Ucsp Handout 4
Ucsp Handout 4
Ucsp Handout 4
Non-state institutions are those owned by private individuals. Their concern is mostly
that of individual welfare or that of a group of individuals.
1. Banks
Banks are financial institutions playing a great role in the economic growth of a nation.
Banks serve as intermediaries between those with excess funds and those who need funds.
Banks accept deposits from individuals who view these as their savings or investments.
Meanwhile, businesspeople go to banks to borrow money to grow their business.
While majority of banks in the country are privately owned, there are few which are
owned by the state. Apart from performing specialized functions, these government-owned
banks serve as depository of the state from which payment of salaries of public officials and
other expenditures are drawn.
2. Corporations
Having an artificial personality means that a corporation is accorded certain rights and
privileges similar to that of a natural person such as owning property in its name and having
the right to sue and be sued.
3. Cooperatives
Cooperatives are very similar to corporations in almost all aspects. Membership in both
are voluntary. Both organizations require members or shareholders to contribute money
known as their share capital. The amount contributed is basically the basis for profit distribution
in an equitable manner.
While corporations are created either for profit or non-profit objectives, cooperatives
are for profit only.
4. Trade Unions
Trade unions, labor unions or labor organizations are groups of workers within a
particular workplace. Their aim is to advance the interest of their members or the workers in
general. They negotiate with management or their employer for favorable benefits such as fair
wage, additional benefits and good working condition among others. Trade unions are
common in large companies employing hundreds of employees.
6. Development agencies
One private development agency in the Philippines partners with homeless people in
the building and construction of their houses.
7. International organizations
Our country has been a member of several international organizations such as the
United Nations (UN), the ASEAN, the World Trade Organizations and the Asia Pacific
Economic Cooperation (APEC) to name a few.