NMR Spectroscopy Differ From" Ir" Spectros
NMR Spectroscopy Differ From" Ir" Spectros
NMR Spectroscopy Differ From" Ir" Spectros
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
1H NMR—Number of Signals
Figure 14.2
The number of 1H NMR signals
of some representative
organic compounds
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
1H NMR—Number of Signals
• In comparing two H atoms on a ring or double bond, two
protons are equivalent only if they are cis (or trans) to
the same groups.
• To predict the number of signals, must determine
how many sets of protons are in unique
• 2. Homotopic Hydrogens (equivalent)
• Hydrogens are chemically equivalent or homotopic if
replacing each in turn by the same group would lead to an
identical compound.
• 3. EnantiotopicHydrogens
If replacement of each of two hydrogens by some group leads to
enantiomers, those hydrogens are enantiotopic
• 4. Diastereotopic Hydrogens
2. anisotropic effect
3. vanderwaals deshielding: proton (a) is not effected by proton (b),
but if we substituted proton (b) by CH3 → repulsive because of steric
effect with the proton (a) → deshielding → down field.
• 4. Hydrogen bonding:
They cause decrease the density around the hydrogen →
deshielded by inductive effect.
The intensity of intermolecular hydrogen bonding depending
• The concentration: increase concentration → increase
H-bonding → increase deshielding.
The temperature: increase temperature → breakdown the H-
bonding → high field.
The purity.
Polarity of the solvent: the solvent should be deuterated
(CDCl3) and also should not polar.
• Intramolecular H - bonds are less affected by their
environment than are intermolecular H - bonds.