G8 Land, Soil, Water
G8 Land, Soil, Water
G8 Land, Soil, Water
(i) Temperature and rainfall are two main climatic factors responsible for soil formation. Rainfall
contributes in breaking the rocks by applying pressure. Temperature fluctuations between hot
and cold also form cracks in the rocks.
(iii) Land is an important resource because it provides surface for agriculture, living, forestry,
industries, construction, etc. Most activities take place on land.
(iv) Name any two steps that the government has taken to conserve plants and animals.
(iv) Steps taken by the government include establishment of natural parks and wildlife
sanctuaries in different parts of India. Their purpose is conservation of vegetation and wildlife,
Tick the correct answer.
(i) Which one of the following is NOT a factor of soil formation?
(a) time
(b) soil texture
(c) organic matter
(ii) Which one of the following methods is most appropriate to check soil erosion on steep
(a) shelter belts
(b) mulching
(c) terrace cultivation
(iii) Which one of the following is NOT in favour of the conservation of nature?
(a) switch off the bulb when not in use
(b) close the tap immediately after using
(c) dispose polypacks after shopping
Q4.State whether the given statement is true or false. If true, write the reasons.