Overview of Antepartum Fetal Assessment - UpToDate
Overview of Antepartum Fetal Assessment - UpToDate
Overview of Antepartum Fetal Assessment - UpToDate
All topics are updated as new evidence becomes available and our peer
review process is complete.
Tests for antepartum fetal assessment are based on the
premise that the fetus responds to slowly progressive
(chronic) hypoxemia with a detectable sequence of
biophysical changes, beginning with signs of physiological
adaptation and potentially ending with signs of physiological
decompensation ( figure 1) [1,2]. Studies in animal models
support this premise by demonstrating that fetal biophysical
activities (eg, heart rate, movement, breathing, tone) are
sensitive to fetal oxygen and pH levels, and changes in fetal
biophysical activities occur in response to, or in association
with, hypoxemia and acidemia [3]. However, fetal biophysical
parameters can be affected by factors unrelated to
hypoxemia, such as gestational age, maternal medication,
maternal smoking, fetal sleep-wake cycles, and fetal
Antepartum fetal assessment has had an established role in
obstetric practice since the 1970s [4], although its ability to
improve pregnancy outcome has not been evaluated by large,
well-designed randomized trials [5]. Efficacy is based
primarily on two lines of evidence: (1) observational studies
that reported lower rates of fetal death in pregnancies that
underwent fetal testing than among historic controls with the
same indication for testing but no fetal testing and (2) the
same or lower rates of fetal death in tested pregnancies
(primarily high risk) than in a contemporary untested general
obstetric population (primarily low risk) [6-10].
● Potential benefits:
● Potential harms:
● Uncertain effects:
Cardiotocographic techniques
The main advantage of the NST over the CST is that it does
not require an intravenous line, oxytocin, or contractions.
Disadvantages are that the false-negative and false-positive
rates are higher than for the CST (a false-negative NST is
when an antepartum stillbirth occurs within one week of a
reactive test; a false-positive NST is a nonreactive test that is
followed by a normal back-up test, such as a negative CST or
high biophysical profile [BPP] score) ( table 1) [6,23]. (See
"Nonstress test and contraction stress test", section on
'Nonstress test'.)
Sonographic techniques
The false-negative rates for the BPP and mBPP are very low,
but the false-positive rates are high ( table 1) (a false-
negative BPP or mBPP is when an antepartum stillbirth
occurs within one week of a high score; a false positive is a
low score that is followed by a normal back-up test).
Performance of the BPP and mBPP are described in detail
separately. (See "Biophysical profile test for antepartum fetal
Doppler velocimetry
Overview — Measurement of blood flow velocities in
the maternal and fetal vessels provides information about
uteroplacental blood flow and fetal responses to physiologic
challenges. Abnormal vascular development of the placenta,
such as in preeclampsia, results in progressive hemodynamic
changes in the fetoplacental circulation. Doppler indices from
the umbilical artery increase when 60 to 70 percent of the
placental vascular tree is compromised [30]; eventually, fetal
middle cerebral artery impedance falls and fetal aortic
resistance rises to preferentially direct blood to the fetal brain
and heart [31,32]. Ultimately, end diastolic flow in the
umbilical artery ceases or reverses and resistance increases in
the fetal venous system (ductus venosus, inferior vena cava)
[2,32-34]. These changes occur over variable periods of time
and correlate with fetal acidosis [35].
Although observational studies have described the use of the
nonstress test (NST), contraction stress test (CST), and
biophysical profile score (BPP) for monitoring high-risk
pregnancies, no method has been evaluated in well-designed
randomized trials, and it is not clear which method, if any, is
superior. The choice depends on multiple factors, including
gestational age (up to 50 percent of NSTs are not reactive in
healthy 24- to 28-week fetuses [53]), availability, desire for
fetal biometry or follow-up of a congenital anomaly, ability to
monitor the fetal heart rate (eg, the NST and CST may not be
interpretable in a fetus with an arrhythmia), and cost.
● Tests:
18. Frey HA, Odibo AO, Dicke JM, et al. Stillbirth risk among
fetuses with ultrasound-detected isolated congenital
anomalies. Obstet Gynecol 2014; 124:91.
39. Karsdorp VH, van Vugt JM, van Geijn HP, et al. Clinical
significance of absent or reversed end diastolic velocity
waveforms in umbilical artery. Lancet 1994; 344:1664.
40. Alfirevic Z, Stampalija T, Gyte GM. Fetal and umbilical
Doppler ultrasound in high-risk pregnancies. Cochrane
Database Syst Rev 2013; :CD007529.
41. Alfirevic Z, Stampalija T, Medley N. Fetal and umbilical
Doppler ultrasound in normal pregnancy. Cochrane
Database Syst Rev 2015; :CD001450.
58. Lagrew DC, Pircon RA, Towers CV, et al. Antepartum fetal
surveillance in patients with diabetes: when to start? Am
J Obstet Gynecol 1993; 168:1820.
59. Pircon RA, Lagrew DC, Towers CV, et al. Antepartum
testing in the hypertensive patient: when to begin. Am J
Obstet Gynecol 1991; 164:1563.
Reproduced with permission from Maulik D. Doppler velocimetry for fetal surveillance
perinatal outcome and fetal hypoxia. In: Maulik D (Ed), Doppler Ultrasound in Obstet
Gynecology, 1997; 349 New York, Springer Verlag. Copyright © 1997 Springer-Verlag.
Graphic 56906 Version 3.0
Interpretation and outcome of various
antenatal fetal testing methods
Results/ False
Name Components
scoring negativ
Equivocal -
Intermittent late
decelerations or
significant variable
Equivocal -
Decelerations with
occurring more
frequently than
every 2 minutes or
lasting >90s
Unsatisfactory: <3
contractions in 10
minutes or
FHR tracing
<32w: Reaching
10 bpm above
baseline and
lasting ≥10s
Nonreactive NST
and/or maximum
vertical AF pocket
≤2 cm
s: seconds; NST: nonstress test; AFI: amniotic fluid index; FHR:
fetal heart rate; w: weeks; bpm: beats per minute.
* Stillbirth rate was derived from large series and corrected for
lethal congenital anomalies and unpredictable causes of fetal
1. Freeman RK, Anderson G, Dorchester W. A prospective multi-
institutional study of antepartum fetal heart rate monitoring. II.
Contraction stress test versus nonstress test for primary surveillance.
Am J Obstet Gynecol 1982; 143:778.
2. Lagrew DC Jr. The contraction stress test. Clin Obstet Gynecol 1995;
3. Platt LD, Walla CA, Paul RH, et al. A prospective trial of the fetal
biophysical profile versus the nonstress test in the management of
high-risk pregnancies. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1985; 153:624.
4. Lavery JP. Nonstress fetal heart rate testing. Clin Obstet Gynecol 1982;
5. Phelan JP, Cromartie AD, Smith CV. The nonstress test: the false negative
test. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1982; 142:293.
6. Rochard F, Schifrin BS, Goupil F, et al. Nonstressed fetal heart rate
monitoring in the antepartum period. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1976;
7. Boehm FH, Salyer S, Shah DM, Vaughn WK. Improved outcome of twice
weekly nonstress testing. Obstet Gynecol 1986; 67:566.
8. Manning FA, Morrison I, Harman CR, et al. Fetal assessment based on
fetal biophysical profile scoring: experience in 19,221 referred high-risk
pregnancies. II. An analysis of false-negative fetal deaths. Am J Obstet
Gynecol 1987; 157:880.
9. Manning FA, Morrison I, Lange IR, et al. Fetal assessment based on
fetal biophysical profile scoring: experience in 12,620 referred high-risk
pregnancies. I. Perinatal mortality by frequency and etiology. Am J
Obstet Gynecol 1985; 151:343.
10. Dayal AK, Manning FA, Berck DJ, et al. Fetal death after normal
biophysical profile score: An eighteen-year experience. Am J Obstet
Gynecol 1999; 181:1231.
11. Miller DA, Rabello YA, Paul RH. The modified biophysical profile:
antepartum testing in the 1990s. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1996; 174:812.
12. Clark SL, Sabey P, Jolley K. Nonstress testing with acoustic stimulation
and amniotic fluid volume assessment: 5973 tests without unexpected
fetal death. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1989; 160:694.
13. Nageotte MP, Towers CV, Asrat T, et al. The value of a negative
antepartum test: contraction stress test and modified biophysical
profile. Obstet Gynecol 1994; 84:231.
14. Vintzileos AM, Knuppel RA. Multiple parameter biophysical testing in
the prediction of fetal acid-base status. Clin Perinatol 1994; 21:823.
Zero points are assigned for any criteria not met. A score of
10/10, 8/8 (nonstress test not done), or 8/10 (including +2
points for amniotic fluid) is a normal test result. A score of 6/10
(including +2 points for amniotic fluid) is an equivocal test
result, as a significant possibility of developing fetal asphyxia
cannot be excluded. A score of 6/10 or 8/10 with
oligohydramnios (0 points for amniotic fluid) is an abnormal
test, and further assessment and correlation with the clinical
setting are indicated. A score of 0 to 4/10 is abnormal; the risk
of fetal asphyxia within one week is high if there is no
intervention, and delivery is usually indicated. Refer to
UpToDate topic on the fetal biophysical profile for additional
FHR: fetal heart rate; bpm: beats per minute.
The correlation was linear, inverse, and very significant (R2 0.912; p
Data from: Manning FA. Dynamic ultrasound-based fetal assessment: The fetal
biophysical profile score. Clin Obstet Gynecol 1995; 38:26.