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A seminar submitted to



In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of


Submitted by

Under the guidance of

Mrs. K. Nadiya
Assistant Professor


(UGC Autonomous Institution-Affiliated to JNTUH, NBA, NAAC A+)
Ibrahimpatnam, Ranga Reddy District -501506 Telangana. Academic
Year 2024-2025



This is to certify that the Technical Seminar entitled “MICRO ELECTRONIC PILL”
is being presented with report by POTHULA SHIVAKUMAR bearing
Roll.No.21WJ1A04Q2, in partial fulfillment for the award of Degree of Bachelor
of Technology in Electronics and Communication Engineering to Guru Nanak
Institutions Technical Campus (Autonomous) affiliated to Jawaharlal Nehru
Technological University, Hyderabad during the academic Year 2024-2025.


Mrs. K. Nadiya Dr.Maheswara Reddy Sura

Assistant Professor Professor & HOD-EC

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor Mrs. K.Nadiya Assistant
Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, for her excellent
guidance and invaluable support, which helped me accomplish my Bachelor degree and
prepared me to achieve more life goals in the future. Her total support of our dissertation and
countless contributions to our technical and professional development made for a truly
enjoyable and fruitful experience. Special thanks are dedicated for the discussions we had on
almost every working day during our seminar period and for reviewing our dissertation.

I am very much grateful to Seminar Co-Ordinator Mrs.K.Nadiya , Assistant Professor of ECE,

GNITC, Hyderabad, who has not only shown utmost patience, but was fertile in suggestions,
vigilant in directions of error and has been infinitely helpful.

I am also thankful to our Academic Co-Ordinator, IV Year, Mr. D. Surendra Rao, Associate
Professor of ECE, GNITC, Hyderabad, for his support.

I am also thankful to Dr. Maheswara Reddy Sura, Professor & HOD of ECE & Academic
Coordinator, GNITC, Hyderabad, for being so helpful with valuable insights and guidance
during our technical seminar.

I am incredibly grateful to our Mentor Mr. K Krishna Kumar & Mr.S. Kishore Krishna Kumar,
Assistant Professors of ECE, GNITC, Hyderabad for being so thoughtful and helpful with truly
valuable insights and guidance during technical seminar

I am thankful to Dr. P. Parthasaradhy, Joint Director, GNITC for his good

support and providing valuable inputs in our technical seminar work

I express my deepest gratitude and thanks to Dr.S. Sreenatha Reddy, Director, GNITC for
his constant support and encouragement and for providing us all the facilities in the college
during our technical seminar work

My sincere thanks to all our faculties, administrative staff, and management of GNITC, without
whose support our work would always remain incomplete.

On a more personal note, I thank our beloved parents and friends for their moral support while
my technical seminar.

In All Sincerity,


The invention of transistor enabled the first use of radiometry capsules, which used simple circuits
for the internal study of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. They couldn't be used as they could
transmit only from a single channel and also due to the size of the components. They also suffered from
poor reliability, low sensitivity and short lifetimes of the devices. This led to the application of single-
channel telemetry capsules for the detection of disease and abnonnalities in the GI tract where
restricted area prevented the use of traditional endoscopy.

They were later modified as they had they disadvantage of using laboratory type sensors
such as the glass pH electrodes, resistance thermometers, etc. They were also of very large size.
The later modification is similar to the above instrument but is smaller in size due to the
application of existing semiconductor fabrication technologies. These technologies led to the fonnation

Microelectronic pill is basically a multichannel sensor used for remote biomedical

measurements using micro technology. This is used for the real-time measurement parameters
such as temperature, pH, conductivity and dissolved oxygen. The sensors are fabricated using electron
beam and photolithographic pattern integration and were controlled by an application specific
integrated circuit (ASIC).


INTRODUCTION ........................................... 7


1.1 SENSORS ............................................ 10
1.2 CONTROL CHIP ............................................. 15
1.3 RADIO TRANSMITTER.................................................17
1.4 CAPSULE ............................................ 18


2.1 INTERNAL VIEW OF THE CAPSULE ............................................. 21
2.2 PILL CAMERA PLATFORM COMPONENT ............................................. 23


3.1 TEMPERATURE CHANNEL PERFORMANCE ............................................. 28
3.2 PH CHANNEL PERFORMANCE ............................................. 30
3.3 OXYGEN SENSOR PERFORMANCE ............................................. 32
3.4 CONDUCTIVITY SENSOR PERFORMANCE............................................. 32
3.5 CONTROL CHIP ............................................. 33
3.6 TRANSMISSION FREQUENCY .............................................33
4.1 ADVANTAGES ............................................ 34
4.2 DISADVANTAGES............................................. 35

4.3 APPLICATIONS ............................................. 36
4.4 FUTURE SCOPE ............................................. 37

CONCLUSIONS .............................................39

REFERENCE ............................................40


The invention of the transistor enabled the first radiotelemetrycapsules, which utilized simple
circuits forin vivo telemetric studies of the gastro intestinal (GI) tract [l].

These units could only transmit from a single sensor channeL and were difficult to assemble due
to the use of discrete components [2]. The measurement parameters consisted ofeither temperature,
pH or pressure, and the first attemptsof conducting real-time noninvasive physiological
measurementssuffered from poor reliability, low sensitivity, and shortlifetirnes of the devices. The
first successful pH gut profiles were achieved in 1972 [3], with subsequent improvements insensitivity
and lifetime. Single-channel radiotelemetrycapsules have since been applied for the detection of
diseaseand abnormalities in the GI tract [4] where restricted accessprevents the use of traditional

Most radiotelemetry capsules utilize laboratory type sensorssuch as glass pH electrodes,

resistance thermometers, or rmvmg inductive coils as pressure transducers [5]. The relativelylarge
size of these sensors limits the :functional complexityof the pill for a given size of capsule. Adapting
existingsemiconductor fabrication technologies to sensor development has enabled the production of
highly :functional unitsfor data collection, while the exploitation of integrated circuitryfor sensor
controL signal conditioning, and wireless transmission has extended the concept of single-channel
radiotelemetryto rermte distnbuted sensing from microelectronicpills.

Our current research on sensor integration and onboard data processmg has, therefore, focused
on the development of microsystemscapable of performing simultaneous multiparameterphysiological
analysis. The technology has a range of applicationsin the detection of disease and abnormalities
in medicalresearch. The overall aim has been to deliver enhanced

:functionality,reduced size and power consumption, through systernlevelintegration on a common

integrated circuit platform compnsmg sensors, analog and digital signal processing, and

Fig 1.lA Microelectronic pill

In this report, we present a novel analytical rnicrosystemwhich incorporates a four-channel

rnicrosensor array forreal-time determination of temperature, pH, conductivity andoxygen. The sensors
were :fabricated using electron beam andphotolithographic pattern integration, and were controlledby
an application specific integrated circuit (ASIC), whichsampled the data with 10-bit resolution prior to
corrnnunicationoff chip as a single interleaved data stream An integrated radiotransmitter sends the
signal to a local receiver (base station),prior to data acquisition on a computer. Real-time wireless
datatransrnission IS presented from a model m vitro experimentalsetup, for the first time.Details of
the sensors are provided m more detail later, butincluded: a silicon diode to measure the body core
temperature,while also compensating for temperature induced signal changes in the other sensors; an
ion-selective field effect transistor,ISFET, [6] to measure pH; a palf of direct contact goldelectrodes
to measure conductivity; and a three-electrode electrochernicalcell, to detect the level of dissolved
oxygen in solution.

All of these measurements will, in the future, beused to perform in VIVO physiological
analysis of the GI-tract.For example, temperature sensors will not only be used to measurechanges
in the body core ten1perature, but may also identifylocal changes associated with tissue
inflammation and ulcers.Likewise, the pH sensor may be used for the determination of the presence
of pathological conditions associated withabnormal pH levels, particularly those associated with
pancreaticdisease and hypertension, inflarrnnatory bowel disease, theactivity of fermenting bacteria,
the level of acid excretion, refluxto the oesophagus, and the effect of GI specific drugs ontarget
organs. The conductivity sensor will be used to monitor the contents of the GI tract by measuring
water and salt absorption,bile secretion and the breakdown of organic componentsinto charged
colloids. Finally, the oxygen sensor will rneasurethe oxygen gradient from the proximal to the distal
GI tract. Thiswill, in future enable a variety of syndromes to be investigatedincluding the growth of
aerobic bacteria or bacterial infectionconcomitant with low oxygen tension [7], as well as the role
ofoxygen in the formation of radicals causing cellular irtjury andpathophysiological conditions
(inflammation and gastric ulceration).

The implementation of a generic oxygen sensor will alsoenable the development of first generation
enzyme linked amperometricbiosensors, thus greatly extending the range of future applications to
include, e.g., glucose and lactate sensing, as wellas immune-sensing protocols.




The sensors were fabricated on two silicon chips located at the front end of the capsule.
Chip 1 [Fig. l(a), (c), (e)] comprises the silicon diode temperature sensor, the pH ISFET sensor and
a two electrode conductivity sensor. Chip 2 [Fig. 1(b), (d), (f)] comprises the oxygen sensor and
an optional nickel-chromium (NiCr) resistance thennorneter. The silicon platform of Chip 1 was
based on a research product from Ecole Superieure D'Ingenieurs en Electrotechnique et Electronique
(ESIEE, France) with predefined n-channels in the p-type buJk silicon forming the basis for the
diode and the ISFET. A total of 542 of such devices were batch fabricated onto a single 4-in wafer.
In contrast, Chip 2 was batch fabricated as a 9X9 array on a 380- m-thick single crystalline 3n
silicon wafer with<l00> lattice orientation, precoated with 300 nm Si3N4, silicon nitride, (Edinburgh
Microfabrication Facility, U.K.). One wafer yielded 80, 5X5mrn2 sensors (the center of the wafer
was used for alignment markers).


An array of 4X2 combined temperatureand pH sensor platform, were cut from the wafer
and attachedon to a 100- m- thick glass cover slip using S1818 photoresist(Microposit, U.K.) cured
on a hotplate. The cover slipacted as temporary carrier to assist handling of the device duringthe
first level of lithography (Level 1) when the electric connectiontracks, the electrodes and the
bonding pads were defined.The pattern was defined in S1818 resist by photolithographyprior to
thermal evaporation of 200 nm gold (including an adhesionlayer of 15 nm titanium and 15 nm
palladium). An additionallayer of gold (40 nm) was sputtered to improve the adhesionof the
electroplated silver used in the reference electrode. Liftoff in acetone detached the chip array

from the cover slip. Individual sensors were then diced prior to their re- attachment
pairs on a 100- m-thick cover slip by epoxy resin.

10 | P a g e
Sensor Chip 1 Sensor Chip 2
4.75 mm 5mm

3mm 3mm

E u,

Fig 2.1-The microelectronic sensors

2.l(a) schematic diagram of Chip 1, measuring 4.75X5 mm2, comprising the pH (ISFET) sensor
(1), the sx10-4 mm2 dual electrode conductivity sensor (3) and the silicon diode temperature
sensor (4);

2.l(b) schematic diagram of Chip 2, measuring5X5 mm2 , comprising the electrochemical

oxygen sensor (2) and a NiCr resistance thermometer (5). Once integrated in the pill, the area
exposed to the external environment is illustrated by the 3-mm-diameter circle

11 | P a g e
E (11

LO 3

2.l(c) Photomicrograph of sensor Chip 1

2.l(d) Sensor chip 2. The bonding pads (6), which provide electrical contact to the external
electronic control circuit.

2.l(e) Close up of the pH sensor consisting of the integrated 3X10-2 mm Ag/AgCl reference
electrode (7), a 500-µm-diameter and 50-µm-deep, 10-nL, electrolyte chamber (8) defined in
polyimide, and the 15X600 µm floating gate (9) of the ISFET sensor

2.l(f)The oxygen sensor is likewise embedded in an electrolyte chamber (8). The three-electrode
electrochemical cell comprises the 1x10-t mm counter electrode (10), a microelectrode array of

12 | P a g e
57X10 µm diameter (4.5X103 mm2 ) working electrodes (11) defined in 500-nm-thick PECVD
Si,N4 , and an integrated 1.5xl0-2 nnn Ag!AgCl reference electrode (12).

In Fig. l(c) the left-hand-side (LHS) unit comprised the diode, while the right-hand-side (RHS)
unit comprised the ISFET. The l 5x600 µm (LxW) floating gate of the ISFET was pre- covered with
a 50-mn-thick proton sensitive layer of Si,N4 for pH detection.

Photo curable polyimide (Arch Chemicals, Belgium) defined the 10-nL electrolyte chamber
for the pH sensor (above the gate) and the open reservoir above the conductivity sensor (Level 2).

The silver chloride reference electrode (3xl 0-2 mm2) wasfu.bricated during Levels 3 to 5,
inclusive. The glass cover slip, to which the chips were attached, was cut down to the size ofthe

4.75x5 mm2 footprint (still acting as a supporting base) prior to attachment on a custom-made
chip carrier used for electroplating. Silver (5 µm) was deposited on the gold electrode defined at
by chronopotentiometry (300 nA, 600 s) after removing residual polyimide in an barrel asher
(Electrotech, U.K.) for 2 min. The electroplating solution consisted of 0.2 M, 3MKI and 0.5M.

Changing the electrolyte solution to 0.1 M KCl at Level 4 allowed for the electroplated silver to
be oxidized to AgCl by chronopoteniometry (300 nA, 300 s). The chip was then removed from
the chip carrier prior to injection of the internal 1 M KCl reference electrolyte required for the
Ag AgCl reference electrode (Level 5). The electrolyte was retained in a 0.2% gel matrix of
calcium alginate [8].

The chip was finally clamped by a I-mm-thick stainless-steel clamp separated by a 0.8- m-
thick sheet of Viton fluoroelastomer (James Walker, U.K.). The rubber sheet provided a uniform
pressure distribution in addition to forming a seal between the sensors and capsule.

13 | P a g e

The level 1 pattern (electric tracks,bonding pads, and electrodes) was defined in 0.9 m
UV3 resist (Shipley, U.K.) by electron beam lithography. A layer of 200 nm gold (including an
adhesion layer of 15 nm titaniumand 15 nm palladium) was deposited by thermal evaporation.

The fabrication process was repeated (Level 2) to define the 5- m-wide and 11-mm-long NiCr
resistance thennometer made from a 100-nm-thick layer of NiCr (30- resistance). Level 3 defined the
500-nm-thick layer of thermal evaporated silver used to fabricate the reference electrode. An
additional sacrificial layer of titanium (20 nm) protected the silver from oxidation in subsequent
fabrication levels. The surface area of the reference electrode was mm, whereas the counter
electrode made of gold had an area of mm .Level 4 defined the microelectrode array

of the working electrode, comprising 57 circular gold electrodes, each 10 min diameter, with an
inter-electrode spacing of 25 m and a combined area of 4.5xl o-3mrn2. Such an array promotes

electrode polarization and reduces response time by enhancing transport to the electrode surface [9].
The whole wafer was covered with 500 nm plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposited (PECVD)
Si.3N4. The pads, counter, reference, and the microelectrode array of the working electrode was
exposed using an etching mask of S1818 photoresist prior to dry etching with C2F6. The chips
were then diced from the wafer and attached to separate 100- m-thick cover slips by epoxy resin to
assist handling. The electrolyte chamber was defined in 50- m-thick polyimide at Level 5. Residual
polyimide was removed in an O2barrel asher(2 min), prior to removal of the sacrificial titanium layer
at Level 6 in a diluted HF solution (HF to RO water, 1:26) for 15 s. The short exposure to HF
prevented damage to the PECVD layer.

Thermally evaporated silver was oxidized to Ag AgCl (50% of fihn thickness) by

chronopotentiometry (120 nA, 300 s) atLevel 7 in the presence of KCl, prior to injection of the
internal reference electrolyte at Level 8. A 5.5 rnm2 sheet of oxygen permeable tetlon was cut out
from a 12.5- m-thick film and attached to the chip at Level 9 with epoxy resin prior to irrnnobilization
by the aid of a stainless steel clamp.


The ASIC was a control urut that connected together the external components of the
microsystem (Fig. 2). It was fabricated as a 22.5 rrnn2 silicon die using a 3-V, 2-poly, 3-metal
0.6- µm.CMOS process by Austria Microsystems (AMS) via the Europractice initiative.

14 | P a g e
Fig 2.2: Photograph of the 4.75x4.75 mm2application specific integrated Circuit control

15 | P a g e
It is a novel mixed signal design that contains an analog signal conditioning module
operating the sensors, a 10-bit analog-to-digital (ADC) and digital-to-analog (DAC) converters,
and a digital data processing module. An RC relaxation oscillator (OSC) provides the clock

The analog module was based on the AMS OP05B operationalampli:fier, which offered a
combination of both a powersavingscheme (sleep mode) and a compact integrated circuit design.
The temperature circuitry biased the diode at constant current, so that a change in temperature
would reflect a corresponding change in the diode vohage. The pH ISFET sensor was biased as a simple
source and drain follower at constant current with the drain-source voltage changing with the
threshold voltage and pH. The conductivity circuit operated at direct current measuring the resistance
across the electrode pair as an inverse function of solution conductivity. An incorporated
potentiostatcircuit operated the amperometric oxygen sensor with a 10-bit DAC controlling the
working electrode potential with respect to the reference. The analog signals had a full-scale
dynamic range of 2.8 V (with respect to a 3.1-V supply rail) with the resolution determined by the
ADC. The analog signals were sequenced through a multiplexer prior to being digitized by the ADC.
The bandwidth for each channel was limited by the sampling interval of

0.2 ms.

The digital data processmg module conditioned the digitized signals through the use of a
serial bitstream data compression algorithm, which decided when transmission was required by
comparing the most recent sample with the previous sampled data. This technique minimizes the

16 | P a g e
17 | P a g e

The microelectronic pill consisted of a machined biocompatible (noncytotoxic), chemically

resistant polyether-terketone (PEEK) capsule (Victrex, U.K.) and a PCB chip carrier acting as a
common platform for attachment of the sensors, ASIC, transmitter and the batteries. The fabricated
sensors were each attached by wire bonding to a custom made chip carriermade from a 10-pin, 0.5-
mm pitch polyimide nbbon connector.

The nbbon connector was, in turn, connected to an industrial standard 10-pin flat cable
phlg (PCP) socket (Radio Spares, U.K.) attached to the PCB chip carrier of the microelectronic pill,
to facilitate rapid replacement of the sensors when required. The PCB chip carrier was made from
two standard 1.6-mm-thick fiber glass boards attached back to back by epoxy resin which maximized
the distance between the two sensor chips. The sensor chips were connected to both sides of the PCB
by separate PCP sockets, with sensor Chip 1 facing the top face, with Chip 2 facing down. Thus,
the oxygen sensor on Chip 2 had to be connected to the top face by three 200- m copper leads
soldered on to the board. The transmitter was integrated in the PCB which also incorporated the
power supply rails, the connection points to the sensors, as well as the transmitter and the ASIC and
the supporting slots for the capsule in which the chip carrier was located.

The ASIC was attached with double-sided copper conductingtape (Agar Scientific, U.K.) prior to
wire-bonding to the powersupply rails, the sensor inputs, and the transmitter (a process which
entailed the connection of 64 bonding pads). The unit was powered by two standard 1.55-V
SR44 silver oxide cells with a capacity of 175 mAh. The batteries were serial connected and attached
to a custom made 3-pin, 1.27-mm pitch plugby electrical conducting epoxy (Chemtronics,
Kennesaw, GA).

The connection to the matching socket on the PCB carrier provided a three point power supply
to the circuit comprising a negative supply rail ( 1.55 V), virtual ground (0 V), and a positive supply
rail (I.55 V). The battery packwas easily replaced during the experimental procedures.

18 | P a g e
s- mm--------------

Fig2.3Schematic diagram (top) of the remote mobile analytical microsystem comprising the
electronic pill.

19 | P a g e
In the figure, the prototype is 16x55 mm, weights 13.5 g.The Type I unit consist of the
microelectronic sensors at the front enclosed by the metal clamp and rubber seal (1) which
provide a 3-rrnn-diameter access channel to the sensors (2). The front section of the capsule, physically
machinedfrom solid PEEK, is illustrated (3) with the rear section removed to illustratethe internal
design. The front and rear section of the capsule is joined by a screw connection sealed off by a
Viton-rubber O-ring (4). The ASIC control chip (5) is integrated on the corrnnon PCB chip carrier
(6) which incorporates the discrete component radio transmitter (7), and the silver oxide battery
cells (8).

The battery is connected on the reverse side of the PCB (9). The Type II unit is identical to
the Type I with exception of an incorporated crystal stabilized radio transmitter (10) for improved
temperature stability.

The capsule was machined as two separate screw-fitting compartments.The PCB chip carrier
was attached to the front sectionof the capsule (Fig. 3). The sensor chips were exposed to the
ambient environment through access ports and were sealed by two sets of stainless steel clamps
incorporating a 0.8-m thick sheet of Viton fluoroelastomer seal. A 3-rrnn-diameter access channel in
the center of each of the steel clamps (incl. the seal), exposed the sensing regions of the chips.
The rear section of the capsule was attached to the front section by a 13-mm screw connection
incorporating a Viton rubber O-ring (James Walker, U.K.). The seals rendered the capsule water proo
as well as making it easy to maintain (e.g., during sensor and batteryreplacement). The complete
prototype was 16x55 mm and weighted 13.5 g including the batteries. A smaller pill suitable for
physiological in vivo trials (10x30 mm) is currently being developed from the prototype

20 | P a g e



The figure shows the internal view of the pill camera. It has 8 parts:

21 | P a g e
2.1.1 Optical Dome.
2.1.2 Lens Holder.
2.1.3 Lens.
2.1.4 Illuminating LEDs.
2.1.5 CMOS Image Sensor.
2.1.6 Battery.
2.1.7 ASIC Transmitter.
2.1.8 Antenna.


It is the front part of the capsule and it is bullet shaped. Optical dome is the light
receiving window of the capsule and it is a non- conductor material It prevent the filtration of digestive
fluids inside the capsule.


This accommodates the lens. Lenses are tightly fixed in the capsule to avoid dislocation
of lens.

It is the integral component of pill camera. This lens is placed behind the Optical Dome.
The light through window falls on the lens.


Illuminating LEDs illuminate an object. Non reflection coating id placed on the light receiving
window to pr event the reflection. Light irradiated from the LED s pass through the light receiving

22 | P a g e
It have 140 degree field of view and detect object as small as O.lrmn. Ithave high precise.

Battery used in the pill camera is bullet shaped and two in nwnber and silver oxide
primary batteries are used. It is disposable and harmless material.

It is application specific integrated circuit and is placed behind the batteries. Two
transmitting electrodes are connected to this transmitter and these electrodes are
electrically isolated

Parylene coated on to polyethylene or polypropylene antennas are used. Antenna received
data from transmitter and then send to data recorder.


In order for the images obtained and transmitted by the capsule endoscope to be useful,
they must be received and recorded for study. Patients undergoing capsule endoscopy bear an antenna
array consisting of leads that are connected by wires to the recording unit, worn in standard
locations over the abdomen, as dictated by a template for lead placement.The antenna array is
very similar in concept and practice to the multiple leads that must be affixed to the chest of patients
undergoing standard lead electrocardiography. The antenna array and battery pack cam be worn
under regular clothing. The recording device to which the leads are attached is capable of
recording the thousands of images transmitted by the capsule and received by the

23 | P a g e
antenna array. Arnbulary (non-vigorous) patient movement does not interfere with image acquisition and
recording. A typical capsule endoscopy examination takes approximately 7 hours.

Mainly there are 5 platform components:

1 Pill cam Capsule -SB or ESO.

11. Sensor Array Belt.

111. Data Recorder.

1v. Real Time Viewer.

v. Work Station and Rapid Software.



Approved by Food and Drug Approved b y Food and Drug

Administration. Administration.

For small bowel For esophagus.

Standard lighting control. Automatic Lighting Control

One side imaging.

Two sided imaging.

Two images per second.

14 Images per Second

50,000 images in 8 hours. 2,600 images in 20 minutes.

24 | P a g e
Several wires are attached to the abdomen like ECG leads to obtain images by radio
frequency. These wires are connected to a light weight data recorder worn on a belt. Sensor
arrays are used to calculate and indicate the position of capsule in the body. A patient receiver
beh around his or her waist over clothing. A beh is applied around the waist and holds a
recording device and a batter y pack. Sensors are incorporated within the belt. Parts of sensor
array are sensor pads, data cable, battery charging, and receiver bag.

To remove the Sensor Array from your abdomen, do not pull the leads off the Sensor Arr
ay! Peel off each adhesive sleeve starting with the non adhesive tab without removing the sensor from
the adhesive sleeve. Place the Sensor Array with the rest of the equipment.


Data recorder is a small portable recording device placed in the recorder pouch, attached
to the sensor belt. It has light weight (470 gm). Data recorder receives and records signals
transmitted by the camera to an array of sensors placed on the patients body. It is of the siz.e of
walk.man and it receives and stores 5000 to 6000 JPEG images on a 9 GB hard drive. Images takes
several hours to download through several connection.

The Date Recorder stores the images of your examination. Handle the Date Recorder,
Recorder Beh, Sensor Array and Battery Pack carefully. Do not expose them to shock, VIbration
or direct sunlight, which may resuh in loss of infor mation. Return all of the equipment as soon
as possible.

25 | P a g e

It is a handheld device and it enables real-time V1ewmg. It contains rapid reader

software and colour LCD monitor. It test the proper functioning before procedures and
confirms location of capsule.


Rapid workstation per forms the function of reporting and processing of images and data.
I mage data from the data recorder is downloaded to a computer eqwpped with software called
rapid application software. I t helps to convert images in to a movie and allows the doctor to
view the colour 3D images.

Once the patient has completed the endoscopy examination, the antenna array and image
recording device are returned to the health care provider. The recording device is then attached
to a specially modified computer wor kstation, and the entire examination is downloaded in to
the computer, where it becomes available to the physician as a digital video. The workstation
software allows the viewer to watch the video at varying rates of speed, to view it in both

26 | P a g e
foiward and rever se directions, and to capture and label individual frames as well as br ief video clips.
I mages showing normal anatomy of pathologic findings can be closely examined in full colour.

A recent addition to the software package is a feature that allows some degree of
localisation of the capsule within the abdomen and correlation to the video images. Another new
addition to the software package automatically highlights capsule images that correlates with the
existence of suspected blood or red areas.

Review and analysis using Microview and workstation

27 | P a g e


The power consumption of the microelectronic pill with the transmitter, ASIC and the
sensors connected was calculated to 12.1 mW, corresponding to the measured current
consumption of 3.9 mA at 3.1-V supply voltage. The ASIC and sensors consumed 5.3 mW, corresponding
to 1.7 mA of current, whereas the free running radio transmitter (Type I) consumed 6.8 mW
(corresponding to 2.2 mA of current) with the crystal stabilized unit (Type II) consuming 2.1 mA. Two
SR44 batteries used provided an operating time of more than 40 h for the microsystem


The linear sensitivity was measured over a temperature range from O C to 70 C and found
to be 15.4 mV°C·1. This amplified signal response was from the analog circuit, which was later
implemented in the ASIC. The sensor [Fig. 4(a)], once integrated in the pill, gave a linear regression
of 11.9 bits°C·1(:fl:_Toc) = l 1.9(ToC) - 42.7, R2 = 0.99), with a resolution limited by the noise band of
0.4°C [Fig. 4(b)]. The diode was forward biased with a constant current (15 A) with the n-channel
clamped to ground, while the p-channel was floating.

Since the bias current supply circuit was clamped to the negative voltage rail, any change m the
supply voltage potential would cause the temperature channel to drift. Thus, bench test
measurementsconducted on the temperature sensor revealed that the output signal changed
by 1.45 mV per mV change in supply voltage ( flmV) = -1.45 (mV) + 2584, R2 = 0.99) with flmV) expressed
in millivohs, corresponding to a drift of -21 mVh"l in the pill from a supply voltage change of -14.5
mVh-1 .

28 | P a g e
29 | P a g e

The linear characteristics from pH 1 to 13 corresponded to a sensitivity of -41.7mV pH-1

unit at 23°C, which is in agreement with literature values [6] although the response was lower
than the Nernstian characteristics found in standard glass pH electrodes (-59.2 mV pH·1 unit).
The pH ISFET sensor operated in a constant current mode (15 µA), with the drain voltage clamped
to the positive supply rail, and the source voltage floating with the gate potential The Ag AgCl
reference electrode, representing the potential in which the floating gate was referred to, was
connected to ground. The sensor performance, once integrated in the pill [Fig. 5(a)], corresponded to
14.85 bits pH-1 which gave a resolution of 0.07 pH per datapoint. The cahbrated response from the pH
sensor conformed to a linear regression (f(pH) = -14.85(pH) + 588, R2 = 0.98), although the sensor
exhibited a larger responsivityin alkaline solutions. The sensor lifetime of 20 h was limited by the
Ag!AgCl reference electrode made from electroplated silver. The pH sensor exhibited a signal drift
of -6 mV h·l.(0.14 pH), of which -2.5 mV h-1 was estimated to be due to the dissolution of AgCl
from the reference electrode. The temperature sensitivity of the pH-sensor was measured as 16.8
mV0C-1 . Changing the pH of the solution at 40°C from pH 6.8 to pH 2.3 and pH 11.6 demonstrated
that the two channels were completely independent of each other and that there was no signal
interference from the temperature channel [Fig. 4.2(b)].

30 | P a g e
31 | P a g e

The electrodes were first characterized using the model redox compound FMCA, showing
that the oxygen sensor behaved with classic microelectrode characteristics [9]. The reduction
potential of water was subsequently measured at 800 mV (Versus the integrated Ag AgCl) by recording
the steady-state current in oxygen-depleted PBS, thereby excluding any interfering species. In
order to ca!J.brate the sensor, a three point cahbration was performed (at saturated oxygen, and
with oxygen removed by the injection of Na2S2O3 to a final concentration of I M).

The steady state signal from the oxygen saturated solution was recorded at a constant
working electrode potential of -700 mV (versus Ag AgCl), which was below the reduction potential
for water. This generated a full-scale signal of 65 nA corresponding 8.2 mg 02 L·1 . The injection
Na2S2O3 of into the PBS after 90 s provided the zero point cahbration. This full in the reduction current
provided corroborative evidence that dissolved oxygen was being recorded, by returning the signal
back to the baseline level once all available oxygen was consumed. A third, intermediate point was
generated through the addition of 0.0IM Na2S2O3. The resulting cahbration graph conformed to
a linear regression (1(Mg02) = 7.9(Mg02), R2 = 0.99) with expressed in nanoamperes. The
sensitivity of the sensor was 7.9 nA rng·1 02, with the resolution of 0.4 mg L-1 limited by noise
or background drift. The lifetime of the integrated Ag/AgCl reference electrode, madefrom thermal
evaporated silver, was found to be to 45 h, with anaverage voltage drift of -1.3 mV h·1 due to the
dissolution ofthe AgCl during operation. Both measurements of FMCA and oxygen redox behavior
indicated a stable Ag AgCl reference.


The prototype circuit exhibited a logarithmic performance from 0.05 to 10 rnS/cm which
conformed to a first-order regression analysis (i(rnS/cm)= 165 ln (mS/cm) + 850), R2=0.99) with
i(rnS/cm) expressed in millivohs. The sensor saturated at conductivities above IO rnS/cm due to
the capacitive effect of the electric double layer, a phenomena corrnnonly observed in
conductimetric sensor systems [12].

32 | P a g e

The background noise from the ASIC corresponded to a constantlevel of 3-mV peak-to-
peak, which is equivalent to oneleast significant bit (LSB) of the ADC. Since the second LSB were
required to provide an adequate noise margin, the 10-bit ADC was anticipated to have an effective
resolution of 8 bits.


Frequency stabilized units were essential to prevent the transmission drifting out of range,
particularly if the pill was subjectto a temperature change during operation. The standard Type I
transmitter exlubited a negative linear frequency change from 39.17 MHz at 1 C to 38.98 MHz at

49 C. The transmitter's signal magnitude was not affected with the pill innnersed in the different
electrolyte solutions or RO water, compared to the pill surrounded by air only. Tests were also
conducted with the pill innnersed in the large polypropylene beaker filled with 2000 rnL of PBS without
the signal quality being compromised. The electromagnetic noise baseline was measured to 78 dB
of SIN in the 20 MHz band of the crystal stabiliz.ed transmitter.


Dual channel wireless signal transmission was recorded fromboth the pH and temperature
channels at 23°C, with the pill innnersed in a PBS solution of changing pH The signal from the pH
channel exlubited an initial offset of 0.2 pH above the real value at pH 7.3. In practice, the pH
sensor was found to exhibit a positive pH offset as the solution became more acidic, and a negative
pH offset as the solution became more alkaline. The response time of the pH sensor was measured to
10 s. The temperature channel was unaffected by the pH change, confirming the absence of
crosstalk between the two channels in Fig. 4.2(b).

33 | P a g e



❖ It is being beneficially used for disease detection & abnonmlities m human

body. Therefore it is also called as MAGIC PILL OFR HEALTI-I CARE.

❖ Painless, no side effects.

❖ Accurate, precise (view of 150
degree). High quality images.

❖ Harmless

❖ High sensitivity and specificity.

❖ Avoids risk in sedation.
❖ Efficient than X-ray CT-scan, nonmL endoscopy.
❖ Micro Electronic Pill utilizes a PROGRAMMABLE STANDBY MODE; So
power conslllllption is very less.

❖ It has very small size; hence it is very easy for practical usage.
❖ Very Long life of the cells (40 hours), Less Power, Current & Voltage requirement
(12.1 mW, 3.9 mA, 3.1 V).

❖ Less transmission Length & hence has zero noise interference.

34 | P a g e

❖ Gastrointestinal obstructions prevent the free flow of

capsule. Patients with pacemakers, pregnant women
face difficulties. It is veiy expensive and not reusable.

❖ Capsule endoscopy does not replace standard diagnostic endoscopy.

❖ It is not a replacement for any existing GI imaging technique, generally
performed after a standard endoscopy and colonoscopy.

❖ It cannot be controlled once it has been ingested, cannot be stopped or steered to

❖ collect close-up details.
❖ It cannot be used to take biopsies, apply therapy or mark abnormalities for sw-geiy.
❖ It cannot perform ultrasound & ll11)Jedance tomography. Tomography is
imaging by sections or sectioning, through the use of any kind of penetrating wave.

❖ Cannot detection abnormalities.

❖ Cannot perform radiation treatment associated with cancer & chronic
inflammation. Micro Electronic Pill are expensive & are not available in many

❖ Still its size is not digestible to small babies.

35 | P a g e

❖ It is used to detect ulcers

❖ Biggest impact in the medical
industry. Nano robots perfonn delicate

❖ Pill cam ESO can detect esophageal diseases, gastrointestinal reflex

diseases, barreff s esophagus.

❖ It is used to diagnose Malabsorption

❖ Pill cam SB can detect Crohn's disease, small bowel tumours, small
bowel injury, celiac disease, ulcerative colitis etc.

36 | P a g e

It seems likely that capsule endoscopy will become increasingly effective in diagnostic
gastrointestinal endoscopy. This will be attractive to patients especially for cancer or varices detection
because capsule endoscopy is painless and is likely to have a higher take up rate compared to
conventional colonoscopy and gastroscopy. Double imager capsules with increased frame rates have
been used to image the esophagus for Barrett's and esophageal varices. The image quality is not
bad but needs to be improved if it is to become a realistic substitute for fleXIble upper and lower
gastrointestinal endoscopy. An increase in the framerate, angle of view, depth of field, image numbers,
duration of the procedure and improvements in illumination seem likely. Colonic, esophageal and
gastric capsules will improve in quality, eroding the supremacy of fleXIble endoscopy, and become
embedded into screening programs. Therapeutic capsules will emerge with brushing, cytology, fluid
aspiration, biopsy and drug deliver y capabilities.

Electrocautery may also become possible. Diagnostic capsules will integrate

physiological measurements with nnagmg and optical biopsy, and immunologic cancer

recognition. Remote control movement will improve with the use of magnets and/or electro stimulation
and perhaps electromechanical niethods. External wireless commands will influence capsule diagnosis
and therapy and will increasingly entail the use of real-tinie imaging. However, it should be noted
that speculations about the future of technology in any detail are almost always wrong.

The development of the capsule endoscopy was made possible by miniaturization of

digital chip camera technology, especially CMOS chip technology. The continued reduction in
size, increases in pixel numbers and improvements in imaging with the two rival technologies-
CCD and CMOS is likely to change the nature of endoscopy. The current difterences ar e
becoming blurred and hybrids are emerging.The main pr essure is to reduce the component size, which
will release space that could be used for other capsule :functions such as biopsy, coagulation or
therapy. New engineering methods for constructing tiny moving parts, miniature actuators and even
motors into capsule endoscopes are being developed.

37 | P a g e
Although semi- conductor lasers that are small enough to swallow are available, the nature of lasers which
have typical inefficiencies of 100-1000 per cent makes the idea of a remote laser in a capsule capable of
stopping bleeding or cutting out a tumour seems to be something of a pipe dream at present, because of
power requirements

The construction of an electrosurgical generator small enough to swallow and powered by

small batteries is conceivable but currently difficult because of the limitations imposed by the internal
resistance of the batteries. It may be possible to store power in small capacitors for endosurgical use,
and the siz.e to capacity ratio of some capacitor s has recently been reduced by the use of tantalum
Small motors are currently available to move components such as biopsy devices but need radio-
controlled activators.

One limitation to therapeutic capsule endoscopy is the low mass of the capsule endoscope (3.7
g). A force exerted on tissue for example by biopsy forceps may push the capsule away from the
tissue. Opening small biopsy forceps to grasp tissue and pull it free will require different sohrtions to
those used at flexible endoscopy- the push force exerted during conventional biopsy is typically
about 100 g and the force to pull tissue free is about 400 g.

Future diagnostic developments are likely to include capsule gastroscopy, attachment to

the gut wall, ultrasound imaging, biopsy and cytology, propulsion methods and therapy including tissue
coagulation. Narrow band imaging and immunologically or chemically targeted optical recognition of
malignancy are currently being explored by two different groups supported by the

European Union as FP6 projects: -the VECTOR and NEMO projects. These acronyms stand for:
VECTOR = Versatile Endoscopic Capsule for gastrointestinal Tumour Recognition and therapy
and NEMO = Nano-based capsule-Endoscopy with Molecular Imaging and Optical biopsy.

The reason because of doctors rely more on camera pill than other types of endoscope is because
the former has the ability of taking pictures of small intestine which is not possible from the other
types of tests.

38 | P a g e

Wireless capsule endoscopy represents a significant technical breakthrough for the

investigation of the small bowel, especially in light of the shortcomings of other available techniques
to image this region. Capsule endoscopy has the potential for use in a wide range of patients with a
variety of illnesses. At present, capsule endoscopy seems best suited to patients with gastrointestinal
bleeding of unclear etiology who have had non-diagnostic traditional testing and whom the distal
small bowel(beyond reach of a push enetroscope) needs to be visualised.

The ability of the capsule to detect small lesions that could cause recurrent bleeding(eg.
tumours, ulcers) seems ideally suited for this particular role. Although a wide variety of indications
for capsule endoscopy are being investigated, other uses for the device should be considered
experimental at this time and should be performed in the context of clinical trials.

Care must be taken in patient selection, and the images obtained must be interpreted
approximately and not over read that is, not all abnormal findings encountered are the source of
patient's problem Still, in the proper context, capsule endoscopy can provide valuable information
and assist in the management of patients with difficult -to- diagnose small bowel disease.

In this study capsule endoscopy was supenor to push enteroscopy in the diagnosis of recurrent
bleeding in patients who had a negative gastroscopy and colonoscopy. It was safe and well tolerated
Wireless capsule endoscopy represents a significant technical breakthrough for the investigation
of the small bowel, especially in light of the shortcomings of other available techniques to image this
region. The capsule endoscopy seems best suited to patients with gastrointestinal bleeding of
unclearetiology who have had nondiagnostic traditional testing and m whom the distal small
bowel(beyond reach of a push enteroscope) needs to be visualized

39 | P a g e

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