Discrete Mathematics-3-12-18

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End Semester Examination - Winter 201g
Course: B. Tech in Computer Science and Engg
Sem: III
Subject Name: Discrete Mathematics
Subject Code: BTCOC3O2
Date:0311212018 Max Marks: 60 Duration: 3 Hrs.
fnstructions to the Students:
1. Solve ANY FIW questions out of thefollowing.
2. Use of non-programmable scientific calculatori is allowed.
3. Assume suitable data wherever

Q. I Solve Any Three of the following.

A) Let p and q be the propositions "swimming at the New Jersey shore is allowed,,
and 4M
"sharks have been spotted near the shore,,respectively. Express each ofthese
compound propositions as an English sentence.
a) -q b)p*-q c)p*-q d) -pvq
B) Explain with example, notations used and mathematical expression to describe
following terms.
the 4M
i) Membership ii) Subset iii) Equality of two sets iv) Union
c) Use mathematical induction to show that l+5+9+...+(4n-3): n(2n-l), vn > l,neZ 4M
D) Explain Universal quantifiers and Existential quantifiers with example. what
is De 4M
Morgan's law for quantifiers?

Q.2 Solve the following.

A) Check whether the relation R defined in the set
{1,2,3,4, 5, 6} is 6M
: :
R { (a, b) : b a+1 } is reflexive, symmetric or transitive. Justify your answer.
the relation Matrix.
B) Explain surjective, injective, bijective and inverse function each with example.

Q. 3 Solve Any three of the following.

A) Explain the pigeonhole principle with example.

B) Find how many symbol codes can be formed if the first two symbols are letters and the
next three are digits but no symbol is repeated?
C) What is the expansion of (3x + y) n?
D) Determine the sequence { a"} where an = 3n for every non-negative integer, n is a
solution of the recurrence relation an=2a nj- d n_2for n = 2,3,4, ...
Q.4 Solve the following.

A) Define Euler graph and Hamiltonian Graph.

i)For a given graph G :
(a) Find a Hamiltonian path that begins ar A and ends at E.
(b) Find a Hamiltonian circuit that starts at A and ends with the pair of vertices E,
(c) Find a Hamiltonian path that begins at F and ends at G.
ii) For a given graph I find Eulerian path and Eulerian cycle.

44527 06 Ar 5C42C8064E A682DAF03 B I 9F

Graph: H Graph: I

B) Find the shortest path in the given graph using Dijkstra shortest path algorithm. 6M

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(.1)- .

Q.5 Solve Any three of the following.

A) Show that a tree with n vertices has n-l edges. 4M

B) Find minimum spanning tree for the given graph using prim,s algorithm? 4NT

C) Define the following terms with reference to tree with example. 4M

i)Level and Height of a tree ii)M-ary Tree iii) Eccentricity of a vertex
D) Construct the rninimum spanning tree (MST) for the given graph using Kruskal,s 4M

Q. Solve the following.
A) Define the following terms. 6M
i)Algebraic Structures ii) Semi Groups iii) Monoids iv) Ring
v) Field vi) Group
B) For each of the following, determine whether the binary operation * is commutative or 6M

i) Nisthesetof naturalnumbersanda* b=a*b+2 fora, b GN

ii) On N where a * b: min(4 b+2)
iii) OnRwherea*b:ab
:k*,k *:k:k

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