New English For Business - And-Economics SB WS 2022

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7 Debate

Debating is a method of discussing and analysing issues. A formal debate is an organised,
structured and timed exchange of arguments between two teams or individuals. Each
debate has a topic (often controversial), also called a statement or motion. Two debating
teams take opposing sides of the topic, either affirmative (for) also called proposition
or negative (against) also called opposition and aim to persuade others to accept
or believe their arguments on a topic.
There are many kinds of debate. Typical real-world debates may be found in a court of law,
a parliament, during a presidential campaign, etc. The purpose is often to decide a future
plan. But debate is also used in classrooms as an educational exercise where the primary
purpose is educational training. There are also debating competitions and tournaments.
There are multiple formats a debate can follow. This is a basic debate structure:

●● A topic is chosen for each debate.

●● Teams are provided with time to prepare.
●● Each team is allocated a period of time they are allowed to speak for.
●● The teams take turns speaking for and against the topic, present their arguments
and rebut (attack) the arguments raised by the other team and defend their own.
●● The debate is then judged and the winner is announced.

1) Discuss these questions in pairs:

1. How is an argument different from a discussion?

2. What did you last discuss (at school)? What did you last argue about?
3. Have you ever had to put forward an argument about something?
4. Have you ever taken part in a debate?
5. In a classroom debate you will sometimes be asked to take a position with which you
do not personally agree. Did you have to defend an opinion that wasn’t your own?
If so, was it easy? Did it make you re-evaluate your own views?

7. Debate
2) What are the benefits of debating for students? What skills do they learn from

3) Look at the following nine steps that will be taken once the topic of the debate
has been decided and place them in a logical order:

1. Build arguments = develop sets of arguments that support the affirmative

and the negative position
2. Do research = in some cases, you can simply use your own knowledge, in most
debates you may need to find examples, facts, statistics, expert opinions to back up
your arguments
3. Judge the debate = the audience judges decide the winner and give feedback
to the debaters
4. Present the speeches = the two sides take turns delivering their speeches
and rebutting the other side’s arguments
5. Make a list of references = write down a list of books, articles and web pages dealing
with the topic
6. Analyse and interpret the topic = interpret the meaning and find potential issues
involved in it
7. Organise speeches = plan a logical and easy-to-follow organization of speeches
8. Organise the team = classroom debate is a team competition so teams should
organise their speakers and decide on the structure of their presentation, assign
the roles and turns between the members and decide the focus of each speaker
9. Prepare for rebuttal = try to anticipate the other side’s arguments and prepare
for them


1) Warm-up. In groups discuss the following:

●● Do you have or have you ever had any pets? What are / were they? What are / were they
like? If you have never had a pet, why not?
●● Why do you think people keep pets?
●● Which animals do you think make the best pets? Why?
●● What are the pros and cons of keeping a pet?
●● What is the most unusual pet you have seen?
●● Are you a cat or dog person?

Team of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.
2) Brainstorming arguments

Think about the topic “Cats make better pets than dogs.” Work in groups. Divide your
group into two teams. Each team must defend a different position (FOR or AGAINST).
Try to brainstorm as many reasons to support your position as possible in five minutes.

Arguments FOR Arguments AGAINST

●● ●●

●● ●●

●● ●●

●● ●●

●● ●●

●● ●●

When you have finished, look at the arguments you have written and select
the three strongest arguments using the following criteria:

Qualities of a strong reason:

●● it logically supports the opinion
●● it is important and directly related to the question
●● it is specific and states the idea clearly
●● it is convincing to a majority of people

3) Giving support for your arguments

The arguments should be supported with evidence. There are various kinds
of evidence:

●● Example: from your own experience or from what you have heard or read
●● Common sense: things that you believe everybody knows
●● Expert opinion: the opinions of experts – this comes from research
●● Statistics: numbers – this also comes from research

Practise developing your arguments by adding support to them. Use the three
strongest arguments you came up with in the previous exercise and support them
with evidence.

Use the following format:

I think/believe that ... make better pets than ... because/since ... (REASON) ... There are many
examples of this, for instance ... (SUPPORT/EVIDENCE) ... .

7. Debate
4) Predicting and rebutting the other team’s arguments

In the team try to predict some arguments that the opponents could use and prepare
short rebuttals for them.

They say that ... but we disagree because ... .

5) Watching a model debate

a) Watch a short model debate (

and write down the arguments used by both sides. How do they compare
with the arguments that you selected in the previous activities? Are they the same
or different? If different, are they better than yours?

b) The following chart gives an overview of how the debate is organised. How
are the speakers taking turns? What happens at each stage of the debate?
Complete the following chart:

The proposition opens the debate and presents the strongest argument.

The audience ask questions.

The opposition makes a final speech.

c) Watch the sample debate again and listen to how the speakers support their
arguments and how they rebut the arguments used by the opponents. Make
notes in the grey fields in the following table:

Team of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.
Cats make better pets than dogs
Proposition Opposition

1st argument FOR Argument:


Rebuttal Counterargument:

1st argument AGAINST Argument:


Rebuttal Counterargument:

2nd argument FOR Argument:


Rebuttal Counterargument:

2nd argument AGAINST Argument:


Rebuttal Counterargument:

The audience ask Which pet is cheaper to take care of?

a question

Proposition answers
the question

Opposition answers
the question Un

Final speech

Final speech
3) In what ways do the more formal and less formal styles differ?

4) Debating
Now let uslanguage
have a look at some words which are frequently used when presenting. Rea
the words in the box and match them with their synonyms below. Some of them can be
It is important to build your arguments well and rebut the other side´s arguments
matched with more
but sometimes than one synonym:
the tiebreaker can be the speaker´s style. Using powerful language
can improve your debating style making it easier to win the debate.
Look at some useful phrases and expressions for debating and divide them into
purpose begin
the given categories. turn to theme summarise finish come to
outline represent sum up next lastly look at topic

1. overview
2. finally ________
3. aim ________
1. A classic example of this is …
2. As a final word, let me summarise my point of view …
3. As today’s proposition / opposition we strongly believe that …
4. I agree with you that X … . But on the other hand, Y …
5. I can understand that. Nevertheless, …
6. I see your point, but …
7. I’m afraid I can’t quite agree with your point.
8. In fact, you can find many examples for this. Just think of …
9. In summary, I’d like to point out that …
10. Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to this debate.
11. Let me give you an example ...
12. Most importantly, I want to mention that …
13. Our position is the following …
14. So, in this simple example we can see that …
15. That’s all very interesting, but the problem is that ...
16. The first point I would like to raise is …
17. The most important / primary argument is …
18. The motion for debate today is …
19. The next argument I’d like to state is …
20. The proposition / opposition has told us …, but in fact …
21. The work of XX shows / indicates / reveals that …
22. There are many examples of this. For instance, …
23. To recap the main points ...
24. To sum up, here are the main points …
25. Two / three important arguments support my point of view …

3. Supporting arguments
1. Opening the debate 2. Introducing arguments
Giving examples

5. Summarising
4. Rebutting arguments
and ending the speech

Team of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.
7) Judging the debate

The students who do not participate in the debate are the judges. They judge
the quality of arguments and techniques the debaters use. What criteria do you
think they should use? In small groups, discuss the possible assessment criteria.

8) Building an argument practice

Study the following example:

Motion: All major cities should install bike lanes.

Argument: Bike lanes are safer for cyclists.

Reason: Both being on pavements and unprotected roads can be dangerous for cyclists.
If pedestrians or drivers fail to see cyclists, it can be incredibly dangerous. Cyclists
are threatened in both places making cycling an inaccessible option for people.

Example: In New York City, the introduction of smart bike lanes led to a 56% reduction
in injuries to all street users. This included large reductions for cyclists, pedestrians,
and fewer collisions overall.

Conclusion: Because bike lanes provide a safer environment for all traffic it is critical that
we form protected bike lanes on all major streets.

Now choose one/some of the following topics, choose your position (for or against)
and build an argument in a similar way.

●● Zoos should be banned.

●● Gambling should be outlawed.
●● Attendance in English classes should be mandatory.
●● Online education is better than traditional education.
●● A college degree is essential for getting a good job.
●● Everyone should be vegetarian.
●● Plastic bags and packaging should be banned.

After building your argument ask yourself:

Does my argument have an introduction that would tell the judges what I was
going to say?
Does my argument have examples or evidence that I can link to the explanation?
Did I explain why my evidence is important or directly related to my argument?
Does my argument have a concluding sentence that explains why my argument

7. Debate
9) Counterarguments and rebuttal practice:

Study the following example:

Motion: Cell phones should be allowed in school.

Argument: Children need to call their parents or the police in case there is an emergency.

Rebuttal: They said that cell phones could be used to call parents in emergencies, but
I disagree because the children would not have time to call parents. They would need
to listen to teachers in emergencies. Teachers would need to give instructions and have
the children listen. Cell phones would be distracting in an emergency and during the day.
Children would be using phones and could cause many problems during the day.
Therefore, cell phones would distract learning and possibly cause more confusion
in an emergency.

Notice the structure of a rebuttal:

1. Restate the argument (They said …)

2. Provide counter-argument (I/We disagree because …)
3. Offer reason to complete your argument
4. Draw a conclusion and explain why your argument is better (Therefore …)

Sometimes we can’t disagree completely, but we can offer a different perspective

on the issue. Study the following example:

Motion: Cigarettes should be banned.

Argument: Smoking causes cancer.

Rebuttal: They say that cigarettes should be banned because they cause cancer.
While that may be true, there are many reasons why people get cancer. Not only from
cigarettes. Many people smoke their whole life and never get cancer. On the other
hand, cigarette companies hire lots of workers. If we ban cigarettes, production will stop
and those people will be out of work. If people lose their jobs, their families will suffer.
Therefore, cigarettes should not be banned.

Listen to other students´ arguments they created in exercise 8 on page 115 and try
to rebut them.

Team of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.

1) Discuss these questions in pairs or small groups.

1. What is the difference between working remotely and telecommuting?
2. What does WFH stand for? Does it mean the same as telecommuting and working
3. How do you think technology will change the way we work/study in the future?
4. Do you have a telecommuting policy in your company/country? If not, would you like
it to be introduced in your workplace? Why? Why not?
5. What are the benefits for the company of offering a telecommuting system to staff?
6. What are the benefits of telecommuting for employees?
7. What are the drawbacks of telecommuting?

2) Could you be a telecommuter?

Discuss with your partner which jobs would be suitable for teleworking/
telecommuting. Bear in mind the characteristics given below. You may also check
your job against these characteristics.

Jobs suitable for telecommuting involve a lot of:

●● thinking and writing, such as data analysis, checking cases and writing regulations,
decisions, or reports
●● telephone-intensive tasks, such as organizing a conference, obtaining information,
and contacting customers
●● computer-oriented tasks, such as programming, data entry and word processing

Jobs not suitable for telecommuting require:

●● the employee’s physical presence at the workplace at all times
●● extensive face-to-face contact with supervisors, other employees, clients or the public
●● access to material that cannot be moved from the main office
●● security issues that prevent the work from being done elsewhere

3) Look at the opinion presented at a discussion on introducing a telecommuting

system. What language is used to structure the speaker´s argument?

Telecommuting is useful.
“I strongly believe that introducing a telecommuting policy would be beneficial. Firstly,
it would increase productivity. What is more, it would be economically sound both
for the company and for the employees. Finally, not only would it reduce staff turnover,
but it would also provide a better balance of work and personal pursuits. I am aware that
you might be hesitant about introducing this system; however, I am convinced that work
from home policy would lead to more productive workforce, would save money and result
in higher staff retention. All things considered; it would be a valuable step for us to take.”

7. Debate
3) In what ways do the more formal and less formal styles differ?

4) Language
Now let ususe
have a look at some words which are frequently used when presenting. Read
the words in
A. Select theexample
one box and from
textwith their synonyms
in exercise below.
3 for each of Some of them can be
the following
matched with more than one synonym:

expressing your opinion

purpose begin turn to theme summarise finish come to
sequencingrepresent sum up next lastly look at topic

providing supporting arguments

1. overview ________
2. finally ________
acknowledging other views
3. aim ________
4. conclude ________ Unit
5. move to ________, ________
6. show ________
7. recap ________, ________
3) In8.what ways
focus on do the more formal and less formal styles differ?
9. then ________
10. subject ________, ________
In pairs
4)B. 11. start
Now let or
us small
have agroups,
look which which
some words category
are (see the exercise
frequently above)
used when presenting. Read
thethefollowing phrases belong to:
words in the box and match them with their synonyms below. Some of them can be
Firstly, … with more than one synonym:
It seems clear that… Finally, …

5) Use some
All things of the words
considered, … from exercise 4 and complete the sentences below. Some
purpose begin
sentences can be completedAlternatively, turn to
with … theme
more words: Whatsummarise
I want to sayfinish
is… come to
1. The _______
outline of this presentation
represent sum up is to give nextyou a(n) _______of
lastly our company
look at and itstopic
Then, …
products. That is, … In conclusion, …

1. … I´d like to _______ you
overview a timeline of our company so you can see how we´ve
What is more, … I believe that…
2. finally over the years. ________
3. Then 3. I´llaim_______ our market and how it is changing.In other words, …
Personally, … I feel that…
4. After 4. that I´ll _______ our next
conclude point - our brand new product.
5. move I will _______
to how we can adapt
well as…, the…
our products
________ to fit our customers´ needs.
It is clear that you…
6. show _______ the main points ________ again: I began by telling you a little about … .
7.Your standpoint
OK, like tois_______
7.I´d recap
clear. byI am
aware that it________
that wasfeel…
you a great pleasure presenting to you today.
Not only will…but…will…
8. The8._______ focus on of my presentation
________ is the system of English language courses at VŠE.
I see
then _________ our
it… sales
I see what
mean… On the contrary…
10. subject ________, ________
With the above evidence… Let me put it another way, Next…
it is… 11. start … ________
6) Match the less formal verbs in the box with the more formal verbs below. Then find the
appropriate ending for each sentence:
Equally important…

5) Use some of the words from exercise 4 and complete the sentences below. Some
sentences can be completed with more words:
Team authors: New English
of presentation is tofor Business and _______of
Economics. Student’s Book. and its
1181. The _______ of this give you a(n) our company
products. 11
5) What have you learnt so far about telecommuting? Based on your knowledge
and opinion, organise a debate on the topic “Telecommuting is beneficial for

Work in groups of 4, divide your group into 2 teams, each team must defend
a different side.
Read the list of arguments you are going to present to defend your view
on the matter. You may also add others.
All members of the team have to take part in the debate.
By presenting your arguments, your team should convince the audience that your
position is the winning one.

6) Prepare your arguments using the table below.

a) provide a supporting sentence for the arguments given

b) add some more arguments

reduction of absenteeism distractions
overheads reductions isolation
schedule flexibility limited interaction
increased time available for work security issues
improved employee productivity influence on career progress
improved employee retention lack of self-discipline
reduction of greenhouse gas emissions cost element
… …

7. Debate
Take part in a debate. Use the structure
Take part shown
in a debate.
below to
the structure
your arguments
shown below
and rebut
to present
the your argu
arguments used by your opponents.arguments
It is a competition,
used by yourtry
to persuadeIt isthe
a competition,
audience about
try to
persuade the
position: Take part in a debate. Use the
position: structure shown below to present your arguments
and rebut the arguments used by your opponents. It is a competition, try
to persuade the audience about your position:

TOPIC: TelecommutingTOPIC:
is beneficial
for business
is beneficial for b
TOPIC: Telecommuting is beneficial for business
Proposition Proposition
Opposition Timing

Both teams prepare their arguments, plan their speeches

1. 1. Both teams prepare their arguments,
and the debating strategy
1. Both teams
plan their
their and
the7 minutes
7 plan
their speeches and th
debating strategy debating strategy
Opens the debate and presents
2. 2. Opens the debate and
the first arguments FOR
2. Opens the debate and presents 3 minutes
3 minutes
the first arguments for the first arguments for
Presents the first arguments
3. 3. 3. Presents the first arguments 3 Presents
3 minutes
minutes the first arguments
against against
4. 4. Both
Both teams preparetheir
teams prepare their first
first rebuttal
Both teams
speeches prepare their first rebuttal
5 minutes
5 minutes

5. 5. Makes
Makes the rebuttal
the11ststrebuttal speech
speech Makes the 1st rebuttal speech 2 minutes
2 minutes

6. 6. 6. Makes
1st rebuttal speech
1st rebuttal speech 2 Makes
2 minutes
minutesthe 1st rebuttal speech

7. 7. Both
Both teams preparethe
teams prepare the second
7. rebuttal
second rebuttal
Both speeches
prepare the second rebuttal
3 minutes
3 minutes

8. 8. Makes
Makes the rebuttal
the22ndndrebuttal speech
speech Makes the 2nd rebuttal speech 2 minutes
2 minutes

9. 9. Makes the 2nd rebuttal speech Makes

2 minutes
the 2nd rebuttal speec
9. Makes the 2nd rebuttal speech 2 minutes
10. Both teams prepare their final/closing/summarizing
10. Both teams preparespeeches
their final/closing/summarizing
3 minutes speeches
10. Both teams prepare their final/closing/summarising speeches 3 minutes
11. Makes the final speech 11. Makes the final speech 2 minutes
11. Makes the final speech 2 minutes
12. 12. Makes the final speech Makes
2 minutes
the final speech
12. Makes the final speech 2 minutes
13. The audience vote on the 13.
of the
winner of 2
– 5debate
and give feedba
13. The audience vote on the winner of the debate and give feedback 2–5 minutes
36 minutes

Team of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.
8 Marketing
and Branding 8

In the past, businesses often produced what they were good at and then set out to find
buyers for their products. Successful modern businesses, however, first identify the wants
and needs of the consumer, both now and in the future, and provide the right goods
or services to satisfy those needs in such a way that will be profitable for the firm. That,
in short, is what marketing is all about. It is known as the marketing concept.
A plan to identify consumers’ needs and bring together the resources needed to satisfy
those needs is known as a marketing strategy. The plan involves:

●● identification of different market segments (i.e. groups of people for whom

the product satisfies a similar need). A small market segment with some kind
of special characteristic is often called a niche market;
●● selection of target markets (i.e. groups of people at whom a specific product
will be aimed). A group may be defined by a characteristic such as age, gender,
income level, lifestyle, etc.;
●● building up a product portfolio (i.e. the range of products marketed by a firm).
A firm should be constantly developing new products to match changes
in consumers’ tastes and to have new products ready to replace those which
decline in popularity;
●● deciding on the product positioning of each product (i.e. choosing
the product’s image relative to its competitors). For example in the car market,
cars like BMW are positioned in the ‘expensive luxury’ category while the Skoda
Fabia would be positioned among ‘reliable family cars’. Product positioning
is the central feature of the marketing strategy for a product. Once the product’s
position has been selected, all of the elements of the marketing mix (see below)
are chosen to support that position;
●● development of the marketing mix for each product (i.e. the combination
of elements that the firm uses to pursue its marketing goals). The best-known
method of defining the marketing mix is known as the 4Ps. The 4Ps are: product,
price, place, promotion.

Advertising is one of the main methods of promotion, involving informing consumers

about products, and attempting to persuade them to buy. Advertising is known
as above the line promotion, the other promotional methods are called below the line.
Advertisements are defined as messages, paid for by those who send them, and intended
to inform or influence people who receive them.
Advertisements are often referred to as ads or adverts. Advertisements in audio and video
form (radio, TV, cinema) are called commercials.

8. Marketing and Branding 121


Discuss the following questions with your partner:

1. Why do firms need to market their products?
2. What changes in the business environment have led to marketing becoming more
important in the modern world?
3. What do marketing executives do in their jobs?
4. Would you like to work in marketing? Why/not?
5. What is the difference between marketing and selling?
6. What is the difference between marketing and advertising?

1) You are going to read an article about viral marketing. Before reading, discuss
the following questions with your partner:

●● Are you familiar with the term ‘viral marketing’? What does it mean and how does
it work?
●● Can you give any examples of viral marketing campaigns?

Team of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.
2) Now read the article and do the exercises below. Some words in the article
are in bold because they will be practised later:

viral marketing

1 Viral marketing involves choosing a small group of well-connected individuals to launch

a product or service via the Internet or their mobile phones. The idea is that their approval
will spread rapidly via their online network of connections, create a buzz around the product
that is being marketed and result in millions of sales. The most desirable individuals for viral
marketing are those with what is known as high social networking potential (SNP). People’s
SNP is a combination of the size of their online social network and their power to influence
that network.
2 Viral marketing is meant to work like the spread of an epidemic. If every infected person
infects, in turn, more than one other, the epidemic spreads rapidly. If every prospect reaches
more than one other, sales rise rapidly. At the height of the dotcom boom there were few
business plans that did not include viral marketing as a central part of their strategy.
3 Viral marketing moved into a new phase with the growth of online social networks
such as YouTube and Facebook. On networks such as these information is sucked out
by the participants instead of being pushed out via email. It gives the virus greater potential
to multiply. But as the Internet grows more diffuse and more commonplace, most people’s
SNP seems bound to decline.
4 Few marketing viruses are known to have succeeded on anything like the scale
of Hotmail, commonly considered to be the father of viral marketing. Hotmail’s success
was based partly on the fact that it was free – viral marketing seems to work well when
there is a free element to what is being marketed. Whenever someone sent a Hotmail email
message, for example, there was a note at the bottom saying, ‘Get your private, free email
5 Viral marketing also works well with products and services that peer groups want to be
associated with. That was the case, for example, with ‘The Blair Witch Project’, a film that
became a box-office success in America largely through viral marketing among university
students. And it worked well for the launch of a British pop group called the Arctic Monkeys,
whose first record went to the top of the British charts in 2005 largely thanks to being
marketed by fans on the Internet.
6 The term viral marketing is said to have first been coined by Jeffrey Rayport, a Harvard
Business School academic, in a 1996 article for the magazine Fast Company. The idea really
took off with the growth of the Internet and e-commerce. Word-of-mouth has long been
recognised as a powerful marketing tool; e-word-of-mouth seemed to have the potential
to be so much more so.
7 But word-of-mouth marketing works a lot better among young chatterboxes than
it does among middle-aged recluses. Likewise, if web surfers don’t pass on information,
weary perhaps from too many messages that threaten all sorts of awfulness if they are not
passed to at least ten people in less than ten minutes, or just web-weary in general, then
the effect of viral marketing soon fizzles out. The virus can quickly lose its power to infect.
(adapted from The Economist, December 1, 2008, an article based on “The Economist Guide
to Management Ideas and Gurus”, by Tim Hindle)

8. Marketing and Branding 123

3) Complete the following sentences with information from the article and/or your
background knowledge:

1. Viral marketing refers to a marketing technique that uses ________________ to achieve

2. The main goal of marketers interested in creating successful viral marketing messages
is to appeal to ________________.
3. SNP represents both the size of an individual’s social network and ________________.
4. During the rapid rise of the internet-based companies most businesses
5. The effectiveness of viral marketing was significantly enhanced by ________________.
6. It is generally recognised that a viral marketing pioneer was ________________ thanks
to its practice of ________________.
7. One of the most successful early viral marketing campaigns was for the film
8. The origin of the specific term viral marketing is attributed to ________________.
9. Viral marketing may lose its power if ________________.

4) Match the words printed in bold in the article with the definitions:

1. a group of people, usually of similar age, background, and social status

2. a potential or likely customer, client, etc.
3. interested or excited talk about a new product, an event, or a person
4. an oral or written recommendation by a satisfied customer to the prospective
customers of a good or service
5. to achieve success or popularity
6. to come to an end, die away (informally)
7. to invent a new word or phrase
8. to pull something from somewhere with great power
9. very tired or bored with something
10. spread over a wide area
11. a person who talks a lot
12. a person who does not like seeing or talking to other people

Team of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.
11. a person who talks a lot
12. a person who does not like seeing or talking to other people


Marketing mix

Product Price Place Promotion

1) Match each paragraph with one of the 4Ps:

1) Match each paragraph with one of the 4Ps:

1. This is more commonly known as the 101

distribution channel. It means using intermediaries
such as wholesalers, retailers and agents, or selling directly to consumers. The arrival
of the Internet had a huge impact on how and where companies make their products
available to customers.
2. This refers to what goods or services consist of and includes: features, packaging
and brand name.
3. This refers to how much the goods or services cost the customer. It is decided Un
by the cost of production, demand for the product, competitive environment
and sometimes the government (VAT, excise duty, etc.).
This involves a range of activities through which the firm tries to influence
the target market to purchase its products. It includes advertising, public relations (PR),
3) In what
salesways do the
and sales more formal and less formal styles differ?

4) Match
Now letthe
us words
have afrom
look column
at someAwords
with suitable
which arewords from column
frequently B to form
used when presenting. Rea
the words in the box and match them with their synonyms below. Some ofhe/she
word partnerships. Then, choose one and explain it to your classmate. Can them can be
guess which word partnership it is?
matched with more than one synonym:
1. brand a. channel
purpose begin
2. distribution turn to b.theme
market summarise finish come to
3. market represent sum up c.nextmix lastly look at topic
4. marketing d. name
5. 1. overview
product ________ e. positioning
2. finally ________
6. public f. promotion
3. aim ________
7. sales
4. conclude ________ g. relations
5. move to
8. target ________, ________
h. segment
6. show ________
7. recap ________, ________
8. focus on ________
9. then ________
8. Marketing and Branding 125
10. subject ________, ________
11. start ________
3) Explain the difference between the following expressions:

market segment x target market x niche market

marketing concept x marketing strategy x marketing mix
product portfolio x product positioning

Market Research

It would be extremely difficult to succeed in the market without conducting at least some
basic market research. Various methods of market research are used to find out information
about target markets and their needs, competitors, market trends, customer satisfaction
with products, etc. It helps businesses to make the right decisions about bringing products to
the market.
There are two main methods of market research:

●● desk research which obtains secondary data that already exists in a vari-
ety of sources, both internal (company reports, sales figures, inventory records,
customer database, customer feedback) and external (media reports and articles,
the Internet, commercial databases, government departments, economic reports,
trade associations);
●● field research which obtains primary data, or data that did not previously exist,
from people and organisations.

Primary data is more valuable than secondary data because it is more up to date and specific,
but it is much more expensive.

1) Listen to a discussion about contact methods in market research. As you
listen, answer the questions below and complete the chart using the following
codes to signify the strengths and weaknesses of each method:

++ = excellent
+ = good
- = poor

1. What product is being discussed?

2. Who is the target market for the product?
3. What is a sample?
4. What is meant by interviewer bias?
5. What is a survey’s response rate?

Team of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.
Mail Telephone Online Focus Group


Amount of data

Control of bias

Control of sample


Response rate


2) Now answer the following questions. Sometimes you must use your background

1. Why is the response rate very low for mail questionnaires? Can you think of some
simple techniques that might improve the response rate?
2. What is the difference between a street interview and a focus group?
3. What data does the last speaker recommend using at the end of the discussion –
primary or secondary?
4. What type of data are focus groups used to collect – quantitative or qualitative?
5. Which method would you recommend using?

8. Marketing and Branding 127

1) With a partner discuss the following topics. Make sure you understand the terms
in bold:
1. Do you feel that you personally are affected by adverts?
2. Have you ever NOT bought a product because you were irritated by the advert?
3. Can you remember an advertising campaign that caught your attention?
4. What is the most shocking advertisement you have seen? Describe it.
5. What is the funniest advertisement you have seen? Describe it.
6. Do you think that advertising can be regarded as an art form?
7. What do you think is the most effective way of advertising – on TV, the cinema, radio,
internet, newspapers, outdoor or something else?
8. How often do you click on advertisements on web pages or Google search? Do
pop-up ads on the Internet bother you?
9. What do you think of the idea of ‘product placement’ advertisements – the inclusion
of particular branded products in films and soap operas?
10. Are there any things that shouldn’t be advertised? Are there any regulations applied
to adverts to protect consumers? Do you agree with them?

2) While advertising has become prevalent in modern society and can be seen
as necessary for economic growth, it is also increasingly being criticised.

In groups, look at the following arguments for and against advertising. How convincing
do you find each argument? Evaluate each argument with points from 0 to 5 according
to how convincing you find it (0 = not convincing at all, 5 = very strong). Then add up
the points for each section.

Arguments for Points

Commercials are often amusing and entertaining, sometimes
even more enjoyable than the programmes themselves.
Thanks to advertising, companies sell more products. This means
they can produce them on a larger scale and thus lower the price.
Advertising helps the national economy. Many thousands of jobs
depend on it.
Advertising promotes competition which benefits the consumer.
The media relies on advertising. Without advertisements
there would be no private TV and few magazines.
Advertising is a valuable source of information about products.

Total points

Team of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.
Arguments against Points
Advertising is bad for competition. It is hard for new products
to compete with established brands.
Advertising promotes excessive consumerism – people become
overly interested in buying and owning things.
Because of advertising, people buy a lot of things that they do not
really need.
Most advertising is lying; it does not provide a true picture of
the product.
Advertising can have harmful effects on children and young
Advertising is expensive. This is inevitably added on to the price
of the products so we are paying for the adverts ourselves.
Total points

1. What scores did your group arrive at? Which arguments did you find stronger –
for or against? How does it compare with the other groups?
2. Can you think of any other arguments for or against advertising?

3) An important part of a company’s marketing strategy is corporate social

responsibility (CSR), which helps to build a positive brand image. CSR is the
idea that a company should be interested in and willing to help society and the
environment as well as be concerned about the products and profits it makes.
Studies have shown that consumers are more likely to buy from companies that
have good reputation.

8. Marketing and Branding 129

Look at two examples of good CSR. In pairs, each student will read one and tell
their partner about the company’s strategy.

Example 1: LAGOM – just the right amount

At IKEA, we always look for ways to make more from less. But to help our customers
create a better life at home, in a world where resources are scarce, we have to up
our game. We need to rethink everything from the materials we use, to how we
power our stores, and how we can make our products live longer in a cycle of
repair, reuse, and recycling. Throughout our value chain, we aim to use renewable
and recycled resources as efficiently as possible, to make sure that we create value
rather than waste. And when you bring the products home, we want to help you
make them live longer, or give them a new life when you no longer need them.
To make the world a more sustainable place we have to begin somewhere. By
planning for our products’ next life at the design stage, we get a head start. To
make more from less, we also use materials that are renewable and recycled and
from more sustainable sources. The better we do this, the better for our customers
and our planet. Therefore, we have adopted LAGOM - a simple Swedish philosophy
on everyday life that means ‘just the right amount’. An idea that we can strike
a healthy balance with the world around us without having to make extreme
changes, and without denying ourselves anything. With LAGOM in mind, we think
you can live a more sustainable, healthy and cost-conscious life at home without
any dramatic upheaval. In fact, it’s often the smallest changes that can have the
biggest influence. Turning the tap off while brushing your teeth, switching to LED
light bulbs - you’d be surprised how much these small tweaks to the everyday can
impact both the world and your wallet. As part of our Live LAGOM project, we
supported IKEA customers and co-workers with products, workshops, advice and
an active community to help save energy and water, reduce waste and promote
a healthy lifestyle. Through their experience, we wanted to learn how to make
sustainability affordable and easy to achieve. We hope you will be inspired to Live
LAGOM & find your own marvellous middle!

Example 2: You decide, we help

Take part in our programme where Tesco, a member of the Association of corporate
social responsibility, allocates 2,700,000 Czech crowns among 90 winning
organisations in the Czech Republic. The project is called ´You decide, we help´ and
is aimed at various topics – education, health and healthy lifestyle, the community,
the environment etc. Last year 648 organisations took part in the programme, they
presented their activities publically in our shops, gained invaluable experience
and 90 of them received a financial contribution to help their activities. The one
with the highest number of votes was ´See through your eyes´ – assistance to
blind children. Its mission is to help integrate children with visual disabilities into
everyday life. A number of assistants, who now accompany children and help them
do things they would otherwise be deprived of, were trained. By doing so, these
children expand their social network and experience outside the family and school
and increase their chances of successful integration.

Team of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.
4) Make groups of three. In each group, each student will read one more example of
good CSR and do the exercise given. Then, he/she will inform the other people in
the group about the company and its CSR strategy.

Student A – page 221

Student B – page 223
Student C – page 227

5) Discuss the positives and negatives of CSR with your partner and decide whether
policies regarding CSR should be enforced in all companies.


If we want to make questions in English, we can ask a direct question (changing the word
order or using the auxiliary verb do) or indirect question (starting with some introductory
phrases, the same word order as positive statements, no auxiliary do).
We use indirect questions to make our questions softer or more polite.

What time does the bank open?

Direct question Do they accept American Express?
Who is our main competitor?
Could you tell me
what time the bank opens?
Do you know
if/whether they accept American Express?
Have you any idea
Indirect who our main competitor is?
Would you mind telling me
what time the bank opens.
I would like to know if/whether they accept American Express.
who our main competitor is.

Sentence structure of indirect questions:

●● The subject comes before the verb (the word order of a statement)
●● We don’t use auxiliary verbs do/does/did
●● If the direct question is a ‘yes or no’ question (it has no words such as what, who, when,
where, why, or how), then the indirect question will have if or whether.
●● In indirect questions asking about the subject (Who/What/Which?), the word order is
the same as in a normal question.

8. Marketing and Branding 131

3) In what ways do the more formal and less formal styles differ?

4) Herelet
Now are
have aquestions thatwords
look at some help marketers make the right
which are frequently used marketing
when presenting. Read
decisions. Can you turn them into indirect questions?
the words in the box and match them with their synonyms below. Some of them can be
matched with more than one synonym:
Does our product meet customers’ expectations?
purpose need begin
to know if theirturn
to meetstheme
customers’ expectations.
summarise finish come to
outline represent sum up next lastly look at topic
Marketers need to know:

1. Whooverview
1. is currently buying our product or service?
2. Does the product meet our customers’ needs?
2. finally ________
3. Why are other people not buying it?
4. 3.
improvements could________
be made to our product to meet people’s needs even better?
5. 4.
Whoconclude ________
is our real competition?
6. Whatmove
5. imagetodo people have of our product
________, versus our competitors‘?
7. What is the best price to charge?
6. show ________
8. How can we best communicate our product’s benefits to our target market?
9. 7. recap
Where do potential buyers________,
look for our________
10. 8.
is ouron ________
budget for marketing and advertising?
9. then ________
2) 10. subject ________,
Work in pairs. Students A go to page 222 ________
and students B turn to page 227. Read
the 11.
about Philip Kotler, the world’s leading marketing professor and then
work with your partner and ask each other questions to complete the information
missing in your text. Practise indirect questions.

5) Use some of the words from exercise 4 and complete the sentences below. Some
sentences can be completed with more words:
1. The _______ of this presentation is to give you a(n) _______of our company and its
2. Firstly, I´d like to _______ you a timeline of our company so you can see how we´ve
developed over the years.
3. Then I´ll _______ our market and how it is changing.
4. After that I´ll _______ our next point - our brand new product.
5. Finally, I will _______ how we can adapt our products to fit our customers´ needs.
6. Just to _______ the main points again: I began by telling you a little about … .
7. OK, I´d like to _______ by saying that it was a great pleasure presenting to you today.
8. The _______ of my presentation is the system of English language courses at VŠE.
9. This graph _________ our sales last year.

6) Match the less formal verbs in the box with the more formal verbs below. Then find the
appropriate ending for each sentence:

Team of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.

Products and brands
A product is a good or service that the consumer buys to satisfy certain needs. It has
a combination of tangible and intangible attributes, for example a pen is primarily
a writing instrument, a car is a transport vehicle, but the product includes also all of
the extras which help to sell it, like brand name, image, style, packaging, quality, service,
guarantee and so on.
Every company needs to choose something to make a product appeal to the target market
and stand out from the competition. This is called product differentiation.

●● Product differentiation can be achieved in many ways. It may be as simple as packaging

the goods in a creative way, or as elaborate as incorporating new functional features.
Sometimes differentiation does not involve changing the product at all, but creating
a new advertising campaign or other sales promotions instead. It can also use other
competitive factors to differentiate such as a better location, design, or selling price
than rival products. Product differentiation can be thought of as ‘what you have
that your competitors do not’. Without a distinguishing feature it is very hard to get
customers to prefer one product to another.

Most producers differentiate their products by branding them, i.e. giving the product
a unique name and creating image for the product in the consumers’ minds.

●● A brand is a distinguishing name, symbol, mark, logo, word, sentence or a combination

of these items that companies use to distinguish their product from others in
the market.
●● Legal protection given to a brand name is called a trademark.
●● Some brands are so strong that they have become global brands. This means that
the brand is known and sold in many countries of the world. Examples of global
brands include: Microsoft, Coca Cola, Disney, Mercedes and Hewlett Packard.
●● Some retailers use their own brands (or private labels or store brands), where they
use their name for the product rather than the manufacturers’, like Tesco’s ‘Value’
range of foodstuffs. These tend to be cheaper than the normal brands.

The strength of a brand can be exploited by a business to develop new products.

This is known as brand extension – using an existing brand name on a new product
in a different category. Examples include Dove Soap and Dove Shampoo (both contain
moisturiser); Mars Bar and Mars Ice Cream.

8. Marketing and Branding 133

Brand stretching is where the brand is used to introduce unrelated products, e.g. Virgin
Airlines and Virgin Cola; Yamaha motorbikes, Yamaha pianos and Yamaha sports equipment.
The product’s primary identifying feature is its brand name. Brand names are usually
registered and therefore protected against imitation by competitors.
An important and noticeable element of a brand identity is a great promotional slogan
(or tagline). With just a few words, a tagline must be catchy, understandable, summarise
the product or service offering, build trust, or encourage buying.
Another important part of a brand is its logo. A logo is a symbol or picture that represents
the business. It is important because it is easy to recognise, establishes brand loyalty
and can create a favourable image.
Brand recognition is the extent to which the public is able to identify a brand by its
attributes. Brand recognition is most successful when people can state a brand without
being explicitly exposed to the brand name, but rather through visual symbols like logos,
slogan and colour.

1) With your partner discuss the following questions:

●● Look at yourself. How many brands are you wearing

or do you have in your bag? Why did you buy them?
●● Are you loyal to any of the brands (i.e. do you
always buy the same brand)? Why/not?
●● Are all the brands genuine? Do you ever buy
counterfeit brands (i.e. fake imitations of the real
brands)? Why/not? Is buying counterfeit brands
morally wrong?

2) The following statements express the difference between products and brands.
Try to explain them in your own words:
1. A product is a thing on a shelf. A brand is an idea in the mind.
2. Companies make products and consumers make brands.
3. Products can be copied but brands are unique.
4. Products can become obsolete but brands can be timeless.
5. Products are instantly meaningful but brands become meaningful over time.

Team of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.
3) In what ways do the more formal and less formal styles differ?

4) Readlet
Now theusfollowing tipsatfor
have a look creating
some wordsstrong
whichbrand names and
are frequently put when
used the words
presenting. Rea
in capitals in the right form:
the words in the box and match them with their synonyms below. Some of them can be
matched with more than one synonym:
1. A brand name should be distinctive and ________. MEMORY
2. It should be _______, i. e. evoke a positive experience. SUGGEST
3. It shouldbegin
be easy to spellturn
and to theme
___________. summarise finish
4. It shouldrepresent sum up
be simple, ________ next
and ________. lastly MEANING,
look at
5. It should have no legal or regulatory ________. RESTRICT
6. 1.It should
overview ________
be ________ checked for _________ images CARE, DESIRE different
finally languages and________
3. aim ________
4. conclude ________
5. move to ________, ________
SPEAKING 6. show ________
7. recap
Answer the questions:
________, ________
8. focus on ________
1. 9.What do
then you think a good brand name should be like? Would you add any other
features of a good brand name?
2. 10.
Howsubject ________,
important is the name? How are ________
brand names chosen?
3. 11.
Do start
you know any examples________
of brand names that had negative connotations when
used in foreign countries?

2) Do you know which brands the following taglines are associated with?
5) Use some of the words from exercise 4 and complete the sentences below. Some
Tagline Brand
sentences can be completed with more words:
The _______ of this presentation is to Phillips
give you a(n) _______of our company and its
The Realproducts.
Thing. Apple
2. Firstly, people. Coca Cola
I´d like to _______ you a timeline of our company so you can see how we´ve
you´re worth it. the years.
over Johnson & Johnson
Then things better. our market and how
I´ll _______ L´Oreal
it is changing.
Simply clever. McDonald´s
4. After that I´ll _______ our next point - our brand new product.
I´m 5. Finally,
lovin´ it. I will _______ how we can adapt
Nike our products to fit our customers´ needs. it.
Just to _______ the main points again: Nokia I began by telling you a little about … .
7. OK,
No more I´d like to _______ by saying thatLGit was a great pleasure presenting to you today.
8. different.
Think The _______ of my presentation is the Skoda system of English language courses at VŠE.
9. This graph _________ our sales last year.

3) Answer the questions:

6) 1. Match
What dothe
youless formal
think makesverbs intagline?
a good the box with the more formal verbs below. Then find the
appropriate ending for each sentence:
2. How important is the tagline?
3. Can you give more examples of successful taglines?

8. Marketing and Branding 135

3. Can you give more examples of successful taglines?

1) Look at the word partners with the word ‘brand’. Create the partnership and explain the
4) Look at the word partners with the word ‘brand’. Create the partnerships
and explain the meaning:

_____ brand OR brand _____

_____ brand OR brand _____



BRAND image



2) Which of the following brands do you recognise? Test your brand recognition:

5) Discuss the following questions in small groups:

1. What are some brands from the Czech Republic with high brand recognition? What
type of products are they?
2. What are some brands with a well-known logo? What do you think are the most
recognised logos worldwide? Discuss with your group and try to agree on what you
think are the 10 most recognised logos worldwide.
3. What are some premium brands you know? What qualities do they have? What sets
them apart from the competition?
4. Do you buy retailers’ own brands? What type of products do you buy them for? Why?
Tell your group about it.
5. Can you think of any companies that have extended (stretched) their brand? Which
companies? Were they successful?


Team of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.
1) You are going to hear profiles of three famous global brands. Listen
and complete the tables below:

Name of brand
Established (when and where)
Founder (name)
Products sold
Other information

Name of brand
Established (when and where)
Today’s location
Annual revenue
Number of staff
Other information

Name of brand




Number of customers a day

Number of restaurants in the USA

and worldwide

Annual revenue

Other information

8. Marketing and Branding 137

Prague University of Economics and Business’ students only: more in Grammar Guide Chapter 6

Passive voice is used when the focus is on the action. It is not important or not known who
or what is performing the action.
When rewriting active sentences in passive voice, note the following:
●● the object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence;
●● the finite form of the verb is changed (to be + past participle). The tense and modality
remain unchanged;
●● the subject of the active sentence becomes the object of the passive sentence
(or is dropped).
Active: People all over the world speak English.
Passive: English is spoken all over the world.
Active: Our supplier is shipping the goods next week.
Passive: The goods are being shipped next week.
Active: They have chosen a new logo.
Passive: A new logo has been chosen.
Active: Thousands of people will see this advert every day.
Passive: This advert will be seen by thousands of people every day.
Active: We cannot ship your order until we receive payment.
Passive: Your order cannot be shipped until payment is received.
Active: They called off the meeting.
Passive: The meeting was called off.

Verbs with two objects:

Many verbs (such as give, send, show, lend, pay, promise, offer, etc.) can be followed
by two objects, an indirect object (usually referring to a person) and a direct object
(usually a thing).

In active sentences we can use these verbs in two ways:

A. Verb + indirect object + direct object
They sent us a lot of information.
B. Verb + direct object + preposition + indirect object
They sent a lot of information to us.

Both of these structures can be made passive:

A. Indirect object becomes subject of passive verb
We were sent a lot of information.
B. Direct object becomes subject of passive verb
A lot of information was sent to us.
The choice between the two passive structures may depend on what has been
said before, or on what needs to be put last in the sentence (the new information),
but structure A. (We were sent a lot of information) is the more common of the two.

Team of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.
3) In what ways do the more formal and less formal styles differ?

4) Turn let
Now theus
sentences below
have a look into the
at some passive.
words whichPractise the passive
are frequently usedvoice
presenting. Rea
mixed tenses and modal verbs:
the words in the box and match them with their synonyms below. Some of them can be
matched with
1. Almost more than
everybody usesone synonym:
a computer these days.
2. Somebody must tell him about the problem immediately! Un
3. Many people have lost their jobs during this economic crisis.
purpose beginthey will discover
4. Do you think turn toa cure fortheme summarise
cancer one day? finish come to
5. They didn’t advertise the job offer on the Internet.
outline represent sum up next lastly look at topic
6. Nobody has seen her since last month.
3) In
7. what ways
All the dostaff
hotel the ismore formal
treating andwell.
us really less formal styles differ?
8. 1.Hasoverview
somebody found Jack’s ________
phone yet?
2. finally ________
2) 3.Change
aim the following sentences
________ from active voice to passive or vice versa:
4) Now let us have a look at some words which are frequently used when presenting. Rea
the 4. conclude ________
1. words in theshould
Companies box and match
never them with
underestimate thetheir synonyms
importance below.
of brand Some of them can be
2. 5.Packaging
matched move
with to
more than one
of the product ________,
must ________
be designed to appeal to most buyers.
3. 6.Several
show market segments ________
may be targeted.
4. 7.Many
recap ________,can
examples of brand stretching ________
be found.
5. 8.Many begin
focus on must be turn to
________when theme
choosing summarise
a brand name. finish come to
6. One of our
outline best young designers
up creatednext
this logo.
9. thenrepresent sum
________ lastly look at topic
7. We’re spending more than a million dollars on advertising this year.
8. 10. subject
Apple ________,
has recently unveiled ________
its Apple Watch.
9. 11.
1. start perceive Skoda
Consumers ________
as a solid, trustworthy brand.
McDonald’s brand serves more than 70 million customers a day.
3. aim ________
4. conclude ________
5) Use some
5. move to of the words from exercise
________, 4 and complete the sentences below. Some
sentences can be completed with more words:
6. show ________
1. The _______ of this presentation is to give you a(n) _______of our company and its
7. recap ________, ________
8. focus on ________
2. Firstly, I´d like to _______ you a timeline of our company so you can see how we´ve
9. then ________
developed over the years.
10. subject ________, ________
3. Then I´ll _______ our market and how it is changing.
11. start ________
4. After that I´ll _______ our next point - our brand new product.
5. Finally, I will _______ how we can adapt our products to fit our customers´ needs.
6. Just to _______ the main points again: I began by telling you a little about … .
7. OK, I´d like to _______ by saying that it was a great pleasure presenting to you today.
5) Use some of the words from exercise 4 and complete the sentences below. Some
8. The
sentences _______
can be of my presentation
completed is the
with more system of English language courses at VŠE.
9. This
1. graph _________
The _______ our sales last
of this presentation year.
is to give you a(n) _______of our company and its
2. Firstly, I´d like to _______ you a timeline of our company so you can see how we´ve
6) Match the over
developed less formal verbs in the box with the more formal verbs below. Then find the
the years.
appropriate ending for each sentence:
3. Then I´ll _______ our market and how it is changing.
8. Marketing and Branding 139
4. After that I´ll _______ our next point - our brand new product.
5. Finally, I will _______ how we can adapt our products to fit our customers´ needs.
Alternative ways to form the passive voice

1. To have/get something done

This construction is passive in meaning but not in form. It is used to describe situations
where we want someone else to do something for us or where we are going to hire
someone else to do something for us. The use of get in place of have is more informal.

We have/get out accounts audited by KPMG.
We had/got our offices redecorated last year.
You must have/get your computer checked for viruses.
We are going to have/get the contract checked by our lawyers.

We can also use have something done when something bad happens, especially when
someone is affected by an action which they did not cause.

They had their car stolen last week.
Hundreds of people had their homes destroyed by the hurricane.

2. Using ‘to need’ in passive constructions

You can also use the verb to need followed by the gerund in an active construction
with a passive meaning.

The ceiling needs painting. = The ceiling needs to be painted.
The house needs cleaning. = The house needs to be cleaned.

3. Passive constructions + infinitive

The verbs believe, expect, know, report, say, think, suppose, understand are often used in
the passive followed by an infinitive (to do, to be doing).
To refer to the past we use past infinitive (to have done).

The Czech economy is expected to expand by 4% over the next two years.
Consumer prices are predicted to rise next year.
Ericsson is known to be looking at the possibility of outsourcing its low price phones
in Taiwan.
Many banks are believed to have suffered losses in recent months.

Team of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.
3) In what ways do the more formal and less formal styles differ?

4) Complete
Now let us the
a looksentence so thatwhich
at some words it hasare
a similar meaning
frequently used to the presenting.
when first Rea
the words in the box and match them with their synonyms below. Some of them can be
1. They with more
have just than one
serviced synonym:
all our machines.
We have just ___________________________________________________________ .
2. Someone delivered this package this morning.
purposeThis package
turn to theme summarise finish
this morning.
come to
outline represent
3. The premises look awful.sum up
We should next them. lastly
modernise look at topic
The premises need ______________________________________________________ .
4. The technician installed some new software on my PC yesterday.
1. overview ________
Yesterday I _____________________________________________________ on my PC.
2. finally ________
5. The organisers are postponing the meeting.
3.Theaim ________
meeting ___________________________________________________________ .
6. 4.People
think this is a good________
5.Thismove to __________________________________________________________
is thought ________, ________ .
7. 6.People
show think that the Board ________
demanded the CEO’s resignation.
The CEO’s
7. recap resignation is thought ___________________________________________
________, ________ .
8. 8.Thefocus
on expect that________
profits will grow by 10% in the next quarter.
Profits are expected _____________________________________________________ .
9. then ________
9. A firm in Taiwan assembles the components for us.
10. subject ________, ________
We have _______________________________________________________________ .
10. 11.
They start
printed some business ________
cards with the new logo for us.
We ___________________________________________________________________ .

5) Use some of the words from exercise 4 and complete the sentences below. Some
sentences can be completed with more words:
1. The _______ of this presentation is to give you a(n) _______of our company and its
1. Compare traditional advertising and viral marketing. What are the advantages
and disadvantages of each type?
2. Firstly, I´d like
What does theto _______
Czech you a timeline
Advertising StandardsofCouncil
our company
(Rada proso you can see
reklamu) do?how
are the rulesover
developed of advertising
the years.contained in the Code of Advertising Practice? How does
RPR handle
3. Then complaints
I´ll _______ about advertisements?
our market Tell us about some of the cases.
and how it is changing.
3. After
4. Thinkthat
of a I´ll
_______or service university
our next point - students
our brand might
newbe interested in. Once you
have some ideas about the product concept, decide how you would do some market
5. Finally,
researchI will _______
to see howpotential
whether we can adapt
customersour products
would be to fit our customers´
interested. needs.
What market
6. Just to _______ the main points
research methods would you choose? again: I began by telling you a little about … .
4. OK, I´d like
Evaluate thetoeffectiveness
_______ byofsaying thatasitanwas
television a great pleasure
advertising medium. presenting to you today.
5. The _______
Packaging of my
is an presentation
important part ofisa the system
product. of English
What language courses
are its functions? Choose at
packaged product and show how it
9. This graph _________ our sales last year. performs these functions.

6) Match the less formal verbs in the box with the more formal verbs below. Then find the
appropriate ending for each sentence:

8. Marketing and Branding 141

Term Definition Translation

Above the line nadlinková/

advertising in the mass media
advertising (n) mediální reklama

a form of marketing communication used

to call public attention to a product, especially
Advertising (n) by paid announcements in newspapers reklama
and magazines, over radio or television,
on billboards, etc.

Advertising budget rozpočet

money planned for spending on advertising
(n) na reklamu

Advertising an organised course of action to promote

reklamní kampaň
campaign (n) a product

Below the line advertising by means such as direct mail, email, podlinková
advertising (n) promotional events, etc. reklama

a distinguishing symbol, mark, logo, name,

word, sentence or a combination of these
Brand (n) obchodní značka
items that companies use to distinguish their
product from others in the market
a common method of launching a new product
Brand extension (n) by using an existing brand name on a new
product in a different category

the impression in the consumers‘ mind

Brand image (n) image značky
of a brand‘s total personality

where a person buys products from the same

Brand loyalty (n) manufacturer repeatedly rather than from věrnost značce
other suppliers
the extent to which the general public znalost značky,
Brand recognition
(or an organisation‘s target market) is able povědomí
to identify a brand by its attributes o značce
Brand stretching the act of using an established brand name značky (na nové
(n) in order to introduce unrelated products kategorie
the process involved in creating a unique name
and image for a product in the consumers‘ branding,
Branding (n)
mind, mainly through advertising campaigns budování značky
with a consistent theme

reklama (v televizi
Commercial (n) a television or radio advertisement
či rádiu)

Continued on page 143

Team of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.
Continued from page 142

Term Definition Translation

an interruption of a programme,
Commercial break reklamní
or an intermission between programmes,
(n) přestávka
during which advertisements are broadcast

Counterfeit brands products made to look exactly like famous

padělané značky
(n) brands, in order to deceive people

desire for a certain good or service supported

Demand (n) poptávka
by the capacity to purchase it

Desk research (n) sekundární

searching for information in existing sources
Secondary research výzkum

Field research (n) collecting primary (original, otherwise

primární výzkum
Primary research unavailable) data

a representative group of people questioned skupinová

Focus group (n)
together about their opinions on something diskuse

not existing as a physical thing but still

Intangible (adj) nehmotný
valuable to a company

a printed design or symbol that a company

Logo (n) logo
or an organisation uses as its special sign

the gathering and studying of data related

to consumer preferences, purchasing power,
Market research (n) výzkum trhu
etc., especially prior to introducing a product
on the market

an investigation of the opinions of people internetový

Online survey (n)
conducted on the internet průzkum

a brand owned not by a manufacturer

Own brand (n) privátní značka,
or producer but by a retailer or supplier
Private brand maloobchodní
who gets its goods made by a contract
Private label značka
manufacturer under its own label

a form of online advertisement that shows up
Pop-up ad (n) otvíraná reklamní
in a new browser window

a brand that is respected as holding greater

brand value than other brands, they target
Premium brand (n) prémiová značka
high-income customers and are designed
to convey an impression of exclusiveness

Continued on page 144

8. Marketing and Branding 143

Continued from page 143

Term Definition Translation

a marketing process of distinguishing

a product or service from others to make
Product diferenciace,
it more attractive to a particular target market;
differentiation (n) odlišování
it involves differentiating it from competitors´
products as well as a firm´s own products
Product placement the appearance of or reference to a product
(n) in film, television, or other media
the practice of managing the spread public relations,
Public Relations (n)
of information between an individual vztahy
or an organisation and the public s veřejností

a list of questions submitted for replies that

Questionnaire (n) dotazník
can be analysed for usable information

the number of people who answered a survey
Response rate (n) (dotazníku), míra
divided by the number of people in the sample
the techniques for stimulating sales achieved
through contests, demonstrations, discounts,
Sales promotion (n) podpora prodeje
point-of-sale displays, special offers and similar
a group of people who are used for getting
Sample (n) information about a larger group or about vzorek
the whole population
a word or phrase that is easy to remember,
Tagline (n) used for example by a political party
reklamní slogan
Slogan or in advertising to attract people’s attention
or to suggest an idea quickly

Tangible (adj) that you can touch and feel (asset, attribute) hmotný

a name, symbol or design that a company

Trademark (n)
uses for its products and that cannot be used ochranná známka
(abbreviation TM)
by anyone else
marketing techniques that use social
Viral marketing (n) networking services and other technologies virální marketing
to try to achieve marketing objectives
word of mouth,
Word-of-mouth (n), the passing of information from person
„slovo z úst“, ústní
WOM to person by oral communication

Team of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.
Banking and

Financial Products 9

What is a bank?
A bank is an institution that stimulates economic activity in the market by dealing
in money. It accepts deposits, makes loans and provides financial services. The primary
role of banks is connecting those with funds, such as investors and depositors, to those
seeking funds, such as individuals or businesses needing loans.

1) Look at the list of standard banking products and services and translate them into
Czech. Do you know any other banking products and services?

a current account (BrE) / checking

a loan
account (AmE)
a savings or deposit account (BrE) /
a mortgage
time or notice account (AmE)
cashpoints (BrE ) / ATMs (AmE) an overdraft
a standing
a chequebook (BrE) / checkbook (AmE)
a credit card direct debit
a debit card deposit

9. Banking and Financial Products

2) Work in groups of three and answer these questions:

1. Do you use bank services? How did you choose the bank where you have your bank
account? What kind of account do you have? Which type of payment card do you have?
2. Which types of banking products does your bank offer? Which ones do you use and
why? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the products you know and use?
Unit 1
3. What did you have to do to open your bank account?
4. How happy are you with your bank? What would you like to change, if anything?

3) In what ways do the more formal and less formal styles differ?

4) Whatlet
Now forms of money
us have a lookare there?words
at some Take the testare
which below to find out:
frequently used when presenting. Read
1. words
Beforein the box
money wasand matchpeople
invented, them with
used their synonyms
a system below.
called _____, Some
which of them
simply was can be
matched with more
exchanging thanfor
one good one synonym:
A) swapping B) bartering C) bargaining

2. Before the
purpose creation of modern
begin turn to paper money,
theme_____ such as gold, silverfinish
summarise or salt were come to
used as means of payment.
outline A) commodity
money sum up
B) common next
money C)lastly look at
commodity value topic

3. Today´s paper currency is called _____, which is money that can be legally used to pay
1.for things
in a particular ________
country, authorised by its government, but it is not backed
by a physical
2. finally commodity. ________
3.A) alfa
aimmoney B) fiat money
________ C) volvo money

4. 4.Money
placed in banks and________
other savings institutions forms _____.
5.A) capital
move to ________, ________
B) deposits C) finance
6. show ________
5. Money available in the banking system for individuals and businesses to borrow _____.
recap ________, ________
8.A) credit
focus on ________
B) currency C) debt
9. then ________
6. Borrowed money that has to be paid back constitutes a _____.
10. subject ________, ________
A) debt B) fund C) subsidy
11. start ________
7. Money paid by the government to unemployed or sick people is called _____.
A) fees B) loans C) social security or welfare

8. Any properties or objects of value that a company or a person owns, which can be
5) Use
or soldoftothe
paywords fromare
their debts exercise 4 and complete the sentences below. Some
called _____.
sentences can be completedB)with
A) budgets more words:
assets C) liabilities
1. The _______ of this presentation is to give you a(n) _______of our company and its
9. Money in a company that is owed to someone and has to be paid in the future,
such as tax, debt, interest, and mortgage payments is called _____.
2. Firstly, I´d like to _______B)you
A) budget a timeline of our company
assets so you can see how we´ve
C) liabilities
developed over the years.
3. Then I´ll _______ our market and how it is changing.
4. After that I´ll _______ our next point - our brand new product.
Team of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.
5. Finally, I will _______ how we can adapt our products to fit our customers´ needs.
6. Just to _______ the main points again: I began by telling you a little about … .
10. Money given by the government or an organisation to support a project, business
or industry, very often used to reduce the costs of services or of producing goods
so that their prices can be kept low is called a _____.
A) budget B) deposit C) subsidy

11. The money needed to start a company is called _____.

A) assets B) capital C) debt

12. Estimated expenditure and income is often written down in a _____.

A) budget B) reserve C) statement

2) The words in the box are also connected with money. Can you explain to your Un
partner what they mean?

tip pension currency cost bribe

3) commission
In what ways do thefee
more formal andrent finediffer?
less formal styles fare

4) All the
Now verbs
let us haveinathe
looktable collocate
at some wordswith the
which word
are MONEY.
frequently Look
used at them
when presenting. Rea
and complete the tasks below:
the words in the box and match them with their synonyms below. Some of them can be
matched with more than one synonym:
Verb Noun Verb Noun

allocate launder
purpose begin turn to theme summarise finish come to
borrow lend
outline represent sum up next lastly look at topic
contribute make

deposit 1. overview ________ owe

2. finally ________
donate repay
3. aim ________
earn 4. conclude ________ refund
5. move to
________, ________
6. show ________
7. recap withdraw
________, ________
8. focus on ________
9. then ________
1. Complete the chart with noun forms of the verbs.
10. subject ________, ________
2. Look at the verbs and find two pairs of synonyms.
11. start ________
3. Look at the verbs and find three pairs of opposites.
4. Which verbs have positive connotations?
5. Which verbs have negative connotations?

5) Use some of the words from exercise 4 and complete the sentences below. Some
sentences can be completed with more words:
9. 1. The
Banking _______
and of this presentation is to give you a(n) _______of our company and its
Financial Products
3) In what ways do the more formal and less formal styles differ?

4) Complete
Now let usthe sentences
have a look atusing
somethe correct
words forms
which areoffrequently
some verbs or nouns
used whenfrom
presenting. Read
the table in the previous exercise:
the words in the box and match them with their synonyms below. Some of them can be
matched with more than one synonym:
1. In our hotel, you can _______________ your currency for dollars 24/7.
2. If you cancel your order two months before its due date, you receive a full
_______________ of the price.
purpose begin turn to theme summarise finish come to
3. A great number of celebrities make _______________ to charities on a regular basis,
outline even though
they mightsum up about it.
not talk next lastly look at topic
4. The company offers a retirement savings plan to which it _______________ 12 percent
1. an
of employee´s salary. ________
5. 2._______________
finally and _______________
________ can be made at any branch of our bank
for a fee.
3. aim ________
6. I got a(n) _______________ from my bank to buy a car, its _______________ period five
years. ________
7. 5.In December
move to 2012, HSBC bank
________, ________
was penalised $1.9 billion for money _______________. Unit 1
6. show ________
8. Our project has been _______________ just enough resources so we can finish this
year. ________, ________
9. 8.Thefocus on
bank manager ________
was found guilty of _______________ of almost £100,000.
10. 9.Neverthen ________
ask people how much they _______________ unless they are your closest
3) In what ways do the more formal and less formal styles differ?
10. subject ________, ________
11. start ________

4) Here let
Now areus
havemore collocations
a look and which
at some words idiomsare
connected with
frequently money.
used whenLook
presenting. Read
at the chart and complete it with the words from the box. Do you know what
the words in the box and match them with their synonyms below. Some of them can be
the phrases mean? Can you translate them into Czech?
5) matched with more
Use some of thethan
wordsone synonym:
from exercise 4 and complete the sentences below. Some
sentences can be completed with more words:
loan go loss debt
1. The _______ of this presentation is to give you a(n) _______of our company and its
purposeproducts. begin turn to theme summarise finish come to
2. Firstly, I´d represent undersumyou
like to _______ up a timeline
nextof our companylastly so you canlook at how we´ve
see topic
run up a
developed over the years.
3. 1.Thenoverview
I´ll _______ our market and how payitoff
is achanging.
________ to the ________
4. 2.Afterfinally
that I´ll _______ our next pointbe- in
________ our brand new product.
5. 3.Finally,
aimI will _______ how we can adapt our products to fit our customers´ needs.
6. 4.make
Just a
to _______
conclude the main ________again:
points obtain a
I began by telling you a little about … .
7. 5.OK, I´da like
run at toto _______ by
________ saying that
________, it wasona agreat
default pleasure presenting to you today.
8. 6.The show
_______ of my presentation
________is the system of English language courses at VŠE.
suffer a take out a
9. 7.Thisrecap
graph _________ our sales last________
________, year.
Now use8.
of theon ________
phrases, one from each set, in four sentences of your own.
9. then ________
6) Match
10. the less formal verbs
subject in the________
________, box with the more formal verbs below. Then find the
appropriate ending for each sentence:
11. start ________

of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.

5) 148 Use some of theTeam
words from exercise 4 and complete the sentences below. Some
sentences can be completed with more words: 11
1) Explain the dif ference between:
1. debit card x credit card
2. direct debit x standing order x bank transfer
3. assets x liabilities
4. debt x deposit
5. subsidy x subsidiary

2) Can you imagine a world without money?

3) What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a credit card to pay compared
to paying in cash?

4) What do you know about digital money?


9. Banking and Financial Products

3) In what ways do the more formal and less formal styles differ?

4) Therelet
Now are
have atypes of some
look at banks.words
The necessity
which areforfrequently
the varietyused
is because
when each
presenting. Read
bank is specialised in its own field. Each bank has its own principles and policies.
the words in the box and match them with their synonyms below. Some of them can be
Match the types of banks in the box with their definitions:
matched with more than one synonym:

central banks non-bank financial intermediaries microfinance banks

purpose begin turn to theme summarise finish come to

commercial banks/retail banks insurance companies investment banks
outline represent sum up next lastly look at topic
private banks internet banks building societies

1. overview ________
1. 2.These banks make very small
finally loans to poor people in developing countries in order
to help
3. aim them to set up their
________ _______________
2. These banks provide banking facilities only via the Internet. There will be no physical
with these banks.________
All transactions are permitted only through online banking.
move to ________, ________
3. 6.These
showbanks receive and ________
hold customers´ deposits in current and savings accounts,
pay money according to customers´ instructions, lend money to individuals and small
7. recap ________, ________
businesses, etc. _______________
4. 8.These
focus on have a lot of________
banks functions such as supervising the banking system, holding
of commercial banks´________
reserves, managing a country´s gold and currency reserves,
10. the minimum interest
subject rate, issuing
________, coins and banknotes, controlling the money
supply in the economy, and acting as lender of last resort. _______________
11. start ________
These banks receive deposits from customers and lend mortgages to buy houses
and flats. _______________
6. These are financial services firms that usually offer a variety of financial services
including leasing or pension funds, etc. _______________
5) 7. Use
These banks
some ofprovide personalised
the words financial
from exercise and complete
4 and banking services to wealthy
the sentences peopleSome
(HNWIs – high net worth individuals). _______________ Unit 1
sentences can be completed with more words:
8. The
1. These banks sell
_______ products
of this which provide
presentation is to compensation for loss, damages,
give you a(n) _______of injury, etc.
our company and its
9. These banks perform a variety of services for large companies such as giving them
2. Firstly, I´dadvice,
financial like toraising
_______ you for
capital a timeline
them byofissuing
our company
stocks orso shares
you canand
how we´ve
3) In what ways do
developed thethe
over more formal and less formal styles differ?
organising mergers and takeovers, etc. _______________
3. Then I´ll _______ our market and how it is changing.
4. After that I´ll _______ our next point - our brand new product.
2) The words
4) 5. Finally,
Now let us and
I will havephrases
a look
_______ howbelow
at some
we allwords
can appeared
our in
adaptwhich the frequently
are previous
products exercise
to fit our (in bold).
customers´ presenting.
needs. Read
the at
words them
in in the
the boxthe context
match and
themthen decide
withI their which
synonyms definition
below. of
Some the oftwo is can be
6. Just to _______ points again:
the correct one and translate them into Czech:
began by telling you a little about … .
7. OK, I´d with
likemore than one
to _______ synonym:
by saying that it was a great pleasure presenting to you today.
The _______
supply of my presentation is the system of English language courses at VŠE.
a. the total amount of money that exists in the economy of a country at a particular
9. This graph
purpose time
_________ turn
begin our sales
to last year.
theme summarise finish come to
b. a business that produces a large profit
outline represent sum up next lastly look at topic
Stocks and shares
6) Match the lessissued
a. certificates formal
a bankininthe boxfor
return with the more
a deposit formal verbs below. Then find the
of money
b. certificates
appropriate of ownership in
ending for each________
1. overview a particular
sentence: company
2. finally ________
3. aim ________
4. conclude ________
New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.
150 5. move to ________,
Team of authors: ________
6. show ________ 11
a. financial products that have a value based on the value of another product
b. official documents given by a company (or by the government) to show that you
have lent them money that they will pay back to you at a particular interest rate
and time
a. acts of joining two or more organisations or businesses into one
b. business projects that are begun by two or more companies, which remain
separate organisations
a. acts of small companies buying larger companies using money that is borrowed
based on the value of these larger companies
b. acts of taking control of companies by buying most of their shares


and 2
Prague University of Economics and Business’ students only: more in Grammar Guide Chapter 9

1) Look at the sentences about Internet banks:

1. If you wanted to keep your data offline, it wouldn´t be possible in any bank.
2. If you choose an online bank backed by the FDIC, the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation, you’ll be covered for losses up to $250,000.
3. So, if I were a student, I would definitely open a bank account in an online bank.
4. If the technology can prove itself, people will use it.

9. Banking and Financial Products

A conditional sentence consists of an if clause and a main clause. It expresses the idea that
a certain action can only happen when a certain condition is fulfilled.

Note: we can use was or were after I, he, she and it, e.g. If I were/was you, I would go there.

2) Choose the correct option:

1. The if clause/the main clause states the condition.
2. The if clause/the main clause states the result.

3) Look at the four conditional sentences from exercise 1 again and answer these
1. In which sentences does the speaker indicate that this is
a) an idea/situation that is a real possibility in the future? ____
b) a less realistic or imaginary idea/situation? ____
Unit 1
2. Which conditional is used in each case?
3. What verb forms are used in each conditional? Why are they used?
4. Do the two different conditional clauses refer to present and future or the past?

3) In what ways do the more formal and less formal styles differ?

4) Readlet
Now the
ussentences below
have a look and words
at some decide which
if the events are likely
are frequently or imaginary.
used when presenting. Read
Complete the sentences by putting the verbs into the correct forms:
the words in the box and match them with their synonyms below. Some of them can be
1. If youwith more than one
_______________ synonym:
(have) any questions, we _______________ (deal) with them
at the end of the talk about the new financial products.
2. A: My train leaves in twenty minutes!
purposeB: It only
begin turn to theme summarise finish
takes five minutes as the railway station is opposite our office. If you
come to
outline _______________
represent(leave) now,
sum upyou _______________
next (catch)
lastlyit easily. look at topic
3. If I _______________ (be) on the Board of this bank, I _______________ (argue) against
the merger.
1. overview ________
4. The bank is not far. If you _______________ (follow) this road, you _______________
there in five minutes.________
5. 3.I have
aimno idea what the ________
manager wants to talk to us about. If I _______________
I _______________ ________
(tell) you.
6. 5.If the council
move to_______________ (ban) all________
________, cars from the embankment, it _______________
(create) a very pleasant and clean pedestrian zone along the river.
6. show ________
7. A: It is really late. I must be going.
7. recap ________, ________
B: If you _______________ (wait) a moment, I _______________ (give) you a lift.
8. focus on ________
8. A: Would you like to go to Spanish evening classes with me?
9. then ________
B: I´m sorry, but I can´t. I´m really busy. If I ______ (have) more time, I ______ (love) to.
10. subject
Maybe next year.
________, ________
11. start ________

Team of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.
5) Use some of the words from exercise 4 and complete the sentences below. Some
3) In what ways do the more formal and less formal styles differ?

4) Match
Now leteach sentence
us have a look1–6at with
someits closest
words context
which a) or b):
are frequently used when presenting. Rea
the words in the box and match them with their synonyms below. Some of them can be
I´ve applied for a new job – if I get it, I´ll
1. matched with more than one synonym:a. I have a good chance of getting the job.
have to move to Paris.

I´ve applied for a new job – if I got it, I´d I am not really confident that I will get
purpose begin turn to b.
theme summarise finish come to
have to move to Paris. the job.
outline represent sum up next lastly look at topic
If public transport gets cheaper, I won´t The prices of public transport are likely
3. a.
drive to work every day, I´ll use the bus. to be lowered.
1. overview ________
If public transport got cheaper,
4. 2. finally
I wouldn´t drive to work every________
day, I´d b.
The prices of public transport are not
likely to be changed.
use3.the aim
bus. ________
4. conclude ________
This country is not likely to join the EU
It´ll 5.
be amove
good to ________,
thing if Montenegro joins ________
5. a. or we don´t know enough to say
the EU.
6. show ________ if it is likely or not.
7. recap ________, ________
It´d be a good thing if Morocco joined
the8.EU. focus on ________
6. b. This country is likely to join the EU.
9. then ________
10. subject ________, ________
6) 11. start
Choose the best form to ________the sentences. Then answer the questions
in pairs or small groups:

1. When do/would you most like to work if you will have/have/had/would have the choice
and why?
5) Use some of the words from exercise 4 and complete the sentences below. Some
a) in the
sentences can morning b) in the with
be completed afternoon
in the evening d) at night
2. The _______
If your of this presentation
school/company (if you have is to give
a job) you a(n) _______of
was/were/would our what
be an animal, company and its
would it be/was it and why?
2. Firstly,
a) tigerI´db) like
bearto c) _______
owl d) pike youe)abee
timeline of deer
f ) fox g) our company so decide)
h) other (you you can see how we´ve
developed over the years.
3. What does/will your teacher say if you are/will be/were late for your lessons tomorrow?
3. Then I´ll _______ our market and how it is changing.
a) nothing at all b) nothing to be worried about c) it depends how late I am
4. After that I´ll _______ our next point - our brand new product.
4. Finally,
5. In relation
I willto_______
your studies,
howifwe you are/were/will
can adapt our be able to to
products have morecustomers´
fit our of just oneneeds.
the following, which will/would you choose and why?
6. Just to _______ the main points again: I began by telling you a little about … .
a) holidays b) homework c) challenges d) language lessons
7. OK, I´d like to _______ by saying that it was a great pleasure presenting to you today.
8. The _______ of my presentation is the system of English language courses at VŠE.
9. This graph _________ our sales last year.

6) Match the less formal verbs in the box with the more formal verbs below. Then find the
appropriate ending for each sentence:

9. Banking and Financial Products

7) Work in pairs. Look at the events in the table below. Decide how likely or unlikely
they are to happen to you in the following year. Then tick the appropriate boxes:

Likely to happen Unlikely to happen

pass all your exams

speak five languages

get a part-time job

leave a part-time job

meet your future husband/wife

drop out of the university

find a summer job abroad

join a university club

set up your own company

move out from your parents´ flat/house

Now switch books with your partner and based on how they ticked the boxes, ask them
a question depending on the likelihood of the event. Use first or second conditional. You
have to think of the result clause yourself.

Example: ´If you pass all your exams, will you get a present from your parents?´


and mixed
Prague University of Economics and Business’ students only: more in Grammar Guide Chapter 9

1) Look at these three conditional sentences with a partner and answer the questions

a. If I had known about the advantages of online banks, I would have switched banks
long ago.
b. You wouldn´t have joined an online bank if the expert hadn´t persuaded you.
c. If you had bought a lot of Apple shares, you would be a millionaire now.

Team of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.
1. Which sentence(s) describes
a) an imagined past action and an imagined present result? ____
b) an imagined past action and an imagined past result? ____ Un
2. Which conditional is used in each case?
3. What verb forms are used in each conditional? Why are they used?
4. Look at sentences a. – c. and say what really happened.
3) In what ways do the more formal and less formal styles differ?

4) Complete
Now let us these
have asentences withwords
look at some the correct
which forms of the verbs
are frequently usedinwhen
presenting. Rea
Sometimes more than one answer is possible:
the words in the box and match them with their synonyms below. Some of them can be
1. If we with more than (leave)
______________ one synonym:
an hour earlier, we ______________ (be) there by now,
instead of being stuck in this traffic jam.
2. I understand why you made that decision – if I ______________ (be) in your shoes,
purposeI think I begin
(do)to theme
the same thing. summarise finish come to
outline represent
3. Of course, I´ve broughtsum
my up
notebook. next lastly (not bring)
If I ______________ look at me, topic
it with
I ______________ (not talk) on Skype to you now.
4. If I ______________ (study) languages harder when I was at school, I ______________
1.(notoverview ________
need) an interpreter now.
5. 2.Thatfinally ________
was a missed opportunity. If we ______________ (buy) the shares in April, we
aim (make) a________
lot of money.
6. 4.It was
a good idea to take________
the underground to the airport. We ______________ (miss)
5.the move
flight iftowe ______________
________,(drive), because there was an accident on the road
to the airport.
6. show ________
7. This is all your fault. If you ______________ (read) the contract more carefully, we
7. recap ________, ________
______________ (be) in so much trouble now.
8. focus on ________
8. Thank you so much for telling me about the problem the other day. If I ______________
9.(notthen ________
know) about it, I ______________ (include) it in my report that I have just
10. subject
handed in. ________, ________
11. start ________
3) Work in pairs or in small groups. Make a list of important decisions you have made
in your life. Then tell your classmates how your life would be or would have been
different if you had made different decisions. Use the 3rd or mixed conditionals.

5) Use some of the words from exercise 4 and complete the sentences below. Some
sentences can be completed with more words:
1. The _______ of this presentation is to give you a(n) _______of our company and its
2. Firstly, I´d like to _______ you a timeline of our company so you can see how we´ve
developed over the years.
3. Then I´ll _______ our market and how it is changing.
4. After that I´ll _______ our next point - our brand new product.
5. Finally, I will _______ how we can adapt our products to fit our customers´ needs.
6. Just to _______ the main points again: I began by telling you a little about … .
7. OK, I´d like to _______ by saying that it was a great pleasure presenting to you today.
9. Banking and Financial Products
8. The _______ of my presentation is the system of English language courses 155at VŠE.
9. This graph _________ our sales last year.
Team of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.
Financial Products

Financial products refer to instruments that help you save, invest, get insurance or get
a mortgage. These are issued by various banks, financial institutions, stock brokerages,
insurance providers, credit card agencies and government sponsored entities. Financial
products are categorised in terms of their type or underlying asset class (e. g. stocks, bonds,
cash or property), volatility (i.e. fluctuations of the price of a security), risk and return.

Here are some examples of types of financial products:

Stocks/Shares: certificates representing part ownership of a company. While stocks/
shares are initially issued by corporations, they are subsequently bought and sold
by individuals in the stock market. They are generally associated with high risks and also
high returns. Returns on stocks/shares can be in the form of dividend payouts by
the company or profits on the sale of stocks/shares in the stock market. (Language note:
Although the words stocks/shares are used interchangeably to refer to certificates that
indicate ownership of a particular company, there is a contextual difference between them.
The word ‘stock’ is a general term used to describe the ownership certificates of any
company, and ‘share’ refers to an ownership certificate of a particular company.)

Bonds: debt investments in which investors loan money to a corporation or a government.

These institutions borrow the funds from the investors for a defined period of time
at either a variable or fixed interest rate. Due to the pre-scheduled interest payments,
bonds are considered a fairly safe investment.

Mutual funds: professionally managed financial instruments that involve the diversification
of investment into a number of financial products, such as stocks/shares or bonds.
This helps to reduce an investor´s risk exposure while increasing the profit potential. Unlike
hedge funds, mutual funds are more strictly regulated by governments.

Hedge funds: private investment funds, usually used by wealthy individuals

and institutions, which are allowed to use aggressive strategies that are unavailable
to mutual funds in order to generate high returns. Unlike mutual funds, hedge funds
are exceptionally risky and largely unregulated by governments.

9. Banking and Financial Products

Congratulations Mr Hill. We are prepared to give you a loan,
but first you have to prove you really don’t need it.

1) Imagine you have some money to invest. What are the benefits and drawbacks
of the suggested forms of investment:

hiding it under a mattress buying art

going gambling to Las Vegas investing in a property

investing in a mutual fund buying bonds

depositing it in your bank buying stocks and shares

buying gold buying cryptocurrencies

Unit 1
3) In
1) whatdoways
What youdo the more
know aboutformal
stocksand less formal
(shares) styles differ?
and bonds? Share your knowledge
with your partners in small groups.

4) Before
Now letyou listen,acheck
us have your
look at understanding
some ofare
words which some words from
frequently thewhen
used recording
presenting. Read
by matching up the words and definitions:
the words in the box and match them with their synonyms below. Some of them can be
matched with more than one synonym:
1. issue (v) a. a term used to refer to the first of two things mentioned
a period when something that rises and falls regularly is at a low
2. security (n)beginb.
level,turn to economic
especially themeactivity summarise finish come to
3. shortfall (n)represent
c. sum up
a financial nextinstrumentlastly
or investment bought and sold look at topic
in financial markets, such as a bond or a share (stock)

1. overview ________
2. finally ________
3. aim ________
Team of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.
4. conclude ________
4. equity (n) d. to state a price for securities

5. quote (v) e. to offer stocks/shares or bonds to general public

6. yield (n) f. an amount that is less than the level that was needed
the annual income earned from an investment, expressed
7. trough (n) g.
usually as a percentage of the money invested
8. former (adj) h. a term used to refer to the second of two things mentioned

9. latter (adj) i. the value of a company’s shares

3) Listen to an interview about stocks and bonds and answer the following
1. Which institutions issue stocks and bonds? Why do they issue them?
2. What does ‚to float a company‘ mean?
3. When does an investment bank ´underwrite´ a stock issue? What does it mean?
4. What is the difference between a primary and a secondary market?
5. What is the difference between the stock market and the stock exchange?
6. The speaker mentions two types of prices connected to shares – what are they?
Which one is influenced by supply and demand?
7. What is the difference between a bull market and a bear market?
8. Name the main difference between corporate and government bonds.
9. Corporate bonds can be divided into two categories. What are their names?

4) Listen to some sentences from the listening again and complete the following
statements with the words from the recording:
1. In order to finance themselves on daily basis, companies use internally generated
______________, whereas governments work with ______________.
2. Companies issue stocks or shares, which are also called ______________. Bonds
are issued by governments as well as companies and are forms of ______________
3. Another important role of an investment bank is to ______________ the stock issue.
4. Once a company is ______________ or listed on the stock exchange, investors can buy
shares of such a company.
5. The price written on a share is the ______________ value, whereas the price you can
buy it at is called the______________ price.
6. When discussing bonds, there are three key terms to remember. First, the _____________,
which is the money you pay for the bond. Second, the ______________ date, which
is the date when you get your money back. And third, the ______________, which are
the interest payments you receive regularly during the time you have lent your money
to the government or a company.

9. Banking and Financial Products

7. In comparison with bonds issued by companies, government bonds are generally
regarded as ______________ investments.
8. Other terms used for non-investment corporate bonds are ______________ bonds
and ______________ bonds. Unlike investment-grade bonds, which are rather safe,
but not as profitable, the non-investment grade corporate bonds might bring much
higher returns. However, it is also possible that the company in question might
______________ on its loans.

5) There is a logical connection between three of the four words in each of

the following groups. Which is the odd one out and why?

1. maturity – dividend – coupon – principal

2. equity – stock – debt – share
3. go public – IPO – flotation – cash flow
4. loan – equity – bond – debt borrowing
5. market maker – shareholder – creditor – stockbroker
6. face value – market value – nominal value – par value
7. float – underwrite – share issue – secondary market

6) Work with a partner. You are going to ask one another some questions about
investing. Student A – go to page 228, student B – go to page 229.

Term Definition Translation

a thing of value, especially property, that a person

Asset (n) or company owns, which can be used or sold to pay majetek

an ​official ​paper given by the ​government or a ​

company to show that you have l​ ent them ​
Bond (n) dluhopis
money that they will ​pay back to you at a p
​ articular ​
interest ​rate

an organisation like a bank that lends money

Building stavební
to people who want to buy a house. People also save
society (n) spořitelna
money with a building society.

a national bank that does business

Central bank
with the government and other banks, and issues centrální banka
the country’s coins and paper money

a bank that offers services to the general public
bank Retail komerční banka
and to businesses
bank (n)

Continued on page 161

Team of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.
Continued from page 160

Term Definition Translation

Conglomerate a large company formed by joining together
(n) different firms

Coupon (n) the amount of interest that a bond pays z dluhopisu,

1. money that you borrow from a bank; a loan

2. an arrangement that you make, with a shop/store 1. úvěr, půjčka
Credit (n), (v) for example, to pay later for something you buy 2. úvěr
3. to add an amount of money to somebody’s bank 3. připsat

a plastic card that you can use to buy goods

Credit card (n) kreditní karta
and services and pay for them later

account (BrE) a type of bank account that you can take money out
Checking of at any time, and that provides you with a debit běžný účet
account (AmE) card

a plastic card that can be used to take money

Debit card (n) directly from your bank account when you pay for debetní karta

Debt (n) a sum of money that somebody owes dluh

to fail to do something that you legally have to do, nezaplatit;

Default (v), (n)
especially by not paying a debt neplnění závazku

a reduction in the amount of money in a country’s

Deflation (n) deflace
economy so that prices fall or remain the same

1. a sum of money that is paid into a bank account

1. vklad
2. a sum of money that is given as the first part of
2. záloha
a larger payment
3. kauce, vratná
Deposit (n), (v) 3. a sum of money that is paid by somebody when they
záloha, jistina
rent something and that is returned to them if they
4. uložit peníze,
do not lose or damage the thing they are renting
4. to put money into a bank account

an instruction to your bank to allow somebody else

Direct debit
to take an amount of money from your account inkaso
on a particular date, especially to pay bills

an amount of the profits that a company pays

Dividend (n) dividenda
to people who own shares in the company

to steal money that you are responsible for or that zpronevěřit,

Embezzle (v)
belongs to your employer defraudovat

Continued on page 162

9. Banking and Financial Products

Continued from page 161

Term Definition Translation

an investment fund involving a group of people who
Hedge fund
take high risks with their investments in order to try hedgeový fond
and make a lot of money
High-yield a type of bond that pays a high rate of interest rizikový dluhopis/
(grade) bond because there is a lot of risk involved, also called junk podřadná
(n) bond obligace
Insurance a ​company whose ​business is ​providing and ​selling ​
company (n) insurance
Interest rate percentage paid by either the borrower on a loan úroková míra/
(n) or by the bank on money deposited sazba
a person or an organisation that helps other people
or organisations to make an agreement by being zprostředkovatel
a means of communication between them
Internet bank
a ​bank that o
​ perates over the i​ nternet inernetová banka
a bank that deals with large businesses investiční banka
bank (n)
Investment- dobře investičně
grade bond a secure bond that generally pays low rate of interest hodnocený
(n) dluhopis
to move money that has been obtained illegally into
Launder prát (špinavé
foreign bank accounts or legal businesses so that it is
(money) (v) peníze)
difficult for people to know where the money came from
money that is owed to someone and has to be
Liability (n) paid in the future, such as tax, debt, interest, závazek
and mortgage payments
in the ​form of ​money, ​rather than ​investments or ​
Liquid (adj) likvidní
property, or ​able to be ​changed into ​money ​easily
Maturity (n) the length of time for which a bond is issued splatnost

the act of joining two or more organisations

Merger (n) fúze
or businesses into one

Microfinance a bank that provides loans to very poor people, mikrofinanční

bank (n) usually in developing countries instituce
Money supply the total amount of money that exists
(nabídka) peněz
(n) in the economy of a country at a particular time
v ekonomice
a legal agreement by which a bank or similar
organisation lends you money to buy a house,
Mortgage (n) hypotéka
etc., and you pay the money back over a particular
number of years; the sum of money that you borrow

Continued on page 163

Team of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.
Continued from page 162

Term Definition Translation

Mutual fund service where financial experts invest the money of podílový fond/
(n) many people in many different companies vzájemný fond

a financial services firm (not a bank) that usually nebankovní
offers a variety of financial services including leasing zprostředkovatel
or pension funds úvěru
the amount of money that you owe to a bank when
přečerpání účtu,
Overdraft (n) you have spent more money than is in your bank
account; an arrangement that allows you to do this
the amount of capital making up a bond or other
Principal (n) jistina
​ ank that is o
​ wned by one p ​ erson or by a ​small ​
Private bank
number of ​shareholders and which provides ​financial ​ soukromá banka
advice and ​services for ​very rich people
Public akciová
a company that sells shares in itself to the public
company (n) společnost
a financial or investment instrument bought and sold
Security cenný papír
in financial markets, such as a bond or a share (stock)
an instruction that you give to your bank to pay
Standing trvalý platební
somebody a fixed amount of money from your
order (n) příkaz
account on the same day each week/month, etc.
1. the value of the shares in a company that have
been sold (uncountable)
2. a share that somebody has bought in a company 1., 2. akcie
Stock (n)
or business (countable, usually plural) 3. dluhopis
3. (British English) money that is lent to a government
at a fixed rate of interest
any of the units of equal value into which a company
Share (n) is divided and sold to raise money; people who akcie (podíl)
own shares receive part of the company’s profits
Stock burza cenných
a place where shares are bought and sold
exchange (n) papírů
Stock market the business of buying and selling shares trh cenných
(n) in companies papírů
an act of taking control of a company by buying
Takeover (n) převzetí
most of its shares
the amount of profit that you get from your
Return (n) výnos
Withdraw (v) to take money out of a bank account vyzvednout
the rate of income an investor receives from their
Yield (n) stocks and shares or bonds (commonly called výtěžek

9. Banking and Financial Products

Team of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.
10 Government and Taxation


Governments levy taxes in order to raise tax revenue. When taxes do not cover
the government spending, they borrow money by issuing government bonds. To slow
down or speed up the economic growth, the government can use fiscal policy which
means adjusting spending (expenditure) and tax rates.
Government has several economic functions:
● ● helps redistribute income. It provides transfer payments in the form
of unemployment benefits, retirement pensions, or social security benefits.

10. Government and Taxation

●● provides public goods and services, which are those that benefit the society
as a whole. Examples might be roads, public schools, hospitals, defence, firefighting
service, flood control, or satellite navigation system.
●● compensates for market failures and handles externalities, which are usually
negative side effects like e.g. pollution, litter, or noise.
●● provides the legal framework and the services for a market economy to operate
effectively. It establishes the legal rules concerning the rights of private ownership,
the legal status of business enterprises or legal framework of contracts.

1) What do you think the main duties and responsibilities of governments should
be? The pictures will help you.

2) Could these activities be taken over by any other institution? Why/not?

●● providing the whole society with public goods the private sector has no economic
incentive to provide
●● investing in infrastructure
●● ensuring that the education and training system targets the needs of the economy
●● levying taxes and borrowing money by issuing government bonds
●● providing those goods and services which have high social priority but very low
profit margin
●● being involved in national defence, police, law and order, fire department, postal
service, etc.
●● running social security and medical care
●● setting out rules for pollution control

Team of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.
3) In what ways do the more formal and less formal styles differ?

4) Put the
Now let individual tasksatofsome
us have a look the government
words whichunder the correctused
are frequently headings:
when presenting. Rea
the words in the box and match them with their synonyms below. Some of them can be
1. Providing a stable environment for businesses and households
matched with more than one synonym:
2. Managing the economy
3. Investing in infrastructure
4. Providing public goods and services, handling externalities
purpose begin
5. Protecting turn to
the environment theme summarise finish come to
outline represent sum up next lastly look at topic
a. Keeping inflation low and stable for long-term competitiveness and ensuring that
savings are not losing their value.
b. 1.Encouraging
overview local and foreign
c. 2.Running
finally public health________
and welfare programmes, education, roads, research
development, national and domestic security.
d. Setting clear and transparent ground rules and ensuring that markets
4. conclude ________
are competitive, for example, by allowing imports to come in freely.
e. 5.Providing
move tolegislation to ________,
prevent ________
further degradation of the environment,
show wildlife areas ________
from disruption by the development of factories,
recap and residential________,
areas and ________
imposing taxes to reduce the level of pollution
by firms.
8. focus on ________
f. Investing in infrastructure and other areas in which the private sector is likely underinvest.
then ________
g. 10. subject those goods ________,
Providing and services________
that have high social priority but very low
11. startmargin. ________
h. Overseeing the functioning of the economy, but not intervening in its day-to-day
i. Ensuring that the education and training system targets the needs of the economy,
with a strong emphasis on providing technical and professional labour force.
5) j. Use some
Being of of
part theorwords fromenvironmental
initiating exercise 4 andprojects
complete the as
such sentences below. Some
beach clean-ups
sentences can be completed with more words:
and tree-planting.
1. The _______ of this presentation is to give you a(n) _______of our company and its
2. Firstly, I´d like to _______ you a timeline of our company so you can see how we´ve
developed over the years.
1) 3.Read the I´ll
Then article aboutour
_______ governments’
market and howrole in
it ismanaging economy:
4. After that I´ll _______ our next point - our brand new product.
5. Finally,
will _______ how we can AND
our products to fit our
RESPONSE TOcustomers´
CHANGES needs.
6. Just to _______
IN THE ECONOMIC CLIMATE the main points again: I began by telling you a little about … .
7. OK, I´d like to _______ by saying that it was a great pleasure presenting to you today.
1 8.In every
The _______
country, of
themy presentation
government takesis steps
the system
to helpofthe
English language
economy courses
achieve at VŠE.
the goals
9. This
of growth, fullgraph _________
employment, our sales
and price last The
stability. year.government influences economic activity
through fiscal policy. It uses its power to tax and to spend.

2 Both taxation and government spending can be used to reduce or increase the total
supply ofMatch
moneythe lesseconomy
in the formal verbs in the boxand
that businesses with the morespend.
consumers formalWhen
below. Then find the
is inappropriate
a recession, ending for each sentence:
the appropriate policy is to increase spending, reduce taxes, or both.
Such expansionary actions will put more money in the hands of businesses and consumers,

10. Government and Taxation

encouraging businesses to expand and consumers to buy more goods and services. When
the economy is experiencing inflation, the opposite policy is adopted: the government will
decrease spending or increase taxes, or both. Because such contractionary measures reduce
spending by businesses and consumers, prices go down and inflation eases.

3 On the other hand, monetary policy is exercised by the central bank, which is empowered
to take various actions that decrease or increase the money supply and raise or lower short-
term interest rates, making it harder or easier to borrow money. When they believe that inflation
is a problem, they will use contractionary policy to decrease the money supply and raise interest
rates. When rates are higher, borrowers have to pay more for the money they borrow, and banks
are more selective in making loans. Because money is more expensive to borrow, the demand
for goods and services will go down, and so will prices.

4 When countering a recession, the central bank uses expansionary policy to increase
the money supply and reduce interest rates. With lower interest rates, it is cheaper to borrow
money, and banks are more willing to lend it. Attractive interest rates encourage businesses
to borrow money to expand production and encourage consumers to buy more goods
and services. In theory, both sets of actions will help the economy escape a recession.

(adapted from Exploring Business, online)

2) Answer the following questions:

1. What are the main goals governments try to achieve? Unit 1

2. What does the monetary policy regulate?
3. What does the fiscal policy comprise?
4. Explain the difference between contractionary and expansionary policies.

3) In what ways do the more formal and less formal styles differ?
4) Match
Now letthe following
us have verb-noun
a look partnerships
at some words from
which are the article
frequently andwhen
used translate
presenting. Read
them into Czech:
the words in the box and match them with their synonyms below. Some of them can be
matched with more than one synonym:
1. take a. customers to buy more goods and services

2. achieve b. a sustainable welfare policy

purpose begin turn to theme summarise finish come to
3. make
outline c. recession sum up
represent next lastly look at topic
4. counter d. steps
1. overview ________
5. encourage e. goals
2. finally ________
6. implement
3. aim f. loans ________
4. conclude ________
5. move to ________, ________
6. show ________
Team of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.
7. recap ________, ________
8. focus on ________
3) In what ways do the more formal and less formal styles differ?

4) Nowlet
Now match thea following
us have adjective-noun
look at some partnerships
words which are frequentlyfrom
used the
presenting. Rea
and translate them into Czech:
the words in the box and match them with their synonyms below. Some of them can be
matched with more than one synonym:
1. price a. supply

2. full b. activity Un
purpose begin turn to theme summarise finish come to
3. money c. employment
outline represent sum up next lastly look at topic
4. interest d. stability

3)5. Ineconomic
what wayse.dorates
1. overview the more formal and less formal styles differ?
2. finally ________
3. aim ________
4) 4.Complete
Now conclude
let usthehave a look________
sentences with suitable
at some wordspartnerships
which are from the previous
frequently exercises:
used when presenting. Rea
the 5.Themove
1. words to box and match
in the
___________________ ________,
in them ________
with had
the region theirbeen
by ourSome
teamof them
and we can be
matched with more
show than
it would one synonym:
be promising to enter the market.
2. 7.___________________
recap ________,to
contributes ________
achieving high levels of economic activity
and employment.
8. focus on ________
3. 9.Thethen
precise and turn
cleartoyour ___________________
theme summarise finish
are the easier it will be come to
to ___________________
outline10. represent sumthem.
up next lastly look at topic
subject ________, ________
4. Asking for feedback is the best way to ___________________ to return.
11. start ________
5. The Governor of the Bank of England reassured the public that ___________________
overview ________
unaffected by China’s economic slowdown.
6. 2.We finally
___________________ ________
to prevent him from doing more harm.
3. aim ________
7. The necessity to adopt and ___________________ a sustainable welfare
5) Use
4. some of the words
___________________ was from
discussed in the4 and complete the sentences below. Some
sentences canto be completed________, with more________
words: Un
8. 5.___________________
move data is recorded and published, usually by the central bank
1. Theof
the country.
of this presentation is to give you a(n) _______of our company and its
6. show ________
9. 7.___________________ an extra ___________________ payment can reduce your
recap ________, ________
2. Firstly,
monthly I´dpayments
like to _______
or shorten youthealength
timeline of our
of your loancompany
term. so you can see how we´ve
8. focus on ________
10. developed
Some economists over the years. tough regulations in order to ___________________
3) In what ways do the more formal
9. then ________ and less formal styles differ?
in theI´ll
3. Then economy.
_______ our market and how it is changing.
10. subject ________, ________
4. After that I´ll _______ our next point - our brand new product.
11. start ________
5. Finally, I will _______ how we can adapt our products to fit our customers´ needs.
4) 6. Just Complete
Now usthe sentences with the correct prepositions:
_______ have a look
the mainatpoints
some words
again: I which
began are frequently
by telling you aused
little when
about presenting.
…. Rea
7. words in the box and match them with their synonyms below. Some of them can be
1. OK, I´d like to ability
Government’s _______ by sayingthe
to influence that it was isa based
economy great ______
pleasure presenting
fiscal policy. to you today.
matched with more than one synonym:
5) 8.2. The
Use some of of
government themy presentation
words is thea 4reduction
from ______ system of______
and completeEnglishthe
the total courses
sentences of at VŠE.
below. Some
9. This graph economy.
can be_________
completed ourwith
last year.
3. The
1. In times
_______of inflation
of thisthe main focus ofisgovernments
presentation totheme
give you a(n)is ______ contractionary
_______of policy. and its
purpose begin turn to summarise come to
4. products.
The central bank’s measures are aimed ______ achieving goals of price stability.
5. Match represent
Fiscal policy reliesformal
______ sum up
government next
spending and lastly
taxation. look at topic
6) 2. thelike
Firstly, I´d lessto _______ verbs
youina the box
timeline with
of ourthecompany
more formal
so youverbs below.
can see howThen
we´vefind the
6. During
appropriate the recession
ending demand ______ goods and services decreases.
developed over fortheeach
7. 1.Higher
taxation reduces the ________
supply ______ money in the economy.
3. Then I´ll _______ our market and how it is changing.
2. finally ________
4. After that I´ll _______ our next point - our brand new product.
3. aim ________
5. Finally, I will _______ how we can adapt our products to fit our customers´ needs.
4. conclude
10. Government and Taxation ________ 169… .
6. Just to _______ the main points again: I began by telling you a little about
5. move to ________, ________ 11
7. OK, I´d like to _______ by saying that it was a great pleasure presenting to you today.
3) In what ways do the more formal and less formal styles differ?

4) Match
Now e expressions
letthus below
have a look at someinto pairswhich
words with the
are same meaning:
frequently used when presenting. Read
the words in the box and match them with their synonyms below. Some of them can be
output expenses boost companies costs
matched with more than one synonym:
error expenditure firms production mistake
reduce spending stimulate lower
purpose begin turn to theme summarise finish come to
outline represent sum up next lastly look at topic

1. overview ________
2. finally ________
Unit 1
3. aim ________
4. conclude ________
5. move to ________, ________
6. show ________
3) In what ways do the more formal and less formal styles differ?
7. recap ________, ________
8. focus on ________
9. then ________
4) Match
Now letthe
us expressions below into
have a look________,
at some pairswhich
words with the
are opposite meaning:
frequently used when presenting. Read
10. subject ________
the words in
11. start the box and match them with their synonyms below. Some of them can be
production demand ________ boom depression consumption
matched with more than one synonym:
contraction growth cut increase supply

purpose begin turn to theme summarise finish come to

5) Use some of the words from exercise 4 and complete the sentences below. Some
sentences can represent
be completed sumwith
up more words:
next lastly look at topic
1. The _______ of this presentation is to give you a(n) _______of our company and its
1. overview ________
2. 2.Firstly, I´d like to _______
finally you a timeline of our company so you can see how we´ve
3. aim over the years.
3. 4.Thenconclude
I´ll _______ our market and how it is changing.
4. 5.Aftermove
that toI´ll _______ our next point
________, - our brand new product.
5. 6.Finally,
show I will _______ how we can adapt our products to fit our customers´ needs.
6. 7.Justrecap
to _______ the main points
________, again: I began by telling you a little about … .
1) 7.
Read OK,the
8. I´dfollowing
focus paragraph
likeonto _______ by andthat
________ complete
it was athe text
great by choosing
pleasure presentingthetoright
you today.
8. 9.The then
_______ of my presentation
________is the system of English language courses at VŠE.
9. This
The 10. graph _________
government our sales last________
1) produces/provides businesses and individuals in many
ways. For example,
11. start trade barriers permit
________ certain products to remain relatively free from
foreign competition. 2) Imports/Exports are sometimes taxed or limited by volume
6) so that
Match domestic
the lessproducts can better
formal verbs 3) compete/comprise
in the box with the more formalwithverbs
foreign goods.
below. Then find the
The government also provides aid to farmers by 4) subsidising/donating prices they receive
appropriate ending for each sentence:
for their crops. In quite a different area, the government supports 5) firms/individuals who
5) Use some of the words from exercise 4 and complete the sentences below. Some
sentences can be completed with more words:
1. The _______ of this presentation is to give you a(n) _______of our company and its
170 products. Team of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.

2. Firstly, I´d like to _______ you a timeline of 11our company so you can see how we´ve

cannot adequately care for themselves by making 6) loans/grants to low-income parents

with dependent children, by providing medical care for the aged, and through social 7)
insurance/training programmes that assist the unemployed and retirees. The government
3) In what
also ways8)do
supplies the more formal
release/relief and less
for the poor formal
and help styles
for the differ?

4) Complete
Now let usthe textawith
have looksuitable
at somewords
wordsfrom theare
which box. Five wordsused
frequently are redundant:
when presenting. Rea
the words in the box and match them with their synonyms below. Some of them can be
science with more
matched alternate research
than one synonym: renewable public
allocate provide experiences private externalities

purpose begin turn to theme summarise finish come to

The scientific discipline known as ‘public economics’ describes why government is needed
outline represent
alongside markets sumresources.
to 1.________ up nextreasons include:
These lastlythe protection
of at
the poor topic
through a social safety net; the correction of 2.________ such as greenhouse gas emissions;
the provision of ‘merit goods’ such as health care and education, which are essential
1. society’s
for all overview members; and________
the financing of scientific and technological 3.________
finally ________
be efficiently captured by 4.________ investors. In all these circumstances,
the free-market
3. aim system tends to underprovide
________ the resource in question — whether income
support for the poor, reduction of carbon emissions, low-cost primary health care, or R&D for
4. conclude ________
5.________ energy.
5. move to ________, ________
6. show ________
7. recap ________, ________
SPEAKING 8. focus on ________
9. then ________
Work in groups. Imagine you could choose the area the government should invest in.
Prepare a10. subject
short ________,
presentation supporting your________
11. start ________
1. Protection of the environment
2. Building roads and highways
3. Research and development
5) Improvement
Use some of of
wordsof the system
from of education
exercise 4 and complete the sentences below. Some
5. Improvement of medical care
sentences can be completed with more words:
6. Raising the minimum wage
1. The _______ of this presentation is to give you a(n) _______of our company and its
Supporting alternative renewable energies
8. products.
Supporting culture and sport activities for young people
2. Firstly, I´d like to _______ you a timeline of our company so you can see how we´ve
developed over the years.
3. Then I´ll _______ our market and how it is changing.
4. After that I´ll _______ our next point - our brand new product.
5. Finally, I will _______ how we can adapt our products to fit our customers´ needs.
6. Just to _______ the main points again: I began by telling you a little about … .
7. OK, I´d like to _______ by saying that it was a great pleasure presenting to you today.
8. The _______ of my presentation is the system of English language courses at VŠE.
9. This graph _________ our sales last year.

10. Government and Taxation

6) 171 Then find the
Match the less formal verbs in the box with the more formal verbs below.
appropriate ending for each sentence:
Team of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.

Taxes are mainly used to finance the expenses incurred by the government to manage
an economy. These expenses include: health care, education, waste collection, defence,
infrastructure and operating government business entities. Taxation is also used by
the government for several other purposes:

●● to reduce pollution by taxing offending firms,

●● to discourage unhealthy lifestyles, e.g. a tax on cigarettes,
●● to protect local and infant industries by taxing imports,
●● to achieve greater equality of wealth and income (revenue from taxation is used
to help the very poor),
●● to control spending in an economy and thus reduce inflation.

Types of taxes
Direct taxes are paid by individuals and companies directly from income earned
or on the value of assets owned.
Indirect taxes are levied on consumption and therefore are paid by individuals when
purchasing goods and services.
There are three existing tax systems. A progressive tax system levies a higher tax rate
on high income earners compared to lower income earners. This ensures that higher
income earners pay a larger proportion of their income than lower income earners.
A regressive tax system levies a smaller percentage of tax on higher income earners
compared to lower income earners. This results in higher income earners paying a smaller
proportion of their income in taxes than lower income earners. Under a proportional tax
system (flat tax) all taxpayers pay the same proportion of their income in taxes. The same
percentage tax is levied on both high and low income earners.

10. Government and Taxation

1) You are going to listen to a dialogue about various types of taxes. During
the first listening write down all types of taxes mentioned and divide them into
direct and indirect ones:

Direct taxes Indirect taxes

2) During the second listening match the terms connected with taxation
with their definitions and translate them into Czech:

Definition Tax Czech translation

the special sales tax which

1. companies have to pay when they
sell certain types of products

the tax that has to be paid when

importing products

the main tax taken out of a person‘s


the tax that both people

and companies have to pay on any
profit they make from selling
property or securities

the tax you pay when you

5. buy things or use some types
of services

the tax which companies pay

on the profit they make

the tax that is paid as part

of a product

the tax paid directly

8. to the government by a person
or organisation

Team of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.
3) Work with your partner and write down explanations of the following terms from
the listening:

1. pay slip
2. net income/salary/wage Un
3. gross income/salary/wage
4. direct taxes
5. indirect taxes

3) In what ways do the more formal and less formal styles differ?
4) Choose
Now thehave
let us bestaoption
look attosome
wordsthe following
which sentencesused
are frequently withwhen
the word
presenting. Rea
TAX and write the Czech translation of the terms in the box below:
the words in the box and match them with their synonyms below. Some of them can be
matched with more
1. Individuals than
normally fillone
a taxsynonym:
_____ each year.
a) declaration
b) refund
purposec) begin
return turn to theme summarise finish come to
outline represent sum up next lastly look at topic

2. The money you receive back from the tax office when you have paid too much is called
1.a tax
_____ . ________
2.a) finally
discount ________
3. aim refund ________
c) relief
4. conclude ________
5. move to ________, ________
3. 6.Taxpayers
show know well that________
tax _____ is illegal.
7.a) recap
evasion ________, ________
8.b) focus
on ________
c) policy
9. then ________
10. subject ________, ________
4. 11.
Moneystartyou have spent in________
order to earn income is normally tax _____ .
a) deductible
b) subsidised
c) audited
5) Use some of the words from exercise 4 and complete the sentences below. Some
sentences can be completed with more words:
5. The
1. To check whether
_______ thepresentation
of this financial records of give
is to the company
you a(n)are accurate, our
_______of the government
company and its
can do a tax _____ .
a) rate
2. Firstly,
b) formI´d like to _______ you a timeline of our company so you can see how we´ve
c) audit over the years.
3. Then I´ll _______ our market and how it is changing.
4. After that I´ll _______ our next point - our brand new product.
5. Finally, I will _______ how we can adapt our products to fit our customers´ needs.
6. Just to _______ the main points again: I began by telling you a little about … .
10. Government and Taxation
7. OK, I´d like to _______ by saying that it was a great pleasure presenting175 to you today.
8. The _______ of my presentation is the system of English language courses at VŠE.
6. The tax form is so complicated that the average person needs a tax _____ to help
him or her fill it in.
a) advisor
b) payer
c) deduction

7. A tax _____ does not require individuals to reside in or businesses to operate out
of their countries to benefit from local tax policies.
a) protection
b) haven
c) heaven

8. Practically every taxpayer engages in tax _____ at some point in order to minimise
her or his tax bill legally.
Unit 1
a) avoidance
b) evasion
c) progress
3) In what ways do the more formal and less formal styles differ?

4) Use some
Now let usofhave
the a
collocations from
look at some exercise
words which1)are
in the following
frequently sentences:
used when presenting. Read
the words in the box and match them with their synonyms below. Some of them can be
1. A new tax was _______________ on fuel.
matched with more than one synonym:
2. Even though we had a tax _______________, we were accused of tax ______________.
3. They comment on the tax ________________ by government on excess company
4. According begin turna to
to the law it was case of taxtheme summarise
_______________, finish
which is illegal. come to
outline To prove that
representit was legal
sum up tax _______________,
next the
lastly firm asked for
look at a tax topic
6. We are used to having all our tax _______________ checked by our tax
overview ________
2. finally ________
3. aim ________
SPEAKING 4. conclude ________
5.Givemove to ________, ________
two reasons why governments should be the chief guardians of the environment.
2. 6.Discuss
show ________
two consequences of unregulated business activity in an economy.
3. 7.Identify
recaptwo purposes of taxation
discuss the importance of each.
4. Differentiate
8. focus on between direct and
________indirect taxes and give two examples of each.
5. Distinguish between progressive and regressive taxation.
6. 9.Thethen
regressive tax system________
is unfair and places a greater burden on the lower income
10. subject
earners. Discuss. ________, ________
7. Outline
11. starttwo ways in which________
governments provide assistance for businesses.
8. Choose one social service and discuss the importance of its provision by a government.

5) 176 Use some of theTeam

words from exercise
of authors: 4 and
New English complete
for Business the sentences
and Economics. below.
Student’s Book.Some
sentences can be completed with more words:
Prague University of Economics and Business’ students only: more in Grammar Guide Chapter 5, 19 and 20

Most verbs are followed by a particular form of the verb in position of object – infinitive,
bare infinitive (infinitive without to) or gerund (-ing form). Unfortunately, you have
to learn each particular verb phrase by heart. There are no rules available. If in doubt,
always consult a dictionary.

Some verbs can be followed by either an – ing form or an infinitive. But usually
there is a difference in meaning.


admit advise anticipate appreciate avoid complete

consider delay deny discuss dislike enjoy
finish involve keep mention mind miss
postpone practise recommend report risk suggest

I anticipated arriving late.

I recommend not being late.

Other expressions followed by gerund:

It’s (not) worth …

There is no point (in) …
It’s no use …
Have difficulty/difficulties (in) …
Have trouble …
It’s no good …


afford appear arrange claim decide demand

deserve expect intend manage offer plan

pretend promise refuse seem tend wait

They expect to depart early in the morning.

I promise not to arrive late again.

10. Government and Taxation

3) In what ways do the more formal and less formal styles differ?

4) Put the
Now let verbs in brackets
us have a look at in the correct
some form: are frequently used when presenting. Read
words which
the words in the box and match them with their synonyms below. Some of them can be
1. We intend ________________ you next week. (visit)
matched with more than one synonym:
2. The book does not pretend ________________ a great work of literature. (be)
3. They enjoyed ________________ in a village. (live)
purpose begin
4. The guard turn to
refused ________________ theme
them summarise
enter the building. (let) finish come to
5. He keptrepresent
outline ________________,
sum although
up henext
felt ill. (work) lastly look at topic
6. She avoided ________________ to her boss. (talk)
7. He tends ________________ a little shy. (be)
1. overview ________
8. He deserves ________________ punished. (be)
2. finally ________
9. I do not mind ________________ early. (come)
3. aim ________
10. He suggested ________________ at the Grand Hotel. (not stay)
4. conclude ________
11. They recommended ________________ earlier. (meet)
5. move to ________, ________
12. His health appeared ________________ better. (be)
6. show ________
13. She arranged ________________ any longer. (not stay)
7. recap ________, ________
14. We have finished ________________ for the meeting. (prepare)
8.I don’t
focus on ________
claim ________________ an expert. (be)
9.We then ________
decided ________________ out for dinner. (not go)
10. subject ________, ________
We discussed ________________ on holiday together. (go)
18. 11. start ________
She plans ________________ a new flat next year. (buy)
19. He risked ________________ caught. (be)
20. He denied ________________ the money. (steal)

5) Use some of the words from exercise 4 and complete the sentences below. Some
These verbs can canbe befollowed
completed bywith more
either thewords:
gerund or the infinitive with a change
1. The
in meaning. _______ of this presentation is to give you a(n) _______of our company and its
2. Firstly,
Remember I´d like to _______ you a timeline of our company so you can see how we´ve
+ gerund
●● I remember
developed over the
spending years.
a lot of time on the beach when I was a child. (I have a memory
3.of spending a lot of time
Then I´ll _______ ouron the beach.)
market and how it is changing.
●● He remembers closing the door. (He has a memory of closing the door.)
4. After that I´ll _______ our next point - our brand new product.
5. Finally, I will _______ how we can adapt our products to fit our customers´ needs.
Remember + to + infinitive
●● 6.I remembered
Just to _______
to buythe main
milk. points
(I was again:
walking homeI began by idea
and the telling you
that a little milk
I needed about ….
7.intoOK, I´d like to _______
my head, so I bought some.)by saying that it was a great pleasure presenting to you today.
●● 8.SheThe _______ of
remembered tomy presentation
send a card to herisgrandmother.
the system of English language courses at VŠE.
9. This graph _________ our sales last year.

6) Match the less formal verbs in the box with the more formal verbs below. Then find the
appropriate ending for each sentence:
Team of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.
Forget + gerund
●● Have we really studied this topic before? I forgot reading about it. (I do not remember
reading about it.)
●● I will never forget meeting my boss for the first time.

Forget + to + infinitive
●● I forgot to call my mother. (I wanted to call my mother, but when it was a good time
to call her, I forgot.)
●● She keeps forgetting to bring his book back.

Stop + gerund
●● I stopped working when I was expecting a baby. (Working is the activity I stopped.)
●● My grandmother stopped driving when she was eighty-five. (Driving is the activity
she stopped.)

Stop + to + infinitive
●● I stopped to eat lunch. (I stopped doing something else because I wanted to eat
●● She was shopping and she stopped to get a cup of coffee. (She stopped shopping
because she wanted to get a cup of coffee.)

Regret + gerund
●● I regret going to bed so late. I am really tired today.
●● She regrets leaving school when she was sixteen. She wishes that she had studied
more and then gone to university.

Regret + to + infinitive
●● I regret to tell you that the train has been delayed.
●● The company regrets to inform employees that the London office will close next year.

Try + gerund (You do something as an experiment. The thing you do is not difficult,
but you want to see if doing it will have the result that you want.)
●● I tried taking an aspirin but it didn’t help. I still have a headache.
●● It was too hot in the room. I tried opening the window but it didn’t help, because
it was very hot outside too.

Try + to + infinitive (to do something that is not easy)

●● I tried to lift the suitcase, but it was too heavy.
●● She tried to catch the bus, but she couldn’t run fast enough.

10. Government and Taxation

Be/Get used to + gerund (If you are used to something, it is not strange, new or difficult
for you. If you get used to something, you become accustomed to it; it is no longer unusual
or strange.)
●● I am used to waking up early in the morning. It does not bother me.
●● Sending emails to my grandmother is difficult. She is not used to using a computer.
●● I got used to waking up early in the morning.
●● It took me a while to get used to speaking the language.

Used + to + infinitive (If you used to do something, you did it regularly in the past but you
do not do it any more.)
●● I used to go to the cinema every Friday.
●● He used to visit us regularly before he moved abroad.


2) Practise the verbs above in the following sentences:

1.He remembered _______________ in embarrassment when his card was rejected due
to insufficient funds. (blush)
2. I have never regretted _______________ it. (not do)
3. Charlie tried for years _______________ his driving test but always failed. (pass)
4. She will soon get used to _______________ here. (work)
5. After the first month he stopped _______________ his government bonds’ value. Unit 1
6. I tried _______________ the window, but I couldn’t because it was stuck. (open)
7. I regret _______________ so much money last night. (spend)
8. She tried _______________ but the children were so funny. (not laugh)
3) In
9. what
forgotdo the more formal
_______________ theand
rent less formal(pay)
this month. styles differ?
10. He stopped _______________ for health reasons. (smoke)

4) Complete
Now let us the
havesentences with the
a look at some correct
words whichverbs and put them
are frequently usedinwhen
the right
presenting. Read
the words in the box and match them with their synonyms below. Some of them can be
matched with more than one synonym:
demonstrate read have move falsify

receive be
purpose begin turn to withdraw
theme help
summarise work
finish come to
outline represent
1. He admitted sum up
___________________ thenext
data. lastly look at topic
2. When did he decide __________________ so much money?
3. They promised ________________ the new equipment.
1. overview ________
4. Do you mind ________________ me translate this letter?
2. finally ________
5. Stephanie dislikes _______________ on the computer all day.
6. 3.I really
aim appreciate _______________
________ the opportunity to take part in this project
to work with such an________
excellent team.
5. move to ________, ________
6. show ________
7. recap ________,
Team of authors: ________
New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.
8. focus on ________
7. She pretended _______________ a student in order to get a student discount.
8. Laura and Ed discussed _______________ to the city to find work; however, in the end,
they decided against relocating.
9. Our teacher recommends _______________ all these books for the exam.
10. The medical team deserves _______________ an award for their volunteer work
in Sub-Saharan Africa.


It can be difficult to decide when to use MAKE or DO in English.

We use make when we create or construct something.

●● She made a cake.

We use do for general activities.

●● What did you do at the weekend?

There are many fixed expressions with make and do. Unfortunately, they do not really follow any
useful rules, so you have to learn them.

1. He made a big mistake when he changed his job.
2. Why does it take them so long to make decisions?
3. They made fun of him whenever he wore his new hat.
4. It’s very important to make a good impression at this meeting.
5. China has made huge economic progress in recent years.
6. When he was younger, he made a fortune selling clothes.
7. The new manager made some changes as soon as he arrived.
8. I want to make a phone call.
9. I think the café opens at six, but let’s make certain.
10. Usually the children aren’t allowed to watch TV but I made an exception today since
the weather was so horrible.

1. Could you do me a favour? Please drive me to town.
2. It doesn’t matter if you don’t come first as long as you do your best.
3. She did very badly on the exam, so she’ll have to retake it.
4. It’s been a pleasure doing business with you.
5. John has decided to do a course in computing this autumn.
6. He has to do his duty and look after his elderly parents.
7. The storm has done a lot of damage to the house.
8. I have to do three exams and write a huge essay this term.
9. I think the students did a great job with this essay.
10. Does everybody hate doing paperwork?

10. Government and Taxation

3) In what ways do the more formal and less formal styles differ?

4) Decide
Now letwhether
us have athe following
look at someexpressions
words whichareare
used with MAKE
frequently orwhen
used DO: presenting. Read
the words in the box and match them with their synonyms below. Some of them can be
matched with more thandamage
research one synonym: a complaint an excuse

business harm an experiment repairs

purpose begin turn to theme summarise finish come to
an effort an appointment certain progress wrong/well/good
outline represent sum up next lastly look at topic

1. overviewMake ________ Do
2. finally ________
3. aim ________ Unit 1
4. conclude ________
5. move to ________, ________
6. show ________
7. recap
3) In what ________,
ways do the more formal and ________
less formal styles differ?
8. focus on ________
9. then ________
5) 10. subject the following
Complete ________, ________
4) Now let us have a look atsentences withwhich
some words MAKEare
or DO:
frequently used when presenting. Read
11. start ________
the words in the box and match them with their synonyms below. Some of them can be
1. What do you __________ for a living? – I’m a dentist.
matched withvery
2. You look more than
tired. oneyou
Would synonym:
like me to __________ you a cup of coffee?
3. What have you __________ with my handbag? I cannot find it anywhere!
4. Why does she __________ such a fuss of him?
5. UseDon’tsome begin
forgetoftothe wordsturn
__________ to exercise
your theme
hair before 4 and
you go out. summarise
complete finishbelow. Some
the sentences come to
6. He was
sentences can __________ so
be completed much noise that he woke her up.
outline represent sumwith
up more words:next lastly look at topic
7. The
1. You’re not trying
_______ hardpresentation
of this enough! __________
is to give an effort!
you a(n) _______of our company and its
8. She sat on the sofa, __________a crossword and drinking tea.
9. 1.Julieoverview
likes __________exercise, especially running.
10. Firstly, I´d like
I spilt coffee ontomy_______ you atotimeline
suit and tried clean it, butof our company so you
I __________more can
harm seegood.
than how we´ve
2. finally
11. developed
She had aover
the years.
toothache, so she __________an appointment with the dentist for
the aim
following day.
3. Then I´ll _______ our market ________
and how it is changing.
12. 4.Let’sconclude ________
__________some arrangements. I’ll find a hotel, and you can look at flights.
4. After that I´ll _______ our next point - our brand new product.
13. 5.I’ve move
__________some changes
to _______ how to
________,the document.
14. Finally,
My mother I will
__________a comment we canabout
adapt myour products to fit our customers´ needs.
6. 6.
15. Just
she late?the
points again:excuse?
she __________an I began by telling you a little about … .
7. 7.
OK, recap ________,
I´d like to _______ by ________
saying that it was a great pleasure presenting to you today.
8. 8. focus on ________
The _______ of my presentation is the system of English language courses at VŠE.
9. 9.
graph _________ our________
sales last year.
10. subject ________, ________
11. start ________
6) Match the less formal verbs in the box with the more formal verbs below. Then find the
appropriate ending for each sentence:
Team of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.
5) Use some of the words from exercise 4 and complete the sentences below. Some
sentences can be completed with more words:
3) In what ways do the more formal and less formal styles differ?

4) Complete
Now let usthe following
have a look atsentences
some words withwhich
MAKEareor DO in the correct
frequently form:presenting. Rea
used when
the words in the box and match them with their synonyms below. Some of them can be
1. The food took so long to arrive that I __________ a complaint to the manager.
matched with more than one synonym:
2. Janine, can you try to __________ me an appointment with my dentist for this afternoon,
3. No, we do not know what went wrong yet, but we are __________ some research.
4. I was notbegin turn to and I would
working hard enough theme summarise
really have to __________ an finish
effort. come to
outline We are __________
represent much better
sum up than last year;
next we are definitely
lastly __________ progress.
look at topic
6. We spent three days __________ repairs to the warehouse roof after the storm last
7. 1.I think
overview ________
there is a bus at eight but you had better call to __________ certain.
8. 2.It was my
finallyfault. You do not have
________to __________ excuses.
9. The court case would __________ serious damage to my business.
3. aim ________
10. It has been a pleasure __________ business with you.
4. conclude ________
5. move to ________, ________
6. show ________
GLOSSARY 7. recap ________, ________
8. focus on ________
9. then ________
Term Definition Translation
10. subject ________, ________
a tax on the proceeds resulting from daň z kapitálových
Capital 11. start
gains tax (n) ________
the sale of assets, e.g. houses, land, etc. výnosů

Corporate tax (n) a tax on the profits of companies daň z příjmu firem

a tax on imports, e.g. goods entering

(n) of the words from exercise 4 and complete theclo sentences below. Some
the country
sentences can be completed with more words:
1. The _______
Depression (n) ofathis
longpresentation is to giveinyou
and severe recession a(n) _______of
an economy depreseour company and its
a tax placed on specific goods
Excise duty (n) I´d like to _______ you a timeline of our company so
2. Firstly, spotřební
you candaň see how we´ve
manufactured or sold within a country
developed over the years.
3. Then I´ll _______ a consequence of anhow
our market and industrial
it is changing.
Externality (n) or commercial activity which affects other externalita
4. After that I´ll _______
parties our next point - our brand new product.
5. Finally, I will _______ how we can adapt our products to fit our customers´ needs.
government actions concerning taxation
6. policy
Just to(n)_______andthepublic
main points again: I began by telling youfiskální politika
a little about … .
7. OK, I´d like to _______ by saying that it was a great pleasure presenting to you today.
Income tax (n)
8. The _______ ofamy taxpresentation
on earned income daň z příjmu
is the system of English language courses at VŠE.
9. This graph _________ our which
an industry sales last year.
is not fully developed, mladé/vznikající
Infant industry (n)
unable to survive competition průmyslové odvětví

the lowest remuneration that employers

6) wagethe
Match (n) less formal verbs in the box with the more formal
below. Then find the
may legally pay to workers
appropriate ending for each sentence:
Continued on page 184

10. Government and Taxation

Continued from page 183

Term Definition Translation

government or central bank actions
Monetary policy (n) concerning the rate of growth of money měnová politika
in circulation

the presence in or introduction into

Pollution (n) the environment of a substance which has znečištění
harmful or poisonous effects

a good that is available for the society

Public good (n) veřejný statek
as a whole and not just individual members

a natural resource or source of energy not

Renewable (adj) obnovitelný
depleted when used

the arrangement minimising tax liability

Tax avoidance (n) daňová optimalizace
within the law

the illegal non-payment or underpayment

Tax evasion (n) daňový únik
of tax

a country or independent area where taxes

Tax haven (n) daňový ráj
are levied at a lower rate

Tax rate (n) the percentage paid in tax daňová sazba

a sum of money that is paid back

Tax refund (n) daňový přeplatek
to the taxpayer

a sum to be deducted from gross income

Tax relief (n) daňová úleva
in the calculation of taxable income

a form on which a taxpayer makes

Tax return (n) daňové přiznání
an annual statement of income

an amount of money collected

Tax revenue (n) daňové příjmy
by the government

Taxpayer (n) a person who pays taxes daňový poplatník

payments made by the government

Transfer payment (n) to individuals without requiring any goods transferová platba
or services in return

Unemployment money paid by the government to people podpora

benefit (n) who are unemployed v nezaměstnanosti

a tax levied on goods at each stage daň z přidané

Value added tax (n)
of production hodnoty

Team of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.
11 Reports and Graphs

A report is a formal piece of writing written for a clear purpose and to a particular audience.
Specific information and evidence are presented, analysed and applied to a particular
problem or issue. It offers recommendations for future action. The information is presented
in a clearly structured format making use of sections and headings so that the information
is easy to follow. As the main purpose of a report is to inform the audience, it must be
logically organised. The standard components of a report are Title, Introduction, Main
body or Findings, Conclusions and often Recommendations. However, other sections
such as Procedure or Method can be added as well. It is necessary to check the accuracy
of the report content, as well as the writing style, grammar, spelling and punctuation.
It is essential to show that you are being objective (i.e. not letting your personal opinion
and interests affect the report and not adding any persuasive elements). You can
do this by using the report as the subject of the sentence (This report shows…) or by using
passive voice (Conclusions are drawn…).

Reports used in government, business, education, science, and other fields, are aimed
to display the result of an experiment, investigation, or inquiry.

Report writing tips:

●● Analyse the task carefully. Who is the report for? Why do they want it? What do they
need to know?
●● Structure the report into clear sections using numbering and headings, so information
is easy to find.

11. Reports and Graphs

●● In general, write in a more formal, objective and impersonal style.
●● Aim to be clear, concise and precise.
●● Ensure all your sources are clearly referenced in the text.
●● Proofread carefully, checking for clarity as well as accuracy.
●● The report must comply with the ABC of report writing – be Accurate, Brief (does not
mean short but without unnecessary details), and Clear.

LEAD-IN Unit 1
1) Discuss the following questions:

1. In which situations are people asked to write a report?

2. What is the main purpose of a report?
3. what
3) In Howways
can the
do audience
the moreofformal
a reportand
less formal styles differ?
4. Do you have any first-hand experience of writing or presenting a report?

4) Below
Now letyou
us can
havesee someatterms
a look someclosely
words connected with reportused
which are frequently writing.
when Match
presenting. Read
them with their definitions:
the words in the box and match them with their synonyms below. Some of them can be
with more than one synonym:
a. the way in which text and illustrations are arranged on the page
2. bullet point b. a title at the beginning of a page or section
3. proofreading c. an item in a list with a small symbol in front of it
purpose begin turn to theme summarise finish come to
the most important part of a piece of writing that presents
layout d.
represent sum up
information discoverednext lastly
during research look at topic
checking and making corrections to a document (particularly in
5. draft e.
relation to spelling and inconsistencies in layout)
1. overview ________
an early version of a report that may have changes made to it
6. heading
2. finally f.
before it ________
is finished
3. aim
main body / ________
7. g. a name of a piece of writing, music or painting
4. conclude ________
8. title5. move toh. letters of________,
a particular________

6. show ________
7. recap ________, ________
186 8. focus on ________
Team of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.
9. then ________
3) In what ways do the more formal and less formal styles differ?

4) Put each
Now let usofhave
the afollowing descriptions
look at some of different
words which parts of
are frequently a report
used into
when presenting. Rea
the table below under the appropriate headings:
the words in the box and match them with their synonyms below. Some of them can be
1. This with
is themore than
largest one synonym:
section and contains most of your information. In it, you will
present your findings to the reader. You need to organise the information into smaller
subsections. Make sure the information flows logically from one section to the next.
2. You must not introduce any new information here. You should pull together the main points
purpose begin turn to theme summarise finish come to
of the report briefly, and emphasise the most significant points. You should link them back
outline to the purpose
represent sumwhich
of the report, up you havenext lastly
previously stated look at
in your introduction. topic
3. This is where you have a chance to suggest how things could be improved or
advanced. Your suggestions must flow logically from your conclusions, so that
1.the overview
reader can see the basis________
for them. They can be listed and numbered. It is important
that they
2. finally are realistic! ________
4. You will explain the problem and show the reader why the report is being made. You
3.needaim ________
to give a definition of terms, and explain how the details of the report are arranged.
4. conclude ________
5. move to Main body/Findings
Introduction ________, ________
Conclusions Recommendations
6. show ________
7. recap ________, ________
8. focus on ________
4) Look at the following report whose paragraphs have been jumbled up. Can you
put 9.
them then
back in the correct________
order? Then put each logical unit into the table below
under subject ________, ________
appropriate heading:
1. 11.
Thisstart ________
report is based on research conducted by an external contractor among our
2. If this was not the case, the intranet could be used for communication between
departments and replace most of the long lasting, ineffective meetings. It would also
help managers record, appoint, and monitor tasks set to individual employees.
5) 3. Use some
It aims of thethe
to identify words
way toexercise
and complete the sentences below. Some
in our company.
4. Finally,can be completed
it would withtomore
be advisable words:
introduce a sophisticated monitoring system that
1. The
help usof this presentation
determine how many is to give you
employees area(n) _______of
actually our
necessary, andcompany
as a resultand its
products. lead to lower staffing levels.
5. In addition, it has been found that the job descriptions are extremely vague
2. Firstly, I´d like to _______ you a timeline of our company so you can see how we´ve
and employees do not have a clear idea what their duties and responsibilities are. That
is why it is soover the years.
difficult to monitor their performance.
6. Then
3. The results show our
I´ll _______ that market
the weakest
and how points
it isare communication and management.
It is clear that the communication problem is closely related to technology and its
4. After that I´ll _______ our next point - our brand new product.
role in our company. There are not enough computers connected to the internet in
5. Finally, I will _______
the departments how
and too we can
many peopleadapt
haveourto products
share one to fit our customers´
computer. That obviouslyneeds.
6. Just to in
results _______
people´sthe main points
unwillingness to again:
began byskills
andyou a littletheir
therefore about ….
to use
7. OK, I´dcomputers effectively.
like to _______ by saying that it was a great pleasure presenting to you today.
7. Having described the problem areas that should be improved, firstly I suggest
8. The _______
up-grading ourofhardware
my presentation is the
and software andsystem of English
providing languagewith
every employee courses at VŠE.
their own
9. This graph Secondly,
computer. _________ we our sales
should setlast
up ayear.
training programme that would familiarise all
staff with the new system.

Introduction Main body/Findings Conclusions Recommendations

6) Match the less formal verbs in the box with the more formal verbs below. Then find the
appropriate ending for each sentence:

11. Reports and Graphs

3) In what ways do the more formal and less formal styles differ?

4) Divide
Now letthe
us following
have a look phrases
at someunder thewhich
words four headings:
are frequently used when presenting. Read
1. words in the box
We identified and match
the following keythem with their synonyms below. Some of them can be
areas …
matched with more than one synonym:
2. A key challenge facing us is …
3. On the basis of the figures presented above, …
4. The report includes / consists of / is divided into / contains …
purpose begin turn to theme summarise finish come to
5. 45% of those who replied to the questionnaire thought that …
6. There are represent sum up
three main recommendations next
to make … lastly look at topic
7. This has the potential to be a successful project provided …
8. 1.Theoverview
report is based on interviews
________ with … / information obtained from …
9. 2.It was found
finally that … ________
10. 3.It isaim
strongly recommended that …
11. Further research should be carried out to find out …
4. conclude ________
12. In the light of the above findings, we reached the following conclusion …
5. move to ________, ________
13. The aim / purpose of this report is to …
6. show ________
14. This will inevitably have an impact on …
7. recap ________, ________
15. The next stage is …
16. 8.Information
focus onwas gathered________
from …
17. 9.Thethen
Marketing Department ________
should …
10. subject
18. The research shows that … ________, ________
19. 11.
of the big advantages________
of this proposal is … Unit 1
20. A meeting should be arranged between …

Introduction Main body/Findings Conclusions Recommendations

5) In what
3) Usewayssomedo of the
the more
from exercise
and less 4formal and complete the sentences below. Some
styles differ?
sentences can be completed with more words:
1. The _______ of this presentation is to give you a(n) _______of our company and its
6) The following
4) 2. Firstly,
Now let sentences
a look atreflect the most commonfrequently
grammatical mistakes that
to _______ some
you words
a timeline which
of ourare
company so you used
canwhen presenting.
see how we´ve Read
the words make
in the when
box writing
and matcha report.
them Find
with them
their and correct
synonyms them:
below. Some of them can be
developed over the years.
1. Then
32% of with more than one synonym:
3. I´llstaff likes team-building.
_______ our market and how it is changing.
2. Social events such as an informal meeting in a pub like 32% of staff.
4. After that I´ll _______ our next point - our brand new product.
3. For about a quarter of the staff (26%) would be better lunch vouchers accepted by
5. Finally, Ibegin
purpose will _______ how turn we
to can adapt theme our products to fit our customers´
summarise finish needs.
come to
many restaurants near the company.
outlineJust to
4. Employees _______
represent the main
had a chancesum points again:
up between
to choose I began by
next three options:telling
… you a little about
look at … . topic
5. The informations were gathered from an electronic questionary. presenting to you today.
OK, I´d like to _______ by saying that it was a great pleasure
6. The _______ of to
We recommend myemploy
presentation is for
extra staff thethe system of English language courses at VŠE.
busy months.
1. overview ________
7. This graph _________
It is suggested to employourtwosales last year.
lecturers (English and Spanish) in order to organise two
finallycourses. ________
8. 3.A significant
aim ________(42%) thought that the lunch vouchers are the best
number of employees
6) 4.
Match conclude
option. the less formal verbs________in the box with the more formal verbs below. Then find the
9. 5. move
Survey was tocarried out ________,
appropriate ending for each sentence: the ________
employees of the R&D department.
10. 6.Therefore,
show we suggest ________
investing more financial resources into stuff training.
7. recap ________, ________
8. focus on ________
188 9. then ________
Team of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.
10. subject ________, ________ 11
3) In what ways do the more formal and less formal styles differ?

4) You should
Now not use
let us have an informal
a look style inwhich
at some words a report. There is a tendency
are frequently used whentopresenting.
use Rea
words and phrases that produce a balanced, careful and measured formal style.
the words in the box and match them with their synonyms below. Some of them can be
Practise these skills by choosing the more suitable options in the following
matched with more than one synonym:

1. We have made considerable/fantastic progress, and quality levels will/are expected

purposeto returnbegin
to normal within a few
turn to weeks. theme summarise finish come to
2.There is a really/relatively high risk of failure with this project unless we invest more
outline money/financial
sum at
upthis earlynext
stage. lastly look at topic
3. The performance over recent months has been bad/quite poor, and it may be/will be Un
necessary to employ new strategies.
1. overview ________
4. It is possible that/Maybe the survey is not very accurate as we only got/obtained
2.a response
finally rate of 25% to________
our questionnaire.
5. 3.A loss
aimof jobs is/is likely________
to be one of the consequences/things that will happen
3) In what
if ways
the do
4. conclude the
is more formal
automated. and less formal styles differ?
6. We conducted lots of/numerous tests in our technical department and the results
5.havemove to ________, ________
been pretty good/encouraging.
6. show ________
4) Here
7.Nowrecapare some verbs commonly
let us have a look________, usedwhich
at some words writing reports.
frequently Match
used whenthem
presenting. Rea
with their Czech translations and complete the sentences below with suitable
the words in
8. infocus the
on box and match them with their synonyms below. Some of them can be
verbs the correct form: ________
9. thenwith more than one synonym:
1. to10.
subject a. uvést, oznámit
________, ________
2. to11.
startbegin ________ b. zdůraznit, upozornit, poukázat
purpose turn to theme summarise finish come to
3. to challenge c. vyjmenovat
outline represent sum up next lastly look at topic
4. to suggest d. navrhnout, předložit návrh, doporučit
5. to list e. tvrdit, prohlašovat
5)6. to1.
Use overview
arguesome of the words________ from exercise f. 4 definovat,
and complete the sentences below. Some
sentences can be completed________ with more words:
7. to2.describe
finally g. argumentovat
1. 3.The aim
_______ of this presentation
________ is to give you a(n) _______of our company and its
8. to state h. zpochybnit, vznést námitky
4. conclude ________
9. to define i. identifikovat, zjistit
2. 5.Firstly,
move I´d to
like to _______ you a timeline
________, ________ of our company so you can see how we´ve
10. to highlight j. popsat, charakterizovat
6. show over the years.
3. 7.Thenrecap
I´ll _______ our market and how
________, it is changing.
4. 8. Your role
After thaton in the project will
I´ll _______ our be strictly _______________.
next point - our brand new product.
2. Thefocusreport _______________ ________
various ways in which the service could be improved.
5. Finally,
3. 9.Twothen
I will _______ how webeen
key problems have already
can adapt our products to fit our customers´ needs.
6. Just
4. 10. to _______
Thesubject the
author _______________main points again:
the common
________, I
________began by telling
belief that you aare
employees little about
most ….
7. 11.
OK, I´d likeby
start tomoney.
_______ by saying that it was a great pleasure presenting to you today.
5. The report on the accident _______________
8. The _______ of my presentation is the system the need for considerable
of English languageimprovements
courses at VŠE.
in safety.
6. This graph
Officials _________
clearly our salesthey
_______________ last felt
year.unhappy with the limits that continue to be
imposed on imports.
5) 7. Use The minister
some of_______________
the words fromfor/against
exercise 4making cuts in healthcare.
and complete the sentences below. Some
8. Match
The company
6) sentences the _______________
less formal verbs that
in theit
can be completed with more words: is
boxnot responsible
with the more for the pollution
formal verbsofbelow.
the river.
Then find the
9. The
1. The _______ computer
ending system
of for
thiseach is _______________ on page 70.
sentence:is to give you a(n) _______of our company and its
10. They _______________ five possible approaches to this problem.
2. Firstly, I´d like to _______ you a timeline of our company so you can see how we´ve
developed over the years.
11. Reports
3. Then and Graphs
I´ll _______ our market and how it is changing. 189
4. After that I´ll _______ our next point - our brand new product.
3) In what ways do the more formal and less formal styles differ?

4) Divide
Now letthe expressions
us have and
a look at phrases
some wordscommonly
which areused to connect
frequently usedideas
presenting. Read
the three headings in the table below:
the words in the box and match them with their synonyms below. Some of them can be
matched with more
1. As a result than
of this, one
it has notsynonym:
been possible to …
2. On the other hand, it is true that …
3. In addition to this, the survey included …
4. However,begin
this does not turn to mean
necessarily theme
that … summarise finish come to
5. This has been mainly due to …
outline represent sum up next lastly look at topic Unit 1
6. Moreover, in this particular case …
7. While these results may appear to …
8. 1.Consequently,
overview additional________
data was obtained which showed that …
2. finally ________
3) In what Contrast
ways do the more Cause
formal andand effect
less Adding a point
formal styles differ?
3. aim ________
4. conclude ________
5. move to ________, ________
4) Now let us have a look atpart
6. show the following
some of awords
report with are
which suitable prepositions:
frequently used when presenting. Read
7. recap
the words ________,
in the box and match them ________
with their synonyms below. Some of them can be
Report on a research project into the TV-watching habits of school students in order
matched withon
8. focus more than one synonym:
to find out the best time for commercials aimed at this age group.
9. then ________
10. subject
Introduction ________, ________
purpose begin turn to theme summarise finish come to
11. start ________
The purpose 1._____ this research was to find 2._____ how many hours of TV students watch
outline represent
in a typical week. sum
It also aimed up
to discover nextkinds of programmes
what lastly they watch.
look at
3._____ topic
addition, it looked 4._____ the kind of programmes watched 5._____ male and female
students was any difference 6._____ their preferences. We carried
to determine if there________
1. overview
5) 7._____
2. some
finally of the8._____
research wordsinterviewing
from exercise
________ students
4 andincomplete
the targetthe
group – school below.
sentences studentsSome
aged 14–18,
sentences both male and female. We spoke to students 9._____ a number 10._____
3. aimcan be completed________ with more words:
1. schools in of
The _______ fivethis
different cities. Weisinterviewed
presentation 120
to give you students
a(n) 11._____
_______of ourtotal, 60 boys
company and its
and 4. conclude
60 girls. ________
5. move to ________, ________
2. Firstly, I´d like to _______ you a timeline of our company so you can see how we´ve
6. show
Findings ________
developed over the years.
7. found
It was recap ________,
that 60% of interviewees have________
a TV in their bedroom and most watch it alone.
3. Then school
I´ll _______ our of
market and50%howofitgirls
is changing.
8. focus on
12._____ days, 40% ________
boys and watch TV for 2 hours or more, mostly
4. After
between that I´ll _______
6.00 and 9.00 p.m. Onlyour next
20% of boys and 15% new
point - our brand product.
of girls watch less than 1 hour.
9. then ________
5. Finally,
However, I will _______
13._____ weekends,how
60%weof can
boys adapt
and ourofproducts
70% girls watchtomore
fit our customers´
than needs.
2 hours a day,
10. subject ________, ________
14._____ the mornings and 15._____ the evenings. Boys prefer to watch
6. Just to _______ the main points again: I began by telling you a little about … . sport, cartoons
11. start ________
and OK,
7. music
I´dprogrammes, whereas
like to _______ girls prefer
by saying thattoit watch
was asoaps,
great dramas
pleasure and music.
presenting to you today.
8. The _______ of my presentation is the system of English language courses at VŠE.
Conclusions and Recommendations
9. This graph _________ our sales last year.
The research clearly shows that the best time for TV advertisements aimed 16._____ young
5) people
Useinsome of the words from exercise 4 and complete the sentences below. Some
this age group is between 6.00 and 9.00 p.m. 17._____ week days. 18._____
sentences can be completed with more words:
addition, advertisers whose target market is mainly girls should aim 19._____ place their
6) 1. The
Match_______ of formal
the less verbs in the
this presentation boxgive
is to with the
you more
a(n) formal verbs
_______of below. Then
our company find the
and its
ads between soaps, dramas and music programmes. If the target market is boys, they
products. ending for each sentence:
should place ads between sport, cartoons and music programmes.
2. Firstly, I´d like to _______ you a timeline of our company so you can see how we´ve
developed over the years.
3. Then I´ll _______ our market and how it is changing.
Team of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.
4. After that I´ll _______ our next point - our brand new product.
5. Finally, I will _______ how we can adapt our products to fit our customers´ needs.
3) In what ways do the more formal and less formal styles differ?
Flexible working hours Career br
Flexible working hours Career br
11% not
11) You work 29
4) Now let usforhave
the ahuman
look at resources department
some words which are of Pilsen Brewery.
when you
interested 34%Rea
no 34% 29
11) You
havewords work
work for
been considering the
the human
changes resources
resources department
in working of
practices. Pilsen
Pilsen Brewery.
Brewery. Recently
Before implementing you
the have
the been in the box
been considering
considering and
changes match
inin them
working with
practices. their
Before implementingbelow.
implementing 76%
the Some no
changes, of
youthem can be 37%
you carried out a staff survey to get employees´ reaction. The pie 76%chartsopinion
show the
carried with
out more
staff than
surveyto one
get synonym:
reaction. The
the 37%
results of the survey:

Optional part‐time
Flexible begin
working hours
hours turn to breaks
Career breakstheme summarise
Optional finish
working come to
interested interested
interested working
outline represent sum up next lastly lookinterested
at topic
not not
11% interested
interested 17% not
13% interested
interested 34% 29%
34% 29%
48% 17%
1. overview
no ________ no
opinion48% 35%
opinion no opinion
76% opinion
2. finally ________
37% 35% no opinion

3. aim ________
4. conclude ________
part‐time Additional staff request: Nursery facilities for sma
workingmove to ________, ________ Additional staff request: Nursery facilities for sma
Additional staff request: Nursery facilities for small children.
6. show ________ Now read the report and choose the correct word
interested Now read the report and choose the correct word
Now read7.therecap
report and choose the ________, ________
correct words for the gaps: majority
for granted
8. focus on not
________ turnover adva
48% interested
interested turnover
into arisen
found adva
9.35%then no
majority nofor granted ________
opinion quantity into
costlysuggested peak found
expressed dow
suggested expressed dow
10. subject ________, ________
turnover arisen advantage risen valuable
11. start ________ REPORT ON STAFF SURVEY
staffrequest: found
Nursery facilities
facilitiesfor smallon
forsmall children.
children. in
The aim of this report is to summarise points whic
Now read
reportand expressed
choosethe thecorrect downturn
words for
gaps: high
The aim
about of this in
changes experienced
workingis topractises.
summarise points whic
about changes in working practises.
5) majority
Use some offor for granted
words fromquantity
quantity costly
exercise 4 and completecostly REASONS theFOR peak
peak below. Some
turnover arisen
arisen advantage
advantage risen
Staff 2. FORvaluable
__________ represents a major cost in ou
REPORT ON STAFF can be completed
SURVEY with more words: inin Staff 2. __________ represents
into found
found on
on processes ahead
and staff training. Weahope
1. The _______expressed
suggested of this presentation
expressed is to give youhigh
downturn a(n) _______of
retention, and
company and that
We hope
and efficiency.
its by intro
products. retention, motivation and efficiency.
2. Firstly, I´d like to _______ you a timeline of our company OPINIONS soOFyou
STAFFcan see how we´ve
A large 4. __________ of our staff (76%) said they
The aim of this report is to
developed over the years. summarise points which have 1.___________
A from our recent staff(76%) said they
INTRODUCTION people stated that theyof5.our
large 4. __________ staff
__________ travelling t
Theaim about
aimof ofthis changes
thisreport in
reportisisto working
tosummarise practises.
__________from people
recentthat they
staff 5. __________ travelling t
3. Then
I´ll _______
market and how it is changing.
4. After that I´ll _______ our next point - our brand new product.
5. Finally, I will _______ how we can adapt our products to fit our customers´ needs.
Staff 6.2.___________ represents a major cost in our company. It involves 3.___________
processes and to _______
Wethe main
hope thatpoints
that by again:
introducing I began
these by telling
changes wewewill you a little
increase staff about … .
retention, processes
motivation and
and and staff training. We hope that by introducing these changes we will
7. OK, I´d like toefficiency.
_______ by saying that it was a great pleasure presenting to you today.
increase staff retention, motivation and efficiency.
8. The
OPINIONS OF _______ of my presentation is the system of English language courses at VŠE.
large This graphofof
__________ _________
ourstaff our
(76%) sales
said theylast
they year.

6) Match the less formal verbs in the box with the more formal verbs below. Then find the
appropriate ending for each sentence:

11. Reports and Graphs

A large 4.__________ of our staff (76%) said they would be interested in flexible working. Several
people stated that they 5.__________ travelling to work at 6.__________ times stressful and
time-consuming. A significant number of our employees (29%) thought that career breaks would
be attractive.

On the other hand, a smaller percentage (17%) 7.__________ interest in optional part-time
working. These were generally people with young children. 8.__________ addition to this,
consuming. A significant number of our employees (29%) thought that career breaks would be
several employees asked me if we could provide on-site nursery care for pre-school children.
On the other hand, a smaller percentage (17%) 7. __________ interest in optional part‐time working.
These were generally
CONCLUSION AND people with young children. 8. __________ addition to this, several employees
asked me ifwe
I believe weshould
could provide on‐site nursery
go 9.__________ carechanges
with these for pre‐school
because children.
staff reactions have been
generally positive. Moreover, employees can choose whether to take 10.__________ of the
changes or not.
I believe we should go 9. __________ with these changes because staff reactions have been
generally positive. Moreover, employees can choose whether to take 10. __________ of the changes
12) You were asked to carry out staff feedback on proposed improvements in
or not. working conditions by extension of leisure time activities. Write a short report
(180–200 words) on the results and make a recommendation on the best solution.

12) The
were asked to carry out staff feedback on proposed improvements in working conditions
were given the following options:
by extension of leisure time activities. Write a short report (150 – 180 words) on the results
and a)
makefitness center
a recommendation on the best solution.
b) wellness and spa center/nutrition specialist
c) bowling alley
The employees were given the following options:
d) boat tour with a dinner for two
a) fitness center

boat dinner for two

4% fitness center
bowling alley admission
for 4 people

wellness and spa

center/nutrition specialist

Before you hand in your report, go through the following checklist. Tick each item on the
b) wellness
checklist below ifand
found it in yourspecialist
or your classmates’ writing. Leave it blank if
c) bowling alley
this feature is not present. Use the checklist to help you assess your and your classmates’
d) boat
writing. tour with
As a result, youawill
pay for two to the aspects of writing that you are going to
be assessed on.

Before you hand in your report, go through the following checklist. Tick each item on the checklist
below if you have found it in your or your classmates’ writing. Leave it blank if this feature is not
present. Use the checklist toTeam
help you assess
of authors: your and
New English your classmates’
for Business writing.
and Economics. AsBook.
Student’s a result, you will
pay attention to the aspects of writing that you are going to be assessed on.
A. Content and Style

The purpose of the report is clearly stated in Introduction.

All data are accurately described in Findings.
The Conclusion provides a brief summary of data.
The Recommendation is given and is based on the Conclusion/Findings (not a creative
The text written in a formal style (no contractions, colloquial expressions, slang, etc.).

B. Organization/Cohesion/Length

The text contains ALL of the following: an EFFECTIVE title, 4 paragraphs, AND headings.
The text uses several transitional/linking words correctly.
The text meets the 180 – 200 word limit.

C. Vocabulary

All words and collocations are used correctly.

The text uses synonyms (i.e. one word is not repeated – “employees” –> staff, personnel,
workers; choose –> select, etc.).
Vocabulary is advanced (not simple).
Spelling is mainly correct.

D. Grammar

The text, including transitional words, uses commas correctly.

The text uses articles (a/an/the) correctly (e.g. a survey but research).
The text shows correct subject – verb agreement (e.g. 32% of staff want).
Each sentence starts with a subject or it is placed right after a transitional word.
The text uses tenses consistently (either past or present) in Findings.

11. Reports and Graphs

Team of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.

Numerical information is often presented visually because it is much easier to interpret
and the general pattern of trends is more easily noticeable. It is essential to know how
to describe the changes in the values of data on a chart (i.e. the increases and decreases)
that are used in business reports or presentations and you also need to be able to explain
and compare them.
A graph has two axes – horizontal/bottom axis and vertical axis – that intersect
in the bottom left hand corner called the origin. The axes are labelled and numbers
are indicated on them. The result of a line graph could be a straight line or a curve.

T he most commonly used types of graphs

pie chart bar chart line graph


●● As you will see from this graph …

●● I’d like to show you …
●● Let me draw your attention to this part of the graph showing …
●● Let’s look more closely at this month’s figures …
●● This figure refers to the sales in …
●● This pie chart shows our share of the European market today …
●● As you can see, our main competitor …
●● The bar chart represents sales in …

11. Reports and Graphs

3) In what ways do the more formal and less formal styles differ?

4) In the
Now letbox next atolook
us have theat
verb draw
some an arrow
words which indicating the movement
are frequently used when they
presenting. Read
the words in the box and match them with their synonyms below. Some of them can be
matched with more than one synonym:

purpose begin turn to theme summarise finish come to

fall represent
plummetsum up next
increase lastly
soar look at
jump topic

1. overview rise/raise ________surge slide decline

2. finally
slump decrease ________ grow rocket sink
3. aim ________
4. conclude ________
5. move to ________, ________
6. show ________
INFO BOX 7. recap ________, ________
8. focus on ________
When describing
9. then graphs, it is important
________to use adverbs and intensifiers such as: slightly,
a little, a lot, sharply, suddenly, steeply, gradually, gently, steadily, dramatically,
10. subject ________, ________
significantly. Unit 1
11. start ________
For describing tops and bottoms: reach a peak, reach the highest level, fall to a low, sink
into a trough, reach a bottom or bottom out. To express almost no change, expressions
such as remain unchanged/steady/constant/unaltered, stabilise or level off can be
3) In what ways do the more formal and less formal styles differ?
5) Use some of the words from exercise 4 and complete the sentences below. Some
sentences can be completed with more words:
1. The _______ of this presentation is to give you a(n) _______of our company and its
4) products.
Now leteach expression
us have a look atwith
someits closest synonym:
words which are frequently used when presenting. Read
2. words
the Firstly,in
to _______
and match youthema timeline of our
with their companybelow.
synonyms so youSome
can see
of how
can be
drop with
developed 50%more thanyears.
over the one synonym:a. expand

2.3. rise
ThenbyI´ll _______ our market and how
100% b. it recover
is changing.
4. After that I´ll _______ our next point - our brand new product.
3. get betterbegin turn to c. theme
lower summarise finish come to
5. Finally, I will _______ how we can adapt our products to fit our customers´ needs.
4.6. get
Justworse represent
to _______ sumpoints
the main up again: d. nextdeteriorate
I began lastly you a little
by telling look at … . topic
5.7. bounce
OK, I´d like
backto _______ by saying that e. it was a great pleasure presenting to you today.
8. 1.
The overview ________is the system of English language courses at VŠE.
_______ of my presentation
6. grow f. halve
2. finally
9. This graph _________ our ________
sales last year.
7. put
3. up
aim ________ g. raise

8. 4. conclude
bring down ________ h. improve
6) Match the
5. move to less formal verbs in the________
________, box with the more formal verbs below. Then find the
6. showending for each________ sentence:
7. recap ________, ________
8. focus on ________
9. then ________
Team of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.
196 10. subject ________, ________
11. start ________
3) In what ways do the more formal and less formal styles differ?

4) Change
Now thehave
let us verbs in the
a look at box
someinto adjectives
words andfrequently
which are use themused
in the phrases
when presenting. Rea
the words in the box and match them with their synonyms below. Some of them can be
matched with more than one synonym:
expand grow rise shrink soar
purpose begin budgetturn
1. a(n) __________ to
(decreasing theme
in size) summarise finish come to
2. a(n) __________ business (increasing in size)
outline represent sum up next lastly look at topic
3. a(n) __________ problem (increasing over a long period)
4. what
3) In __________
ways doinflation
the more (increasing)
formal and less formal styles differ?
5. 1.__________
overviewcosts (reaching a very high level)
2. finally ________
4) 3.Match
aimeach verb with its ________
4) Now let us have a look at someantonym
words which (a word
arewith the opposite
frequently meaning):
used when presenting. Rea
4. conclude ________
the words in the box and match them with their synonyms below. Some of them can be
5. move
rise with to more than one ________,
synonym: ________
a. plummet

2. 6. show
raise ________ b. bottom out
7. recap ________, ________
purpose take off begin turn to c.theme fall summarise finish come to Un
8. focus on ________
outline expand
9. thenrepresent ________
sum up d.nextshrink lastly look at topic
5. 10. subject
fluctuate ________, ________
e. lower
11. start
1. overview ________
________ f. formal
3) 6.In what
peakways do the more formal and less styles differ?
be stable
2. finally ________
3. aim ________
4. conclude ________
4) Write
Now somethe
let noun
usof theforms
have a lookoffrom
words atthese
some verbs:
words4 which
and complete the sentences
are frequently below.
used when Some Rea
5. move to ________, ________
the words canin thebebox
and matchwiththem
morewithwords:their synonyms below. Some of them can be
1. 6.
The show
cut _______
with more of this ________
one synonym: is to give you a(n) _______of our company and its
7. recap
products. ________, ________
2. deteriorate
8. focus on ________
2. Firstly, I´d like to _______ you a timeline of our company so you can see how we´ve
purpose fall thenbegin
9. turn to
________ theme summarise finish come to
developed over the years.
4.3. 10.
outline Thensubject
grow I´llrepresent ________,
_______ our market upand how ________
it is changing.lastly look at topic
5.4. halve that I´ll _______ our ________
next point - our brand new product.
5. 1.
Finally, I will _______ how
overview we can adapt our products to fit our customers´ needs.
6. improve
6. 2.
to _______ the main ________again: I began by telling you a little about … .
7. increase
7. 3.
OK, aim
I´d like to _______ by saying that it was a great pleasure presenting to you today.
5) Use some of the words from exercise 4 and complete the sentences below. Some
8.8. 4.The conclude
_______ of my presentation is the system of English language courses at VŠE.
can be completed________
sentences with more words:
9.9. This
1. 5. graphto
The move
reduce_______ _________ our sales last
of this presentation year.
to give you a(n) _______of our company and its
6. show
products. ________
10. rise
2. 7. recap
Firstly, I´d like to _______ ________, ________
you a timeline of our company so you can see how we´ve
6) Match
8. focusthe onless formal verbs
________ in the box with the more formal verbs below. Then find the
developed over the years.
appropriate ending for each sentence:
3. Thenthen
9. I´ll _______ our market________ and how it is changing.
4. 10.
that I´ll _______ our ________,
next point ________
- our brand new product.
11. start ________
5. Finally, I will _______ how we can adapt our products to fit our customers´ needs.
6. Just to _______ the main points again: I began by telling you a little about … .
11. Reports and Graphs
7. OK, I´d like to _______ by saying that it was
11 a great pleasure presenting to you today.
8. The _______ of my presentation is the system of English language courses at VŠE.
3) In what ways do the more formal and less formal styles differ?

4) Rewrite
Now thehave
let us verb-adverb
a look atsentences
some words as adjective-noun ones: used when presenting. Read
which are frequently
the words in the box and match them with their synonyms below. Some of them can be
matched with moreOur than
costs one synonym:
decreased significantly last year.
There was a significant decrease in our costs last year.

purpose begin turn to theme summarise finish come to

1. Sales fellrepresent
outline slightly. sum up next lastly look at topic
There was a(n) _______________ in sales.
2. 1.Profits rose steadily.
overview ________
2.We finally
saw a(n) _______________________
in profits.
3. 3.Theaim ________
economy improved gradually.
4. conclude ________
There was a(n) _______________ in the economy.
5. move to ________, ________
4. We need to reduce our costs significantly.
6. show ________
We need
7. recap to see a(n) _______________ in our costs.
________, ________
5. 8.Ourfocus
sales increased
on rapidly by 16.5% in 2014.
then ________
was a(n) _______________ 16.5% in 2014.
6. 10. subject
Recently the unemployment ________, ________
rate has jumped suddenly.
11. start ________
There has been a(n) _______________ in the unemployment rate recently.
7. Our economy recovered significantly last year.
There was a(n) _______________ in our economy last year.
5) 8. Use some of the
The efficiency words
in our from exercise
new subsidiary 4 and complete
is decreasing the sentences below. Some
sentences can be completed with more words:
There is a(n) _______________ in efficiency in our new subsidiary.
1. The _______ of this presentation is to give you a(n) _______of our company and its
9. products.
Productivity of labour has grown slightly during the first half of this year.
There has
2. Firstly, beentoa(n)
I´d like _______________
_______ you a timelinein productivity of labour
of our company so during
you canthe first
see howhalfwe´ve
of this year.
developed over the years.
10. PricesI´ll
3. Then of _______
oil are expected to increase
our market rapidly
and how next
it is year.
4. After that I´ll _______inour
A(n) _______________ next
prices of point - our brand
oil is expected nextnew
5. Finally, I will _______ how we can adapt our products to fit our customers´ needs.
6. Just to _______ the main points again: I began by telling you a little about … .
7. OK, I´d like to _______ by saying that it was a great pleasure presenting to you today.
8. The _______ of my presentation is the system of English language courses at VŠE.
9. This graph _________ our sales last year.

6) Match the less formal verbs in the box with the more formal verbs below. Then find the
appropriate ending for each sentence:

Team of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.
3) In what ways do the more formal and less formal styles differ?

4) Complete
Now let usthe following
have a look atreport
someby choosing
words whichtheareright options:
frequently used when presenting. Rea
the words in the box and match them with their synonyms below. Some of them can be
The total property crime rate
matched with more than(offences
one synonym:
per 100,000 population)
purpose begin
3000 turn to theme summarise finish come to
outline represent sum up next lastly look at topic
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
1. overview ________
The total property crime rate (offences per 100,000 population)
2. finally ________
3. aim ________
4. conclude The________
break and enter rate
5. move to ________,
(offences ________
per 100,000 population)

6. show
7. recap
________, ________
8. focus
760 on ________
9. then
740 ________
10. subject
2000 2001
2002 2003
2004 2005 2006 2007
11. start ________
The break and enter rate (offences per 100,000 population)

Source: authors

Use ONsome of the
TOTAL words from
RATE 4 and complete the sentences below. Some
can be completed with more words:
1. The _______ of this presentation is to give you a(n) _______of our company and its
This report examines the changes in the total property crime rate between 2000 and 2007.
2. Firstly, I´d like to _______ you a timeline of our company so you can see how we´ve
In 2000 the total property crime rate was 2,500 offences per 100,000 population. Then
developed over the years.
the rate rose 1. significant/significantly and reached 3,800 in 2001. After a 2. moderate/
3. Then I´ll fall
moderately _______ ourthe
in 2002, market and how
rate started to it3.isincrease/decrease
changing. again and reached
a 4. After
peak/topthat in
_______ our next
However, afterpoint - our brand
fluctuating newmonths,
for some product. the total property
crime rate dropped 5. considerable/considerably throughout 2004
5. Finally, I will _______ how we can adapt our products to fit our customers´ and the beginning
of 2005. The rate stayed at about 2,400 offences from mid-2005 6. to/by mid-2006 before
6. Just to _______ the main points again: I began by telling you a little about … .
7. decrease/decreasing again. In 2000 the break and enter rate was about 760 offences per
7. OK, population.
100,000 I´d like to _______ by saying
8. From/Since that
2000 to it was
2003, a great
there pleasure
was a steady presenting to you today.
9. upward/downward
trendThe _______
in the of my10.
rate, which presentation is theits
reached/arrived system ofpoint
highest English language
in 2003 courses
and then at VŠE.
11. fell/
showed a significant downward trend
9. This graph _________ our sales last year. until mid-2005. After being stable for a few months,
the rate continued to fall 12. slightly/slight, dropping to around 750 in 2007.

6) The total
Match the less
property formal
crime rate verbs in the
fluctuated box2000
from withtothe more
2003, formal
whereas theverbs
break below. Then find the
and enter
rate showed aending
generalfor eachtrend.
upward sentence:
Both rates peaked in 2003, then fell significantly until
mid-2005, stabilised for some months and 13. fell/grew slightly during 2006 and 2007.

11. Reports and Graphs

3) In what ways do the more formal and less formal styles differ?

4) Unit
Now 10
usthe graph
have below,
a look complete
at some wordsthe text.are
which Tryfrequently
to avoid repetition:
used when presenting. Read
the words in the box and match them with their synonyms below. Some of them can be
The Rows
matched with more than one synonym:
Sales $ Million 15
purpose begin turn to theme summarise finish come to
outline represent sum up next lastly look at topic

1. overview 1 2 3 ________ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
2. finally ________ Years
3. aim ________
When 4. The
Rows were taken ________
over, the company sales were good, at $12m, but
the 5. aftertothey 1.________________
yearmove ________________. They actually dropped
________, ________
2.________________When 25%.
The Rows
a(n) over, the company sales
3.________________ were good, at $12m, but the ye
6. show 1._______________ _______________________
for another two years, then sales 4.________________ for one. year,
actually dropped 2. _______________
again7. twice.
recapThey ________,out
a(n) 3. _______________________
seven for another
years after the takeover. Sincetwo years, then sales 4.
8. focus
we have on
experienced ________
for one year,
a 7.________________ and 5. _______________
________________ again
for five years. In twice.
fact, They 6.______
in just
9. four years,
then sales
out 8.________________
seven years after the takeover.
________ 9.________________
from $4mSince $14m, which a 7. __________
then, we have experienced
makes an increase 10.________________ 250%.
10. subject_______________ for five
________, years. In fact, in just four years, sales 8. _______________
_______________ $14m, which makes an increase 10. _______________ 250%.
11. start ________

5) Yousome
Use will hear
of thethree executives
words from4ABC
from exercise andInternational
complete the being interviewed
sentences below. Some
about why
sentences they prefer
can be completedusing the company
with more jet
words: instead of a commercial flight.
for eachYou will what
person hear their
three executives
main reasonfrom ABC International
is. Choose being
from the list A interviewed about wh
– G below:
1. The _______ of thisthe
prefer using presentation
company jetis to give you
instead of aa(n) _______of
commercial our company
flight. Decide forand its person wha
products.reason is. Choose from the list A - G below:
James Silver David Brown Robert Frost
2. Firstly, I´d like to _______ you a timeline of our company so you can see how we´ve
A a chance to doover
developed morethe
workyears. James David
Then I´llbusiness
our market
duringand how it is changing. Silver Brown
flights A a chance to do more work
4. After that I´ll _______ our next point - our brand new product.
B discussing business matters during flights
C Finally,
impress Ipotential customers
will _______ how we can adapt our products to fit our customers´ needs.
C to impress potential customers
D 6.savings
Just Dto _______
savings of time points again: I began by telling you a little about … .
of time the main OK, I´d
toto _______
customer with by sayingproblems
problems that it was a great pleasure presenting to you today.
The F_______ of my presentation is the system of English language courses at VŠE.
F ThisGgraphflexibility
9.comfort _________ our sales last year.

G flexibility
2) Write a report on the use of the ABC International aircraft by departmental directors. F
6) Match the less formal verbs in the box with the more formal verbs below. Then find the
use the charts below:
appropriate ending for each sentence:

Team of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.
2) Write a report on the use of the ABC International aircraft by departmental
directors. For figures use the charts below:

Chart 2
Reasons for flights
60 Customer meetings

50 Company meetings

2012 2013 2014 2015

Chart 1
Number of flights by departmental directors in ABC International

No. of flights





2012 2013 2014 2015

11. Reports and Graphs

Team of authors: English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.
12 International Trade
and Globalisation 12

No country is totally self-sufficient in the production of all the goods and services its
inhabitants consume. This means that all countries trade internationally. The main reason
for international trade is that some countries can produce some goods more cheaply
than others. Because of this, it is often to the advantage of countries to specialise in
the production of the goods where they have the greatest efficiency in comparison
with other countries. Specialisation can increase total output, and both countries can
benefit from trading with one another.
Goods that are produced domestically but sold abroad are referred to as exports,
and goods that are bought from abroad are referred to as imports. Visible trade involves
the trading of goods that can be touched and weighed. Examples include trade in goods
such as oil, machinery, food, clothes, etc. Invisible trade involves the import and export
of services rather than goods. Examples include services such as insurance, banking,
tourism and education.
The fact that all countries trade internationally does not mean that there are no restrictions
on trade. Sometimes countries adopt policies specifically designed to restrict trade. They
can do this by taxing imports and therefore raising their price (i.e. tariffs), or by allowing
only a certain amount of a product or service to be imported (i.e. quotas).

12. International Trade and Globalisation

At the end of each year most countries prepare a balance of payments statement.
This is simply a record of earnings from abroad and expenditures made abroad. When
a country earns more from abroad than it spends abroad, it has a balance of payments
surplus. When the opposite is true, it has a balance of payments deficit.
While all trade is between individual countries, some have grouped together to make
it easier and cheaper to trade. Countries join together and create trade agreements
or alliances, also known as trading blocs.
The most powerful trade alliances tend to be located in developed countries, e.g.
the European Union (EU) and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Some
countries that sell the same product form selling alliances, the oil producing countries for
example formed OPEC (Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries).

1) Have a look around yourself. Try to find examples of goods that have been produced
abroad and imported to our country. Why do we import these goods? Does it mean that
our economy is not able to produce them?
2) Why does international trade take place in general? Discuss in pairs and write down as many
reasons for international trade as you can.
3) In pairs write down at least five examples of goods our economy exports successfully. How
have our exports changed since the Velvet Revolution? Who used to be our main trading
partners in the past and who are they now?
4) In the grid below find ten articles of trade and write them into the table below next to
the countries known as their traditional exporters.


Team of authors: English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.

Exporter Article of trade Exporter Article of trade
Australia South Africa

Saudi Arabia India

Japan Costa Rica

Canada Portugal

Egypt China

5) Identify whether the following items of trade are examples of:

a. visible or invisible trade
b. imports or exports

Example: Italian wine sold in the Czech Republic = visible import.

1. Italian tourists visiting Prague.

2. A British textbook sold in the Czech Republic.
3. Czech musicians on tour in the USA.
4. A Czech firm taking a loan from a German bank.
5. A Czech person taking a British Airways flight from Prague to London.

1) Read the article and do the exercises below:

W hat is International T rade?

1 If you walk into a supermarket and are able to buy South American bananas, Brazilian
coffee and a bottle of Australian wine, you are experiencing the effects of international trade.
International trade allows us to expand our markets for both goods and services that otherwise
may not have been available to us. As a result of international trade, the market contains greater
competition and therefore more competitive prices, which brings a cheaper product home
to the consumer.

2 The most obvious reason for international trade is that countries have different climates
and different amounts and types of raw materials. However, with modern technology it is possible
for many countries to produce most, if not all, of the goods they consume. It follows that
there must be other reasons to explain the large quantities of goods and services that are traded
across international frontiers.

3 Global trade allows countries to use their resources – whether labour, technology or capital –
more efficiently. Because countries are endowed with different assets and natural resources (land,
labour, capital and technology), some countries may produce the same good more efficiently

12. International Trade and Globalisation

and therefore sell it more cheaply than other countries. If a country cannot efficiently produce
an item, it can obtain it by trading with another country that can. This is known as specialisation
in international trade.

4 When considering international specialisation, two situations can be identified. These

are absolute advantage and comparative advantage. A country is said to have an absolute
advantage if it can produce a good more cheaply than other countries. It means that fewer
resources are needed to produce the same amount of goods.

5 Absolute advantage does not necessarily mean an economy should produce that good.
This requires a country to have a comparative advantage. For example, one country may have
an absolute advantage in many goods but it is not advisable to try and produce everything.
It is better to focus on goods where it has a comparative (relative) advantage. A comparative
advantage means that a country can produce a good at a lower opportunity cost, i.e. it has
to forego less of other goods in order to produce it. By concentrating on the production of those
goods at which a country is relatively efficient, it can obtain its other requirements through
international trade and enjoy a higher standard of living.

6 As with other theories, there are opposing views. International trade has two contrasting
views regarding the level of control placed on trade: free trade and protectionism. Free trade
means no restrictions on trade. The main idea is that supply and demand factors, operating
on a global scale, will ensure that production occurs efficiently. Therefore, nothing needs to be
done to protect or promote trade and growth, because market forces will do so automatically.

7 In contrast, protectionism holds that regulation of international trade is important to ensure

that markets function properly. Advocates of this theory believe that market inefficiencies
may hamper the benefits of international trade and they aim to guide the market accordingly.
Protectionism exists in many different forms, but the most common are tariffs, subsidies,
and quotas.

(adapted from Investopedia, 2015)

2) Identify the main idea in each paragraph by answering the questions below:

Paragraph 1: How do consumers benefit from international trade?

Paragraph 2: What is the basic reason for international trade?
Paragraph 3: How does specialisation in international trade work?
Paragraph 4: When does a country have an absolute advantage in the production
of a good?
Paragraph 5: When does a country have a comparative advantage in the production
of a good?
Paragraph 6: What is the idea of free trade based on?
Paragraph 7: What are the arguments of the advocates of protectionism?

Team of authors: English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.

3) In what ways do the more formal and less formal styles differ?

4) Look let
Now at the list ofapossible
us have look at restrictions
some wordstowhich
free trade and matchused
are frequently themwhen
with their
presenting. Rea
the words in the box and match them with their synonyms below. Some of them can be
matched with more than one synonym:
a grant given to an industry by the government so that
1. a tariff a.
the industry can lower its prices
administrative obstacles which the governments place in
2. a quota
purpose begin b. theturn
pathtoof importers
theme summarise finish come to
3. a subsidy represent
outline c. a tax
imports next lastly look at topic
4. red tape d. a partial or complete ban on the import of certain goods
a physical limit placed on the amount of a good which can be
5. an1.embargo
overview e. ________
imported per year (e.g. 200,000 pairs of shoes)
2. finally ________
3. aim ________
4. conclude ________
5. move to ________, ________
6. show ________
7. recap ________, ________
8. focus on ________
9. then ________
10. subject ________, ________
11. start ________

5) Use some of the words from exercise 4 and complete the sentences below. Some
sentences can be completed with more words:
1. The _______ of this presentation is to give you a(n) _______of our company and its
2. Firstly, I´d like to _______ you a timeline of our company so you can see how we´ve
4) List developed
10 key termsover the years.
related to international trade from the article:
1. Then I´ll _______ our market and how it is changing.
4. After that I´ll _______ our next point - our brand new product.
2. ____________________________________________________________
5. Finally, I will _______ how we can adapt our products to fit our customers´ needs.
3. ____________________________________________________________
6. Just to _______ the main points again: I began by telling you a little about … .
4. ____________________________________________________________
7. OK, I´d like to _______ by saying that it was a great pleasure presenting to you today.
5. The
8. ____________________________________________________________
_______ of my presentation is the system of English language courses at VŠE.
6. ____________________________________________________________
9. This graph _________ our sales last year.
7. ____________________________________________________________
8. ____________________________________________________________
6) Match the less formal verbs in the box with the more formal verbs below. Then find the
9. ____________________________________________________________
appropriate ending for each sentence:
10. ___________________________________________________________

12. International Trade and Globalisation

5) In the article, find the words which correspond to the following definitions:

1. to make something increase in size, number or importance (para 1)

2. a border between countries (para 2)
3. to naturally have a particular quality, feature, etc. (para 3)
4. to give up having or doing something pleasant or enjoyable (para 5)
5. the amount of wealth, comfort and other things that people in a particular society
have (3 words, para 5)
6. the total amount of a product available for purchase at any specified price (para 6)
7. the total amount of a product estimated to be bought at a particular price (para 6)
8. to prevent somebody from easily doing or achieving something (para 7)
Unit 1
9. correctly, or in a satisfactory way (para 7)
10. money that is paid by a government to reduce the costs of producing goods so that
their prices can be kept low (para 7)

3) In what ways do the more formal and less formal styles differ?
4) You are
Now let going
us havetoalisten tosome
look at a partwords
of thewhich
frequentlyTalking Business.
used when presenting. Read
Before you listen, check your understanding of some words from the recording
the words in the box and match them with their synonyms below. Some of them can be
by matching up the words and definitions:
matched with more than one synonym:

1. misconception a. a plant whose grain is used for making flour

purpose begin turn to theme summarise finish come to
2. justify b. a situation in which something is not easy to find or get
outline represent sum up next lastly look at topic
3. inevitably c. to officially force a rule, tax, etc. to be obeyed
1. overview ________
an idea that is wrong because it has been based
4. resurface
2. finally d. ________
on a failure to understand a situation
3. aim ________
(will) certainly happen, being unavoidable
5. wheat
4. conclude e. ________
or unpreventable
5. move to ________, ________
6. scarcity f. to give a good reason for
6. show ________
7. 7. recap
impose g. ________,
to ________
appear again
8. focus on ________
9. then ________
10. subject ________, ________
11. start ________

5) Use some of the words from exercise 4 and complete the sentences below. Some
sentences can be completed with more words:
1. The _______ of this presentation is to give you a(n) _______of our company and its
2. Firstly, I´d like to _______
Team ofyou a timeline
authors: of our
English for company
Business so you can
and Economics. see how
Student’s Book.we´ve
developed over the years.
2) Now listen to the interview about protectionism and in the table below tick
the arguments mentioned in the recording:

Arguments in favour of protectionism Tick

1. to safeguard employment at home

2. to prevent over-specialisation

3. to protect an infant industry

4. to protect home firms from competition by low-wage countries

5. to achieve political aims

to prevent dumping, i.e. a pricing policy when manufacturers export

6. a product to another country at a price below the price charged in its home

7. to ensure domestic production of vital goods

3) Explain the following terms:

●● An infant industry
●● Economies of scale
●● Vital goods
●● Labour laws

12. International Trade and Globalisation

4) Answer the following questions:
1. Which of the arguments do you find convincing?
2. Are you in favour of free trade or protectionism?
3. Do you think sanctions are an effective foreign policy tool for the purposes of changing
the target state’s behaviour?


Prague University of Economics and Business’ students only: more in Grammar Guide Chapter 3

When we tell someone what another person said we can give the exact words that were said
(= direct speech) or we can make the person‘s words part of our own sentence, using a reporting
verb She said (that) … (= indirect speech).

Direct speech Reported (Indirect speech)

Paul said (that) he would call me the next

“I will call you tomorrow”, said Paul.

In indirect speech, we do not quote

Direct speech repeats, or quotes, the exact somebody directly, instead we use
words spoken and there is no change in a reporting verb (such as say or ask) and we
these words. may need to make certain changes to the
grammar to make the sentence make sense.

In writing we place the words spoken The conjunction that is often dropped
between quotation marks (“ ”) especially in informal speech.

Study the following example:

On Wednesday, you met Olivia from the export department. The words she spoke are below.

The export department person’s words:

“Did you get my email I sent yesterday about the meeting this afternoon? I hope so.
I’m sorry to ask you to come here at such short notice, but it’s quite urgent. The situation
is this: we are worried about the impact of the new tariffs on our exports. I’m having
a meeting with the Financial Manager tomorrow, but I think I should talk to you first.”

The next week you tell a colleague about the conversation. This is what you say to your

Team of authors: English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.

Olivia said she hoped I had got her email that she had sent the day before about the
meeting that afternoon. And she apologised for asking me to go there at such short notice
– she said it was urgent.
Well, apparently, they were worried about the impact of the new tariffs on their exports.
She said she was having a meeting with the Financial Manager the following day, but she
thought she should talk to me first.

1) Look at the way the conversation was reported. What changes were made when Un
putting direct speech into reported speech?

Think about changes in

●● Tenses
3) In what ways do the more formal and less formal styles differ?
●● Pronouns
●● Context words (places, times, …)

4) Complete
Now let usthe tense
have changes
a look in the
at some following
words table.
which are Use the used
frequently example above
when presenting. Rea
and your background knowledge:
the words in the box and match them with their synonyms below. Some of them can be
matched with more than one synonym:
Direct speech Reported (Indirect) speech
Present simple
purpose begin turn to
 theme summarise finish come to
Present continuous
outline represent sum up
 next lastly look at topic
Present perfect simple 
________ 
Present perfect continuous
1. overview
finally ________ 
Past aim ________ 
conclude ________
Past simple 
5. move to ________, ________
________ 
Past perfect continuous
6. show
7. recap ________, ________
Can8. focus on ________ 
Must then ________ 
10. subject ________, ________
11. start ________

Would 
Could 
Should 
5) Use some of the words from exercise 4 and complete the sentences below. Some
sentences can be completed with more  words:
Theto_______ of this presentation 
is to give you a(n) _______of our company and its
2. Firstly, I´d like to _______ you a timeline of our company so you can see how we´ve
developed over the years.
12. International Trade and Globalisation
3. Then I´ll _______ our market and how it is changing. 211
4. After that I´ll _______ our next point - our brand new product.
3) In what ways do the more formal and less formal styles differ?

4) References
Now to people,
let us have a look places,
at sometimes
wordsand other
which arecontext words
frequently also
used change
when presenting. Read
in reported speech, because the words that were spoken by one person may be
the words in the box and match them with their synonyms below. Some of them can be
reported by another person in another place at a different time.
matched with more than one synonym:
Direct speech Reported (Indirect) speech
purpose begin I turn to
 theme summarise finish come to
outline represent
you sum up  next lastly look at topic

we 
1. overview ________
________ 
2. finally
3. aim our ________ 
4. concludenow ________

5. move to ________, ________
________ 
6. show
7. recap yesterday ________,________
8. focus ontomorrow ________ 
9. then ________
this afternoon
10. subject ________ Unit 1
11. start last week ________ 
next week 
a few days ago 
3) In what ways do the more formal and less formal styles differ?
5) Use some ofthis 
the words from exercise 4 and complete the sentences below. Some
sentences can be completed with more words:
1. The _______ of this presentation is to give you a(n) _______of our company and its
4) Rewrite
Now let the
products. statements
us have in some
a look at reported speech.
words which are frequently used when presenting. Read
2. words
Firstly,in the
I´d box
like to and match
_______ them
you a with
1. This computer system was installed last week. their synonyms
of our companybelow.
so youSome of how
can see themwe´ve
can be
matched with more
John said (that)
developed than one synonym:
over the years. .
2. Then
3. Our investment
I´ll _______inour these new systems
market and how will
it reduce staff costs.
is changing.
The manager informed the staff that ____________________________________ .
4. After thatbeen I´ll _______ our nextnewpoint - oursince
brand new product.
3. We havebegin workingturn to
on this theme
project summarise finish
last week. come to
5. Finally, I will _______ how we can adapt our products
He told us that ______________________________________________________ to fit our customers´ needs.
outline represent sum up next lastly look at topic
4. Just
You to _______
sent the main
us the wrong points
invoice again: I began by telling you a little about … .
7. OK, I´dcomplained
like to _______ that Bill
saying that it was a great pleasure presenting to you. today.
5. 1.I’m overview
going to visit out Czech subsidiary, but I’m not sure when.
8. The _______ of my presentation is the system of English language courses at VŠE.
She said (that) ______________________________________________________ .
9. 2. finally ________
6. This graph
I have already_________ ourparagraph
written this sales last year.
four times.
3.Sheaim ________
complained that _________________________________________________ .
4. conclude ________
7. I will not stop until this factory is shut down.
6) He promised
Matchmove thetoless that ____________________________________________________
formal ________,
verbs in the________
box with the more formal verbs below. Then . find the
8. Tomorrow
appropriate at fivefor
ending o´clock
each Isentence:
will be sitting on a train to Glasgow.
6. show ________
He said (that) _______________________________________________________ .
7. recap ________, ________
8. focus on ________
9. then ________
Team of authors: English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.
212 10. subject ________, ________
11. start ________ 11
Reporting questions

What do the letters CEO mean?  I asked the teacher what the letters CEO meant.
Do you speak Spanish?  They asked me at the interview if I spoke Spanish.
●● What do you notice about the word order in reported questions?
●● In writing, is there a question mark at the end of a reported question?
●● What do we use when we report yes/no questions?

Reporting commands and requests

Take us to the airport. She told the driver to take them to the airport.
Don’t worry about it.  She told me not to worry about it.
Would you mind waiting for a moment?  He asked me to wait. Un
Please, don’t wait for me.  He asked me not to wait.

●● What do you notice about reporting commands and requests?

●● what
3) In Which verb
ways dois the
to report commands
formal and
and less whichstyles
formal verb todiffer?
report requests?
●● Which other verbs could be used in this way

4) Read let
Now theus
following reported
have a look statements
at some and write
words which are the actual words
frequently used the
presenting. Rea
the words in the box and match them with their synonyms below. Some of them can be
1. Annawith more
said that shethan
had one synonym:
already finished.
2. She said he would be back after lunch.
3. Peter said he wanted to make a phone call.
4. He said begin
he was meetingturn to
the Finance themeat 11.
Manager summarise finish come to
5. He said represent
he wouldn’t do itsum
untilup nextday.
the following lastly look at topic
6. She said she was sorry about the delay, and she’d deal with it right then.
7. 1.David said he had to be back
overview in the office by two thirty.
8. 2.Carol asked
finally Ann what she had done the day before.
technician asked me if I would be there the next day.
10. Kate asked me how many interviews I had done that day.
4. conclude ________
11. The teacher asked the student to put the book back on the shelf when he had finished
5. move to ________, ________
with it.
6. show ________
12. Jim begged me to lend him 500 dollars.
7. recap ________, ________
8. focus on ________
6) Over the
9. thenlast two centuries international
________ trade has grown remarkably, completely
transforming the global economy. The world is now an interconnected, globalised
subject ________,
is a heated debate ________
about the true effects of globalisation and whether
it is 11. startor bad thing. ________
a good

5) International
12. Use someTrade of
andthe words from exercise
Globalisation 4 and complete the sentences below. Some
sentences can be completed with more words:
1. The _______ of this presentation is to give you a(n) _______of our company and its
Work with a partner, look at what people from around the world said about
increased international trade and globalisation and help each other complete
the table below. Together decide whether the speakers are in favour or against

Dan, Southampton: Globalisation has increased the exchange of values and ideas.
Student A: What did Dan say about globalisation?
Students B: He said that globalisation had increased the exchange of values and ideas.

Student A

Person What they said For/Against

Through globalisation, corporations acquire a

Phil, Nottingham competitive advantage. They are able to buy,
sell and manufacture goods around the world.

Patrick, Leeds

Globalisation can lead to the implementation

Kenneth, Edinburgh of Western concepts and ideas in countries
with different practices and beliefs.

James, Australia

There should be better political systems and

Sally, Lancaster
guidance to monitor cross-border trading.

Rory, Shrewsbury

Globalisation may contribute to a loss of

Sebastian, Spain
cultural identity.

Anahi, Mexico

The downside to globalisation can be seen

Keisuke, Japan in the increased risk for the transmission of
diseases like Ebola, SARS or covid-19.

Wasim, Pakistan

Team of authors: English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.

Student B

Person What they said For/Against

Phil, Nottingham

Globalisation allows many goods to be more

Patrick, Leeds affordable and available to more parts of the

Kenneth, Edinburgh

Free trade poses greater risks to small, family-

owned companies which have to face stiff
James, Australia
competition from companies with huge

Sally, Lancaster

Workers in developed countries may lose out

Rory, Shrewsbury
to workers in countries with cheaper labour.

Sebastian, Spain

Globalisation can lift people out of poverty.

Anahi, Mexico

Keisuke, Japan

Free trade policies benefit large corporations

Wasim, Pakistan and rich nations but lead to greater poverty in
poorer nations.

1) Work in pairs. You represent small neighbouring countries in trade negotiations
with each other. Student A should go to page 229. Students B should look
at page 226.

12. International Trade and Globalisation

2) Discuss the following topics:
1. Explain the concept of comparative advantage, the theory about the benefits that
specialisation and trade would bring.
2. How has globalisation affected your life?
3. What are the good things and bad things about globalisation?
4. What do you think about the concept of a global village?
5. Do you think globalisation will reduce or increase the poverty gap?
6. What will globalisation look like fifty years from now?

3) Pros and cons of multinational companies

You are going to debate the pros and cons of international multinational corporations.
Use the clues and ideas at the end of the book (For page 226, Against page 228) to help
you create an argument for your appointed point of view with your team members.

4) There is a heated debate about the true effects of globalisation and whether
it is a good or bad thing. Look at the following statements and divide them into
two categories – the positive aspects of globalisation and the negative aspects
of globalisation. First, however, in each statement choose the correct option:

Positive aspects of globalisation Negative aspects of globalisation

1. As more money is poured into developing countries, there is a greater chance

for the people in those countries to economic/economical/economically succeed
and increase their standard of living.
2. Developing countries are able to benefit of/in/from current technology without
undergoing many of the growing pains associated with development of these
3. Outsourcing, while/despite/thus it provides jobs to a population in one country, takes
away those jobs from another country, leaving many without opportunities.
4. Although difference/different/differentiate cultures from around the world are able
to interact, they begin to mix, and the contours and individuality of each begin to fade.
5. There is a greater access/excess/assess to foreign culture in the form of movies, music,
food, clothing, and more. In short, the world has more choices.
6. There is a little/little/few international regulation, an unfortunate fact that could have
crucial consequences for the safety of people and the environment.
7. There may be a greater chance of disease spread/spreading/to spread worldwide,
as well as invasive species that could prove devastating in non-native ecosystems.
8. Global competition encourages creativity and innovation and makes/gives/keeps
prices for commodities and services in check.

Team of authors: English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.

Term Definition Translation

the ability of a country, individual, company,

Absolute advantage etc. to produce a good at a lower cost per
absolutní výhoda
(n) unit than the cost at which any other entity
produces that same good or service

the difference in the amount of money going

Balance of payments out of a country and that which is coming in, schodek platební
deficit (n) when the total incoming is less than the total bilace

the difference in the amount of money going

Balance of payments out of a country and that which is coming přebytek platební
surplus (n) in, when the total incoming is more than bilance
the total outgoing

the goods that are being carried in a ship,

Cargo (n) náklad
plane or another large vehicle

the ability to produce something more

Comparative komparativní
efficiently (at a lower opportunity cost) than
advantage (n) výhoda
somebody else

the act of charging a lower price for the

Dumping (n) goods in a foreign market than one charges dumping
for the same product in a domestic market

Economic sanctions penalties imposed by one country on another hospodářské

(n) country for political and social issues sankce

Economic stability economic system of a nation that displays hospodářská

(n) only minor fluctuations in the economy stabilita

the reduction in production costs that

Economies of scale
is a result of making and selling goods úspory z rozsahu
in large quantities

an official order to stop trade with another

Embargo (n) embargo

the business of sending goods to another

Export (n) country in order to sell them there, or: vývoz
a product that is sold to another country

a policy by which governments of various

Free trade (n) nations do not restrict imports to or exports volný obchod
from their countries

the process of international integration

Globalisation (n) arising from the interchange of products, globalizace
ideas and other aspects of culture

Continued on page 218

12. International Trade and Globalisation

Continued from page 217

Term Definition Translation

the business of bringing goods from one

country into another so they can be sold
Import (n) there; dovoz
a product that is brought from one country
into another so that it can be sold there

International trade the exchange of goods and services between mezinárodní

(n) countries obchod

export and import of physically intangible vývoz a dovoz

Invisible trade (n)
items such as services služeb

laws regarding the relationship between

Labour laws (n) employers and employees and between pracovní právo
employers and trade unions

an organisation that owns or controls
corporation (MNC)
production of goods and services in one nadnárodní
or more countries other than their home korporace
corporation (TNC)

a benefit, profit, or value of something that náklady

Opportunity cost (n) must be given up to acquire or achieve obětované
something příležitosti

zboží podléhající
Perishable goods (n) goods that are likely to decay quickly
rychle se kazící

the difference between the total population

Poverty gap (n) and those living in poverty (or the difference míra chudoby
between rich and poor)

government actions and policies that restrict protekcionismus,

Protectionism (n)
international trade ochranářství

the number of goods and services that can

be imported or exported during a particular
Quota (n) kvóta
time period, according to a government-
imposed trade restriction that limits this

an idiom referring to official rules that seem

Red tape (n) unnecessary and prevent things from being
‘úřední šiml’
done quickly and easily

not requiring any help, support or interaction

for survival;
Self-sufficient (adj) soběstačný
a self-sufficient economy does not trade
with the outside world

Continued on page 219

Team of authors: English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.

Continued from page 218

Term Definition Translation

a method of production where a business

or area focuses on the production of a limited
Specialisation (n) specializace
scope of products or services in order to gain
greater degrees of productive efficiency

the amount of money and comfort people

Standard of living (n) životní úroveň
have in a particular society

money that is paid by a government

Subsidy (n) or organisation to make prices lower, reduce dotace
the cost of producing goods, etc.

a tax imposed on imported goods
Tariff (n) clo,
and services, used to restrict trade
celní poplatek

Trade alliance (n) treaty between two or more countries where mezinárodní
Trade bloc trade barriers are reduced or eliminated obchodní
Trade agreement among the participating countries dohoda, aliance

export and import of goods at various stages vývoz a dovoz

Visible trade (n)
of production zboží

12. International Trade and Globalisation

Team of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.
Additional Material

Unit 8 – CSR examples – Student A

Complete the text about the Body Shop, a British cosmetics and skin care company,
with one word in each gap:

Making ‘green’ fashionable: The Body Shop

The Body Shop gained a reputation for 1.________ a responsible business long before
it became fashionable. They were one of the first companies to publish a full report on their
CSR initiatives 2.________ to the founder Anita Roddick’s passionate beliefs in environmental
protection, animal rights, community trade and human rights. The company 3.________ gone
so far as to start The Body Shop Foundation, 4.________ supports fellow pioneers who would
normally struggle to get funding.

Over 20 years ago the company set 5.________ a fair trade programme, well before the term
‘Fair Trade’ started to become popular on supermarket shelves. Of course, The Body Shop
is famous 6.________ its anti-animal testing policies. 7.________ this makes testing their
products more difficult, especially in markets such as the USA and Japan, their position has
created a loyal customer base. The results? From opening her first store in 1976, 30 years
8.________ Roddick’s empire was taken 9.________ by L’Oreal for £652m, where it has continued
10.________ make annual profits of over £40m.

Unit 4 – Student A

For you deadlines are absolutely vital and they must be kept. If the project isn´t finished
on time, it will be a failure.
From your point of view, the meetings are chaotic, they are not chaired and nobody takes
the minutes. People only seem to be discussing things which do not lead to any outcome. Also,
all decisions seem to be made outside of the meetings rather than during them.
Although you always send written memos to the other leaders, you very rarely receive theirs.
Some things are written down, some are not. You think that everything should be recorded
in agendas, memos, minutes and project reports.
This project should be a team effort, but you have noticed that some members seem to behave
as if they are in charge of the whole project.

Additional Material
Unit 8 – Grammar – Student A
Philip Kotler (born ________When?________ in Chicago, Illinois) is an American marketing
author, consultant, and professor. He is the author of ________How many?________ marketing
books. His book Marketing Management, first published in 1967, is a classic textbook that has
already run to more than a dozen editions. It applied rigorous analysis and mathematical
methodology to the practice of marketing, something that had never been done before.
In ________When?________, the Financial Times cited Marketing Management as one
of the 50 greatest business books of all time. Kotler has always seen marketing as ________
What?________ and his book has also moved with times. It was first focused on transactional
marketing, but now pays much more attention to ________What?________, the idea
of customer loyalty as the means to build a whole series of sales out of a single transaction.
Kotler has also stretched marketing outside the business arena, writing articles, for instance,
about how to apply marketing to health-care organisations, to individuals (celebrities)
and even to countries.

Unit 6 – Student A
What is your greatest accomplishment?
The fact is you can have several accomplishments you could pick from. Pick the one that
will have the most impact that exhibits how you will be a perfect fit for the position you’re
interviewing for.
Don’t fall into the trap of thinking your accomplishment is ´too small´. A small
accomplishment that is in line with ´what the company values´ can be more powerful
than an unrelated one.
Where do you see yourself in five years?
Show that you are an ambitious person but you don’t have your ´head in the clouds´
and are focused on the job at hand. Stress your interest in a long-term career at the company.
Don’t act like this particular job is just a ´stepping stone´ for you.
Do you have any questions for me?
This question gives you a great opportunity to stand out from the crowd and show your
knowledge of and passion for the company. Always have a few questions prepared. Ask
about something you’ve discovered in your company research. Focus your questions
on what you can do for them.
Don’t react “No, I think that’s everything”. Don’t ask about time off and benefits or how
soon you can start applying for another position in the company.

Team of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.
Unit 8 – CSR examples – Student B

Read the text about the Walt Disney Company and for each gap choose the word from
the box below that CANNOT be used in the text:

Putting the fun into CSR: Walt Disney

Moving beyond making cartoons, today the Walt Disney Company additionally owns, e.g.
the ESPN and ABC networks, holiday resorts and publishing businesses. The result is a lot
of social and environmental 1.________, as well as the ability to 2.________ a huge number
of people. Importantly, Disney recognised that you can’t entertain a family on the one hand
and then 3.________ the world and circumstances in which they live. Acting responsibly
gives the company 4.________ and authenticity. Accordingly, they have set themselves strict
environmental targets and 5.________ their figures in the Global Reporting Initiative which
provides a comprehensive 6.________ of indicators covering the economic, environmental
and ethical impacts of a company’s performance. 7.________ ambitious financial targets
together with environmental performance targets may sound like an oxymoron, but Disney
has managed to do this with initiatives such as running Disneyland trains on biodiesel made
with cooking oil from the resort’s hotels. They also created the ‘Green standard’ to 8.________
and motivate employees’ reduction of their environmental impact when working, having
meetings, travelling and eating lunch.

1. impact influence afford

2. attach influence affect
3. disregard embrace ignore
4. honesty trustworthiness credibility
5. reveal abandon disclose
6. collection set bunch
7. Achieving Meeting Making
8. enhance involve engage

Additional Material
Unit 4 – Student B

Although you consider deadlines important, they are not carved in stone. So if there is a problem
on the way, deadlines can be changed.
You see meetings as an opportunity to discuss things so there is no need to have a chairman
and write everything down. Everybody knows what to do anyway.
You feel there is too much writing. You don´t understand why minutes should be taken if you
all go to the meetings, it is a waste of time. You don´t see why memos have to be written either.
This project should be a team effort, but you have noticed that some members seem to behave
as if they are in charge of the whole project.

Unit 2 – Manager 2:

The problem: staff morale is low because the employees are bored. Their jobs are repetitive
and they have been doing them for too long.

Possible solutions:
●● introduce job rotation
●● create better social facilities (such as a staff social club) to compensate for
the routine work

Team of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.
Unit 4

A M I N I - W O R K S H O P I N C R O S S - C U LT U R A L M A N AG E M E N T: T H E J O K E

Below, you can find some stereotypical jokes about corporations in different countries based
on a joke about two cows. Can you match the countries from the box with the jokes? Explain
your choice to your partner.

An Italian An Australian A Japanese A Chinese A German

corporation corporation corporation corporation corporation
A French A Swiss A British An American An Indian
corporation corporation corporation corporation corporation

1. __________: You have two cows. You sell one and force the other to produce the milk
of four cows. Later, you hire a consultant to analyse why the cow has dropped dead.
2. __________: You have two cows. You go on strike, organise a riot, and block the roads
because you want three cows.
3. __________: You have two cows. You redesign them so they are one-tenth the size
of an ordinary cow and produce twenty times the milk. You then create a clever cow
cartoon image called ‘Cowkimon’ and market it worldwide.
4. __________: You have two cows. You re-engineer them so they live for 100 years, eat
once a month, and milk themselves.
5. __________: You have two cows, but you don’t know where they are. You decide
to have lunch.
6. __________: You have 5,000 cows. None of them belong to you. You charge
the owners for keeping them on your property.
7. __________: You have two cows. You have 300 people milking them. You claim that
you have full employment, and high bovine productivity. You arrest the newsman
who reported the real situation.
8. __________: You have two cows. You worship them.
9. __________: You have two cows. Both are mad.
10. __________: You have two cows. Business seems pretty good. You close the office
and go for a few beers to celebrate.

Can you make a similar joke about your own country?

Additional Material
Unit 2 – Manager 1

The problem: staff morale is low because the employees work long hours for relatively low

Possible solutions:

●● reduce working hours

●● recruit more workers
●● increase wages

Unit 12 – For Multinationals

●● Offer employment to local workers

●● Promote peace internationally
●● Create a sense of community crossing international borders
●● Allow the entire world to improve standards of living
●● Give access to quality products regardless of location
●● Promote economic stability
●● Raise the standard of living for regions involved in production
●● Give local economies new economic opportunities
●● Are a fact of life which needs to be accepted

Unit 12 – Student B

Your country has a surplus of some commodities and a shortage of others. Relations between
your country and Student A’s country are very friendly. Negotiate a deal with Student A to get
the commodities you need.

After negotiation
Commodity You have You need
you have
Coal 1 million tons 2 million tons
Gas 4 billion cubic 4 billion cubic
metres metres
Wheat 1 million tons 1.5 million tons
Tea 6,000 tons 5,000 tons
Iron ore 3 million tons 3.5 million tons

Team of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.
Unit 8 – Grammar – Student B

Philip Kotler (born May 27, 1931 in _______Where?________) is an American marketing author,
consultant, and professor. He is the author of over 55 marketing books. His book Marketing
Management, first published in ________When?________, is a classic textbook that has already
run to more than a dozen editions. It applied rigorous analysis and mathematical methodology
to the practice of marketing, something that had never been done before. In 1996, ________
Who?________ cited Marketing Management as one of the 50 greatest business books of all
time. Kotler has always seen marketing as something that evolves over time, and his book has
also moved with times. It was first focused on ________What?________, but now pays much
more attention to relationship marketing, the idea of customer loyalty as the means to build
a whole series of sales out of a single transaction.

Kotler has also stretched marketing outside the business arena, writing articles, for instance,
about ________What?________.

Unit 8 – CSR examples – Student C

Complete the text about Haagen-Dazs, an American ice-cream producer, with the words
that best fill the gaps, 10 words are redundant and will not be used:
Haagen-Dazs and honeybees

welfare sales less research higher

goals media odd stakeholders rise
even promotion angles greater lower
chain development raise supply posts

This might sound 1.______ at first, but honeybees are an important part of the global food
2.______ as they pollinate one-third of all the food we eat! With their numbers 3.______ than
ever, this is bad news for companies such as Haagen-Dazs and their all-natural ice creams.
To 4.______ awareness, Haagen-Dazs created a website, started a social 5.______ campaign
and donated a portion of their income to 6.______ into bees. As you can see, a campaign like
this works fantastically from a number of different 7.______. Not only is it helping society
as a whole, in keeping with the company’s CSR 8.______, it also helps to show a human side
to consumers, which can’t hurt 9.______. In fact, surveys show that consumers are more likely
to pay a 10.______ price for a product linked to a charity donation.

Additional Material
Unit 2 – Manager 3:
The problem: staff morale is low because the employees do not feel they are part of
the company. They think that nobody is interested in their opinion.
Possible solutions:
●● introduce teambuilding programmes
●● provide more opportunities for discussion
●● increase involvement of staff in the decision making process

Unit 9 – Student A questions:

1. Have you ever considered buying stocks/shares in a company?
2. What sort of business would you invest in?
3. ‘Ethical investing’ refers to the practice of only investing in companies which you consider
to be ethical. For instance, you would invest in a company which is involved in producing
clean energy but you would not invest in a tobacco company. What do you think about
investing in this manner?
4. Would you invest all the money in one company or different companies, in one sector
or in different sectors?

Unit 12 – Against Multinationals

●● Ruin local economies
●● Discourage cultural growth and expansion on a local level
●● Many profits are taken out of the host country
●● Provide little help with problems which are local in nature
●● Create cultural homogenisation
●● Are too big, little interest in the individual
●● Give political power to outside interests
●● Create economic instability by being subject to sudden changes in the global
●● Replace traditional values with materialistic values
●● Make local economies subject to mass layoffs

Team of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.
Unit 9 – Student B questions:
1. Have you ever considered buying bonds?
2. Which types of bonds would you buy?
3. What kind of people do you think invest money?
4. Do you think that the stock market is driven by “fear and greed” or that investors all make
rational choice about the best shares to buy?

Unit 2 – Manager 4:
The problem: staff morale is low because the employees do not feel appreciated. They think
that nobody takes notice when they do their job well.
Possible solutions:
●● introduce a performance appraisal system (where managers would regularly
meet with the staff to discuss how well the workers do their job)
●● reduce sanctions for work which was not up to standard
●● provide praise and recognition for good performance

Unit 12 – Student A
Your country has a surplus of some commodities and a shortage of others. Relations between
your country and Student B’s country are very friendly. Negotiate a deal with Student B to get
the commodities you need.

After negotiation
Commodity You have You need
you have
Coal 4 million tons 1 million tons
Gas 2 billion cubic metres 5 billion cubic metres
Wheat 3 million tons 1.5 million tons
Tea 0 2,000 tons
Iron ore 8 million tons 7 million tons

Additional Material
Unit 6 – Student B
Tell me about yourself.
Keep your answers to the point. Be specific and say where you are now professionally,
what you’ve learned from your past work experience and then talk about what makes you
excited about this specific opportunity.
Don’t offer your life story. Don’t speak about experience that is not related to the job
you’re interviewing for.
Why do you want to work for us?
You need to show that you want to become ´part of the family´ and how your ´wants´
coincide with their ´needs´.
Do your homework beforehand and find out relevant information about the company. Talk
about specific things you like about the company.
Don’t criticise. Don’t answer ´because I need money´ or ´because I’m between jobs´.
Describe a difficult work situation you experienced and what you did to overcome it?
You need to have a ´success story´ ready to go for this. The key here is to pick a story that
shows you exhibiting the qualities/skills required at the job you are interviewing for. Pick
an example tackling the problem that could arise at the company you’re interviewing for.
Don’t bash anyone (colleagues, boss or customer).

Unit 4 – Student C


From your point of view, deadlines must be flexible. If there is a slight delay, it is not too serious.
Country 1 is making things worse by stressing everyone about time.

You think that the meetings are not necessary. Most of the problems can be sorted out
between the three project leaders face to face or on the phone. Then, the rest can be informed
in writing.
Although you consider having someone take all the meetings´ minutes and make long reports
to be a waste of time, you think that it is important to write regular project updates to keep
people informed.

You are not happy with the hierarchy of the project. You think that one of the three leaders
should be appointed as a project manager. You have been taking some initiative on your own
in order to move the project further. You know that some people didn´t like it.

Team of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.
Tense Revision


Are you a grammar genius? Find out how good your knowledge of English verbs is by doing
this test with a partner.

1) Find and underline the examples of the tenses from the box in the sentences

Present Present Past Past Past Present

simple continuous simple perfect continuous perfect

a. Michele Ferrero, the founder and patriarch of the Italian Nutella and Ferrero Rocher
empire, died on Saturday, Valentine’s Day, at the age of 89.
b. The Nutella empire has always been a family business.
c. The company produces tons upon tons of Nutella – every year, an amount that weighs
as much as the Empire State Building.
d. In April 2011, Pietro Ferrero, Michele Ferrero´s son, tragically died in South Africa when
he was working on a humanitarian mission.
e. In 1946, Pietro Ferrero, Michele´s father invented Nutella spread by adding
hazelnuts into cocoa as cocoa had been rationed after WWII.
f. At the moment, thousands of people in the world are either buying or eating Nutella.

2) Look at the picture and answer the questions:

a. Which job does the man see as his permanent job?

b. What does he see as his temporary job?

Tense Revision
3) Two of the sentences below contain incorrect verb forms. Cross out and correct
the incorrect sentences:

a. Do you like your new office?

b. Are you liking your new office?
c. What do you think?
d. What are you thinking about?
e. Her new colleague is very unfriendly.
f. Her new colleague is being very unfriendly.
g. I know the answer to that question.
h. I´m knowing the answer to that question.
i. I don´t have any coffee.
j. I´m not having any coffee.

4) Underline the best verb form in the sentences below:

a. Christine met/was meeting her boss when she jogged/was jogging in the park.
b. I wrote/was writing an email when suddenly the power went/was going out.

5) Answer the following questions in a logical way:

a. What did you do when you broke your arm?
b. What were you doing when you broke your arm?

6) Which diagram represents each sentence most accurately?

a. She´s worked for Google for three years.
b. She worked for Google for three years.

Team of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.
7) You meet a colleague in a canteen and notice she has a new hairstyle. What do you
a. You´re changing your hair – it looks really good!
b. You´ve changed your hair – it looks really good!
c. You were changing your hair – it looks really good!

8) Choose the most logical way to complete each sentence:

a. They´d known each other for a long time
1. … before they started doing business together.
2. … and they are really good friends.
b. They´ve known each other for a long time
1. … before they decided to set up a business.
2. … and they don´t get on very well.

9) Which of the sentences below refer to the past only?

a. They used to phone each other every day.
b. They´ve always phoned each other every day.
c. They phoned each other every day.

10) All the verbs in bold are past forms, but which of them really refer to the past?
a. If only I had all the time to do the things I´d like to!
b. As a student he always had a part-time job.
c. I knew at once he was going to get the job.
d. If I knew what you wanted, maybe I could help you.

11) Which of the verb forms below are used:

to talk about a timetabled future event

to talk about an event arranged for a certain time
to talk about a personal intention
to talk about something that will be in progress in the future
to make a spontaneous decision or offer
to make a prediction
to talk about an action that will be completed by a certain time in the future

a. We are launching the new advertising campaign next month.

b. Our flight to Singapore leaves at 10:30.
c. “Have you finished the report?” – “Yes, I’ll leave it on your desk.”
d. I probably won’t get back in time for the meeting.
e. I’m going to study for my Spanish exam at the weekend.
f. This time next week, I’ll be lying on the beach.
g. John will have retired by 2020.

Tense Revision
12) Choose the right option:
1. Lucy: Shall I ring you at one o’clock?
Tom: No, my lunch hour is earlier tomorrow so _______ my lunch in the canteen then.
Ring me at about one-thirty.
a. I’m having
b. I’ll be having
c. I have
2. _______ to the dentist after work so I can’t play squash with you today.
a. I’m going
b. I’ll go
c. I go
3. I’ll let you know as soon as _______ from the accounting department.
a. I hear
b. I’ll hear
c. I’m going to hear
4. The builders _______ our new offices by the end of this month.
a. have finished
b. will have finished
c. will have been finishing
Jane: Could you contact our clients and let them know about the changes in our Unit 1
payment conditions?
David: OK, _______ it right now.
a. I do
b. I’ll be doing
3) In whatc.ways do the more formal and less formal styles differ?
I’ll do

4) Put the
Now let verbs in abrackets
us have look at in the words
some correctwhich
sure to read ahead
used whenso presenting.
you Read
understand the whole situation before you start:
the words in the box and match them with their synonyms below. Some of them can be
Paul matched
works for with more thancompany
an international one synonym:
McKinsey. He always 1.__________ (TRAVEL) a lot. He
2.__________ (BE) only three years old when he first 3.__________ (FLY) to Canada. His mother
4.__________ (BE) Czech and his father 5.__________ (BE) Canadian. Paul 6.__________ (BE BORN)
London, but hisbegin turn to(MEET) intheme
parents 7.__________ Paris after theysummarise finishthere for come to
8.__________ (LIVE)
three 9.__________ (MEET)
years. They represent sum up 10.__________look
nextPaul’s fatherlastly
one day while at lunch topic
in the university cafeteria and his mother 11.__________ (SIT) down beside him. Anyway, Paul
12.__________ (TRAVEL) a lot because his parents also 13.__________ (TRAVEL) a lot.
1. overview ________
As a matter of fact, Paul 14.__________
2. finally ________(VISIT) his parents in Prague at the moment. He
3. aim (LIVE) in Los Angeles ________16.__________ (VISIT) his parents for the past few
now, but
weeks. He really 17.__________ (ENJOY) living in Los Angeles, but he also 18.__________ (LOVE)
4. conclude ________
coming to visit his parents at least twice a year.
5. move to ________, ________
This year6.he 19.__________
show (FLY) over 75,000 miles. He 20.__________ (WORK) for McKinsey
for more7.than three
recap years. He believes that he
________, 21.__________ (WORK) for them next year
as well. His job 22.__________ (REQUIRE) a lot of travel. His next journey 23.__________ (BE)
8. focus on ________
9. then ________
10. subject ________, ________
Team of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.
234 11. start ________
to China. He really 24.__________ (NOT LIKE) going to China because it is so far away. This time
he 25.__________ (FLY) from Prague after a visit of the company’s Czech subsidiary.

Paul 26.__________ (TALK) with his parents earlier this evening when his colleague from
Los Angeles 27.__________ (PHONE) to let him know that McKinsey 28.__________ (DECIDE)
to merge with a company in Germany. The two companies 29.__________ (NEGOTIATE)
for the past month, so it really wasn’t much of a surprise. Of course, this means that Paul
30.__________ (HAVE TO CATCH) the next plane back to Los Angeles.

Tense Revision
Daniel Váňa: Hospodářsko-politické záměry prvních československých vlád
Team of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.
236 na pozadí přijatých bankovních zákonů (1918–1925)

basic terminology

1, 2, 5, 10, 100, 1,000
Cardinal numbers
one, two, five, ten, a hundred, a thousand

1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 15th

Ordinal numbers
first, second, third, fourth, fifth, fifteenth

Decimals 3.14, 0.5

Fractions ½, ¾, 15/9, 317/509

Prime numbers 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13

Even numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12

Odd numbers 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11,

Powers 32, 23

Roots √9, √25

Calculations 2 + 3 = 5, 8 – 5 = 3, 3 x 4 = 12, 10 : 2 = 5

Note the spelling:

Two – twelve – twenty

Three – thirteen – thirty

Four – fourteen – forty

Five – fifteen – fifty

Hundreds, thousands, millions and billions

100 a/one hundred

250 two hundred and fifty (BrE), two hundred fifty (AmE)

1,000 a/one thousand

5,400 five thousand, four hundred

10,650 ten thousand, six hundred and fifty

100,000 a/one hundred thousand

240,000 two hundred and forty thousand

500,000 five hundred thousand (or half a million)

1,000,000 a/one million

1,000,000,000 a/one billion

●● In American English and is not used after hundred.
●● Hundred, thousand, million, billion, etc. do not take a plural when they are used
with precise numbers:
six hundred and eighty-five (no ‘s’ on the hundred).

●● Hundred, thousand, million, billion take a plural when they are used
with imprecise numbers:
Hundreds of people arrived for the conference.
Thousands of our customers are in the Far East.

●● A comma indicates thousands and millions:

31,000 not 31.000
(These days the comma is often omitted completely and just a space is used.)

T he number 0 – nought, zero, ‘oh’, nil, love

●● The figure 0 is normally called nought in BrE, and zero in AmE.

●● When numbers are said figure by figure, 0 is often called ‘oh’ (like the letter O).
My account number is four one three two six oh nine.
●● In measurements (e.g. of temperature) 0 is called zero.
Zero degrees Fahrenheit = 17.8 degrees below zero Centigrade.
●● Zero scores in team games are usually called nil in BrE (in AmE zero or nothing).
Manchester three, Liverpool nil.
●● In tennis, table-tennis and similar games, the word ‘love’ is used.
Fifteen-love, your service.

Daniel Váňa: Hospodářsko-politické záměry prvních československých vlád

Team of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.
238 na pozadí přijatých bankovních zákonů (1918–1925)
There are also several informal and slang words for ‘zero’: zip, zippo, zilch, nada.
They originate from slang American English but have become globalised.

●● The CEO expresses his displeasure to his executive team: “How many new contracts did
we secure this month? Zippo. Zilch. Nada!!! Who wants to explain this to me?”
●● Employee A: “I’ve got absolutely zilch to work with here until I have some concrete
numbers. What have you heard back from Accounting?“
Employee B: “Nada. I’ll email them again or try calling Emily”.

D ecimals

●● In British English it is usual to say each individual digit after the decimal point.
This is not the case in American English.
●● Note that in English we use and say point for decimals, not comma.


4.56 Four point five six Four point fifty-six

0.175 Nought point one seven five Zero point one hundred seventy-five


Simple fractions are expressed by using ‘ordinal numbers’.

1/8 an/one eighth

3/7 three sevenths

1/2 a/one half

1/3 a/one third

3/4 three quarters

1 5/9 one and five ninths

More complex fractions are often expressed by using the word ‘over’.

317/509 three hundred and seventeen over five hundred and nine


There are various ways to write dates, to avoid confusion write the month as a word rather than
a number.

Write Say
1 October 2015 The first of October twenty fifteen
October 1, 2015 October the first, twenty fifteen
1989 Nineteen (hundred and) eighty-nine
1805 Eighteen oh five/eighteen hundred and five
2004 Two thousand and four/Two thousand four
2020 Twenty twenty

NOTE: In AmE the definite article is usually omitted in an instance like the second example.
So it would be said ‘October first, twenty fifteen’, sometimes even contracted further to ‘October
one, twenty fifteen’.

C alculations

Addition Two and two are four. informal

to add Two plus two equals/is four. formal
Four from seven leaves/is three.
Subtraction informal
7–4=3 Seven take away four leaves/is three.
to subtract
Seven minus four equals/is three. formal
Three fours are twelve.
Multiplication informal
3 x 4 = 12 Three times four is twelve.
to multiply
Three multiplied by four equals/is twelve. formal

Division Five into twenty goes four (times). informal

20 : 5 = 4
to divide Twenty divided by five equals/is four. formal

D ot, point, full stop, period

Dot www dot fairtrade dot part of an email

com or website address
Point 4.5 four point five a decimal point

Full stop (BrE) Put a full stop at the end of the sentence. a punctuation mark
Period (AmE) used to show the end
of a sentence

Team of authors: New English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.

ALLISON, J. and EMMERSON, P. (2007). The Business: Intermediate. Macmillan.

Business English Materials.
Cambridge Dictionary (online). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Clearly Cultural: Geert Hofstede cultural dimensions (online).
COMFORT, J. & BRIEGER, N. (1992). Marketing. Prentice Hall International.
Communicaid (online).
CONWAY, E. (2009). 50 economic ideas you really need to know. Quercus.
EASTWOOD, J. (2006). Oxford Practice Grammar. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
EMMERSON, P. (2002). Business Grammar Builder. Oxford: Macmillan Publishers Limited.
EMMERSON, P. (2007). Business English Handbook: Advanced. Oxford: Macmillan Publishers
EMMERSON, P. (2009). Business Vocabulary Builder: Intermediate to Upper-Intermediate. Oxford:
Macmillan Publishers Limited.
ESL Discussions (online).
Exploring Business (online). University of Minnesota.
Forbes (online).
GRUSSENDORF, M. (2008). English for Presentations. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Harvard Business Review (online).
HOFSTEDE, G. Cultural dimensions (online)
Investopedia (online). Investopedia, LLC.
JOHNSON, C. (2005). Intelligent Business Skills Book: Intermediate. Harlow: Pearson Education
JOHNSON, C. & BARRAL, I. (2006). Intelligent Business Skills Book: Upper-Intermediate. Harlow:
Pearson Education Limited.
LAFOND, C., VINE, S. & WELCH, B. (2010). English for Negotiating. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Leader Harbor: The Joke About Two Cows: A Crash Course in Culture Crash (online).

Longman Business English Dictionary (2nd ed.) (2007). Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (4th ed.) (2005). Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.
MacKENZIE, I. (2010). English for Business Studies: A Course for Business Studies and Economics
Students (3rd ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
MacKENZIE, I. (2011). Financial English Second Edition with Financial Glossary. Cengage Learning,
MASCULL, B. (2002). Business Vocabulary in Use: Intermediate. Cambridge: Cambridge University
MASCULL, B. (2004). Business Vocabulary in Use: Advanced. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Mind Tools: Hofstede‘s Cultural Dimensions (online).
MURPHY, R. (1994). English Grammar in Use (2nd ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Oxford Learner´s Dictionaries (online). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Proven Models: five dimensions of culture (online).
SWAN, M. (2005). Practical English Usage (3rd ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
SWEENEY, S. (2004). Communicating in Business (2nd ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University
The Economist.
The Guardian.
The Wall Street Journal.
TRAPPE, T. & TULLIS G. (2006). Intelligent Business Coursebook: Upper-Intermediate. Harlow:
Pearson Education Limited.
U.S.News: Our Financial Future:(online).
Unesco, Education.
World Speaking: Geert Hofstede and cultural-dimensions theory—an overview (online).
WYATT, R. (2008). Check Your English Vocabulary for Business and Administration. Bloomsbury.

Team of authors: English for Business and Economics. Student’s Book.

12. International Trade and Globalisation
Title New English for Business and Economics
Student’s Book
Authors Team of authors
Publisher Prague University of Economics and Business
Oeconomica Publishing House
Edition First edition
Editing Mgr. Ludmila Doudová
Graphical design Daniel Hamerník, DiS.
Number of pages 244
DTP Prague University of Economics and Business
Oeconomica Publishing House
Print Calamarus, s.r.o.

Recommended price XXX Kč

ISBN 978-80-245-2427-6

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