To Marguerite
To Marguerite
To Marguerite
The rst stanza begins by establishing the metaphor that human lives are like
islands separated by "echoing straits." Despite the shared existence in this sea of
life, people live in a state of solitude, as if they are stranded on their own
islands. The islands only become aware of their boundaries and connections
when they feel the ow of life and existence, much like the sea surrounding
them. This opening stanza sets the stage for the themes of isolation and longing
throughout the poem.
In the second stanza, the speaker depicts connection and heightened emotion
among the isolated islands of human existence. The moonlight brightens the
hollows of the islands. Spring's soothing in uence sweeps over them, offering a
sense of renewal and comfort. During starry nights, "the nightingales divinely
sing." These lovely notes travel from shore to shore, spanning the gaps between
the islands and momentarily uniting them. This stanza portrays moments of
harmony and connection within the natural world, offering a reprieve from the
islands' solitude, suggesting people who are mostly separated from each other
can still nd some ways to communicate.
In this poem's rfourth and nal stanza, the speaker takes a step back to wonder
why strong feelings of longing and desire often end up unful lled. He
rhetorically asks why these intense emotions seem to build and then zzle out
Who order'd, that their longing's re
Should be, as soon as kindled, cool'd?
The speaker then suggests that a higher power —"A God,"— is responsible for
this separation. This God has decided that an unbridgeable, salty sea should
exist between the islands, keeping them apart. The salty water of the ocean
symbolically mirrors the tears of loneliness people may feel in their separation.
This implies that the separation and the longing are not random events or
individual decisions but part of a greater plan orchestrated by a divine force.
Matthew Arnold’s “To Marguerite: Continued”explores the universal human
experience of isolation and the longing for connection, using the metaphor of
islands surrounded by an endless sea. The poem portrays the bittersweet tension
between the human desire for intimacy and the reality of separation that seems
both natural and divinely ordained.