Vasoplegic Syndrome Following Cardiothoracic Surgery Review of Pathophysiology and Update of Treatment Options
Vasoplegic Syndrome Following Cardiothoracic Surgery Review of Pathophysiology and Update of Treatment Options
Vasoplegic Syndrome Following Cardiothoracic Surgery Review of Pathophysiology and Update of Treatment Options
Vasoplegic syndrome is a common occurrence following cardiothoracic surgery and is characterized as a high-
output shock state with poor systemic vascular resistance. The pathophysiology is complex and includes
dysregulation of vasodilatory and vasoconstrictive properties of smooth vascular muscle cells. Specific bypass
machine and patient factors play key roles in occurrence. Research into treatment of this syndrome is limited and
extrapolated primarily from that pertaining to septic shock, but is evolving with the expanded use of
catecholamine-sparing agents. Recent reports demonstrate potential benefit in novel treatment options, but large
clinical trials are needed to confirm.
Keywords: Vasoplegic syndrome, Shock, De-catecholaminization, Hydroxocobalamin, Angiotensin II,
Cardiopulmonary bypass
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Busse et al. Critical Care (2020) 24:36 Page 2 of 11
a large number of comorbidities, warmer core temperatures as the exposure of blood to foreign surfaces inside of the
while on bypass, and a longer duration on bypass [10]. CPB circuit stimulates the release of inflammatory medi-
ators, such as interleukin-1 (IL-1), interleukin-6 (IL-6),
Pathophysiology and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF). These cytokines
The mechanism by which CPB leads to vasoplegia is stimulate the locus coeruleus and the hypothalamic
multifactorial and depends on several patient character- pituitary-adrenal axis in the paraventricular nucleus
istics as well as the nature of the surgical procedure. A which over time leads to adrenoreceptor desensitization
simplified schematic of the pathophysiology of vasople- and a proinflammatory state [11]. These inflammatory
gia is presented as Fig. 1. In healthy humans, contraction mediators can also potentiate the production of nitric
of vascular smooth muscle occurs as a response to rising oxide (NO), which is vasodilatory, and in excess, can re-
levels of intracellular calcium. Increased levels of intra- sult in vasoplegic shock. Consequently, norepinephrine
cellular calcium cause a cascade of events starting with is released from sympathetic nerves located in lymphoid
myosin phosphorylation leading to myosin-actin fila- organs, epinephrine and cortisol are released from the
ment crosslinking and vasoconstriction. The influx of adrenal cortex, arginine vasopressin (AVP) is released
cytoplasmic calcium is generated by agonism of G- from the hypothalamic axis, and angiotensin II is upreg-
protein coupled receptors via catecholamines (alpha-1 ulated as part of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone axis
adrenergic receptor), arginine vasopressin (vasopressin-1 [12]. As shock persists, there is subsequent depletion of
receptor), and angiotensin II (angiotensin type-1 recep- these hormones. This has been elucidated with AVP spe-
tor) [11]. This mechanism is dysregulated during CPB, cifically [13–15]. Landry et al. found that endogenous
Fig. 1 Pathophysiology of vasoplegia. Physiologic contraction of vascular smooth muscle occurs in response to intracellular calcium, which cause
myosin phosphorylation leading to myosin-actin filament crosslinking and vasoconstriction. Cytoplasmic calcium is increased through alpha-1
adrenergic receptor, vasopressin-1 receptor, and angiotensin type-1 receptor activation. Inflammatory mediators released during cardiopulmonary
bypass can lead to adrenoreceptor desensitization, an immediate increase in vasoconstrictive mediators with subsequent depletion, and the
production of nitric oxide (NO). NO leads to an increase in cGMP, which inhibits calcium into cells, leading to muscle relaxation. NO also activates
ATP-sensitive potassium channels (KATP), leading to hyperpolarization and inhibited vasoconstriction
Busse et al. Critical Care (2020) 24:36 Page 3 of 11
vasopressin acutely increases in a hypotensive state Patient- and treatment-specific factors also contribute
followed by decreasing concentrations leading to relative to the development of vasoplegia following CPB. Argen-
AVP deficiency [13]. AVP is of particular importance in ziano et al. examined 145 patients undergoing CPB and
vasoplegic syndrome, due to its ability to neutralize the found that left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) <
effects of NO and decrease NO production [6]. 35% was independently associated with the development
NO is produced from L-arginine by nitric oxide syn- of post-CPB vasodilatory shock [20]. This correlation
thase (NOS) enzymes. NOS enzymes are differentiated may be due in part to a sustained inflammatory state
based on location and levels of activity. Constitutive caused by chronic tissue hypoperfusion and ischemia
endothelial NOS (eNOS) provides a baseline constant that is common in patients with heart failure with re-
production of NO in endothelial cells which can rapidly duced LVEF. The authors also found the use of
diffuse into vascular smooth muscle cells and exert its angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors prior to
effects. Inducible NOS (iNOS) is stimulated via inflam- CPB to be an independent predictor of post-CPB vaso-
matory cytokines and can lead to significantly higher dilatory shock [20]. ACE inhibitors are commonly used
levels of NO compared to eNOS, up to 1000-fold [11, medications in this patient population, and other com-
16]. NO increases vasodilation via multiple methods. It mon medications include beta blockers and calcium
activates guanalyl cyclase, an enzyme found in the vascu- channel blockers, which may also be associated with in-
lar smooth muscle that catalyzes the dephosphorylation creased risk of vasoplegia [4, 20–22]. The use of vaso-
of guanosine triphosphate to cyclic guanosine monopho- dilatory inotropes such as dobutamine or milrinone,
sphate (cGMP), by binding to the heme moiety of the common both before and after cardiac surgery, may con-
enzyme. cGMP inhibits calcium entry via voltage-gated tribute to vasoplegic shock [23]. In addition, patients re-
channels and activates cGMP-dependent protein kinases ceiving vasopressors prior to cardiac surgery are also at
leading to dephosphorylation of myosin light chains, increased risk [4].
leading to muscle relaxation [7]. NO also activates ATP- CPB circulatory strategies may contribute to the vaso-
sensitive potassium channels (KATP), which creates a plegic state. Recirculated blood intraoperatively is associ-
hyperpolarized state [15]. In a hyperpolarized state, the ated with increased inflammatory mediators [24].
secondary intracellular cascade leading to vasoconstric- Cytokine release can occur as a result of hemolysis and
tion is inhibited despite activation of G-protein coupled the release of free hemoglobin and can be minimized
receptors. using blood purification techniques [25]. Blood washing
CPB-induced inflammatory mediators stimulate iNOS can be accomplished using a number of mechanisms, in-
and cause increased release of NO, leading to profound cluding hemodialysis, adsorption, absorption, and anti-
vasodilation [17–19]. This inflammatory response is body-mediated removal and have been previously de-
similar to the systemic inflammatory response syndrome scribed [26, 27]. Some of these technologies (e.g., Cyto-
(SIRS) that occurs most notably in sepsis and is further Sorb®, CytoSorbents Corporation, New Jersey, USA) are
compounded by the innate inflammatory response to not universally available. Circuit characteristics may also
surgical trauma, yielding increased inflammation and mitigate or exacerbate vasoplegia, and strategies such as
subsequent loss of vascular tone [18]. As CPB continues, smaller circuit size or biocompatible circuit coatings
a secondary immune response occurs as a result of the have been postulated as ways to reduce inflammation.
reinfusion of blood from the thoracic cavity through Reduced circuit exposure using minimal extracorporeal
the CPB circuit [5]. A combination of hemolyzed red circulation (MECC) was compared to conventional
blood cells, platelets, and recirculated denatured pro- extracorporeal circulation in a meta-analysis of 24 stud-
teins stimulates a secondary immune response. When ies and found to be associated with improved short-term
non-pulsatile CPB is discontinued and pulsatile tissue outcomes [28]. However, a 2014 systematic review found
reperfusion re-occurs, a microvascular ischemia- that only 3 of 8 studies evaluating MECC cited a clinical
reperfusion injury leads to further NO production benefit [29]. Coated circuits mimic the body’s innate
and vasodilation [5, 6]. endothelial surface via different types of biocompatible
In severe cases of vasoplegia, norepinephrine re- molecules (e.g., heparin, poly2-methoxyethylacrylate)
sponsiveness may be blunted by a number of mecha- and are hypothesized to reduce cytokine activation
nisms. Adrenergic receptors become phosphorylated resulting from blood cell contact with the circuit surface.
inhibiting binding of catecholamines, and increased There is some evidence that supports the use of biocom-
production of NO interferes with adrenergic receptor patible circuitry. A systematic review by Ranucci et al.
activation [11]. These factors in combination with concluded that coated circuits were associated with a
AVP deficiency, acidosis, and cell membrane hyperpo- lower rate of transfusion, atrial fibrillation, and a shorter
larization secondary to KATP channel stimulation all ICU length of stay [30]. A more recent review noted in-
contribute to the vasoplegic state. flammatory suppression in 12 studies, with six reporting
Busse et al. Critical Care (2020) 24:36 Page 4 of 11
a clinical benefit [29]. Despite this, in clinical practice conversely, may worsen heart rate, myocardial oxygen
most bypass circuits are not heparin bonded. consumption, and the likelihood of arrhythmia, and
phenylephrine may worsen systolodiastolic function and
Treatment ventriculoarterial coupling [32]. A 2006 systematic re-
Non-mechanical (i.e., blood purification or CPB circuit) view that compared multiple agents for treatment of
treatment options for vasoplegic syndrome include ele- vasoplegia including norepinephrine, dopamine, and
ments of the sympathetic nervous system (catechol- phenylephrine concluded that no particular vasopressor
amines), the arginine-vasopressin system (vasopressin), was superior to any other, but did recommend that a
and the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (angioten- second agent with a different mechanism of action
sin II), as well as moderators of NO and/or inflamma- should be used if blood pressure goals could not be
tion (methylene blue, hydroxocobalamin, vitamin C, achieved [33]. The use of norepinephrine specifically for
thiamine and corticosteroids). A comprehensive list of vasoplegia was evaluated as part of the Vasoplegic Shock
all of these agents is presented as Table 1. after Cardiac Surgery (VANCS) trial, which compared
norepinephrine to vasopressin as first-line therapy in pa-
Catecholamines tients recovering from cardiac surgery [34]. In this trial,
Catecholamines (specifically norepinephrine) have long the primary endpoint of a composite of mortality or se-
been considered first-line therapy in shock. Data sup- vere complications (stroke, requirement for mechanical
porting the use of these agents is primarily focused on ventilation for longer than 48 h, deep sternal wound in-
the septic shock population, with limited evaluation in fection, reoperation, or acute renal failure) within 30
the vasoplegic population. Norepinephrine and epineph- days was more likely in the norepinephrine group 49%
rine agonize the alpha-1 receptor located on vascular vs. 32%, unadjusted hazard ratio 0.55; 95% CI 0.38 to
smooth muscle resulting in an influx of calcium and 0.80; p = 0.0014). However, norepinephrine did not differ
subsequently vascular contraction. Compared to nor- from vasopressin with respect to mortality, and the dif-
epinephrine, epinephrine has a more potent agonistic ef- ferences in this endpoint were driven by more
fect on the beta-1 receptor which may increase inotropy arrhythmia and acute kidney injury specifically. Be this
but may also increase the risk of tachycardia, which is as it may, higher doses of any catecholamine may be as-
not desirable in patients following cardiac surgery. With sociated with immunosuppression, an increase in myo-
regard to the optimal catecholamine agent for the vaso- cardial oxygen demand, interference with cellular energy
plegia population, norepinephrine may be most toler- metabolism, oxidative stress, arrhythmias, and risk of ne-
ated. Norepinephrine has been shown to be less crosis secondary to severe peripheral vasoconstriction
arrhythmogenic than dopamine [31]. Epinephrine, [35]. All of these factors have led cardiac surgeons to
attempt to minimize catecholamines in lieu of non- catecholamines after CPB as well as duration of vaso-
catecholamine options. pressor therapy [44].
Lower doses (0.04 units/min) of vasopressin may act to
Vasopressin replete deficient stores of AVP in the post-operative
Vasopressin is a synthetic form of AVP, also known as period, but escalating doses of vasopressin are used fre-
anti-diuretic hormone (ADH), with selective activity for quently. Higher doses have questionable benefit and
the V1 receptor located on vascular smooth muscle. It carry an increased risk of ischemia [45]. Despite this,
causes smooth muscle contraction via a G-protein doses higher than 0.06 units/min are often used in place
coupled receptor agonism, which stimulates a of escalating catecholamines and may reflect the emer-
phosphatidylinositol-calcium signaling pathway and ging belief in the benefit of de-catecholaminization.
water reabsorption via aquaporin-2 water channels
through an increase in cyclic AMP [36]. Vasopressin
may also modulate the production of NO as well as po- Ascorbic acid, thiamine, and corticosteroids
tentiate the adrenergic response to stress [5]. ADH is A combination of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), thiamine,
synthesized in the pituitary gland and released in re- and corticosteroids may mitigate vasoplegia via a num-
sponse to hypotension or increased osmolarity [37]. ber of mechanisms. Ascorbic acid is a cofactor for pro-
Vasopressin may be particularly attractive in vasoplegia duction of endogenous catecholamines, but is not
due to the depletion that occurs during CPB. Argenziano synthesized by humans [46]. Its antioxidative properties
et al. evaluated 145 post-CPB patients and found a sig- may counteract excessive production of reactive oxygen
nificantly lower AVP level in those patients with vaso- species, which are known to cause decreased vascular
plegia (12.0 ± 6.6 vs. 29.3 ± 15.0, P = .004) [20]. Reasons tone and endothelial injury [47, 48]. .In animal models,
for reduction in AVP during CPB are multifactorial, but intravenous ascorbic acid was shown to improve arteri-
may include the neurohumoral effects of elevated car- olar responsiveness to vasoconstrictors and decrease
diac filling pressures pre-operatively, elevations in atrial microvascular permeability [49, 50]. However, when
natriuretic peptide (ANP), or autonomic dysregulation given at high doses, ascorbic acid may result in hyperox-
[20, 38, 39]. aluria. Thiamine has been shown to decrease the conver-
Like catecholamines, vasopressin has been evaluated sion of ascorbic acid to oxalate preventing hyperoxaluria
primarily in patients with septic shock and has not and also improves clearance of lactate by acting as a co-
shown a benefit in mortality [40, 41]. However, a recent factor for metabolism of lactate by lactate dehydrogenase
meta-analysis found a significantly lower incidence of [51]. Glucocorticoids inhibit the arachidonic acid path-
adverse events such as atrial fibrillation and need for way, nuclear translocation of NF-kB transcription factor,
renal replacement therapy [42]. As part of the aforemen- synthesis of iNOS and COX2, and increase genetic ex-
tioned VANCS trial, Hajjar et al. evaluated vasopressin pression of adrenergic receptors which have previously
versus norepinephrine as first-line therapy in the treat- been downregulated [52–54]. They may also work syner-
ment of vasoplegic syndrome post-cardiothoracic sur- gistically with ascorbic acid to increase catecholamine
gery. The composite outcome of mortality or severe synthesis, improve endothelial function, and increase
complications was significantly lower in the vasopressin vasopressor sensitivity [55–57].
group, which was driven by a lower incidence of atrial This three-drug regimen was recently evaluated in a
fibrillation and acute renal failure [34]. The incidence of retrospective study of patients with sepsis or septic
atrial fibrillation in the catecholamine group was greater shock [58]. Marik et al. demonstrated a significant im-
than 80%, higher than a recently reported randomized provement in mortality as well as a rapid and significant
trial comparing percutaneous coronary intervention to reduction in vasopressor requirements in a retrospective
coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) [43]. This may cohort of patients receiving 6 g of ascorbic acid, 200 mg
be due to higher catecholamine maximum ranges com- hydrocortisone, and 400 mg thiamine daily in divided
pared to typical practice patterns. Prior to VANCS, doses. Large-scale evaluations of ascorbic acid, thiamine,
smaller trials have demonstrated an improvement in and corticosteroids are currently ongoing. Evidence sup-
MAP and a decrease in catecholamine vasopressor re- porting the use of ascorbic acid in the setting of CPB is
quirements without an increase in adverse effects [20, scant. A recent pilot trial evaluating intravenous vitamin
44]. Argenziano et al. showed that vasopressin adminis- C after cardiac surgery showed no statistically improved
tered to 40 post-CPB patients with vasoplegia increased time to resolution of vasoplegia, norepinephrine dose, or
MAP and reduced the requirement for catecholamine ICU stay [59]. Extracorporeal circulation is known to re-
pressor agents in all patients [20]. Likewise, Morales duce levels of ascorbic acid [60]. In a case series of three
et al. showed that in patients receiving ACE inhibitors cardiac surgery patients, Wieruszewski et al. noted a re-
preoperatively, vasopressin reduced the need for duction in vasopressor requirements in all three patients
Busse et al. Critical Care (2020) 24:36 Page 6 of 11
after the administration of ascorbic acid [51]. Two of the some during CPB, and yet others postoperatively. The
three patients did not require vasopressor support at 24 h. preoperative administration of MB was formally evalu-
Corticosteroids alone may help to re-establish blood ated by Ozal et al. in 2005 in a cohort of 100 high-risk
pressure in vasoplegic syndrome, though studies have patients undergoing CABG who were randomized to ei-
primarily focused on a septic shock population [61–65]. ther MB 2 mg/kg given 1 h prior to surgery, or control
Experimental studies have shown restoration of vascular [71]. SVR significantly improved, norepinephrine re-
responsiveness to vasopressors, believed to be due to quirements were significantly reduced, and clinical signs
multiple pathways both genetic and non-genetic [11]. of vasoplegia were less common in the MB group versus
However, at this time, few clinical trials have evaluated control. ICU/hospital length of stay was also reduced. Of
the use of corticosteroids specifically for treatment of note, this trial excluded patients with LVEF < 35%, a
vasoplegic syndrome. Smaller studies have previously substantial limitation as this criterion is an independent
shown a decrease in inflammatory response associated risk factor for post-CPB vasoplegia development.
with CPB [66]. More recently, two larger clinical trials Intraoperative MB administration has been more ex-
demonstrated no benefit with the use of methylpredniso- tensively defined in the literature. Ribeiro et al. prospect-
lone or dexamethasone intraoperatively, but outcomes ively examined intraoperative MB use in a 60-patient
evaluated were not specific to blood pressure response or cohort randomized to MB 2 mg/kg administered over 6
vasoplegic syndrome [67, 68]. The use of corticosteroids h or control [72]. The MB group had significantly higher
in the setting of cardiac surgery may be associated with diastolic blood pressures and SVR at 3 and 6 h respect-
delayed wound healing and poor glycemic control [6]. ively. They also noted lower TNF-alpha and NO levels
However, hydrocortisone 200 mg daily dose may be rea- post-CPB, suggesting reduced inflammation and vaso-
sonable in patients requiring prolonged doses of vasopres- dilation. Maslow et al. examined a 30-patient cohort tak-
sors to address any concerns for adrenal insufficiency. ing ACE inhibitors randomized to MB 3 mg/kg given
after initiation of CPB versus placebo. A significant rise
Methylene blue in MAP and reduced phenylephrine use was noted in
Methylene blue (MB) is indicated for use in the acute the MB group versus placebo, and lower lactate levels
management of methemoglobinemia, where in low con- would seem to indicate a favorable effect on peripheral
centrations it facilitates the conversion of methemoglobin tissue perfusion. No significant difference in PaO2 was
to hemoglobin. However, there is a growing body of evi- noted, indicating that MB did not impair gas exchange
dence that suggests it may have a role in the management in the patients examined [73]. Most recently, Mehaffey
of vasoplegia following CPB, among other vasodilatory et al. retrospectively examined 118 patients who received
shock syndromes. MB has been shown to increase vascu- MB for vasoplegia in the setting of CPB and noted that
lar smooth muscle tone [69]. Lenglet et al. proposed that mortality rates overall are high in patients who receive
the mechanism of action involves the inhibition of both MB, but that early administration of the drug (given in-
eNOS and guanylate cyclase which work in tandem with traoperatively) demonstrated favorable outcomes in re-
sympathetic vasopressors to reduce vasodilation and im- duced mortality and incidence of renal failure when
prove hemodynamic stability [70]. However, the use of compared with late administration (post-operatively)
MB may cause hemolytic anemia in patients with a [74]. Finally, Habib et al. evaluated MB use retrospect-
glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency, ively in 28 patients matched to historical controls and
which is essential for the metabolism of the drug. Like- found an improvement in mortality and time to discon-
wise, MB is a potent inhibitor of monoamine oxidase, and tinuation of all vasopressors in the MB group [75]. Im-
patients who are taking other serotonergic medications portantly, no dose-finding studies have ever evaluated
may be at risk of serotonin syndrome. Other notable side different doses of MB in patients with vasoplegia. The
effects include interference with co-oximetry, with the po- commonly utilized dose for shock of 2 mg/kg is extrapo-
tential to falsely lower apparent oxygen saturation due to lated from methemoglobinemia treatment (one intraven-
the inhibition of light transmission by the blue dye. ous infusion of 1–2 mg/kg).
Importantly, Leyh et al. noted dose-dependent cardiac
arrhythmias, coronary vasoconstriction, impaired gas ex- Hydroxocobalamin
change, and decreases in cardiac output, mesenteric, and Hydroxocobalamin is indicated in the treatment of cyan-
renal blood flow in patients who receive doses of MB ide toxicity and is noted to have a side effect of increased
greater than 2 mg/kg [9]. Despite these risks, MB has been blood pressure (CYANOKIT package insert (single 5-g
evaluated extensively for vasoplegic syndrome. vial), Columbia, MD: Meridian Medical Technologies,
The dosing and administration of MB for post-CPB Inc.; 2017). The mechanism of hydroxocobalamin-
vasoplegia varies widely in the available literature, with induced blood pressure response remains unknown, but
some patients receiving the drug prior to CPB initiation, is believed to be related to the NO pathway [76].
Busse et al. Critical Care (2020) 24:36 Page 7 of 11
Hydroxocobalamin is a potent direct inhibitor of NO as endothelial-bound ACE to angiotensin II. The numerous
well as NO synthase [77, 78]. Additionally, hydroxocoba- effects of angiotensin II include direct arterial vasocon-
lamin modifies innate hydrogen sulfide, an endothelial- striction by engagement of the AT-1 receptor on vascu-
bound endogenous vasodilator, increasing elimination lar smooth muscle, stimulation of aldosterone release,
[79]. Like MB, patients receiving hydroxocobalamin are increased ADH secretion, and increase in sympathetic
at risk for certain side effects, including chromaturia, activity [89]. Potentiation of aldosterone and ADH result
nausea, erythema, nephrolithiasis, lymphocytopenia, and in sodium and water retention which increases intravas-
infusion site reactions (CYANOKIT package insert cular volume and enhance blood pressure. Counter-
(single 5-g vial), Columbia, MD: Meridian Medical regulatory effects are mediated by engagement of angio-
Technologies, Inc.; 2017). Chromaturia may last several tensin II on the AT-2 receptor, which causes vasodila-
weeks and has the potential to interfere with tion as well as inotropy, in addition to the metabolism of
hemodialysis machines, causing false blood leak alarms angiotensin I to angiotensin 1–7, which is itself vasodila-
[79]. Importantly, hydroxocobalamin may also be associ- tory [90]. Angiotensin II in the setting of post-CPB
ated with acute renal failure by virtue of increased risk vasoplegia is particularly attractive, as extra-corporeal
of oxalate nephropathy [80]. circulation would be expected to bypass pulmonary cir-
Recently, case reports and series have demonstrated an culation and thereby limit exposure of angiotensin I to
increase in MAP in patients with vasoplegic syndrome ACE. A phase 3 clinical trial demonstrated a decrease in
when hydroxocobalamin is administered at a dose of 5 g need for catecholamine vasopressors and improvement
over 15 min [81–85]. The largest cohort of patients pub- in MAP in septic patients receiving angiotensin II [91].
lished found a variety of responses when used in refrac- A small number of these patients (n = 19) diagnosed
tory cases [76]. Of those 33 patients, nine patients had with vasoplegic syndrome post-cardiothoracic surgery
no response, and the rest either had an adequate initial were included in the trial. Of those patients, ten received
response, prolonged response, or had rebound angiotensin II with an adequate response in nine of the
hypotension within 2 h. Hydroxocobalamin was also ten. Evans et al. described the first case of the use of syn-
evaluated in a case report of two patients with vasoplegic thetic human angiotensin II for vasoplegia following
syndrome, in which a positive fluid balance was reversed CPB, and a subsequent recent case report described suc-
after administration [86]. Barker et al. compared the ef- cessful down-titration of catecholamines with the use of
fects of hydroxocobalamin to MB in 58 patients, 29 in angiotensin II in four patients with vasoplegia following
each group, and found similar response in MAP, vaso- CPB [92, 93].
pressor requirements at 1 h, time to discontinuation of
vasopressors, and length of stay, and a higher incidence Approach to treatment
of renal replacement therapy in patients receiving hydro- Currently, there are no data supporting one non-
xocobalamin compared to MB alone (PENDING PUBLI- catecholamine therapy over the others. A balanced ap-
CATION). However, a large number of these patients proach in the management of vasoplegic syndrome may
also received MB prior to hydroxocobalamin and were be optimal, allowing for lower doses of both catechol-
sicker in general. Similarly to MB, no dose-finding stud- amine and non-catecholamine therapies so as to avoid
ies of hydroxocobalamin in the vasoplegia population the dangers of toxicity [94–96]. Current Society of Thor-
have been completed. Dosing is extrapolated from the acic Surgeons (STS) guidelines refrain from addressing
treatment of cyanide poisoning (5 g administered by IV the treatment of vasoplegic syndrome, though there is a
infusion over 15 min × 1–2 doses). consensus statement recommending judicious use of
Importantly, the data on inhibition of NO synthase, the epinephrine in post-surgical arrest [97]. Of relevance,
proposed mechanism of action in both MB as well as the authors of this consensus statement argue against
hydroxocobalamin, is equivocal. The direct inhibitor of excessive epinephrine so as to avoid hypertension, a con-
NO synthase G-methyl-L-arginine hydrochloride was cept not totally unrelated to the idea of catecholamine
shown to resolve shock in patients with severe sepsis [87]. sparing. Based on the best available evidence, vasopres-
Conversely, Lopez et al. showed that iNOS inhibition was sin may be considered as a first-line non-catecholamine
associated with increased mortality in patients with septic agent in combination with catecholamines. While evi-
shock [88]. Accordingly, NO synthase inhibition as a dence is equivocal regarding the blood pressure effect of
therapeutic goal should be pursued with caution. vitamin C, thiamine, and steroids, these agents should
be considered when two or more vasopressors are re-
Angiotensin II quired to maintain adequate perfusion pressures, consid-
Angiotensin II is an endogenous peptide produced by ering the potential benefit and low risk associated with
the liver as angiotensinogen, and subsequently cleaved these therapies. The initiation of additional therapies is
by renin in the kidney to angiotensin I and by lung appropriate when perfusion goals cannot be met with
Busse et al. Critical Care (2020) 24:36 Page 8 of 11
Fig. 2 An approach to the treatment of vasoplegia. Non-catecholamine agents should be started at low doses, followed by non-catecholamine
agents, including vasopressin and methylene blue. Use of hydroxocobalamin and/or angiotensin II should be considered with increasing doses of
catecholamines. Clinical judgment should guide avoidance of certain agents if there is undue risk of side effects. All agents can be associated
with intolerance, and discontinuation of offending agent(s) should be made accordingly
norepinephrine and vasopressin alone. Attempts have the distributive shock population, with an unaccept-
been made to protocolize the approach to treatment of able level of mortality [95, 98].
vasoplegia [98]. Such algorithms highlight an emerging The authors’ approach to vasoplegia is presented as
consensus regarding the dangers of excessive catechol- Fig. 2. Non-catecholamine agents should be started at
amine use and feature lower doses of catecholamines as lower doses of catecholamines (0.1 mcg/kg/min), with
well as various non-catecholamine vasopressors. the first-line non-catecholamine agent being vasopressin,
Whether this would lead to improved outcomes is to be followed by methylene blue. Thereafter, hydroxocobala-
determined. Because of the number of options available, min and/or angiotensin II should be used once catechol-
protocols can become complicated, especially when amine doses reach 0.2 μg/kg/min. Care should be taken
including dose and titration recommendations, which to identify potential risk factors for intolerance or ad-
anecdotally has been problematic vis-a-vis multiple verse reaction, and avoidance or discontinuation of the
titratable options. Importantly, no standard of care exists offending agent should be made accordingly.
regarding the norepinephrine doses at which initiation Additionally, the response to each agent should be
of non-catecholamine therapy should begin. In a protocol evaluated, with discontinuation of any agent which yields
by Ortoleva et al., non-catecholamine therapy is an ineffective response (such as lack of an increase in
recommended to begin at norepinephrine doses of MAP or a concomitant up-titration of other agents). Fi-
0.5 μg/kg/min, which has been associated, at least in nally, attention should be paid to titration of adjustable
Table 2 Vasopressor titrationa
NE equivalentb (μg/kg/min) Vasopressin (U/min) Methylene bluec (mg/kg) Angiotensin II (ng/kg/min)d,e Hydroxycobalaminf (g)
If you have just titrated NE to: Make sure vaso is: Administer And titrate ang II to: Administer
< 0.05 < 0.07 No Ang II offc No
0.05–0.1 < 0.07 Yes 10c Yes
0.1–0.15 < 0.07 Yes 20 Yes
0.15–0.20 < 0.07 Yes 30 Yes
> 0.20 < 0.07 Yes 40 Yes
Titration driven by NE dosing, based on MAP goals
NE equivalent doses represented in Table 1
2 mg/kg IVP over 5 min or as IVPB over 20–60 min
Ang II maximum dose is 40 ng/kg/min
Always initiate Ang II at 10 ng/kg/min. In patients who are hyper responders or extremely hemodynamically dependent on Ang II, consider titrating down Ang II
to 5 ng/kg/min before titrating off
5 g infused over 15 min
Busse et al. Critical Care (2020) 24:36 Page 9 of 11
agents, so as to avoid excessive or prolonged use. A ti- 2. Mets B, Michler RE, Delphin ED, Oz MC, Landry DW. Refractory vasodilation
tration table is presented as Table 2. after cardiopulmonary bypass for heart transplantation in recipients on
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