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Goal Setting Sheet

Halal Online Business Bootcamp (Nov 3-9, 2024)

Created by: Thom J. Défilet (‫)ريّان‬

As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,

We’ve now completed the first two episodes of this bootcamp. We

focused on setting your fundamentals ready and the importance of
developing an unstoppable mindset.

But now it’s getting serious… The next episodes will dive deeper into
the aspects of doing Halal business, I’m really excited to tell you
more about it.

Because quite frankly, this was just the start. The days in front of
us will require you to work & implement the information that I will give

Now, before we start with the next episodes, I want you to write
down your goals for the upcoming few days. You can use the Goal
Setting Sheet below …
1) What’s the outcome/goal you want to accomplish at the end of these 7 days?
Make it specific, actionable & meaningful. This is the result you’re working towards by the end of Elevate 7. What
does success look like?

“By the end of Elevate 7, I want to have a clear business plan for my halal service.”
“I will complete all Elevate 7 action steps, so I feel ready to reach my first client.

2) Break down your goal into actionable & more digestible mini-goals.
List out three to five actionable mini-goals that help you achieve your main goal. The mini-goals should be easier &
smaller steps that contribute to your main goal.

“Watch all the training episodes & take notes.”
“Take 1-2 hours everyday to implement the things I learn in the training episodes.”

“Success Snapshot”
Write one sentence on what success looks like for you. Imagine it’s the end of Elevate 7, and you’ve accomplished
your goal(s), what do you see?
1) What is your real reason? Your big “Why”.
List your reasons. And dive deeper every time. “I want to make $10,000/mo.” → Why? → “I want to leave my job.” →
Why? → “I want to have real freedom.” → Why? → “I want to help my family.” etc.

2) Write a note like you’ve already accomplished your goal(s).

You’ve accomplished your goals & achieved your dreams. Think of it as a message from the “future you” who has
already accomplished what you’re working towards.

“I’ve finished all the training videos in Elevate 7, took notes & implemented! And today is the day I fully commit to
everything I’ve been working towards in the last 7 days. I attended the last day's live call which was amazing. Right
now I have a crystal clear path in front of me & I’ve already reached out to my first 20 prospects & booked a call!
Define consistent actions you can take daily to say on track.
Small, repeatable steps build progress.


Watching the training ☑️
Implementing ☑️
{{ACTION}} ❌
Daily Action 1: __________________

Daily Action 2: __________________

Daily Action 3: __________________

Daily Action 4: __________________

Get Ready to Elevate…

By completing this sheet, you’ll have much more clarity on why

you’re actually working & taking action.

When you understand your goal & visualize what you will feel or
what your loved ones will feel when you achieve them, it’ll be a lot
easier to achieve your goals, in shaa Allah.

Bismillah and let’s elevate together, in shaa Allah!

I’m rooting for you.

- Thom J. Défilet (‫)ريّان‬

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