Syllabus Civil Engg (Tech Edu Deptt)
Syllabus Civil Engg (Tech Edu Deptt)
Syllabus Civil Engg (Tech Edu Deptt)
Lecturer-Civil Engineering
Technical Education
Building Technology and Construction Management
Building materials; Stone, Brick, Tiles, Lime & Surkhi, Cement, Mortar, Concrete, Steel and Wood; Introduction to Glass, Paint, Plastics, Aluminum, Reinforced and Fiber reinforced cement concrete; Ferro cement. Brick and stone masonry, brick bonds and type of walls; Lintels and Arches; flat and pitched roofs; Plastering, pointing, flooring, damp, sound and fire proofing, Expansion and construction joints; Centering and shuttering; Stairs and Lifts; Doors & Windows; Load bearing and framed structure construction. Building bye laws. Bar charts, Milestone charts, preparation of construction schedules; CPM & PERT. Crashing of networks.
Fluid Mechanics
Properties of fluids; Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids; Principles of fluid statics; Kinematics of flow; Equations of motion; Energy and momentum-applications; flow measurement in pipes and open channels; Dimensional analysis and similitude; Introduction to boundary layer theory, Laminar and turbulent flow through pipes. Performance parameters of pumps and turbines.
Environmental Engineering
Water supply; Demand; sources; Quality standards; Water treatment: Coagulation, flocculation, settling, filtration; Water softening; Iron, Manganese, Fluoride and Nitrate removal; Electro-dialysis, R.O. and Ion exchange process, Desalination. Water distribution system design and storage, Pumping stations. Sewerage system; Layout and design; Characteristics of municipal wastewater; Wastewater Treatment: Treatment scheme; Activated sludge process; Trickling filters; RBC, UASB; Statbilization ponds and lagoons; Septic tank; sludge handling and disposal. Basics of noise pollution, Measurement of noise, standards, noise abatement. Basics of Air Pollution and its ill effects on human beings.
Transportation Engineering
Highway Material & Testing: Properties of subgrade soil, stone aggregates & bituminous material, significance, method & applications of various tests on soil, stone aggregate and bitumen. Geometric Design: Highway classification, design, cross-sectional elements, horizontal & vertical alignment, sight distance, types of road crossings, roundabout, grade-separated intersections. Traffic Engineering: Traffic flow characteristics; Traffic studies and their significance. Geometric improvement of intersections. Traffic Control & Parking studies: General principles & types of traffic signs, advantages & disadvantages of traffic signals, signal phases, requirements & design standards for on street parking, offstreet parking. Highway construction and pavement design: Design of Highway Pavements: Design of pavements; C.B.R. and G.I. method; Westergaards analysis of wheel load stresses in rigid pavement; I.R.C. design method for concrete pavement. Road Construction: Methods of constructing different types of roads viz. earth roads, gravel roads, WBM and WMM roads, bituminous and concrete roads. Railway Engineering: Introduction; Gauges; right of way, gradient, Resistance to traction and stresses in track; Track component parts their functions and requirements viz. Rails; Sleepers; Ballasts. Geometric design of railway track, super elevation, points and crossing; requirement of rail joints. Airport Engineering: Site selection; Airport classification; layout, zoning laws; Runway orientation and geometric design of runway.
Solid Mechanics
Elastic constants, stress, plane stress, Mohrs circle of stress, strains, plane strain, Mohrs circle of strain, combined stress; Elastic theories of failure; Simple bending, shear; Torsions of circular and rectangular sections and simple members.
Structural analysis
Slopes and deflections in determinate beams using conjugate beam method and moment area method; Maxwells reciprocal theorem; Bettis theorem; Castiglianos theorems; Strain energy expressions; Strain energy method and virtual work (unit load). Static indeterminacy; Force method, Three moment theorem; Column analogy method; Application to statically determinate structures; Muller Breslaus principle.
Note :- Pattern of Question Paper 1. Objective type paper 2. Maximum Marks : 100 3. Number of Questions : 100 4. Duration of Paper : Two Hours 5. All questions carry equal marks. 6. There will be Negative Marking.