They
also become mindful of the need to develop a path for their career.
As what Psychologist David Geldard and psychotherapist Kathryn Geldard
(2006) point out, adolescence is a time in young people's lives when they move toward
independence, autonomy, and maturity.
As adolescents journey through the middle and late adolescence stages, they
face challenges and difficulties that come with their physiological, cognitive,
psychological, social, spiritual, and moral development. After reading this chapter, you
are expected to:
a. demonstrate the understanding that facing the challenges of adolescence will help
you manage the demands of teen years;
b. express your feelings about the expectations of significant people in your lives
relative to your adolescence stage; and,
c. develop strategies that can help you become more responsible and lovable as
Girls who do not appreciate their physical image struggle to lose weight and
become slimmer. Boys persevere to be taller and acquire bigger muscles.
Most teenagers experience anxiety, confusion, and discomfort about the physical
changes that happen to them during adolescence. They become mindful of good
grooming. Their concern is to look physically attractive. They start to become conscious
about the clothes they wear.
Females become cautious about their makeup and the perfume they wear. For
the males, they become conscious of their height, body built, and muscles.
While it may be normal for teens to be conscious about their bodies and to exert
effort to look great, too much focus on this may cause severe anxiety and stress.
Toward late adolescence stage though, young people are able to accept their
body image.
Obesity is a body condition characterized by having too much body fat. If not
properly addressed, obesity can cause major problems, including heart problems,
hypertension, sleeping difficulties, breathing problems, and emotional problems.
Teenagers who become the subject of ridicule by their peers are more likely to
suffer from emotional disturbances. As a consequence, they begin to acquire poor
self-esteem. In addition, they suffer from anxiety, depression, and obsessive compulsive
Obese and chubby young people have greater probability of suffering from low
self-esteem because they feel negative about their bodies. This feeling may lead to
negative moods and mood swings. Having a poor self-esteem may also lead to poor
eating habits that can then result in eating disorders and mental problems.
Eating Disorders
Eating disorders are psychological conditions characterized by having extreme
disturbances in eating habits. The cause of eating disorders is unknown.
Experts link this type of disorder to family relationships, psychological factors,
and genetics. The three more popular types of this condition are anorexia nervosa,
bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorder.
A lot of times, teens suffering from an eating disorder do not admit that they have
a problem. These teens appear to be temperamental, worried, and unhappy. They may
isolate themselves, stay away from their peers, and become disheartened by the
unwelcome remarks of other people.
Insomnia may be treated through sleep medications and nonmedication
activities, ac- cording to the National Sleep Foundation. Examples of nonmedication
activities include relaxation training which allows the person to systematically tense up
and relax the muscles thereby inducing sleep. Mindfulness, meditation, guided imagery,
and breathing exercises also relax the body and help one fight off insomnia. Stimulus
control is another technique to treat insomnia. Here, association between sleep and
bedroom is limited only to certain ac- tivities such as going to bed only when the person
feels sleepy and observing a strict schedule of bedtime and wake-up time. Cognitive
behavioral therapy (CBT), on the other hand, trains the mind to overcome worries and
other negative emotions that cause difficulty in sleeping.
No cure yet has been noted for narcolepsy, although a combination of
counseling, medi- cation, and lifestyle changes may help. People suffering from this
sleep disorder may expe- rience embarrassment or depression. In these instances,
counseling may help the individuals cope with such difficulty. Stimulant medication may
help only as long as the person takes it. Lifestyle changes may include eating
vegetarian or light meals, taking brief naps, and avoid- ing driving or operating
Sleep Apnea
Treatment for sleep apnea requires some changes in lifestyle such as losing
weight. Other treatments include the use of machines that facilitate positive airway
pressure and oral breathing devices such as nasal dilators. Medications also help. In
some instances where
there is a blockage, surgery can be an option.
Substance Abuse
Substance abuse is one of the challenges faced by teenagers in the middle and
late adolescence. Some of the reasons for substance abuse are curiosity, peer
pressure, rebellion, and relief from unpleasant emotions
The substances used by some teens include tobacco, liquor, contact cement, diet
pills or over-the-counter prescription drugs. Some teenagers use prohibited drugs such
as marijuana LSD, cocaine, methamphetamine, or ecstasy
The use of these substances may be classified as abuse when a person
continues to use them to the point of causing serious persopal problems such as family
conflicts, peer isolation, school expulsion, or legal trouble. A few teenagers become
mentally or physically addicted to these substances. The uncontrolled craving for these
substances may cause adverse effects on one's physical. mental, and emotional health.
It can even lead people to commit crimes.
Intimate Relations
With their intense emotional attachment to their partners, middle adolescents
around the age of fifteen to seventeen consider the moral and physical consequences
of their actions. Girls may be concerned about an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy.
In late adolescence, at ages eighteen to twenty-one, young people yearn for
long-term relationships. While some may keep on experimenting with their sexuality,
others aspire for monogamous relationships.
CHAPTER 5 : Coping with Stress in Middle and Late Adolescence
Stress Defined
Stress refers to the total response of an individual to what may be perceived as
harmful or dangerous stimulus in his/her external environment. It is experienced when
an individual encounters a threat that he/ she could not deal with due to lack of proper
resources (McLeod 2010). Stress may be positive or negative.
As discussed earlier in this book, ado- lescence is a stage of meaningful
changes, including physical, psychological, social, and moral. During this period, young
people experience more stress than in other stages in
their lives. The transition from childhood to adulthood may cause many teenagers to
experi- ence stress every day, particularly when they encounter something difficult or
dangerous that they feel they are not able to solve or overcome.
Just like adults, adolescents experience stress. The only difference is that the
adolescents' mind and body are still developing and they are not yet as skillful as adults
in dealing with stress.
Types of Stress
There are four different types of stress.
1. Eustress – Positive stress. This gives one a feeling of fulfillment. Examples are
winning a contest and going on a roller-coaster ride.
4. Hyperstress – Overstress. This happens when one is pushed beyond what he/she
Physiological Changes
Physiological changes such as onset of reproductive hormonal activity and
gradual sexual maturity can cause adolescents to experience confusion and anxiety
about what is happening to their body.
Undesirable Perceptions About Themselves, Low Self-esteem, or Search for Their
With the transition from childhood to adolescence and the social adjustment that
goes with it teenagers may feel conscious and awkward about how they look and how
others may regard or accept them. Some may be driven to search for their identity.
These feelings of uneasiness, awkwardness, and uncertainty create stress or tension
which sometimes dampen self-esteem.
Separation of Parents
Unexpected separation of parents may adversely have an impact on teenagers
particularly on the emotional aspect. Feelings of uncertainty, lack of assurance,
instability, and bewilder- ment may occur as young people start to feel a sense of
incompleteness or lack of together- ness in the family. In some cases, this can dampen
their self-esteem.
Learning Difficulty
The struggle to understand the lessons being taught in school creates stress and
anxiety for teenagers with learning difficulty. Not to mention the feelings of confusion,
embarrassment, and isolation they feel as they struggle to keep pace with their
classmates who have no trouble understanding the lessons. As a result, they end up
with a feeling of not belonging to the class.
Career Decisions
At a young age, teens are sometimes pressured by their family to decide on the
course they would take in college after graduating from high school. This comes with
the intention to prepare them for their future career. However, the lack of exposure to
and knowledge abou the different professions coupled with the pressure to make a
decision about the course they would like to take in college can cause confusion and
anxiety on the part of the teenager. This is why some college students shift from one
course to another.
Sexual Harassment
Young people who have become victims of sexual harassment may suffer from
stress, anxiety, depression, sleep disorder, change in appetite, and low self-esteem.
Such an unwelcome gesture of a sexual nature, either verbal or physical, may affect the
teenagers' performance in school or at work.
The circumstances cited above may be too much to bear for some adolescents,
particularly if these happen simultaneously. It is important for young people to watch out
for signs that signal stressful conditions.
These are just a few of the many symptoms of stress. There might still be other
symptoms not mentioned in the table.
When severe stress becomes uncontrolled and unmanaged for a long period of
time, it may lead to burnout. When this happens, nervousness, hostility, withdrawal,
chronic illness, or addiction to drug or alcohol may set in.
Stress Response
The human brain is on the lookout if an alarming situation threatens its
equilibrium. The onset of a stress response is associated with some physiological
changes in the body. These bodily changes include fast heart rate, rapid breathing rate,
increased blood flow, elevated
blood sugar level, and dilated pupils.
Fight-stress response means individuals opt to confront and face the situation.
They fight
back, struggle with, contest, or compete with the source of stress.
In flight-stress response, persons choose to run away or escape from the
In freeze-stress response, individuals hold back, leaving all physiological
reactions on hold thereby creating tension or tremble. This happens in cases when
retaliating is not appropriate such as in school or at work.
Similarly, when being disciplined by parents or authorities, individuals hold back
and freeze. People who are held under physical arrest or threatened with losing their life
if they strike back do not have any options but to repress their feelings and emotions.
Support System
A solid support system or group of caring family members and friends can serve
as a healthy shield to protect adolescents from the storms and turbulence during the
transition period. Without a good network of dependable people, the more isolated
teenagers will become, making them more vulnerable to stress.
Sense of Control
A sense of control gives adolescents the confidence to direct their lives and take
command over resources under their influence to better manage varying stressful
situations. If teenagers feel that they are able to take control, they may have more
tolerance for stress.
Again, if adolescents know what to expect, the more they will be able to prepare
for such situations. This way, stress will be managed more effectively.
• migraines
• dizziness
• acne
• upset stomach
• elevated blood pressure
• irritability
• chest pain
• strain on the heart
• impairment of brain memory cells
• fat deposit on the waist
• ulcers
• loss of hair
• depression
• appearance of aging
• weakened immune system, which can make even a head cold difficult to fight off
Young people may not just be aware, but they can have more control over their
stress levels. In certain instances though, many teenagers are not able to cope with
stressful situations. Instead, they just com- plicate things. They may resort to eating too
much or not eating at all.
They may drink in excess or turn to drugs.
Many feel isolated or simply withdraw from their friends, resulting in depression.
Others hurt themselves or, in severe situa- tions, take their lives.
It will also be good for them to be oriented with healthy guidelines on how to
manage stress. As each individual has a distinct way of dealing with stress, there is no
"one size fits all" remedy to handle it. It is therefore advised that teenagers be aware of
different techniques and strategies and discover what best works for them.
Teenagers need to learn to appreciate the beauty of life and the many gifts
bestowed upon them. They have to learn coping mechanisms to combat stress.
Below are some guidelines on how to deal with obesity:
Here are some self-coping tips to overcome depression as suggested by, the official website of Helpguideorg International, a tax-exempt
organization based in Sta Monica, California, USA. It contains over 250 articles, media,
and other resources which
cover topics on mental, emotional, and social health.
2. Feel energized.
• Enjoy the sound of music.
• Chat with a friend while taking a walk.
• Take the stairs and skip the elevator.
• Engage in a sports activity.
• Exercise more often.
3. Avoid negativism.
• Think and feel positive.
• Accept imperfections.
• Mingle with optimistic people.
• Avoid being skeptical.
Substance Abuse
What is the best way to treat substance abuse?
The following intervention programs can be of great help:
The strategies employed in CBT include adoption of skills to stop drug abuse and
other problems that go with it. Individuals are helped to identify and correct their
problematic behaviors. Self-control is enhanced to develop effective coping strategies.
Also, individuals are oriented on the consequences of continued drug use and are
taught how to recognize their
cravings and high risk situations.
FBT is aimed at reducing drug and alcohol use in an individual and help him/her
deal with other problems such as depression, family conflict, and school or work
attendance. The treatment involves the patients and any significant member of the
household such as the parents. Strategies include acquiring new skills in preventing
substance abuse while anchored to a contingency management system. The parents of
the individual involved in substance abuse are encouraged to adopt effective parenting
behaviors. Rewards are given if set goals are achieved. Furthermore, patients are
involved in treatment planning where specific inter- ventions form a menu of options.
Interventions that promote positive energy to help one recover from stress
The adoption of optimism and the use of positive psychology help young people
overcome stress by helping them see opportunities in any difficulty and become grateful
for opportunities that come their way.
The best way to handle substance abuse is prevention. Parental support, for
instance, plays a significant role here. It is important that parents get to know who the
friends of their children are, and be vigilant of whatever activities their kids engage in.
Family activities should center on togetherness, loving, and sharing, and thus provide a
good support system. Moreover, young people should indulge in productive ventures
such as sports activities, creative pursuits and other recreational undertakings that they
find enjoyable. This way, the can prevent being lured to drugs or any other vices
CHAPTER 6 : Enhancing the Powers of the mind
The Forebrain
The forebrain, located in the uppermost part of the brain, is the most complex
and biggest part of the brain. It is accountable for emotions, memory, and “higher-order”
pursuits such as thinking and reasoning.
The forebrain consists of the thalamus, hypothalamus, cerebrum, and the limbic
The thalamus, found between the cerebral cortex and the midbrain and just
above the brain stem, is that part of the brain that controls the voluntary bodily
movements. It functions to relay the motor and sensory signals to the cerebral cortex. It
is also responsible for sleep regulation, alertness, and wakefulness.
The section of the brain in charge of homeostasis or the internal balance in the
body is the hypothalamus. It functions mainly to produce hormones that govern body
temperature, thirst, hunger, sleep, circadian rhythm, moods, and sex drive.
The cerebrum contains the cerebral cortex and is the largest segment of the
brain. It is divided into two parts - the left and right hemispheres. These hemispheres
comprise four sections called lobes.
1. Frontal Lobe
The frontal lobe can be found in the front part of the brain. It collects information
signals coming from the other sections of the brain.
During adolescence when the brain develops further, the prefrontal cortex
develops and connects with the limbic system, which is considered the seat of
emotions. This is why the forebrain is regarded as the emotional control center of the
brain. It facilitates better coordination between reason and emotion.
The frontal lobe is responsible for the formation of personality and is also
influential in decision making and problem solving. If the frontal lobe is damaged, it can
cause changes in sexual behaviors, interpersonal relations and attention, and increase
in adventurous activities.
2. Parietal Lobe
The parietal lobe can be found in the middle part of the brain. It is basically
responsible for processing sensory information for cognitive purposes. It processes
sensory information such as taste, warmth, cold, pressure, pain and the body's position
in space. Damage to the parietal lobe can cause impairments in language, verbal
memory, and eye-gaze control.
3. Temporal Lobe
The temporal lobe is positioned at the lower part of the brain. It performs several
functions pertaining to speech, perception, and some types of memory. If the temporal
lobe gets damaged, problems with language and memory may occur.
4. Occipital Lobe
The occipital lobe can be found at the rear portion of the brain. It processes
sensory information from the eyes. It interprets visual stimuli and information.
Located in the occipital lobe is the primary visual cortex, which processes
information from the retina of the eye. Damage to the occipital lobe may result in vision
troubles such as inability to recognize objects and difficulty in distinguishing colors and
recognizing words.
The prefrontal cortex positioned in the forebrain has also been associated with one's
character and temperament. The limbic system located inside the periphery of the
cerebrum covers about one-fifth of the brain's volume. The limbic system has three
a. Controls the temperature of the body, pressure of the blood in the circulatory
system, heart rate, and blood sugar
b. Forms memories with the help of the hippocampus and the amygdala, the two
components of the limbic system.
c. Links emotions with the stimuli from the surroundings through the amygdala.
The nerve impulses sent to the amygdala generate varying emotions such as
anxiety, anger, excitement, and sexual attraction. These reactions cause the
activity of the hypothalamus which controls pressure of the blood in the
circulatory system and temperature of the body.
The Midbrain
The midbrain can be found at the topmost part of the brain stem. Considered as
the smallest region of the brain, it has something to do with hearing and the movements
of the eye. Other structures found in the midbrain are responsible for voluntary
The Hindbrain
Found at the upper portion of the spinal cord is the hindbrain, which comprises
the brain stem and the cerebellum.
The brain stem regulates breathing, heartbeat, and digestive functions. The
cerebellum regulates voluntary movements such as posture, balance, speech and
coordination of movements.
Hemispheres of the Brain
There are two hemispheres of the brain, the left and right hemispheres. Each
hemisphere is responsible for various functions, behaviors, and controls.
The right hemisphere is in charge of the creative activities of the brain. It is
oftentimes called the creative side of the brain. This part of the brain focuses on
anything visual. It engages in activities associated with face differentiation and optical
images. Its perspective is more on the entirety rather than specific features.
The right hemisphere is also inclined to interpret data more spontaneously or at
random. It is concerned with spatial abilities such as determining the location of objects
in space and situating the position of the body. Furthermore, the right hemisphere of the
brain regulates the movement of muscles on the left portion of the body. It also gathers
sensory information from the left portion of the body.
The left hemisphere accounts for the logical or analytical activities of the brain. It
processes information more logically or sequentially. It governs comprehension and the
use of language, including paying attention, interpretation, speaking, reading, and
writing. It has a significant role in the analysis of information.
It is noteworthy to remember that the left side of the brain regulates the
movement of muscles on the right portion of the body and collects sensory information
from the right side of the body.
Below is a table that presents the significant differences between the left and
right hemispheres of the brain.
Most people are inclined to deal with information with the use of their dominant
side. This does not mean that they only use one side of their brain. When both sides of
the brain used in an equal manner, the learning and thinking processes are even more
Instrument (HBDI). Herrmann derived this model from allocating the brain into four
various schemes with four ideal types:
It should be noted that Hermann's system does not try to be an accurate model
of the way the brain functions. Instead, it should really be thought of as a model of
different styles of thinking. The four styles of thinking reflected in the Whole Brain Model
are as follows:
The whole brain theory places emphasis on how the brain acquires knowledge.
It describes the composition and functions of the human brain at different stages of
The theory elucidates on the repeated study behaviors and the metaconcept that
embraces a diverse blend of methods (Schulz 2011). It can include education concepts
such as the following:
1. Mastery learning
2. Experimental learning
3. Study techniques
4. Manifold intelligences.
5. Collaborative education
6. Applied learning
7. Problem-based education
8. Movement education
Mind mapping is a graphical technique of recording that employs the right brain
or the artistic side of the brain to improve the ability to process information and answer
questions. Compared with outlining which utilizes the left brain or the analytical side of
the brain, mind mapping employs adaptability and fewer rules. It allows ease and
comfort in teaching and learning.
Mind mapping is also known as “branching,” “clustering,” and “radiant thinking.”
A mind map is an illustration that utilizes ideas, words, concepts, opinions, ideas,
and the like. The map branches out from a main concept to whatever thought process it
leads. It is called a “map” because it allows for clusters or groups of similar thoughts
and ideas leading to the original concept development that originated it. With this
nonlinear technique, individuals are encouraged to use brainstorming, free thinking, and
association while also utilizing focus and structure.
Uses of Mind Mapping
General benefits:
• Allows one to take down notes in a faster way
• Allows one to focus on important points and eliminate unrelated ideas
• Enables one to collect, examine, and recollect enormous data faster
• Accelerates the power of the brain for acquiring knowledge and solving complex
issues by decreasing the strength used on issues about organization and
• Provides a visual representation that assists one in clarifying associations and
enhances and enhances one's creativity
Group benefits:
• Enhances interaction by allowing group members to focus on specific concerns
• Promotes discussion of solutions to complex issues by encouraging the gathering of
more ideas and suspension of judgment
• Allows clarity in ideas and relationships
1. Begin at the middle portion of a clean bond paper. Starting at the center provides the
brain the liberty to branch out into different paths and allows it to be more natural and
2. Next, provide a visual representation or symbol for the main idea. A picture is
equated with so many words and meanings. The central image encourages the brain to
concentrate and remain focused.
3. Then, get your crayons and colored pencils. Use them to add excitement to the
image. This generates creative thinking.
4. Link the main branches to the main picture at the center. Draw a line connecting the
second and third levels to the first and second levels, and all throughout. This facilitates
association, connecting one idea with the other. This also helps one to appreciate and
recall easily.
5. Draw the branches a little bit bent, curled, or curved rather than straight, as
something different brings excitement to the brain. This prevents boredom.
6. Utilize only a single key word per line. This allows more power and flexibility to the
mind map.
7. Make use of symbols or pictures all throughout. Pictures equal a thousand words.
Ten images compound to 10,000 words.
Mental Health
Mental health is a condition of the mind in which wellness is felt by the individual.
It is the condition wherein one's own capabilities are recognized, various situations in
the environment are adapted to, and one's own competencies are utilized to benefit the
self and
Mental health is a picture of social and emotional wellness. It is just as vital as
physical health.
The state of mental being may vary from time to time depending on the
circumstances that surround individuals as they go through the different stages of life.
Those who find it difficult to overcome problems and do not seem to have any support
system may find themselves in a helpless situation. If mental health problems such as
loneliness, anxiety, and depression arise, people may feel embarrassed, insecure, and
awkward to share their feelings. There is a sense of humiliation associated with adverse
mental conditions. Young individuals evade the issue and are not comfortable about
discussing them. They need to realize that it is, in fact, healthy to talk about their
feelings to somebody who cares for them. Mental issues should not be treated as a
stigma when it is detected in a family member
Mental health condition is the outcome of the dynamic interaction between individuals
and elements present in their surroundings such as the following:
• Traces of illness in the family
• Health wellness behaviors and activities
• Episodes of stress in one's personal or professional life
• Exposure to contaminants
• Experience of suffering and distress
• Individual exposures and conditions, past and present
• Availability of a network of people who provide emotional support
• Ability to adjust in varying situations
1. Changes in mood. A person may suffer from mood swings which he/she does not
usually experience.
5. Taking medicines by oneself. If there are signs of drug or alcohol use, self-harm, an
eating disorder, or other forms of escape, these may be directly linked to mental illness.
An effort to make oneself feel better can indicate a need for mental health treatment.
If any of these signs are observed, the teen may need professional help. With
appropriate assessment, identification, and intervention, mental health problems can be
treated and managed.
1. Depression. There are times when teenage depression may be difficult to determine
despite the existence of typical physical, emotional, behavioral, and mental symptoms.
The symptoms pertaining to the emotional and behavioral aspects of depression
are the following:
• Being lonely, moody, and irritable
• Feelings of worthlessness, guilt, or self-blame
• Sudden dislike of hobbies and leisure they were previously engaged in
• Burst of anger not typical of one's nature
• Isolation from friends
• Destructive views such as topics on violence, murder, or suicide
People who are depressed may go through several signs of depression. The
symptoms may be continuing or may stay for a period of weeks or even months.
Depression may be brought about by certain events in one's life. One type is
postnatal depression, which happens after giving birth. Depression is mostly associated
with anxiety.
Other “red flags” to watch for include unanticipated crying or extreme irritability,
articulations of frustrations and poor self-esteem, suspicion and extreme secrecy,
threats of harming or mutilating oneself, compulsive physical appearance issues,
extreme loneliness, and desertion of peers and social organizations.
On the extreme, severe depression can be dangerous and may cause people to
commit suicide, particularly if it lingers.
2. Anxiety. Anxiety refers to a persistent and unlikely concern about anything in one's
routine or daily life. It can include body signals such as “butterflies,” a sinking feeling,
tension, or uncomfortable feelings. Among teenagers, anxiety is part of the normal
range of emotions. It is usually temporary and goes away on its own.
When faced with unfamiliar, dangerous, or stressful situations, young people
usually feel anxious. As their independence increases, teenagers might worry about
being responsible for their own actions. For late adolescents, they may also feel anxiou
about getting a job.
In addition, people may be impatient and may have difficulty sleeping. The physic
signs of anxiety include a fast heartbeat, indigestion, nervousness, or a shaky feeling
Adolescents experiencing high-anxiety levels may also suffer from sudden feelings of
acute and disabling anxiety, phobia, or obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
4. Phobias. Phobias are extreme or irrational fear of specific things. People generally
avoid the stimulus that they are scared of.
Phobias share similar symptoms with anxiety. In extreme cases, people may
suffer from panic attacks.
5. Eating problems. Eating problems may be characterized by having the need to eat
excessively or modestly. Adolescents may refuse to eat despite their hunger or they
may eat continuously or binge. What preoccupies their thoughts is food or how much
they weigh. Some of the most common eating disorders are anorexia, bulimia, bingeing,
and compulsive eating.
9. Panic attacks. Panic attacks are instances of severe, often very alarming symptoms,
that typically last from 5 minutes to 20 minutes. Persons experiencing panic attacks may
have difficulty breathing and sense their heart pounding hard. They may experience as
obstructing sensation and pain in the chest, and may start to shake or feel weak. These
symptoms may be mistaken for a heart attack or any severe medical condition.
Panic attacks may happen any time, making them distinct from the usual reaction
to a natural threat.
11. Suicidal feelings. Some people with a mental health problem may experience
having suicidal tendencies. They may think of something unpleasant, scary, and
Suicidal thoughts, however, may not necessarily mean persons intend to take
their own lives. Many contemplate about committing suicide but most of them do not
proceed with such ruthless idea.
Should one exhibit any of the signs, it is not advisable to conclude that he/she is
already suffering from a mental health problem. The best thing to do would be to see a
doctor who specializes in the treatment of mental health problems.
1. Interact with people. Create a strong bond with friends. The degree of cohesiveness
in personal relationships produces a great effect on people's cognitive well-being.
Allotting more time and exerting more effort in establishing good relationships with
people can generate great outcomes.
2. Enjoy life. Do things that are enjoyable. Make room for spontaneity and creativity.
Watch a good tv program, go to the beach, play a musical instrument, listen to a favorite
music, or read a book.
5. Maintain a healthy body. Exercise. Eat a well-balanced meal to get the nutrients the
body needs to maintain physical and mental wellness.
6. Accept challenges. Be interested in acquiring new skills or pursuing challenges.
During school breaks, learn swimming or take guitar or cooking lessons.
Acquiring new knowledge helps in pursuing one's personal goals, and at the
same time, enhances mental well-being.
7. Deal with stress. Stress is something that people encounter in many situations of
their lives. It affects people in so many ways.
Stress becomes a problem if it creates an adverse impact on one's physical and
mental health. The key to fighting off stress is to maintain a balanced lifestyle. This can
be achieved through exercise, relaxation breathing, yoga, or meditation.
8. Rest and get plenty of sleep. Rest is very important to relax and refresh the body.
Maintain eight hours of sleep every night.
Sleep helps boost the immune system, metabolism, learning, memory, and other
important processes of the body. Getting enough sleep helps maintain a healthy
9. Feel the moment. Be in the here and now. It is important for one to feel the very
essence of the human person. Sense the surroundings. Feel the warm wind. Practice
mindfulness. Sense the inner self. Reach out to the outer world. These are all significant
for the enhancement of cognitive well-being.
10. Call a friend for assistance. Request a friend for assistance when important things
need being attended to. As the saying goes, “No man is an island.” One's life bec
meaningful knowing that there are people ready to be of help to anyone.