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CHAPTER 4: Facing the Challenges of Middle and Late Adolescence

Developmental stages in middle and late adolescence happen between the ages
of 15 to 21 when teens realize changes in their physical and social development. They
also become mindful of the need to develop a path for their career.
As what Psychologist David Geldard and psychotherapist Kathryn Geldard
(2006) point out, adolescence is a time in young people's lives when they move toward
independence, autonomy, and maturity.

As adolescents journey through the middle and late adolescence stages, they
face challenges and difficulties that come with their physiological, cognitive,
psychological, social, spiritual, and moral development. After reading this chapter, you
are expected to:

a. demonstrate the understanding that facing the challenges of adolescence will help
you manage the demands of teen years;

b. express your feelings about the expectations of significant people in your lives
relative to your adolescence stage; and,

c. develop strategies that can help you become more responsible and lovable as

Physiological Development Challenges

Concern for Body Image

There is a strong inclination for teenagers, particularly those in middle

adolescence, tob conscious of their physical appearance. This is the time when they are
most mindful of their physical image or body figure.
Body image is a person's perception of the physical aspects of the self. It is how
one perceives the self in terms of the physical self projected to other people through the
This physical perception about the self is associated with the teens" self-esteem
and choice of lifestyle. Their perception about their body creates either positive or
negative feelings, which then redound to either high or low self-esteem. This also leads
to good or bad eating habits and physical activities.
Teenagers who appreciate their physical self are more likely to acquire a good
self-esteem and mental health. Also, they tend to have a balanced attitude toward
eating habits and physical activities.

Girls who do not appreciate their physical image struggle to lose weight and
become slimmer. Boys persevere to be taller and acquire bigger muscles.

The adolescents' perception of their physical attributes is prompted by many

environmental influences, including social media, attitudes of peers, current fad, and
fashion trends.
According to the Raising Children Network, with the Centre for Adolescent Health
(2015), some teens have a tendency to be unhappy about their physical image and are
in danger of acquiring a bad physical image if they:
● have a physical defect or incapacity
● feel pressure from family or friends who annoy or mock them about their looks
● have a different look or heavier weight compared with the "ideal" shapes adored
by people as propagated by the media
● feel anxious about how others perceive their physical appearance
● have poor self-esteem
● would like to have a perfect body image
● have bouts of depression because of their looks
● belong to a group, club, or organization that emphasizes a certain body type

Most teenagers experience anxiety, confusion, and discomfort about the physical
changes that happen to them during adolescence. They become mindful of good
grooming. Their concern is to look physically attractive. They start to become conscious
about the clothes they wear.

Females become cautious about their makeup and the perfume they wear. For
the males, they become conscious of their height, body built, and muscles.
While it may be normal for teens to be conscious about their bodies and to exert
effort to look great, too much focus on this may cause severe anxiety and stress.

Toward late adolescence stage though, young people are able to accept their
body image.

Excessive Body Fat or Obesity

Obesity is a body condition characterized by having too much body fat. If not
properly addressed, obesity can cause major problems, including heart problems,
hypertension, sleeping difficulties, breathing problems, and emotional problems.

Teenagers who become the subject of ridicule by their peers are more likely to
suffer from emotional disturbances. As a consequence, they begin to acquire poor
self-esteem. In addition, they suffer from anxiety, depression, and obsessive compulsive

Obese and chubby young people have greater probability of suffering from low
self-esteem because they feel negative about their bodies. This feeling may lead to
negative moods and mood swings. Having a poor self-esteem may also lead to poor
eating habits that can then result in eating disorders and mental problems.

Eating Disorders
Eating disorders are psychological conditions characterized by having extreme
disturbances in eating habits. The cause of eating disorders is unknown.
Experts link this type of disorder to family relationships, psychological factors,
and genetics. The three more popular types of this condition are anorexia nervosa,
bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorder.

Anorexia Nervosa –This type of eating disorder is characterized by refusal to eat.

Teenagers who have this type of disorder see themselves as overweight even though
they are skinny. They believe that their sense of value lies in their body image. They
fear gaining weight so they exercise a lot. Some may even starve to death.

Bulimia Nervosa – This is a type of eating disorder characterized by eating excessive

amounts of food and consequentially purging the body through vomiting, exercising, or
using laxatives and diuretics.

Binge-Eating Disorder – This eating disorder is characterized by frequent episodes of

out-of-control eating. It is quite similar to bulimia but people who have this disorder do
not purge their bodies of excess calories.

Indications of Eating Disorders

The existence of eating disorders in teens may manifest through the following:

● habit of weighing more often

● tremendous weight change
● insomnia
● constipation
● hyperactivity and extraordinary interest in exercise
● twisted perception about body image
● missing most meals
● distorted eating habits (eating excessively at one point and missing meals next)

A lot of times, teens suffering from an eating disorder do not admit that they have
a problem. These teens appear to be temperamental, worried, and unhappy. They may
isolate themselves, stay away from their peers, and become disheartened by the
unwelcome remarks of other people.

Implications of Puberty-Related Changes

Early or late maturation in relation to puberty has certain effects on the teenagers
psychosocial conditions during the middle and late adolescence stages.
The consequences of puberty timing are well discussed in the so-called
maturational deviance hypothesis. According to Professor Elizabeth Susman of
Pennysylvania State University and Professor Alan Rogol (2004) of University of
Virginia, this proposition asserts that young individuals who are "off time (earlier or later)
in their pubertal development experience more stress than do on-time adolescence"
This is experienced by teenagers who mature at an earlier or later stage compared with
other young people based on a series of researchers done by Professor of Pediatrics
Jeanne Brocks-Gunn, Professor of Human Development Anne Petersen, and Associate
Director of Human Development Dorothy Eichom in 1985.

Irregularity in Sleep Patterns

According to the National Sleep Foundation, adolescents tend to sleep late at
night and wake up late in the morning. This implies that it may be natural for teenagers
to experience difficulty in sleeping early in the evening. These young people usually
need a considerable number of hours of sleep- about 8 to 10 hours- for them to function
efficiently. Most teenagers, however, do not get enough sleep.

Based on a research by one foundation, only 15 percent of these young people

get to sleep for 8 1/2 hours at night. Hence, across the week, teens would have irregular
sleep patterns. On weekends, they normally sleep late. This practice affects the natural
rhythm of the body and affects sleep quality.
Sleep disorders found among teens include daytime sleepiness, sleep apnea, or
difficulty in breathing while sleeping, narcolepsy, fatigue, headache, stomach problems,
and insomnia.
Insomnia refers to the trouble a person experiences in falling or staying asleep.
Insomnia is commonly experienced by teenagers from time to time.
Studies have found that many teenagers find it difficult to fall asleep. This is
because the brain works naturally late at night or late in the morning during
adolescence. Also, the internal biological clock of the body, or what is termed as the
circadian rhythm, is changed to a later time. This modification in the internal body clock
may be due to the production of the brain hormone melatonin that happens late at night
compared with kids and adults. This explains why teenagers have a harder time falling
There are also instances when young people use their mobile devices in bed.
The bright light from these devices causes the disruption of the circadian rhythm,
making it difficult for teens to fall asleep.
Other modifications in teenagers' body clock may be stress and physical
discomfort ( 2015).
There are times that these changes in the sleeping patterns among teens
become intense that they get in the way of their usual tasks and routine. This situation is
referred to as delayed sleep phase syndrome, or the so-called "night owl" syndrome.
Narcolepsy is a type of sleep syndrome characterized by excessive sleepiness
during the day and disruption of sleep at night. This disorder usually happens between
the ages of nine and eighteen.

The daytime drowsiness or inappropriate times of sleepiness may happen during

cla while conversing with someone or during relaxing moments. Because of narcolepsy,
s young people suffer from poor performance in school, which then results in low
Sleep apnea is a type of sleep disorder characterized by brief interruptions of
during sleep. It is derived from the Greek word apnea, which means "want of breath."
The common type of sleep apnea is the so-called obstructive sleep apnea. This
happen when air cannot flow into or out of the individual's nose or mouth despite
continuous effor

Treatment for Sleep Disorders

Insomnia may be treated through sleep medications and nonmedication
activities, ac- cording to the National Sleep Foundation. Examples of nonmedication
activities include relaxation training which allows the person to systematically tense up
and relax the muscles thereby inducing sleep. Mindfulness, meditation, guided imagery,
and breathing exercises also relax the body and help one fight off insomnia. Stimulus
control is another technique to treat insomnia. Here, association between sleep and
bedroom is limited only to certain ac- tivities such as going to bed only when the person
feels sleepy and observing a strict schedule of bedtime and wake-up time. Cognitive
behavioral therapy (CBT), on the other hand, trains the mind to overcome worries and
other negative emotions that cause difficulty in sleeping.

No cure yet has been noted for narcolepsy, although a combination of
counseling, medi- cation, and lifestyle changes may help. People suffering from this
sleep disorder may expe- rience embarrassment or depression. In these instances,
counseling may help the individuals cope with such difficulty. Stimulant medication may
help only as long as the person takes it. Lifestyle changes may include eating
vegetarian or light meals, taking brief naps, and avoid- ing driving or operating

Sleep Apnea
Treatment for sleep apnea requires some changes in lifestyle such as losing
weight. Other treatments include the use of machines that facilitate positive airway
pressure and oral breathing devices such as nasal dilators. Medications also help. In
some instances where
there is a blockage, surgery can be an option.

Cognitive Development Challenges

Thinking, Learning, and Problem Solving

The theories of clinical psychologist Jean Piaget provided a rich source of
information regarding the altering nature of the mental processing during the transition
from childhood
to adolescence. Piaget illustrated how young people in the phase of adolescence
develop the ability to contemplate rationally and conceptually (1955). Following the
propositions made by Piaget, there have been researches that looked into how mental
activities such as recollection, logical thinking or problem- solving, and proficient
comprehension develop through adolescence. In the words of Daniel Keating a
professor of Psychology, Psychiatry, and Pedriatrics, adolescence brings to fore the
"attainment of a more fully conscious, self- directed, and self-regulating mind."
Simply put, teenagers during the adolescence stage develop the skills to be
cognizant of their environment and utilize their mental faculties such as reasoning,
recollecting, and problem solving.

Interpersonal Perspective Taking

During the middle and late stages of their cognitive development, adolescents
acquire mutual understanding that can be felt by sincerely providing and being
thoughtful for a person. This idea was well described by psychologist Robert Selman in
his 2003 work, The Promotion of Social Awareness which he based on the research of
psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg and others intended to present a better awareness of
young people's social and moral thinking processes.
Selman delved deeper into the development of perspective-taking skills, also
known as "interpersonal understanding." throughout its progression to appreciate how
changes in mental processes in interpersonal perspective influence relationships.
Middle and late adolescence cognitive development is far different from
childhood and early adolescence development. The cognitive processes in middle and
late adolescence are confined to a single perspective about the world. Cognitive
processes during early adolescence, on the other hand, are characterized by mutuality,
described as the condition of giving something back in return for what has been
received from a person.

Idealism and Commitment to Social Causes

The sense of idealism among adolescents develops simultaneously as the
heightened level of self-awareness, uniqueness, and critical thinking. The need for peer
approval happens at about the same time early adolescents experience family conflicts,
in particular with their parents. As professor of psychology Laurence Steinberg (1993)
puts it, close associations, coherence, and agreement with the peer group heightens at
the ages of twelve to fourteen.
One component of identity achievement as identified by Erikson is the so called
"fidelity" (Kroger 1989). Adolescents usually experiment with various roles and value
systems until they are able to attain fidelity. Through this, they develop sociopolitical
responsibility, discover an ideal person to look up to, or adhere to a social principle
without obeying others blindly.

Persistence of Sense of Immortality and Invulnerability

One of the developmental phenomena widely observed among the youth is the
so-called personal fable, coined by David Elkind, a Jewish-American child psychologist.
This is a kind of egocentric belief among adolescents that in their private world, they are
invincible and cannot be hurt. They often behave as if they own the world, as if they are
immortal. They take wild risks and sometimes place themselves in dangerous
This personal fable concept or egocentric thinking also holds that adolescents
believe themselves to be unique and special. They think all their experiences are unique
and not necessarily understood by others. They likewise consider their feelings and
experiences to be special, and therefore no one can understand what they go through.
They trust that nothing bad will happen to them and that accidents happen only to

Learning Through Success and Failure

According to Piaget, part of the cognitive transition of childhood into adolescence
is the development from "concrete operations" to "formal operations." During the middle
and late adolescence, teenagers are able to deal with ideas, concepts, and abstract
theories. However, it takes time for them to acquire the needed confidence to use these
skills. There are times they may make mistakes in their judgment. This is part of the
challenge of the learning process for

Psychosocial Development Challenges

Adolescents are exposed to new rules that they need to follow. With new
responsibilities come new standards of behavior. The concept of accountability the
society expects from the middle and late adolescents gradually unfolds.

Searching for Identity

Young people continually seek answers to questions such as who they are and
where they fit in the world. This search can be influenced by their family, school, gender,
peer group, and cultural background.
According to Erikson, young people must resolve two life "crises" during
adolescence. He utilized the word crisis to refer to a series of internal contradictions
associated with the eight stages of development. For Erikson, the manner by which
teens resolve the contradictions will shape their individuality and personal success.
Young people in the early to middle adolescence experience the first predicament
pertinent to the crisis of identity versus role confusion. This difficulty describes the effort
to seek a balance between forming a distinct self and still being accepted by others.
Hence, adolescents must determine who they want to be and how they want to be
perceived by society. When adolescents are able to overcome this challenge, they will
have a strong appreciation of their unique self and individual identity and will be able to
present this "self" to others. As a result, they learn to become confident and be well-
rounded individuals who can spontaneously mingle with other people without fear of
losing their distinct self and identity.
On the other hand, if they fail and feel anxious about their identity, they will
become socially aloof and lacking in emotional maturity.
The second crisis, according to Erikson, is the crisis of intimacy versus isolation.
This occurs between the period of late adolescence and early adulthood. This
predicament describes the conflict to find a solution to the mutual nature of closeness
such as receiving love and support from others.
Erikson argues that when the individual successfully navigates the difficulty, there
greater chances to survive with the confidence to establish mutual relationships. The
inabil to resolve the conflict leaves a person isolated and lonely without social support.

Increase in Intensity of Emotions

The transition from childhood to adulthood is a period of turbulence and stress.
Constant adjustments to physiological and social changes can cause adolescents to
display inappropriate mood swings and emotional outbursts. Their tolerance for change
is indeed pu
to a test.

Peak of Parent-Child Control Disagreements

At this stage, adolescents begin to conceive their idea of "ideal" parents who are
in contrast to their own parents. There is an evident intermittent seeking and rejection of
parental support. This seemingly stormy relationship between parents and adolescents
normally springs from the need of teens to search for freedom, away from their parents'
conventional rules.

Peer Group as Focal Point of Interest

Adolescents regard their peer group as their primary means of social support,
buffering the "separation" process from their parents. They consider their peers as
"everybody" who defines "everything."
Adolescents at this stage continue to experiment with new roles and identities.
They also engage in risk-taking activities bolstered by their persistent sense of
invulnerability and immortality.

Sexual Interest, Curiosity, Experimentation, and Partnerships

According to Adolescent Parenting author Angela Oswalt (2015), views about
romance vary between genders. Females are more concerned about the consequences
of sexual activity than males so they begin to research more about pregnancy and birth
control. Seldom do adolescents open up and discuss their sexual interest and curiosity
with their parents as these topics may not be discussed openly at home. For teenagers
who maintain an open line of communication with their parents, they may raise such
concerns at home.
There are teenagers who try to engage in sexual activity out of curiosity. Others
do not and cannot draw the line between wanting to have sex and just fooling around.
As Oswalt further explains, teenagers in certain instances experiment with sexual
behaviors and unprotected sexual acts, but still claim that they maintain sexual
abstinence. These sexual activities oftentimes lead to unwanted pregnancies, abortion,
or early marriages.
Senior Community Services specialist Olukunle Omotoso (2007) states that in an
environment where adolescent sexuality is considered inappropriate, adolescents are
faced with the difficulty of accessing information and availing of confidential and
trustworthy health care and counseling services. They therefore resort to secrecy, do
their personal research, or just seek information from their friends, who might be equally
uniformed or misinformed.
It is unfortunate that these teens are not aware that such behaviors increase the
risk of acquiring sexually transmitted diseases and other dreaded ailments. Likewise,
the consequences of these sexual activities may have psychosocial effects such as
peer rejection, deep regrets, and depression.

Substance Abuse
Substance abuse is one of the challenges faced by teenagers in the middle and
late adolescence. Some of the reasons for substance abuse are curiosity, peer
pressure, rebellion, and relief from unpleasant emotions
The substances used by some teens include tobacco, liquor, contact cement, diet
pills or over-the-counter prescription drugs. Some teenagers use prohibited drugs such
as marijuana LSD, cocaine, methamphetamine, or ecstasy
The use of these substances may be classified as abuse when a person
continues to use them to the point of causing serious persopal problems such as family
conflicts, peer isolation, school expulsion, or legal trouble. A few teenagers become
mentally or physically addicted to these substances. The uncontrolled craving for these
substances may cause adverse effects on one's physical. mental, and emotional health.
It can even lead people to commit crimes.

Spiritual and Moral Development Challenges

Moral Reasoning and Decision Making

During the middle and late adolescence, teenagers are faced with the challenge
concerning moral decision making. It was Kohlberg (1984) who provided humanity with
an explanation behind the reasoning of adolescents in their moral decision making.
Taking off from the contribution of Piaget, Kohlberg contends that the ability to provide
moral reason becomes more complicated and distinguished through the years. He
asserts that by the age of thirteen, the teenagers' rational thinking develops to embrace
reciprocal considerations. They acquire the ability to appreciate other people's
experiences, which widens their concepts of moral principles concerning other
individuals and the distinct aspects of various situations. In contrast with earlier
development during childhood where a person's frame of rational thinking is grounded
only on individual points of views, moral reasoning in adolescence is
based on a valued understanding of others' outlooks and circumstances.
Considering Moral Implications and Consequences of Actions
With cognitive and moral development, middle and late adolescents go through
an increasing level of maturity. They begin to consider the moral implications and
possible consequences of their actions. Most significantly, they realize when they reach
the age of majority in the late adolescence stage that whatever they do may have moral
and legal repercussions.

Intimate Relations
With their intense emotional attachment to their partners, middle adolescents
around the age of fifteen to seventeen consider the moral and physical consequences
of their actions. Girls may be concerned about an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy.
In late adolescence, at ages eighteen to twenty-one, young people yearn for
long-term relationships. While some may keep on experimenting with their sexuality,
others aspire for monogamous relationships.
CHAPTER 5 : Coping with Stress in Middle and Late Adolescence

Stress Defined
Stress refers to the total response of an individual to what may be perceived as
harmful or dangerous stimulus in his/her external environment. It is experienced when
an individual encounters a threat that he/ she could not deal with due to lack of proper
resources (McLeod 2010). Stress may be positive or negative.
As discussed earlier in this book, ado- lescence is a stage of meaningful
changes, including physical, psychological, social, and moral. During this period, young
people experience more stress than in other stages in
their lives. The transition from childhood to adulthood may cause many teenagers to
experi- ence stress every day, particularly when they encounter something difficult or
dangerous that they feel they are not able to solve or overcome.
Just like adults, adolescents experience stress. The only difference is that the
adolescents' mind and body are still developing and they are not yet as skillful as adults
in dealing with stress.

Types of Stress
There are four different types of stress.
1. Eustress – Positive stress. This gives one a feeling of fulfillment. Examples are
winning a contest and going on a roller-coaster ride.

2. Distress – Negative stress brought about by unfavorable events such as losing a

loved one or being terminated from a job.

3. Hypostress – Understress or lack of stress. Examples are boredom and


4. Hyperstress – Overstress. This happens when one is pushed beyond what he/she

What Stressors Are

Things present in the environment that ignite threat, danger, or tension are called
stressors. As Psychology tutor Saul McLeod defines these, stressors are stimuli or
threats that cause stress.
Not all stress, however, is caused by external factors. Stress can also be caused
by internal factors. This can be self-generated or borne out of baseless, irrational, or
negative thoughts. What seems to be stressful for one may not be stressful to another.
Therefore, stress is highly relative. Stressors depend on how people perceive them.

Stressors for adolescents include the following:

Physiological Changes
Physiological changes such as onset of reproductive hormonal activity and
gradual sexual maturity can cause adolescents to experience confusion and anxiety
about what is happening to their body.
Undesirable Perceptions About Themselves, Low Self-esteem, or Search for Their
With the transition from childhood to adolescence and the social adjustment that
goes with it teenagers may feel conscious and awkward about how they look and how
others may regard or accept them. Some may be driven to search for their identity.
These feelings of uneasiness, awkwardness, and uncertainty create stress or tension
which sometimes dampen self-esteem.

Difficulty in Meeting the Expectations of Other People

As adolescents, they are expected to perform roles such as sons or daughters,
students, peers, citizens, and others. There are norms, rules, and standards that they
need to conform. This need to conform to the expectations of people around them
creates pressure and stress the part of teenagers. Failure to do so results in the feeling
of being isolated and rejected by the other members of society.

Anxiety Experienced in Trying on New Types of Clothing and Different Hairstyles

Teenagers would like to appear good before their peers. That is why they try on
new clothes, hairstyles, accessories, and other stuff to look their age. They become
mindful of the latest trends and fashions. As they do so, they become conscious of how
other people words perceive their looks and appearance. To a certain extent, this
creates stress among adolescents.

Strained Relationships with Parents or Siblings

Misunderstanding and conflict among family members can sometimes lead to
strained relationships. Sources of friction such as differences in personalities,
prioritization, lack of time, sibling rivalry, jealousy, money matters, among others may
bring about stress and anxiety on the part of teenagers.

Separation of Parents
Unexpected separation of parents may adversely have an impact on teenagers
particularly on the emotional aspect. Feelings of uncertainty, lack of assurance,
instability, and bewilder- ment may occur as young people start to feel a sense of
incompleteness or lack of together- ness in the family. In some cases, this can dampen
their self-esteem.

Severe Problems, Chronic Illness, Death, or Tragedy in the Family

Sadness, hopelessness, and depression may creep in if any of the family
members suffer from chronic illness. This is something not anyone would wish to
happen to any of the imme- diate family members or even to close relatives. Death or
tragedy in extreme cases can create a storm of emotional stress and tension on the part
of the teenager.

Financial Problems in the Family

Financial matters may pose some concern for young people as they venture into
new chal- lenges in school, community, and other endeavors. School obligations, for
instance, necessi- tate the need for finances. The inability to cope with monetary
requirements definitely creates stress not only on the family, but on the teenagers as
Unsafe Living Environment
The day-to-day discomfort brought about by living in an unsafe environment can
cause teenagers to feel stressed. Hazards may be in the form of air, chemical, or noise
pollutants, obstructive pathways, or damaged structures that may pose real danger to a
teenager's health or life.

Peer Pressure to Do Certain Things Against Their Will

When peers put pressure on fellow teenagers to do things against their will,
internal con- flict ensues. There are times when teenagers simply give in to the pressure
just to feel accept- ed by the group and evade further debate or conflict. But deep
inside, they feel uncomfortable about the things they are being asked to do.

Problems with Friends or Classmates in School; Being Bullied

Any strain in the relationship with equals, peers, or classmates can bring about
stress on the part of teenagers. Relationship problems may be caused by jealousy,
differences in values and priorities, love interest, bullying, or hurt ego.

School Demands and Pressures (Grades, Homework)

Some teenagers may find it difficult to cope with the challenges and demands of
school such as completing homework and projects and passing quizzes and exams.
The pressure to obtain good grades and pass the subject oftentimes produce a stressful
condition among young individuals.

Moving Out of or Changing Schools

Transferring from one school to another necessitates social adjustment on the
part of the teenager. The challenge of obtaining appreciation creating new friends as
well as adjusting to a new environment altogether generate some level of stress.

Learning Difficulty
The struggle to understand the lessons being taught in school creates stress and
anxiety for teenagers with learning difficulty. Not to mention the feelings of confusion,
embarrassment, and isolation they feel as they struggle to keep pace with their
classmates who have no trouble understanding the lessons. As a result, they end up
with a feeling of not belonging to the class.

Heavy Schedules, Inability to Find Time for Relaxation

Balancing ones' schedule to be able to have time for one's friends and family at
the same time fulfill his/her obligations to the school, community organizations, or a
part-time job can cause a teenager to feel stressed or frustrated.

Career Decisions
At a young age, teens are sometimes pressured by their family to decide on the
course they would take in college after graduating from high school. This comes with
the intention to prepare them for their future career. However, the lack of exposure to
and knowledge abou the different professions coupled with the pressure to make a
decision about the course they would like to take in college can cause confusion and
anxiety on the part of the teenager. This is why some college students shift from one
course to another.

Breakup with One's Boyfriend or Girlfriend

Teenagers who experience a breakup may suffer from stress because of their
inability to cope and move on. Feelings of guilt, shame, frustration, depression,
hopelessness, lonelines and isolation, as the case may be, may creep in.

Sexual Harassment
Young people who have become victims of sexual harassment may suffer from
stress, anxiety, depression, sleep disorder, change in appetite, and low self-esteem.
Such an unwelcome gesture of a sexual nature, either verbal or physical, may affect the
teenagers' performance in school or at work.

Pressure to Try Drugs, Alcohol, or Sex

The pressure to try things such as drugs, alcohol, or sex causes fear, confusion,
or anxiety on the part of teenagers. Feelings of guilt may also occur after giving in to the
pressure which results in teenagers feeling stressed.

The circumstances cited above may be too much to bear for some adolescents,
particularly if these happen simultaneously. It is important for young people to watch out
for signs that signal stressful conditions.

Stress Warning Signs

There are cognitive, emotional, physical, and behavioral symptoms of stress. The
table provided by lists some of these common warning signs and
symptoms. The more signs and symptoms present, the closer a person may be to
stress overload.

Table 2.1 Symptoms of Stress

Cognitive Symptoms Emotional Symptoms

Difficulty in recollection Problems in controlling one's

Trouble in concentration temperament
Poor sense of judgment Irritability
Negativism Tension and restlessness
Feelings of anxiety Overwhelming feeling
Persistent worrying Feeling of lonesomeness and solitude
Downheartedness and despair

Physical Symptoms Behavioral Symptoms

Pain and discomfort Excessive eating or skipping meals

Diarrhea or constipation Excessive sleeping or lack of sleep
Nausea, dizziness Isolation
Chest pain, fast heart rate Delaying or deserting responsibilities
Frequent colds Using alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs for
Nervousness symptoms such as nail
biting and pacing back and forth

These are just a few of the many symptoms of stress. There might still be other
symptoms not mentioned in the table.

When severe stress becomes uncontrolled and unmanaged for a long period of
time, it may lead to burnout. When this happens, nervousness, hostility, withdrawal,
chronic illness, or addiction to drug or alcohol may set in.

Stress Response
The human brain is on the lookout if an alarming situation threatens its
equilibrium. The onset of a stress response is associated with some physiological
changes in the body. These bodily changes include fast heart rate, rapid breathing rate,
increased blood flow, elevated
blood sugar level, and dilated pupils.

Physiologists argue that there may be varying responses to different stressors

and not just one set of reactions.

Fig. 2.1 Fight, flight, or freeze response

Fight-stress response means individuals opt to confront and face the situation.
They fight
back, struggle with, contest, or compete with the source of stress.
In flight-stress response, persons choose to run away or escape from the
In freeze-stress response, individuals hold back, leaving all physiological
reactions on hold thereby creating tension or tremble. This happens in cases when
retaliating is not appropriate such as in school or at work.
Similarly, when being disciplined by parents or authorities, individuals hold back
and freeze. People who are held under physical arrest or threatened with losing their life
if they strike back do not have any options but to repress their feelings and emotions.

Factors Influencing the Degree of Stress Tolerance

Support System
A solid support system or group of caring family members and friends can serve
as a healthy shield to protect adolescents from the storms and turbulence during the
transition period. Without a good network of dependable people, the more isolated
teenagers will become, making them more vulnerable to stress.
Sense of Control
A sense of control gives adolescents the confidence to direct their lives and take
command over resources under their influence to better manage varying stressful
situations. If teenagers feel that they are able to take control, they may have more
tolerance for stress.

Attitude and Outlook

Positive thinking is a good weapon against uncertainties and difficulties in life. If
young people embrace changes and challenges and regard them as integral parts of
life, they will surely be able to surmount whatever trials that will come their way. On the
other hand, if they allow negativism to rule them, the less resilient they will be.

Ability to Deal with Emotions

Adolescents should learn how to rationalize their emotions. Being calm and
maintaining one's composure in a challenging situation make one more resistant to
stress. The ability to balance one's emotions is a skill that should be learned by
adolescents to overcome the chal- lenges of the transition from childhood to adulthood.
Knowledge and Preparation
As Francis Bacon puts it, "Knowledge is power." The more young people know
about issues, controversies, and other things that may bring about stressful situations,
the easier it will be for them to handle stress. Nothing beats preparedness.

Fig. 2.2 Effects of stress

Again, if adolescents know what to expect, the more they will be able to prepare
for such situations. This way, stress will be managed more effectively.

Effects of Stress on the Body

The following are the effects of stress on the body:

• migraines
• dizziness
• acne
• upset stomach
• elevated blood pressure
• irritability
• chest pain
• strain on the heart
• impairment of brain memory cells
• fat deposit on the waist
• ulcers
• loss of hair
• depression
• appearance of aging
• weakened immune system, which can make even a head cold difficult to fight off

Potential Health Hazards of Teen Stress

Unchecked stress may have damaging results to adolescent health. Some of the
potential health hazards brought about by stress are the following:
• eating disorder
• drug and/or alcohol abuse
• depression
• hurting themselves or teen suicide

Young people may not just be aware, but they can have more control over their
stress levels. In certain instances though, many teenagers are not able to cope with
stressful situations. Instead, they just com- plicate things. They may resort to eating too
much or not eating at all.
They may drink in excess or turn to drugs.
Many feel isolated or simply withdraw from their friends, resulting in depression.
Others hurt themselves or, in severe situa- tions, take their lives.

It will also be good for them to be oriented with healthy guidelines on how to
manage stress. As each individual has a distinct way of dealing with stress, there is no
"one size fits all" remedy to handle it. It is therefore advised that teenagers be aware of
different techniques and strategies and discover what best works for them.
Teenagers need to learn to appreciate the beauty of life and the many gifts
bestowed upon them. They have to learn coping mechanisms to combat stress.

Ways to Manage Stress

Managing stress is actually managing one's self. To eliminate negative stress,
one has to maintain a balanced diet and positive outlook in life, adopt a healthy lifestyle,
keep a circle of friends, and enjoy and savor the good things in life.
By following the suggested techniques, young people can learn how to deal with
stress. If symptoms of stress are evident among teenagers or they talk about their
difficulties coping with stress, family members may seek the assistance of a qualified
health professional such as a psychiatrist or clinical psychologist. There are times when
the family becomes the source of teenage stress. However, the family can also become
a source of support for teenagers.

Stress-Management Techniques for Specific Cases

There are ways on how to manage stress in specific difficult conditions which
may be linked to health problems such as obesity, depression, and substance abuse. If
young people suffering from these problems are not able to manage their stress, these
can add up to aggra- vate their health condition.

Below are some guidelines on how to deal with obesity:

• Eat more vegetables and fruits.

• Avoid fatty foods.
• Do away with junk and fast food.
• Eat small chunks of food and chew them well.
• Exercise. Engage in a more active lifestyle.
• Avoid eating between meals.

Here are some self-coping tips to overcome depression as suggested by, the official website of Helpguideorg International, a tax-exempt
organization based in Sta Monica, California, USA. It contains over 250 articles, media,
and other resources which
cover topics on mental, emotional, and social health.

1. Cultivate supportive affiliations.

• Have someone to talk to about personal feelings.
• Offer a helping hand to someone in need.
• Enjoy a meal with a friend.
• Join social activities or a small get-together.
• Chat with old friends.
• Enjoy a walk with a friend.
• Meet new acquaintances by joining a school organization.
• Confide in a priest, counselor, teacher, or sports coach.

2. Feel energized.
• Enjoy the sound of music.
• Chat with a friend while taking a walk.
• Take the stairs and skip the elevator.
• Engage in a sports activity.
• Exercise more often.

3. Avoid negativism.
• Think and feel positive.
• Accept imperfections.
• Mingle with optimistic people.
• Avoid being skeptical.

4. Engage in activities that create a good feeling.

• Be sure to get 8 hours of sleep every day.
• Get a little sunlight each day.
• Take some time to relax.
• Enjoy nature.
• Read an interesting magazine.
• Watch comedy or fun movies.
• Take a warm shower.
• Chat with friends or family members
• Have fun.
• Do something that is enjoyable.

5. Eat a healthy diet.

• Avoid skipping meals.
• Cut down on sugar and refined carbohydrates.
• Take vitamins.
• Eat nutritious foods.

Substance Abuse
What is the best way to treat substance abuse?
The following intervention programs can be of great help:

Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) which aims to change an individual's patterns

of thinking or behavior which is the cause of his/her difficulties

The strategies employed in CBT include adoption of skills to stop drug abuse and
other problems that go with it. Individuals are helped to identify and correct their
problematic behaviors. Self-control is enhanced to develop effective coping strategies.
Also, individuals are oriented on the consequences of continued drug use and are
taught how to recognize their
cravings and high risk situations.

Family behavior therapy (FBT) in combination with other forms of treatment to

lessen the effects of problems such as substance abuse, conduct disorders,
depression, and unemployment

FBT is aimed at reducing drug and alcohol use in an individual and help him/her
deal with other problems such as depression, family conflict, and school or work
attendance. The treatment involves the patients and any significant member of the
household such as the parents. Strategies include acquiring new skills in preventing
substance abuse while anchored to a contingency management system. The parents of
the individual involved in substance abuse are encouraged to adopt effective parenting
behaviors. Rewards are given if set goals are achieved. Furthermore, patients are
involved in treatment planning where specific inter- ventions form a menu of options.

Interventions that promote positive energy to help one recover from stress

The adoption of optimism and the use of positive psychology help young people
overcome stress by helping them see opportunities in any difficulty and become grateful
for opportunities that come their way.

Long-term follow up of any treatment for stress

Continuous monitoring and follow up of one's condition allow for a successful

of stress.

The best way to handle substance abuse is prevention. Parental support, for
instance, plays a significant role here. It is important that parents get to know who the
friends of their children are, and be vigilant of whatever activities their kids engage in.
Family activities should center on togetherness, loving, and sharing, and thus provide a
good support system. Moreover, young people should indulge in productive ventures
such as sports activities, creative pursuits and other recreational undertakings that they
find enjoyable. This way, the can prevent being lured to drugs or any other vices
CHAPTER 6 : Enhancing the Powers of the mind

The Human Brain

The human brain is a complex organ that weighs about 3 pounds. The three
essential parts of the brain are the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain.

The Forebrain
The forebrain, located in the uppermost part of the brain, is the most complex
and biggest part of the brain. It is accountable for emotions, memory, and “higher-order”
pursuits such as thinking and reasoning.
The forebrain consists of the thalamus, hypothalamus, cerebrum, and the limbic
The thalamus, found between the cerebral cortex and the midbrain and just
above the brain stem, is that part of the brain that controls the voluntary bodily
movements. It functions to relay the motor and sensory signals to the cerebral cortex. It
is also responsible for sleep regulation, alertness, and wakefulness.
The section of the brain in charge of homeostasis or the internal balance in the
body is the hypothalamus. It functions mainly to produce hormones that govern body
temperature, thirst, hunger, sleep, circadian rhythm, moods, and sex drive.
The cerebrum contains the cerebral cortex and is the largest segment of the
brain. It is divided into two parts - the left and right hemispheres. These hemispheres
comprise four sections called lobes.

Fig. 2.3 The brain

1. Frontal Lobe
The frontal lobe can be found in the front part of the brain. It collects information
signals coming from the other sections of the brain.
During adolescence when the brain develops further, the prefrontal cortex
develops and connects with the limbic system, which is considered the seat of
emotions. This is why the forebrain is regarded as the emotional control center of the
brain. It facilitates better coordination between reason and emotion.
The frontal lobe is responsible for the formation of personality and is also
influential in decision making and problem solving. If the frontal lobe is damaged, it can
cause changes in sexual behaviors, interpersonal relations and attention, and increase
in adventurous activities.
2. Parietal Lobe
The parietal lobe can be found in the middle part of the brain. It is basically
responsible for processing sensory information for cognitive purposes. It processes
sensory information such as taste, warmth, cold, pressure, pain and the body's position
in space. Damage to the parietal lobe can cause impairments in language, verbal
memory, and eye-gaze control.

3. Temporal Lobe
The temporal lobe is positioned at the lower part of the brain. It performs several
functions pertaining to speech, perception, and some types of memory. If the temporal
lobe gets damaged, problems with language and memory may occur.

4. Occipital Lobe
The occipital lobe can be found at the rear portion of the brain. It processes
sensory information from the eyes. It interprets visual stimuli and information.
Located in the occipital lobe is the primary visual cortex, which processes
information from the retina of the eye. Damage to the occipital lobe may result in vision
troubles such as inability to recognize objects and difficulty in distinguishing colors and
recognizing words.

The prefrontal cortex positioned in the forebrain has also been associated with one's
character and temperament. The limbic system located inside the periphery of the
cerebrum covers about one-fifth of the brain's volume. The limbic system has three

a. Controls the temperature of the body, pressure of the blood in the circulatory
system, heart rate, and blood sugar

b. Forms memories with the help of the hippocampus and the amygdala, the two
components of the limbic system.

c. Links emotions with the stimuli from the surroundings through the amygdala.
The nerve impulses sent to the amygdala generate varying emotions such as
anxiety, anger, excitement, and sexual attraction. These reactions cause the
activity of the hypothalamus which controls pressure of the blood in the
circulatory system and temperature of the body.

The Midbrain
The midbrain can be found at the topmost part of the brain stem. Considered as
the smallest region of the brain, it has something to do with hearing and the movements
of the eye. Other structures found in the midbrain are responsible for voluntary

The Hindbrain
Found at the upper portion of the spinal cord is the hindbrain, which comprises
the brain stem and the cerebellum.

The brain stem regulates breathing, heartbeat, and digestive functions. The
cerebellum regulates voluntary movements such as posture, balance, speech and
coordination of movements.
Hemispheres of the Brain
There are two hemispheres of the brain, the left and right hemispheres. Each
hemisphere is responsible for various functions, behaviors, and controls.
The right hemisphere is in charge of the creative activities of the brain. It is
oftentimes called the creative side of the brain. This part of the brain focuses on
anything visual. It engages in activities associated with face differentiation and optical
images. Its perspective is more on the entirety rather than specific features.
The right hemisphere is also inclined to interpret data more spontaneously or at
random. It is concerned with spatial abilities such as determining the location of objects
in space and situating the position of the body. Furthermore, the right hemisphere of the
brain regulates the movement of muscles on the left portion of the body. It also gathers
sensory information from the left portion of the body.
The left hemisphere accounts for the logical or analytical activities of the brain. It
processes information more logically or sequentially. It governs comprehension and the
use of language, including paying attention, interpretation, speaking, reading, and
writing. It has a significant role in the analysis of information.

Fig. 2.4 The hemispheres of the brain

It is noteworthy to remember that the left side of the brain regulates the
movement of muscles on the right portion of the body and collects sensory information
from the right side of the body.

Below is a table that presents the significant differences between the left and
right hemispheres of the brain.

Table 2.2 The Left and Right Hemispheres of the Brain

Right Hemisphere Left Hemisphere

● Complete, whole picture-oriented ● Linear, specifics oriented

● Unsystematic processing ● Chronological or list
● Concrete processing ● Representative processing
● Perceptive decision making ● Rational decision making
● Nonverbal processing ● Verbal processing
● Fantasy oriented ● Reality oriented

Most people are inclined to deal with information with the use of their dominant
side. This does not mean that they only use one side of their brain. When both sides of
the brain used in an equal manner, the learning and thinking processes are even more

Whole Brain Theory

The man behind the whole brain theory is American

creativity researcher William Edward "Ned" Herrmann. He
is considered as the father of brain dominance technology.
Herrmann based his theory on the modularity of mental
operations, including well-evidenced specializations in the
brain's cerebral cortex and limbic systems. He also drew on
the work of neuropsychologist Roger Wolcott Sperry
regarding left-right-brain lateralization.
Herrmann coined the concept Whole Brain Thinking to
emphasize the flexibility in utilizing cognitive types that one
may nurture in individuals or in groups permitting the
situational use of all four design patterns of thinking. These thinking styles may vary
from a logical "left brain" method to "right brain" technique that makes use of pattern
matching and perceptive understanding. These inclinations may be traced from an
individual's hereditary nature and how it affects fundamental thinking capacities.
Herrmann also developed the so called "four pronged type of thinking
preference," and a survey called the Herrmann Brain Dominance

Instrument (HBDI). Herrmann derived this model from allocating the brain into four
various schemes with four ideal types:

Fig. 2.6 Whole Brain Model

A: Left cerebral hemisphere – analytical
B: Left limbic system – practical
C: Right cerebral hemisphere – experimental
D: Right limbic system – relational

It should be noted that Hermann's system does not try to be an accurate model
of the way the brain functions. Instead, it should really be thought of as a model of
different styles of thinking. The four styles of thinking reflected in the Whole Brain Model
are as follows:

A Quadrant: Analytical Thinking

Important terms: logical, accurate, judicious, methodical, and measurable

Ideal undertakings: Gathering data, attending information talks, examining course
books, assessing concepts based on evidence, standards, and rational thinking

B Quadrant: Practical Thinking

Important terms: conventional, arranged, systematized, defined, and coordinated

Ideal undertakings: Obeying instructions, solving cyclical itemized assigned problems,
time management, and programs

C Quadrant: Relational Thinking

Important terms: kinesthetic, passionate, religious, sensual, and emotional

Ideal undertakings: Paying attention to and expressing thoughts, examining subjective
value, sensory input, and cluster training

D Quadrant: Experimental Thinking

Important terms: graphic, whole, perceptive, creative, and abstract

Ideal undertakings: Viewing the entire image, being resourceful, replications (what-if
questions), graphical support, being conscious of the attractiveness of a challenge,
and brainstorming

The whole brain theory places emphasis on how the brain acquires knowledge.
It describes the composition and functions of the human brain at different stages of
The theory elucidates on the repeated study behaviors and the metaconcept that
embraces a diverse blend of methods (Schulz 2011). It can include education concepts
such as the following:

1. Mastery learning
2. Experimental learning
3. Study techniques
4. Manifold intelligences.
5. Collaborative education
6. Applied learning
7. Problem-based education
8. Movement education

Herrmann focused on how to enhance “whole brain thinking.” This kind of

thinking focuses on solidifying the weak areas by utilizing methods that entail a specific
pattern of thinking. This approach can result in "creative problem solving" that suggests
a blend of various methods employed to draw a more enhanced answer.
The whole brain functioning stresses the goal for optimal learning so the student
can activate both brain hemispheres equally. This way, a balanced learning is realized,
which is exactly the goal of the whole brain learning theory (Power 1997; Lundsten

The Learning Activity of Left-Brain and Right-Brain Students

In the classroom setting, most teaching styles are characterized by the use of
left-brain schemes. While this teaching style is inclined to support left-brain-dominant
students, this may prove challenging for right-brain-dominant students.

Left-brain-dominant students' strengths include the following:

1. Chronological processing such as those tackled in Language and Math
2. Planning and following directions
3. Learning easily in lecture-style and teaching approach
4. Expressing themselves in words
5. Taking notes and making lists
6. Planning and scheduling
7. Writing and spelling

Right-brain-dominant students' learning processes are described as follows:

1. Holistic information processing
2. Understanding the big picture, not the details.
3. Visual, not language oriented; difficulty in following a lecture-style teaching
4. Trouble in finding the right words
5. Good with symbolic language and mathematics
6. Preference for hands-on activities
7. Necessity for graphs or pictures to support clear visualization of the questions
or answers
Mind Mapping

Fig. 2.7 Example of a mind map

Mind mapping is a graphical technique of recording that employs the right brain
or the artistic side of the brain to improve the ability to process information and answer
questions. Compared with outlining which utilizes the left brain or the analytical side of
the brain, mind mapping employs adaptability and fewer rules. It allows ease and
comfort in teaching and learning.
Mind mapping is also known as “branching,” “clustering,” and “radiant thinking.”
A mind map is an illustration that utilizes ideas, words, concepts, opinions, ideas,
and the like. The map branches out from a main concept to whatever thought process it
leads. It is called a “map” because it allows for clusters or groups of similar thoughts
and ideas leading to the original concept development that originated it. With this
nonlinear technique, individuals are encouraged to use brainstorming, free thinking, and
association while also utilizing focus and structure.
Uses of Mind Mapping

Fig. 2.8 Detailed mind map

Mind mapping can be used in the following:

• Jotting down notes and acquiring new subject area
• Writing documents and planning for demonstrations and exhibitions
• Getting ready to take tests
• Enhancing a free-wheeling sharing of ideas
• Encouraging group members to find solutions to difficult or complex issues
Advantages of Mind Mapping
The general and specific group benefits of mind mapping include the following:

General benefits:
• Allows one to take down notes in a faster way
• Allows one to focus on important points and eliminate unrelated ideas
• Enables one to collect, examine, and recollect enormous data faster
• Accelerates the power of the brain for acquiring knowledge and solving complex
issues by decreasing the strength used on issues about organization and
• Provides a visual representation that assists one in clarifying associations and
enhances and enhances one's creativity

Group benefits:
• Enhances interaction by allowing group members to focus on specific concerns
• Promotes discussion of solutions to complex issues by encouraging the gathering of
more ideas and suspension of judgment
• Allows clarity in ideas and relationships

What You Need to Create a Mind Map

The following are the materials in creating a mind

• clean sheet of bond paper
• crayons or colored pencils

For the essentials, the following are needed:

• ideas
• creative thoughts

Procedure in Crafting a Mind Map

Here are some tips on how to make a mind map, as shared by Tony Buzan, the
inventor of mind mapping.

1. Begin at the middle portion of a clean bond paper. Starting at the center provides the
brain the liberty to branch out into different paths and allows it to be more natural and

2. Next, provide a visual representation or symbol for the main idea. A picture is
equated with so many words and meanings. The central image encourages the brain to
concentrate and remain focused.

3. Then, get your crayons and colored pencils. Use them to add excitement to the
image. This generates creative thinking.

4. Link the main branches to the main picture at the center. Draw a line connecting the
second and third levels to the first and second levels, and all throughout. This facilitates
association, connecting one idea with the other. This also helps one to appreciate and
recall easily.
5. Draw the branches a little bit bent, curled, or curved rather than straight, as
something different brings excitement to the brain. This prevents boredom.

6. Utilize only a single key word per line. This allows more power and flexibility to the
mind map.

7. Make use of symbols or pictures all throughout. Pictures equal a thousand words.
Ten images compound to 10,000 words.

Guidelines in Creating Effective Mind Maps

Here are some guiding principles and reminders proposed by Buzan in preparing
effective mind maps.
• Be creative. Employ colors, pictures, and symbols.
• Have a specific row for each word, phrase, or concept.
• Make use of levels such as numbers to differentiate idea clusters by rank or
• Keep on trying new formats to make the map unique and creative, and adaptable to
the person's thought patterns.

How Mind Mapping Promotes Critical Thinking

Mind mapping is an effective way of promoting critical thinking. Through this
technique, students are encouraged to use their creative minds. They are challenged to
get pertinent data, determine linkages, and create novel thoughts.
After this productive phase, individuals then utilize the logical side of the brain
and switch to the judgment phase. This is the phase where people do the evaluation
based on what their minds have generated, craft decisions about exactness and
effectiveness, and formulate revisions if necessary
Mind Mapping as a Tool for Problem Solving
The concept of mind mapping as a technique for documenting ideas has been
employed for hundreds of years for problem solving and visual thinking. It has been
utilized not only in the educational setting, but in the business world as well.
Mind mapping can be crafted with the use of the computer or drawn manually.
There are a number of mind-mapping technology resources that can be used as
excellent avenues for mind-mapping and critical-thinking skills such as FreeMind and
Mind Genius.
If used more often, mind mapping can be a compelling avenue for critical thinking
and problem solving. It is easy to use, fun, and allows one to be creative.

Chapter 7: Promoting Mental Health and Well-Being in Middle and Late


Mental Health
Mental health is a condition of the mind in which wellness is felt by the individual.
It is the condition wherein one's own capabilities are recognized, various situations in
the environment are adapted to, and one's own competencies are utilized to benefit the
self and
Mental health is a picture of social and emotional wellness. It is just as vital as
physical health.

Good Mental Health

The condition in which a person has a sense of mental steadiness, assurance,
and confidence is referred to as good mental health. Good mental health enables a
person to appreciate people and enjoy life fully.
Good mental health among teens is a special requisite to their total development.
This does not solely mean the nonexistence of diagnosable mental health
complications, but also the condition in which young people possess the ability to fulfill
important functions and activities expected of them.

Signs of Good Mental Health

Adolescents are said to be enjoying good mental health if they are able to do the
• Learn well in school
• Feel positive and happy about themselves and get to enjoy life
• Demonstrate and deal with a variety of emotions, both positive and negative
• Make the most of their potential
• Cope and deal with the challenges of life
• Play a participatory and contributive role in their family, friends, school, and community
• Form positive associations with family members and peers
• Exercise and maintain a nutritious diet
• Enjoy plenty of sleep at night
• Take responsibility for their own actions and decisions
• Exhibit a sense of accountability for the use of resources entrusted to them
• Acknowledge their weaknesses and mistakes, and learn from them

Good mental health serves as a foundation in establishing good linkages with

people, adjusting to the demands of the environment, and managing life's challenges.
It is generally perceived that during the adolescence stage, young people are
exposed to a number of risks in terms of encountering mental health difficulties.
Teenagers go through adjustments as they experience physical, social, emotional, and
moral changes. These changes happen at the time when their brains are still in the
process of maturing.

How Mental Health Can Be Improved

Here are a few tips for achieving positive mental health.

1. Ventilating one's feelings to close friends or family members

It is a big relief to share with someone your concerns or worries in life.
Having someone as a shoulder to lean on matters tremendously. This can be a
trusted peer or a family member. You are assured that someone listens,
understands, and cares for you.
2. Engaging in physical activities on a regular basis
Physical movements and different forms of exercise keep the blood
circulating freely. This can help one feel energized, lighter, and better, hence
creating positive moods.

3. Maintaining a mutritious diet

“A healthy mind in a healthy body” is still a statement to believe in. Eating
a well- balanced meal keeps the body healthy. It nurtures and keeps the immune
system strong enough to fight off stress, worries, and other anxieties.

4. Having a good sleep

Maintaining eight hours of sleep keeps the brain functioning well.
Depriving one's self of sufficient number of hours of sleep may lead to poor
memory and impaired decision making.

5. Enjoying time with family and peers

Having feelings of belongingness and togetherness makes one feel happy
and positive. Sharing happy moments with a loved one creates meaningful and
memorable experiences.

6. Having a time out

“All work and no play makes John a dull boy” still holds true for everyone.
One's mind and body need a break from a busy schedule in school or from any
activity that requires mental effort. The brain also needs to relax.

7. Honing one's competencies

Improving one's knowledge, skills, and attitudes makes you feel confident
about yourself, thus building better self-esteem.

8. Relaxing and enjoying a hobby

Nothing beats stress than providing one's self a source of relaxation and
enjoying a meaningful hobby. This way, the mind generates positive energy and a
happy mood.

9. Setting realistic goals

Aim for something that is within one's capability. This prompts motivation
and inspiration in young people.
10. Being positive always
Practicing positive psychology and training one's mind to remove negative
thoughts produce a healthy mind. Whatever one thinks echoes to one's feeling
which sequentially reverberates to actions. Being positive always pays off.

11. Accepting oneself

Being accepting of oneself translates to appreciating strengths and
recognizing one's own limitations. This also means having to capitalize on what
one has aspired to achieve in life and accepting the things he/she cannot

12. Asking for help when needed

The statement “No man is an island” has been tried and tested. It feels
good to have someone around to help in times of need. This creates a feeling of
comfort and relief. Interacting with people and asking for assistance nurture an
attitude of gratitude and at the same time generate gratification.

13. Caring for others

Providing others care makes them feel good. In a similar manner, it
creates a positive feeling for the one showing concern. This gesture promotes
positive mental health.

14. Talking to a health professional

In times of confusion, anxiety, and depression, seeking help from a health
professional or a counselor can be a big help. One is encouraged to look at
things from a different perspective, enhance his/her problem-solving capabilities,
and appreciate what life has to offer.

A Reality Check for Mental Wellness

Mental health is everyone's concern. Teenagers must realize that taking care of
themselves is their responsibility as parents may not be there all the time to guide them.
There are some challenging times when adolescents may feel stressed out, down, or
worried. Although what they feel may just be temporary, these feelings could linger and
develop into a more serious problem. Young individuals differ in their coping
mechanisms and adjustment modes. There are those who suffer from a setback, but
bounce back after some time. Others agonize for a longer period of time.

The state of mental being may vary from time to time depending on the
circumstances that surround individuals as they go through the different stages of life.
Those who find it difficult to overcome problems and do not seem to have any support
system may find themselves in a helpless situation. If mental health problems such as
loneliness, anxiety, and depression arise, people may feel embarrassed, insecure, and
awkward to share their feelings. There is a sense of humiliation associated with adverse
mental conditions. Young individuals evade the issue and are not comfortable about
discussing them. They need to realize that it is, in fact, healthy to talk about their
feelings to somebody who cares for them. Mental issues should not be treated as a
stigma when it is detected in a family member

Mental health condition is the outcome of the dynamic interaction between individuals
and elements present in their surroundings such as the following:
• Traces of illness in the family
• Health wellness behaviors and activities
• Episodes of stress in one's personal or professional life
• Exposure to contaminants
• Experience of suffering and distress
• Individual exposures and conditions, past and present
• Availability of a network of people who provide emotional support
• Ability to adjust in varying situations

In situations where pressure and demands in a person's surroundings seem to

be overwhelming and the individual cannot cope, mental wellness may be adversely
Mental Health Difficulties
Mental health problems that adolescents experience range from the little stress and
worries they encounter on a day-to-day basis as part of their everyday life to severe
prolongal situations. Mental health difficulties also include anxiety, depression, and
eating disorders. These mental health problems may be resolved by improving one's
social skills, enhancing self-confidence, and developing problem-solving and
decision-making skills.

Causes of Mental Health Struggles

There are many causes of mental health problems. In general, no one is certain
what the particular cause of a mental struggle could be. Some concerns may be
regarded as triggers.
The following factors can somehow cause a bad mental health condition to
• Hereditary elements
• Physical factors such as a head injury or a condition such as epilepsy
that can have impact on behavior and mood
• Unmanaged stress
• Lack of a secure or permanent dwelling place
• Negative experiences during childhood
• Being left out by friends, having feelings of sadness, and being
discriminated against
• Losing a loved one
• Social disadvantage, poverty, or debt
• A long-term physical health condition
• Traumatic experiences

Signs That Teens Need Mental Health Treatment

With the hormonal changes and the emotional ups and downs that they
experience, teenagers may sometimes feel lost or overwhelmed. Without much life
experience, these young individuals may feel misguided, particularly if their parents are
too busy to attend to them or they feel separated from family members. Many teenagers
turn to their friends for support. This can be helpful, but when signs of mental health
problems creep in, peers may feel helpless as well. Some young people turn to alcohol,
drugs, or eating disorders just to feel well, evade reality, or feel they can control a
situation again.
According to Richard Friedman (2013), professor of clinical psychiatry, the
following serve as red flags that necessitate attention from mental health professionals:

1. Changes in mood. A person may suffer from mood swings which he/she does not
usually experience.

2. Behavioral changes. Some behavioral changes such as being irritable, feeling

depressed, and getting involved in criminal activities may also be indicative of drug
3. Difficulties in school and in relationships with friends. Struggles relative to mental
wellness can distract concentration, which can affect school performance and the ability
to sustain relationships with peers.

4. Physical manifestations. General weakness, changes in eating and sleeping patterns,

frequent stomachaches, headaches, and backaches, and neglect of personal
appearance and hygiene such as showering less often and not keeping up with
grooming can be signs that mental health treatment is needed.

5. Taking medicines by oneself. If there are signs of drug or alcohol use, self-harm, an
eating disorder, or other forms of escape, these may be directly linked to mental illness.
An effort to make oneself feel better can indicate a need for mental health treatment.

If any of these signs are observed, the teen may need professional help. With
appropriate assessment, identification, and intervention, mental health problems can be
treated and managed.

Diagnosis of Mental Health Problems

In diagnosing a mental health problem, medical health practitioners ascertain
clusters of identified symptoms. Mental wellness difficulties are typically categorized so
that health practitioners can advise people of proper caution and treatment. Usually
people are interviewed or are requested to accomplish questionnaires.
There are a number of diagnoses that reveal some similar symptoms. For
instance, a shit in one's pattern of sleeping is a manifestation of depression and anxiety.
In this situation, the medical health practitioner will do further analysis by looking into
other symptoms. If there are changes in the symptoms, the doctor may have to conduct
several diagnoses for a longer duration of time. This process aids the medical health
practitioner in determining the kind of intervention or treatment individuals need.
Mental health difficulties can be understood in a variety of ways. Psychological
and social factors such as the person's background, lifestyle, and other personal
circumstances are important to consider in diagnosing mental health problems.
Depending on the symptoms diagnosed, mental health problems may be
classified as either neurotic or psychotic.
Neurotic refers to mental health problems that cover those symptoms considered
as acute types of “normal” emotional encounters such as nervousness, fear, and
depression. To date, neuroses are usually regarded as mental health problems that are
On the other hand, psychotic symptoms are unusual. For every 100 individuals,
one or two may suffer from an intense mental health problem such as schizophrenia or
bipolar disorder. These individuals may experience moments when their minds lose
touch with reality. They may hear sounds that others do not hear, recognize things not
seen by others. sense objects others cannot, or perceive that they are unusually strong.
Mental health problems include anxiety, depression, schizophrenia,
attention-deficit disorder (ADD), borderline personality disorder, bipolar disorder,
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
There are identified symptoms that are similar in certain mental health problems.
However, people having mental health problems may not necessarily act in the same
manner. Oftentimes, these people attempt to hide their feelings for fear of being isolated
or cast out peers. In their simple efforts, they struggle to cope with the challenges of
daily life.

Types of Mental Health Problems

There are many different mental health difficulties. The manifestations of these
mental health problems may be common to two or more findings. Individuals may also
have the symptoms of several mental health problems in one incidence.

1. Depression. There are times when teenage depression may be difficult to determine
despite the existence of typical physical, emotional, behavioral, and mental symptoms.
The symptoms pertaining to the emotional and behavioral aspects of depression
are the following:
• Being lonely, moody, and irritable
• Feelings of worthlessness, guilt, or self-blame
• Sudden dislike of hobbies and leisure they were previously engaged in
• Burst of anger not typical of one's nature
• Isolation from friends
• Destructive views such as topics on violence, murder, or suicide

The signs and symptoms of depression are the following:

• Fatigue, disinterest, and poor energy level
• Sudden shifts in eating patterns or changes in weight
• Unclear body ailments such as headaches and stomach pains
• Changes in sleeping patterns such as insomnia or oversleeping
Some of the cognitive symptoms of depression include trouble in focusing, making
judgments, or recalling data.

People who are depressed may go through several signs of depression. The
symptoms may be continuing or may stay for a period of weeks or even months.

The danger signs of depression in adolescents may include the following:

• Extreme worrying, lack of sympathy or self-confidence
• Difficulty in relating with family members or friends
• Behavioral factors such as drug use or drug abuse

Depression may be brought about by certain events in one's life. One type is
postnatal depression, which happens after giving birth. Depression is mostly associated
with anxiety.
Other “red flags” to watch for include unanticipated crying or extreme irritability,
articulations of frustrations and poor self-esteem, suspicion and extreme secrecy,
threats of harming or mutilating oneself, compulsive physical appearance issues,
extreme loneliness, and desertion of peers and social organizations.
On the extreme, severe depression can be dangerous and may cause people to
commit suicide, particularly if it lingers.

2. Anxiety. Anxiety refers to a persistent and unlikely concern about anything in one's
routine or daily life. It can include body signals such as “butterflies,” a sinking feeling,
tension, or uncomfortable feelings. Among teenagers, anxiety is part of the normal
range of emotions. It is usually temporary and goes away on its own.
When faced with unfamiliar, dangerous, or stressful situations, young people
usually feel anxious. As their independence increases, teenagers might worry about
being responsible for their own actions. For late adolescents, they may also feel anxiou
about getting a job.

In addition, people may be impatient and may have difficulty sleeping. The physic
signs of anxiety include a fast heartbeat, indigestion, nervousness, or a shaky feeling
Adolescents experiencing high-anxiety levels may also suffer from sudden feelings of
acute and disabling anxiety, phobia, or obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

3. Obsessive-compulsive disorder. This problem involving obsessions and

compulsions is an anxiety disorder characterized by uncontrollable and persistent
thoughts, moods beliefs, impressions, or actuations that prompt people to do
something. This can me believing that one looks dirty so there is an impulse to wash
one's hands a number of times, or has not locked the door so he/she repeatedly checks
the door to make sure it locked.

4. Phobias. Phobias are extreme or irrational fear of specific things. People generally
avoid the stimulus that they are scared of.
Phobias share similar symptoms with anxiety. In extreme cases, people may
suffer from panic attacks.

The following are the most common phobias experienced by adolescents:

• Fear of dating
• Fear of dealing with authority figures
• Fear of public speaking
• Fear of taking exams
• Performance anxiety/stage fright
• Fear of writing in public
• Fear of urinating in public

Some other very common phobias include:

• Fear of spiders (arachnophobia)
• Social phobias
• Fear of fresh air, airborne substances, flying (aerophobia)
• Fear of being in a crowd or places where one may find it difficult to escape
• Fear of being trapped in a small enclosed place (claustrophobia)
• Fear of heights (acrophobia)
• Fear of lightning and thunder (brontophobia or astraphobia)

The common symptoms of phobias include the following:

• Breathing with difficulty
• Light-headedness or dizziness
• Excessive perspiration
• Feeling of wanting to vomit
• Dryness of the mouth
• Feeling unwell
• Strong palpitations
• Helplessness
• Feeling confused
• Fear of dying
• Flushed or red-faced
• Trembling
• Feeling of having butterflies in the stomach
• Collapsing

5. Eating problems. Eating problems may be characterized by having the need to eat
excessively or modestly. Adolescents may refuse to eat despite their hunger or they
may eat continuously or binge. What preoccupies their thoughts is food or how much
they weigh. Some of the most common eating disorders are anorexia, bulimia, bingeing,
and compulsive eating.

6. Bipolar disorder (manic depression). Otherwise known as manic depression,

bipolar disorder is a serious brain condition in which the person experiences extreme
changes in mood and behavior. Symptoms include change in energy, activity levels,
sleep patterns, and behaviors. Rapid changes in temperament – from happy mood or
“mania” to extreme unhappiness happen. Between these occurrences, people may feel

7. Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is characterized by having disorderly and faulty

perceptions. People with this disorder may not make sense when they talk. They may
for hours without moving or talking. Sometimes they may seem perfectly fine until they
talk about what they are really thinking about.

8. Personality disorders. Personality disorders are described as having a severe and

unnatural mode of reasoning and performing. Individuals suffering from personality
disorders have problems pertinent to perception of their environment and have trouble
dealing with people. This difficulty results in major problems in their interactions and
functioning in school and other social occasions. People with this kind of disorder may
have inadequate breadth of emotions, feelings, and actions that can help them adjust to
the challenges of everyday circumstances.
In some instances, people with personality disorders may not know that they
have problems as their manner of perceiving and actuating seem normal to them. They
even fault others for the difficulties they experience.

9. Panic attacks. Panic attacks are instances of severe, often very alarming symptoms,
that typically last from 5 minutes to 20 minutes. Persons experiencing panic attacks may
have difficulty breathing and sense their heart pounding hard. They may experience as
obstructing sensation and pain in the chest, and may start to shake or feel weak. These
symptoms may be mistaken for a heart attack or any severe medical condition.
Panic attacks may happen any time, making them distinct from the usual reaction
to a natural threat.

10. Self-harm. Self-harm is a mode of manifesting severe agony where people do

things to cause physical suffering to themselves. People with this disorder are not
aware why they harm themselves. This can be a way of articulating what they cannot
convey or cannot clearly think
about. After inflicting physical pain upon themselves, they feel a little energy to adjust to
their situation temporarily. The root of their suffering, however, is not likely to have been

11. Suicidal feelings. Some people with a mental health problem may experience
having suicidal tendencies. They may think of something unpleasant, scary, and
Suicidal thoughts, however, may not necessarily mean persons intend to take
their own lives. Many contemplate about committing suicide but most of them do not
proceed with such ruthless idea.

Should one exhibit any of the signs, it is not advisable to conclude that he/she is
already suffering from a mental health problem. The best thing to do would be to see a
doctor who specializes in the treatment of mental health problems.

Ten Tips to Stay Mentally Healthy

As emphasized by the Better Health Channel (2015), cognitive wellness
connotes living in a state of well-being and having the competence to perform effectively
and the confidence to overcome a difficulty. Similar to physical wellness, there are ways
people can adopt to enhance their mental well-being.

Here are some suggestions to be mentally fit:

1. Interact with people. Create a strong bond with friends. The degree of cohesiveness
in personal relationships produces a great effect on people's cognitive well-being.
Allotting more time and exerting more effort in establishing good relationships with
people can generate great outcomes.

2. Enjoy life. Do things that are enjoyable. Make room for spontaneity and creativity.
Watch a good tv program, go to the beach, play a musical instrument, listen to a favorite
music, or read a book.

3. Join an organization and share interests. Be a member of any social or civic

organization. Mingle with people and share similar interests. It pays to have common
interests with people with whom one can have a sense of belonging. The activities
where one can participate in can generate and promote mental well-being. Join a
theater group, a sports club, a debate group, a dance session, a cooking class, or a
Bible study group.

4. Contribute to society. Volunteer for a cause. Extend assistance to anyone who is in

net of help in the community. Do something great or small to comfort the needy and the
sick. Console a friend who is downtrodden.
A simple gesture of giving a helping hand can make people feel happy. In return,
this great feeling will create a sense of mental well-being.

5. Maintain a healthy body. Exercise. Eat a well-balanced meal to get the nutrients the
body needs to maintain physical and mental wellness.
6. Accept challenges. Be interested in acquiring new skills or pursuing challenges.
During school breaks, learn swimming or take guitar or cooking lessons.
Acquiring new knowledge helps in pursuing one's personal goals, and at the
same time, enhances mental well-being.

7. Deal with stress. Stress is something that people encounter in many situations of
their lives. It affects people in so many ways.
Stress becomes a problem if it creates an adverse impact on one's physical and
mental health. The key to fighting off stress is to maintain a balanced lifestyle. This can
be achieved through exercise, relaxation breathing, yoga, or meditation.

8. Rest and get plenty of sleep. Rest is very important to relax and refresh the body.
Maintain eight hours of sleep every night.
Sleep helps boost the immune system, metabolism, learning, memory, and other
important processes of the body. Getting enough sleep helps maintain a healthy

9. Feel the moment. Be in the here and now. It is important for one to feel the very
essence of the human person. Sense the surroundings. Feel the warm wind. Practice
mindfulness. Sense the inner self. Reach out to the outer world. These are all significant
for the enhancement of cognitive well-being.

10. Call a friend for assistance. Request a friend for assistance when important things
need being attended to. As the saying goes, “No man is an island.” One's life bec
meaningful knowing that there are people ready to be of help to anyone.

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